Open pies with apples made from yeast dough. Apple pie with yeast dough

for test:

  • wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp;
  • margarine or butter- 70g;
  • milk - 150 ml;
  • salt -0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 egg yolk;
For filling:
  • apples - 700g;
  • sugar to taste;
1 egg for greasing products.

I used “Saf-moment” fast-acting yeast. There are 11 grams of them. per 1 kg. flour. and this is 3 full teaspoons. Usually on the packaging of yeast it is written how much flour it is designed for. About what kind of yeast there are and how they differ, quality test.


knead the rich yeast dough

To prepare a rich yeast dough, the milk must be warm. Mix 6 tbsp. spoons of flour, add yeast, salt and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Add milk and mix with a spoon batter. Place in a warm place, covered with a towel.

After 20 minutes the dough will rise into a bubble cap.

Add 2 tbsp to the dough. l. sugar, yolk and margarine. Do not melt the margarine, but simply cut it into pieces with a knife. small pieces, it should be at room temperature. You need to use margarine for baking or use butter, then the pie will be crispier. Gradually add flour until it is soft, not sticky, elastic dough. You will need about 2 cups of flour with a volume of 250 ml. Cover with a damp towel and place in a warm place.

When the dough will work(about 1-1.5 hours), you need to put it on a table sprinkled with flour and knead it thoroughly. I do this for 10-15 minutes. If necessary, add more flour. Cover again with a damp towel and place in a warm place.

When the dough rises again, knead it and you can start creating the pie.

Grease the mold (mine is 26 cm in diameter) with margarine or vegetable oil.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Roll one out to 1.5 cm. more shape. Place the rolled out dough into the mold. It turns out to be a cake with sides.

Apples for the pie should be cut into thin slices. Mix the chopped apples with sugar and place on the crust.

Decorate the top of the pie with dough. I decorated with twigs and flowers from the dough, and secured everything with toothpicks (you need to remove them after baking).

Brush the pie with a mixture of eggs, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. l. water.

Bake in preheated temperature to 180°C for 35 - 45 minutes.

From the indicated products, a pie with a thin layer of dough will be made into a mold with a diameter of 26 cm. If you like thicker pies, take a mold with a smaller diameter, or increase the amount of ingredients for the dough.

Yeast pie with apples

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Classic homemade baked goods- apple pie made from yeast dough, a recipe with photos will show step by step in detail all the main stages of preparation. In the oven, the pie rises well, browns, and when ready it looks so appetizing that you want to cut off a piece right away without waiting for it to cool. I'm making a yeast pie with apples from dough on sponge. It's not difficult, but the recipe isn't quick. The dough should stand for half an hour, get stronger, and then you need to wait until the dough rises. This pie will not go stale and will remain soft and fresh for several days.

The most delicious filling for yeast apple pie comes from sweet and sour apples. If yours is sweet, drizzle the slices lemon juice and don't forget to add cinnamon.


For cooking yeast pie with apples you will need:

  • milk – 150 ml;
  • fresh yeast – 20 g;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • wheat flour – 150 g;
  • wheat flour – 330 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs + yolk for lubrication;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 2 pinches;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • sweet and sour apples – approximately 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.5 cups (to taste);
  • ground cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 50 g.

How to make apple pie from yeast dough. Recipe

I prefer baking fresh yeast. If you are used to dry ones, reduce the amount by three times (instead of 20, take 7 grams). I add a tablespoon of sugar - it will help the yeast gain strength.

I grind it into a paste and pour it in warm milk. I heat it up to such a temperature that it feels pleasantly warm.

After stirring all the ingredients, add the sifted flour. Mix with a spoon or whisk.

The mixture will not be liquid, something like thick sour cream. If you run a spoon along the walls, the dough will separate and slowly spread out, occupying the same volume. There is no need to knead it any thicker.

Cover with a lid or cover with cling film and place the bowl in a warm place for half an hour. I overlooked it a little, the dough reached the top. But you can clearly see how porous it has become.

Advice. If the dough does not rise well, it means there is something wrong with the yeast or the room is not warm enough. Place in a bowl with hot water and wait another 15-20 minutes.

The dough for yeast pie with apples can be kneaded in a bread machine, but I do it the old fashioned way - I knead it with my hands. I take the butter and eggs out of the refrigerator in advance and leave them at room temperature. I break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them with sugar.

I transfer the dough into a larger container. I also pour the egg-sugar mixture and butter (soft) cut into pieces.

I stir. All products should combine into a homogeneous mass without lumps. I add the sifted flour, leaving a little for adding during kneading. I mix it with a spoon as much as possible, then mix it with my hands.

When the dough comes together into a loose ball, place it on the board and continue kneading until it becomes soft and smooth. First, I roll it away from myself, fold it, press it with my palm with force, and roll it again.

To make the kneading easier, I add a little sunflower oil. Gradually, from loose and tight, the dough will become soft and plastic. It's a pleasure to work with him!

After 10-12 minutes it will become smooth, homogeneous, air bubbles will be felt under your palms. They burst, and you get the feeling that the dough is “puffing” - which means it is well mixed and ready for proofing. I roll it into a bun and return it to the bowl. Cover and place in a warm place for an hour or more, until it triples in size.

While the dough is rising, I prepare the apple filling for the pie. Not large cubes cutting apples. Usually I take not very juicy, sweet and sour or sour ones.

I melt butter in a frying pan and add apples. Simmer over low heat until they become soft. Add sugar (add to taste) and ground cinnamon.

I increase the heat and evaporate the syrup that formed from the melted sugar. Another five to seven minutes and the apple pie filling is ready. It definitely needs to cool down and gain flavor, so it’s better to prepare it in advance.

During proofing, the dough will rise and at least triple in size. It will become very soft and airy. Before cutting, I knead it, pressing it with my fist, first in the center, then near the walls. I divide it into two parts - larger for pies, smaller for decorating pastries.

I knead the dough into a flat cake according to the diameter of the mold (I have a large one, 26 cm). I put it on the bottom baking paper, put the dough on the paper and stretch it a little more from the middle to the edges, forming the sides.

I put the filling. There will be a lot of it, almost flush with the edges. How more apples– the tastier and juicier the pie.

Now I'll show you how to decorate open pie with apples made from yeast dough. I pinch off small pieces of dough, roll them into thin ropes, and use them to make a lattice. Then I roll ropes about 1.5 cm in diameter. I flatten it and cut it on both sides with a knife. I hold the knife at an angle of 45 degrees. You will get a long spikelet that will be placed near the sides and secure the lattice.

First, I lay out thin ropes on the filling and make a decorative mesh on the apple pie.

I place the spikelets along the side (circumference) without leaving empty space between them. From the leftover dough I make figures, flowers, leaves - whatever happens.

I cover the apple pie with a towel and put it on the stove, on the burner. I turn on the oven. While the oven warms up to 180 degrees, the cake will rise. Before planting in the oven, I grease the top with yolk diluted with a spoonful of milk.

I set the form to medium level. In the oven, the yeast pie with apples is baked for 35-40 minutes, temperature 180 degrees. If it browns unevenly, I raise it higher or slightly increase the temperature and let it sit for another five minutes.

After the oven, the apple pie needs to be cooled, the baked goods should be allowed to recover from the heat and gain flavor.

I know from myself that it’s very difficult to resist, so I always bake two pies. Let one cool for two or three hours, and let the second cool slightly, cut into pieces and serve on the table. I can assure you that a pie with apples made from yeast dough turns out very tasty, and it definitely won’t stale, much less go stale. Happy baking everyone and Bon appetit! Your Plyushkin.

And here is another version of the recipe in video format, a very beautiful pie:

Every housewife has recipes in her arsenal that she uses to pamper her loved ones on weekends or holidays. Apple pie made from yeast dough can become just such a dish for family tea parties. This pie is sure to become a favorite delicacy of all household members due to its crispy texture. golden brown crust and tender juicy filling from apples.

The dessert is very simple to prepare, and by preparing the yeast dough in advance, you will further reduce the time spent on preparation.

Taste Info Sweet pies


  • Milk – 220 ml;
  • Wheat flour – 450-500 g;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar – 100 g;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • Fresh yeast – 20 g (or dry yeast – 1 pack 8 g);
  • Salt – 1/3 tsp;
  • Fresh apples – 400 g (4 pcs.).

How to make apple pie from yeast dough

The dough prepared according to this recipe is enough for two apple pies made from yeast dough in a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, or you can make one and freeze the other half, and next time you can prepare the pie much faster. Yeast dough can be stored in the freezer for 2-3 months. It is necessary to thaw such a workpiece in a warm place, allowing the dough to rise a little again, and then immediately begin cooking.

Pour 3 tbsp into slightly warmed milk. sugar, salt and dissolve yeast. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes. If after this time the dough is covered with bubbles, the yeast is fresh and you can continue preparing the dough.

Add melted butter and 1 egg to the dough, stir.

Add half of the sifted flour to the remaining ingredients and stir. You can use a mixer or blender with a whisk attachment. Leave for 20-30 minutes for the dough to rise.

Add the second half of the flour, gradually pouring it into the bowl. Place on a flat surface, lightly sprinkled with flour, and knead into a soft yeast dough.

Don't add too much a large number of flour so that the dough is not stiff, but does not stick to your hands. Adjust the amount of flour, as it depends on several factors - the size of the egg, the quality of the flour itself and even the humidity in the room. Leave the bowl in a warm place for 40-50 minutes.

Properly prepared dough will increase in size by 2-3 times. Knead it a little with your hands to release excess air.

Prepare the apples for the pie. Rinse the fruits under running water, remove the seeds, peel and cut them into small pieces. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. From two parts, roll out a round layer to the size of the mold and line its bottom and sides with a layer of yeast.

Place the filling on the base and sprinkle the apples with the remaining sugar.

Make decorations from the remaining piece and place them on the pie. You can make strips and lay them out with braided wire. Separate the yolk from the white of the second egg and brush the surface of the pie with the yolk. Place the pie pan in a warm place for 15 minutes until it rises well.

Bake the apple pie from yeast dough for 40-45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. The inside of the apple pie is juicy, crumbly and incredibly tasty. With its aroma, baked goods will attract the attention of all people in the house.

Cooking tips:

Yeast dough pie with apple filling. Recipe with step-by-step photos.

Wonderful pies made from yeast dough with fruit and berry filling.

- container for preparing dough;
- container for milk;
- whisk, fork, tablespoon:
- cutting board, knife, rolling pin;
- electric stove, baking sheet, oven mitts, towel, plate;
- bowl, silicone brush.

For the test:

- 0.5 liters of milk;
- 4 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil;
- 1 packet of dry yeast “PAKMATA”;
- 1\2 bags of baking powder;
For sweet pies:
- 1\2 cups sugar;
- 0.5 tsp. salt
- 1 kg. Torment
- 1 packet of vanillin


- 1 kg. Apples;
- 10-15 pcs. plums
- 1\2 cups sugar
- a little lingonberry.

To make the pies golden and beautiful, brush them with beaten egg before baking.

When preparing yeast dough, the room should be warm; the dough does not like cold or drafts.
Heat the milk in a saucepan, it should be warm. Pour sugar, baking powder, vanillin, salt, mayonnaise, vegetable oil into the milk - mix everything well with a whisk.

Pour the yeast into half the flour and gently mix the flour and yeast with a fork.

Next, pour the flour and yeast into the milk mixture.

Mix everything well.

Pour in the remaining flour and knead the dough, greasing your hands with vegetable oil so that it does not stick to your hands. Knead our dough long and thoroughly.

Place the dough in a pan, cover with a clean towel and leave for 1-2 hours until it “rises”.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling: cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core, cut each part into slices.

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. You can add a few handfuls of lingonberries. This is so delicious bright filling we succeeded.

When the dough has increased in volume by about 3 times, we begin to prepare a pie from it.

Divide the dough into two parts.

One will be the bottom of the pie, we roll it out and carefully place it on a baking sheet using a rolling pin.

This is done like this: grease a rolling pin with vegetable oil and roll the dough onto it.

Carefully place the rolling pin on a greased baking sheet. Unroll the dough from the rolling pin.

Spread the filling and sprinkle with sugar. It is better to put more sugar in the filling rather than in the dough, because... Sweeter dough takes longer to rise.

Decorate the top of the pie.

We make flowers and decorate the pie with them.

The edges of the pie can be decorated in different ways.

Whisk the egg until foamy. To make the top of the pie rosy and shiny, brush our pie with beaten egg.

Let it sit for 15 minutes and put the pie in the oven.
After the cake is baked, we take it out and cover it with a towel, so it sits until it cools down. Under the towel, the pie remains soft, the top crust does not dry out.

At my school during the fall break, I conducted a master class for teachers who wanted to learn how to bake and decorate pies from yeast dough.

I bring to your attention the making of the “Turtle” pie
Divide the dough into 2 different parts. The smaller one will be the bottom of the “turtle”.
Roll out oval shape and lay out the filling.

From the other part we make 4 small oval-shaped pies - turtle legs. The round pie is the head.
Using a glass, cut out several round pieces and then place them on the dough.

Carefully place a layer of dough onto the filling and seal the edges.

Brush the top with beaten egg.

This is such a wonderful pie we made

We also baked an “aquarium”

And such a wonderful centipede

You can make wonderful rose pies
I'm posting a photo - step-by-step master class. Everything is clear without words.

A couple of proven ones that have become signature recipes yeast dough is stored in the pages of many housewives' culinary notebooks. Fast, on a quick fix, straight, or “live”, as if sizzling, on sponge, labor-intensive, with long, repeated proofing and repeated kneading. Ascetic lean on water and brine or, conversely, portly, fluffy and alluring with a rich aroma.

In a hospitable home, there must always be fragrant buns, pretzels, pies and pies of all kinds! Let it happen often. And today, throwing away selfish thoughts about some extra centimeters on the waist, bake an apple pie from yeast dough. And having finished with considerable trouble, for fun, pathetically and proudly we will bring the picturesque “wreath” to the table - we will gather enthusiastic exclamations from our favorite eaters.

Time: 240 minutes / Number of servings: 10 / Baking tray and parchment


  • flour 800 g
  • vegetable oil 100 ml
  • sugar 80 g
  • eggs 2 pcs. + yolk
  • milk 250 ml
  • fresh yeast 20 g
  • salt 2 g
  • vanilla 2 g
  • apples 2-3 pcs.
  • apricot jam 50 g

How to make yeast apple pie

We slightly warm up about a third of the milk to dilute the dough - pour a tablespoon into a bowl with warm liquid granulated sugar and flour, crumble the pressed yeast, mix vigorously and leave in a warm place until a foamy “cap” forms on the surface (10-15 minutes).

Immediately onto the countertop or into a wide basin, as in our example, sift the first 500 g through a fine sieve wheat flour. We separate possible dry lumps and solid fragments.

Add the remaining dry ingredients: sugar, salt and vanilla powder. Mix.

Beat two standard-sized eggs into the flour mixture, pour in vegetable oil - and here unrefined oil is suitable, with it the baked goods will be filled with the aroma of an amazing rustic pastry and you will remember grandma’s pies, koloboks and kulebyaki.

Pour over the yeast composition that has “played” by that time, and the remaining milk.

Sift the last 300 g of flour and first grind the mass with different-sized flakes and put it together. We recommend increasing the amount of flour gradually - 100 g at a time; perhaps the type of your product will allow you to get by with less weight. Don't forget that for yeast dough the volume of liquid is important, and the size chicken eggs often varies.

Simply dump the dough onto a wide surface and knead vigorously for at least 5-7 minutes. Sometimes we moisten our palms with vegetable oil, at the end of the kneading we roll it into a smooth ball - return it to an already clean bowl, throw on some cling film/bag and for the next 1.5-2 hours, if the weather permits, place it in direct sunlight. The place for rising yeast dough should be quiet, warm, and draft-free.

We press down the fairly “suitable” lump a little - we rejoice at the soft texture and pliability. The semi-finished product is ready for our culinary experiments and in addition to apple pie from yeast dough, this recipe is easy to form both large and portioned pies, bagels, bagels, braids.

But since the planned wreath pie is on the agenda sweet filling, roll out the dough rectangular layer- about 30 by 40 cm. In the middle along, parallel to the side of the length, visually draw a line and cut the “noodles” 1-1.5 cm wide perpendicular to it. The number of strips should be equal to three - three parts for one “braid”. The semi-finished pie will turn out large and moveable; work immediately on a sheet of parchment.

We braid the fringe with ordinary “braids”, and grease the whole half of the cake with apricot or other jam. In addition, if desired, sprinkle ground cinnamon, chopped nuts, raisins, poppy seeds, chocolate drops - choose what you like best with apples in baked goods.

We divide clean apples into fairly large cubes - for delicious filling It is better to use strong, sweet and sour fruits. Spread an even layer over the sticky surface.

We roll up, starting from the side of the apples (not the “braids”!). We continuously fasten the joints with our fingers, preventing the filling from falling out, and throw decorative details - “braids” on top of the roll. A pie with apples made from yeast dough is beautiful even in this form - without complicating it, bake it with a long, even bar or bend it into a crescent.

And following our version, we connect the ends and get a round loaf. Leave for another 20-30 minutes in a secluded place, grease with shaken with a spoonful of milk/water egg yolk, for a matte, velvety crust, cover with oil (vegetable or melted butter). Transfer to a baking sheet and bake the apple pie from yeast dough for 35-40 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees, preheat the oven to maximum.

Tall, with an appetizing glossy shine and smelling of seductive vanilla, cover the wreath cake with a woven napkin and cool. We serve the handsome man to the table with milk, fruit drinks or hot tea - successful baking endeavors, finds and enthusiasm! Bon appetit.