Features of shortbread cookies, his photo, characteristic of nutritional value; recipe for a delicious homemade dessert. Is oatmeal cookies good for you - harm and good

If you answer the question “is cookies harmful?” Briefly, then yes! Cookies are bad! In fact, all bakery products, all the more so rich, are not able to bring health anything but damage.

Some families have a tradition of eating cookies with milk before bedtime. This is especially true for children. Parents, wanting to pamper their offspring, often do not realize that thereby ruining the child’s health at the root, causing him to develop a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and obesity.

Why is cookies so harmful? Firstly, by the fact that it is sweet. Accompanying each tea party with cookies, you can harm your stomach and teeth. Some types of cookies are insidious because sometimes they seem to taste less sweet, but this does not mean that the sugar content in them does not go off scale. Secondly, cookies are bad because of the fats they contain. Many unscrupulous manufacturers use palm oil for the production of cookies, that is, almost pure poison. It is almost not processed and not excreted from the body, therefore, it settles on the walls of blood vessels and is deposited in the liver. Palm oil for children is especially fatal.

Unfortunately, this is not all the misfortunes that come with cookies. No less harmful are preservatives, dyes and flavorings in the composition of cookies. One can hardly find at least one package of cookies containing a natural product.

Some are amazed, why did they get fat again, although they only "drank tea a couple of times." The fact is that even one cookie is so full of fats, sugar and artificial colors that it can ruin any diet. The calorie content of even “light” cookies, such as biscuits or oatmeal cookies, is colossal and commensurate with a piece of beef or a bowl of soup.

Cookies also have positive properties, although they are few. Some types of cookies are enriched with vitamins and minerals: potassium, phosphorus, iron and organic acids, but such varieties should be looked for on the shelves of specialized products, in particular products for diabetics.

How to supplement tea drinking, if not cookies, you ask. The best companions of tea are dried fruits and nuts. They also contain a lot of fat, but of a completely different quality and other properties. This is the most useful addition to tea. But if you are still not ready to give up cookies, then it makes sense to bake it yourself. This will protect you from the preservatives and dyes that are rich in products from the store.


Galetny cookies - health benefits and harms

When a person is on a diet, he will definitely have a strong desire to eat something tasty. Often, for this reason, breakdowns and a return to the previous "harmful" diet occur. I especially want to eat something forbidden. These are pastries or sweets that are simply contraindicated in the diet. In this situation, biscuit cookies will save. This is a fairly low-calorie product, in which, in addition, a lot of benefit. Let us consider in more detail what the benefits of this product are.

This type of cookie is a dietary option. But still it remains a flour product. Let's figure out what its benefits are and what is the harm.

The benefits of biscuit cookies

If the cookies were prepared according to the correct traditional recipe, then it will practically have no contraindications. It can be used by women during lactation and given even to the smallest children.

Useful qualities of biscuit cookies:

  1. The product contains vitamins that improve the state of the immune system. Doctors also allow people who have problems with the digestive system to eat it.
  2. The main plus is a low calorie content and at the same time excellent taste. This cookie is very satisfying, and you will not eat much of it. This will appeal to those who want to lose weight or are forced to diet because of illness. Biscuit cookies are less caloric than biscuits, but they are not so satisfying. You can eat it much more.
  3. The composition of biscuit cookies makes it almost harmless to the body. Indeed, it consists of very simple components that are present in the diet of each person. These are water, salt, flour, as well as sugar and yeast. It contains no preservatives. Baking powder and various flavorings are not added to it. This composition makes this product the best option when you want sweets. The best snack will be only berries and fruits. It is convenient to take it with you on the road or for a walk, since such cookies almost do not crumble.

But the benefit of this product is not only that it is low-calorie and does not cause negative consequences. It contains a number of beneficial ingredients and vitamins. The flour from which biscuit cookies are made includes the dietary fiber necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive system. It contains a number of trace elements necessary for the body, such as iodine, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The use of these components is simply necessary for human health.

From the foregoing, it follows that this product has more benefits than harm. But still he has a number of contraindications. For those who like to eat this product as food, it is very important to know both its beneficial and dangerous properties.

baked apples - benefits and harms

What is the harm?

No matter how useful this or that product, it is very important to know in all measure. Of course, this product in moderation will not do any harm. But you should not get too carried away with them. This is especially true for people prone to fullness. After all, after all, the product is a flour product and incorporates a lot of fats and carbohydrates. Excessive consumption can lead to excess weight.

Despite the benefits and rich composition, this product should not replace a full breakfast or lunch. If you use it in too large quantities, then instead of the benefits of digestion, this can lead to the opposite effect. Bloating and other unpleasant problems in the digestive tract may occur. Therefore, eat biscuit cookies a little in the form of a quick snack.

When you buy biscuit cookies in a store, be sure to carefully read its composition, which the manufacturer must indicate on the package. Many unscrupulous manufacturers can add harmful components to cookies in order to save or extend the shelf life. It can be low quality palm oil and other ingredients. Watch what you buy, because regular consumption of trans fats can lead to very dangerous health consequences.

To be completely confident in the safety and naturalness of food, it is best, if possible, to cook them at home. The same applies to biscuit cookies. So you will be sure that there is nothing dangerous in cookies. In addition, homemade cakes are always tastier. It also provides many opportunities for the manifestation of fantasy. In the process of making cookies with your own hands, you can add nuts, berries and other additives to it, which will make the product healthier and tastier. But do not forget that supplements can change the calorie content of a product to a greater or lesser extent. If you are on a diet due to illness, then consult a doctor before using the product.

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Video: diet biscuit cookie recipe


Oatmeal cookies: the benefits and harm to the figure and not only

Oatmeal cookies are a delicious and healthy dessert. But for the product to benefit, you need to choose it correctly, and best of all - cook at home.

Composition and calorie content

100 g of biscuits contains about 430-470 kcal, as manufacturers add a lot of sugar and margarine. One thing has about 85 kcal. There are fewer calories in a diet treat - from 200 to 300 kcal. But baking with the addition of dried fruits is more caloric, although it brings additional benefits to the body.

100 g of classic oatmeal cookies contains about 5 g of protein, almost 15 g of fat and 74 g of carbohydrates. The glycemic index (GI) of the treat is quite high - 79 units.

Despite the high calorie content, this is a very useful type of baking. It contains amino acids necessary for the functioning of the brain, maintaining muscle tone and good mood. Oatmeal cookies contain a lot of fiber and minerals: phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron. There are also vitamins: E, group B, carotene.

The benefits of oatmeal cookies

The presence of cereals makes oatmeal cookies very useful:

  • improves bowel function, prevents constipation;
  • improves mood and gives strength;
  • gives energy for physical and mental work;
  • improves the condition of the skin;
  • helps to cope with increased irritability, anxiety;
  • preserves muscle tone;
  • promotes healthy blood formation;
  • gives a quick feeling of fullness;
  • activates cognitive function.

Here is a list of reasons to include oatmeal cookies in your children's and adult diets. And now a few words about restrictions and about possible harm.

Is it possible during a diet?

Classic oatmeal cookies are a very high-calorie product, and there are a lot of carbohydrates and fats in it. Therefore, in the diet menu it should appear only as a big exception, when it is necessary to get a charge of vivacity and good mood in a short time.

For example, one oatmeal cookie before an exam or an important meeting will kill hunger, help to cope with fatigue and irritability, and also “recharge” the brain. One cookie will serve as a substitute for breakfast if you don’t have time to prepare a full meal.

But in general, this dessert can not be included in diet food. And people prone to fullness, it’s better to forget about oatmeal cookies altogether. If during the process of losing weight you really wanted something sweet, try to satisfy your desire with a small amount of marshmallow or plastic marmalade. Nutritionists treat these delicacies with great approval.

Harm and contraindications

Oatmeal cookies are undesirable to eat with a tendency to overweight.

For people with diabetes, treats can cause serious harm. The exception is fructose cookies instead of sugar. It can be easily found in specialized departments of supermarkets or cooked at home.

If you have oily skin, acne and a negative skin reaction to sugar, it is also advisable to refuse the dessert.

And do not forget about various food additives that provoke allergies.

What is added to oatmeal cookies?

  • Confectionery fats. For many, oatmeal cookies are banned due to the presence of high-calorie margarine or butter. But without natural confectionery fats, cooking goodies is impossible, and they do not make cookies so harmful (unless you are afraid for your figure).
  • Baking powder Also in the treat there are various baking powder, for example soda. It helps the test "rise" and makes the treat pleasantly crumbly.
  • Sugar. Of course, the classic product has a lot of sugar. But today there are dietary options for oatmeal cookies with fructose and minimal fat. Unfortunately, not particularly tasty.
  • Vegetable oils. Manufacturers today often replace margarine with various vegetable oils. There will be no harm from sunflower oil, while with palm oil everything is more complicated. In any case, this greatly changes the taste of traditional cookies.
  • Useful fillers: raisins or slices of dried apricots, seeds, candied fruits, nuts, prunes. Such cookies are more high-calorie, but gives strength and energizes, and also beneficially affects the work of the digestive tract.
  • Bee honey gives baking a darker color.
  • Preservatives are a real “disease” of store sweets. It is easy to find out about their availability by the shelf life of the product. The longer a cookie can be stored, the less useful it is and more preservatives. In addition, pastries with a long shelf life, as a rule, have a not too bright taste.

When choosing a dessert for tea, do not pass coffee houses or small bakeries. In such establishments you can buy amazingly tasty, akin to homemade, cookies, in which there will be no preservatives and other dubious additives.

  1. As for the store dessert, choose products in a transparent bag.
  2. At the bottom of the bag there can be no cookie fragments and a large number of crumbs.
  3. The confectionery itself should have a smooth, saturated color.
  4. The softness of the cookies is also important (solid baked goods are prepared with economy of oil and other violations of the production process).
  5. Shelf life should not be too long - this indicates the content of preservatives.
  6. It is good if the package contains the composition of cookies with the obligatory presence of margarine, vegetable (indicating which one) or butter. If the packet simply says “vegetable oil”, it’s better to refrain from buying.
  7. Choose a product that uses eggs instead of egg powder.


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february 19, 2015 Posted in Summaries, About the most important 2015, About the most important abstracts, Product of the day

Today we decided to discuss a product that we all know from childhood, we will focus on cookies. Children love cookies, it is sweet, especially everyone likes cookies in packs. But for adults, cookies are not so safe. Today they will talk about the dangers of cookies, about how cookies should be chosen.

This dish is convenient. A packet of cookies takes up very little space. Cookies can be washed down with tea, they are hearty, you can easily take them with you in your bag. For many people, cookies replace breakfast or afternoon tea. One must not be mistaken with the choice of cookies in order to buy healthy cookies.

Cookies in packs will prepare a curd house on the program. Behind it   By occupation, you can have a perfect time at home with your child. Visiting the program there is a singer Kai Metov. He loves cookies. The family of the artist had a tradition of eating cookies for breakfast.

The cookies were oiled and placed on top of another baking. There was a soldier's cafe in the army; oatmeal was sold in it. Cookies are high in calories, especially with butter. There are cookies on fructose, many believe that it is healthier than cookies on sugar.

Better to buy cookies on regular sugar. Fructose immediately transforms into fat. Such cookies are more harmful. Cookies help improve memory. Flour contains B vitamins. They are good for memory, and glucose is good.

Is it true that if cookies are used only for breakfast, that is, it can be in unlimited quantities. This is not true. You just need to limit yourself. Cookies are very high in calories. Cookies on margarine will contain less cholesterol.

But you can’t say that such cookies are very useful, they are more harmful. There are more harmful substances in margarine - these are trans fats. Cookies are contraindicated in obesity and diabetes. But cookies are not as bad as you think, in the morning we need energy. A product is dangerous if you eat a lot of cookies during the day.

How to choose a safe cookie? Any cookies in packs can be drawn, sugar, and butter. The most popular cookies are sugar. It has a lot of fat. Read the expiration date, in fatty cookies fat will rancid. According to GOST, sugar cookies cannot be stored for more than three months.

If the shelf life is long, there are additives in it. Such cookies will run rancid. Cookies must be moisture free, they must be fragile. Cookies should break easily. A cooker hood contains less sugar and less fat. Such cookies should have a layered structure.

Break cookies, look at what structure it has. These cookies should not break easily. There are butter biscuits. It is stuffed. It contains sugar, fat, dairy products, and eggs. But such cookies have a very short shelf life.

It usually has a shelf life of no more than a month. If the shelf life is long, then there are preservatives. There are sorbates in such cookies. You will receive a portion of harmful substances from rancidity, as preservatives do not protect against rancidity.

We remind you that the synopsis is only a brief squeeze of information on a given topic from a specific program; the full video release can be viewed here. On the most important issue 1186 of February 19, 2015.

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Many of us love cookies from childhood. And, of course, I want to periodically treat myself and my family to them. But for people who are on a diet or counting calories, the question about the calorie content of cookies is very important.

Cookies can be different, so the calorie content of various types also changes. So, everyone knows that with diets associated with gastrointestinal problems, doctors recommend biscuit cookies, the calorie content of which, by the way, is lower than the calorie content of shortbread cookies. Confectioners distinguish the following main types of cookies: sugar, biscuit, lingering, shortbread, pastry, whipped, puff, oat and biscuit.

How many calories are in cookies

On any pack or box should be indicated how many calories in cookies. However, to draw up a preliminary menu and calculate the total number of calories per day, you can focus on the following values.

  • Sugar is a porous and lush cookie that breaks easily. It contains 436 kcal, with 9.2 g of protein, 10.2 g of fat and 68.4 g of carbohydrates;
  • The name biscuit speaks for itself, such cookies have a calorie content of 349 kcal, while 3.6 g of protein, 8.5 g of fat and 64.7 g of carbohydrates;
  • Lingering is done from an elastic and elastic dough, its calorie content is 418 kcal, with 8 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 76 g of carbohydrates;
  • Shortbread cookies have a calorie content of 379.1 kcal, (7.2 g of protein, 12.7 g of fat and 59 g of carbohydrates);
  • Butter has a lot of sugar and fat, as well as eggs, therefore, this cookie has a much higher calorie content: 458 kcal (10.4 g of protein, 15.2 g of fat and 76.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • In protein-whipped sweets, 464.6 kcal (2.7 g total protein, 25.8 g fat and 54.7 g carbohydrates);
  • Puff pastry, for example, many beloved “Ears”, has a calorie content of 395 kcal, it contains 7.7 g of protein, 14.3 g of fat and 58.9 g of carbohydrates;
  • The calorie content of oatmeal cookies is 437 kcal (6.5 g of protein, 14.4 g of fat and 71.8 g of carbohydrates);
  • And finally, the calorie content of biscuit cookies is 394.53 kcal, it contains 9.45 g of protein, 9.35 g of fat and 66.58 g of carbohydrates;
  • Add that favorite jubilee cookie, calorie content is 463 kcal, it contains 7 g of protein, 19 g of fat and 66 g of carbohydrates.

No one talks about the complete rejection of cookies, but they don’t need to get involved. Knowing the energy value, you can choose the optimal amount for yourself, so that it is tasty and not harmful. Note that whipped sweets and anniversary cookies have the highest calorie content.

It should be noted that we gave general numbers, but often in the cookies there are various additives and fillings: chocolate, nut, fruit and others, all kinds of creams and glazes. Of course, all of them affect the calorie content of cookies, as well as the content of fats and harmful carbohydrates in it. This should not be forgotten, wanting to pamper yourself delicious.

About the dangers and benefits of cookies

I want to say a few words in defense of cookies. We are accustomed to consider it a harmful product, and, of course, in large quantities, cookies do nothing but harm. Any species, even those that are considered more useful, like biscuit and oatmeal cookies, have a considerable calorie content. Therefore, it is impossible to absorb them uncontrollably neither for adults, nor even for children.

However, cookies can also be beneficial: it contains many B and PP vitamins, it is rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, and organic acids. Sometimes pediatricians even recommend giving children cookies as a source of energy. Many varieties are made with the addition of dried fruits, nuts, vitamins, which also benefits.

Unfortunately, we must not forget that some manufacturers make cookies in heavy fatty oil, add chemical additives, dyes with preservatives.

What to do? The conclusion is simple, you can make cookies yourself. Of course, it’s more difficult to calculate calorie content of such cookies with the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but you will know exactly which ingredients are put there.

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Baking usually means lush, tasty buns, cheesecakes and pastry stuffed, used as a treat. They are loved by adults and adored by children. Is such food good? We will discuss this today.

The role of baking in the diet

To begin with, the body cannot do without carbohydrate food, which includes bakery products. The main source of energy is glucose resulting from the breakdown of carbohydrates. It nourishes the brain, serves as fuel for the nervous system, during heavy work or a disturbed diet allows you to quickly satisfy hunger and restore strength.

In many cases, baking is a supplier of useful micro and macro elements, especially when dried fruits, spices and berry jams are used for the filling. Traditional rolls contain vitamins B1, B2, PP. In small quantities, such substances are present:

- sodium

- calcium

- magnesium

- phosphorus

- iron.

Finally, fancy sweets improve emotional tone and enhance mood. It is so nice to feel their aroma and pamper your taste buds.

What a treat. But how harmful are they?

Video: What is the harm of sweets and how to stop wanting sweets?

Negative features of baking

The medal also has a “shadow” side. And in this case it is much darker and more prominent than light. In excess of flour products bring extra calories. And the body, as a thrifty host, lays them on the waist, hips and sides in the form of fatty layers. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and fear for their figure, buns and loaves are a serious obstacle to harmony.

This is the whole picture. Now let's talk about the details, namely about the ingredients. Modern factories and plants are guided in the production process not by current standards, but by independently developed recipes. Often they bake products based on ready-made factory dry kits, including a huge number of synthetic and dangerous additives. It may be harmful to the consumer, but convenient and profitable for the seller.


Margarine is an emulsion mixture of natural and modified vegetable oils and animal fats. Its danger is the presence of trans fats, which are attributed to carcinogenic properties, called the cause of cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, allergic reactions, decreased immunity and a deterioration in blood composition.

But there is a way. This component replaces rustic butter, and in some types of dough (custard, yeast) - refined squeezes from sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.

Baking powder

This component is necessary to give products friability and splendor. But if it is made on the basis of phosphates, it poses a danger to the stomach (provokes ulcers and erosion), causes a lack of phosphorus and calcium.


Sweet, tasty, but healthy?

Most flour desserts are high in sugar. After preparation, a product with a high glycemic index is obtained, which sharply increases the level of glucose in the blood. This is one of the reasons why muffin lovers are at risk for occurrence:

- diabetes

- thrush,

- obesity.

In addition, too sugary products are harmful to the teeth.


Baker's yeast is a type of biological baking powder of the dough - a unicellular fungus without a mycelium. The product is quite controversial. Some insist on its usefulness, others give arguments about the harmfulness. The arguments of both parties seem convincing, but who is right remains unclear. The main “phobias” regarding these microorganisms are as follows:

1) Once in the human digestive system, yeast begins to "steal" carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for their life from human food. The result is a deficiency of elements in the body.

2) Aggressive fungi multiplies exponentially. They create a putrefactive environment and upset the balance of intestinal microflora in the direction of "bad" bacteria, which leads to a weakening of protective functions. Food absorption is also deteriorating. There is dysbiosis, problems with the pancreas and liver.

3) Increases acidity, which contributes to chronic fences, the formation of ulcers and gastritis, stones in the gall bladder. The body tries to normalize the acid-base proportion by drawing calcium (an alkaline element) from bone tissue. Therefore, baking, in theory, can become an indirect cause of bone fragility and osteoporosis.

4) As a result of alcoholic fermentation, toxic substances are formed: diacetyl, acetoin, butyric aldehyde, isoamyl, etc. These compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of flour products. In small quantities, they are not dangerous.

An alternative to factory yeast will be natural analogues from hops and rye starter cultures.


Vanillin is a synthetic additive with a characteristic pleasant aroma. In certain cases, it provokes allergic reactions and even skin irritations, up to the development of contact dermatitis, pigmentation and eczema.

In the manufacture of this powder, coumarin is often used - a carcinogen that destructively affects liver cells. At the same time, a person feels heartburn.

How to refuse baking and how to replace it?

Refusing white bread and butter is an important step towards health. Someone such a decision is given easily, and some simply can not step over themselves. Dramatically defeating the habit of eating sweet pastries is hard. But goodies can be squeezed out of the diet gradually, replacing them with more wholesome food:

  • marshmallows based on pectin, egg whites and applesauce;
  • marmalade from fruit and berry juices, with or agar-agar;
  • nuts
  • dark chocolate;
  • whole grain bars and bread rolls;
  • turkish delight made from mashed potatoes, nuts, honey, seeds, starch;
  • dried fruits.

Sweet yeast rolls, crackers and puff pastries should be avoided. Instead, it is better to give preference to pastries from whole grain flour, products without confectionery glaze and biscuit biscuits.

Little Cooking Tricks

It is known that the body most actively metabolizes calories in the morning. Therefore, for breakfast it is quite acceptable to eat a delicious cheesecake with tea, a croissant with coffee, kalach with cocoa or even a piece of cake. But do not overeat and try to shove the daily rate into yourself, since before lunch everything is so well digested.

To make baking more useful, at home cooking reduce the serving of sugar by 40-50 percent. Typically, the proportion of this ingredient in recipes is indicated in excess. It is also recommended to do with fat: the amount of butter can be safely reduced by a third, or even half. At the same time, the taste and quality of the dessert will not suffer, and the energy value will significantly decrease.

When baking in the oven, do not grease the pan and the forms with grease. Better line the bottom with a non-stick coating. Cakes or rolls will remain the same tender and airy.

Finally, fruit purees and slaked vinegar can be used instead of chicken eggs.

Remember! Baking is not so harmful as to refuse it at all. For health, moderation and rationality are important. With this approach, you do not have to deprive yourself of pleasure in feasting on baking.

Shortbread  is a confectionery product, which was made on the basis of the dough of the same name. The name is associated with high friability of the product. Such a delicacy attracts many, we stand a delicate taste and a crispy airy consistency.  It is customary to say about shortbread cookies that it literally melts in your mouth. The shape of such a confectionery product may be different (see photo), since it depends directly on the preferences of the manufacturer. You can also find options with filling on the shelves, for example, with chocolate, jam, condensed milk, cream, etc. The range of shortbread cookies is so large that everyone can choose the right option for themselves.

Beneficial features

The advantage of shortbread cookies is its ability to quickly saturate the body and relieve hunger. Since the product is a source of fast energy, cookies control energy metabolism.  With regular use in small amounts, you can notice an improvement in the functioning of the nervous system and the brain. This is possible due to the high content of B vitamins. Shortbread cookies improve mood and help to cope with stress and fatigue.

Cooking use

Shortbread cookies are a wonderful self-contained confectionery that you can eat just by drinking delicious tea. In addition, today there are a large variety of recipes using this product. Shredded shortbread cookies often serve as the basis for making cheesecakes and various desserts.

How to cook a delicious shortbread cookie at home?

If you like to cook, then you can no longer go to the store for the next portion of shortbread cookies, as you can cook it yourself at home.  It’s enough to know some secrets to cope with this task. Shortbread dough likes low temperatures, so it’s recommended to cool the room and hands a little.

To make shortbread cookies, you need to take 250 g of flour, 180 g of butter, 2 yolks, 100 g of sugar and a little salt. Yolks should be ground with soft butter, salt and sugar. While adding flour periodically, knead the dough and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Roll out the dough on the table, which is sprinkled with flour in advance so that it does not stick. The thickness of the reservoir should be no more than 5 mm. Select any cookie cutter and use it to cut out cookies. It must be baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Harm of shortbread cookies and contraindications

Shortbread cookies can cause harm due to its high calorie content.  When consumed in large quantities, a treat can provoke an increase in weight and exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. Due to the presence of a large amount of sugar, shortbread cookies can disrupt the metabolism, which can lead to the development of diabetes and other serious diseases.

Hello dear readers. Easter is coming soon, and we will all eat cakes. Almost all of us eat cakes for the holidays, some bought, and others ours, home-made. But we eat cakes only a week a year, and the rest of the time we have other flour products on our table. Let's see a bit, flour products bring benefit or harm. Even listing the most popular flour confectionery products is a thankless task. Since the presented assortment is huge. But how safe are these goodies and snacks? And can they be included in your daily diet?

For a year, residents of a large metropolis with a population of 10 million people consume at least 100 thousand tons of flour products. At the same time, 60% of buyers prefer sweet cookies.

Gingerbread cookies occupy the second position in popularity - 19%. About 18% of consumers like waffles. And salty cookies, various biscuits and crackers account for only 3% of the total demand for flour confectionery.

If you say that I eat little sweet, then according to statistics, each person eats about 110 kg. flour products per year.

From finished flour confectionery products, several types can be distinguished with useful functional properties. For example, a popular oatmeal cookie can be conditionally classified as a harmless confectionery. Since far from all types of oatmeal cookies from different manufacturers are useful for humans.

When choosing oatmeal cookies, it is very important to pay attention to what place oatmeal is in the composition of the product. The larger it is, the worse and rougher the cookie should look. Appearance, in this case, is not an indicator of high quality. But such nondescript oatmeal is much more useful. Because it contains more oatmeal.

Oatmeal is characterized by a high content of β-glucans, which have a very positive effect on the state of blood vessels and the functioning of the heart muscle. Oatmeal, consumed in the form of side dishes, is even more beneficial for the human body. But forcing yourself to eat the necessary amount of oatmeal for many is difficult.

One of the most popular types of cookies among buyers is "". But, in terms of the amount of useful substances contained in it, this product takes one of the last places, despite its popularity. This is due to the high content of sugar and vegetable fats, in particular palm oil. In fats contained in cookies such as Kurabye, a saponification process can even occur. This is due to the duration of transportation and storage of raw materials (palm oil) and its low quality. Since many manufacturers of confectionery products in order to save some of the cheapest types of vegetable oils.

What you need to know about vegetable oils

During prolonged or improper storage of vegetable oil, natural oxidative processes inevitably begin in it. Even the usual for us sunflower oil, left in an open container at room temperature, spoil in just a few hours.

The firmer the fatty compounds in consistency, the longer the oxidation process takes place in them. The longer such a product remains usable. For example, animal fats are highly dense. And fresh palm oil is good for human health. In fresh form, it is not much different from the usual sunflower oil.

In the manufacture of cheap categories of confectionery, all manufacturers replace high-quality and expensive animals or milk fats with cheap vegetable analogues. Therefore, buying inexpensive cookies is clearly not worth it.

Which cookies are more popular

Despite the popularity of various packaged types of flour confectionery products, 60% of the market is occupied by weighted types of cookies, which are most often found in bazaars or street markets. There are no known brands of weighted cookies. But all of them belong to approximately the same price category. But even in it you can distinguish different types of cookies in price and quality.

Cooking features

In the process of making cookies, vegetable fats are mixed with soda or its analogues so that fatty acid triglycerides break down into glycerol and individual acids. Soda in this process is the initiator of the decomposition reaction. Cookies without the addition of soda or its analogues remain stiff.

In flour confectionery over time, saponification of vegetable fats inevitably occurs. You can determine the presence of saponified fats in confectionery products according to the spoiled taste of the product.

The low quality of confectionery ingredients, especially cookies, can lead to severe allergic reactions. With each use of baked goods containing soda, its analogues and vegetable fats, a large amount of gastric juice accumulates in the human stomach.

As a result, foaming of the contents occurs in the human stomach and its return to the esophagus. Because of this, a person has heartburn. Difficult digestion of food leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and leads to the absorption of insufficiently digested nutrients into the blood. This causes an immune or allergic reaction.

In the process of digesting fats in the intestine, the lipase enzyme takes part, which accelerates the formation of saponified fatty compounds. This often causes irritation of the gastric mucosa caused by the partial entry of saponified fats back into the stomach. As a result of the regular use of low-quality confectionery, including cookies, a person develops gastritis.

The use of modified fats in the formulation significantly complicates the process of digesting food. As a result of this, synthetic fatty compounds remain unsplit, which when they enter the blood remain on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing their lumen, forming cholesterol plaques and blood clots. In addition to affecting blood vessels, synthesized and modified fatty compounds cause fatty hepatosis when they enter the liver.

Cookies and children

The presence in the product of a large amount of sugars, fats, baking powder makes it harmful to the child's body, even in small quantities. Allergists and pediatricians recommend giving your child cookies as a treat. And in very limited quantities.

The longer the child’s consumption of cookies is limited, the less their negative impact on the teeth, the gastrointestinal tract and the circulatory system will be.

Most cookies for children are either crackers or lingering cookies. Even in lingering cookies there is a decent amount of sugar. Therefore, such a product should not be present in the main diet of the child. There is no sugar in crackers. Since they are made either in salty or fresh form.

But the top layer of cracker cookies is coated with oils for a better taste and aromatic perception by the consumer. And the quality of the oil used depends entirely on the manufacturer and quality control at the confectionery enterprises. Crackers are also high in vegetable fats.

The right choice (how to choose cookies)

The quality of the fat used in the manufacture of cookies can be easily determined by taste and smell. A bitter aftertaste should alert you.

The drier the pastries, the longer producers and sellers can keep them.

Galette cookies and crackers in sealed packaging, protected from moisture, can remain fresh for a whole year. (Biscuits are often used in military rations)

The long shelf life of shortbread cookies should alert you. It is better not to buy such a product due to the high content of preservatives.

Always read the label for the cookies carefully, and the layouts must have prepared, printed specifically for reference, all information about cookies (ingredients, dates, etc.).

Cupcakes and Biscuits

This type of confectionery confidently retains its popularity in the market. Making a high-quality cake is a rather laborious and costly process. Because you need quality ingredients.

For the manufacture of muffins and biscuits in industrial food production, most large manufacturers use ready-made packaged mixtures from suppliers. It turns out that even a large enterprise is a simple bakery in which the finished powder components are mixed and pass the baking process. At the same time, all production costs and insurance against all kinds of risks are passed on to the consumer in the form of an additional margin on products.

Small bakeries are less likely to use ready-made powder mixtures or have their own suppliers of semi-finished products made according to their own recipe. For example, I like a banana muffin. True, we bake it ourselves, we shared the recipe on the blog, in the article “.”

But not only in cupcakes use powder mixtures. Take cheap crackers and try to set them on fire. Burn like a torch. And try to set home baking on fire, nothing will work. Make a conclusion yourself.

Dangerous additives E1520 (propylene glycol) in baking

In prepared powder mixtures, propylene glycol (E1520) or its analogues is almost always present. This food supplement is used as a dough moisturizer in order to impart a characteristic softness and similarity to the freshness of the product due to the increased moisture content. It is actively used in the production of combined feeds, many agricultural preparations and in household chemicals.

In the food industry, propylene glycol is actively used as a water-retaining and emollient agent. It can be found in brake fluid. It is universally used for the manufacture of shampoos, lipsticks, fillers and moisturizers of tobacco. Propylene glycol is part of the combined feed additives for animals.

Consumers love biscuits for their splendor, juiciness, softness. For this, many acquire ready-made biscuits. Manufacturers in the food industry achieve softness, juiciness and a long shelf life by adding propylene glycol to the product.

When buying ready-made biscuit cakes in stores, you can see that their shelf life is from 6 to 8 months. This indicates a high content of preservatives in such a product. At the same time, according to external signs, the ordinary buyer can not distinguish biscuit cake six months after its manufacture.

Differences can only be found by labeling on the product packaging. But retailers very often interrupt dates on products that expire.

In the food industry, propylene glycol is used as a water-retaining agent and preservative. Due to its physicochemical properties, propylene glycol binds well to both water and fats. When ingested, it is deposited in adipose tissue. A significant part of propylene glycol is deposited in the brain tissue, which is one third composed of adipose tissue.

When a large amount of propylene glycol enters the human body, it has a negative effect on the central nervous system of a person. In the next stage of metabolism, propylene glycol breaks down and begins to be excreted through the kidneys. Therefore, the main burden of propylene glycol goes to the brain and central nervous system.

A similar situation with the massive use of water-retaining agents is observed not only in Russia, but also in most European countries, despite food safety standards. Today there is an alternative to synthetic water-retaining agents.

It is the biological enzymes of the lipase group, activating the body's own lecithin. Thanks to what in a confectionery the juicy and damp crumb is created. For this reason, manufacturers will soon have the opportunity to replace synthetic water-retaining agents with natural components.

How sweet confectionery affects the human body

Human exposure from the use of mass-produced confectionery can be described as follows. During the first 10 - 15 minutes from the moment of consumption of sweet flour products in the body, a sharp increase in the content occurs.

Due to this, there is a feeling of euphoria and happiness, a person enjoys the use of such a product and often can not stop. This is facilitated by a large number of other food additives: flavors, flavor enhancers, colorants, thickeners and so on.

After 10 - 15 minutes, the blood sugar level drops sharply, which leads to a feeling of weakness, depression, negative emotions. In this case, a person may have a prolonged appetite for a long time.

How to choose muffins, biscuits and muffins

When choosing cupcakes, biscuits or muffins in stores, it is important:

Pay attention to the expiration dates of the product.

If the shelf life of the product exceeds 14 days, then it is better to refuse such a product, since it probably contains preservatives.

High-quality confectionery among muffins, biscuits and muffins have a slightly yellowish tint and should not crumble.

Natural vanilla, familiar to many, from vanilla pods today is massively replaced by artificially synthesized vanillin. It is another nutritional supplement. The use of natural vanillin is disadvantageous for manufacturers. Since it is much more expensive than its synthetic counterpart. Synthetic vanillin is obtained by processing wood chips, which can be called natural raw materials. True, shavings, as a food product, are of little use. In addition, in the process of producing artificial vanillin, wood chips are subjected to chemical treatment. It is appropriate to mention margarine, which is also obtained from vegetable oil. But compared to natural butter derived from milk, it is a much more harmful product.

It is important for a simple buyer to understand that only whole fruits of a plant in pods can be called natural vanilla. And vanillin in the food industry is a crystalline substance obtained from plant materials using chemical agents.

Any substance entering the human body must be broken down, partially absorbed and then excreted. But with the breakdown of synthetic vanillin, phenol is one of the decay products. Phenol is an extremely toxic compound. There are two types of vanillin: ethyl vanillin and methyl vanillin.

Methyl vanillin decomposes with the formation of a methyl group, which has an extremely negative effect, including on human vision. It is enough to recall the many cases when people lost their eyesight from the use of methyl alcohol.

But in the struggle between the use of natural vanillin at home and synthetic vanillin in the confectionery industry, manufacturers of confectionery products win. Since in their recipe the dosage of aromatic additives, to which vanillin belongs, is clearly calculated.

Depending on the confectionery product being manufactured, the dosage of vanillin can be both 200 and 500 grams per 1 ton. A small pinch of natural vanillin at home can be multiple excesses of the allowable dosage.

What else is important to pay attention to

Most people love pastries for their palatability and enjoyment. Different types of sugars, the right fats, flavorings in various foods, most people find pleasant.

By adding such components to their products, manufacturers deliberately provoke steady conditioned reflexes and dependence among consumers. Such a dependence arises on a purely psychological level.

What is useful of goodies

Useful can be called not flour cookies, but pastilles and jelly confectionery products. These include marshmallows, marmalade.

What is their value to the human body

For example, pectin or agar-agar, for example, are used as the structure of the educator giving the jelly foam. They relate to plant thickeners.

For example, the value of apples for humans, in addition to contained trace elements, is also in pectin. Pectin, agar-agar and similar compounds are able to actively remove radionuclides, salts of heavy metals from the human body.

In practice, according to current regulations, marmalade and marshmallow is used as a preventive measure to eliminate the negative health effects from exposure. This is due to the ability of pectins to actively remove salts of heavy metals.

Therefore, pectin, marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade can be safely attributed to healthy goodies. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the composition of such products and their expiration dates.

Well, in the end, if you want, you can watch a video on the topic "Flour products benefit and harm."