Purifying fruit and vegetable juices. Juices from fruits and vegetables

The beneficial properties of a natural drink have been known since ancient times, people were sure that juice nourishes the body with vital energy. The prepared juice helps to prolong youth and beauty, tone the joints and start the processes of self-regulation.

Freshly squeezed juices (fresh): benefits and harms

A nutritious drink has a positive effect on human metabolism and normalizes cholesterol levels in the body. You need to add freshly squeezed juices to your diet sequentially, starting with 50 ml twice a day before meals. The amount of drink over time can be increased when the body can normally perceive freshly squeezed juices. The harm and benefits of fresh juice depend on the amount of sugar in it.

Freshly squeezed juices are very useful for the prevention of various diseases, the result of their use can be seen after a couple of weeks. The dose for an adult is from 0.5 to 1.5 liters of juice per day. Much depends on weight. So, for a person who weighs 45-55 kg, 0.7 liters of juice per day is enough, with a weight category of up to 80 kg - from 1 to 2 liters, and with a weight of up to 120 kg it is recommended to drink up to 2.5 liters of juice throughout of the day.

To improve your health, you only need to arrange a juice day only once a week. For the first and second breakfast you need to drink a glass of natural drink. For lunch, afternoon snack and dinner, a small sip drinks a glass of vegetable juice or diluted with fruit. Before going to bed, you need to use a glass of mineral water.

The maximum benefit for the body is brought only by freshly squeezed juices, the harm and benefit of which depend on the time when they are drunk. 10 minutes after preparation, their beneficial properties decrease, and the propagation of pathogenic bacteria begins. It is recommended to drink juice in small sips. This has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the brain and the digestive system. People with low stomach acid should drink juice at least half an hour before meals.

How to cook and take juice

The benefits and harms of freshly squeezed juices depend on many factors. The prepared fresh must be drunk immediately, otherwise the biologically active substances of the drink will not enter the body. Within a few minutes, the beneficial components are destroyed, with the exception of beet juice, which requires settling in a cold place for a couple of hours.

The optimal time for drinking juice is 40 minutes before eating. This will allow him to quickly be absorbed in an empty stomach and enter into biochemical processes. If you drink a fruit drink after eating, it will mix with food and cause gas in the intestines.

The composition of highly concentrated juices in large quantities contains organic acids that destroy the hard tissues of teeth. To protect tooth enamel, you need to drink juice through a tube. Do not forget to rinse the mouth after consuming a fruit or vegetable drink.

Drinking unlimited allowed freshly squeezed tomato juices. The harm and benefits of other drinks depend on their concentration. The consumption of such juices is better to limit or dilute them with fruit in a ratio of 1: 3. Beetroot juice should be introduced into the diet a little, diluting with water, because many people have intolerance to this product.

Fruits with pits (peach or cherry) are not recommended to be mixed with others to obtain juice, but berries and fruits with seeds (currants or apples) are best suited for this.

Apple juices

The apple drink contains many useful elements: calcium, manganese, nickel, zinc, copper, iron, vitamins C, P, etc. It helps to fight diseases of the kidneys, liver, genitourinary system and atherosclerosis.

One of the components of apple juice - pectin - tidies up the intestines and restores the body after physical exertion. The drink can be drunk up to 1 liter per day. Contraindications to taking include an exacerbated form of peptic ulcer, gastritis and pancreatitis.

Tomato Juices

Tomatoes help reduce the risk of cancer and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Tomato juice is popular due to its low calorie content. It also inhibits the process of decay and fermentation in the intestines.

He prepares the stomach for digestion of food, so drink it should be half an hour before eating. This miraculous drink loses its healing properties if consumed with salt. Salt can be replaced with herbs or garlic. It is contraindicated in the acute form of stomach ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Beetroot Juices

Normalize the nervous system under stress, stimulate blood formation and improve bowel function will help fresh beetroot juices. Health benefits and harms depend on the way the beetroot is made. Juice is allowed to be consumed only after settling for 2 hours in the refrigerator in an open container. You need to drink it with extreme caution, because beets can cause heart palpitations, nausea, general malaise and vomiting. First, the juice is diluted with boiled water until the body gets used to it. Contraindications to the use of beetroot juice: stomach ulcer, diseases of the duodenum and kidneys.

Grape juices

Due to the high content of potassium and sugar, grape freshly squeezed grapes are ideal for people with cardiovascular diseases and mental overwork. The benefits or harms of drinks for the body depend on large amounts of sugar. Their regular use normalizes blood pressure and cholesterol in the body. Fresh is used as a diuretic, bactericidal and expectorant. It is divorced with water in a ratio of 1: 1, it is recommended to drink it for 3 weeks, half a glass three times a day. Contraindications to the use of juice from grapes is bloating, diabetes, obesity, gastric ulcer, inflammation of the duodenum.

Carrots are the most healthy freshly squeezed juices. Benefit and harm

Carrot juice rightfully occupies a leading position in the list of the most beneficial for health due to its composition. In addition to B vitamins, cobalt and calcium, it also contains potassium, beta-carotene and other elements.

Fresh has a beneficial effect on the immune system, it is often prescribed for children and the elderly. Beta-carotene, which improves vision, is absorbed only when consumed with fatty foods. But you should not get involved in carrot juice, a large amount of it affects the liver, the skin becomes yellow. The maximum daily norm is 0.5 l of juice, and for the prevention of vitamin deficiency - 0.5 tbsp. a drink. Carrot juice is contraindicated in case of diarrhea and acute gastric ulcer.

Citrus juices

Fresh citrus fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, P, folic acid and potassium.

These components have a positive effect on the vital activity of a person, strengthening blood vessels. This is especially important for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and cancer risk. Contraindications include chronic pancreatitis, gastritis, and duodenal ulcer.

Pumpkin juices

Pumpkin is often underestimated, although it contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, iron, cobalt, magnesium and copper. The pumpkin juices are capable of adjusting the gastrointestinal tract. Their harm and benefits depend on the amount of drink drunk. To maintain immunity, it is recommended to drink it half a glass a day, especially for people with heart, liver and kidney diseases. To get rid of insomnia, you should drink a little juice mixed with honey before bedtime. With kidney stones, you need to drink half a glass of pumpkin drink three times a day for ten days. Pumpkin intolerance is the only contraindication.

Use a tube and take small sips - so the juice will be better absorbed

Vitamins are what the human body needs all year round. But if in the warm season we can indulge ourselves with fresh products from the garden, then in the cold period, which is often associated with colds and immune suppression, difficulties are possible. Of course, pharmaceutical companies producing miracle pill complexes can offer an alternative to natural vitamins. Also popular are “100%” juices in “no preservatives” packages languishing on long store shelves.

But is it not better to pay attention to fresh juices - fresh juices rich in unique substances? In addition, vegetable juices, which are a valuable product for preserving youth and health, are difficult to find in stores (except for tomato, pumpkin and carrot in various variations). Apparently, the taste and benefits are poorly preserved in industrial containers.

How to prepare juices from vegetables?

You can prepare freshly squeezed juice at home using a blender or a centrifuge juicer. All vegetables should be washed and dried well before use. Fruits must be fresh, ripe, free from damage and wormholes. If there are doubts about the origin of the vegetable, it is better to remove the layer of the peel thicker - it is there that harmful toxins accumulate.
  It is better to drink the prepared juice immediately (10-15 minutes), without leaving spare portions, since it tends to deteriorate quickly. Only beetroot (2-3 hours) and cabbage (12 hours) juices are recommended. They must be kept in the refrigerator in an open container to neutralize the harmful substances that make up fresh juice.

Tip: it is not recommended to add salt, sugar, ground pepper, as their beneficial qualities are reduced. But a small amount of garlic, greens will improve the taste and enrich the valuable composition of trace elements in the drink. By adding a little pure water, you can make the juice less saturated.

Juices from vegetables: benefits and harms

In order to get the maximum benefit from taking live vitamins, you need to remember certain important rules that take into account the benefits and harms of vegetable juices:

  • Acceptance of freshly squeezed juices as a prevention of vitamin deficiency is best done at a time when there is a diverse assortment of the freshest vegetables on sale - from May to November.
  • Vegetables should be local, seasonally grown on the ground.
  • It is better to start taking juices before dinner with small doses - 50 ml, gradually increasing the volume of the drink to the recommended one depending on how you feel (it is enough for a healthy person to drink 0.6 l per day in 3-4 doses). This approach will allow the body to get used to and learn to cope with a shock dose of vitamins that come with the juice.
  • Drink juice should be either half an hour before meals, or 1.5 hours after the main meal, so as not to get heartburn or bloating. It’s better not to empty the glass in one gulp, but to use a straw.

Some contraindications

All fresh contains concentrated bioactive substances, so the treatment of some diseases can be accompanied by an exacerbation of others, various side effects. For example, treatment with potato juice, indicated for gastritis and pancreatitis, should be carried out with caution - tooth enamel may suffer. In addition, some juices are not recommended to be undiluted - it is better to mix with others (cabbage, beetroot).

Juice intake should be given to those who suffer from diabetes (due to the high content of suction carbohydrates in some types of juice) and are prone to allergies.

The healing power of juices

Almost all vegetable juices have healing properties. Treatment with vegetable juices is a separate interesting topic, but if you are hoping to get rid of a certain ailment by taking juices, then the concept of juice therapy should be discussed with a medical specialist. We note only the basic properties of the most popular vegetable juices, which can be taken into account in the treatment of certain diseases.

VegetablesUseful properties of juiceContraindications
Carrotgood for vision; heals the skin and hair; strengthens the immune system.exacerbation of peptic ulcer, enteritis; indigestion.
Potatoesreduces the increased acidity of the stomach; treats peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis.sensitive teeth; decreased stomach acidity.
Celerycontributes to the process of blood formation; helps with nervous diseases.varicose veins; kidney disease.
Beetpromotes the process of blood formation; cleanses the kidneys, gall bladder; treats hemorrhoids, constipation.peptic ulcer; kidney stones and gall bladder.
Cabbagetreats diseases of the liver and intestines, gastritis, stomach ulcer; restorative effect.acute gastritis, gastroduodenitis; kidney disease.
Tomatoesprevention of atherosclerosis and cancer; helps to cope with hypertension and fatigue; relieves swelling;exacerbation of peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis; mild poisoning.
Pumpkinparticipates in the process of hematopoiesis; heals the skin and hair; general strengthening effect.individual intolerance.
Parsley Leaves and Rootsgood for vision; strengthens the walls of blood vessels; heals kidney diseases.urolithiasis; pregnancy; gout.

For effective prevention of hypovitaminosis, it is recommended to take a mixture of freshly squeezed juices of 50 ml three times a day for 30-40 minutes. before eating.

Here are some popular recipes for vegetable juices:

  • carrots, celery and beets in a ratio of 1: 1: 1;
  • carrots, green peppers, cabbage, spinach (3: 3: 1: 1);
  • carrots, celery, apple, beets with tops, parsley (3: 2: 2: 1: 1);
  • carrots, celery, parsley (4: 2: 1);
  • cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, green pepper (1: 4: 1: 1);
  • tomato, cabbage, celery (1: 2: 2);
  • pumpkin, carrot, apple (1: 1: 1).

Drinking Slimming Vegetable Juice

During juice diets, the body adjusts the balance of alkalis and acids, removes toxins, activates enzymes, and improves digestion.

  • emphasis should be placed on the cleansing and laxative properties of some vegetable juices for weight loss, and also use juice mixtures consisting of several complementary components;
  • it is useful to consume juices from vegetables both directly during the diet and for holding fasting days.

Tomato juice can quickly appetite, and thanks to the diuretic effect, it helps cleanse the body and "burn" fats (take up to a liter per day).

Juice shakes will saturate the body with microelements and vitamins, will help to cleanse toxins, improve metabolism, reduce weight due to the content of natural analogues of enzymes, antioxidants.

Here are some popular recipes for weight loss using freshly squeezed vegetable juices:

  • cabbage, carrots (1: 2);
  • carrots and spinach in a ratio of 5: 3;
  • carrots, beets, celery root, pumpkin (2: 1: 1: 1);
  • carrots, parsley, spinach, celery (5: 5: 3: 1);
  • carrots, beets and cucumber (10: 3: 3);
  • cucumber, tomatoes, celery (1: 3: 2);
  • a bunch of dill, cucumber, tomatoes (1: 2: 3);
  • beets, carrots, cucumber (1: 3: 1);
  • beets, carrots, lime (5: 6: 1);
  • tomatoes, spinach, parsley (6: 1: 1).

As a result of the regular use of vegetable juices, the body will receive a “shock dose” of the healing substances necessary for healing and keeping oneself in good shape, and the problem of excess weight will be solved. Undoubtedly, the appearance will also improve - the skin will shine with natural freshness and sparkle in the eyes will appear, because health is vital energy!

It is impossible to imagine a healthy diet without fruit and vegetable juices. Indeed, in order for the body to work normally, it is necessary to get more than five hundred vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements with food, most of which are found in vegetables, fruits and berries. However, not everyone can eat kilograms of fruits and vegetables, and this is useless. Fiber in large quantities is difficult to digest and can cause bloating or flatulence. And here vegetable and fruit juices come to the rescue, which help to cope with hypovitaminosis, compensate for malnutrition and strengthen immunity.

Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices are much healthier than juices from a bottle or bag. They increase the energy level, improve metabolism, trigger the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation. In people who often drink fresh juices, the joints are more flexible, and the skin looks young, smooth and fresh. But they must be applied according to certain rules.

1. Preparation of fruits and vegetables

Before cooking fresh vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed. Barreled products should not be used; toxic substances may be present. Be sure to cut the peel, especially from pears and apples. Such fruits are usually treated with chemicals in order to extend shelf life.

2. What juice to choose?

Fruit juices are more familiar to us. Their pulp contains more juice than the pulp of vegetables. An exception is tomato and cucumber juices.

But to give preference only to fruit juices would be wrong, since their energy value is often supplemented by vegetable juices. Juices of vegetables contain more vegetable protein and mineral salts than fruit. Vegetable juices help build cells, and fruit juices provide energy to cells.

Fruit juices are considered higher in calories because they contain more sugar. An exception is pineapple, which contributes to fat burning.

Vegetable juices contain more iron, sodium, potassium, calcium and few calories. They help restore strength and normalize metabolism.

3. Mix or not?

Nutritionists do not recommend mixing berry or fruit juice with vegetable juice, since different enzymes are needed to digest them. Fruit juices should be combined according to the principle: red with red, green with green. Juices from cherries, apricots, plums or other stone fruit should not be mixed with others.

4. When is it best to drink juice?

Any fresh juice should be consumed within 10 minutes after its extraction. This rule does not apply only to beet juice, which must be insisted before consumption. The best time for drinking juice is breakfast or afternoon tea.

Do not drink fresh food freshly, as the substances contained in the juices will interact with the food eaten and cause heartburn or fermentation in the intestines.

It is better to drink fruit juices half an hour before meals, and vegetable juices -   in 15-20 minutes before eating. Any fresh must be diluted in half with water. A single dose of juice is considered a dose in half a glass.

Freshes are often made with pulp. Do not filterthem ! Juice with pulp brings an order of magnitude more benefits!

Do not allow juice to come in contact with metal appliances or utensils. Metal almost instantly destroys vitamins.

Juices of pineapple, orange, lemon and other citrus fruits, apples and other fruits,   rich in acids, irritate the gastric mucosa, so they should not be drunk on an empty stomach. It is best to consume such juices with food or as part of other fresh juices.

5. How to drink vegetable juices?

Potato juice is useful for those who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, chronic pancreatitis,   and is not recommended for people with low acidity and fine tooth enamel. For ulcers and gastritis, it is necessary to drink 100 ml on an empty stomach in the morning.

Beetroot juice is necessary for anemia. It can be used as a preventive measure for diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, gall bladder and is contraindicated in people with peptic ulcer, gallstone disease and hypotension. Beet juice needs to be drunk 2-3 hours after squeezing 50 ml twice a day.

Cabbage juice is vital for chemical workers and anyone who wants to support their body and strengthen their immunity. It is not recommended to use this juice for people with gastritis and cirrhosis. It should be drunk 3 times a day for 50- 100 ml half an hour before meals.

Tomato juice is used as a preventive measure against cancer. It perfectly satisfies hunger and promotes weight loss. Tomato juice helps get rid of edema and fatigue. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of juice before meals or with meals.

Carrot juice has a positive effect on vision, improves the condition of hair, skin and is a preventive measure in the fight against heart diseases- vascular system. It helps to get rid of worms. Carrot juice is contraindicated in humans.,   suffering from gastritis or peptic ulcer. You need to drink it 100 ml twice a day, adding vegetable or animal fat to improve the absorption of vitamin A.

Pumpkin juice has general strengthening properties and helps to get rid of bleeding gums, as well as anemia. It is useful in conceiving a child. Drinking pumpkin juice is best in combination with apple and carrot juices. Take this mix 3 times a day half an hour before a meal.

6. How to drink fruit juices?

Apple juice helps to normalize the work of the stomach, improves the condition of nails and hair. It goes well with vegetable juices.

Lemon juice is recommended for cardio prophylaxis.- vascular and oncological diseases. It boosts immunity and helps cleanse the body of harmful substances. Lemon juice should not be drunk in its pure form. It must be diluted with water or mixed with other fruit juices.

Pineapple juice strengthens bones and improves blood circulation. It contributes to weight loss, especially in combination with ginger. After taking pineapple juice, dentists recommend rinsing your mouth or even brushing your teeth, as it destroys tooth enamel.

Grape juice is known for its high content of vitamins. The darker the berries, the more nutrients they contain. True, it has several contraindications. For example, it is better to refuse the use of grape juice for people suffering from diabetes, excess weight and problems with the absorption of sugar.

Stay always healthy and beautiful!

Removing fresh fruit and raw vegetable juices with the help of a juicer, we get almost all the most valuable from these products. All juices in large quantities contain vitamins, minerals and vital enzymes. All freshly prepared juices are digested by the body for several minutes, and after a very short time they are completely absorbed by the body.

A juicer must be a part of your kitchen utensil just like a mixer. The taste of freshly made juices has nothing to do with the taste of ordinary industrial juices; they cannot be compared with the latter in terms of nutrient content. Try to include a large glass of juice on your menu daily.

When making juices, usually vegetables and fruits are never mixed with each other. However, there are two exceptions to this rule. It is allowed to mix apples with various vegetables, and celery can be mixed with fruits. Despite the fact that carrot juice is very popular, the benefits of drinking it will increase significantly if you mix this juice with juices from other vegetables. Try to somehow cook the following combined vegetable juices: carrots, celery, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus cabbage, apples or carrots, tomatoes, celery.

Never peel vegetables and fruits. Of course, an exception must be made for those of them whose peels are very rough - for pineapples, citrus fruits and other similar fruits and vegetables. In all other cases, it is recommended to simply scrape the peel with a special brush to peel vegetables under a stream of cold water.

It is necessary to cut and peel vegetables and fruits just before juice is prepared from them.

If the fruits are hard, it is better to cook from them juice. And in its natural form, you can eat soft and ripe fruits.

Drink fruit and vegetable juices   best immediately after cooking. Otherwise, they oxidize very quickly, an almost complete loss of vitamins, and also the destruction of extremely unstable enzymes.

As noted above, it is most beneficial to drink freshly made juices. However, in case of emergency, it is allowed to store vegetable and fruit juices, but only in airtight vessels, at low temperatures and only for several hours.

Always drink juices in small sips. Never pour them into yourself in one gulp.

In order for vegetable and fruit juices to be better absorbed by the body, drink them on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to drink food with juices or drink them after eating.

If possible, try to make sure that the juicer is always at your fingertips and ready to go. Remember, the more difficult it will be for you to get to any device, the less often you will use it.

Fruit puree

A pleasant and easy way to eat fruit is to make mashed potatoes. Moreover, the use of fruits in this form has a number of significant advantages: the body absorbs most of the nutrients in the finished product, all fiber is stored, digestion is facilitated. The fact is that the mixer, as it were, “chews” fruits for you. In addition, with this processing option, you can simultaneously eat several different types of fruits and vegetables.

Making juice from vegetables does not seem as fun as making fruit juice, but if you are a fan of fresh juices, you should also use vegetable juices, as they provide a completely different set of vitamins and minerals necessary for health. Some vegetable juices are extremely intense, with a strong aroma, and less appetizing than fruit juices. However, almost all vegetable juices can be mixed with pleasant sweet carrot juice, which will smooth their taste.


Beetroot is not only a healthy and tasty vegetable, but also an East European remedy to strengthen disease resistance. It is also considered a powerful blood cleanser. Beets are rich in folic acid, so pregnant women need it. For everyone else, beetroot produces a juice of a beautiful purple color, which has the same intense taste as the color. This is a useful body cleaner and helps cleanse the kidneys, but it should be taken in moderation. It is advised to mix it with softer juices in the ratio of one part of beetroot juice to four parts of another.

  The main beneficial substances:   folic acid, which strengthens the nervous system, is also necessary during pregnancy
  Calories   44 kcal / 100 g
  half of the smallest beet
  Training:   cut the hard part from the bottom, wash thoroughly and cut. no need to peel.


A very useful vegetable, in which there are many useful substances that help the body fight cancer. It is also rich in iron, so it has a restorative effect, plus vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), which helps the body absorb energy. Broccoli juice is dark green and bitter, so it needs to be diluted to make it tastier.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances: magnesium necessary for the nervous system and brain function
  Calories   28 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   about eight small inflorescences
  Training:   cut off the legs at the inflorescences and rinse.


Brussels sprouts are the richest source of folates that produce white blood cells and improve the body's regenerative regenerative abilities. It also contains a considerable amount of folic acid necessary for the full development of the embryo during pregnancy, as well as vitamin B6 (pyrodixin), which is responsible for metabolism.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   zinc, which restores cells and balances the acid level in the body
  Calories   26 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   six
  Training:   peel off the outer layer of leaves and rinse

  Cabbage (RED, WHITE, SAVOI)

Juice from different varieties of cabbage has a special taste. Juice from red cabbage turns burgundy, like beetroot, but has a slightly pepper taste. White cabbage produces a sweet, pale green juice. Cabbage juice is often prescribed for problems with the digestive system, especially for stomach ulcers, and its taste can be improved by mixing it with pineapple juice. Cabbage juice contains a large amount of iron. Savoy cabbage is especially rich in chlorophyll, a green plant pigment that helps restore blood cells.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   calcium for healthy bones and teeth
  Calories   22 (white); 25 (red) kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   about one third of a small head of cabbage


One carrot provides enough beta-carotene to fill the body’s daily need for vitamin A. And last but not least, carrot juice is delicious. Choose a dark-colored carrot, and just cut the tails and scrape the vegetable brush in front of the juicer.
   Carrot juice is the sweetest of all vegetable juices and can be mixed with almost any juice to get new original and aromatic juices.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   beta-carotene, an antioxidant that protects against degenerative diseases
  Calories   35 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   two
  Training:   wash with a brush, cut off the ends, do not peel


They say that you can lose more calories by chewing celery than you get by eating it. And this is almost true - there are undeniably very few calories in celery. Celery juice is slightly pepper and mixes well with apple.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   sodium needed to maintain proper fluid balance in the body
  Calories   8 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   two sticks
  Training:   cut leaves and cut into pieces


  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   potassium to help cleanse the body
  Calories   10 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice: half a long cucumber
  Training:   wash and cut to size juicer


Since ancient times, garlic has been used in folk medicine: it protects against heart diseases and has anti-carcinogenic properties. It has a very strong taste, so only one or two slices are needed to add flavor to the juice. It contains allicin, a natural anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial component, so that it helps the body fight infections.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   anti viral properties
  Calories   117 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   no
  Training:   peel a clove


Green kale, full of essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. The juice is very saturated and must be diluted four times with a large amount of carrot or apple juice. It is a good source of vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and calcium; smokers and oral contraceptives often suffer from vitamin B1 deficiency.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   Vitamin B1 (thiamine) to break down carbohydrates and help generate energy. especially useful for smokers and for contraceptives
  Calories   53 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   100 g
  Training:   Rinse


The leek was still praised by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks for its healthy abilities. A member of the onion family - which also includes garlic and onions - has long been used by the French to treat respiratory problems. It is rich in potassium and is a diuretic. Pale green juice with a mild onion flavor is useful for revitalizing softer juices.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   potassium needed for detoxification and calcium for healthy bones and teeth
  Calories   31 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   one large leek feather
  Training:   cut the stem, cut lengthwise, rinse under water and cut lengthwise into pieces


From a green salad, a surprisingly bitter juice is obtained from dark to pale green, depending on the type of salad used. This is another very saturated juice, which must be diluted with four parts of carrot or apple juice to one part of salad.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   beta-carotene saturating the body with an anti-oxidant vitamin A
  Calories   11-18 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   ten large leaves
  Training:   wash the leaves

  Young green pea pods

They include B vitamins (B1 and B2) and various minerals. The body cannot produce minerals and must receive them from food, as they are necessary for the regenerative qualities of the body. Green peas are a useful source of magnesium and calcium. The juice turns pale green and quite sweet, but its taste can be improved by diluting with other juices.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances: magnesium necessary for the functioning of the brain
  Calories   42 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   125 g
  Training:   to wash


Onions have long been used in folk medicine to treat respiratory problems, bladder infections, and as a general tonic. Scientists have proven that raw onions reduce the risk of blood clotting, protects veins and arteries. Creamy and with a very strong aroma, onion juice is best used in a mixture with more delicate juices, for example, apple or carrot.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   lowers blood cholesterol
  Calories   23 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   two medium onions
  Training:   peel and cut into pieces


Bright green juice with a delicate herbal flavor. This is another saturated juice that needs to be diluted in a ratio of one part parsley juice to four parts of another juice. It is a natural diuretic and a healthy cleansing juice.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   iron, so very useful for anemia
  Calories   43 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   no
  Training:   to wash


Parsnip always surprises with its sweetness, given their pale color. It contains B vitamins and is useful for improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   folic acid, calcium and magnesium
  Calories   49 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   two
  Training:   peel, wash with a brush and cut into pieces


Red peppers are sweeter than yellow and green (and also a little more caloric); and red and yellow peppers contain four times as much vitamin C as oranges. Pepper juice is obtained in a very beautiful color and goes well with tomato and carrot juice.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   vitamin C
  Calories   15-32 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   three
  Training:   wash and cut


Potato juice is very weak and must be mixed with other juices. However, it contains B vitamins, vitamin C and beta-carotene. It was used in folk medicine to treat stomach ulcers and arthritis.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   B vitamins and calcium
  Calories   87 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   three middle
  Training:   wash with a brush and cut into pieces; peel only if the potatoes are very dirty


Here is another very saturated juice that needs to be diluted with four portions of another juice to one serving of spinach. But spinach can tidy up the entire digestive system! It contains a large amount of chlorophyll - an iron-containing element; iron is necessary for the delivery of oxygen to all cells of the body; low iron levels lead to lethargy, so iron-containing spinach has a restorative effect on those suffering from anemia. Leafy green vegetables always protect against cancer, and there is nothing more leafy and green than spinach!

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances: potassium to regulate the balance of water in the body and regulate heart rhythm
  Calories   25 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   20 large leaves
  Training:   Rinse


The pink and orange tomato juice is completely different from the one you can buy in the store. It is very tasty to mix with cucumber juice or drink just like that. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which protects against degenerative diseases such as cancer. Scientists have shown that eating ten tomatoes a week reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men by one third.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   anti-oxidant lycopene, which protects the joints, muscles and brain cells
  Calories   14 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   three
  Training:   wash and cut in half


Cress juice is dark green in color with a slightly pepper taste; it must be mixed with other juices in the ratio of four parts of another juice to one part of cress juice.
   This is a good source of iodine, which is useful for problems with the thyroid gland.

  Basic Information for Juicers

  The main beneficial substances:   sulfur - necessary for brain function; also promotes healthy skin and hair
  Calories   14 kcal / 100 g
  How many fruits are needed per 100 ml of juice:   one big handful
  Training:   Rinse