What is discussed in Zhdanov’s lectures on the dangers of alcohol. The main theses of Professor Zhdanov’s theories about the dangers of alcohol

Each of us had to take part in family holidays. In those when the whole family sits down to festive table, where there are wine glasses or vodka glasses near the adults, and glasses for juice or juice near the children. sweet soda. The head of the family fills everyone’s glasses, some glasses, some glasses, and all family members clink glasses together, congratulating each other on the holiday.

Is this a familiar picture? This is our original Slavic tradition, absorbed with mother’s milk. And not a single lecture on the dangers of alcohol, no matter how interesting and informative, can force us to abandon this tradition. Traditions with their own hands put their children at the beginning of the path leading to drunkenness, laying in their children's minds the conviction that alcohol is joy, fun, and celebration.

Alcohol is man's worst friend

There are many low-alcohol, simply alcoholic and fortified drinks on sale today. alcoholic drinks. Almost everyone drinks them, from 10-12 year old schoolchildren to the elderly. But what is alcohol?

In science, alcohol is classified as a drug. This term refers to wine (ethyl) alcohol. A few minutes are enough for it to enter the human body and spread throughout all its tissues. Looking for new ones vivid sensations with the help of drinking alcohol, it would be useful to know that the dose is 7-8 g pure alcohol per 1 kg of human body weight is lethal.

In terms of its effect on a living organism, alcohol is a poison that destroys all systems without exception, but has a particularly detrimental effect on brain cells.

People have been familiar with the properties of alcohol for a very long time, at least 10 thousand years, with the advent of ceramic dishes. Milk, honey and juice from some fruits poured into containers for storage, after standing for some time under the sun, changed their appearance, smell and taste. Drinking them, our distant ancestors felt the same as people do now: improved mood and general well-being, carefree and cheerful.

But the fact that those who drank the next day felt exhausted, they were plagued by severe headaches and vomiting, people were not immediately able to correlate with what they drank the day before.

Statistics – dispassionate but eloquent

Collected World Organization health data showed that every year alcohol causes the death of about 6 million people, or half the population of a city like Moscow.

Studies have shown that teenagers who become addicted to alcohol before the age of 20 are 80% more likely to become chronic alcoholics than their peers who started drinking alcohol later than 20.

WITH scientific point everything is natural here. An unformed organism is 6-8 times more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than an adult, therefore, it gets used to it 6-8 times faster. Therefore, those who became acquainted with alcohol from their school years often undergo treatment for chronic alcoholism by the age of 25, and in most cases, unsuccessfully.

The statistics are inexorable: the curve of documented cases of teenage alcoholism in Russia is creeping up every year, and not only the number is increasing, but also the century-old limit. It is typical that both teenagers from disadvantaged families and children from wealthy and prosperous families become drunkards.

Statistics show that most teenagers first tried the taste of alcohol at family holidays, accepting a wine glass of wine or a glass of beer directly from the hands of their father or mother (and often, in addition, receiving their first cigarette in their life from adults).

It is in vain to ask what such parents are thinking when they give their teenager alcohol with their own hands. But certainly not about the dangers of smoking and alcohol for the unformed body of a child. And it’s not about the fact that by doing this, they push the teenager onto the path of drunkenness, crippling their child’s health and disfiguring future life. Alcohol has a destructive effect even on an adult body, let alone the developing body of a teenager.

Why do teenagers drink?

Reasons why, even knowing about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, teenagers drink and smoke, for everyone specific case there will be their own. But it is possible to isolate the most typical ones from the total mass. For 10-year-old schoolchildren, the incentive to start drinking alcohol is often the usual childish interest in learning new things.

For 14-15 year old teenagers there may be several reasons: some drink to look more mature, some drink to increase their authority in the company. But the majority, without thinking at all about the dangers of alcohol, simply drink for company - because their older comrades drink.

Many teenagers from dysfunctional families drink in order to isolate themselves from everyday reality and plunge into the world of dreams. From early childhood they see drinking parties of adults, incl. and their own parents, so the fact that in the future they can join the ranks of such people does not frighten them at all. And even the most informative lectures will not get through to these guys: they are simply unable to imagine another life - a life without alcohol.

Things are different in wealthy families. Watching parents who treat themselves to alcohol with or without reason, the child perceives what is happening as the norm of life. And no matter how many lectures parents give to such a child about the dangers of alcohol and smoking, it will be of little use, because by their example they prove the exact opposite. For the fragile psyche of a teenager, such a discrepancy between the words and actions of the parents is worse than the outright drunkenness of the latter.

Today we are surrounded by a sea of ​​direct and associative alcohol advertising. TV, Internet, street advertising are found at every step. Beautiful bottles of alcohol and bright labels attract attention in stores. Even an adult cannot always resist all this; is it any wonder that in the still-forming brain of a teenager this creates the illusion of a bright and cheerful life, just drinking a glass of beer or a glass of vodka is enough.

The effect of alcohol on the body of teenagers

Adolescence is characterized by rapid development of all organs, improvement of functions and the establishment of connections between the circulatory, endocrine and nervous systems of the body. This is a time of active development of brain cells, increased activity of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, as well as the time of puberty. In addition to physiology, the psyche is also actively developing at this time. It is during this period that adolescents become extremely categorical in their judgments and intolerant of any criticism.

The effect of alcohol on a teenager’s fragile, still developing body is several times stronger than on an adult. This is due to the fact that human body up to 20 years of age it grows, during this period all internal organs actively develop, blood circulates faster and metabolism occurs.

Therefore, even small doses of alcohol, entering such an organism, move through it and are absorbed by all systems much faster, while quickly poisoning them. The kidneys and liver are especially affected. The functioning of the heart and immune system is also disrupted, which provokes the appearance of problems such as tachycardia, hypertension, weakened immunity, the consequence of which is the body’s inability to normally protect itself from unfavorable external factors.

The attachment to alcohol is forever imprinted into the developing brain structures.

Alcohol does not spare the developing reproductive system of adolescents. Teenage girls who drink alcohol significantly increase the risk of having a sick child, or even infertility. In boys, alcohol initially causes an increase in libido, but very quickly when regular use alcohol potency decreases and then disappears completely.

Think about it: why, having heard a thousand times that alcohol and nicotine are very harmful, do teenagers, often even 10-year-old children, not take this threat seriously? You can talk a lot about the eternal conflict between fathers and children, about aggressive advertising of alcohol and cigarettes and about a dozen other reasons, but all this will be a half-truth.

But the truth is that our children are our reflection. No lecture about the dangers of smoking will be convincing to the consciousness of a teenager if from childhood he is accustomed to seeing his father or mother with a cigarette. In the same way, any lecture about the dangers of alcohol loses its meaning if a child sees constant drunken feasts in his family from childhood.

Do you want your children to be healthy and happy? Then start changing not the world, but yourself. It is much more difficult, but there is no other way.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven’t tried it, my father-in-law still drinks

It is not at all necessary to be a specialist in drug addiction to understand all the harm caused to the human body by excessive alcohol consumption. But the trouble is that almost everyone knows about it and only a few try to protect themselves from overuse strong drinks. Meanwhile, this problem is beginning to acquire truly national proportions. If earlier, a person drinking somewhere in a park evoked negative emotions among passers-by, today they have stopped paying attention to this. Alcohol has overwhelmed everyone, making no exceptions for women or teenagers.

Today, no one is outraged when a high school student walks down the street with a bottle of beer or a can of some low-alcohol drink energy drink. No matter how scary it may sound, the majority of the nation is really drunk and degenerating. Complete connivance on the part of the government, no effective agitation on the part of the Ministry of Health, complete indifference to this problem of teachers in schools contribute to the development of this addiction.

If the relevant authorities worked more actively in this direction, carried out work among the population, organized the necessary lectures on the dangers of alcohol, educational institutions, many would reconsider their attitude towards alcohol.

What kind of alcohol is it really?

Alcohol deals a very terrible blow to almost all human organs. The heart, liver, brain, nervous and reproductive systems suffer irreparable damage. However, everything is in order. How does alcohol affect the human body? What causes that very state of imaginary pleasure and relaxation? Why do you forget all pressing problems after drinking a couple of glasses? Is alcohol really as harmful as doctors say?

In fact, drinking alcohol in any quantity only aggravates the process and harms the person.

From chemistry lessons we know that alcohol is an excellent solvent. You can verify this by leaving a piece of lard in a glass with vodka or cognac overnight. Alcohol and its derivatives in the form of drinks enter through digestive system into human blood. As a result, red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body, lose their fatty lubricant; alcohol completely dissolves it.

The cells of the body do not have the ability to slip past each other, as a result they stick together, somewhat reminiscent of a bunch of grapes. A small number of clumped red blood cells do not pose a threat to the human venous or arterial system. The problems begin in the capillaries that supply blood to the human brain. The size of the capillaries is capable of allowing only one red blood cell to pass through. Several red blood cells stuck together clog the capillary ducts, as a result of which the neurons do not receive enough oxygen and naturally die. The cause of alcoholic euphoria and human relaxation is due to the death of tens and hundreds of thousands of neurons. This example alone is enough to show the damage alcohol causes to the human body.

Alcohol leads to blockage of blood vessels, an aneurysm is formed, the walls of the vessels begin to deform, they rupture under blood pressure, as a result, blood flows freely into the medulla, the result of this process is a hemorrhagic stroke. The mortality rate from this disease is 80-90%.

The well-known disease cirrhosis of the liver in most cases occurs precisely from alcohol abuse. According to statistics, alcohol shortens a person’s life by 5-15 years.

The effect of alcohol on the teenage body

The teenage body gets used to alcohol 7 times faster than an established adult.

Alcohol for teenagers is not even a problem, it’s a disaster. The developing and fragile body of a schoolchild is not able to withstand harmful effects from the outside, since it is at this age that global processes take place that turn a child into an adult.

By drinking alcohol, a schoolchild, out of his stupidity or desire to imitate adults, without realizing it, literally kills his body. The liver of a teenager has a throughput capacity that is an order of magnitude higher than that of an adult; its structure is not strong enough to safely process all alcohol derivatives. It is enough for a student to consume a small amount of alcohol to give yourself liver disease for life. In addition to the liver, the nervous system and respiratory organs are at risk, brain activity decreases, and immunity drops sharply. There is a high probability that such a teenager will soon turn into a binge alcoholic.

How to protect yourself from alcohol addiction

There is an exit!

A healthy lifestyle is the main rule in order not to become addicted to alcohol. A person should lead a varied life. Play sports every day, enrich your life with cultural events as often as possible. As for schoolchildren, avoid companies where the topic of communication is limited only to parties and going to nightclubs.

The Internet is literally filled with various educational materials about the dangers of alcohol. Among all this multitude, one can highlight lectures on the dangers of alcohol by Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. It is unnecessary to list all his merits in this area, suffice it to say that he spent most of his life fighting this disease. In all his materials, he encourages people to get rid of the massive use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Zhdanov's lecture materials are presented in a form understandable to the average person; they contain facts that lead the listener to a state bordering on horror at how dangerous alcohol can be. Zhdanov’s most famous works are a lecture entitled “The Path to Sobriety.” In this work, Zhdanov examines the problem of alcohol from a global and individual point of view. He names number one, which in addition to the body cripples a person’s soul.

Vladimir Georgievich is the author of the famous anti-alcohol report, first presented to the public in 1986. He was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. I.I. Mechnikov and EAEN named after Paul Ehrlich for their great contribution to improving public health.

“Alcohol Terror against Russia” is another famous work of Professor Zhdanov. The main theme of this lecture is to warn the people of Russia about the existing hidden danger that lurks in alcohol. Indisputable facts are presented about his negative impact on the person in his immediate circle and on society as a whole.

Several films have been made based on materials from Professor Zhdanov. One of them, called “”, shows the terrible life of underage alcoholics. It provides real numbers of teenagers suffering from alcohol addiction.

Many people, having read Zhdanov’s lectures and watched his films, seriously thought about their relationship to alcohol, and perhaps said goodbye to the desire to drink alcohol forever.

Alcoholism is a global scourge. Only in our country every year on the basis severe intoxication is being done great amount a variety of crimes ranging from minor misdemeanors to murder and robbery. Not to mention the overcrowded hospitals, where people end up suffering from various pathologies due to the same drunkenness.

Therefore, in Russia a lot of effort is thrown into the fight and prevention of alcoholism, which destroys a person’s entire personality. One of the ideologists of the promotion of preventive measures aimed at combating alcohol addiction is Professor Vladimir Zhdanov. Zhdanov’s lecture on the dangers of alcohol reveals the true reasons for the rapid development of alcoholism in our country and the dangers that the “green serpent” poses to people.

Professor Zhdanov V.G. is known for his social activities aimed at combating alcoholism

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov has long been known for his active social activities. He travels a lot and speaks to various audiences. Zhdanov began his educational work back in the 80s of the last century.

The main goal of Zhdanov’s lectures is aimed at restoring the self-awareness of the country’s population with a focus on sober image life. According to the professor, this will help improve the quality of life and increase the birth rate.

History of educational activities

1983. Zhdanov presented his very first lecture to the public at the beginning of 1983. The work was called “The Lies and the Truth about Alcohol.” With this work, the public figure traveled to most major Russian cities and the post-Soviet space.

Zhdanov's first lecture was published in 1983

1986. Professor Zhdanov’s famous lecture on the dangers of alcohol was published. For his famous anti-alcohol report, the professor received the following awards for his great and significant contribution to strengthening national health:

  1. Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Mechnikov.
  2. EAEN Ehrlich Award.

1988. A public figure begins to conduct a number of courses, the main goal of which is to combat alcoholism. He uses the therapy method developed by the famous physiologist Gennady Shichko as the basis for his lessons. At first, Zhdanov's lessons were distributed on audio and video cassettes, then on disks, and subsequently on the vastness of Internet resources.

2008. Vladimir Georgievich is elected to the position of chairman of the “Union of Struggle for General National Sobriety.”

year 2009. The professor takes an active part in the television talk project “Common Cause”. The program was widely broadcast on the First Public TV Channel, so most of our citizens became familiar with it. As part of the ongoing talk show, all the most acute problem factors associated with alcohol addiction were revealed:

  • increase in mortality;
  • falling birth rate;
  • increase in crime rates;
  • an increase in the number of sick children born to alcohol abusers.

Zhdanov’s activities are also actively supported by religious services. For example, Father Tikhon, a clergyman of the Sretensky Monastery, took part in the filming of the social project “Common Cause”. The priest said that only thanks to what Zhdanov said about alcohol, he became imbued with the general propaganda of the national struggle for a sober life.

One of the statements of Professor Zhdanov

Zhdanov’s words, facts, reasoning and video about the dangers of alcohol are truly shocking. Some listeners, after watching and getting acquainted with lectures and lessons, set the limits of prohibition for themselves forever, others significantly reduce the amount of alcoholic beverages they consume. But there are also skeptics who talk about significant discrepancies between Zhdanov’s facts and statistics.

In any case, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that the lectures, video lessons and similar educational activities of the professor do not leave anyone indifferent.

What is Zhdanov talking about?

The professor's students come from different backgrounds, ages and professions. With his work, Zhdanov strives to draw the attention of all people to the risk and danger that alcohol consumption brings. In his lectures and reports, Zhdanov uses words that are easy to understand and operates with accessible statistical facts, avoiding the use of formulations and concepts that are too difficult to understand.

The essence of alcoholism

The professor not only conducts oral lectures and discussions. He films a lot. His documentaries are shown on television and used for educational work in schools. After all, one of the areas of the professor’s work is the problem of teenage alcoholism, which, unfortunately, tends to grow.

Stages of alcohol dependence according to Zhdanov

According to the professor, the initial stage of development of alcohol dependence occurs without any somatic signs. A person just starts drinking alcohol every day, demonstrating constant irritability. As the next stage develops, the craving for drinking alcohol becomes more pronounced. At the same time, the individual’s level of self-criticism decreases significantly. At this stage, the patient denies the presence of addiction.

At the second stage of alcohol addiction, the appearance of abstinence is noted. Withdrawal syndrome is fundamentally different from a hangover, although it has some similar features.

The third stage of alcohol addiction, according to Zhdanov’s classification, is the most dangerous. It is at this time that the most complicated consequences of long-term alcohol use for the body develop. Moreover, disruptions internal organs and systems are already becoming irreversible. At the same time, global destruction of the liver occurs, which provokes the development of cirrhosis.

Stages of alcoholism

Problems begin in intellectual development, but the individual, despite all the problems, continues to increase the rate of alcohol consumption. This occurs due to the inability to achieve the euphoria and intoxication that were present at the beginning of the alcoholic’s journey. Alcoholism at its extreme stage requires qualified medical intervention - only with the help of doctors can it be possible to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol addiction.

Causes of alcohol addiction according to Zhdanov

In his lectures, the professor identifies five main factors that become the main reasons that push a person into the abyss of a drunken world. These are the following situations:

  1. Poverty.
  2. Social environment.
  3. National traditions.
  4. Constant long-term stress.
  5. Declining quality and standard of living.

Indeed, what holiday in Russia is complete without alcoholic drinks. However, Zhdanov emphasizes that even without alcohol, people are able to have great fun and have a wonderful time. But alcohol, which is always present at feasts, leads to brawls and fights.

In his works, Vladimir Georgievich encourages people to break old stereotypes and get rid of traditions that imply the mandatory presence of alcohol at holidays.

The theory of the extermination of the Russian people

Zhdanov puts forward one interesting guess in his reasoning. In his opinion, alcohol-containing drinks are used deliberately to eradicate the Russian nation and destroy Slavic culture. The social activist cites statistical indicators of fertility/mortality as evidence factors. In the literature of a philosophical and sociological orientation, this theory of Zhdanov was called the “Russian Cross”.

According to a public figure, in Russia 8 out of 12 citizens drink alcohol regularly, and the total amount of alcohol consumed varies between 2.5-3 billion liters. About 80% of all who drink alcohol already suffer from first-degree alcoholism.

Statistics of alcohol consumption in Russia and the USSR (with comparison)

The professor states that with the help of alcohol, interested parties are systematically destroying Russian culture, erasing ancient traditions from people's memory. Moreover, alcohol is much more effective than armed conflicts and epidemics.

According to Zhdanov, every 10-12 years in Russia the same number of people die from alcoholism as died during the Second World War. Smoking, which is an integral part of drinking, only aggravates and develops alcohol addiction.

The problem of children's drinking

Vladimir Georgievich brings into a separate study in his works the problem of teenage alcohol addiction. The professor explains that a young, unformed organism is much more likely to be drawn into an addiction. After all the immune system the child has not yet formed and is not able to withstand the influence of toxic ethyl alcohol. Among the main culprits that provoke the appearance of drunkenness among teenagers, Zhdanov notes the following:

  1. The desire to appear older and imitate older people.
  2. Behavioral habits of parents who also drink alcohol.
  3. Intrusive advertising of alcohol-containing products featuring successful and attractive young people.

The professor believes that young people unconsciously imitate the manners of their older comrades and try with all their might to be considered and appear more mature and experienced. If they notice the drunkenness of their older friends or parents, then they form the idea that drinking alcohol is a sign of maturity and experience, which should be lived up to.

Zhdanov paid special attention to the problem of teenage drunkenness

The whole horror of teenage alcoholism lies in the sad and proven fact that in the case of a child, pathology develops much faster than in an adult. After all, a teenager’s liver has an increased degree of permeability to toxins and poisons. This organ is not yet strong enough to resist and promptly remove all toxic residues of ethyl alcohol from the body.

Even small dose drinking alcohol in a teenager can lead to the latter developing a persistent addiction and rapidly developing alcoholism.

For the spread of teenage alcohol addiction, the public figure primarily blames parents and environment teenager The professor points out that some adults themselves pour alcohol (wine, champagne) for children at family celebrations, teaching them to drink alcohol.

To stop the regression, steady extinction and alcoholization of the people of Russia, the public figure proposes a number of measures, which are detailed in one of his works called “The Theory of Absolute Sobriety.” We are talking about a global program of anti-alcohol policy, carried out with the simultaneous involvement of the media, restrictive measures in trade and the introduction of “prohibition”.

The essence of Zhdanov's theories

The central, dominant ideology of the professor’s policy is the achievement of popular national sobriety. All of Zhdanov’s activities are aimed at achieving this goal. His lessons, lectures, films and other educational materials come down to one goal - awakening in people at a subconscious level the awareness that alcohol is the main enemy of physical and mental health. Some of the most popular and famous works of the professor are the following works:

  1. Lecture “The Path to Sobriety.” In it, the professor clearly and simply describes examples from his life and the lives of his friends, talks about the dangers of alcohol and provides various statistical data.
  2. Seminars entitled “Alcohol terror against Russia.” In these lectures, Zhdanov sets out one truth - that a mechanism for the total destruction of the Russian people, as a separate nationality, has long been launched under the auspices of alcohol.
  3. Documentary " Childhood alcoholism" In these works, Zhdanov talks about the problem and causes of teenage alcohol addiction.
  4. Documentary film "Let's drink or alcoholism." The professor talks in it about the irreversible and severe consequences that come to those who put their love of alcoholic drinks on the line.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov in his works, lectures, films, and seminars encourages people to stop, think and realize all the harm of alcohol. This is especially worth doing for parents, who should initially identify and treat alcoholism in children.

Alcohol addiction is especially dangerous at the age of 10-16 years, when the complete formation of personality, the formation of life beliefs and worldviews take place. This is exactly how and no other way it is possible to save the Russian nation from self-destruction, improve the demographic situation and raise a worthy succession of sober, healthy and morally stable people.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a professor at the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute and president of the international association of psychoanalysts. V. G. Zhdanov’s method was developed in the 80s of the 20th century, when Vladimir Georgievich began his activities to educate the population of the USSR against mass alcoholism. Professor Zhdanov talks clearly about the dangers of alcohol and its consequences on the body, how it can destroy a person’s personality.

In 1988, Zhdanov was elected a member of the council of the Union of Spiritual Revival of the Fatherland (SDVO). He was one of the founders of the Novosibirsk society "Fatherland". Having met the famous surgeon Uglov, Professor Zhdanov becomes an active member of the SBNT and begins active teetotal propaganda. Academician Zhdanov gained fame thanks to his lectures on vision restoration naturally according to the Shichko-Bates method, about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and other drugs, as well as their impact on the structure of the state and the world.

In 1983, he visited many countries of the Soviet Union with a lecture “The Truth and Lies about Alcohol,” promoting a sober lifestyle. V.G. Zhdanov in his lectures urges people not to drink alcohol, drugs, healthy image life. Zhdanov’s lectures on the dangers of alcohol are accessible and understandable to every person; they contain facts and terrifying figures about the number of alcoholics in Russia. The professor believes that alcohol is specifically imposed on the population, since it is beneficial to the state for many reasons.

Doctor Zhdanov was awarded the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. I.I. Mechnikov and EAEN named after Paul Ehrlich for their great contribution to improving public health. He is a member of numerous temperance organizations: “Union of Struggle for National Sobriety”, “Sober Russia” and “International Academy of Sobriety”. Dr. Zhdanov films video lectures and is the author of numerous books and materials about smoking and drugs. For his materials, he based the theories of his colleagues F.I. Uglova and G.A. Shichko, who also ardently advocate sobriety. V.G. Zhdanov has repeatedly appeared on television, he has many followers, as well as critics who condemned his ideas.

“The Path to Sobriety” is one of the most popular lectures by Academician Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol. It was shown for the first time to the population of Perm in 2008. Professor Zhdanov talks about the dangers of alcohol, what alcoholism leads to and how it affects the country as a whole. The problem of alcohol is not only individual, but also global, at the state level. Zhdanov believes that alcohol is the number one drug, crippling the body and soul. In his lecture, the academician gives examples of the consequences of regular alcohol consumption and how it affects the human body. The main idea of ​​this report is that there are no alcohol standards for Russian people.

Another important lecture by Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol is “Alcohol terror against Russia.” He tells the Russian people about the hidden dangers of alcohol, drugs and smoking, how they are detrimental to the health of the nation. Academician Zhdanov believes that alcoholic drinks have become a weapon in the destruction of the Russian nation; the alcoholization of society is carried out by the state itself, since it is beneficial for many. Project-lectures “Russian Cross”, television appearances in the programs “Let’s Figure It Out” and “Be Healthy”, as well as a series of programs “Sevastopol Meetings” dedicated to the International Conference on Sobriology were similar in topic.

In his books and seminars, Zhdanov talks in accessible language about the dangers and effects of alcohol on the human body. His lectures are understandable to every person, regardless of age and activity, since the professor specifically avoids the use of scientific terms and words. Academician Zhdanov also distinguishes 3 stages of alcoholism:

  • the first stage is a passion for alcohol, drinking regularly several times a week;
  • second stage - regular binges, development of withdrawal syndrome;
  • third stage - physical and psychological dependence from alcohol, damage to many internal organs, moral degradation.

The professor says that alcohol is instantly absorbed by the body and primarily affects brain cells. For this reason, children and teenagers primarily suffer from alcoholic beverages; the number of alcoholics among teenagers is increasing every year. Many people do not see the danger in beer and low alcohol drinks, although they are also considered alcohol. Dr. Zhdanov talks about the dangers of alcohol and emphasizes its danger for pregnant women, the unborn child and the family.

Academician Zhdanov developed his own course of treatment for alcoholism, based on the methods of G.A. Shichko. At the same time, he uses a slightly different approach to his work, preserving the main elements of the original method: drawing up an anti-alcohol questionnaire, keeping detailed diary entries, daily work on self-hypnosis. This method is quite harsh and is not suitable for people with mental disorders and those suffering from various phobias. However, it has proven itself to be an effective and long-term treatment for alcohol addiction. You can see this for yourself by watching Zhdanov’s film about the dangers of alcohol at the end of the article.


  1. Altshuler V. B. Chronic alcoholism and pathological craving for alcohol: (clinical and therapeutic aspects). dis. Dr. med. Sci. M., 1984. 325 p.
  2. Nemtsov A.B. Alcohol damage in Russian regions. M.: NALEX, 2003. - 135 p.
  3. Shannon, E. E., Staniforth, E. R., McNamara, J., Bernosky-Smith, K. a, & Liguori, A. (2011). Response inhibition impairments predict alcohol-induced sedation. Alcohol and Alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 46(1), 33–8.
  4. Immunotherapy and extraimmunotherapy in clinical narcology: a manual for doctors. Tomsk, 2006. - 41 p.
  5. Trim, R. S., Allen, R., Fukukura, T., Knight, E., … Kreikenaum, S. (2011a). A prospective evaluation of how a low level of response to alcohol predicts later heavy drinking and alcohol problems. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 37, 479–486.
  6. Karpov, A. M. Self-defense against alcoholism. Educational principles of prevention and psychotherapy of alcohol addiction / A. M. Karpov, G. Z. Shakirzyanov. M.: Elite, 2004. - 52 p.

Having a drunkard in the family is a great tragedy. This is especially true for people who love him. Such marriages very often break up. This disease disables the drunkard. There is no organ in the body that does not decompose under the influence of alcohol.

The most negative changes occur in the brain. The person loses his sense of shame. He becomes capable of vile acts. Alcohol abusers often give birth to intellectually and physically handicapped children.

Women are especially vulnerable. Most rapes, murders, robberies and other atrocities are committed by people under the influence of alcohol. Professor Zhdanov invariably reminds the public about the dangers of alcohol.

Biography of Zhdanov

Born in 1949. My father served as a military doctor. Vladimir Georgievich was deservedly appointed professor at the Humanitarian-Ecological Institute located in Siberia. He is also a member of the International Association of Psychoanalysts, and is its president.

He became famous for campaigning against various narcotic substances. Started to popularize it among the population Russian Federation absolute abstinence from alcohol in the 1980s.

In 1983, his “Lies and Truths about Alcohol” were published for the first time. He presented this lecture in most of the huge cities of the USSR. Since 1988 he has been conducting courses to help end alcoholism.

The treatment he developed is based on the famous method of Dr. Shichko. A passionate fighter for sobriety, he is against coding and does not use it. Also in 1988, he was selected and joined the Union of Spiritual Revival of the Fatherland.

Since 2007 he has lived in the capital. Serves at the International Slavic Academy. There he heads the department of practical psychology. In 2008, he was elected chairman of the Union of Struggle for General National Sobriety. In 2009, his incriminating speeches were seen on the television program “Common Cause.”

This talk show discussed the consequences of alcoholism:

  • an increase in the number of unhealthy children born to parents who drink alcohol;
  • rising crime rates;
  • decreased birth rate;
  • increase in mortality.

Zhdanov knows about the insidiousness of alcoholism from his own experience. He states that he drank alcohol frequently in his youth. I could drink a bottle of vodka a day. This prevented him from studying normally and earning a living. His father and brother also have this addiction.

Acquaintance with the works of Fyodor Uglov prompted him to quit drinking and begin to popularize a sober lifestyle. The activities of Vladimir Georgievich are supported by religious services. Besides his fans, he has many critics. They condemn him, claiming that his main statements are unreliable and false.

For example, Denis Novikov, associate professor at the Higher School, states that Zhdanov’s lectures are not intended for alcohol addicts. They are focused on relatives, who find in them an outlet for their aggression. His admirers explain the negative reviews by bribing alcohol producers. After all, the sale of these products is very profitable.

The hidden truth about alcohol suits them completely.

Zhdanov's classification

Vladimir Georgievich identifies three stages of addiction. The latter, he believes, cannot be cured.

Features of the stages of alcoholism:

  1. the first is an addiction to alcohol, constant libations. For example, 1 time every 2-3 days;
  2. the second - constant binges, the occurrence of withdrawal symptoms;
  3. third - mental and physical attachment to strong drinks, moral regression. Absolute functional disorder of most vital organs.

The first stage of the disease is observed in many people, but they do not want to admit this addiction. An addict systematically drinks a glass in his free time from work or on holidays.

Afterwards there is a hangover, short temper, and nervous system disorders. To relax, you need to drink continuously. Even drinking a couple of beers for a week indicates the first stage.

At the next stage, the weakening of the rejection of ethyl alcohol increases, and self-criticism decreases.

It is important to remember that withdrawal symptoms are not just another name for a hangover.

These two states differ in the dynamics of well-being. With the latter, after some time you feel better. If a person has abstinence, then he gets worse. Sometimes this condition can cause terrible hallucinations.

In order not to experience suffering, the patient goes on a binge that lasts several days or weeks. At this point, the person begins to realize his dependence, but is unable to do anything.

During the third stage, alcohol consumed blocks the production of many natural hormones. A person cannot stop drinking.

The damage caused nervous system impossible to fix. In some cases, the addict loses the ability to engage in intellectual activity.

Women's alcoholism progresses more rapidly than men's.

Causes of alcoholism according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich believes that there are several reasons for alcohol abuse.

Situations that encourage drinking alcohol:

  1. Poverty.
  2. Provocations of others.
  3. Customs of the people.
  4. Sustained long-term stress.
  5. Decreased quality of life.

Unwritten laws play a special role. Zhdanov regularly reminds us that they absolutely must be broken. He advises celebrating marriages, New Year's and other holidays without wine. And also to eradicate beer alcoholism.

In this difficult matter, the hidden truth about alcohol will provide indispensable help.

The problem of teenage drinking

Even a small amount of alcohol can lead to persistent attachment. An adult needs from 3 to 7 years to become addicted, but a non-adult travels this road in three years.

Some researchers point out the cause of addiction in children born to abusive fathers and mothers.

This is due to the fact that under the influence large quantity When drinking ethyl alcohol, modifications occur at the gene level, which increases the risk of developing this addiction. The offspring of drinking parents become drunk faster.

Psychological factors also play a role.

It must be remembered that hereditary predisposition can be overcome.

Children of alcoholics do not always become addicted. Zhdanov blames his parents for teenage drunkenness. Children not only drink in front of their elders, but they even pour it for them.

Teenagers start drinking alcohol due to:

  1. The desire to look fashionable and follow the example of adults.
  2. Observations of drinking relatives.
  3. Intrusive advertising where they show successful people who enjoy alcoholic drinks.

The basis of Zhdanov's teachings

This propagandist is a supporter of a complete ban on alcohol. The public figure believes that the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples are being tortured with the help of intoxicating drinks. This is a kind of terror.

In his speeches, he emphasizes that drinking alcohol is not an original Russian tradition. This opinion was imposed on the people to make it easier to promote alcoholic beverages.

It is also beneficial for the government that the population of its country consumes the intoxicating potion. This makes them easier to manipulate. The truth about the poisonous drink is being hidden.

Professor Zhdanov has comprehensive information about alcohol and its harmfulness to the body. He speaks openly and comprehensively about this in the works he created.

Famous works:

  1. TV movie "Let's drink or alcoholism." ABOUT irreparable consequences drinking alcoholic beverages;
  2. TV movie "Children's alcoholism." Dedicated to the causes of alcohol addiction in adolescents;
  3. Video lectures “Alcohol terror against Russia.” In them he emphasizes that addiction to alcohol is destroying our people;
  4. Lecture “The Path to Sobriety.” The propagandist clearly reports on the destructive consequences of drinking alcohol and voices statistics.

The academician always emphasizes that intoxication is destructive even in small portions. He also mentions the destruction caused by smoking and drug addiction.

The famous propagandist truly believes in human self-awareness and inner strength. He offers people help in the process of becoming sober.