Named the best chocolate in Russia. Milk chocolate

How nice to eat a slice of this favorite treat! Quite a bit is needed to improve the mood in adults and children. There are many myths and conjectures about the usefulness and harm to the health of this product. How is everything really, who can use chocolate without consequences?

The benefits of dark chocolate

A natural product without additives in the composition can be used as a medicine if you do not abuse the dosage. The benefits of dark chocolate are based on the positive properties of cocoa beans. If a person consumes daily 20 grams of goodies, this is:

  • stimulates cerebral circulation;
  • activates the production of the hormone of joy;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • serves as a prophylaxis of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • soothes cough (thanks to theobromine component);
  • strengthens bones due to the presence of calcium.

What is black chocolate good for? The use of a small amount of it, unlike milk, improves performance, health, counteracts diseases. Using:

  • protection against oncology due to antioxidant properties;
  • stimulating effect due to the presence of caffeine;
  • aging slows down;
  • hunger decreases;
  • depression is treated;
  • weight is reduced;
  • brain function improves;
  • the body is saturated with vitamins;
  • bleeding gums;
  • deficiency of zinc, magnesium, chromium is filled.

What is the use of dark chocolate for women

Chocolate has a special effect on the female body. The ingredients of the treat activate blood circulation, fat metabolism, which is why the use of the product in cosmetology has been so popular lately. The benefits of dark chocolate for women are noted if you regularly do wraps, masks, massages with it:

  • cellulite symptoms are eliminated;
  • skin aging slows down;
  • beauty is maintained;
  • structure, hair growth improves;
  • fine wrinkles are removed.

This product is part of diets, contributing to weight loss, and also has the ability to treat skin diseases, reduces the risk of diabetes. The use of a small amount of sweets is a positive remedy for:

  • menstrual failure;
  • the need to restore ovarian function after childbirth;
  • thyroid disorders;
  • the appearance of unpleasant symptoms with menstruation and menopause.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

Recent studies have proven that treats are good for men. If you use a real, high-quality product little by little, you can maintain vigor and health for a long time. What is the benefit of dark chocolate for men? If you eat a treat with natural ingredients, you can:

  • reduce the risk of diseases of the vascular system, heart - heart attack by 15%;
  • to prevent stroke;
  • raise vitality;
  • improve mood due to the formation of endorphins;
  • increase male strength;
  • increase sex drive;
  • activate sex life - is an aphrodisiac.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet

It is believed that a high calorie product contributes to weight gain. This is true if you abuse the amount of goodies eaten. A few pieces a day will only help to lose weight, because the composition includes substances that stimulate the burning of fat. Bitter chocolate for weight loss is used in diets, because:

  • lowered cholesterol, blood sugar.
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • gastrointestinal tract function improves;
  • the elimination of toxins is activated;
  • the feeling of hunger is prevented.

How many calories in dark chocolate

The product belongs to high-calorie foods and if consumed excessively, it can cause fat deposition. One tile contains a fifth of the daily allowance. The calorie content of dark chocolate depends on the percentage of cocoa beans, which is indicated on the package. The lower the value, the more sugar is included. This indicates that the calorie content of the product is higher (in the range of 400-610 kcal per 100 grams). For example, Elite, 75%, from the confectionery concern "Babaevsky", has a nutritional value of 540 kcal.

The composition of dark chocolate

Domestic manufacturers make a treat, observing GOST, where all the components are painted, their ratio in the composition. The label shows the numbers - percentages, meaning the content of grated cocoa - it should be more than 55%. The higher the score, the better the quality, aroma and taste. The composition contains:

  • cocoa beans, preferably raw. But more often in the grain production they are fermented, dried, roasted, thoroughly mixed at high temperatures;
  • sugar –20–40%.

The composition of dark chocolate includes vitamins, calcium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium. It contains carbohydrates, organic acids, monosaccharides, dietary fiber. Undesirable components are ethyl alcohol, vegetable fats, flavorings. Mandatory product ingredients are:

  • cocoa butter, the amount of which should be at least half the weight of the tile, the main component is saturated fat;
  • lecithin - helps to create a homogeneous mass, it is indicated on the package as "E322 emulsifier" (vegetable or soy) or animal "E476 emulsifier".

How to choose dark chocolate

To avoid fakes, when buying, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters. How to choose the dark chocolate? If the delicacy is sold by weight, the tile should crack, crumble when broken. Pay attention to the appearance:

  • the color of the product should be dark brown - light indicates the addition of soy;
  • the surface is smooth, glossy;
  • there is no white coating - a sign of improper storage.

For factory chocolate, specifications are written on the packaging. GOST R 52821-2007 - compliance with state standards should be mentioned. A quality product contains a minimum of unnecessary components. Be sure to be indicated on the wrapper of the chocolate bar:

  • a high amount of cocoa in grated form - more than 70%;
  • soya lecithin - “E322 emulsifier”;
  • cocoa butter - not less than 33%.

The price of dark chocolate

You can buy a bitter delicacy in the nearest store, its cost is low. There are slight differences by brand. How much is dark chocolate? Price in rubles:

What is the best dark chocolate in Russia?

Many domestic confectionery factories produce this delicious treat. Below is the rating of dark chocolate in Russia with an indication of the manufacturer:

  • “Loyalty to Quality” - “Apriori” 99%, 610 kcal, no sugar;
  • "Russian Chocolate" - Elite bitter porous 70%, 526 kcal;
  • “Victory” - Gorky 72%, natural sweetener, sugar free, 460 kcal;
  • “Russia” - Gorky 72%, natural vanilla, stabilizer - milk fat, 583 kcal;
  • Korkunov 72%, classic, 568 kcal.

Chocolate Babaevsky elite bitter

Confectionery concern "Babaevsky" has long and successfully produced products that are of high quality and excellent taste. A bar of chocolate Babaevsky Elite 75% has a calorie content of 530 kcal / 100 grams, it contains proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, fats. The product includes the following ingredients:

  • grated cocoa;
  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • cacao butter;
  • animal lecithin E 476;
  • vanilla flavor
  • a small amount of nuts is permissible.

Dark Chocolate Without Sugar Victory

A distinctive feature of this brand produced by the Pobeda factory is the replacement of beet sugar with a vegetable sweetener - stevia, which is indicated on the package. So it looks in the photo. Chocolate Victory Bitter 72% has an energy value of 460 kcal, does not contain GMOs. The composition, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, contains the ingredients:

  • grated cocoa;
  • cocoa oil;
  • natural prebiotic (inulin);
  • cocoa powder;
  • emulsifier (lecithin);
  • flavoring (vanillin);
  • natural stevia sweetener.

The Russian production of chocolate products since the 19th century is famous for its excellent quality. Chocolate factory Red October 80% has a calorie content of 550 kcal, is prepared according to TU 9125-003-51938624. The composition contains more than other brands of protein. The content of cocoa products is high, but cocoa powder is on the 3rd place in the list. Its more than cocoa butter, which is not a good option. The composition of chocolate, in addition to the necessary components, contains:

  • soya lecithin;
  • vanilla flavor.

How to make dark chocolate at home

Want to please loved ones with a bitter chocolate treat? Make it according to your home recipe. Ingredients can be ordered and purchased in an online store at an affordable price. You will need 100 grams of cocoa beans and cocoa butter, 3 tablespoons of honey. As additives can be nuts, raisins, vanilla. To make chocolate, you should:

  • grind cocoa beans with a coffee grinder;
  • melt cocoa butter in a water bath;
  • mix, put additives;
  • cool, supplement with honey;
  • put in molds;
  • cool in the cold.

There is a more affordable recipe for homemade dark chocolate, in which such components: 50 grams of butter, 100 g of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of sugar. A treat is being prepared in the following sequence:

  • butter is cut into pieces;
  • melts in a water bath;
  • cocoa powder interferes;
  • sugar is added;
  • the mass is poured into a mold coated with cling film;
  • exposed to the cold.

Harm of bitter chocolate

A delicacy with excellent taste and nutritional properties is not useful to everyone, especially in large quantities. Why is bitter chocolate harmful? The reason lies in the components:

  • sugar increases the acidity of the body, disrupts digestion, metabolic processes;
  • carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fat;
  • digestion of the product requires a large number of enzymes, which causes problems with the digestive tract;
  • caffeine leads to nervous system excitement, sleep disturbance, and heartburn.

This tasty and healthy product with excessive consumption can cause metabolic disorders. Substances in the composition of chocolate cause the appearance of oxalate stones in the kidneys, an increase in the amount of urine. The product has the following contraindications:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • allergy to components;
  • problems with high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases;
  • suffered a stroke, heart attack.


Chocolate is a delicacy that almost no one can refuse. Inveterate sweet tooth pamper themselves every day with this popular product. It is worth noting that those who follow the figure allow themselves periodically to eat sweets, because dark chocolate is produced, which is useful for the body and is not able to harm the figure in small quantities. Famous brands of chocolate are produced by manufacturers from all over the world.

Ritter sport

A well-known brand of chocolate, which is produced in Germany and sold worldwide. Each type of chocolate bar Ritter Sport has a square shape and is divided into 16 small squares. "Ritter Sport" has 28 types of chocolate, which are packed in packages of different colors. The product from the German manufacturer is of the highest quality, as it is made from natural ingredients.


Chocolate brand Snickers (Snickers) is produced by the American manufacturer Mars Incorporated and is very popular among our compatriots. The bar contains roasted peanuts (seeds, hazelnuts, almonds), caramel and nougat, and is coated with milk chocolate on top. To date, sales of the beloved by many bars reach $ 2 billion per year.


Delicious milk chocolate brand Milka (Milka) produces company Kraft Foods (now Mondelēz International). For the first time, a chocolate bar with this brand was released in 1901. Since then, many of us have tried quality chocolate bars with raisins, nuts and other ingredients. The chocolate packaging is decorated with a purple cow that has become a symbol of the company.

Alpen gold

Chocolate Alpen Gold (Alpen Gold) is a variety of tastes, high quality and quite affordable cost of a product. This brand is a leader among global chocolate manufacturers. The company produces both black and milk chocolate. There are also interesting tile options with peanuts and corn flakes, with strawberries and yogurt, with cookies and raisins, etc.


The most popular chocolate brands include the Twix bar. It consists of two strips, each of which contains cookies and caramel inside and is covered with a layer of milk chocolate. Initially, this product was called Raider and was produced in the UK (from 1968 to 1979). Later, the American manufacturer gave the bar a new name. Despite this, in many European countries, Twix chocolate is sold under the Raider brand.


The Swiss chocolate manufacturer offers its customers only a truly high-quality product. Black and milk chocolate are available in regular and gift packaging. This manufacturer also makes Lindt brand bitter chocolate with 99% cocoa content. Such a product will be appreciated only by true lovers.

Ferrero rocher

Round chocolates are packed in a very beautiful box and are great as a delicious presentation. The Italian manufacturer has created a real luxury: Ferrero Rocher (Ferrero Rocher) contains whole hazelnuts and a thin wafer with hazelnut cream. The “ball” is coated with milk chocolate with chopped hazelnuts. The product is quite high-calorie - in a candy hidden behind a gilded wrapper, contains 69 kcal.


KitKat chocolate bars (Kit Kat) are produced by the American company Nestle. The sweet product combines waffles with a layer of nut-cream filling and a coating of milk chocolate. Many buyers prefer Kit Kat for its delicate and pleasant taste. Available in various volumes: from one to several bars in a package.

“The highest quality at an affordable price” is the motto of the factory producing a delicious product called Russian Chocolate. In Russia is very popular. There are several types of porous chocolate of this brand: white, milk and black. White chocolate brand "Russian Chocolate" due to the porous structure acquires a very interesting taste.


The name of such a brand of chocolates as Bounty (Bounty) in translation means "generosity". Indeed, a large amount of coconut pulp was very generously placed in chocolate. From above it is covered with high-quality milk chocolate. Bounty Bars are released by Mars Incorporated.

Traditional milk chocolate Seagull with roasted grated nut. The product contains a minimum amount of cocoa - 33%. Popular chocolate bars are produced by the Ukrainian company Roshen. Blue packaging with the image of a seagull is familiar to both grandmothers and children.


Traditional porous chocolate Aero (Aero) in the form of a small tile. Available under the Nestle brand. Due to the large number of bubbles, chocolate just melts in your mouth. Very popular is the milk form of chocolate.


Milk chocolate Alenka, which was produced back in the USSR (since 1965). Now produced in Russia by the factory "Red October". A distinctive feature of this tile is a creamy "greasy" taste. The chocolate packaging shows a puffy girl in a scarf.

Milky way

Another popular product from the famous manufacturer Mars Incorporated. The bar contains caramel and light chocolate nougat, covered with a layer of milk chocolate. Recently, Milky Way (Milky Way) with strawberry flavor has also been popular.


On the Russian market, this is the only chocolate bar with whole hazelnuts. Delicious sweets also include tender nougat, viscous caramel and chocolate. In Russia, Nuts (Nuts) is available since 1996. Now it can be purchased in three formats: a 50-gram or a 60-gram bar, as well as a multi-package (consists of 5 chocolates of 30 grams each).


Chocolate bar Mars (Mars), manufactured by the American company Mars Incorporated, was first released back in 1932. Since then, he has millions of fans. The main ingredients of the bar are nougat and high-quality milk chocolate.


The famous brand of hot chocolate is produced by the Italian manufacturer, which guarantees the high quality of its product. The product is a soluble beverage based on cocoa powder. The result is a delicious and fragrant hot chocolate brand Ristora (Ristora), which has a unique and rich taste.

Each manufacturer of confectionery has many options for chocolate: white, milk and black. Some companies also produce products with various excipients. To find “your” chocolate, you have to work hard and eat an immense amount of sweets!

Chocolate products are quite diverse and multifaceted. Often when buying such sweets, buyers have a lot of problems, the main among which is which kind of chocolate is better to choose. To understand this, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of this sweetness.

List of different types of chocolate

Varieties of chocolate from the list below are considered well-known:

  • bitter;
  • classic, or ordinary;
  • lactic.

Such a classification of a sweet product is carried out according to the amount of cocoa beans in it. Based on this classification, it should contain at least 55% of the cocoa product, classic - 35-60%, milk - up to 35%.

Such classification of varieties and types of chocolate, which is based on the content of cocoa beans and other additional components in the product, is considered traditional. In addition, the types of chocolate product are distinguished by the additional components included in its composition and the methods of its processing.

The following types are known:

1. The ordinary.  The composition of such a product includes 63% sugar and 35% cocoa mass. Usually it is made from consumer varieties of cocoa beans.

2. Dessert.  This is one of the best varieties of chocolate, unlike ordinary, it is made exclusively from noble and high-quality varieties of cocoa product. It consists of a more ground mass, contains much less sugar and more cocoa product - at least 45%. Thanks to this composition, this type of sweet has a more pleasant taste and aroma.

3. Porous.  This type of product is made from dessert chocolate using a special technology. The chocolate mass is subjected to special processing at varying pressure, as a result of which it acquires an airy porous structure.

4. Chocolate with filling.  In candy stores you can buy this sweet with nut, cream, fruit, fruit and marmalade, jelly, fondant and creamy fillings. In quality products, the amount of filling should not exceed 50% of the total mass of chocolate.

5. Chocolate for special purposes.  The group of this dessert is a sweet diet product intended for diabetics and those who follow a diet for weight loss.

Bitter, Milky, and White Chocolate

A variety of dark chocolate without any additives is considered a reference. This product, based on cocoa butter, grated roasted cocoa beans and powdered sugar, has a bright aroma and a pleasant bitterness. Bitter chocolate bars are among the most respected desserts in the world.

Chocolate bars with any additives are significantly inferior in quality to a pure cocoa product. It is known that the more cocoa in chocolate, the higher it is valued. Candied fruits, waffles, nuts, coffee and dried fruits can be used as additives. In chocolate of different varieties, such additional components can be included, they give the product a completely different taste and aroma.

A separate group is white chocolate, in the manufacture of which cocoa beans are not used at all. However, cocoa butter is included in this light product with a pleasant caramel flavor, and it is no less than in a regular dark dessert.

Another criterion for the classification of chocolate products is their shape. Based on the shape of the dessert, it happens of the following types:

Tiled  - porous or monolithic, usually has a rectangular shape.

Figured  - Available in the form of flat figures, for example, chocolate coins.

Patterned  - represented by voluminous chocolate figures in the form of eggs, animals.

Bars  - porous or monolithic, with or without filling.

Chocolate glaze  - melted chocolate, used in cooking to decorate cakes and other desserts.

Chocolate paste  - plastic mass, possibly with various additives.

Chocolate powder  - for making drinks.

A variety of milk chocolate, in addition to grated cocoa beans and powdered sugar, contains dairy products. In most cases, milk powder is used in its production process - whole or skimmed milk, whey, cream powder or milk fat. A product in which milk fat is used as an additive is especially recommended for children.

Currently, consumers are available absolutely all varieties and types of chocolate. Every year the number of companies involved in the production of this popular product is increasing, but there are companies that for many years have been leading in the ranks of manufacturers of this sweet product:

"Maestrani" (Italy);

"Valor" (Spain);

"Nestle" (Switzerland);

"Valrhona" (France);

"DeLaffe" (Switzerland).

High-quality chocolate bars, sweets and other products are also produced in Russia. Such chocolate factories as Russian Chocolate, Victory of Taste, Red October, Rot Front, Odintsovo Confectionery Factory are known.

All varieties of chocolate in the photo below, where this product is presented in different forms and types:

Chocolate has long been synonymous with pleasure and delicious taste. After eating it, often people close their eyes, trying to fully feel all the pleasure of sweets. Indeed, in this product in an ideal proportion cream, milk and cocoa are mixed. And many varieties of chocolate allow confectioners to interest anyone in their products, without leaving him indifferent.

Today, the world produces many brands of chocolate bars, bars, sweets and other products. At the same time, the 10 largest brands stand out, thanks in large part to which we love chocolate.

KitKat. In 1935, Rowntree’s Chocolate Crisp Bars were launched in English York. Four small chocolate products were immediately combined into one tile. In 1937, the new product was called KitKat. The product became so popular that it soon became an integral part of English traditional tea drinking. The tiles themselves consisted of milk waffles, covered with a layer of hot chocolate. In 1989, Rowntree was acquired by Nestle, and the KitKat brand began to actively promote itself in world markets. Naturally, the manufacturer did not stand still. Bars with various wrappers, tastes and aromas began to appear on sale. Now you can find KitKat with strawberries and cream, mangoes, wild berries. For those who are on a diet, a special low-carb product is available. However, it turned out that consumers still prefer the classic taste and shape in 4 bars. At least 300 million dollars worth of crispy bars are sold annually in the world.

Mars. This brand is famous for its high sales around the world, the bars "Mars" eat the most people. The history of the brand and the whole company began in ordinary American cuisine. There, Frank Mars and his wife began to make inexpensive sweets. In 1911, the company was already born. When the developed company opened its branch in England, the Mars bar appeared on the market. Since then, the taste of the product has been constantly changing, as is the form and packaging. Although the ingredients themselves remained the same, their proportion is constantly changing. The rich flavor of the bar includes nougat, almond crumbs, caramel filling and a thick chocolate layer. Today, Mars is available in several grades.

Galaxy Speaking of chocolate flavor, it is impossible not to mention this brand. Galaxy gives a person a truly deep pleasure. The brand is owned by Mars. This chocolate is very popular not only in England, but also in the Middle East and Africa. In many other countries, we know this chocolate as Dove. This product in its varieties includes many components - milk chocolate and caramel, fruits and nuts ... The brand appeared on the market in 1960, and since 1986 it has been owned by Mars. Under this brand, not only chocolate bars are produced, but also a mixture for making hot chocolate, ice cream and other sweets.

Cadbury. This brand is the best-selling among all chocolate products. His story began back in 1824, when John Cadbury in London began his career as a pastry chef. He opened his cafe in Birmingham. Seven years later, he had already begun to produce cocoa and hot chocolate according to his own recipes. Then in his work the main tools were a pestle and mortar. Interestingly, John Cadbury was a lifelong member of the Sobriety Society. He regarded his sweet foods as a substitute for alcohol, which carried destructive social functions. In 1913, his heirs significantly changed the manufactured product, making it much more porous. The pride of the company, milk chocolate "Dary Milk", has been produced since 1905. Now the brand, under its own name, also produces cereals, milk and fruit chocolates and bars, and even crackers. Cadbury is a tidbit for big business, the company recently rejected an offer to buy Kraft for $ 15 billion.

Toblerone The packaging of this chocolate is very unusual, because it is made in the shape of a triangular prism. But even more people are attracted by the taste of this product. The chocolate recipe was invented in 1908 by Theodor Tobler and his cousin Emil Baumann. Then it included nougat, almonds and honey, topped with chocolate. The name itself is a combination of the author’s name and the Italian word torrone (a special kind of nougat). The very next year, enterprising confectioners registered their brand. Why chocolate has such an unusual shape is completely unclear. Someone thinks that the triangle resembles Mount Matterhorn in the Alps. And someone believes that Tobler was inspired by a live pyramid of variety show dancers. The name of chocolate is associated even with a political scandal. In 1995, the Swedish politician Salin used up some of his working capital, including a couple of these sweets. The case received great publicity under the name "Toblerone Case". Salin herself left for a while from politics, abandoning the struggle for the post-prime minister. Today, chocolate comes with different tastes - plain, white, fruit with nuts and honey.

Patchi. Using the best varieties of cocoa and hot chocolate, Lebanese confectioners have created a new variety for true gourmets. The company was founded in 1974 by Nizar. She immediately decided that it was necessary to do not just tasty things, but also to clothe them in elegant and magnificent packaging. Patchi was initially positioned as a luxurious attribute for the richest people. Today, chocolates are produced in a mixed Belgian-Swiss style. The brand is represented in 140 stores in 35 countries. Sweets are famous for their decorations. Styles and colors may be appropriate for the occasion or the seasons. There are collections for holidays such as Christmas, Ramadan, Valentine's Day and so on. At the same time, natural ingredients are used in sweets - cocoa, milk powder, vanillin, fried nuts and dried fruits. It is the Patchi brand that owns the world's most expensive chocolate. A box of 49 chocolates sold for 5,000 British pounds; it is part of the premium collection of Cream Society.

Guylian. This famous brand of chocolate comes from Belgium. The company was founded by Guy Fobert. The name of the new product was given from a combination of the words Guy and Liliane (Wobert's wife). This is perhaps the most famous chocolate in the form of sea shells. Inside them is a delicate praline with nuts and various fillings. The brand's symbol is a seahorse, its use is protected by copyright. The company today sells its gourmet chocolates in gift boxes of individual design; bars and truffles are also available. In 2005, Guylian entered the Guinness Book of Records, as it managed to create the largest chocolate Easter egg of all time. It was exhibited in St. Nicklas, Belgium. 26 confectioners of the company worked on the miracle chocolate for 8 days. The sculpture turned out to be 8 meters high and 6 meters wide. It took 1950 kilograms of chocolate to make it.

Ghirardelli. In 1852, Italian Domingo Girardelli joined the US chocolate business. Having suffered a lot from a series of financial losses and crises by that time, he did not expect that over time the whole world would fall in love with his brand of sweets. Their distinctive style was the irresistible taste and shape of the "Ghirardelli". Today it is the second oldest chocolate company in the United States. Moreover, here, as in few places else, all aspects of chocolate production are controlled. Up to 40% of cocoa beans are rejected to produce truly superior quality products. Then the fruits are burned and crushed to grains of diameters of 19 micrometers. Italian masters today produce several varieties of chocolate, there are also unusual ones with a touch of cinnamon or mint. The company also produces other food products - chocolate drinks and aromatic sauces. Today, the company’s headquarters are in the United States, and it is one of the leading chocolate brands in the world.

Lindt @ Sprungli. The history of the company begins in 1845. Then Rudolf Sprangley and his son owned a confectionery store in Zurich. They decided to expand their business and start producing chocolate. Rudolph's son acquired Lindt in 1899, and the company got its current name. However, the company is constantly evolving, for example, in 1994, an Austrian chocolate factory was acquired, and in 1997 and 1998 - Italian and American. The brand offers one of the most unique chocolate flavors. The Swiss were able to bring a piece of art into the confectionery. For many years, the brand remained the benchmark for what milk chocolate should be. In addition, the Swiss produce its varieties. There is a collection with dried fruits, design styles and filling methods differ. After all, chocolate should be perfectly smooth. The company has 6 factories around the world. The brand was brought glory to their golden bunny rabbits. These Easter chocolates have been sold for every Easter since 1952. At the same time, each rabbit has a cute ribbon tied around its neck. The Lindt @ Sprungli assortment has many products: black and white chocolate with the taste of butterscotch, caramel, coffee, vanilla, pistachio, tangerine, cherry and many other flavors.

Ferrero Rocher. And finally, we will leave, as it should be, the most delicious. Ferrero Rocher are large chocolates created by Italian confectioners and conquered the whole world. This treat is a whole hazelnut covered with milk chocolate, surrounded by Nutella filling and enclosed in a nutshell. On the basis of this candy, the brand created several more masterpieces - with the taste of lemon, forest year, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts. Well, with us the most popular delicacy is Raffaello, where almonds took the place of the nut, and the essence of the candy remained the same. Sweets began to be produced since 1982, each of them contains 73 calories. The wrappers are usually gilded or silver in color, demonstrating the elegance and luxury of such a dish.

Objects of expertise:

Sample No. 1-Bitter chocolate in the tiles 72% cocoa "VICTORY"

Sample No. 2-Chocolate bitter (dark) dessert in the POROUS tiles

Sample No. 3- Bitter chocolate in tiles "ELITE 75% CACAO" BABAEVSKY "

Sample No. 4- Bitter chocolate in “Ritter SPORT” bars with cream filling “a la Mousse au Chocolat”.

Sample No. 5- Bitter chocolate in tiles of 70% cocoa with pieces of cocoa beans fried in GOLDEN BRAND caramel Russia. Generous soul"

Sample No. 6- Bitter chocolate in orange-flavored tiles “FREY” BOUQUET D’ORANGES

Sample No. 7- Bitter chocolate in LINDT EXCELLENCE bars. 70% COCOA

Sample No. 8- Dark chocolate in tiles "ALPEN GOLD" Dark chocolate

Sample No. 9- Bitter chocolate in the tiles "MELANIE" elite 90% cocoa
Manufacturer: Spartak JV OJSC (Republic of Belarus, Gomel)

Sample No. 10- Porous bitter chocolate in the SLAVA tiles

Expertise conclusions:

The most relevant requirements for quality indicators was sample No. 7

No.7 LINDT EXCELLENCE(French company Lindt & Sprungli SAS) - the product is not cheap, but natural: the chocolate contains no substitutes or equivalents for cocoa butter.

The following examination samples were slightly inferior; No. 10, No. 9, No. 5 and No. 8
No. 10 “GLORY”  (factory Red October) - a little upset with a small deviation (0.5%) from the required amount of cocoa butter, but it certainly pleases with a democratic cost.
No. 9 "MELANIE"elite 90% of cocoa is another confirmation of the current opinion about the quality of Belarusian products.
No. 5 “GOLD BRAND”Dark chocolate in tiles of 70% cocoa with pieces of cocoa beans fried in caramel Russia. Generous Soul ”whose producer really revives the traditions of Russian chocolate, offering consumers a quality product.

№8 “ALPEN GOLD” Dark chocolate, of course, is not bitter, but in its “weight category” it will give odds to many domestic “dark” brothers.

The remaining samples have significant deviations from the requirements for this product.

The results of the examination:

No. 1 Dark chocolate in tiles of 72% cocoa "VICTORY"
Producer: LLC "Confectionery factory" Victory "(Russia, Moscow region, Egorievsky district, Klemenevo)
TU 9128-002-52628558-00.
Ingredients: grated cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier (lecithin), flavor identical to natural (vanillin).
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: 43.00 rub.
The results of the examination:  revealed the vegetable equivalent of cocoa butter (7% of the total fat content), but its amount in the total weight of the chocolate mass does not exceed 5%. Therefore, the use of the term "chocolate" in the name of the product is legal. However, the sample does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 “Chocolate. General technical conditions ”p. 5.3.1. in terms of labeling: the presence of the equivalent of cocoa butter (vegetable fat) is not indicated. The content of the total dry residue of cocoa did not reach the declared level of 71.5%.
Cocoa butter content - 28.2%
Mass fraction of fat - 35.2%
Conclusion Does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 regarding labeling: the presence of vegetable fat is not indicated - the equivalent of valuable cocoa butter.

No. 2 Chocolate bitter (dark) dessert in the POROUS tiles
Producer: OJSC Confectionery Factory named after N.K. Krupskaya ”(Russia, St. Petersburg)
GOST R 52821-2007
Ingredients: grated cocoa, cocoa butter, emulsifier - soya lecithin (E322), vanilla flavor identical to natural.
Net weight: 70 g.
Price: 36.20 rub.
The results of the examination:  The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST, however, its composition revealed the equivalent of cocoa butter in the amount of 3.7% of the total amount of fat, but its amount in the total weight of the chocolate mass does not exceed 5%. Therefore, the use of the term "chocolate" in the name of the product is legal.
The content of total cocoa solids corresponds to that stated on the label - 58.1%.
The cocoa butter content is 30.5%, while the norm for dark chocolate is at least 33%
Mass fraction of fat - 34.2%
Conclusion Does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 regarding the completeness and reliability of information for the consumer: the presence of the vegetable equivalent of cocoa butter in the product is not indicated. There is also confusion in the name of chocolate: “bitter” is indicated on the front side and “dark” on the back. The requirements for these two varieties of chocolate are different. The amount of valuable cocoa butter does not meet the standard.

No. 3 Bitter chocolate in the tiles "ELITE 75% CACAO" BABAEVSKY "
Producer: JSC "Confectionery concern" Babaevsky "(Russia, Moscow)
TU 9125-003-00340658
Ingredients: grated cocoa, sugar, cocoa powder, cocoa butter, emulsifiers: E322, E476, flavor identical to natural “Vanilla”.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: 40.00 rub.
The results of the examination:The investigated sample, according to identification signs, meets the requirements of GOST, however, its composition revealed the equivalent of cocoa butter - 3.8% of the total amount of fat, but in the total weight of the chocolate mass its amount does not exceed 5%. Therefore, the use of the term "chocolate" in the name of the product is legal.
The total dry solids content of cocoa corresponds to that stated on the label - 73.9%.
Cocoa butter content - 31.6% * (* because the product is made in accordance with TU, the Gostov norm of 33% does not apply to dark chocolate)
Mass fraction of fat - 35.4%
Conclusion Does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 regarding the completeness and reliability of information for the consumer: the presence of the vegetable equivalent of cocoa butter in the product is not indicated.

No. 4 Bitter chocolate in “Ritter SPORT” bars with cream filling “a la Mousse au Chocolat”.
Manufacturer: Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG (Germany, Waldenbuch)
Ingredients: sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, dehydrated milk fat, emulsifier (soya lecithin), natural flavoring.
Filling: sugar, cocoa liquor, whole milk powder, vegetable fat, dehydrated milk fat, cocoa butter, hazelnut paste (hazelnut), emulsifier (soya lecithin), natural flavoring.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: $ 55.30
The results of the examination:  The composition revealed the equivalent of cocoa butter - 10% of the total fat content, but in the total weight of the chocolate mass, its amount does not exceed 5%. Therefore, the use of the term "chocolate" in the name of the product is legal.
The total dry solids content of cocoa is 48.7% * (* because the product is imported, the guest norm of 55% does not apply to dark chocolate)
Cocoa butter content - 24.8% ** (** since the product is imported, the guest norm of 33% does not apply to dark chocolate)
Mass fraction of fat - 34.8%
Conclusion Does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 regarding labeling: the presence in the product of the equivalent of cocoa butter is not clearly identified, but is veiled in the composition of the filling. Such information should be placed in the same field of view as the composition of the product, with a clear separation from this list.

No. 5 Dark chocolate in tiles of 70% cocoa with pieces of cocoa beans fried in GOLDEN BRAND caramel Russia. Generous soul"
Producer: JSC Confectionery Association "Russia" (Russia, Samara)
TU 9125-011-43902960
Ingredients: grated cocoa, sugar, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, pieces of cocoa beans fried in caramel, stabilizer (milk fat), natural vanilla extract.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: $ 83.99
The results of the examination:The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate. OTU »Chocolate contains no substitutes or equivalents for cocoa butter (actual amount is less than 3% of the total amount of fat).
The total solids content of cocoa is 73.7%.

Mass fraction of fat - 38.5%
Conclusion   The product meets the declared properties (Technical conditions), as well as the requirements for labeling according to GOST R 52821-2007.

No. 6 Bitter chocolate in orange-flavored tiles “FREY” BOUQUET D’ORANGES
Producer: Chocolat Frey AG (Switzerland).
Importer: LLC “Prodline” (Moscow)
Ingredients: cocoa mass, sugar, orange granulate 10% (sugar, orange powder 10%, acidifier: citric acid, natural flavoring), cocoa butter, emulsifier (soya lecithin), natural flavorings.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: $ 85.50
The results of the examination:  The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate. OTU. " However, the equivalent of cocoa butter (4.3% of the total amount of fat) was found in the composition of chocolate. The content of total cocoa solids did not reach the promised value of 55% quite a bit - in fact it turned out to be 53.3%.
The content of cocoa butter - 28.1% - is low for dark chocolate.
Mass fraction of fat - 32.4%
Conclusion   Does not meet the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 regarding labeling: the presence of the vegetable equivalent of cocoa butter in the product is not indicated. The cocoa butter content corresponds to dark chocolate rather than bitter chocolate.

No. 7 Bitter chocolate in LINDT EXCELLENCE bars. 70% COCOA
Producer: Lindt & Sprungli SAS (France).
Importer: Van Melle LLC (Moscow)
Ingredients: cocoa mass, sugar, cocoa butter, natural vanilla beans.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: $ 100.00
The results of the examination:The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate. OTU. " Chocolate contains no substitutes or equivalents for cocoa butter.
The total solids content of cocoa is 75.9%.
Cocoa butter content - 40.1%
Mass fraction of fat - 40.1%
Conclusion   The product complies with the properties declared on the packaging, as well as the labeling requirements of GOST R 52821-2007.

No. 8 Dark chocolate in tiles "ALPEN GOLD" Dark chocolate
Manufacturer: Kraft Foods Rus LLC (Russia, Vladimir Region, Pokrov)
TU 9125-007-4049419
Ingredients: sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, milk fat, emulsifiers (soy lecithin, E476), vanillin flavor identical to natural.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: $ 33.99
The results of the examination:
The content of the total cocoa solids - 54.1% * (* considering the guest standard for dark chocolate (at least 40%) - very good (!))
Cocoa butter content - 24.6% ** (** at the guest standard for dark chocolate at least 20%)
Mass fraction of fat - 27.8%
Conclusion   The product meets the properties declared on the package (Technical conditions), as well as the requirements for labeling according to GOST R 52821-2007.

No. 9 Bitter chocolate in the tiles "MELANIE" elite 90% cocoa
Producer: JV OJSC Spartak (Republic of Belarus, Gomel).
Importer: LLC Belkonditer (Moscow)
TU RB 37602662 622-99
Ingredients: grated cocoa, cocoa powder, icing sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier - E322 lecithin, vanillin identical to natural flavoring.
Net weight: 100 g.
Price: 36.20 rub.
The results of the examination:  The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate. OTU. " Chocolate contains no substitutes or equivalents for cocoa butter (less than 3.0% of total fat).
The total solids content of cocoa is 84.7% with the declared amount of 87.2%
Cocoa butter content - 35.8%
Mass fraction of fat - 38.9%
Conclusion The product as a whole lives up to its name “dark chocolate”, however, a very slight deviation from the declared level of dry residue of cocoa is noted. By completeness of information for the consumer in accordance with paragraph 5.3 of GOST R 52821-2007, there are no claims against the manufacturer.

No. 10 Porous bitter chocolate in the tiles “SLAVA”
Producer: JSC "Red October" (Russia, Moscow)
GOST R 52821-2007
Ingredients: sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, emulsifier E322, flavoring identical to natural “Vanilla”.
Net weight: 75 g.
Price: $ 36.30
The results of the examination:The investigated sample by identification signs meets the requirements of GOST R 52821-2007 "Chocolate. OTU. " Chocolate contains no substitutes or equivalents for cocoa butter (less than 3.0% of total fat).
The total solids content of cocoa is 63.9% with the declared amount of 55.5 (!)%
The cocoa butter content is 32.5%, with a norm of 33%
Mass fraction of fat - 35.6%
Conclusion The product fully complies with the requirements of GOST. A slight deviation from the declared content of valuable cocoa butter was noted. Consumer information meets chocolate labeling requirements.

Summing up, it remains to emphasize that the main trick of manufacturers of dark chocolate is the substitution of valuable cocoa butter. But to find out is real only in the laboratory.