Raspberry tincture at home - an explosion of aroma! How to cook tincture from raspberries at home on alcohol, vodka, moonshine, cognac. Raspberry tincture - a fragrant holiday decoration and help with colds

Raspberry tincture, prepared at home, is considered an excellent refined drink. This dessert drink can be easily made at home. To prepare an alcoholic drink, you need to stock up on the simplest and most affordable products. Most of them are sold in the nearest store or produced independently.


Among experts there is an opinion that the use of fresh berries is considered the best option. For these purposes, there is no need to plant exquisite and elite varieties of raspberries in their summer cottage. Any berries, even those found in the forest, can be used. An alternative is the use of freshly frozen products. This is true during cold weather, when raspberries do not bear fruit, and fresh berries can only be bought at a fabulous price. Before use, the fruit is previously thawed.

Preparation of the drink begins with the enumeration of berries. From them it is necessary to remove the petioles. Do not allow spoiled berries to enter. Otherwise, the drink may have a bad taste. As a basis, you should choose good varieties of vodka or cognac. If such products are not at hand, alcohol can be diluted. Its strength should not exceed 45ºС. In an extreme case, moonshine of a high degree of purification is suitable. The resulting drink should have a pleasant sweet taste and moderate strength.


In order to prepare the tincture, you will need:

  • water 250 ml;
  • vodka (replaced by moonshine or diluted alcohol) not more than 1 liter;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • raspberries - 3.5 kg.

Berries are sorted in the most thorough manner. After that, they are washed again, allowed to dry and put into a jar. This mixture is poured with vodka. Then it is placed in a warm place for 3 days. Meanwhile, sugar is added to the water. In this way we get the finished syrup, which is given room temperature. Vodka and syrup are mixed in a single bowl. The finished product must be stored in glass bottles sealed with a tight-fitting lid. The container is placed in a cool place where the rays of light do not penetrate. Here the product is infused for another 20 days. Then the tincture is filtered, the pure product is separated from the remnants of the berries. Keep tincture in the refrigerator or basement. You don’t have to worry about safety, as the shelf life is unlimited.

It's important to know!

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Sugar is not used in the preparation of this product. Thus, it is possible to maintain the pure taste of cognac and berries.

To prepare tinctures are taken:

  • raspberries - 750 g;
  • cognac (preferably a good brand) - 1 liter.

Raspberries must first be sorted out: remove the petioles and spoiled fruits. Then the berries are thoroughly washed and dried. In the container, where raspberries are placed, it is necessary to pour cognac. It is recommended to add it until the drink covers the berries by 3 cm. The dishes must be tightly corked. As in the previous version, it is placed in a warm place. There, the mixture is infused for at least 45 days. The ideal period is 2 months. The resulting tincture must be filtered off from the sediment, and the berries are removed using ordinary gauze. Cotton wool is used to remove small parts of raspberries. The resulting product is bottled and stored in any convenient place.


Even a product that has deteriorated due to long downtime on the shelves is ideal for a drink. In other words, raspberry jam, which stood for a long time without consumption, can be turned into a wonderful alcoholic drink. It is worth noting that if there is mold on the treat, then you do not need to use it. Otherwise, you can get a real mash.

To make a drink you will need:

  • water - up to 150 ml;
  • moonshine or vodka - 300 ml;
  • homemade raspberry jam - 300 g

Making an alcoholic drink

Jam must be removed from the container and placed in a clean bowl. Vodka should be added to this product and mixed thoroughly. Further, the vessel is tightly closed and placed in a cold room, where it will stand for at least 3 days.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the process.

Jam and vodka may begin to crystallize. In this case, the product must be shaken. After settling, strain the resulting mixture. For this, not only gauze, but also cotton wool is used. If necessary, you can add water to the resulting drink, thereby lowering the alcohol content.

These are the most famous and simple recipes that will be useful to anyone who decides to make a delicious alcoholic drink with their own hands. Drink to health!

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Everyone knows that raspberries are not only tasty, but also healthy. But, not everyone knows how to use this berry correctly so that it brings obvious benefits to the body and helps get rid of most diseases and problems. Therefore, after reading this article, you will learn how to prepare raspberry tincture on vodka and how it can be used in treatment.

Raspberry tincture benefits

So, we will consider how tincture from raspberries, cooked at home, can be useful. Of course, it will not be possible to call the raspberry infusion just a medicine, it is also a very tasty drink. This remedy is very pleasant to use as a dessert drink. Most who have used raspberry tincture both for medicinal purposes and as a drink, note that this product is incredibly pleasant for drinking and drinking inside.

Of course, raspberry tincture can be somewhat cloying, but this is the case if you go too far with the sugar that you add to the tincture. Therefore, it is very important to follow the specific recipe described below. But more on that later. Let's look at the useful properties of raspberry tincture:

  • Influenza, acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVI) -
  • Colds, especially seasonal
  • Malaise-
  • Laryngitis-
  • Recovery after relapse -
  • Angina-
  • The inflammatory and infectious process in the throat
  • Pathology of the larynx
  • Pathological increase in pressure -
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Stomatitis-
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity -
  • Sedation, raspberry tincture calms and improves the functioning of the central nervous system -
  • Immunostimulating effect while reducing the protective functions of the body.
  • But, remember that raspberry tincture should not be the only drug that must be used during the treatment of diseases. Be sure to consult a doctor at the first sign of illness and check if it is possible to combine the treatment with raspberry tincture and those medications that you have been prescribed.

    Video: Raspberry Cherry Recipe

    Raspberry tincture should be combined with the main medicine that your doctor has prescribed for you.

    Cooking raspberry tincture

    We mentioned above that you should not take raspberry tincture as the main drug. This is just what you can supplement the basic treatment prescribed by doctors.

    For the base of this drink, you can use vodka (high-quality, without additives and any impurities) or diluted medical alcohol. Remember that absolutely all foreign impurities and additives can completely spoil the taste of tincture, therefore, you need to take a pure product as the basis.

    If you decide to use moonshine as a basis, then before you prepare tincture on it, it must be very thoroughly cleaned. That is, make a second distillate in the moonshine. It is advisable to use those technical installations in which there is a sump and a reflux condenser.

    Video: TINcture CRIMPLE!

    When buying vodka for the base of raspberry tincture, it is better to buy a proven product. Especially this rule must be observed if in the future you will use raspberry tincture as a medicine.

    Raspberry Tincture Recipe

    To begin, consider the classic recipe for raspberry tincture. To prepare it, you will need:

    Video: Dandelion tincture properties of application on alcohol and vodka

    • Raspberry berries - 3 kg (it is very important that the raspberries are ripe, ripe, but not mashed - sort the berries, remove those that have already rotted or are damaged by insects) -
    • Vodka without impurities (good quality) - 1 liter -
    • If there is no vodka, then dilute high-quality medical alcohol 40% to 1 liter -
    • Normal beet white sugar - 250 grams
    • One glass of pre-boiled water (usually 250 ml in a glass).

    The preparation of raspberry tincture requires compliance with a certain technology. In particular, first you need to:

    • Wash the raspberries, sort them out-
    • Take a 3-liter glass bottle and pour out all the raspberries -
    • Grind all the berries in a large bottle with a mortar or a fork - as you prefer -
    • Raspberry berries are poured with the entire volume of vodka -
    • Place the raspberries in a warm place for 5 days, and, daily, the berries need to be stirred -
    • After 5 days, you need to add sweet syrup to the infusion, which you will prepare from 250 ml of water and sugar. This is done very simply, put a container of water on the stove, pour sugar into it and wait until the syrup boils. Now the sugar syrup should cool and can be added to the raspberry tincture.
    • After you mix sugar syrup and raspberries on vodka, leave this drink to brew for another 15 days.

    When these 2 weeks pass, you need to take a tincture and strain it through a layer of gauze or through a sieve so that the raspberry grains and the flesh of the berry leave and a clean drink remains. Now you can pour raspberry tincture into convenient containers and use it as a medicinal drink or a pleasant dessert product.

    In some recipes of tincture, you can find such components as cinnamon, honey, raspberry leaves, orange peel. But, remember that if you are preparing raspberry tincture for the first time, then it’s better not to experiment.

    Also, you should not increase the number of raspberries, as the tincture can be very sugary and tasteless from this.

    Raspberry Jam Tincture

    If it is not possible to use raspberries fresh, you can take freshly frozen berries or even raspberry jam. Mix raspberry jam with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave for a week. And that's it - a drink or a medicine (at your discretion) is ready for use. If the drink turns out to be too sugary and sweet, then you can always add a small amount of boiled water and dilute it.

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    Raspberry berries, leaves, branches, flowers and even roots have long been used by folk healers to treat colds and other diseases.

    The greatest benefit in treatment is tincture of raspberries on vodka: alcohol perfectly preserves all the healing properties of raw berry and the drug itself. We learn how to prepare homemade raspberry medicine for alcohol, moonshine or other strong alcohol, so that you always have it at hand.

    What is useful raspberry tincture

    The medicinal properties of raspberry berries give the greatest benefit to raspberry tincture: vodka, alcohol or moonshine act primarily as a natural preservative.

    The berry of a perennial shrub, in particular wild-growing, has a rich content. It is saturated:

    • Squirrels;
    • Glucose
    • Fiber
    • Fructose;
    • Coumarins;
    • Anthocyanins

    • Many vitamins: groups B, PP, C, A and E;
    • Essential oils;
    • Catechins;
    • Iodine, potassium, calcium and other bioactive substances.

    All of them give the berries a healing effect and are well preserved when insisting raspberries on alcohol.

    Vodka infusion of raspberry berries helps in the treatment of the following ailments:

    • Immunity reduction. To restore the normal state of the immune system and improve overall tone, take 1 tsp. tinctures 2 times a day.
    • Gastrointestinal diseases.
    • Colds accompanied by cough, headache, aching bones, chills and fever. We take 30 drops, mixed with warm water, three times a day after meals. The heat will subside, the pain will recede, it will be easier to pass sputum.
    • Neurasthenia and cardiac arrhythmia.
    • Anemia. For anemia, we take 20 drops of the drug half an hour before meals for a month. If hemoglobin has not yet risen to the desired value, rest for 10 days and repeat the course.

    If bitten by a snake, bee or other stinging insect, three times a day we make compresses from raspberry tincture on vodka.

    Attention: when treating children, the daily dose should be no more than 3 teaspoons!

    Raspberry tincture can be prepared in two ways - only from berries, or with the addition of the flowers of this plant.

    Raspberry tincture of berries and flowers

    • Mix 2 tbsp. fresh or dry raspberry with 2 tbsp. flowers.
    • Pour a mixture of 0.4 l of forty-degree vodka of good quality.
    • We remove the bottle with the contents in a darkened cool place for ten days.

    Raspberry Berry Tincture

    The medicine for this recipe is infused for longer - four months and is made exclusively from berries.

    We will need

    • Water - 100 ml;
    • Raspberries - 1 L;

    • Vodka - 500 ml;
    • Sugar - 1 cup.

    How to make raspberry tincture

    • After placing the washed raspberries in a glass jar, fill them with vodka and put them in the refrigerator for two months.
    • Pour vodka into another container and set.
    • Pour sugar in a jar of berries and put in the refrigerator for a couple more months, shaking the contents every 14 days.
    • We hold the container with the berry in the room for three hours.
    • Bring water to a boil (100 ml), fill the contents of the can and mix everything thoroughly.
    • We filter and combine with raspberry vodka, previously drained.

    The cooled tincture is stored in the refrigerator and used as necessary.

    Now it’s clear how raspberry tincture is prepared on vodka, and in which cases it produces a therapeutic effect. The main thing is not to use this medicine for allergies to raspberry components, kidney diseases, gout and jade, and use only high-quality vodka of famous brands to make tinctures.

    Raspberry tincture is one of the most popular types of homemade alcohol, the main task of which is to provide a therapeutic effect. The wonderful aroma, color, sweetness and the presence of vitamins make the berry an ideal base for this kind of drink. It is prepared on vodka, alcohol or cognac, creating healing preparations that are different in taste and strength.

    How to make raspberry tincture?

    Raspberry tincture is made from berries and a strong alcohol base (vodka, alcohol, moonshine or cognac). The principle is that during the infusion, the alcohol base is saturated with the aromatic and nutritional qualities of the berry and the drink acquires a pleasant raspberry flavor with a touch of the currently used alcohol.

    1. Each raspberry tincture recipe begins with the selection and sorting of berries. They should be without spoilage and sufficient maturity. Unripe ones will not give the right taste, and unripe ones will cause excessive fermentation.
    2. Raspberry tincture at home is good with a variety of alcohol base choices. You can use both vodka, moonshine, cognac, and alcohol. The main thing is that its strength should be no more than 50%.
    3. When diluting alcohol, use exclusively cold water. Warm - make the drink cloudy.

    Classics of the genre. Vodka is one of the effective bases for “drawing” useful qualities from raw materials, it is available and has a mild taste (unlike alcohol or moonshine). Cooking on it is a pleasure. All that is needed: combine it with berries, strain after 4 days, add syrup and taste after 3 weeks.


    • raspberries - 3, 5 kg;
    • vodka - 1 l;
    • sugar - 200 g;
    • water - 250 ml.


    1. Place raspberries in a convenient glass bowl, crush a little and pour vodka.
    2. Leave warm for 4 days.
    3. Strain the liquid, squeeze the berries.
    4. Pour boiling water over sugar. Wait for complete dissolution.
    5. Strain, cool and mix with tincture.
    6. Raspberry tincture is stored sealed in a cool dark place for 3 weeks.
    7. After which, it is filtered and ready for use.

    Raspberry is universal. The weaker floor is delighted with the aroma, and the strong one - from the strength of the drink. This is the advantage of moonshine. Being a product of home production, it does not contain impurities, and therefore, is of high quality and safe. It initially possesses the necessary strength, which facilitates and accelerates the cooking process.


    • moonshine 45% - 1.5 l;
    • honey - 60 g;
    • raspberries - 2 kg.


    1. Puree raspberries.
    2. Add moonshine and honey. Shuffle.
    3. Raspberry tincture is in a sealed container for 3 weeks.
    4. After, it is filtered through gauze and a cotton pad and becomes ready for use.

    Raspberry tincture for alcohol - recipe

    Raspberry tincture for alcohol is rather a drug, in which alcohol acts as a custodian of the beneficial properties of the berry in order to further tone up and strengthen the consumer’s immunity. Refers to this tincture should be extremely careful, if it is too strong - dilute with water and let it brew for at least a month.


    • raspberries - 500 g;
    • alcohol 60% - 600 ml;
    • fresh mint leaves - 4 pcs.;
    • sugar - 50 g.


    1. Grind raspberries with mint.
    2. Pour in the moonshine and put in a cool place for a couple of weeks.
    3. After the time, filter, remove the sample. Strong drink - dilute with water, not sweet - sweeten.
    4. Wait 30 days before use.

    The fact that the leaves are not inferior in terms of vitamin properties to fruits and berries makes it possible to utilize the green cover with health benefits. Confirmation is a tincture of currant, raspberry and cherry leaves under the catchy name “100 leaves”. This is a symbiosis of taste and aroma based on a decoction and vodka, ready for immediate use.


    • leaves of currant, raspberry and cherry - 33 pcs.;
    • currant - 250 g;
    • vodka - 500 ml;
    • water - 800 ml;
    • citric acid - 10 g;
    • sugar - 250 g.


    1. Pour leaves and berries with water and cook under the lid for 30 minutes.
    2. Strain through a colander.
    3. Add sugar, citric acid to the broth and warm slightly.
    4. Pour vodka into a warm broth.
    5. Raspberry leaf tincture is ready for use immediately after cooling.

    Raspberry tincture without alcohol

    Raspberry tincture without vodka is an alternative for those who do not favor strong alcohol. Given that the classic tincture is always a degree and a short ripening time, a drink without alcohol will be prepared exclusively by natural fermentation for about 2 months. The result - solid alcohol with a strength of 25 degrees.


    • raspberries - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 800 g;
    • water - 200 ml.


    1. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, add water and mash.
    2. Put under the water seal in the warm for a month.
    3. Strain, pour and refrigerate for a week.
    4. Release air and corking for a month.
    5. After the time, consume.

    Raspberry jam tincture is a great way to recycle old preserves. Only moldy and sugared will do; there is no question of a fermenter. The cooking process is simple: you should mix jam with alcohol and forget about the tincture for 45 days. After, act on the knurled pattern with filtering and filtering.


    • raspberry jam - 500 g;
    • vodka - 500 ml;
    • sugar to taste.


    1. Thoroughly mix jam with vodka.
    2. Close the lid and keep warm for 60 days by shaking the contents every 3 days.
    3. Drain, try to taste, adjust sweetness with sugar and blockage for a day
    4.   raspberries are filtered three times, after which it becomes usable.

    Raspberry and cherry tincture on vodka is an ideal alcoholic drink, where each component complements each other. Cherry, without aroma, has a pleasant sour taste, and raspberry, being a sugary-sweet berry, is very fragrant. A great combination for a vodka base, which will help to unite everything and keep it as long as possible.


    • pitted cherries - 800 g;
    • raspberries - 800 g;
    • vodka - 1.7 l;
    • sugar - 350 g.


    1. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, knead well and set aside for 2 days.
    2. Strain, squeeze and remove the berries.
    3. Pour in vodka, mix, cork for 2 weeks.
    4. Filter and bottle.

    The tincture of raspberries at home is good because it can be done at any time of the year using a frozen piece and a strong alcohol base, which is at hand. Traditionally, it is cooked in the winter time, combining raspberries with spicy and warming spices - pepper and ginger. Before cooking, the berries are thawed.


    • frozen raspberries - 250 g;
    • alcohol 70% - 700 ml;
    • water - 500 ml;
    • fructose - 90 g;
    • ginger - 20 g;
    • chilli - 1/2 pcs.


    1. Defrost raspberries.
    2. Add ginger, chili, alcohol and heat for 15 days, shaking the jar every other day.
    3. Strain, squeeze the pulp.
    4. Dissolve fructose in boiling water. Let the syrup cool and add it to the tincture.
    5. After 7 days of cooling, proceed with tasting.

    Raspberry tincture on cognac is tasty and incredibly healthy. Cognac is a powerful fighter in the fight against respiratory diseases, strengthens blood vessels, immunity, and soothes well. It is initially good: it is strong, aromatic, viscous, has a burning taste caused by the presence of sugar, due to which the tincture is prepared without this component.


    Raspberry tincture   - This is a homemade alcoholic beverage based on vodka (or alcohol) and raspberries. There are a lot of similar recipes on the Internet. This tincture can be prepared on almost any ingredients that you like. You can experiment as much as you like, the main thing - do not overdo it.

    Raspberry tincture is very useful to you any day, whether it is a festive feast or a usual meeting of old friends. In addition, this drink in folk medicine treats some diseases that trigger a cough, such as angina, SARS and others. To do this, dissolve 20 drops of raspberry tincture in 100 grams of boiled warm water and take this medicine up to four times a day. And very soon you will see the first results.

    Raspberry itself is a very healthy product. Fresh or frozen raspberries contain a whole range of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E and PP. In addition, this product includes many beneficial organic acids and sugars, as well as certain trace elements like potassium, copper, iron, calcium and magnesium. Together, all of these components help maintain the health of our body, strengthen the immune system, and allow you to maintain skin elasticity and get rid of brittle hair.

    If your body is prone to allergic reactions, then use raspberries carefully. And at all, it is necessary to exclude it from your diet for those who suffer from gout and jade.

    Homemade raspberry tincture on vodka, made by yourself, will brighten up any evening and help you overcome a cold, so it is very useful to always have this alcoholic drink on hand. And how to make it at home, you can learn from our recipe with step by step photos. They will clearly show you what the cooking process looks like.