A drink to be set on fire. The names of cocktails that are set on fire before drinking

Surely you want to advance a little in your art of making alcoholic cocktails. The moment is coming to masterfully prepare burning, fiery drinks. Here we look at several ways to make drinks, and also try to understand the reasons why fire cocktails are so popular. The basic rule, which must be followed strictly, no matter what cocktail you decide to create, is safety. Always think carefully before starting all these games with fire, the danger of which no one has canceled. If you are already in a state where any drink, not even a fiery one, will be superfluous, you have drunk enough - it’s better not to flaunt the bartender with your skill, but go home.

What is the appeal of fire drinks?


Combustion lowers the liquid content of the beverage, making it richer and deeper. For example, a recipe for preparing a flaming Doctor Pepper will be described below, in which caramel amaretto gives the drink a unique taste.


If you set a drink on fire, its temperature rises, right? If you want to make a fire cocktail and then drink it separately, without mixing with anything before, then experiment. If dinner has already passed, then it is better to follow the example of the Italians and light a sambuca for a few seconds, which will be the perfect ending to an Italian dinner with carbonara paste, because the taste of the drink will noticeably improve. Remember to extinguish the flame before drinking.

This is extremely important. Today, fire cocktails are very important to prepare, and the point is not that the fire improves the taste, aroma and raises the temperature of the drink. It's all about the show. Fire is a wonderful ally when it comes to an incendiary party. And then, a flaming drink is quite romantic.

How to light a drink

Alcohol itself is flammable, respectively, any alcoholic drink will burn. In the art of making fire cocktails, it is important to take drinks of 80-degree strength and higher as a basis. Some drinks have a lower strength, but components such as sugar play a crucial role. Try experimenting with smaller drinks using the methods described below.

Burning Cocktail Floater

To prepare it, you will need a drink of high strength (for example, Bacardi 151 rum) and liquor, for example Chartreuse.

  • A drink of a larger fortress will always “lie down” on top of that of a lower fortress. Consequently, almost any other alcohol can be used with Bacardi 151 rum.
  • To avoid unwanted mixing, pour it into the glass very carefully. It is best to pour rum on the handle of a spoon.
  • Pour in a thin stream of rum, so that in the end it forms a second layer above the base.
  • Before you set fire to a drink, be sure to wipe the alcohol from everywhere if you suddenly dripped or spilled somewhere. Rum can be removed back.
  • Lean the flame against the rum. It is recommended to take long matches. If you use short ones, keep your fingers away from the fire, because when you were making the drink, you could inadvertently drip onto your hands.
  • Alcohol burns with a blue flame, which is especially noticeable in the dark. If you did not see the flame immediately, this does not mean that you have not set fire to the drink. If you are a beginner, you can turn on the light - you will feel more confident.
  • The base drink itself will not burn, rum will make it for him, and you can easily show your friends such a small show, using any alcohol that you like as a base.

Flaming Doctor Pepper

Ingredients: beer (best of all is amber, but in the absence of it, any other will do), strong rum, Amaretto, a large glass, a shot glass.

  • Fill the glass with ½ or ¾ beer;
  • Fill the stack on ¾ Amaretto;
  • Pour the rum over the top onto Amaretto;
  • Set the rum on fire and leave the drink burning for a few seconds;
  • Tilt the burning pile into beer and quickly drink the contents;
  • Before you lower the contents of the stack into the glass, you can extinguish the flame.

Burning pile

Most recipes suggest using medium alcohol. Since drinks like Bacardi 151 and the like will burn at room temperature, less strong alcoholic drinks require an increase. In order to easily ignite them, we suggest that you first reduce the dose of the drink - that is, use a stack.

  • If you want a simple burning drink, you can drop the burning match into a pile for a few seconds.
  • The flame will glow it, and after a while the drink will light up. This is the easiest way.
  • In order for the drink to catch fire faster, fill it with a stack almost to the edges and pour a little into a spoon. Ignite the drink in a spoon and immerse it in a stack - this will ignite the drink faster.
  • Surely you know about basic safety rules, but we will remind them again: always extinguish the flame before drinking. Avoid underfilling in a pile - clean glass that does not come in contact with alcohol may crack under the influence of fire. But you should also not pour the drink, filling it almost to the brim - you will then extinguish the flame, and should think about how you will do it. You will not blow away a burning layer of alcohol on the table!

Burning B-52

The drink did not get its name from the pop group. The name was given to him by an American bomber, hence the pull of this puff cocktail to the fire.

  • Ingredients: 1/3 Kahlua, 1/3 Bayleys, 1/3 Grand Manie.
  • Pour Kahlua liquor into a stack;
  • Add a layer of Bayleys;
  • Top layer is Grand Manier;
  • Set the drink on fire

Cocktail Backdraft

To prepare this cocktail is not very difficult, rather, it requires special care, but the result is worth it.

  • Place a glass of sambuca on a saucer.
  • Pour a little Cointreau liquor into a large glass and rotate the glass so that the drink envelops the walls.
  • Light the liquor and keep it burning until its temperature allows you to hold it in your hands.
  • Pour the flaming drink into the glass with Sambuca, setting it on fire.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the burning cocktail and hold the other glass upside down above it, collecting vapor in it. Soon the flame will go out.
  • Then a traditionally empty glass with alcoholic fumes is clamped with a palm of your hand, a straw is inserted into it and these fumes are sucked out. In general, this is everyone’s business, but we warn that consuming alcoholic fumes in this way is dangerous and not recommended.

If you have complied with all the recommendations set out above, have not neglected safety measures, you can consider yourself a master in preparing burning drinks. Surprise your friends - stand behind the bar and say that now an enchanting performance with the participation of fiery drinks will begin. A little practice, and without a doubt, you will become indispensable at any party.

We all love spectacles and thrills. To this I would like to include the preparation and use of burning alcoholic cocktails. The action itself is very mesmerizing and wildly delighting, although it also depends on the skill of the bartender. I represent the top 10 best cocktails, the preparation of which can not do without fire.

10. Fiery cold

- Limoncello 20 ml
- Liquor Jägermeister 20ml
- Gin 10 ml
Cooking method:
Pour the ingredients into the stack in layers in the order shown, starting with limoncello. Gene set on fire. Drink through a straw.

9. Burning Huntsman

- Liquor Jägermeister 40 ml
- Dark beer 300 ml
Cooking method:
Pour liquor into a pile and set fire to it. Separately, fill the mug with beer, lower the stack with burning liquor into the beer mug. The amount of beer should be 1 cm more than the height of the glass. To drink in one gulp.

8. Cherry Nipples

- Liqueur Baileys 20 ml
- Sambuca liquor 20 ml
Cooking method
Pour into the Beilis pile, add the Sambuca gently with a layer on top and set it on fire. To drink in one gulp or through a straw.

7. Area 51

- Liquor Midori 25 ml
- Liquor Jägermeister 25 ml
- Light rum 10 ml
Cooking method:
Pour Midori liquor into the stack, gently add Jägermeister and rum on top. Set fire to a drink and serve.

6. The chariot of fire

- Vodka 25 ml
- Sambuca liquor 25 ml
Cooking method:
Pour sambuca into the stack and gently add vodka on top so that the layers do not mix. Set fire to a drink, put it out and drink immediately.

5. Green 52

- Liqueur Baileys 15ml
- Liqueur Kalua 15 ml
- Absinthe 15 ml
Cooking method:
Gently pour liquors and absinthe into the stack. Then light the drink and drink it through a straw. You can also blow out the fire and quickly drink a cocktail.

4. The bomb

- Light beer (150 ml.);
- Tequila “Camino Real” (25 ml.);
- Syrup “Blue Curacao” (5 ml.);
- Liquor “Strawberry” (5 ml.);
- Liquor “Cointreau” (5 ml.);
Cooking method:
Light beer is poured into a glass. Tequila is poured into a glass, then, gently, using forceps, place it in a glass of beer. Syrup “Blue Curacao” and “Strawberry” and “Cointreau” liqueurs are poured into the glass along the walls. Drink a cocktail in one gulp.
According to another version, instead of tequila, syrup “Blue Curacao” is poured into a glass, set on fire and toppled into a glass of beer (previously liqueurs are poured into the glass). Everything instantly starts to explode there - it all looks very bewitching! At this point, you need to drink everything in one gulp.

3. B-52

- Coffee liqueur Kahl? A 20 ml
- Baileys 20 ml
- Cointreau Orange Liqueur 20 ml
Cooking method:
Pour 20 ml of coffee liquor into a stack. Using a cocktail spoon, place a layer of irish cream 20 ml and a layer of orange liquor 20 ml. Set fire, arm yourself with tubes and treat!

2. Sambuca

- Sambuca 25 or 50 ml
- Coffee beans 3-4 pcs
Cooking method:
They take two glasses, pour liquor into one, set fire and pour into another glass or the glass rotates around its axis so that the glass does not burst. Then the first glass is turned over and placed on a saucer. Between the saucer and the glass should be a paper towel, a plastic tube is inserted into it. They drink the drink, and then inhale the sambuca pairs in the first glass through the tube. Coffee beans are cracking.

1. Absinthe

- Absinthe 50-100 ml (depending on the courage of the drinker)
- Refined sugar 1 piece
Cooking method:
Pour four parts of ice absinthe into a glass. Set it on fire. Put a piece of sugar on an absinthe spoon, keep it above the flame. Sugar will begin to melt and drip into a glass, crystallizing at its bottom. When the number of round brown crystals fills the remaining fifth of the glass, remove the spoon with sugar. Make a cocktail roll. Blow out the flame and immediately, lowering the tube into the glass, without breaking off, drink the entire liquid contents of the glass through it in several quick, quick sips, be sure to let it through the entire tongue in order to get a deeper taste. If everything is done quickly and correctly, a sharp transition from burning ice-cold absinthe at the bottom to unbearably hot on the surface, accompanied by a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, will become one of the most unforgettable sensations that you will want to experience again and again.

In contact with

Forecasters promise that a protracted autumn will soon be replaced by winter cooling and snowfalls. For those who want to not only warm up, but also get excited at this time of the year - recipes for burning cocktails.

Burning cocktails, like any other cocktails, consist of several components, but they get their ability to burn due to just one flammable component, hence the conclusion: with one strong drink you can make a great many spectacular cocktails.

The most burning drinks for cocktails: Cointreau liqueur, Bacardi 151 rum, tequila, absinthe. The most popular burning cocktails are made of them.

Fantasy Hot Cocktail Recipe

  • 60 g of cognac;
  • 25 g of liquor;
  • 5 g of sugar;
  • 10 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

To prepare this hot cocktail, pour powdered sugar into a heated glass for grog, add cognac, liquor, put a slice of lemon and pour boiling water into this glass. In a teaspoon placed on a glass, put a small piece of sugar, pour cognac on it, light it and serve the Fantasy grog burning.

Recipe for a burning cocktail "B-52"

  • 20 ml Kahlua café coffee liqueur
  • 20 ml Baileys Creamy Liquor
  • 20 ml Cointreau Orange Liqueur

Pour into the wineglass in layers - at the bottom of the kalua, then bailis, gently at the top, and it is important that the layers do not mix. Set fire to!

Hot cocktail recipe "B-53"

All by analogy with the "B-52", only instead of orange cointreau, pour tequila

"Burning Punch" - a cocktail for 6-8 servings:
  • 1 liter of strong tea;
  • 1 small sugar head;
  • 1 small bottle of strong rum;
  • 2 bottles of dry white wine;
  • juice of one orange and one lemon.

Make strong tea. Put the tongs with the sugar head on the pot, saturate the sugar head with rum (use a pouring spoon, do not pour from the bottle), set fire to it and wait until all the sugar drains into the pot, pouring the rum all the time. Warm white wine with tea, orange and lemon juice, but do not bring to a boil. Pour everything into a punch pot, stir and serve hot.

Recipe for a burning "Extreme Cocktail"

It is prepared in two glasses - a martini glass and a shot.

  • 20 ml Kahlua liquor
  • 20 ml Bailey's Irish Cream
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao
  • 20 ml sambuca

In a martini glass, rum (preferably white) and sambuca are poured in equal parts, in shots - with layers of Blue Curacao and cream. Sambuca and rum are set on fire; you need to lower the straw to the bottom of the glass and drink it quickly. When more than half the glass is drunk, pour Curacao with cream from the shot into it.

Hot Lamborghini Cocktail Recipe

  • 50 ml cognac
  • 50 ml rum
  • 50 ml liqueur "Galliano"
  • 50 ml sambuca
  • 50 ml syrup "Grenadine"

Pour everything in layers ("Grenadine", sambuca, cognac, "Galliano" and rum). Set fire to.

Recipe for a burning cocktail "СLAB"

  • 40 grams of absinthe
  • 20 grams of Kizlyar cognac 3 * (it is softer)
  • 50 grams of cold cappuccino
  • a little sugar

Pour absinthe in a cognac glass, cappuccino in an adhesive tape glass, put a glass of wine sideways on a glass, add a little sugar to it, set fire to absinthe. Turn the wine glass so that the sugar starts to melt and the glass does not burst, absinthe is heated and the burning one is poured into a glass with cappuccino. To drink stopped burning, close the glass tightly.

How to serve burning cocktails

For greater effectiveness, you need to drink burning cocktails in a dark, dark room.

For EVEN more spectacular effect, pour cinnamon powder in a clean salt shaker and “season” the fire a couple of times - krasiiiiivaaaaa !!!

Safety precautions for hot cocktails

In order to prevent the glass from cracking while setting fire to alcohol, it is important to heat the dishes (for example, draw the tongue out of the lighter several times along the edge of the container)

For those who are very afraid to do something or set fire to something wrong, I advise you to first set fire to alcohol on a spoon, and pour the already burning liquid into a glass.

Do not bend over a burning cocktail low - you risk being left without eyebrows.

Do not drink over the edge - the flame will go out and you can burn yourself.

It is necessary to use a tube, but it is very important not to keep it on fire for a long time - it will melt. The algorithm is this: set fire to - inserted a tube - drank it in one gulp (in one sip), for the whole procedure 3-4 seconds!

You should not wait for the fire to go out on its own, of course, if you do not want to get a low-alcohol drink.

It is not necessary to add more alcohol at the time of burning - this is dangerous.

Do not set fire to cocktails near flammable things, the same open bottles with alcohol.

Last minute cocktails are a special art and attribute of any bright party, extraordinary and spectacular fun. For bartenders for more than a century, the preparation of these drinks is a sign of skill.

Fans of such cocktails should thank Jerry Thomas. This American, who lived in the 19th century, did a lot to popularize such alcoholic mixes. He tried to have as many as possible. The whole variety of cocktails, which he described at that time in his book, amounted to 236 recipes.

In addition, Jerry Thomas was the first of a regular bartender to be a real showman. To entertain the public with the procedure for preparing a drink is his idea. To do this, he decided to throw and catch bottles, juggle glasses, toss shakers. Of particular admiration was the preparation of the Blue Blazer cocktail he had invented.

His show was amazing. He poured drinks into different glasses, set fire to water and poured all this from one glass to another, keeping them at a distance of a meter from each other. This flaming stream was the first burning cocktail and the barman's first fiery program.

Of course, special rules apply to a cocktail that is set on fire. Firstly, to use this you need only warm glasses. Secondly, you should not set fire to the whole drink, but only alcohol in a separate spoon. When adding it to the total mass, the whole cocktail will light up. After that, for safety reasons, they no longer add alcohol. Thirdly, before drinking, extinguish the flame, covering the glass with something. True, some thrill-seekers claim that you need to drink such a cocktail flaming. This must be done very quickly using a tube.

The traditional flaming drink is, of course, B-52, as well as a variety of punches, sambuca. Fire cocktails are usually made from absinthe, liquor, rum, gin. The alcohol strength should be more than 40 degrees so that it can catch fire.

The answer to the question of why cocktails set on fire is simple. Such drinks are often a real party decoration. They always attract attention. Therefore, many bartenders seek to arrange a real show. And for some people ordering such cocktails, this is an opportunity to tickle their nerves and try something extreme and unusual.

Theoretically, the taste of a cocktail does not change with this method of preparation. But many claim that the drink due to the effect of fire becomes tastier, softer. To find out how true such statements are, anyone can go to the bar and try a burning cocktail. Each self-respecting bartender can prepare such a delicious and at the same time bewitching drink.

In order to attract customers, bartenders staged a real show. They juggle with bottles, twirl glasses in their hands, mix liquids of wild colors and even set fire to prepared cocktails! It is quite difficult to break away from such a bewitching action, and we, as if under hypnosis, take out money and order something even more enchanting. One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in bars and clubs is Italian anise liqueur. Sambuca».

Perhaps the very word "sambuca" will seem unfamiliar to you, but the anise flavor is known to everyone. One need only recall the famous anise vodka, Bulgarian mastic, Greek ouzo, French pastis or Turkish crayfish. Residents of many countries add anise to their national strong alcoholic drinks, because everyone knows how useful this ingredient is used for the manufacture of medicines.

Of course, sambuca is considered an Italian drink, but we hasten to sow doubts about this fact. For the first time, the world saw a drink reminiscent of the taste of sambuca in medieval times. It was then that the Saracens brought to Rome “zammut,” an anise-based drink. Italians liked zammut, they drank it as a medicine, like an aperitif before eating and just for the fun of it. So aniseed drink took root in Italy.

Now it is impossible to say exactly how the recipe and production technology of this drink changed over time. Nowadays, sambuca contains sugar, anise, wheat alcohol and aromatic herbs. Which ones, and in what quantity - is a trade secret that only manufacturers can know. But how did it happen that the zammut drink suddenly became known as sambuca? Similarity of names aniseed drink and elderberry, which in Italian sounds like sambucus, has generated rumors that the composition of sambuca includes an extract from elderberry, in honor of which the liquor got its name. However, this statement in connection with the statement of the largest manufacturer of sambuca, Molinari company, that elderberry has nothing to do with the drink, is doubtful. There are other assumptions about the origin of the name that seem more plausible. It is believed that the liqueur was called sambuca in honor of the name of the type of ship that transported this drink, or in honor of the city in the province of Tuscany. Which of these versions to believe and whether to believe at all is up to you.

A landmark in the history of sambuca was the coastal city of Civitavecchia. It was there that in 1800, Luigi Manzi perfected the anise liquor, which indiscreetly called Sambuca Manzi, and brought its product to the market. Already in 1875, at his distillery near Rome, sambuca began to produce Virgil Pallini. However, only in 1945 did Angelo Molinari establish an entire sambuca company. The liquor of its production was called Sambuca Molinari.

The beginning of the production of sambuca according to the updated recipe coincided with the end of the Second World War. In Italy of the 50s, secular life unfolded on an incredible scale, there were places where bohemians gathered. And, as you know, where there is bohemia, there is chic, luxury, flash of cameras, music and expensive alcohol. To sell something to a Bohemian representative, you need to make it chic, incredible and delightful.

Molinari was able to present his drink so that they were interested. He came up with a new way of serving: a burning liquor with coffee beans at the bottom. In addition to a new shade of taste, the use of this drink has become spectacular, attracting attention, and thanks to the alcoholic vapors that stand out when burning, also intoxicating. Perceived with a bang by the bohemian sambuca, it acquired a new meaning, now it was considered a drink of the rich and successful and has become attractive to others. Thus, it was Angelo Molinari who made sambuca special and then a fashionable drink. Today, Molinari is not the only manufacturer of sambuca, the most famous brands now are Pallini, Molinari, Luxardo and Barbero.

Speaking of sambuca, one cannot but mention the ways of using this liquor. Often, the preparation of sambuca is accompanied by a colorful show with setting the drink on fire, but it’s worthwhile to warn that nobody drinks this drink while burning, the risk of burning your face or burning your hair is too great.

You can drink sambuca in its pure form or add ice, but as soon as it starts to melt, the liquor becomes cloudy, and you get a milky white refreshing drink. The use of sambuca with coffee is popular, due to which the drink acquires an unusual taste and aroma. The classic way of drinking this drink is called con mosca, which means flies. The essence of this method is that the liquor is served with three coffee beans, which rush directly into the drink and shade with its bitterness the overly sweet taste of sambuca. Then the drink is set on fire and drunk only after it goes out, not allowing it to cool. Sweetness is taken with the remaining coffee beans at the bottom.

The following method is used along with the classical one. Two glasses are needed, one is cognac snifter, the other is old fashion. Pour 30 ml of sambuca into a cognac glass and gently tilt it so that part of the drink remains on the walls, and then set on fire. Ten seconds later, the burning liquor is poured into the second glass, and the empty snifter is placed on top to block the access of oxygen and extinguish the flame. As soon as the fire disappears, the cognac glass is placed upside down on a saucer with a napkin. Now you can drink sambuca and breathe through the tube the contents of the snifter.

Often, sambuca can be found in various cocktails, for example, “fiery”. When preparing it, a tall glass and several types of alcoholic beverages are used, the strength of which increases from bottom to top. First, light liqueur is poured into the glass, then champagne, sambuca, vodka and finally absinthe is added. Then the drink is set on fire and a tube is inserted into it, after which it can be drunk. If the taste seems too sweet, you can drink the cocktail with lemon juice.
To find out which way of using sambuca is right for you, you will have to try everything, because every taste may turn out to be unexpected. But whichever way you choose, you will not be left without a whirlwind of unforgettable sensations of taste and aroma, and maybe turn into an ardent fan of this liquor. Try, experience new sensations and experiment, and we will introduce you to cocktail recipes, the basis of which is sambuca!

Russian roulette

  15 ml of vodka
  15 ml coffee liquor
  30 ml sambuca,
  1 slice of orange.

  Pour vodka and coffee liquor into a glass, cover with a circle of orange. Pour a sambuca into a wine glass and set it on fire. Pour the burning sambuca onto a circle of orange and let it burn a little, then put it out and cover with something. Drink a cocktail in one gulp and have a bite of orange soaked in sambuca.

Storm and luxury

  30 ml of becherovka,
  20 ml of light rum,
  10 ml sambuca,
  120 ml grapefruit juice
  1 lime

  In a tall glass, mix becherovka, sambuca, light rum, grapefruit juice and add lime sliced \u200b\u200bin thin circles. Add ice and drink gradually.

Spider bit

  30 ml silver tequila,
  30 ml black sambuca,
  150 ml cola
  15 ml vanilla ice cream


  Put three ice cubes in a glass. Pour tequila, add cola and black sambuca. Put a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream on the surface of the cocktail. Drink gradually.

Burning cocktails are power. After all, you can set fire not only absinthe, but also various other drinks. Just begins the cold season, when you need to bask by all means, so as not to freeze back to the chair. So set it on fire, man, why did you get up there?

1. Pumpkin Pie

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 shot of Bailey's;
  • 1/3 shot of tequila (white);
  • cinnamon.

Gently pour the drinks in layers: down Kalua, in the middle of Baileys, tequila up. Burn tequila and throw cinnamon. Flip. It looks like a warm pumpkin pie.

2. Flaming Lamborghini

  • 30 g of Kalua;
  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 30 g of blue Curacao;
  • 30 g of Bailey's.

Pour sambuca and Kalua into a cocktail glass and put a straw there. We pour Baileys and Curazo into two different shots and set them on different sides of the glass. We set fire to the mixture in a glass and start drinking through a straw (we absorb it in one sitting). When the glass is almost empty, pour in Baileys and Curazo and continue to drink!

3. Burning Dr. Pepper

  • ¾ Shota Amaretto;
  • ¼ shota rum;
  • ½ cup of beer.

Add shots with Amaretto rum to make the mixture flammable. Pour the contents of the shot into a beer pint, where there is already half a glass of beer. Ignite the mixture on top - let it burn a little. Then close the mug so that the fire goes out, inhale the steam. It tastes like Dr Pepper.

4. Burning B-52

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 Bailey's;
  • 1/3 Shot Cointreau;
  • a couple drops of rum.

Pour into a shot of Kalua, then a layer of Bailey's, and upstairs, in a spoon, Cointreau. All layers should be poured either on a spoon or on a knife blade, leaning it against the glass. Add a little rum on top and set it on fire! You can then drink it in one gulp or through a straw.

5. Backdraft

This is a hard drink. You must be a good master to cook it.

  • 45 g Cointreau;
  • 45 g Sambuca;
  • some cinnamon;

Put a saucer on the table. Put a shot of Sambuca on it. Take a pint and pour the right amount of Cointreau into it. Light Cointreau and shake a pint until the walls are warm. Pour the burning Cointreau into the shot, igniting Sambuca and spilling the flaming mixture on the saucer. Holding a pint inverted over a saucer to collect precious alcoholic vapors, add a little cinnamon to the drink from a safe distance and then cover the saucer completely.

Put out the flame and remove a pint from the saucer. Quickly drop a few ice cubes into a pint and immediately cover it with your palm so that the alcohol does not evaporate. Shake a pint several times vigorously and inhale the vapors with a straw. Then, using the same straw, drink what is left on the saucer. To increase the effect, everything must be done very quickly and spectacularly.

6. Flaming Sambuca

  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 3 coffee beans.

Put the coffee beans in a shot and add Sambuca. Light it and let it burn for 10 seconds. Cover the shot with your hand to extinguish the flames and inhale the vapors. Drink in one gulp.

Surely you want to advance a little in your art of making alcoholic cocktails. The moment is coming to masterfully prepare burning, fiery drinks. Here we look at several ways to make drinks, and also try to understand the reasons why fire cocktails are so popular. The basic rule, which must be followed strictly, no matter what cocktail you decide to create, is safety. Always think carefully before starting all these games with fire, the danger of which no one has canceled. If you are already in a state where any drink, not even a fiery one, will be superfluous, you have drunk enough - it’s better not to flaunt the bartender with your skill, but go home.

What is the appeal of fire drinks?


Combustion lowers the liquid content of the beverage, making it richer and deeper. For example, a recipe for preparing a flaming Doctor Pepper will be described below, in which caramel amaretto gives the drink a unique taste.


If you set a drink on fire, its temperature rises, right? If you want to make a fire cocktail and then drink it separately, without mixing with anything before, then experiment. If dinner has already passed, then it is better to follow the example of the Italians and light a sambuca for a few seconds, which will be the perfect ending to an Italian dinner with carbonara paste, because the taste of the drink will noticeably improve. Remember to extinguish the flame before drinking.

This is extremely important. Today, fire cocktails are very important to prepare, and the point is not that the fire improves the taste, aroma and raises the temperature of the drink. It's all about the show. Fire is a wonderful ally when it comes to an incendiary party. And then, a flaming drink is quite romantic.

How to light a drink

Alcohol itself is flammable, respectively, any alcoholic drink will burn. In the art of making fire cocktails, it is important to take drinks of 80-degree strength and higher as a basis. Some drinks have a lower strength, but components such as sugar play a crucial role. Try experimenting with smaller drinks using the methods described below.

Burning Cocktail Floater

To prepare it, you will need a drink of high strength (for example, Bacardi 151 rum) and liquor, for example Chartreuse.

  • A drink of a larger fortress will always “lie down” on top of that of a lower fortress. Consequently, almost any other alcohol can be used with Bacardi 151 rum.
  • To avoid unwanted mixing, pour it into the glass very carefully. It is best to pour rum on the handle of a spoon.
  • Pour in a thin stream of rum, so that in the end it forms a second layer above the base.
  • Before you set fire to a drink, be sure to wipe the alcohol from everywhere if you suddenly dripped or spilled somewhere. Rum can be removed back.
  • Lean the flame against the rum. It is recommended to take long matches. If you use short ones, keep your fingers away from the fire, because when you were making the drink, you could inadvertently drip onto your hands.
  • Alcohol burns with a blue flame, which is especially noticeable in the dark. If you did not see the flame immediately, this does not mean that you have not set fire to the drink. If you are a beginner, you can turn on the light - you will feel more confident.
  • The base drink itself will not burn, rum will make it for him, and you can easily show your friends such a small show, using any alcohol that you like as a base.

Flaming Doctor Pepper

Ingredients: beer (best of all is amber, but in the absence of it, any other will do), strong rum, Amaretto, a large glass, a shot glass.

  • Fill the glass with ½ or ¾ beer;
  • Fill the stack on ¾ Amaretto;
  • Pour the rum over the top onto Amaretto;
  • Set the rum on fire and leave the drink burning for a few seconds;
  • Tilt the burning pile into beer and quickly drink the contents;
  • Before you lower the contents of the stack into the glass, you can extinguish the flame.

Burning pile

Most recipes suggest using medium alcohol. Since drinks like Bacardi 151 and the like will burn at room temperature, less strong alcoholic drinks require an increase. In order to easily ignite them, we suggest that you first reduce the dose of the drink - that is, use a stack.

  • If you want a simple burning drink, you can drop the burning match into a pile for a few seconds.
  • The flame will glow it, and after a while the drink will light up. This is the easiest way.
  • In order for the drink to catch fire faster, fill it with a stack almost to the edges and pour a little into a spoon. Ignite the drink in a spoon and immerse it in a stack - this will ignite the drink faster.
  • Surely you know about basic safety rules, but we will remind them again: always extinguish the flame before drinking. Avoid underfilling in a pile - clean glass that does not come in contact with alcohol may crack under the influence of fire. But you should also not pour the drink, filling it almost to the brim - you will then extinguish the flame, and should think about how you will do it. You will not blow away a burning layer of alcohol on the table!

Burning B-52

The drink did not get its name from the pop group. The name was given to him by an American bomber, hence the pull of this puff cocktail to the fire.

  • Ingredients: 1/3 Kahlua, 1/3 Bayleys, 1/3 Grand Manie.
  • Pour Kahlua liquor into a stack;
  • Add a layer of Bayleys;
  • Top layer is Grand Manier;
  • Set the drink on fire

Cocktail Backdraft

To prepare this cocktail is not very difficult, rather, it requires special care, but the result is worth it.

  • Place a glass of sambuca on a saucer.
  • Pour a little Cointreau liquor into a large glass and rotate the glass so that the drink envelops the walls.
  • Light the liquor and keep it burning until its temperature allows you to hold it in your hands.
  • Pour the flaming drink into the glass with Sambuca, setting it on fire.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the burning cocktail and hold the other glass upside down above it, collecting vapor in it. Soon the flame will go out.
  • Then a traditionally empty glass with alcoholic fumes is clamped with a palm of your hand, a straw is inserted into it and these fumes are sucked out. In general, this is everyone’s business, but we warn that consuming alcoholic fumes in this way is dangerous and not recommended.

If you have complied with all the recommendations set out above, have not neglected safety measures, you can consider yourself a master in preparing burning drinks. Surprise your friends - stand behind the bar and say that now an enchanting performance with the participation of fiery drinks will begin. A little practice, and without a doubt, you will become indispensable at any party.

In order to attract customers, bartenders staged a real show. They juggle with bottles, twirl glasses in their hands, mix liquids of wild colors and even set fire to prepared cocktails! It is quite difficult to break away from such a bewitching action, and we, as if under hypnosis, take out money and order something even more enchanting. One of the most popular alcoholic drinks in bars and clubs is Italian anise liqueur. Sambuca».

Perhaps the very word "sambuca" will seem unfamiliar to you, but the anise flavor is known to everyone. One need only recall the famous anise vodka, Bulgarian mastic, Greek ouzo, French pastis or Turkish crayfish. Residents of many countries add anise to their national strong alcoholic drinks, because everyone knows how useful this ingredient is used for the manufacture of medicines.

Of course, sambuca is considered an Italian drink, but we hasten to sow doubts about this fact. For the first time, the world saw a drink reminiscent of the taste of sambuca in medieval times. It was then that the Saracens brought to Rome “zammut,” an anise-based drink. Italians liked zammut, they drank it as a medicine, like an aperitif before eating and just for the fun of it. So aniseed drink took root in Italy.

Now it is impossible to say exactly how the recipe and production technology of this drink changed over time. Nowadays, sambuca contains sugar, anise, wheat alcohol and aromatic herbs. Which ones, and in what quantity - is a trade secret that only manufacturers can know. But how did it happen that the zammut drink suddenly became known as sambuca? Similarity of names aniseed drink and elderberry, which in Italian sounds like sambucus, has generated rumors that the composition of sambuca includes an extract from elderberry, in honor of which the liquor got its name. However, this statement in connection with the statement of the largest manufacturer of sambuca, Molinari company, that elderberry has nothing to do with the drink, is doubtful. There are other assumptions about the origin of the name that seem more plausible. It is believed that the liqueur was called sambuca in honor of the name of the type of ship that transported this drink, or in honor of the city in the province of Tuscany. Which of these versions to believe and whether to believe at all is up to you.

A landmark in the history of sambuca was the coastal city of Civitavecchia. It was there that in 1800, Luigi Manzi perfected the anise liquor, which indiscreetly called Sambuca Manzi, and brought its product to the market. Already in 1875, at his distillery near Rome, sambuca began to produce Virgil Pallini. However, only in 1945 did Angelo Molinari establish an entire sambuca company. The liquor of its production was called Sambuca Molinari.

The beginning of the production of sambuca according to the updated recipe coincided with the end of the Second World War. In Italy of the 50s, secular life unfolded on an incredible scale, there were places where bohemians gathered. And, as you know, where there is bohemia, there is chic, luxury, flash of cameras, music and expensive alcohol. To sell something to a Bohemian representative, you need to make it chic, incredible and delightful.

Molinari was able to present his drink so that they were interested. He came up with a new way of serving: a burning liquor with coffee beans at the bottom. In addition to a new shade of taste, the use of this drink has become spectacular, attracting attention, and thanks to the alcoholic vapors that stand out when burning, also intoxicating. Perceived with a bang by the bohemian sambuca, it acquired a new meaning, now it was considered a drink of the rich and successful and has become attractive to others. Thus, it was Angelo Molinari who made sambuca special and then a fashionable drink. Today, Molinari is not the only manufacturer of sambuca, the most famous brands now are Pallini, Molinari, Luxardo and Barbero.

Speaking of sambuca, one cannot but mention the ways of using this liquor. Often, the preparation of sambuca is accompanied by a colorful show with setting the drink on fire, but it’s worthwhile to warn that nobody drinks this drink while burning, the risk of burning your face or burning your hair is too great.

You can drink sambuca in its pure form or add ice, but as soon as it starts to melt, the liquor becomes cloudy, and you get a milky white refreshing drink. The use of sambuca with coffee is popular, due to which the drink acquires an unusual taste and aroma. The classic way of drinking this drink is called con mosca, which means flies. The essence of this method is that the liquor is served with three coffee beans, which rush directly into the drink and shade with its bitterness the overly sweet taste of sambuca. Then the drink is set on fire and drunk only after it goes out, not allowing it to cool. Sweetness is taken with the remaining coffee beans at the bottom.

The following method is used along with the classical one. Two glasses are needed, one is cognac snifter, the other is old fashion. Pour 30 ml of sambuca into a cognac glass and gently tilt it so that part of the drink remains on the walls, and then set on fire. Ten seconds later, the burning liquor is poured into the second glass, and the empty snifter is placed on top to block the access of oxygen and extinguish the flame. As soon as the fire disappears, the cognac glass is placed upside down on a saucer with a napkin. Now you can drink sambuca and breathe through the tube the contents of the snifter.

Often, sambuca can be found in various cocktails, for example, “fiery”. When preparing it, a tall glass and several types of alcoholic beverages are used, the strength of which increases from bottom to top. First, light liqueur is poured into the glass, then champagne, sambuca, vodka and finally absinthe is added. Then the drink is set on fire and a tube is inserted into it, after which it can be drunk. If the taste seems too sweet, you can drink the cocktail with lemon juice.
To find out which way of using sambuca is right for you, you will have to try everything, because every taste may turn out to be unexpected. But whichever way you choose, you will not be left without a whirlwind of unforgettable sensations of taste and aroma, and maybe turn into an ardent fan of this liquor. Try, experience new sensations and experiment, and we will introduce you to cocktail recipes, the basis of which is sambuca!

Russian roulette

  15 ml of vodka
  15 ml coffee liquor
  30 ml sambuca,
  1 slice of orange.

  Pour vodka and coffee liquor into a glass, cover with a circle of orange. Pour a sambuca into a wine glass and set it on fire. Pour the burning sambuca onto a circle of orange and let it burn a little, then put it out and cover with something. Drink a cocktail in one gulp and have a bite of orange soaked in sambuca.

Storm and luxury

  30 ml of becherovka,
  20 ml of light rum,
  10 ml sambuca,
  120 ml grapefruit juice
  1 lime

  In a tall glass, mix becherovka, sambuca, light rum, grapefruit juice and add lime sliced \u200b\u200bin thin circles. Add ice and drink gradually.

Spider bit

  30 ml silver tequila,
  30 ml black sambuca,
  150 ml cola
  15 ml vanilla ice cream


  Put three ice cubes in a glass. Pour tequila, add cola and black sambuca. Put a small spoonful of vanilla ice cream on the surface of the cocktail. Drink gradually.

Most residents of our country prefer to drink traditional alcoholic drinks during feasts and at parties. Deciding to try something new is obtained, as a rule, in clubs. And such a drink as sambuca does not inspire confidence, because a large percentage of people do not know how to drink this drink correctly.

Visitors attribute Sambuca to elite drinks, like tequila and absinthe. And this is no coincidence. After all, the process of supplying this alcohol is effective and “with a twinkle”.

However, not everyone prefers to spend leisure time in clubs. So it’s not possible to try sambuca. Of course, this is not so. Now this drink is sold in almost every store. And the price is not so high. Many are afraid of the very way of serving and using sambuca. But, most fears are of ignorance. You can drink sambuca at home.

What is Sambuca?

Italian anise flavored liquor. Such a description can be given to sambuca. Sometimes this drink is confused with aniseed vodka. Although there is nothing in common between them.

By the way, it is difficult to call sambuca liquor. After all, everyone knows that liquor is not a very sweet and not strong drink. A sambuca is more like a bitter tincture with sugar.

This drink is made from infusion, which is then distilled. The process is reminiscent of making absinthe. Italian liquor contains 42% alcohol. Alcohol is infused with aniseed stars and herbs. Each manufacturer uses its own recipe, which is kept secret from competitors.

Those who have ever tried sambuca say that it tastes like a medicine, a cough syrup. And often the liquor is useful for health. Heated sambuca will help get rid of a cold, reduce cough, and have an antimicrobial effect. It is said that the drink is able to strengthen the immune system. It also improves the digestive system, increases appetite.

In clubs, sambuca, as a rule, is set on fire and so served to the client. The drink burns because it is strong and in density is much higher than vodka. The flame turns bright blue. Sambuca is not recommended to drink in large quantities. Elements included in the composition have a strong effect on the body. Therefore, if you "sort out", then do not pass a hangover. It is also important to drink this alcoholic drink correctly. Most do not know how to do this.

How to drink sambuca at home?

At a club or a bar, they will serve you sambuca effectively. You can also set it on fire at home. Have a drink and have some fun. There are ten main ways to consume this drink.

Sambuca is drunk in its purest form. As a rule, before meals. However, it is possible after. After all, the drink improves the digestive tract. Pour alcohol into glasses of 40 - 50 milliliters.

Sambuca is drunk with water and with the addition of ice. This drink goes well with ice. You can quench your thirst, and water will help reveal the whole taste of liquor. When water is added, the sambuca becomes cloudy. This is due to the essential oils that are present in the composition. Everyone can choose the amount of water for himself.

Sambuca is consumed frozen. The bottle should be placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. The resulting drink will help cope with thirst. It will have a very refreshing taste. Chilled liquor is consumed in pure form with a slice of any citrus.

Sambuca is burning. This method is suitable for those who want to improve their health. Pour the drink and set it on fire. Let it burn completely. And then drink and do not snack. Remember that thin glass may burst when heated. Therefore, choose glasses or wine glasses with thick walls. Be careful with fire. You can burn yourself with flame.

Interesting ways to use sambuca

Sambuca with coffee. Three whole grains of coffee are added to the glass with the drink. In Spain, this means health, happiness and wealth. Usually they set fire to alcohol, but not in this country. Here I consider this blasphemy. Coffee beans give a special taste and are used as a snack.

Coffee "Corretto". One of the most popular drinks in Spain. Sambuca is added to coffee for a place of sugar. As a rule, to 4 parts of expresso add one part of liquor. Some people like a stronger drink. The share of sambuca is increased, and 30 milliliters of coffee and 15 milliliters of sambuca are obtained. Some cafes and restaurants serve alcohol separately. Then sambuca is drunk in small sips and washed down with well-roasted coffee.

The way to use sambuca with the help of two glasses. Of course, you probably won’t succeed at home if you are not a professional bartender. Therefore, you can try sambuca with two glasses only in the club.

So, for this method you will need cognac and a glass with straight wide walls, napkins, saucer, straw, matches or a lighter, three grains of coffee, sambuca from 25 to 50 milliliters.

Grains are placed in a glass of cognac and poured sambuca. Before you set fire, you need to prepare the basis for the vapor. Put a napkin on a saucer, make a hole in it in the center in advance. Insert the part of the tube that is shorter there.

Put cognac glass on the second, pre-warmed, glass. Set the drink on fire. The glass begins to rotate around its axis for about 30 seconds or a minute. It all depends on what kind of sambuca, warm or hot, you prefer.

Then pour the contents from the cognac glass into the second, and cover with rox. When the flame goes out, put cognac on a saucer. Drink sambuca quickly, and inhale the fumes from rox with a tube. Use grains as a snack.

Extreme way to eat sambuca. It is used only in clubs where experienced bartenders work. Liqueur is poured into the mouth and be sure to carefully wipe the lips. The man throws back his head, and the bartender sets fire to alcohol. When a slight heat begins to be felt, the mouth must be closed and the sambuca must be swallowed. In this case, the opportunity to get injured is minimal.

Sambuca at home. In a teapot, preferably ceramic, pour boiling water. Then pour water and immediately add 50 milliliters of liquor. The contents are shaken and drunk. Before this, you need to exhale air and inhale the vapors.

Burning cocktails are power. After all, you can set fire not only absinthe, but also various other drinks. Just begins the cold season, when you need to bask by all means, so as not to freeze back to the chair. So set it on fire, man, why did you get up there?

1. Pumpkin Pie

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 shot of Bailey's;
  • 1/3 shot of tequila (white);
  • cinnamon.

Gently pour the drinks in layers: down Kalua, in the middle of Baileys, tequila up. Burn tequila and throw cinnamon. Flip. It looks like a warm pumpkin pie.

2. Flaming Lamborghini

  • 30 g of Kalua;
  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 30 g of blue Curacao;
  • 30 g of Bailey's.

Pour sambuca and Kalua into a cocktail glass and put a straw there. We pour Baileys and Curazo into two different shots and set them on different sides of the glass. We set fire to the mixture in a glass and start drinking through a straw (we absorb it in one sitting). When the glass is almost empty, pour in Baileys and Curazo and continue to drink!

3. Burning Dr. Pepper

  • ¾ Shota Amaretto;
  • ¼ shota rum;
  • ½ cup of beer.

Add shots with Amaretto rum to make the mixture flammable. Pour the contents of the shot into a beer pint, where there is already half a glass of beer. Ignite the mixture on top - let it burn a little. Then close the mug so that the fire goes out, inhale the steam. It tastes like Dr Pepper.

4. Burning B-52

  • 1/3 shot of Kalua;
  • 1/3 Bailey's;
  • 1/3 Shot Cointreau;
  • a couple drops of rum.

Pour into a shot of Kalua, then a layer of Bailey's, and upstairs, in a spoon, Cointreau. All layers should be poured either on a spoon or on a knife blade, leaning it against the glass. Add a little rum on top and set it on fire! You can then drink it in one gulp or through a straw.

5. Backdraft

This is a hard drink. You must be a good master to cook it.

  • 45 g Cointreau;
  • 45 g Sambuca;
  • some cinnamon;

Put a saucer on the table. Put a shot of Sambuca on it. Take a pint and pour the right amount of Cointreau into it. Light Cointreau and shake a pint until the walls are warm. Pour the burning Cointreau into the shot, igniting Sambuca and spilling the flaming mixture on the saucer. Holding a pint inverted over a saucer to collect precious alcoholic vapors, add a little cinnamon to the drink from a safe distance and then cover the saucer completely.

Put out the flame and remove a pint from the saucer. Quickly drop a few ice cubes into a pint and immediately cover it with your palm so that the alcohol does not evaporate. Shake a pint several times vigorously and inhale the vapors with a straw. Then, using the same straw, drink what is left on the saucer. To increase the effect, everything must be done very quickly and spectacularly.

6. Flaming Sambuca

  • 30 g Sambuca;
  • 3 coffee beans.

Put the coffee beans in a shot and add Sambuca. Light it and let it burn for 10 seconds. Cover the shot with your hand to extinguish the flames and inhale the vapors. Drink in one gulp.

Surely you want to advance a little in your art of making alcoholic cocktails. The moment is coming to masterfully prepare burning, fiery drinks. Here we look at several ways to make drinks, and also try to understand the reasons why fire cocktails are so popular. The basic rule, which must be followed strictly, no matter what cocktail you decide to create, is safety. Always think carefully before starting all these games with fire, the danger of which no one has canceled. If you are already in a state where any drink, not even a fiery one, will be superfluous, you have drunk enough - it’s better not to flaunt the bartender with your skill, but go home.

What is the appeal of fire drinks?


Combustion lowers the liquid content of the beverage, making it richer and deeper. For example, a recipe for preparing a flaming Doctor Pepper will be described below, in which caramel amaretto gives the drink a unique taste.


If you set a drink on fire, its temperature rises, right? If you want to make a fire cocktail and then drink it separately, without mixing with anything before, then experiment. If dinner has already passed, then it is better to follow the example of the Italians and light a sambuca for a few seconds, which will be the perfect ending to an Italian dinner with carbonara paste, because the taste of the drink will noticeably improve. Remember to extinguish the flame before drinking.

This is extremely important. Today, fire cocktails are very important to prepare, and the point is not that the fire improves the taste, aroma and raises the temperature of the drink. It's all about the show. Fire is a wonderful ally when it comes to an incendiary party. And then, a flaming drink is quite romantic.

How to light a drink

Alcohol itself is flammable, respectively, any alcoholic drink will burn. In the art of making fire cocktails, it is important to take drinks of 80-degree strength and higher as a basis. Some drinks have a lower strength, but components such as sugar play a crucial role. Try experimenting with smaller drinks using the methods described below.

Burning Cocktail Floater

To prepare it, you will need a drink of high strength (for example, Bacardi 151 rum) and liquor, for example Chartreuse.

  • A drink of a larger fortress will always “lie down” on top of that of a lower fortress. Consequently, almost any other alcohol can be used with Bacardi 151 rum.
  • To avoid unwanted mixing, pour it into the glass very carefully. It is best to pour rum on the handle of a spoon.
  • Pour in a thin stream of rum, so that in the end it forms a second layer above the base.
  • Before you set fire to a drink, be sure to wipe the alcohol from everywhere if you suddenly dripped or spilled somewhere. Rum can be removed back.
  • Lean the flame against the rum. It is recommended to take long matches. If you use short ones, keep your fingers away from the fire, because when you were making the drink, you could inadvertently drip onto your hands.
  • Alcohol burns with a blue flame, which is especially noticeable in the dark. If you did not see the flame immediately, this does not mean that you have not set fire to the drink. If you are a beginner, you can turn on the light - you will feel more confident.
  • The base drink itself will not burn, rum will make it for him, and you can easily show your friends such a small show, using any alcohol that you like as a base.

Flaming Doctor Pepper

Ingredients: beer (best of all is amber, but in the absence of it, any other will do), strong rum, Amaretto, a large glass, a shot glass.

  • Fill the glass with ½ or ¾ beer;
  • Fill the stack on ¾ Amaretto;
  • Pour the rum over the top onto Amaretto;
  • Set the rum on fire and leave the drink burning for a few seconds;
  • Tilt the burning pile into beer and quickly drink the contents;
  • Before you lower the contents of the stack into the glass, you can extinguish the flame.

Burning pile

Most recipes suggest using medium alcohol. Since drinks like Bacardi 151 and the like will burn at room temperature, less strong alcoholic drinks require an increase. In order to easily ignite them, we suggest that you first reduce the dose of the drink - that is, use a stack.

  • If you want a simple burning drink, you can drop the burning match into a pile for a few seconds.
  • The flame will glow it, and after a while the drink will light up. This is the easiest way.
  • In order for the drink to catch fire faster, fill it with a stack almost to the edges and pour a little into a spoon. Ignite the drink in a spoon and immerse it in a stack - this will ignite the drink faster.
  • Surely you know about basic safety rules, but we will remind them again: always extinguish the flame before drinking. Avoid underfilling in a pile - clean glass that does not come in contact with alcohol may crack under the influence of fire. But you should also not pour the drink, filling it almost to the brim - you will then extinguish the flame, and should think about how you will do it. You will not blow away a burning layer of alcohol on the table!

Burning B-52

The drink did not get its name from the pop group. The name was given to him by an American bomber, hence the pull of this puff cocktail to the fire.

  • Ingredients: 1/3 Kahlua, 1/3 Bayleys, 1/3 Grand Manie.
  • Pour Kahlua liquor into a stack;
  • Add a layer of Bayleys;
  • Top layer is Grand Manier;
  • Set the drink on fire

Cocktail Backdraft

To prepare this cocktail is not very difficult, rather, it requires special care, but the result is worth it.

  • Place a glass of sambuca on a saucer.
  • Pour a little Cointreau liquor into a large glass and rotate the glass so that the drink envelops the walls.
  • Light the liquor and keep it burning until its temperature allows you to hold it in your hands.
  • Pour the flaming drink into the glass with Sambuca, setting it on fire.
  • Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the burning cocktail and hold the other glass upside down above it, collecting vapor in it. Soon the flame will go out.
  • Then a traditionally empty glass with alcoholic fumes is clamped with a palm of your hand, a straw is inserted into it and these fumes are sucked out. In general, this is everyone’s business, but we warn that consuming alcoholic fumes in this way is dangerous and not recommended.

If you have complied with all the recommendations set out above, have not neglected safety measures, you can consider yourself a master in preparing burning drinks. Surprise your friends - stand behind the bar and say that now an enchanting performance with the participation of fiery drinks will begin. A little practice, and without a doubt, you will become indispensable at any party.

Burning absinthe is one way to consume a drink. Do it, rather, for the sake of the spectacle. Than, to give a special aroma or taste. I must say that they started to set fire to this drink in French bars, at the end of the 19th century. However, bartenders could not come up with anything else to extinguish the flame with water. Now there are many technologies for burning absinthe, and many of them involve the use of a special spoon.

Absinthe spoon

A spoon for absinthe is only remotely similar to those spoons that we are used to seeing in everyday life. Its main difference is the patterned holes that cover the entire surface. It is intended to correctly introduce melted sugar into the drink, and thereby dull its bitterness.

Ways to set fire to absinthe

Crystal Czech

  1. pour absinthe into a glass "by eye";
  2. set fire and wait until it burns out;
  3. put out;
  4. drink in one gulp. Biting and drinking this method does not provide.


  1. set the absinthe spoon on the glass and put a piece of sugar on it;
  2. pass one part of the tincture through sugar;
  3. set fire to sugar and wait for the caramel to drain into absinthe;
  4. dilute with three parts of water or juice and drink.


  1. make sugar syrup. Mix sugar and water. Add to absinthe;
  2. pour alcohol into the glass “by eye”;
  3. set fire to. Let it burn a little;
  4. cover with a second glass. The flame goes out;
  5. quickly pour the drink into the second glass. The first is to cover with a napkin. Turn the empty glass upside down;
  6. under an inverted glass you need to stick a cocktail tube and inhale the vapors;
  7. warm absinthe drink.

* the sequence of inhalation of steam and drinking alcohol can be changed

Severe Ryazan (Shilovsky)

  1. on a glass filled with absinthe (not more than 70 g), install a special spoon with sugar;
  2. soak sugar with alcohol by dropping a couple of drops on it. Set fire to;
  3. after the beginning of the melting of sugar, blowing sharply, extinguish the fire;
  4. chew sugar saturated with tincture, but do not swallow;
  5. washed down with a drink from a glass.


This method is similar to the Czech method, but there is one difference: they directly burn the drink itself, and not sugar. Here's how to do it:

  1. fill the glass 4/5 with ice absinthe and set fire;
  2. put sugar on a special spoon and bring to burning alcohol;
  3. after the sugar has completely dissolved and drains into a glass, the spoon is removed;
  4. the flame is extinguished. Serving a drink with a straw.

Everyone is free to choose the method of burning absinthe himself, the main thing is not to forget about safety and carefully monitor the flame.