Pouring raspberries. Raspberry tincture recipe at home

N vodka-based raspberry jam is one of the most popular and delicious berry drinks. Cooking it is very easy, moreover - there is not one, but several different recipes. We have prepared some interesting recipes and will gladly share it with readers!

Of course, the tincture is best done on vodka or alcohol. But a drink made on cognac will turn out to be no less interesting, and an excellent liquor will come out of raspberry jam!

On vodka

The classic recipe for a fragrant drink is a raspberry tincture made with vodka. To cook it. For this recipe you will need a minimum of ingredients.


  • raspberry berries (to fill a liter jar);
  • 0.5 liters of good quality vodka;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of boiled / filtered water.


  1. Berries need to be carefully examined, to choose quarrels and pests. Rinse with water in a colander so as not to damage. Set aside for a few minutes so that the water is properly glass.
  2. The berries are stacked in a liter jar, very carefully, again - so as not to damage.
  3. Pour raspberries with vodka so that it covers the berries. Close the jar with a tight lid.
  4. For a couple of months, remove the alcoholic berry in the refrigerator.
  5. After the expiration of the period you need to get a can, pour the vodka into another container and put it in the refrigerator.
  6. The remaining berries should be covered with sugar, covered with a lid and thoroughly shredded. A jar of berries is also placed in the refrigerator, again for several months. Periodically, it needs to be removed and shaken.
  7. When the time of infusion is over - we get a jar of berries that have already started the juice. Bring the mixture to room temperature.
  8. Boil 100 ml of water, and then pour berries and sugar on it. The resulting liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze.
  9. Berry syrup is mixed with vodka, which has long been in our refrigerator.
  10. That's all! The drink is ready! It remains only to place it in the refrigerator until use.

  On cognac

The taste of cognac goes well with raspberries, it is recommended to make such a tincture without the use of sugar to preserve the natural aroma. We offer you such a simple recipe!


  • 750 grams of raspberries;
  • 1 liter of good real cognac.


  1. Raspberry, as usual, is cleaned and washed, then - it is poured into a jar.
  2. Berries are filled with cognac so that it protrudes above a layer of raspberries.
  3. The can is closed and cleaned for two months in a warm place.
  4. The tincture is filtered and bottled for storage.

With raspberry jam


  • raspberry jam - 500 g;
  • 0.5 l of quality vodka.


  1. Prepared jam is poured with vodka and closed tightly with a lid.
  2. The jar is placed for three to four days in a warm place, every day it must be shaken.
  3. When three days pass, strain the resulting syrup and dilute to a strength of 20 vol. clean water.



  • 2 cups raspberries;
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 40 leaves of cherry;
  • 0.5 liters of good vodka.


  1. Cherry leaves and raspberries are poured with one liter of clean water and boiled for five minutes.
  2. The tincture is cooled and filtered, after which citric acid, granulated sugar are added there, and again boiled.
  3. After the mixture has cooled - vodka is poured into it. Liquor is bottled and left for a month for infusion.


Of course, all these tinctures can be drunk during feasts, warmed up in cool autumn and cold winter. For entertainment purposes, these drinks are used most often, but this does not mean that they are devoid of beneficial properties. For example, these funds do an excellent job with sore throat, cough, warm and increase immunity.


Raspberries contain a large supply of nutrients. It’s just a storehouse of vitamins and elements!  It contains fiber, vitamins of groups A, B, C, iron, essential oils, copper, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, tannins, pectin and nitrogenous substances. Raspberry has a wonderful effect on capillaries, has prophylactic properties in the occurrence of sclerosis. Salicylic acid lowers body temperature, which is why this berry is so popular for the treatment of colds. It also helps with diseases of the gastric system, sick kidneys and anemia.

Of course, alcohol tinctures are less useful than ordinary raspberry jam, but for the treatment of colds, they will become simply irreplaceable.


Due to the fact that all of the above tinctures basically contain alcohol - it is not recommended to use them during planning and during pregnancy, during feeding. It is not advisable to give such drinks to children in large quantities. And adults are better off not abusing them, sweet and tasty - they are able to surprise you with their alcoholic effect.

Video “Recipe for raspberry filling”

Another recipe for the aromatic and tasty tincture of raspberries on vodka.

How many knows about the healing properties of this plant? And what can you make from her a tasty and healthy alcoholic drink? It is raspberry tincture based on alcohol that will become the topic of our conversation.

What raspberry berry looks like, everyone knows. Also, everyone knows that it grows in the forest. But today you can meet her not only there. It has long been cultivated and has many varieties. It is noteworthy that the fruits of the cultivated plant are much larger than that of its forest relative.

But, if we talk about useful properties, then the forest species of the plant holds an indisputable primacy here.
  Although homemade raspberries have less beneficial properties than wild ones, they can also be used to make medicinal drinks. It is the tincture that is able to preserve all its medicinal properties, and the alcohol version is best suited here.  If someone remains a supporter of raspberry jam, then I will say that many recipes require the thermal processing of berries. And such treatment entails the inevitable loss of a large part of their healing properties.


When coughing

  1. It takes 1 tbsp. spoon of raspberries.
  2. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of her flowers.
  3. 200 ml of alcohol 40-70%.
  4. Berries are mixed with flowers.
  5. All this is filled with alcohol.
  6. The drink is infused for 10 days in a dark and cool place.

It is taken in 20 drops 2-3 times a day. Before taking the drops, 200 ml of boiled warm water are diluted and drunk.

Universal Recipe No. 1


  • We take about 4 kg of fresh berries.
  • 1.25 liters of alcohol 40-70%.
  • 300 ml of water.
  • 300 g of sugar.


  1. Raspberries move and fall asleep in a prepared jar or other container.
  2. It is poured with alcohol so that it covers the berries on top.
  3. It is infused for 2-3 days in a warm place.
  4. After, the alcohol drains.
  5. We make syrup from water and sugar.
  6. Mix the syrup with the drained alcohol.
  7. We filter and bottle.
  8. We insist a few more weeks.

If necessary, after a few weeks, you can again strain the tincture. It can be taken not only for medicinal purposes, but also as an alcoholic drink.

Universal Recipe No. 2


  • Take a 1-liter jar of raspberries.
  • 0.5 l of alcohol 40-70%.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 100 ml of water.


  1. We clean and wash raspberries.
  2. Pour the berries in a jar with alcohol and close it.
  3. We put the jar in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months.
  4. Pour the alcohol into a separate jar or bottle.
  5. Put it in the refrigerator again.
  6. Alcoholated berries are covered with sugar.
  7. Close the jar with raspberries and put in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months too.
  8. During this time, you need to shake the jar once every two weeks.
  9. We take a jar of berries from the refrigerator and leave it in the room so that it warms up to room temperature.
  10. We boil 100 ml of prepared water.
  11. Pour boiling water over berries in a jar and carefully stir such syrup.
  12. We filter the syrup.
  13. Mix the syrup with alcohol from the refrigerator.
  14. Cool the tincture.

After the drink has cooled, it is ready for use. Apply all tinctures for medicinal purposes are advised with 40% alcohol. But if you decide to make a stronger drink, then you should drink it diluted with water, otherwise fun is guaranteed.

The properties

So, the useful components of the berries of this plant: fructose and glucose, a large complex of vitamins (PP, B, B1, B2, A, C, B9, E), minerals and amino acids. It also includes proteins, fiber (5%), catechins, coumarins, essential oils, anthocyanins, phytosterols, beta-sitosterol, dehydrosterols and iodine.

Interestingly, an alcoholic beverage is able to preserve almost all the beneficial properties of the fruit. Thus, this drink is an invaluable aid to our body for various diseases.


Raspberry infusion is useful in the following diseases:

  • poor digestion;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • colds, as an antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic;
  • diabetes
  • cardiac arrhythmias;
  • neurasthenia.

Also, such a tincture is perfect as a prophylaxis of anemia and leukemia.


Raspberry tincture for alcohol in some people causes an allergic reaction. Also, do not take it to people with sick kidneys, jade and gout. It is worth remembering, in order not to harm yourself, the quality of alcohol must be appropriate. In no case should you abuse a drink.


Raspberry Tincture  - This is a very tasty and healthy drink. Both fresh and frozen berries are suitable for her, so you can enjoy the drink all year round. On the Internet you can find many recipes for making berry tinctures. We will tell you about the most interesting recipes for making home-made raspberry tincture. But first, you should study how raspberries are so useful and how much alcohol is in a raspberry liquor.

Raspberry is a berry that has many useful qualities. It helps to get rid of a sore throat, a strong cough.

In addition, raspberries:

  • strengthens the human immune system;
  • cleans the walls of blood vessels;
  • compensates for the lack of vitamins in the body.

Raspberry tincture also has these properties, so it is in special demand among consumers.

But, it is important to choose the right berries:

  • frozen fruits are more suitable for raspberry liquor or tincture;
  • for a traditional drink, fresh berry is used.

Do not forget that before use, the berry should be prepared in a special way: it is picked, rotten fruits, stalks and excess garbage are removed, washed and dried on a towel.

But how to insist pure moonshine on raspberries and how long does it take to insist? For better clarification of the berries, you can pour salted water in the ratio of 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water. The berry is soaked for 8 to 10 minutes. Raspberries are washed under water very carefully, it is easy to damage. It is not necessary to leave it in water for a long time. She can get wet.

But, the main condition: the berry must be ripe and dense. Then you will get the perfect recipe for making a “raspberry” brew on moonshine.


Raspberry drinks come with 2 main components: raspberries and alcohol. As alcohol, vodka, 40% alcohol, cognac or purified moonshine are used. But, alcohol must be of high quality.

In addition, sugar and water are included in most home-made raspberry raspberry recipes. They are added at the request of the winemaker preparing the tincture.

Each recipe is also different in cooking technology: berries can be insisted on alcohol for several days or undergo natural fermentation. Typically, winemakers use natural fermentation.

How to make such a raspberry liquor? You only need to pour peeled berries with alcohol. Raspberries are the perfect berry on which yeast is made. Once in alcohol, it independently activates the fermentation process. The main thing: do not wash it before use.

No matter what recipe and method of preparation the winemaker prefers, he will always get a wonderful raspberry tincture, which will warm all members of his family in the cold winter and fill the house with a wonderful berry aroma in the hot summer. Now let's move on to the recipes themselves.

Pouring raspberries on vodka

Winemakers call this recipe for making raspberry tincture of vodka basic or classic.

To prepare tincture of raspberries on vodka according to this recipe you need:

  • 3.5 kg raspberries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar.

Preparing a raspberry filling like this:

  1. We sort the berries and remove all the garbage from them.
  2. We put them in a deep bowl.
  3. Pour them with 1 liter of vodka and set aside for 2-4 days.
  4. After 4 days, drain the liquid.
  5. Separately, we prepare sugar syrup, remove the foam from it, and add it to the alcohol composition.
  6. The mixture is poured into separate bottles and closed with a cork. Set aside for 2-3 weeks.
  7. After 3 weeks, we take out the drink, filter it, pour liter bottles on the floor, close the lid and set aside. When the tincture of raspberries and vodka turned a saturated pink color, then we get it and use it.

Raspberry tincture on cognac

Raspberry tincture on cognac is considered ideal, and raspberry and cognac - an excellent combination.

To prepare this “perfect” drink you need:

  • 700 grams of raspberries;
  • 1 liter of brandy brandy.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Wash raspberries in a container, fill it with 1 liter of brandy, cover with a lid and set aside in a warm, dark corner for 2 months.
  2. After 2 months, drain the mixture, filter.
  3. Pour it into separate containers, close the lid. You can try the drink.

Raspberry pouring on alcohol

Fans of alcoholic cocktails will like the tincture of raspberries with alcohol. But, be sure to alcohol before using in this recipe for the manufacture of tinctures from raspberries for alcohol should be diluted to 40-45%. Next, the raspberry liqueur is prepared using the same technology as described in the recipe above.

Pouring frozen raspberries on moonshine

To prepare raspberry tincture on moonshine, the alcohol base is required to be surpassed twice. Then the composition will be very tart and more like men.

For this recipe for making tincture of raspberries on moonshine you need:

  • 2.5 kg of frozen berries;
  • 500 ml of 40-45% moonshine;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar.

Preparing raspberries on moonshine as follows:

  1. Whether the winemaker is preparing tincture or liqueur from frozen or frozen raspberries, but initially he needs to defrost the berry. Then put it in a container, fill it with sugar, pour 500 ml of moonshine, set aside for 1 hour.
  2. After an hour, mix the berries, knead them with a rolling pin.
  3. Pour the composition into separate bottles, cover them, set aside for 1 month.
  4. After 1 month, get the composition, strain. The drink can be consumed.

Pouring raspberries without vodka

Fans of soft drinks will like the non-alcoholic recipe for raspberry tincture.

It is easy to make raspberry liquor without vodka at home. To do this, take:

  • 2 kg raspberries;
  • 800 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Take a 3 liter jar, put raspberries and granulated sugar in layers.
  2. Pour in water, knead raspberries with a rolling pin.
  3. We close the neck of the jar with a medical glove with a pierced finger and put the composition in the warm, sunny corner of the apartment.
  4. When the glove is deflated, the fermentation process is completed. We take out the capacity, we pour it through cheesecloth, pour it into another container, cover it and put it in a dark, cool corner of the apartment for 2 days.
  5. After 2 days, the composition is poured into separate containers. Keep the drink in a cool place.

Pouring raspberry jam on vodka

Is the jam sugared? Do not rush to throw it away. It can be an excellent basis for the next recipe for raspberry juice.

  • 500 ml raspberry jam;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Preparing a drink like this:

  1. We put 500 ml of jam in a glass jar, add 1 liter of vodka, mix the mixture. Add water if desired.
  2. Cover the jar with a lid and place it in a sunny, warm corner of the room for 1 week. Once a day, take out the container, shake.
  3. After a week, put the jar in the dark corner of the room for 3 days.
  4. After 3 days, we take out the container, put the contents through cotton wool, add granulated sugar, mix.
  5. The composition is bottled and stored for at least 2 days in a dark corner of the room.
  6. After 2 days, the drink can be consumed. It is stored for 5 years. The strength of the finished composition varies from 25 to 30%.

Raspberry quick

Would you like to pamper your guests with quick raspberry liquor cooked at home? Then the following recipe is created specifically for you. Its peculiarity is that the liqueur is ready for use in a day.

For the simplest recipe for cooking at home, raspberry tinctures will need:

  • raspberry;
  • granulated sugar;
  • water.

They are taken in the amount desired by the winemaker.

Preparing a drink like this:

  1. We take the berry, wash it and pour it into a separate bottle. We close it with a lid and put it in a container with water.
  2. We put the capacity on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Next, reduce the fire and simmer the berry for 1.5 hours.
  3. When the water has cooled in the basin, we get the berry composition and weed it through cheesecloth.
  4. Pour the drink into a separate container and pour vodka into it, pour in granulated sugar. Based on 1 liter of berry compote for 200-400 ml of vodka and 100-300 grams of granulated sugar. The composition is poured into separate bottles and set aside for 1 day.

Now you can enjoy a great drink with a sweet taste and a pleasant berry aroma.

Black Raspberry Pouring

Cumberland black raspberries can be found in almost any store and many winemakers are no longer surprised. It can be used to make tinctures. But, do not forget that it is very acidic, so when preparing the tincture, increase by 1/3 the amount of sugar used. For the rest, the technology for making home-made raspberry drinks on vodka is no different from those described in the recipes above.

How to make fermented raspberries

Hardworking rolled up by the mistress for the winter raspberries with sugar can ferment. But, it’s too early to get upset. Such a berry will make a wonderful berry tincture.

Before preparing homemade tincture of raspberries on moonshine, experienced moonshiners advise draining all the liquid from a jar of raspberries.

To prepare the tincture you need to take:

  • 1 liter of raspberry composition;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 30 grams of vanilla sugar.

How to make raspberry tincture? Everything is simple:

  1. We take 1 liter of raspberry raw materials and put it in a separate plate.
  2. Add 1 liter of vodka and 30 grams of vanilla sugar to the composition.
  3. We cover the container with a lid and put it in a dry, dark corner of the apartment for 1 week.
  4. We take out the composition, we squeeze through the fabric, pour it into a separate container and cover it again.

The drink can be stored in the cellar or with friends start tasting it. Believe me, not a single person will remain indifferent to him.

In order to get the maximum pleasure from drinking, you need to learn in advance how to make a robin from moonshine and observe the following recommendations:

  1. Alcoholic drinks with raspberries contain essential oils, pectins, vitamins A, B, C, tannins, zinc, iron, cobalt, minerals. Therefore, to relieve stress and improve mood, it is consumed in small quantities.
  2. Before using it, consult a physician and familiarize yourself with contraindications.

And how to make tincture of raspberries, if it is forbidden to me? In this case, we recommend using a non-alcoholic recipe. Raspberry liquor is not allowed for people who have:

  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis and bronchial asthma;
  • urolithiasis, gout, stomach ulcer;
  • an allergy.

Thus, it is very easy to make any alcohol and even raspberry liquor on vodka according to any of the above recipe. The main thing at hand is to have a berry, high-quality alcohol and great patience so as not to enjoy this wonderful drink ahead of time.


Raspberry tincture - This is a homemade alcoholic beverage based on vodka (or alcohol) and raspberries. There are a lot of similar recipes on the Internet. This tincture can be prepared on almost any ingredients that you like. You can experiment as much as you like, the main thing - do not overdo it.

Raspberry tincture is very useful to you any day, whether it is a festive feast or a usual meeting of old friends. In addition, this drink in folk medicine treats some diseases that trigger a cough, such as angina, SARS and others. To do this, dissolve 20 drops of raspberry tincture in 100 grams of boiled warm water and take this medicine up to four times a day. And very soon you will see the first results.

Raspberry itself is a very healthy product. Fresh or frozen raspberries contain a whole range of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E and PP. In addition, this product includes many beneficial organic acids and sugars, as well as certain trace elements like potassium, copper, iron, calcium and magnesium. Together, all of these components help maintain the health of our body, strengthen the immune system, and allow you to maintain skin elasticity and get rid of brittle hair.

If your body is prone to allergic reactions, then use raspberries carefully. And at all, it is necessary to exclude it from your diet for those who suffer from gout and jade.

Homemade raspberry tincture on vodka, made by yourself, will brighten up any evening and help you overcome a cold, so it is very useful to always have this alcoholic drink on hand. And how to make it at home, you can learn from our recipe with step by step photos. They will clearly show you what the cooking process looks like.

Raspberry berries, leaves, branches, flowers and even roots have long been used by folk healers to treat colds and other diseases.

The greatest benefit in treatment is tincture of raspberries on vodka: alcohol perfectly preserves all the healing properties of raw berry and the drug itself. We learn how to prepare homemade raspberry medicine for alcohol, moonshine or other strong alcohol, so that you always have it at hand.

What is useful raspberry tincture

The medicinal properties of raspberry berries give the greatest benefit to raspberry tincture: vodka, alcohol or moonshine act primarily as a natural preservative.

The berry of a perennial shrub, in particular wild-growing, has a rich content. It is saturated:

  • Squirrels;
  • Glucose
  • Fiber
  • Fructose;
  • Coumarins;
  • Anthocyanins

  • Many vitamins: groups B, PP, C, A and E;
  • Essential oils;
  • Catechins;
  • Iodine, potassium, calcium and other bioactive substances.

All of them give the berries a healing effect and are well preserved when insisting raspberries on alcohol.

Vodka infusion of raspberry berries helps in the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Immunity reduction. To restore the normal state of the immune system and improve overall tone, take 1 tsp. tinctures 2 times a day.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Colds accompanied by cough, headache, aching bones, chills and fever. We take 30 drops, mixed with warm water, three times a day after meals. The heat will subside, the pain will recede, it will be easier to pass sputum.
  • Neurasthenia and cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Anemia. For anemia, we take 20 drops of the drug half an hour before meals for a month. If hemoglobin has not yet risen to the desired value, rest for 10 days and repeat the course.

If bitten by a snake, bee or other stinging insect, three times a day we make compresses from raspberry tincture on vodka.

Attention: when treating children, the daily dose should be no more than 3 teaspoons!

Raspberry tincture can be prepared in two ways - only from berries, or with the addition of the flowers of this plant.

Raspberry tincture of berries and flowers

  • Mix 2 tbsp. fresh or dry raspberry with 2 tbsp. flowers.
  • Pour a mixture of 0.4 l of forty-degree vodka of good quality.
  • We remove the bottle with the contents in a darkened cool place for ten days.

Raspberry Berry Tincture

The medicine for this recipe is infused for longer - four months and is made exclusively from berries.

We will need

  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Raspberries - 1 L;

  • Vodka - 500 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 cup.

How to make raspberry tincture

  • After placing the washed raspberries in a glass jar, fill them with vodka and put them in the refrigerator for two months.
  • Pour vodka into another container and set.
  • Pour sugar in a jar of berries and put in the refrigerator for a couple more months, shaking the contents every 14 days.
  • We hold the container with the berry in the room for three hours.
  • Bring water to a boil (100 ml), fill the contents of the can and mix everything thoroughly.
  • We filter and combine with raspberry vodka, previously drained.

The cooled tincture is stored in the refrigerator and used as necessary.

Now it’s clear how raspberry tincture is prepared on vodka, and in which cases it produces a therapeutic effect. The main thing is not to use this medicine for allergies to raspberry components, kidney diseases, gout and jade, and use only high-quality vodka of famous brands to make tinctures.