National cuisine of different nations. World cuisines, national dishes

The concept of “Russian cuisine” is as broad as the country itself. Names, taste preferences and composition of dishes are quite significantly different depending on the region. Wherever the representatives of society moved, they brought their traditions to cooking, and at the place of residence they were actively interested in the culinary tricks of the region and quickly introduced them, thereby adapting them to their own ideas about healthy and tasty food. Thus, over time, on the territory of a huge country formed their own addictions.


Russian cuisine has a rather interesting and long history. Despite the fact that for quite some time the country did not even suspect the existence of products such as rice, corn, potatoes and tomatoes, the national table stood out for its abundance of aromatic and tasty dishes.

Traditional Russian dishes do not need exotic ingredients and specialized knowledge, nevertheless, for their preparation requires a lot of experience. The main components over the centuries have been turnips and cabbage, all kinds of fruits and berries, radishes and cucumbers, fish, mushrooms and meat. Grains such as oats, rye, lentils, wheat and millet did not stand aside.

Scythians and Greeks borrowed knowledge about yeast dough. China pleased our country with tea, and Bulgaria talked about the methods of cooking pepper, zucchini and eggplant.

Many interesting Russian dishes were adopted from European cuisine of the XVI-XVII centuries, this list includes smoked meats, salads, ice cream, liqueurs, chocolate and wine.
  Pancakes, borscht, Siberian dumplings, okroshka, Guryev porridge, Tula gingerbread cookies, Don fish have long become a kind of culinary brands of the state.

Main ingredients

It’s not a secret for everyone that our state is basically a northern country, the winters here are long and harsh. Therefore, dishes that are eaten must necessarily give a lot of heat to help survive in such a climate.

The main components that made up Russian folk dishes are:

  • Potatoes. A variety of dishes were prepared from it, fried, boiled and baked, also made chops, pancakes, pancakes, soups.
  • Bread. This product occupies a significant place in the diet of the average Russian. Such a product is striking in its diversity: these are croutons and crackers, just bread, bagels and a huge number of species that can be listed indefinitely.
  • The eggs. Most often they are boiled or fried, and on their basis they cook a large number of various dishes.
  • Meat. The most commonly used species are beef and pork. Many dishes are made from this product, for example, zrazy, chops, meatballs, etc.
  • Oil. It is very popular, added to many ingredients. They eat it and just spread it on bread.

Also, traditional Russian dishes were very often prepared from milk, cabbage, kefir and yogurt, mushrooms, fermented baked milk, cucumbers, sour cream and lard, apples and honey, berries and garlic, sugar and onions. In order to make any meal, you must use pepper, salt and vegetable oil.

List of popular Russian dishes

A feature of our kitchen is considered rationality and simplicity. This can be attributed to both the cooking technology and the recipe. A huge number of first dishes were popular, but their main list is presented below:

  • Cabbage soup is one of the most popular first courses. A huge number of options for its preparation are known.
  • The fish soup was popular in all its varieties: burlatskaya, double, triple, prefabricated, fishing.
  • The pickle was most often prepared in Leningrad, home and Moscow with kidneys, chicken and goose offal, with fish and cereals, roots and mushrooms, corn, meatballs, and lamb brisket.

An important role was also played by flour products:

  • pancakes;
  • dumplings;
  • pies;
  • fritters;
  • pies;
  • cheesecakes;
  • donuts
  • coulibiacs;
  • donuts.

Cereal dishes were especially popular:

  • porridge in a pumpkin;
  • pea;
  • buckwheat with mushrooms.

The meat was most often stewed or baked, and semi-liquid dishes were made from offal. The most favorite meat dishes were:

  • fire cutlets;
  • stroganoff beef
  • veal "Orlov";
  • bird in the capital;
  • pork roll in Russian;
  • offal stew;
  • hazel grouse in sour cream;
  • boiled scars.

Sweet foods were also widely presented:

  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • fruit drinks;
  • kvass;
  • sbiten;
  • medics.

Ritual and forgotten dishes

Basically, all the dishes of our kitchen are of ritual significance, and some of them have been going on since pagan times. They were consumed on established days or on holidays. For example, pancakes, which were considered sacrificial bread among the Eastern Slavs, were eaten only at Shrovetide or at the wake. And Easter cakes and Easter were prepared for the holy Easter holiday.

Kutia was served as funeral feast. The same dish was boiled for a variety of celebrations. And each time it had a new name, which was confined to the event. “Poor” was preparing before Christmas, “rich” - before the New Year, and “hungry” - before Baptism.

Some ancient Russian dishes are undeservedly forgotten today. More recently, there was nothing tastier than carrots and cucumbers, boiled with the addition of honey in a water bath. The whole world knew and loved national desserts: baked apples, honey, a variety of gingerbread and jam. Also made cakes of berry porridge, previously dried in the oven, and the "little guys" - boiled pieces of beets and carrots - these were favorite children's Russian dishes. The list of such forgotten dishes can be continued indefinitely, as the cuisine is very rich and varied.

Original Russian drinks include kvass, squash and berry fruit drinks. For example, the first of the list has been known to the Slavs for over 1000 years. The presence of this product in the house was considered a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Antique dishes

Modern kitchen with all its huge variety is very different from the past, but still very much intertwined with it. To date, many recipes have been lost, tastes forgotten, most products have become inaccessible, but all should not be erased from the memory of Russian folk dishes.

The traditions of people are closely related to food intake and evolved under the influence of a variety of factors, among which the main role is played by all kinds of religious abstinence. Therefore, in the Russian lexicon very often there are such words as “fasting” and “meat-eater”, these periods are constantly alternating.

Such circumstances greatly affected Russian cuisine. There is a huge amount of foods from cereals, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, which were seasoned with vegetable fats. On the festive table there were always such Russian dishes, photos of which can be seen below. They are associated with an abundance of game, meat, fish. Their preparation takes considerable time and requires certain skills from cooks.

Most often, the feast began with appetizers, namely mushrooms, sauerkraut, cucumbers, soaked apples. Salads appeared later, during the reign of Peter I.
  Then they ate such Russian dishes as soups. It should be noted that in the national cuisine there is a rich set of first courses. First of all, these are cabbage soup, hodgepodge, borsch, ear and botvini. This was followed by porridge, which was popularly called the mother of bread. On meat-eating days, cooks prepared gourmet dishes from offal and meat.


A strong influence on the formation of culinary preferences was exerted by Ukraine and Belarus. Therefore, in the country began to cook such Russian hot dishes as kulesh, borscht, beetroot soup, soup with dumplings. They very firmly entered the menu, but nevertheless, national dishes, such as cabbage soup, okroshka, and ear, are still popular.

Soups can be divided into seven types:

  1. Cold, which are prepared on the basis of kvass (okroshka, turi, botvini).
  2. Vegetable decoctions, they are made on the water.
  3. Dairy, meat, mushroom and noodles.
  4. Everyone's favorite dish of cabbage soup belongs to this particular group.
  5. High-calorie hodgepodge and pickles, prepared on the basis of broth from meat, and have a slightly salty-sour taste.
  6. A variety of fish broths fell into this subcategory.
  7. Soups that are made only with the addition of cereals in vegetable broth.

In hot weather, it is very nice to eat cool Russian first courses. Their recipes are very diverse. For example, it can be okroshka. Initially, it was prepared only from vegetables with the addition of kvass. But today there are a large number of recipes with fish or meat.

A very tasty ancient dish of Botvini, which has lost its popularity due to the complexity of preparation and high cost. It included such varieties of fish as salmon, sturgeon and stellate stellate. A variety of recipes may require from a couple of hours to a day for their preparation. But no matter how difficult the food would be, a real gourmet will enjoy such Russian dishes. The list of soups is very diverse, as is the country itself with its own nationalities.

Peeing, pickling, pickling

The easiest way to prepare blanks is by wetting. Such Russian dishes were stocked from apples, cranberries and cranberries, thorns, cloudberries, pears, cherries and mountain ash. On the territory of our country there was even a specially bred variety of apples, which was perfect for such harvests.

According to the recipes, additives such as kvass, molasses, brine and malt were distinguished. There are practically no special differences between salting, pickling and urinating, often this is only the amount of salt used.

In the sixteenth century, this spice ceases to be a luxury, and everyone in the Kama region begins to actively engage in its extraction. By the end of the seventeenth century, only the Stroganov factories produced more than 2 million pounds per year. At this time, such Russian dishes arose, the names of which remain relevant to this day. The availability of salt allowed harvesting cabbage, mushrooms, beets, turnips and cucumbers for the winter. This method has helped reliably preserve and preserve your favorite foods.

Fish and meat

Russia is a country in which winter takes quite a long time, and food should be nutritious and satisfying. Therefore, the main Russian dishes always had meat in their composition, and it was very diverse. Beef, pork, lamb, veal and game were perfectly prepared. Basically, everything was baked whole or cut into large pieces. Very popular were the dishes made on skewers, which were called "spiced". Sliced \u200b\u200bmeat was often added to cereals, and also stuffed pancakes with them. Not a single table could do without roasted ducks, grouse, chickens, geese and quails. In a word, there were always high regard for rich meat Russian dishes.

Recipes of fish dishes and preparations also impress with their variety and quantity. These products did not cost the peasants at all, as they "caught" them in large quantities on their own. And during the years of famine, such supplies were the basis of the diet. But expensive species, such as sturgeon and salmon, were served only on big holidays. Like meat, this product was stockpiled for the future, it was salted, smoked and dried.

Below are some recipes for traditional Russian dishes.


It is one of the most popular dishes, which are based on pickles, and sometimes pickle. This dish is not typical of other cuisines of the world, such as, for example, hodgepodge and okroshka. During its long existence, it has changed significantly, but is still considered a favorite.

A prototype of the usual pickle can be called potassium - this is a rather spicy and thick soup, which was prepared on a cucumber pickle with the addition of caviar and oily fish. Gradually, the last ingredient was changed to meat, and the well-known and beloved food appeared to everyone. Today's recipes are very diverse, so they can be both vegetarian and not. Such original Russian dishes use beef, offal and pork as a basis.

To cook a well-known dish, you need to boil meat or offal for 50 minutes. Next, send bay leaves and peas, salt, carrots and onions to the same place. The last of the ingredients is cleaned and cut crosswise, or you can just pierce it with a knife. Everything is boiled for another 30 minutes, then the meat is taken out, and the broth is filtered. Next is the frying of carrots and onions, cucumbers rub on a grater and also laid out there. The broth is brought to a boil, the meat is chopped into slices and added to it, it is filled with rice and finely chopped potatoes. Everything is brought to readiness and seasoned with vegetables, let it boil for 5 minutes, add greens and sour cream.


This dish is used cold, for cooking the meat broth is thickened to a jelly-like mass with the addition of small pieces of meat. It is very often considered a kind of aspic, but this is a serious mistake, since the latter has such a structure due to agar-agar or gelatin. Jellied leads Russian meat dishes and is considered an independent dish, which does not require the addition of substances for gelling.

Not everyone knows that several hundred years ago such a popular dish was prepared for the servant of the king. Initially, it was called jelly. And they made it from the remnants of the master's table. Waste was chopped rather finely, then boiled in broth, and then cooled. The resulting food was unsightly and doubtful in taste.

With the country's enthusiasm for French cuisine, many Russian dishes, the names of which also came from there, changed slightly. The modern aspic, which was called galantine there, was no exception. It consisted of pre-cooked game, rabbit meat and pork. These ingredients were ground together with eggs, after which they were diluted with broth to the consistency of sour cream. Our cooks turned out to be more dodgy, therefore, through various simplifications and tricks, the galantines and jelly were transformed into a modern Russian jelly. The meat was replaced with a pork head and leg, and beef ears and tails were added.

So, in order to cook such a dish, you need to take the gelling components that are presented above, and simmer them for at least 5 hours over low heat, then add any meat and cook for a few more hours. First, carrots, onions and favorite spices are added. After the time is over, the broth will need to be filtered, the meat sorted and laid out on plates, then pour the resulting liquid and send to freeze in the cold.

Today, no meal can do without this dish. Despite the fact that all Russian home-style dishes take a lot of time, the cooking process is not particularly difficult. The essence of the aspic remains unchanged for a long time, only its base is transformed.

Russian borsh

He is considered very popular and loved by everyone. For cooking, you will need meat, potatoes and cabbage, beets and onions, parsnips and carrots, tomatoes and beets. Be sure to add spices such as pepper and salt, bay leaf and garlic, vegetable oil and water. Its composition may vary, the ingredients - both added and reduced.

Borsch is traditional Russian dishes, for the preparation of which it is necessary to boil meat. Previously, it is thoroughly washed and filled with cold water, and then brought to a boil over medium heat, the foam is removed as it appears, and then the broth is cooked for another 1.5 hours. Parsnips and beets are cut into thin strips, onions are cut into half rings, carrots and tomatoes are rubbed, and cabbage is thinly chopped. At the end of cooking, the broth must be salted. Then cabbage is sent to it, the mass is brought to a boil, and the potatoes are laid whole. We wait until everything is half-prepared. Onions, parsnips and carrots are slightly fried in a small pan, then everything is poured with tomatoes and stewed carefully.

In a separate container, it is necessary to steam the beets for 15 minutes to cook, and then transfer it to fry. Next, the potato is removed from the broth and added to all the vegetables, after which it is slightly kneaded with a fork, since it should be soaked in sauce. Stew everything for another 10 minutes. Further, the ingredients are sent to the broth, and several bay leaves and pepper are thrown there too. Boil for another 5 minutes, then sprinkle with herbs and crushed garlic. The cooked dish must be infused for 15 minutes. It can also be done without adding meat, then it is perfect for fasting, and due to the variety of vegetables it will still remain incredibly tasty.


This culinary product consists of minced meat and unleavened dough. It is considered a famous dish of Russian cuisine, which has ancient Finno-Ugric, Turkic, Chinese and Slavic roots. The name comes from the Udmurt word "dumplings", which means "bread ear". Dumplings analogs are found in most cuisines of the world.

The story tells that this product was very popular during the wanderings of Ermak. Since then, this dish has become the most beloved among the inhabitants of Siberia, and then the rest of the regions of wide Russia. This dish consists of unleavened dough, which will need water, flour and eggs, and pork, beef or mutton is chopped for the filling. Quite often, the filling is prepared from chicken with the addition of sauerkraut, pumpkin and other vegetables.

In order to prepare the dough, you need to mix 300 ml of water and 700 grams of flour, add 1 egg and knead a cool dough. For the filling, mix the minced meat with chopped onions, pepper and salt a little. Next, the dough is rolled out and using the form we squeeze out circles into which we put a little minced meat and pinch it into triangles. Then boil the water and boil until the dumplings float.

What in no case should you miss when you visit another country? Of course, national dishes! The kitchens of different peoples of the world is a kind of journey in travel. In this issue, we have collected the best dishes from around the world - in case you go all out and start your own gastronomic tour.

Australia: Pie Floater

This dish is often called the perfect cure for a hangover. This is an Australian-style meat pie that is “immersed” in pea soup or “soars” above it. Sometimes tomato sauce, vinegar, salt and pepper are placed on top.

Argentina: Asado

This is a popular dish of grilled meat. In a word, the steak is Argentinean. If you come across a really good asador (the one who makes asado), then you will once and for all remember the taste of real meat on the grill.

Austria: Vienna Schnitzel

Vienna Schnitzel is a synonym for Austria. This is a very thin veal tenderloin breaded from bread, which is deeply fried. It is usually served with lemon and parsley, and potatoes or rice are used as a side dish.

Belgium: mul-free

Of course, mussels and fries can be eaten in other countries, but such a spicy and tasty combination first appeared in Belgium. Mussels are prepared in different ways (with wine, butter and spices, or even in tomato broth) and served with salty crispy fries. All this is washed down with a refreshing Belgian beer.

Brazil: feijoada

Brazil is a huge country with a diverse cuisine, so it is difficult to choose only one dish. However, the most cultured Brazilian dish is probably feijoada - a dish of beans and smoked beef or pork. It is usually served with rice, kale, porcelain (fried cassava flour), spicy sauce and orange slices to facilitate digestion.

Canada: Putin (emphasis on “and”)

Putin first appeared in Quebec, this is a delicious high-calorie dish that will warm you from the inside: french fries and slices of cheese in hot sauce.

China: Shanghai Dumplings

It is difficult to choose only one best dish in such a huge country as China, but perhaps Shanghai dumplings (xiao long bao) deserve this title. This dish appeared in Shanghai and is dumplings with meat filling, which are steamed in broth in a bamboo basket.

Colombia: Arepa

Arepa are tortillas made from maize or flour, which are fried on the grill, baked or fried in a pan until a delicious airy texture is formed. They are usually eaten for breakfast or as a lunch snack. Often put butter, cheese, eggs, milk, chorizo \u200b\u200bor hogao (onion sauce) on top.

Costa Rica: Tamale

If you arrived in Costa Rica in December, you will probably see tamale on every corner, because these cakes are made mainly for Christmas. Tamale can have a wide variety of fillings, including pork, rice, eggs, raisins, olives, carrots and peppers. They are wrapped in the leaves of a paradise banana and cooked in a wood stove.

Croatia: Page cheese

Page cheese is a solid Croatian goat cheese. It is cooked on the island of Pag, and it is so famous that it is exported around the world.

Denmark: Elebrod

This is a traditional Danish rye bread, which is soaked in beer and boiled until porridge. Served with whipped cream, thanks to which it looks like a dessert. Nutritious and sweet, but with the taste of rye bread.

Egypt: Molochaea

This dish is served throughout North Africa, but is especially popular in Egypt, where it first appeared. In the Egyptian version of this dish, the leaves of Moloch are used (a type of bitter vegetable) - stems are removed from them, and then finely cut and cooked with coriander, garlic and broth. Usually served with chicken or rabbit, and sometimes with lamb or fish.

England: roast beef and yorkshire pudding

These dishes are considered national in England. Combine the flavor of beef in gravy with hot bread.

France: Potofoe

The national dish of France - potofoe - is a product of rural cuisine - a broth with meat, root vegetables and spices. According to tradition, the cooks filtered the broth through a sieve and served with meat.

Georgia: Khachapuri

Spicy cakes with cheese or egg.

Germany: carrivurst

This popular fast-food dish consists of bratwurst fried sausages (served whole or cut into pieces), seasoned with ketchup curry. As a side dish served french fries. Experts say that it is best to try with a Nuremberg sausage.

Greece: gyros

Gyros are made from meat (beef, veal, pork or chicken), which is cooked on a vertical skewer and served with tomatoes, onions and various sauces. They say that the best and largest gyros can be tasted in the north of the country. In addition, in the south they are more often served with dzhadzhik, and in the north - with mustard and ketchup.

Holland: pickled herring

This is a raw herring fillet that is marinated in a mixture of cider, wine, sugar, spices and / or spices. This dish is best served on a fresh fried bun with chopped onions.

Hungary: goulash

A popular Hungarian dish - goulash - is a cross between soup and stew and has a very thick consistency. There are many options for preparing this dish, but the traditional recipe includes beef, onions, paprika, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and sometimes noodles.

India: Tandoori Chickens

In India, cuisine varies greatly by region, so it’s almost impossible to choose just one dish to describe the whole country. In the north, the dishes are more "meat", with curry and aromatic bread. In the south - more vegetarian and spicy. Well, if you had to choose, probably, tandoori chickens could get the title of the best dish in India. It consists of the actual chickens, which are marinated in tandoori masala and fried in a special tandoori oven. Served with vegetables, yogurt sauce and rice.

Indonesia: Martabak

Martabak is a sweet Indonesian cake. Top and bottom it is, in fact, a porous cake, and in the middle there can be a variety of sweets - from chocolate chips to grated cheese and peanuts, and sometimes a banana! Sold throughout Indonesia right on the streets.

Italy Pizza

Agree, there could be no other. Pizza appeared in Italy - in Naples, to be exact. Neapolitan pizza is very dense, with a crispy crust and high-quality ingredients such as fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and meat. In this country, pizza is an art, and pizza chefs are artists.

Japan: Katsudon

Of course, sushi seems to be the most obvious candidate for the title of a cult Japanese dish, but many Japanese say that katsudon is no less popular. This is a crispy, deep-fried pork chop with egg and seasonings. Served, of course, with rice. And those gourmets who still consider sushi to be the most delicious dish have the opportunity to order them on the website

Kazakhstan: Beshbarmak

Translated means “five fingers”, because this dish was originally eaten by hand. Boiled meat (lamb or beef) is cut into cubes and mixed with boiled noodles, and then seasoned with onion sauce. Served in a large round dish with lamb broth as a side dish.

Malaysia: Nasi Lemak

It is considered an unofficial national dish of Malaysia; consists of rice cooked in coconut milk and pandan leaves. By tradition, served wrapped in banana leaves, and as a side dish often comes chili, anchovies, peanuts and boiled eggs. Many claim that this dish can heal you from a hangover.

Mexico: mole

Mole sauce is one of the most complex and delicious in the world, because it uses more than a hundred ingredients. This sauce appeared in the regions of Pueblo and Oaxaca, but you can find it almost throughout the country.

Indonesia: riistafel

Translated from Dutch, this word means “rice table”. This is a set lunch of dozens of small side dishes such as sate, sambal, egg rolls, fruits and vegetables. Although all of these dishes are of Indonesian origin, the dish itself appeared in the Dutch colonial period.

Nigeria: egus and mashed potatoes soup

You can make mashed potatoes by stirring the potato flour in hot water or starch, using boiled white yams and whipping it until a soft texture is formed. Egusi soup is made from protein-rich pumpkin seeds, melons; leafy vegetables, goat meat and seasonings such as chilli are usually added. There are many regional versions of this dish.

Norway: rakfisk

This is salted trout that has been pickled for several months. It is eaten raw, with onions and sour cream. For a long time, Norway was a poor country on the verge of agricultural opportunities. Because of the long winter, the Norwegians are used to harvesting in advance and preserving it. Therefore, traditional Norwegian dishes are often pickled, smoked or canned. And rakfisk is one of them.

Philippines: adobo

In other countries, adobo is a popular sauce, but in the Philippines it is a whole dish with meat (pork or chicken) cooked in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and vegetable oil. Before frying, the meat is marinated in this sauce. The dish is so popular that it is called the unofficial national dish of the Philippines.

Poland: jour

Zhur is a base for soup, consisting of rye flour, which is fermented in water for up to five days. Chopped vegetables are added to the broth - carrots, parsnips, root celery, leeks, potatoes, garlic, and also usually eggs and sausages.

Portugal: Francesinha

This is a Portuguese sandwich made of bread, ham, lingua (smoked pork sausage) and steak. All this is watered with melted cheese and tomato sauce. Best served with french fries and cold beer.

Romania: Sarmale

Cabbage leaves stuffed with rice and meat. This is a very popular dish in Romania eaten in winter.

Ukraine: borsch

Any foreigner in Ukraine is simply obliged to try borsch. It is usually served cold and with sour cream. Best aperitif? Of course the vodka.

Saudi Arabia: Cuba

A fragrant rice dish with many spices, such as cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, peppers, nutmeg and bay leaves. Usually all this is mixed with meat and vegetables. This dish can be found throughout the Middle East, but it is especially popular in Saudi Arabia.

Scotland: smoked salmon on brown bread

Smoked Salmon is a must-have of Scottish cuisine. The Scots squeeze fresh lemon on salmon and eat the fish, simply laying it on a slice of brown bread, adding only butter or cream cheese.

Slovakia: cheese dumplings

These are small potato dumplings with soft goat cheese (feta cheese) and bacon.

Slovenia: crane sausage

This is a Slovenian sausage made from pork (20% of which is bacon), salt, pepper, water and garlic. And that’s all.

South Africa: Biltong

A type of canned meat from South Africa. It can be beef or game meat, such as an ostrich. The South African version of beef jerky, but much tastier. Strips of meat, seasoned with salt and spices, dried and truly delicious.

South Korea: Panchang

A traditional lunch in South Korea consists of many small side dishes, from which it is almost impossible to choose one. Therefore, Koreans love panchan - a set of small dishes that are served with rice and eat in company. It can be kimchi, soup, kochujan, kalbi, etc.

Spain: Jamon

Spicy pickled ham, which is sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the hind leg of a pig. This is a cult Spanish dish, served with a glass of wine, crisp bread and olives.

Switzerland: Rösti

Finely grated potatoes, which are fried in a pan until golden brown. It was originally a farmers breakfast in the canton of Bern, but the taste of this dish has made it popular throughout the country.

Taiwan: bread coffin

This is a very thick piece of white bread stuffed with various yummy foods, such as chicken or pepper beef.

Thailand: Phat Thai

This dish was invented in Thailand in the 1930s, and since then it remains a cult throughout the country. Thin rice noodles are fried with tofu and shrimp and seasoned with sugar, tamarind, vinegar, chili and fish sauce. It turns out very spicy and tasty.

UAE: shawarma

One of the most affordable dishes in the expensive UAE. Perhaps that is why it remains one of the most popular in the country. This is a pita sandwich with grilled meat (usually a mixture of lamb, chicken, turkey or beef) and vegetables. Usually seasoned with hot sauce or tahini.

Russia: buckwheat and beef stroganoff

The meat is in Stroganov style, finely chopped beef, seasoned with hot sour cream sauce, goes well with a traditional Russian side dish - buckwheat.

USA: Hamburger

There are a lot of different dishes in the USA and choosing just one is quite difficult. But, you see, a hamburger is perhaps the “face” of America. Especially in the company of french fries and a milkshake.

Venezuela: Pabellon Criollo

This dish consists of white rice with stewed black beans and meat. It is often served with scrambled eggs and fried plantans.

Vietnam: Fo

This dish is popular throughout the country - noodle soup. There are many versions regarding the type of meat used, but each of them must have rice noodles and broth seasoned with shallots, fish sauce, ginger, salt and spices like cardamom, star anise and cloves. Some versions also include onions, cilantro and black pepper.

Wales: Clark Pie

Spicy meat patties originating in Cardiff, Wales. They are made according to a secret recipe, but in them you will find meat, vegetables and gravy.

The most delicious and intriguing dishes that have long been a hallmark of their countries!

Tapas in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain

  Patatas bravas (potatoes in spicy tomato sauce), calamares fritos (fried squid), boquerones (anchovies), croquetas de jamón (ham croquettes), chorizo \u200b\u200b(pork sausages), pimientos asados \u200b\u200b(fried peppers), albóndigas (meat balls) berenjenas gratinadas (eggplant, baked with cheese) are only part of the dishes, united by the common name "tapas". The richest selection of tapas in Spain can be found in Barcelona - especially along La Rambla, along which tourists, along with locals, leisurely stroll south from Plaza Catalunya.

Doner kebab in Istanbul, Turkey Traditional doner kebab is a grilled lamb on a pillow of rice, and many restaurants in Turkey still serve it in this form. However, nowadays fast food culture is gaining momentum, and the dish has somewhat transformed. Now, the usual doner for everyone is more likely to be wrapped in pita pieces of meat, roasted on a spit, mixed with salad and sauce. And nowadays, it has become a kind of tradition to eat a full-bodied doner in Istanbul, and then wander through the narrow streets of Sultanahmet or along the Bosphorus, sometimes wiping the rest of the sauce stealthily and shaking pieces of salad from the chin.

Pasta in Naples, Italy

Culinary historians are still arguing about the appearance of pasta in Italy - either brought it to the national cuisine by Marco Polo, importing from China, or the Etruscans got to know it long before that. But everyone agrees that by the 18th century Naples had turned the mixing of flour with water into a profitable industry, becoming the world capital of pasta. In addition to this, the Neapolitans discovered an amazing combination of pasta and tomato, from which the taste was born, which have gained worldwide recognition! So, the next time you happen to visit Naples, wandering through the narrow streets of its historical center, do not forget to go to the nearest trattoria and taste the famous pasta napoletana!

Steam Dumplings - Shanghai, China

  These delicious balls may seem to be just slices of dough, but it’s worth trying them only once to understand that inside there is a hot fragrant broth in combination with ground pork, crab meat or vegetables. This small trick is achieved by adding gelatin inside the dumplings, which turns into liquid during steaming. In order not to burn the gums with hot broth, do not bite the dumpling right away, but slightly bite it on the side so that the liquid pours out gradually.

Feijoada in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  Taste buds celebrate their own carnival, tasting a Brazilian dinner, feijoada - dark and spicy gravy, prepared on the basis of black beans and pork. Keep in mind that the feijoada cooked in most restaurants in Brazil for local residents, in addition to ordinary pieces of meat, may also contain pork parts that are less familiar to us, such as ears, tongues, and even squiggles. Also keep in mind that this hearty meal can be a real test for your stomach - so be prepared that after such a dinner in Rio de Janeiro you would rather want to take a nap rather than swim in the waves of Ipanema.

Gumbo in New Orleans, USA

  Spooning a gumbo from a steaming pot is as typical of any New Orleans resident in the US as listening to jazz or blues. This, beloved by all Louisiana, dainty is a hearty broth of seafood or smoked meat, compacted by adding flour mixed with fat, and then poured onto a hill of rice. There are many variations of the dish - from classic Creole to more spicy Cajun.

Couscous in Casablanca, Morocco

As soon as you arrive in Casablanca, immediately go to the Boulevard de la Corniche, which is near the water, and order a cup of mint tea and a traditional Moroccan dish - couscous. Couscous is made from semolina (crushed grain) and is prepared by long-term steaming in a special boiler. Then it is poured with a sharp gravy of vegetables or a mixture of vegetables with meat or fish. Without a doubt - you ask for supplements!

Nasi goreng at Penang, Malaysia

  Everyone who has ever visited Malaysia must have had a chance to try nasi goreng as simple as all the brilliant ones. Literally, the name of the dish can be translated simply as “fried rice” - and it is enjoyed with pleasure throughout Malaysia, as well as in Indonesia and Singapore. To prepare the dish, fry the rice with chicken or seafood with the addition of vegetables, eggs and sweetened soy sauce. Nasi goreng can be found anywhere in Malaysia, but it is best to try it in the crowded and bustling center of Penang Island. A variety of Malay, Chinese and Indian culinary styles in combination give this seemingly modest dish special, incomparable notes.

Curry in Mumbai, India

  Curry is a pan-Asian phenomenon that can be found anywhere from Thailand to Japan. But India is the real birthplace of curry, and if you have not tried curry in Mumbai, you can assume that you have not tried it at all! Mumbai curry usually consists of seafood and coconut mixed with masala (a special blend of spices). The usual set of spices includes turmeric, coriander, ginger and red chili.

Hot Dog in New York, USA

  Is it hard to believe that a city like New York in the USA can boast one of the most popular dishes in the world? Everyone knows that the most iconic culinary ritual in New York is to go to a busy city intersection, find a ragged metal trolley with a colorful umbrella and order a hot dog with ketchup, mustard, onions and, if desired, with sour cabbage or spicy sauce! To see traditional food and its lovers in all its glory, head to Nathan’s on Coney Island on July 4 and visit the famous hot dog competition! The record for today is 53.5 hot dogs in 12 minutes!

And of course! Russian kitchen!

Pancakes may have been the first flour products and are rooted in prehistoric times. Russian pancakes - a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs, a national version of pancakes. Russian pancakes are cooked on a yeast dough and often brewed in water or milk (custard pancakes) before baking in a traditional Russian oven. Buckwheat flour is often used for their preparation.

Grandma’s pies
  Pie - a small dish of yeast dough with a filling that is baked (in the oven) or fried (in deep fryers, small pots or boilers). The name is derived from the word pie. There are a great many different recipes for pies. The differences relate to the dough (yeast is usually used) and toppings (with cabbage, potatoes, onions and eggs, with various berries, with cereals). Cakes are also often and mistakenly called pastries from other types of dough. In particular, Tatar and Uzbek samsa and Karelian gates are often mistakenly called pies. A round and open pie on top, with only the edges plucked, is called a cheesecake. This type of cake mainly contains cottage cheese.

  Homemade - the most delicious
  Etymological dictionaries indicate that the Russian word for dumplings is a borrowing from Finno-Ugric languages, leading it to the word “dumplings” (“bread ear”: sing “ear” + nanny “bread”). At the same time, various sources diverge when indicating a specific language from which this word fell into Russian.

  Under forty degrees just super!
  Borsch - a kind of beet-based soup that gives the borsch a characteristic red color. A traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs. Widespread in the national cuisines of neighboring nations

  After forty degrees is also super
  Sun (originally a villager) - a dish of Russian cuisine, soup on steep meat, fish or mushroom broth with hot spices. There are three types of solyanka: meat, fish and mushroom. The base of the hodgepodge is sour-salty-spicy due to the addition of components such as pickles, olives, capers, lemon, kvass, salted or pickled mushrooms. Solyanka combines the components of cabbage soup (cabbage, sour cream) and pickle (pickles, cucumber pickle). Various kinds of fried boiled meat, corned beef, smoked meat and sausages are used in meat hodgepodge. In fish hodgepodge - boiled, salted, smoked red fish (sturgeon). In all hodgepodge there are many spices: pepper, parsley and dill.

  In the summer in the heat - it is!
Okroshka is a mixture of finely chopped various types of meat or fish, vegetables and pickles (originally - fresh and / or pickles, onions, pickled plums, pickled mushrooms, in later versions - boiled potatoes, turnips, carrots, rutabaga), herbs (finely chopped green onions, parsley, dill, celery), seasoned with a special white okroshny kvass or a tiny kvass in half with bread and sour cream.

Each country has its own culinary traditions. As a rule, regional dishes are based on local ingredients and spices, and recipes for their preparation are carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation. A variety of cooking methods can be used to prepare a meal, so for residents of other countries a certain combination of products and a cooking method may even seem strange. However, many of these dishes are a matter of national pride.

The fame of them has long spread throughout the world. Certain dishes can even be prepared outside the country, but for the original version of the dish it is still better to go where the traditions of its preparation have been honed for centuries. These 30 national dishes are considered the culinary symbols of their countries, and they are definitely worth a try if you are in their homeland.

Cornish Maw, UK

The dish is typical of the southwestern regions of England, but it is common throughout the country. Cornish mouth is an oval-shaped pie with a filling, which can be used in various types of meat or vegetables.

Peking Duck, China

The hallmark of Chinese cuisine is the duck. It is rubbed with honey and baked in the oven. Peking duck served with sauces and tortillas.

Tandoori Chicks, India

The homeland of this spicy poultry dish is considered to be the Indian state of Punjab. From there, tandoori chicken spread throughout India. Before cooking, the chicken is marinated in yogurt with various spices, after which it is baked in a special tandoori oven.

Sushi, Japan

Japanese cuisine is impossible to imagine without sushi. This dish consists of rice and toppings from meat, vegetables or fish.

Falafel, Israel

Although the history of this dish began in Egypt, it was in Israel that it became the culinary symbol of the country. This is due to the incredible popularity of the dish among local residents. Falafel is a ball of chickpeas or beans with herbs and spices. They are fried in oil until golden brown and served with sauce and tortilla.

Haggis, Scotland

The national dish of Scotland was invented by the poor during the time of the poet Robert Burns, who decided to use sheep’s offal with advantage. The heart, liver and lungs of the animal are mixed with onions, lard, seasonings, stuffed with a sheep’s stomach and boiled. Haggis with mashed potatoes from rutabaga and potatoes are served.

Paella, Spain

The main ingredients of the national Spanish dish are rice, saffron and olive oil. In regional variations, seafood, chicken or vegetables are added to them. The dish is a symbol of Valencia.

Gimchi, Korea

The main place in Korean cuisine is occupied by kimchi - pickled vegetables with hot spices. The main component of the dish is Beijing cabbage. Hot pepper, onion, ginger and garlic and other vegetables to taste or cruciferous plants are added to it.

Moules frites, Belgium

Fish and seafood are considered one of the key ingredients in Belgian cuisine. It is with the use of seafood that the popular national dish moules frites is prepared. It consists of two components: fresh mussels and the country's second national asset - french fries.

Pad Thai, Thailand

Pad Thai is a symbol of Thai cuisine. For his most delicious variations, you should go to street food merchants. The composition of the dish includes rice noodles, tamarind sauce, shrimp, roasted peanuts and a number of other additional ingredients. Preparing pad thai in a wok by quick frying.

Putin, Canada

This simple dish was invented in the 1950s and, due to its simplicity, it quickly gained popularity. Way? N includes french fries, which are sprinkled with pickled cheese and complemented with a sweet gravy.

Carrivurst, Germany

Germany is famous all over the world for all kinds of sausages and sausages. But the residents of the country liked the sausage with ketchup or tomato paste sauce and curry powder most of all. It is here that she is considered one of the culinary symbols.

Empanade, Chile

Pie with various fillings is popular throughout Latin America. In chile, this dish is considered national. A classic pie is stuffed with finely chopped beef with onions and olives.

Bunny Chow, South Africa

One of the culinary symbols of South Africa is prepared in half a loaf of rectangular-shaped bread. A crumb is taken out of it and its curry is filled from beans, meat or vegetables.

Vienna Schnitzel, Austria

This dish is one of the most famous outside Austria. Schnitzel is made from veal, which is dipped in flour, eggs and breadcrumbs. Meat is fried in large quantities of oil and served with green or potato salad, or boiled potatoes.

Mole Poblano, Mexico

Mexico's main culinary asset is spicy thick cocoa sauce. In it, locals stew a turkey or chicken.

Pastilla, Morocco

One of the most iconic dishes of Moroccan cuisine is pie. It is prepared from puff pastry and begins with the meat of young pigeons or chicken, fish and subproducts.

Dumplings, Russia

One of the first associations that arise when mentioning Russian cuisine, of course, is dumplings. A dish from unleavened dough stuffed with minced meat would not refuse to be tasted by any foreigner who wants to one day reach immense Russia.

Chile Crab, Singapore

The author of the dish is an unknown street vendor who in 1956 tried to fry crab in chili sauce. The experiment turned out to be more than successful: now fried in a mixture of onions, garlic, ginger and chili, and then crab stewed in tomato sauce is the hallmark of Singapore.

Haukarl, Iceland

Iceland is perhaps the only place on the planet where you can try jerky meat of the Greenland polar shark or just a giant shark. The dish, rooted in the days of the Vikings, is a national treasure here.

Koshari, Egypt

The national dish of Egyptian cuisine is a mixture of rice, pasta and lentils, seasoned with tomato-vinegar sauce. The dish can be found both in eateries and in restaurants specializing only in nightmare.

Mazguf, Iraq

In a special way, fried fish is the culinary symbol of Iraq. The fish is cut along the ridge, unfurled like a book and fried, planted on stakes, over an open fire.

Meat Pie, Australia, New Zealand

A pie stuffed with chopped meat or minced meat with onions, mushrooms and cheese is considered a national dish of two countries at once: Australia and New Zealand. According to statistics, an average Australian eats 12 such meat pies per year.

Dener Kebab, Turkey

This dish has many names, but many know it as shawarma. To prepare the national Turkish dish, pita bread and filling are used, which may consist of lamb, chicken, beef, as well as all kinds of spices and fresh vegetables.

Ceviche, Peru

The dish is common in many countries of Latin America, and its recipe may vary from country to country. But Peru is considered to be the birthplace of Ceviche. Here, finely chopped raw fish of various varieties, marinated in lime juice, is served with sweet potato, toasted corn or cassava.

Fo, Vietnam

Pho noodle soup is one of the symbols of Vietnamese cuisine. Soup noodles are usually made from rice flour, and before serving, either beef, chicken, or fried fish is added to the soup.

Stegt Flask, Denmark

Fried pork with potatoes and parsley sauce in 2014 was recognized as the national dish of Denmark. Stegt Flask is one of the most popular Danish dishes.

Feijoada, Brazil

According to one version, the dish was invented more than 300 years ago by slaves who were brought from Africa to Brazil. Subsequently, it became a local culinary symbol. A dish of beans, meat products and cassava flour is prepared.

The world's cuisine is very diverse and unusual in its own way. It has a huge number of dishes that are not similar to each other either in taste, in appearance, or in consistency. Habitual food in different countries is individual, has its own distinctive qualities and characteristics. We provide you, lovers with a satisfying and tasty meal, unusual national dishes from countries around the world.


Georgian cuisine  different consumption of various sauces, seasonings and spices (for example, suneli hops, which are added to many Georgian dishes). Vegetable and fish snacks are also popular here. Regardless of the time of year, every family on the kitchen table during meals is served a variety of greens (parsley, dill, mint and the like). In addition to it, vegetables such as radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and radishes should be present. Thanks to this, Georgian food served on the table becomes more wholesome and aromatic.

A dish like khashi (garlic broth)  served only for breakfast. It is mainly boiled from beef (beef legs, scar and abomasum). This soup is the most nutritious, as it contains proteins and extractive substances. Many say that this dish is intended for those who work hard, as it adds strength, and for revelers to get rid of a hangover the next day.

Khinkali - One of the most popular Georgian dishes in the world. Outwardly and to taste they resemble ordinary dumplings, only of a huge size and with a tail. Black pepper is used as seasoning. The filling of such a dish is the most diverse: from meat to vegetable, but most often inside the khinkali you can find the broth. Such dumplings are eaten by hands, holding by the tail. First, drink the contents of the khinkali, biting it, and then proceed to the filling.


Australia  Is a country of immigrants. It is thanks to them that it is enriched by centuries-old traditions of different nations, a huge part of which is the cuisine itself. People bring here a wide variety of recipes for dishes and dishes. It is here that you can meet the national dishes of countries: from China to the United States. Also here you can notice the culinary techniques of European, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisine. The most popular dishes here are made from seafood and meat.

Fried kangaroo  - this dish is preferred by local natives. It is a delicacy, does not emit such a substance as methane and contains a small amount of fat, which gives it the right to be considered low-calorie. This meat is very tender. It is enough to fry it on the one hand and you can start the meal. Kangaroos go well with garlic, peppers and fruits like plums, red currants and oranges.


This country has long been a colony of Portugal, which had a great influence on the traditions of Brazilian cuisine. Gastronomic preferences are well integrated into the culture of South American Indians. Soon, the Portuguese brought slaves from Africa, which led to a confusion of the culinary features of Brazilian cuisine. It is this trio (Indians, Africa and Portugal) that is an integral part of Brazilian dishes.

Watapi  - This is a dish made from seafood (shellfish, shrimp) and fish, which must be ground. Then everything is mixed and fried. For a pleasant taste and aroma, coconut juice is added (this dish is poured with it). When the dish is cooked, bread and various spices are served with it on the table. And rice serves as a side dish.

Pau di Caju - buns made from cheese. This is one of the most popular national dishes of Brazil. Most often it is served for breakfast. The recipe for buns was invented already in the eighteenth century, and for a long time it was a secret. The chefs of Brazil created this delicacy only within the state itself and thought it was a unique invention, which should be the pride of the region. And only after the twentieth century, the recipe began to spread and gained popularity.


Indian food  is one of the most delicious food collections in the world. It is more influenced by religion, which prohibits eating certain types of meat. For example, a large part of the population of India are people professing Islam. And they can’t eat pork. The second part of the Indians of the same scale professes Hinduism - a ban on beef. Therefore, the main additions to the national cuisine of India are vegetables and cereals. Literally over the past few hundred years, poultry dishes (chicken, turkey, duck) began to appear in the culinary menu of this country.

Dhal  - This is a thick puree soup of various types of legumes. There is no meat in this dish, so it is called vegetarian. This soup contains the following ingredients: coconut milk, lemon juice, tomatoes, onions, garlic and curry. When the dhal is cooked, it is traditionally necessary to serve it along with warm cakes. They say that this dish helps to restore normal weight. And yogis assure that you need to eat it before meditation.

Sabji  - This is a stew of vegetables. Since curry is the most favorite spice of the inhabitants of India, and it is it that is used to season almost all the dishes of this country, this dish was also not without it. This dish is served with a portion of rice and warm cakes. You can also add yogurt, coconut milk, Indian cheese - paneer, various spices and herbs to vegetable stew. This dish is very hearty, mouth-watering and fragrant.


Everyone can envy the national dishes of Turkey, because they are part of the most experienced and ancient cuisine of this country. In those distant times, the Turks erected any kind of food to the level of a cult. This hospitable people held feasts for relatives and strangers. Even competitions were held on how well they will conduct this event. The basis of Turkish cuisine is rice, wheat and vegetables.

Baklava (Baklava) - A real Turkish dessert, created from a large number of layers of dough with the addition of various types of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts). The cooked dish is poured with honey syrup. By tradition, the baklava is eaten with a cup of hot coffee, as a snack to any dish or after a barbecue. Baklava is exclusively Turkish sweetness. This information is confirmed even internationally.

Dolma  - This is a very original and unusual delicacy. Its appearance resembles cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage, the contents of the dish are wrapped in grape leaf. Dolma filling consists of rice and / or minced meat.


The inhabitants of this country almost do not eat meat dishes, in large quantities eat rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood. Japanese cuisine is not only distinguished by its variety of delicacies, but also by the process of their use. In this country there are a huge number of rules that are recommended to be followed.

Sushi  - one of the main traditional foods of Japan. You could say her business card. Sushi cannot be imagined without Japan, and Japan cannot be imagined without sushi (“Sushi” is what this national delicacy is called in the homeland) - this association has long been used in all countries of the world. This dish demonstrates a lump or roll of rice with various fillings: fish, vegetables, eggs, algae. Sushi is traditionally served with soy sauce, ginger and wasabi.

Shabu shabu  - A special plate with a deep bottom, consisting entirely of metal. It is used to heat a variety of dishes over an open fire or in the oven. The main ingredients of shabu-shabu are: vegetable soup / broth, tofu and noodles. In addition to this, meat slices are served separately on the table (most often from duck, pork, lobster and chicken). These pieces of meat are dipped in hot soup before eating. This dish is especially popular during cold and rainy weather.


Mexican cuisine  very diverse and savory in taste. Often, in addition to salsa (a business card of Mexico) - fire sauce with peppers and tomatoes, cooks add various seasonings and herbs to dishes. Also in almost every dish there is corn in any form and beans.

Enchilada was invented back in the days when the Mayan tribe existed. At this time, the inhabitants of Mexico ate tortillas, consisting of corn kernels. In such a dish, the filling most often was ordinary fish. Now they are wrapped in meat slices, slices of cheese, seafood, beans, a variety of vegetables or all at once. Such a dish, and even with chili sauce, is served in Mexico for breakfast.

Quesadilla  - The national dish of Mexico. This is a tortilla cake (either corn or wheat). According to tradition, Quesadilla inside is filled with cheese, but over time, its recipe began to change. In this dish, ingredients such as meat fillet, a variety of vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes and the like began to appear. Along with quesadillas, snacks are also served. For example, it can be a vegetable side dish, hot chili pepper, coriander and fire sauce - salsa. The main difference from other Mexican dishes of this type (burritos, chimichanga, enchiladas) is that the quesadillas are folded in half and not twisted into a roll.


Italian cuisine  everyone knows - this is a well-known and accepted fact. Her dishes are not like other national dishes of the world. Cuisine in Italy is distinguished by a huge number of different spices, spices and products, toppings in the dish itself. In the dishes you can taste the seafood, vegetable and fruit slices, poultry (duck, turkey, chicken), pork, beef, slices of cheese, rice, wild berries and legumes.

Kachchukko  - seafood soup. It is made from fish soup (fish stock), wine (preferably red) and tomato juice. In the same bowl with soup, add shellfish, crayfish and / or various types of fish. In appearance, the kachchukko is similar to goulash. There is a tradition associated with this dish: the bottom line is that you need to add as much fish to this soup as there are letters “c” in its name (that is, five).

Lasagna  - traditional national Italian food. It in its appearance resembles a layer cake. For lasagna, it is necessary to use durum wheat flour. The filling between the layers of dough can be minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables (you need to apply them in turn). Top of the “pie” is covered with Parmesan cheese. Bologna is considered to be the birthplace of lasagna, so this dish cannot be made completely without such an ingredient as Bolognese sauce.

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