Turkey meat which part is better. Turkey meat - benefits and harm to the body

Turkey is considered one of the most useful types of dietary meat. Its breeding is carried out in various countries, including Russia. Turkey meat is valued more than chicken and is indicated for use in most diets for weight loss, as it is easily absorbed and combined with many products. Meanwhile, meat is far from always providing absolute health benefits.

Breeding Features

Turkey is a species of domestic large bird, whose homeland is America. It has long been consumed by the Aztecs, and only in the 16th century began the spread of dietary meat in Europe. The live weight of birds is quite large, in males it reaches 35 kg, and for females - about 11 kg. Depending on the variety of turkey, they differ in the color range of plumage, which gives the birds an elegant look.
   Today turkey poultry is a valuable dietary product. In popularity around the world, he takes second place, second only to chicken. Turkey meat has the highest quality in the USA, despite the fact that poultry breeding is carried out in many countries.
   In Russia, there are several varieties of the breed: North Caucasian, Tikhoretsky and Moscow turkey. They can have different color feathers - fawn, white or black. All of them are grown for later consumption.

Culinary value

Turkey meat has a gentle and non-greasy taste. In order to cook such meat, practically no special talent in cooking is required. That is why dishes from it are quite popular. The meat is added to various salads, baked, fried, stewed, boiled - it is always possible to maintain softness and give other components a more refined taste.
   To cook turkey breasts, vegetables, fruits, and even nuts are often used. Such combinations are quite popular in European countries and the USA, especially on holidays - on Christmas and Thanksgiving. In Russia, many prefer to cook kebab from turkey, which, thanks to the addition of spices, has an excellent taste.
   For many, the peculiar smell of roast turkey may seem strange. To eliminate it, it is enough to add nutmeg or fresh vegetables to the carcass during the cooking process. And for a side dish, such a dish is ideally baked potatoes or boiled rice. True gourmets combine turkey with dry white wine.

Composition and properties

In turkey meat there is a large amount of animal protein and vitamins of group B and PP. In addition, turkey poultry is rich in trace elements, especially phosphorus. Its dosage is comparable to fish and seafood. One portion of the culinary masterpiece from this bird will provide the body with the daily norm of many elements.
   The turkey cholesterol is minimal. And iron and magnesium from such meat are absorbed by the body much better than from other types. Studies have shown that turkey practically does not cause an allergic reaction, unlike chicken. Therefore, it is ideal for a children's diet. And nutritional value has the following indicators:
   Protein - 21.5g
   Fats - 12g
   Carbohydrates: 0g
   Calories - 190kcal / 100g

The benefits and harms of turkey

The value of turkey meat is due to its dietary component. In addition, in addition to the minimum calorie content, turkey meat is rich in vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the body, in particular protein - the “building block” for cells.
   In terms of sodium, turkey is ahead of veal and beef. Meanwhile, a useful trace element ensures the normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism, and also increases the amount of plasma in the blood.
   Due to the moderate amount of fat content, calcium, which is part of turkey poults, is almost completely absorbed by the body, which reduces the risk of diseases of the skeletal system and strengthens the immune system as a whole.
   Doctors sometimes prescribe turkey to those who suffer from anemia. And some modern research scientists have even proved the ability of meat to several times reduce the risk of the appearance and development of cancer cells. In particular, the presence of turkey meat in the diet is beneficial in the following cases:
   Trouble sleeping
   Stress and depression
   Regular heavy exercise

In addition, the turkey is allowed to be used as food for young children. Therefore, meat has virtually no contraindications, but there are still exceptions. A poor-quality and stale product can cause serious poisoning, and all vitamins and valuable trace elements will be destroyed due to the addition of chemicals to it.
  In addition, people suffering from kidney diseases, as well as with gout, turkey meat is contraindicated due to the high content of protein in it. Hypertensive patients are not recommended to add too much salt when cooking turkey poults, otherwise the harm from such a dish will exceed the useful qualities.

Undeniable value

Turkey is recommended for people suffering from atherosclerosis and overweight, as it practically does not contain cholesterol.
   A large amount of potassium in turkey poultry strengthens the heart and blood vessels and prevents the risk of blood clots.
   Regular consumption of turkey strengthens the immune system and increases the potency of men.
   Turkey meat helps to overcome the negative effects of stressful situations, improve emotional state and normalize sleep.
   Dietary meat is indicated as an aid in the restoration of body strength after operations or during heavy physical exertion.
   The absence of an allergic reaction to the use of turkey allows you to feast on it during pregnancy and during lactation.
   Adding turkey meat to the diet in autumn and spring allows you to protect the body from vitamin deficiency and reduces the risk of colds due to the strengthening of immunity.

Before acquiring turkey poultry, it is important to determine in what form it is required for the preparation of a dish. On the shelves with a supermarket and market racks you can find a choice of the following products:
   Whole carcass
   Chopped bird
   Minced meat
   Individual parts

Regardless of the type, it is important to ensure that the meat visually looks well-fed, especially for the legs and breast. The skin of fresh turkey carcasses should be light with a slightly yellowish color, a feeling of moisture is allowed to the touch, but spots on it are unacceptable.
  In order to determine the freshness of meat, it is necessary to slightly press on the carcass with your finger and follow: if the resulting dent is restored quickly, then the product is fresh, and if not, it is better to buy a turkey in another place.
  Store purchased turkey meat only in the refrigerator and best of all in plastic packaging. At the same time, the period should not exceed two days, otherwise the meat will begin to deteriorate and lose its beneficial properties. When defrosting a carcass, it is necessary to cook it immediately, otherwise there is a risk of the multiplication of microbes, which can no longer be destroyed, even with repeated freezing.
If you decide to bake a turkey in the oven, be patient - the cooking time in this case will take about 3 hours. It is much faster to serve boiled meat on the table. If you put the carcass for several minutes in cold water, and then put the pan on a slow fire, the cooking process will take no more than half an hour from the moment of boiling. Those who wish to put out turkey meat should keep in mind that after heat treatment the meat will decrease in size, as it will lose up to 40% of the liquid from the composition.
  In order to cook juicy meat, the turkey must first be greased with sour cream or a similar sauce in consistency, and then periodically fry the carcass with fat, which will be formed in the process, during frying. Determining the readiness of such a dish is quite easy: you need to pierce the meat, if transparent juice stands out, then the turkey is ready.

Thus, a turkey is harmful only as a poor-quality or expired product, as well as in case of serious health problems, when it is necessary to follow a special diet. In all other cases, turkey poultry is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as well as a real culinary delight!

Poultry is the favorite meat of many. It is tasty, not fatty and also inexpensive (if compared with beef, veal, rabbit, etc.). Many hostesses ask themselves: what is the best way to buy meat, chicken or turkey? To understand this issue, it is worth making some comparison.

  Comparative analysis of chicken and turkey meat

Fat comparison

Turkey, by right, is the most dietary meat, among all possible types of meat, including chicken. It contains up to 5% fat (when pork tenderloin can contain up to 52% fat, beef up to 41%, and chicken up to 20%). In addition, turkey meat is characterized by the least amount of saturated fat - in 100 g of meat 0.5 g of fat.

Protein Comparison

A large amount of protein is found in turkey meat rather than chicken. Also, turkey has methionine and amino acids, which contribute to the absorption of proteins. Unfortunately, the chicken does not possess such values.

Comparison of Calcium and Cholesterol

100 grams of turkey meat contains about 32 mg of calcium, when in chicken meat this figure is 11 mg. Cholesterol is also lower in turkey. This meat is more balanced in the ratio of saturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Summing up the chicken and turkey meat comparison line, the following points should be noted:

  • turkey has less saturated fat, cholesterol and lower calorie content;
  • turkey is more easily absorbed by the human body;
  • turkey contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, E, iron, calcium and phosphorus;
  • turkey requires less salt in cooking, as it contains a large amount of sodium;
  • turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions;
  • at the price of turkey meat more expensive.

Well, the answer to the question, what is more useful than chicken or turkey, seems obvious!

  The opinion of experts, which is more useful - chicken or turkey

To make sure that your choice is better to stop on a turkey, we turn to specialists. Nutritionists will definitely say - consume a turkey and they will be right. In addition to all the above features of this meat, turkey has other important indicators. For example, people who eat this meat are not in a bad mood. Turkey contains tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the hormone of pleasure. In addition, such meat is an excellent product for people who are overweight. It is recommended even to small children, since it absolutely does not cause allergies. Low fat content allows turkey to use hypertension and diabetics.

Turkey has a unique reincarnation property. For example, cook pork and add a few slices of turkey to it. Eating such a dish, you never in your life will understand that there is a turkey. She is able to accept the taste of any meat in the cooking process.

The uniqueness of meat lies in the fact that it absolutely has no contraindications, therefore it does no harm to the body. It also has certain healing properties. For example, it prevents the development of cancer cells.

Such meat can be cooked in various forms. It makes cutlets, meatballs, casseroles, dumplings, sausages, snacks, salads, schnitzels, etc. It is baked, stuffed with fruits and vegetables, served with sweet and sour sauces. Cooking options are really many.

So, chicken and turkey meat is healthy and tasty in its own way. But, if you have a choice, it is best to give your preference to a turkey.

Valuable turkey meat is expensive, but it has an unusual taste and many beneficial properties. Nutritionists strongly recommend including a turkey in the diet, and for good reason.

The chemical composition and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey is the largest of all poultry. An adult female can weigh as much as 35 kg. The weight of a carcass can reach ten kilograms, and the smallest one draws at least five kilos. And all this is not only tasty, but also remarkably healthy meat.

The composition of turkey meat contains the following elements:

Vitamins E, A, B, K, PP;

Trace elements iron, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium;

The most important amino acids are lysine, thiamine, isoleucine, histidine;

Atomic gold;



Every 100 grams of turkey meat contains 75 mg of cholesterol. Thanks to its excellent absorption, it does not harm the vessels. Moreover, turkey meat cholesterol interferes with the concentration of harmful lipids that come with food. Turkey meat is organically involved in metabolic processes, enriching the body with useful substances and preventing the development of dangerous ailments.

First of all, nutritionists note a huge amount of iron in turkey meat. The benefit of turkey poultry for patients with anemia is very high. A small portion of the product can prevent the development of anemia. For comparison: red beef, which is recommended by doctors for anemia, contains half as much iron as turkey meat.

Due to magnesium, the heart muscle is strengthened, and phosphorus is almost as much as in fish. That is why the calcium contained in turkey meat is fully absorbed and helps strengthen teeth, nails and bone.

Sodium and potassium ensure the stable functioning of the cardiovascular system, and vitamins of the PP and B groups are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Moreover, in terms of sodium content, turkey meat is superior to beef and veal. Make sure the high content of this trace element is simple: try the cooked turkey. The meat will have a salty taste. This means that there is no need to use a lot of salt, which further increases the useful properties of the product.

There is so much protein in turkey meat that it can be used as a natural tool for building muscle mass. This opportunity, by the way, is used by many athletes.

The average calorie content of turkey meat does not exceed 150 kcal. The lowest calorie fillet (a little more than 100 calories), the highest calorie content of the wings, from which the skin is not removed (190 calories). By the way, skinless poultry meat becomes less fat and high in calories.

The benefits of turkey meat

Protein must be ingested daily in the human body. The protein norm for a healthy body is 1 gram per kilogram of body weight. Turkey is an ideal source of natural protein needed to maintain normal muscle mass. That is why, by the way, the benefits of turkey meat for pregnant women and children are especially great.

The product is easily absorbed without causing heaviness in the stomach. Useful properties of turkey poultry in the following:

Provides an optimal level of blood formation;

Normalizes metabolic processes;

Lowers cholesterol;

Stimulates cell renewal;

It activates the brain;

Normalizes the endocrine system;

Prevents the development of atherosclerosis;

It is indicated for hypertension and osteochondrosis;

Favorably affects the heart, blood vessels, nervous system;

Strengthens joints and bones;

Helps to get rid of depression and insomnia;

Prevents earlier aging;

Strengthens male power, shown with reduced potency.

Turkey meat is useful for those who want to lose weight, and therefore indispensable for obesity. Protein will provide energy and saturate for a long time, and the absence of carbohydrates will help trigger the processes of fat decay. Ideally combine turkey with leafy green vegetables.

There is evidence that turkey meat prevents the development of cancer due to the high content of antioxidant substances. Therefore, those who are predisposed to this terrible ailment or simply monitor their health should include a turkey in their diet.

Fresh broth made from turkey has a beneficial effect on health. It can be eaten at the first signs of a viral disease, and during the recovery period after ARVI or surgery, and with any ailment. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, the broth acts as a natural safe energetic, giving strength, restoring a good mood.

Turkey meat in baby food

The rapid growth of muscle and bone tissue, the development of the nervous system and brain, which occur in childhood, require special nutrition. Turkey meat contains exactly those vitamins, amino acids and minerals that a growing body really needs. So the benefits of turkey meat for kids and teens are invaluable.

Allergy to turkey protein is extremely rare. Therefore, there is practically no harm from turkey meat. This is especially important when it comes to infants receiving the first meat complementary foods. Pediatricians advise children prone to allergic manifestations to give mashed potatoes from turkey to prevent a negative reaction of the immune system.

The second important point is the excellent digestibility of turkey dishes. The meat will not overload the gastrointestinal tract of a small child, but it will give all its benefits to the body. The main thing is to cook the turkey correctly using a double boiler or pan. You can combine meat with mashed potatoes from boiled vegetables: potatoes, zucchini.

Older children in the period of active muscle and bone growth are also very important to cook turkey meat. It will ensure the normal growth of the skeleton, the development of the brain and nervous system. In addition, turkey poultry will strengthen the immune system and become a prophylaxis of viral diseases during the period of flu and colds.

Harm from turkey meat

Turkey is absolutely safe for the body of an adult. However, you need to remember about the potential danger that always persists for allergy sufferers. As a rule, turkey meat does not harm them, but there are exceptions. Perhaps individual intolerance is the only ban that is on the use of "Spanish chicken."

Meanwhile, there are certain limitations that should be borne in mind. So, you should not eat a lot of protein for people suffering from the following ailments:

Renal failure;


Urolithiasis disease;


The fact is that protein foods overload the kidneys. Therefore, it is important for nephrological patients to reduce the amount of protein that is ingested. Hypertensive patients do not need to completely abandon the turkey. However, it is always important for them to remember the need to reduce the amount of salt and fat. That is, to cook mainly the breast and merge it purely symbolically, in order to only strengthen the salty taste of this meat by nature.

The largest amount of fat contains poultry skin. Therefore, nutritionists recommend removing it before cooking for anyone who strives for health and longevity.

In addition, it is important to remember the danger of seeding poultry with salmonella. This means that heat treatment should be given great attention, especially when it comes to baby food.

Turkey meat - tender, juicy, tasty. This is an extremely healthy dietary meat. Turkey meat is on sale fresh and frozen. Adult individuals can reach a weight of up to 35 kilograms, but they eat young turkey meat under 16 weeks of age, while the carcass weight reaches 10 kilograms.

The thigh and drumstick of a turkey are attributed to red meat. Myoglobin protein, which contains oxygen in muscle tissue, is responsible for the color of meat. The more myoglobin, the darker the meat. The amount of this protein depends on the load on the muscles, which is why the meat of the thigh and lower leg is red, since the load on the muscles is greater. Turkey breast and wings are white meat.

Turkey meat contains a very small amount of fat, in addition, it has little cholesterol, only 74 milligrams per 100 grams of meat. Turkey meat contains amino acids necessary for our body, providing the body with energy. Phosphorus, the source of which is turkey, is necessary for the normal development of bones and teeth.

In modern poultry, turkey meat production is second only to broiler chickens. The leader in turkey production is the United States. On average, every resident of the United States consumes 7 kilograms of turkey meat per year.

Taste of Turkey

White meat of turkey (breast, wings) has a delicate slightly sweet taste, but slightly dry, since it contains almost no fat. Red meat (thigh, drumstick) also has a delicate taste, but less dry.

The combination of turkey with other products

Turkey meat goes well with vegetables, cereals, pasta. Turkey meat goes well with mushrooms and with the liver.

Using turkey in cooking

They make sausages, sausages, dumplings from turkey meat. Turkey cutlets and pie fillings are made from turkey poultry. In the UK, turkey is stuffed with chestnuts, mushrooms, complemented with red currant and gooseberry jelly. In Italy, turkey is stuffed with oranges.

Features of cooking turkey

Turkey meat can be fried, stewed, boiled, baked, steamed.

Turkey storage

Fresh turkey should be stored in the refrigerator (not freezing) and must be cooked within 2 days. If for two days the turkey was not used for cooking, then it must be frozen. It should be remembered that a turkey frozen at home can spoil faster than one that was frozen by a turkey meat producer.

The shelf life of a turkey frozen by the producer is 1 year, subject to storage conditions. Thawing and re-freezing is not allowed.

Traditional role in dishes

Turkey main course, broth base

Valid Replacements

Turkey meat can be replaced with meat of another bird: chicken, goose, duck, pheasant, even ostrich. Note that ostrich meat also has little cholesterol.

Turkey origin story

The turkey came to us from North America. At the beginning of the first millennium AD, the Indians began to domesticate these large birds with beautiful iridescent plumage. These birds began to play a large role in the daily life and economy of the Indian tribes, the tender meat of these birds was their favorite dish. Aliens arriving from Europe christened these birds turkeys. Turkey meat has also become a favorite dish of settlers and a traditional Thanksgiving meal.

Several of these birds were brought to Europe, and by the beginning of the XVI century turkeys were already raised in France, Italy, England.

Effect on the human body, beneficial substances

Turkey meat has very little cholesterol, only 74 mg per 100 grams. Due to the low content of insoluble fats, turkey meat is easily absorbed by the body, and turkey meat proteins are absorbed by 95%. Therefore, turkey meat gives a quick sense of fullness.

Turkey meat, although low in calories, is very nutritious. Turkey meat is the record holder for iron content: 2.24 grams per 100 grams of meat, and iron from turkey meat is very easily digested. In addition, this meat contains selenium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins: PP, B6, B12, B2. B, and phosphorus - as much as in fish.

Interesting Turkey Facts

Record weight of baked turkey -39.09 kilograms. This dish was prepared on December 12, 1989.

How many turkeys do they eat on Thanksgiving?

Almost one turkey for every resident of the United States is grown annually for Thanksgiving.

Turkeys are representatives of the pheasant family. The bird was brought to Europe from North America. It is known that the Aztecs also ate its meat. There was a time when this product was a rare delicacy. This product has gained worldwide popularity due to its delicate taste and beneficial qualities.

Previously, turkey meat was considered a delicacy.

Dietary properties

Experts thoroughly studied what the benefits of this poultry meat are. It is dietary, because:

  • it contains vitamins A, B6, B12, PP, K and E, the content of which is very balanced;
  • it is not oily and has a low cholesterol content;
  • provides light food for the stomach;
  • quickly absorbed by the body;
  • contains all trace elements necessary for humans: iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, sodium and magnesium;
  • it contains the same amount of phosphorus as in fish.

Turkey meat - healthy and lean meat

Beneficial features

The benefits of turkey meat are explained by the fact that its use gives a person all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal development. Therefore, it is recommended that these useful products be included in small children, the elderly and the sick.

Numerous studies of scientists have confirmed the unique properties of the meat of this bird and the absence of harm from its use. Interesting is the fact that:

  • Sodium in turkey meat is higher than in beef and veal. Due to this, the amount of plasma in human blood increases, which contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. You can cook a turkey without using salt, as the meat contains natural sodium. People suffering from high blood pressure can safely include this product in their menu. No harm was recorded from its use.
  • The concentration of potassium is as balanced as possible for the human body, which is important for improving heart function.
  • The percentage of fat turkey meat is quite low. You can only compare with veal. Cholesterol in meat contains less than 75 mg per 100 grams. Therefore, it is recommended for feeding obese patients and suffering from atherosclerosis.
  • Regular consumption of turkey meat is beneficial, since the calcium contained in meat is absorbed to the maximum extent by the human body. It is known that this element plays the main role in the formation and strengthening of bones. Therefore, it is recommended that children, as well as those who have joint diseases, suffer from osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.
  • A distinctive feature of this product is that the iron content in meat is significantly higher than its content in chicken and 2 times more than in beef. This is an indicator for use in case of iron deficiency anemia.

Experts say that it has the property of preventing the formation of cancer cells.

Turkey meat is digested almost completely

Turkey meat has the property of being easily absorbed in the body. The low content of fat in it contributes to 95% absorption of protein, which is significantly higher than indices for rabbit meat. Due to this, saturation of the body occurs much faster, and there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Only excessive use of it can bring harm.

It is known that in one portion of a dish prepared from turkey meat, a whole daily norm of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids is contained. They contribute to the improvement of cardiac activity and activate the brain.

The presence of vitamins and minerals helps to normalize the work of all human organs. Magnesium is able to prevent diseases of the nervous system. Selenium contained in poultry meat helps to preserve and prolong youth.

B vitamins improve metabolic processes, and the strengthening of blood vessels occurs due to the presence of vitamin K.

The benefit of meat lies in the fact that its use has no contraindications and does not cause allergies, even in young children. It is of great benefit to those who have passed chemotherapy courses and underwent radiation.

Turkey meat suitable for kids menu

  • In the form of complementary foods for young children.
  • Expectant mothers who need a number of vitamins for the successful bearing of a child. Among them, the most important is folic acid found in turkey meat.
  • To nursing mothers.
  • People suffering from sleep disturbance. In turkey, the substance contains tryptophan, which has sleeping pills.
  • For those who suffer from depression and are often exposed to nervous disorders.
  • Athletes and workers engaged in heavy production.

Meat harm

There is practically no harm from the meat of this bird.  You should know:

  • That those who have kidney problems, it is undesirable to use this type of product in large volumes. The fact is that the protein content in it is very large.
  • Hypertensive patients are able to harm their health if they add to the dishes. The meat itself in its composition has a sufficient amount of sodium.
  • It can be harmed if it is stale or of poor quality.
  • The disadvantage is that large economic costs are required to grow this bird. Turkeys need special care (they are very thermophilic) and special food. The weight of an adult can be between 9 kg (turkey) and 35 kg (turkey).

High protein intake is not recommended for people with kidney disease.

Turkey dishes

All cooked dishes from this bird have an excellent taste and do not harm the body.

To preserve the vitamins and useful qualities of turkey, they cook it in compliance with special rules.

Keep in mind that it is best to eat turkey meat with vegetables. It is good to cook it with liver or mushrooms. These products complement each other, saturate food with vitamins and bring great benefits to the human body, especially children.

Eating turkey improves overall well-being and strengthens the immune system. The benefits are so significant that people give him preference over other types of meat. It is known that all over the world turkey meat is leading in the poultry market. By consumption, it is in second place after chicken.