Can I drink sassi water for nursing mothers? Sassi Slimming Water Diet

When it comes to Sassi water, the first thing they ask is: “Is this water really so effective for losing weight?” Meanwhile, Sassi water is, first and foremost, a wonderful drink, and only in the second it has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. First of all, it refreshes, quenches thirst, and only in the second - it removes excess fluid. In the first - a light vitamin cocktail in which there are no artificial sweeteners (sugar, honey, etc.), and in the second - it speeds up metabolism. As for weight loss, Sassi water is not a “magic sip”, but simply a nice element of any diet.

I will start with a recipe for making Sassi water at home, and then I will tell you what kind of weight loss story it is and whether it is possible to use the drink for dietary purposes.

Cooking time: 5 minutes plus time for insisting.
  Output: 4 servings


To prepare Sassi water you will need:

  • 1 liter of filtered chilled water
  • 1 small cucumber or half large
  • 1 small spine of fresh ginger
  • 0.5 lemons
  • a few mint leaves at will (I don’t)

To make the drink cold, additional ice can be prepared.

How to make Sassi water

The process of preparing a drink is simple and quick. First, cut thinly washed lemon into thin slices.
  Then cut the cucumber in very thin circles. If you use a large cucumber, it is better to peel it.
  Next, grate the peeled ginger root to make about a teaspoon of pulp.
  Place all these ingredients in a carafe and fill them with water. Stir the drink and place it in the refrigerator for insisting. That's the whole Sassi recipe.

Before serving, pour refreshing Sassi water into glasses and add ice, and to make the drink more pleasing to the eye, add a few circles of lemon and cucumber to each glass.


It is best to prepare Sassi water the day before - for example, in the evening, so that it is well infused, and all the ingredients that make up it completely give it their aromas. So, fresh cucumber will make the drink light, fresh, lemon will share aroma and acidity, and ginger will give spice, and with it vivacity and energy.

You can diversify the drink by replacing lemon with lime or orange, and also adding a sprig of mint, lemon balm, basil or rosemary.

If you don’t have time to infuse Sassi’s water, you’ll still get an excellent vitamin cocktail, just its aromas will be easier and the taste more tender.

Every day, prepare fresh Sassi water, not more than 4 liters. Keep it in the refrigerator.

Sassi Water Slimming

Strictly speaking, Sassi water is the commercial focus of one entrepreneurial American named Sass (hence the name). The composition of the drink is really a lot of healthy and healthy. In fact: cucumber, ginger, lime, mint are wonderful ingredients that are valuable in themselves and together. They accelerate metabolism and help regulate the amount of fluid in the body, contribute to the removal of toxins and have a sedative effect. That's right, and there is nothing unexpected here.

The drink was declared miraculous because of the “correct” ratio of components and the “correct” use. And announced without any scientific evidence. Like a healer.

It is well known that EASY TO ACHIEVE THE DESIRE - and here it is wasp waist and flat stomach  - an excellent hook on which trusting ones are caught. If it’s “right” to organize a PR company and competently adjust a person’s motivation, miracles can be done with him! Yes, such a consumer of water Sassi can even lose weight! Placebo effect, heard?

Meanwhile, it is true that there is nothing but good in Sassi’s water. A drink does not work miracles, but together with a diet (and NOT INSTEAD of a diet) can be useful.

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day and not more than 4 liters, do not drink a lot at night.
  - Do not abuse simple carbohydrates (sugar)
  - Eat every 2-3 hours in small portions

Switch to separate nutrition (meaning a separate intake and the right combination of carbohydrates, fats and proteins).
  - Eat the first 2 weeks no more than 1400 kcal, and the next 4 months no more than 1600.

If there is debate about separate nutrition (many nutritionists refute the value of separate nutrition for health and weight loss), then the recommendation around specific calories is amazing. A competent expert on healthy eating will explain to you that calories are purely individual, and you need to count on the basis of your own goals and indicators, rather than taking numbers from the ceiling.

In general, drink water Sassi, it is pleasant in every way a little water. And the myth of another magical tool for a flat stomach and slim waist, just smile, and better - find him the right place in your tasty and healthy diet.

Given the wide variety of ways to lose weight, all dieticians agree on one thing - with any diet, the importance of water in the human diet is difficult to overestimate. Maintaining water balance is vital for the normal functioning of the body, the smooth functioning of its systems. Sassi water is a pleasant tasty drink, the use of which helps to cleanse the body and at the same time free it from extra pounds. She arranges the work of the gastrointestinal tract, participates in body modeling and body cleansing.

Sassi water - what it is and from where

The American nutritionist Cynthia Sassi, who was developing a diet for weight loss, decided to go on an experiment and combine diet products and the mandatory part of the diet - drinking water. She offered the resulting natural drink to customers - and he began to act much better than all the previous diets she developed.

Since then, the Sassy Water brand has become known worldwide. Under the slogan "Water Sassi - drink and lose weight" thousands of women lost weight.

The diet, which includes water for weight loss Sassi, belongs to the class of low-calorie. The role of the drink is such that it starts the mechanism of fat burning. This helps to move weight off the ground and speeds up the process of losing weight. Despite a lax diet, between 2 and 4 kg are consumed per week. At the same time, it is not necessary to starve or refuse tasty - you just need to eat healthy food without overeating and watching the number of calories.

There are interesting “side effects” of this drink:

Thanks to the above-mentioned utilities and the normal functioning of the digestive tract, a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails is noted.

You only need to follow the advice of an American nutritionist on how to prepare Sassi water, and all these pleasant effects from its drink are guaranteed to you.

Benefits of Sassi Water   it is obvious - it promotes fat burning, and also works as a means of strengthening immunity, removes toxins, and heals the body.

We have two recipes known for Water Sassi, I will introduce you to both of them, which one to cook - the choice will be yours. There is a simpler cooking option - beat all the ingredients in a blender and add water for an hour. But what I posted below will be more correct.
  The recipe is given for the amount of water that you need to drink all day.

Water sassi cooking recipe number 1. Classic

  • Bottled or spring water - 2 liters.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ginger root - 1 tablespoon.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Peppermint - 10 - 12 leaves.

How to cook:

Grind the cucumber to a mushy state, peel the ginger and lemon root, and cut into thin slices, tear the mint into pieces. Put all this in a container, add mint and fill it with water.
  The original recipe says that you can replace lemon with lemon juice. But I decided that the zest of the lemon is no less useful than just juice, why refuse and did not remove the peel from the lemon, cut it all.
  Place a container of water in the refrigerator on the lower shelf and leave it for 10 - 12 hours (night is the ideal time option).

During this time, all the vitamins are mixed with water and you get a healthy cocktail.
  On the palate Sassi Water is bitter-sour, not without pleasantness, but the taste is not very saturated. Citrus lovers may need another Sassi Water recipe for weight loss.

Sassi drink slimming recipe number 2. Citrus

We will need:

  • Water - 2 liters of bottled or filtered.
  • Orange or mandarin, or lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mint, verbena and sage (one thing is possible), leaves - 10 - 12 pcs.

How to cook:

Pour the tangerine (or something else you have chosen) with water, cut into small pieces, add the mint leaves and leave overnight, putting in the refrigerator.

Sassi water without ginger


  • pure still water - 2 l;
  • orange or lemon - 1 pc.;
  • lemon verbena - 5 leaves;
  • sage - 4 leaves;
  • mint leaves - 12 pcs.


Citrus needs to be cut into thin circles. Take a container and chop with your hands, mint, sage and lemon verbena. Put citrus and fill everything with water. The drink also needs to be infused for 12 hours.

You can drink water for 2-3 weeks, then take a 1-2 week break. During this time, you can successfully and without unnecessary effort lose from 6 to 15 kg. It all depends, of course, on the initial data, the severity of the concomitant diet and the characteristics of the body.

It is very important to understand that just taking Sassi Water will not lead to a quick loss of kilograms. Basically, it is a diet supplement. But its important part: as I wrote above, it will reduce your appetite, relieving you of hunger. Thanks to this, you will not have the depression that often accompanies a strict diet. In addition, your well-being will improve significantly.

  1. You can drink Water Sassi not only following a diet. According to your desire, no one will forbid you to use it just like that, but some recommendations for the proper intake of the drink must still be followed.
  2. To make a drink, buy only quality ingredients.
  3. Before use, if desired, strain the drink.
  4. Do not leave the drink in the sun, it impairs its beneficial and effective qualities. For the same reason, store Sassi Water in an opaque container.
  5. Do not overdo it - per day intake of Sassi Water is limited to 4 liters, and no more. Exceeding the amount gives an additional burden on the heart and kidneys.
  6. At one time - 1 glass of water. The whole cycle is 4 weeks. This is enough to start the fat burning process.
      Make the last drink for one and a half to two hours before bedtime to avoid morning edema.
  7. Exclude from the diet, at the time of drinking, all gas-forming foods, exclude tea and coffee - replace them with water.

Sassi Water - Contraindications

Sassi water has a number of contraindications. It should not be used:

  • people allergic to the components involved in the preparation of the drink;
  • patients with renal failure;
  • persons with diseases such as: gastritis, ulcer.

Caution should take Sassi water for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to consult a doctor before starting the course.

How much to drink Sassi water per day to lose weight

To accurately answer this question, there is a special calculation formula. You need to weigh yourself, determine your exact weight.

Weight in kg, multiply by a factor of 0.03, and you will get the minimum amount of drinking water in liters that you need to drink per day.

Multiply your weight in kg by a factor of 0.04 and you will get the maximum amount of water in liters that you can drink daily.

For example, my weight is 60 kg. I think so:

60 x 0.03 \u003d 1.8 liters.
  60 x 0.04 \u003d 2.4 liters.

Calculations say that my daily norm of drinking water is 1.8-2.4 liters.

It is not necessary to replace the entire daily volume of drinking water with Sassi water. You can replace only part of your daily norm with this home-made cocktail.

Why is Sassi water so effective

Reviews about Sassi water testify mainly in its favor - this is a tool that quickly burns excess fats, improves body lines. The secret of such an amazing effect is in the natural properties of the product components of the drink. Each of them, entering the body, performs its specific function, depending on the "neighbor", and therefore it is important to use them together.
  drink sassi

It is used as an excellent tool to accelerate the flow of lymph. It transfers beneficial substances to all parts of the body and is involved in the removal of toxins. The faster these metabolic processes are carried out, the better. Ginger also improves digestion, a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. He is the main "burner" of fats already accumulated in the body, and, acting from the inside, ginger helps to get rid of fat accumulations in hard-to-reach parts of our body - where it is very difficult or impossible to drive off extra grams and kilograms by sports. This is the inside of the thigh, arms, face, lower back and so on.

Cucumber  It is the basis of some mono-diets as a low-calorie product, which also helps to remove heavy metal salts from the body. It has a mild diuretic effect, accelerating the elimination of harmful substances. The cucumber contains a lot of potassium, sodium, phosphorus and other useful trace elements, as well as vitamins B and C. Due to the fact that the cucumber for as much as 90% consists simply of water, it is quickly and simply absorbed.

Lemon  - It is an unrivaled source of vitamins of all groups and a true repository of healthy acids. Not all of them are produced by the body on their own, but at the same time they are necessary for weight loss. Including in order to prevent complex carbohydrates from joining fats, increasing the amount of existing body fat.
  Peppermint acts as a sedative; it inhibits appetite and reduces hunger. Mint also helps remove toxins from the body.

As you can see, each of the elements of the drink is involved in weight loss. In addition, all these products are low-calorie, which indicates the dietary properties of Sassi slimming water, the results will come very soon.

Sassi Slimming Water Diet

This diet is designed for a month of a special diet and drink. During the first 4 days they drink at least 8 glasses of the drink with a daily calorie intake of 1400 kcal.

In the diet with such a diet, products with unsaturated fatty acids are required - seafood, sea fish are well suited. You can’t eat a lot of sweets, vegetables with a lot of fiber. Limit beverages containing caffeine.

Sassi water preparation video

This video shows how to make sassi water. Below we have described in more detail the method and preparation of sassi water from the video.


  • Jug.
  • Lemon - 1 piece.
  • Cucumber - 1 piece.
  • Fresh mint - 15 leaves.
  • Ginger root.
  • Purified water.


Rinse all the ingredients thoroughly. Then cut a piece of 2-3 cm from the ginger root, peel and finely chop it. Cut cucumber and lemon into thin circles. Add 15 mint leaves. Fill everything with water. We leave the drink in the refrigerator for the night.


  • Calories - 5 kcal.
  • Proteins - 0.8 grams.
  • Fats - 0 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.18 grams.

Reviews on the Internet are full about how Sassi water helped to lose weight and even bring the body to a healthier state. On our site you can read them in the comments to the article below.

Water sassi

The network is full of recipes for miraculous tools to help lose weight.

Among them are useful drugs and frank dummies, medicines that heal the body and harm all its organs and systems. Distinguishing true information from false is so difficult!

Nutritionists unanimously reiterate that an important component of proper and rational weight loss is to drink enough water. A healthy adult needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Moreover, it is very important that the first 1.5 liters be drunk before 16-00.

The fact is that it is this amount of water that our body needs daily for metabolism and the functioning of all systems. And another 500 g - for 30 minutes of daily physical activity. Hence the total amount of 2 liters.

Today we will talk about an absolutely harmless and effective means for losing weight. Sassi Water is an easy-to-prepare and pleasantly tasting drink that will help to model the figure and normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Inventor and his invention

  The name of the vitamin-mineral cocktail, which, in fact, is Sassi’s water, came from the name of an American who created an original recipe. Doctor Cynthia Sass  picked up the optimal combination of ingredients dissolved in water. The action of the drink is aimed at improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing gas formation, accelerating the breakdown of fats and excretion of metabolic products. The “side” effect of water is to improve the condition of the skin and hair, due to saturation of the body with liquid and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

Initially, the tool acted as a supplement to the diet " Slim stomach". Then the popularity of water increased, many began to drink it on their own. So, what are the recipes for making a healing drink? What rules should be followed when using it?

Classic Sassi Water

You will need:

2 liters of spring (in extreme cases, drinking bottled or filtered) water, 1 tbsp. a spoon of fresh ginger root crushed to a mushy state, peeled and cut into thin slices of medium-sized fresh cucumber, 10-12 peppermint leaves.

Cooking method:

All ingredients are placed in a container, which is then filled with water (mint leaves are previously torn by hands). The container is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and left for 10-12 hours (the ideal option is to prepare water in the evening and leave it overnight). During this time, diffusion will occur - vitamins and trace elements are mixed with water, a healthy and refreshing cocktail is obtained. Of course, it’s hard to call saturated its taste. However, the drink is not without pleasantness.

For lovers of citrus flavor, another recipe will be interesting.

Sassi refreshing water:

2 liters of water, mandarin, lemon or orange 1 pc., Several leaves of sage, lemon verbena, mint.
  Method of preparation: wash the citrus and leaves well, dry them, chop finely (tear the leaves), put them in a container, fill it with water, leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Mode of application

As part of the Cynthia Sass diet, taking a drink is the initial step, a quick 4-day start, at which the true extent of the “fat apron” problem is determined. At this time, the use of Sassi water should be at least 8 glasses daily. Calorie content of food -1400 Kcal.

Then go to the second, 4-week stage. The energy value of food is increased to 1600 Kcal per day, dividing meals into 4 stages, so that 400 Kcal for each. Be sure to include in the diet products - sources of monounsaturated fatty acids. The use of salt, vegetables containing coarse fiber, sweets and caffeinated drinks is reduced to a minimum.

Drinking Sassi's water is good and just. However, there are still some recommendations.

How to drink Sassi water

1. Ingredients should be only quality.

2. Fruits, vegetables, ginger and greens must be thoroughly washed, peeled cucumber and ginger root.

3. You can’t leave the drink in the sun and warm, from this the beneficial substances break up, and the cocktail itself can deteriorate.

4. For the same reason, the prepared water should be stored in an opaque vessel, for example, a jug.

5. The amount of water consumed should not exceed 4 liters, a drink drunk above the norm gives an additional burden on the kidneys and heart, stretches the stomach.

6. At a time, it is advisable to drink no more than 1 cup of water.

7. The last intake of water is best done at least 1.5 hours before bedtime, so as not to provoke the appearance of edema of the eyelids.

8. If desired, you can strain the water before drinking, eat greens floating in it, slices of citrus and cucumber optional

9. Gas-forming products, tea and coffee should be excluded from the diet (they should be replaced by water)

10. Food is taken in small portions.

A contraindication for drinking Sassi water is an allergic reaction to its components, severe renal failure, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers and other chronic diseases in the acute stage.

Water efficiency sassi

There are many reviews of Sassi water. The greatest effect of its use is observed in combination with a diet. However, all women who started taking water noted an improvement in their general condition, gradual weight loss, and a decrease in body fat.

Of course, you should not attribute all the achievements exclusively to the cocktail. Reducing the calorie content of food, healthy eating, limiting the intake of highly tonic drinks plays its role. So the golden rule for those who want to lose weight: drink Sassi’s water not after dinner, not before dinner, but instead!

Not for all

It is believed that water is one of the most important facets for maintaining the health of the body and the harmony of the body. Recently, Sassi water appeared on the market, which helps to lose weight without any special problems.
  Preparing a drink is extremely simple. I took 8 glasses of clean cold water, cut a lemon into slices, a cucumber, also previously cut and peeled, a spoon of ginger and a few leaves of mint. Water must be infused.
  Quite a tasty drink, and chilled is generally amazing. You need to drink it 2 liters a day, until 16.00 hours. I prepared the mixture in the evening and drank the next day.
  The first two days were on the weekend, in principle, there wasn’t any discomfort, I just often wanted to use the toilet. I work in the office, I also coped with this.
  Somewhere on the fourth day of taking water, Sassi twisted me like that. There was severe pain in the stomach, heartburn and nausea. I got an exacerbation of gastritis in the hospital. It turns out that lemon greatly increases the acidity of the stomach and is irritating. I lay for 10 days, everything worked out, but I swore more not to conduct experiments.

Sassi water does not contribute to weight loss

I heard a lot of positive reviews about water sassi. Since it is very simple, I decided to make such water at home. I cooked it all day at once: in a three-liter jar of clean water I added a little mint, lemon and ginger. It turned out pretty tasty cocktail, for the summer heat - that’s it. I always keep the jar in the refrigerator, the cold little water perfectly refreshes.
  But besides the fact that it is tasty, I have not noticed any more positive effects. Sassi water does not affect weight loss at all. I can confidently say that losing weight with her fails, because I drank it for 6 weeks, and the weight decreased by only a pound. I can’t even count it as a result.
  Yes, many allegedly manage to lose weight on sassi water, but I do not believe in it. Here, most likely, the placebo effect works. The motto “drink and grow thin” does not really work at all. And the components of sassi water (except for ginger) are not the ones that can dramatically affect weight.
  If your goal, like mine, is to lose weight, it is better to go in for sports and adjust your diet (which, in fact, I did), and not rely on dubious water.

   Tasty water

With a glass of such water it is very pleasant to start the day. Only you need to cook it fresh, the lemon peels begin to give off their bitterness if the water costs longer than 12 hours. Therefore, early in the morning I cut lemons, and if I knew that I needed some water until the evening, I definitely cut off the zest, which gives bitterness. In terms of quantity, I always took everything by eye. There is less ginger and cucumber, more mint and lemon or limes. So it’s tastier. Maybe someone likes more tastes, then ginger can be added more.
  If you don’t be lazy and prepare a fresh drink every day, it turns out delicious. Such a drink drives water perfectly, by the morning there is not a sign of swelling on the face or body. If you drink the prescribed 8 glasses of water sassi per day, then you can forget about the lack of fluid. It seems to me that against the background of water intake, my digestion has improved, the feeling of heaviness after eating has disappeared. But on this all the pluses end. I couldn’t lose weight so very noticeably, it’s good if a couple of kilos is gone, but not thanks to the water, but to proper nutrition, which I master in half with grief. As a way to lose weight, it doesn’t work very well.

Plain cold

The much-praised Sassi water, which supposedly needs to be straightened out in two accounts with the excesses of the figure, is in fact a banal soft drink that quenches thirst well, but that’s all. From time to time, I stumbled across the Internet to advertise a miraculous drink, which even a schoolchild of the elementary grades could afford to prepare, was tempted by the simplicity of the recipe and the promised effect. Fortunately, all housewives will find all the ingredients: cucumber, ginger, cucumber, lemon and mint leaves. And there’s plenty of water in the tap. I mixed the ingredients, let it brew and started a water diet.
  I drank two weeks, two liters a day, as prescribed. At the same time, again according to the instructions, she ate fractionally, in small portions, but often. What can I say - a peculiar drink, a specific taste, spicy-sour, quenches thirst well, especially if stored in the refrigerator. But this, alas, is all the pluses. Rather, Sassi water by its effect on the body with fractional nutrition, is no different in principle from simple drinking water. Which is also recommended to drink in the amount of two liters. And which also helps to remove excess lipids from the body when losing weight. Unless the first two or three days it acted on me like a diuretic, and then, apparently, the body got used to it.

Good remedy

Sassi water is very easy to prepare, for me personally. I took 2 liters of water (I took bottled water) into it, sliced \u200b\u200b1 lemon, 1 cucumber, ginger root on a fine grater, to make 1 teaspoon and add mint. I noticed that if you add more ginger, then the water was too bitter and I don’t like that. And I put these finished 2 liters overnight in a dark place so that my cocktail would be infused. It takes about 12 hours.
  In the morning I was filtering and drinking these 2 liters during the day. The taste is nuclear, of course, but what can you do to fit into your favorite dress. I can note that after taking such a cocktail I feel less hungry and I began to feel more cheerful than before. However, drinking 2 liters of such water per day at first was hard for me. This amount of liquid didn’t directly get into me. Then it got easier. I also got a good chair. And before I had constipation. And the skin on my face became cleaner, acne disappeared. It's hard to drink, and the effect is good. Plus, I still limited myself in food and eventually got rid of 5 extra pounds. Now I make such a cocktail 2 times a week, to consolidate the result. You need to get used to the taste and then this cocktail will even seem delicious.

Result is almost zero

I listened to rave reviews about "Sassi water", also wanted to try it. The recipe for cooking is simple, it does not require large expenses for money and time, and the principle itself, when you drink some water and lose weight, seems tempting. As always, what seems simple does not help.
  So, all you need is 8 glasses of water, a teaspoon of grated ginger, cucumber and lemon, cut into thin circles and a few leaves of mint. Highly available recipe. All this is mixed in a container, covered with a lid and refrigerated overnight.
  The next day, the resulting mixture should be drunk gradually, and in the evening to prepare a new one. And so 4 days.
  There are no food restrictions. I think the whole effect is that when you drink a lot of water with a tonic effect, your appetite becomes dull. I really ate less than usual in these four days. The feeling is strange. The reviews write a lot about the refreshing effect, about the extraordinary lightness and other joys, but I did not feel any changes in my state of health, either negative or positive.
  The water is not too tasty, I must say, and I do not like ginger, overpowered myself. After four days of torment, she weighed. Before the start of the water "diet" was 60 kg. After it became 59.5 kg. If this is the very promised weight loss, then it is not worth it. On the third day, strong redness began on the legs and arms, they did not pass for several days, in addition, they became larger.
  I suggested that I was allergic to ginger, although I am not allergic in life.
  I immediately stopped drinking Sassi's water; the redness passed literally in a couple of days.
  In the week that I drank Sassi’s water, I had absolutely no changes in weight: I didn’t lose even 100 grams, the volumes remained the same.
  For me, this water turned out to be a completely useless method, and even one that provoked an allergy. It’s better to drink just a lot of clean water, the effect will obviously be better.

The mentality of our compatriots firmly laid down the principle: to lose weight, you must necessarily eat something like that. But, unfortunately, although it is teeming with hundreds of various offers, the magic pill has not yet been invented, after eating which, you can completely lose weight.

What about drinking and losing weight? Many of those burned with a variety of dietary supplements and drugs will say that this is quite problematic. But for those who are seriously concerned about the problem of being overweight and improving their appearance and well-being, nothing is impossible!

To drink and lose weight - how is it?

The American nutritionist - Cynthia Sassi - invented an amazing recipe for weight loss, amazing in its simplicity and effectiveness. This is Sassi. Reviews about this drink can be found on the pages of women's magazines, and in various forums devoted to such a burning topic as getting rid of extra pounds. We will not take the word for now, but try to figure out how miraculously this remedy is. After all, it may happen that this - so much advertised - vodka actually turns out to be another advertising and marketing duck.

So what is Sassi slimming water? Recipe

The composition of the drug, named after a nutritionist, includes mint, lemon, cucumber and ginger, which has recently become very popular. The proportions are as follows:

  • Water - 1.5-2 liters.
  • Ginger - 1 tsp. (finely chopped or grated).
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Mint - 2-3 branches or 10-15 leaves.

According to Cynthia, water for weight loss "Sassi" reviews is only positive. This wonderful drink helps the speedy removal of metabolic products, accelerates the breakdown of fats, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, which of course cannot but not affect the general condition of the body.

Cut the cucumber and lemon, grate or finely chop the ginger, you can leave the mint with twigs or cut off the leaves. Pour the ingredients with water and send to the refrigerator. The drink is infused for 6-10 hours (ideally, it is better to carry out all preparations in the evening, so that the course can be started in the morning).

Why are there so many positive moments in such a simple drink at first glance? The answer is very simple: in the composition of the mentioned remedy there are 4 ingredients, which individually have good healing and tonic properties, and brought together together do wonders! What do the adherents of this method say about losing weight? How does water for weight loss "Sassi" affect our bodies? Reviews say that ginger improves the functioning of the stomach, accelerates metabolic processes. Cucumber reduces appetite, and thanks to its tartronic acid, it slows down the conversion of carbohydrates to fats. Lemon helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Peppermint invigorates and boosts immunity.

How much to drink Sassi water?

According to all the same Sylvia, you need to drink at least 8 large (200 g) glasses of water per day. You need to start in the morning. Until four in the afternoon it is advisable to drink two-thirds of the drink, and the last glass should be drunk no later than one and a half hours before bedtime so that your kidneys work normally at night.

Although water for weight loss "Sassi" reviews is sometimes just enchanting, you should not forget about individual intolerance. If after drinking a drink you begin to suffer severe heartburn, the use of the mentioned funds must be stopped. It will not be out of place for a gastroenterologist - perhaps you have gastritis or, what good, you are already the owner of the ulcer. Naturally, there can be no question of any weight loss in this case.