Dairy products during pregnancy. Nutrition for pregnant women

First, let's look at the features of the production of regular and melted butter.

Butter during pregnancy

Normal butter obtained by whipping pasteurized cream. By the way, to get a kilogram of butter you need to take 20 liters of milk. The quality of the butter will depend on the quality of the milk, equipment, packaging and storage methods.

Sweet cream and sour butter are equally useful during pregnancy, but it is better to avoid low-fat butter: emulsifiers and stabilizers are added to it. The most quality oil has a fat content of at least 82.5%.

The benefit of natural butter is that it contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, including linolenic acid, which has anti-cancer properties. Butter also contains a whole range of healthy fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K. Thus, vitamin A is vital for the normal functioning of most body systems, maintaining visual acuity and strengthening the immune system. And you can’t do without vitamin D during the formation skeletal system of the unborn child, it is also important for cancer prevention.

Ghee during pregnancy

The main difference between regular butter and ghee is the method of additional heat treatment. To turn pasteurized butter into ghee at home, it is carefully heated (up to 50 ° C) and kept in a liquid state for about 30 minutes. The milk proteins settle to the bottom of the pan, and the water evaporates. At industrial production butter is melted at a temperature of 40 to 50 ° C and separated from water, milk protein And milk sugar using a centrifuge. Then the milk is briefly heated in a vacuum boiler to approximately 100 °C to evaporate the remaining water, whipped with compressed air and poured into jars. Thus, ghee is a creamy product with minimal water content, as well as a reduced amount of milk proteins and milk sugar (lactose). Therefore, ghee can be eaten by those people who are lactose intolerant (for medical reasons). But there is an additional benefit that regular butter does not have - long term storage of melted butter (it is stored for about 9 months at room temperature and up to 15 months in the refrigerator). Also, vitamins A, E and D are almost completely preserved in melted butter. You can also fry in melted butter, because it can withstand temperatures up to 250 °C.

However, this is a high-calorie product (100 g of ghee contains 99 grams of milk, which corresponds to 892 kcal), so a pregnant woman must follow the norm of its consumption to prevent excess body weight.

Ghee butter

One of the fashionable new products that appeared on store shelves not so long ago is ghee, which has a light nutty aroma and taste and is stored much longer than manufactured butter. industrially ghee. It came to us from Indian and Pakistani cuisine. Unlike usual ghee, which is considered ready immediately after the components are separated, the “ghee” is simmered over low heat for several hours, which allows the protein sediment that has fallen to the bottom to gently caramelize with milk sugars, which gives the “ghee” a characteristic amber color and a nutty smell and taste.

Regardless of how the butter is prepared, it has an additional benefit for a pregnant woman: these are special medium-chain triglycerides that are broken down in the intestines without the participation of bile and do not require pancreatic enzymes for their breakdown. This makes it possible to use butter for diseases such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other problems. gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the absorption of fats.

For a pregnant woman daily requirement in butter (melted or regular) is 25–30 g.

With the onset of a desired pregnancy, a woman has to give up many things - going to the gym, wearing high-heeled shoes, eating many foods. If you can still come to terms with giving up chips and snacks, what about your favorite treat?

Is ice cream good for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, a woman should pay more attention to her diet - consume as much as possible more vegetables, meat, reduce consumption of flour. But what to do if the body requires treats, namely ice cream?

This is not to say that ice cream is... useful product for expectant mothers, but its use definitely has a positive effect on a woman’s mood, helps her relax and have fun.

In this case, the sweet treat acts as an antidepressant, which is less harmful than medications. Morozhenko brings positive emotions to a woman, respectively, good mood is passed on to the baby. Ice cream not only calms the excited nervous system of a pregnant woman, but also cools her down in the heat.

Quality ice cream includes a lot healthy ingredients for pregnant women: milk (as a source of calcium), vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes to speed up metabolism. It is especially useful to eat white natural ice cream with fresh fruit, in this case, the usefulness of ice cream increases significantly.

Some doctors believe that it is better to eat ice cream than sweet cakes and desserts, which will definitely affect the weight and teeth of the expectant mother.

Ice cream during pregnancy: arguments against

It is impossible not to mention the dangers of delicacies for a pregnant woman. Very often, quite harmful substances are included in ice cream. food colorings and flavoring additives. They are harmful not only to pregnant women, but to all people.

Some additives - chocolate, honey, nuts - can cause an allergic reaction, and you should also be wary of fruit treats.

Before eating the treat, it would be a good idea to make sure that the expiration date of the treat is in order and that it is stored at the appropriate temperature. Due to improper storage, there is a risk of salmonella infection.

Ice cream is contraindicated for women:

  • With diabetes;
  • With kidney diseases;
  • Overweight;
  • With toxicosis in the first or last trimester;
  • With high blood pressure.

Every pregnant woman should remember that ice cream contains a lot of sugar, and it frequent use invariably leads to weight gain. The third trimester is the period when a pregnant woman gains a significant amount of weight, so if she is overweight, it is better to eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of ice cream. It is also not recommended to eat sweet ice cream at night due to its high calorie content.

Why does it freeze during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers ask their gynecologist the question “Why do I feel chills, but don’t have a cold?” Most often in the first trimester this phenomenon is considered normal, since changes occur in the body hormonal levels, progesterone increases. In turn, the woman’s body responds to this change by slowing down heat transfer and chills.

A folk superstition says: if a pregnant woman feels cold, she will give birth to a girl; if it is hot, she will give birth to a boy.

To be on the safe side with this issue, it is best to contact a gynecologist, because chills may relate to one of the following diseases.

Causes of chills in a pregnant woman:

  • VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia). It appears mainly in women who have problems with blood vessels and heart. In the first trimester, blood pressure may increase, which is accompanied by chills.
  • Decreased hemoglobin. To increase it, the gynecologist can prescribe a certain diet and prescribe medications.
  • Frozen pregnancy. The embryo does not develop, the basal temperature becomes lower, the woman’s condition worsens, and bleeding may appear. If you experience any of these signs, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Cystitis. Accompanied by frequent urge to go to the toilet. Chills and sharp pains during urination are a reason to consult a gynecologist for treatment.
  • Lack of microelements. At all stages, the child consumes a lot of substances from the mother’s body, so the woman may lack certain vitamins and elements. A blood test will show what exactly the pregnant woman is missing and how to make up for this deficiency.

The occurrence of chills may also indicate an onset of a cold. Therefore, if there are any signs of the disease, it is better to start treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Can I eat butter during pregnancy?

The diet of a pregnant woman is slightly different from her usual diet. In the morning she wants pickled cucumbers, at lunch - a sweet cake, and in the evening she asks: “I want bread with butter and sugar.” This is what they say hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Deficiencies in certain nutrients and vitamins may also indicate changes in eating habits. The body thus indicates what exactly it lacks.

The desire for butter may indicate a lack of calcium, which is so necessary for the baby growing in the tummy.

Positive properties of the oil:

  • Eating butter every day in small quantities compensates for the lack of vitamins A, E, D, K;
  • Despite the calorie content, it is quickly absorbed and gives a good boost of energy for the whole day;
  • Useful for bladder pain;
  • Reduces fatigue.

It is harmful for women with high cholesterol levels or gastrointestinal disorders to consume butter.

Having examined the project about the positive and negative qualities of a sweet dessert, we can say that the benefit of ice cream for a pregnant woman lies, first of all, in the production of the joy hormone. Therefore, eating ice cream is not only allowed, but also recommended in small doses.

It's no secret that pregnant women need to observe proper diet nutrition. This has a positive effect not only on well-being expectant mother, but also for the good development of her fetus. Experts advise drawing up sample menu, according to which women will eat throughout the day. An important condition Any nutrition during this period is to eat enough vitamins. But then the question arises: where to get these useful substances? What products contain greatest number vitamins?

Since time immemorial, the benefits of milk and dairy products during pregnancy have been known. This type of product contains sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus, protein and many others. useful substances.

What are dairy products good for?

Researchers have identified several reasons why milk and products based on it are useful:

  • Substances contained in dairy products are beneficial for the development of a child's teeth.
  • Benefits for the proper development of the bones of the unborn baby
  • For the child's cardiac system
  • For better blood clotting

What kind of milk should you drink?

Of course, it will be excellent if you use natural milk. You shouldn’t even compare it with store-bought milk, which doesn’t contain as many useful substances.
The second point is this: be sure to boil the milk. This is necessary in order to avoid infection with various infections. Even if the milk was bought in a store, this does not mean that it is perfectly pure.

The following will list some dairy products that are important for pregnant women. Daily consumption of these products (in moderation, of course) will help you to easily endure pregnancy and your baby will be born healthy and strong.

1.Cottage cheese

This product is one of the most recommended during pregnancy. The protein content here even exceeds the amount found in some types of meat. Cottage cheese is also rich in methionine, and this amino acid is essential in the process of proper fetal formation.

It is recommended to consume cottage cheese about 4 times a week. You should not store this product for a long time, even if it is in the refrigerator, as it deteriorates very quickly.
You can combine cottage cheese with sour cream, make cottage cheese cakes and casseroles from it. Best to eat this one milk product for afternoon tea.

2. Cheese

This is a product that contains a large number of proteins. Accordingly, it is very important for consumption during pregnancy. Cheese can be combined with vegetables and herbs. It is better to eat young cheeses, because they contain less fat.

3.Sour cream and cream

These dairy products are classified as fats. But the oil contained in sour cream and cream is quite easily digestible human body. It will be good if you combine these foods with starchy foods.

Doctors advise preparing cream with carrot juice if you suddenly experience slight swelling, as well as kidney problems.

Sour cream in pure form– too fatty dairy product. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to use this product as a seasoning. This is especially true for the last three months of pregnancy.

Sour cream is added to various meat and vegetable dishes. Even if you bake some food in the oven, you can grease it with a small layer of sour cream. It will not only be tasty, but also very healthy.


There is an opinion that a dairy product such as yogurt does not have any benefits for a pregnant woman. However, this opinion is not plausible. Of course, if yogurt causes you an allergic reaction, then you should avoid it. But if you like him and there are no side effects, yogurt should be added to your diet.

  • yogurt is good for proper bowel function
  • Thanks to this product, the entire body is cleansed
  • digests easier and faster than even milk
  • immunity increases
  • prevention of intestinal diseases
  • source of protein and calcium
  • cholesterol levels decrease

The most important thing is that the product must be fresh!


This dairy product is necessary for women who are expecting a child in their lives. Oil consumption should occur every day. Although you need to be careful not to overdo it with the amount (about 10-20 grams per day).

Sample diet with added dairy products

  1. When you wake up, drink a glass of milk. You can also cook porridge with milk or muesli, it depends on your preferences.
  2. In the afternoon you can cook for yourself milkshake or drink a glass of yogurt
  3. After or during lunch, drink a cup of chicory with milk. Can be cooked hot chocolate based on hot milk.
  4. In the evening it would also be acceptable to drink a glass of yogurt and eat a piece of cheese. Every other day you can eat a certain amount of cottage cheese.
  5. With all this, do not forget about the daily use of butter, as well as adding to various products sour cream and cream.

We can summarize the following: dairy products are necessary for every pregnant woman. Milk, cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, butter - all this helps to form the baby’s skeleton and contributes to the proper development of his teeth. In addition, dairy products have a positive effect on the well-being of the expectant mother herself, which is an important factor during pregnancy.

A woman, while expecting a child, is afraid to take an extra step so as not to harm the baby. Therefore, before they eat or drink, they try to find out whether it is dangerous for the child. Next we will talk about whether it is allowed to consume butter during pregnancy and whether it is worth giving up this food product for a while.


It is known that a pregnant woman should eat a balanced diet, especially in the early stages. During this period, the basis of a tiny organism is formed, and if the nutrition is poor and monotonous, this can affect the mental development of the fetus.

You need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink a glass of fresh juice every day. All this will play a role in saturating the body with vitamins, amino acids, and macroelements. Harmful products It’s better to remove (this is mayonnaise, sauces, smoked meats). In general, it is better to eat salads and fruits. This will help you not gain too much extra pounds, because she is pregnant, she leads a passive lifestyle.

Can pregnant women eat butter? Butter for pregnant women is very healthy. It contains a lot of calcium, just like other dairy products. This macronutrient will help to properly form the baby’s bone tissue.

The oil contains the following substances:

  1. vitamins A, E, D;
  2. organic acids (increase immunity, improve digestion);
  3. promotes rapid absorption of food. It is recommended to consume it in the morning so that foods eaten throughout the day are easily digested;
  4. contains cholesterol, which takes part in the production of sex hormones and helps build the cells of a new person.

Pregnant women need to eat this dairy product to supply the baby with nutrients for full development.

Methods of application

Pregnant women try to protect themselves from taking medications. If the gestation period falls mostly on the cool season, without colds not enough. Warm milk with butter will become a worthy replacement medicines from chemical substances. This drink is considered a good anti-inflammatory remedy for sore throat and colds.

Is butter good for pregnant women? Without a doubt we can say that useful characteristics products are needed for the expectant mother. Milk with butter for cough during pregnancy will come at a time when a woman feels a sore throat or is tormented by a severe cough attack.

Hot milk during pregnancy will help overcome colds. It is important not to drink the drink if you have a sore throat, because the liquid contains high temperature Contraindicated for sore throat or sore throat.
It happens that a woman needs to use a product on a physiological level.

Why do you want butter during pregnancy:

  • this may be a consequence of vitamin deficiency;
  • if in the body, the future mother, there is a lack of calcium, which the baby simply needs for the structure of cells;
  • to fill the body with amino acids and healthy fats

Now the only thing left to do is learn to buy high-quality butter so that the harm of the ingredients does not outweigh the benefits.

Right choice

The butter should have a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma to start. You should not replace butter with margarine or spread, because they are produced individually and do not contain as many useful substances.

In order to buy quality oil, you need:

  1. choose a product that complies with GOST;
  2. contains a large amount of fat (80 percent and above);
  3. do not buy butter in parchment or paper;
  4. check the expiration date. Natural dairy products are stored for no more than 2-4 weeks.

To maintain the freshness of vegetable oil, you must adhere to storage rules. Firstly, if you take a loose product, you need to remove the film in which the food is wrapped and put it in a container that does not allow sunlight to pass through. Secondly, do not eat food that does not look substandard - if it is too yellow, it is better to throw it away.

It should be noted that you should not abuse the product, because it high-calorie food. It is also advisable to refrain from using it for women with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a married couple. But there is no need to focus on it, because this is not a disease, but just a time of formation and development of the baby. It is recommended to carefully monitor the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother and not eat harmful foods. Then the child will develop correctly and well.

Proper nutrition for a pregnant woman is the key to a successful delivery, maintaining the health of the pregnant woman herself and the birth of a healthy baby. But the observing doctor will tell you what to eat during pregnancy. You should not always listen to the advice of your loved ones who recommend a diet regarding your own needs.

Nutrition for pregnant women

It is very difficult to regulate a pregnant woman’s diet in the first months of pregnancy. In the first trimester, a woman may experience severe toxicosis, which is why she has the right to refuse any food at all. During this period, even some completely non-aggressive odors, not to mention dishes, irritate.

Over time, when toxicosis subsides and appetite returns, another problem arises - rapid weight gain, which is very difficult to fight. Extra pounds provoke a number of serious problems that accompany a woman even after childbirth. This:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • heart failure;
  • renal failure;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • tendency to high blood pressure.

The diet, which is approved by the observing doctor, can lead a woman to complete despondency. Food for a pregnant woman is never too tasty so as not to “whet up” the appetite and at the same time saturate the body with useful substances.

From the first trimester, portion sizes are determined by the doctor. Now the pregnant woman's nutrition will vary according to the weeks of the child's development. There are a number necessary products, which it is advisable for pregnant women to consume on a regular basis. The leading role is played by cottage cheese and iron-containing products.

Healthy food for pregnant women

Before discussing all kinds of dishes for a pregnant woman, you should consider general rules preparing a diet. Products of plant origin should make up ⅔ of the food eaten per day. This menu is most important in the last stages of pregnancy, at least two to three weeks before giving birth. Vegetables contain a large amount of prostaglandins, which ensure the elasticity of the tissues of the birth canal.

Vegetable dishes have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation and inhibiting the growth of fatty deposits. Eating vegetable soups and sauté, a pregnant woman will not feel a high load on the stomach and pancreas, especially if the dishes are steamed without using a frying pan.

However, no vegetables can replace either the mother’s body or the unborn baby. meat products. It is simply a crime to refuse meat during pregnancy. A growing embryo simply needs protein of animal origin. Every day a pregnant woman's diet should include up to 100 grams of animal proteins. If on some days a woman wants to do without meat, it should be replaced with fish.

Fruits can be highlighted as a separate item. Of course, expectant mothers who have had allergic problems even before conception should be extremely careful when choosing fruits in supermarkets. Most exotic fruits pass pre-treatment liquefied gas or acceptable herbicides to give them presentation for a longer period.

Exotic fruits entering the local market travel a long way from southern countries. Sometimes delivery takes from several days to several weeks. Typically, fruits and vegetables from abroad are transported by sea, as this is the cheapest mode of delivery. It is not recommended to buy fruits and vegetables sold in vacuum packages for pregnant women.

You should also remember that freshly prepared food is much tastier and healthier than heated and prepared food in advance. Therefore, it is better to prepare food for pregnant women in small portions based on one dose. Food left in the refrigerator overnight should not be covered with plastic bags and kept under storage for a long time. nylon covers. Pathogenic microflora, invisible to the human eye, but posing a high degree of health hazard, can multiply in it.

Dry food and “on the go” meals should be excluded. You should not overeat, nor should you go hungry for a long time. The feeling of thirst must be quenched as it arises. What is important is what a pregnant woman will drink and in what quantities. Increased fluid intake will lead to edema, which will cause shortness of breath, blockage of the veins of the lower extremities, and interfere with normal blood circulation. Drinking must be room temperature. Carbonated, tonic and alcoholic drinks. Food should be consumed slowly, in a calm environment, chewing thoroughly. Air entering in a hurry can cause prolonged belching, colic and general discomfort.

What products are needed

Healthy cooking for a pregnant woman consists of dishes prepared as follows:

  • Cooking food in a double boiler or baking in the oven. This is the most useful way heat treatment of products. You can bake any food, from vegetables to meat and fish. To do this, use foil, polypropylene packaging or parchment paper. This way you can prepare dietary meat, preserving all the beneficial substances in it.
  • Food cooked extinguishing method. This option involves stewing food for a long time in a sealed container with a small addition of water or vegetable oil. Meat, vegetables and mixed dishes are very tasty and nutritious.
  • Food cooked frying method. In order to preserve as much nutrients as possible in foods that have been fried in a frying pan, it is necessary to fry vegetables or meat in small pieces on a hot surface without adding fat. A wok pan is ideal for such dishes; it has thin walls that heat evenly from the bottom to the top surfaces. The flame of the burner should cover the entire surface of the pan, so the burner should be wide.
  • Food prepared in nature on open fire . This very first method of cooking in human society is gaining popularity even now. For the expectant mother, it is advisable to select lean pieces of meat or fish. You can fry pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, and potatoes in small pieces. Before eating, remove the crust formed during frying.

From plant food Pregnant women can do everything, individually excluding what can cause allergic reactions. You need to be careful when eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, and some exotic fruits. It is better to dress salads unrefined vegetable oil, trying not to overuse salt and hot spices. Salt and spices cause an increased feeling of thirst, causing swelling and the accumulation of excess weight.

The benefits of beef tongue for pregnant women

Beef tongue is a dietary products due to the low content of connective tissue cells. Dishes from beef tongue are easily digestible, without provoking putrefactive processes in the digestive system, which is typical for other types of meat products.

  • takes part in the synthesis of hormones and amino acids;
  • improves performance nervous system;
  • eliminates anemia;
  • stabilizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • improves skin functions.

In dishes prepared from beef tongue, high content protein and microelements that help improve the functioning of the pancreas. Nutritionists believe that this product can replenish about half daily norm microelements, vital necessary for the body adult.

Doctors observing pregnant women strongly recommend including beef tongue dishes in the diet, which will eliminate the development of anemia, stomach ulcers and saturate the body of the mother and the unborn baby with useful substances.

Jelly during pregnancy

The gelatin contained in the jelly is not able to affect blood clotting. Therefore, pregnant women can consume dishes containing gelatin in full. For cooking edible gelatin use extract of Pacific seaweed agar-agar or cartilage and tendons of animal origin. Animal cartilage tissue is saturated with natural collagen, which will reliably ensure the health of the cartilage of the pregnant woman and the developing embryo.

Gelatin is rich in glycine. This is an essential amino acid for the body. It is thanks to her that a person feels a surge of energy and mental activity. Gelatin contains the following substances that affect the functioning of the digestive organs and cardiac system:

  • alanine;
  • dicarboxylic acids;
  • peptides;
  • active proteins.

Some fruits are not recommended to be taken raw during pregnancy, as they can cause belching, bowel problems and heartburn. Having cooked delicious jelly with the addition of juices or fruit drinks, you can perfectly replenish the supply of microelements and vitamins in a pregnant woman’s body, combining business with pleasure.

When doctors recommend dishes with the addition of gelatin to pregnant women, they must take into account the intestinal function of their patients, since it has a slight astringent effect.

Brewer's yeast for pregnant women

Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the body. The product is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. This is a real storehouse of microelements and vitamins, which is an excellent dietary supplement.

Yeasts are single-celled fungal organisms that survive under certain conditions in a “living” state. They are obtained through the process of cultivating the following composition: malt, hop cones and beer wort. After combining the components, the fermentation phase begins, followed by fermentation.

Women during gestation often experience health problems caused by a lack of nutrients in organism:

  • increased fatigue;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • hair loss on the head;
  • decreased immune function;
  • the appearance of skin rashes.

Brewer's yeast is prescribed to pregnant women to support the body during such a difficult period. The supplement does not contain substances dangerous to the embryo and maternal body, so experts safely prescribe it to women with early dates conception.

Brewer's yeast has the following content:

  • Vitamins B, P and D. Helps restore the functions of the nervous system, skin, nail plates, and hair follicles.
  • Phosphorus. Renews bone tissue and stabilizes the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Copper. Takes an active part in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and also stimulates the production of insulin.
  • Potassium. Regulates the acid-base balance in the body and improves the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Calcium. Forms structural material at the cellular level, creating healthy dental buds in the embryo and bone.
  • Zinc. Provides regeneration of cerebral cortex cells.
  • Magnesium. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, reduces tremors, stabilizing the functions of the nervous system.
  • Silicon. Promotes normal absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Sodium. Maintains electrolytic balance in the body of the woman and the embryo.
  • Sulfur. Improves the structure of the skin, hair and nail plates.
  • Selenium. Neutralizes dangerous products decay, increases the body's protective functions.

However, despite all the beneficial properties of brewer's yeast, gynecologists approach their use with caution. Active enzymes can provoke dysbiosis of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and disruption of the urinary system. Therefore, the doctor carefully examines the pregnant woman’s medical history and individual characteristics.

Essential microelements

The body obtains most of the necessary microelements from food. These are iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. In cases where there is a lack of nutrients involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, improvement of blood circulation and digestion, makes itself felt, you should take additional necessary microelements. Seafood, vegetables and fruits are especially rich in microelements.

During pregnancy female body often lacks iron. Iron deficiency can lead to irreversible processes in the development of the embryo. A woman should monitor herself for the first symptoms of iron deficiency and compensate for it. So, the most common symptoms of iron deficiency are as follows:

  • anemia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent sudden heartbeats;
  • tendency to irritability;
  • depression;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of nail plates;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • dyspnea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • inflammation or pain on the tongue and lips.

In most cases, you can compensate for iron deficiency by adjusting your diet. Table 1 lists foods high in iron.

Table No. 1. Iron-containing products and the level of microelement content in them

Dried mushrooms

Rabbit meat

Pork liver

Wheat bran

Turkey meat

Brewer's yeast

Cocoa powder

Beef liver

Egg yolk



Fresh mushrooms

Chicken meat

Sea kale

Egg white

How to take vitamins correctly

A pregnant woman should receive the entire complex of vitamins necessary for the body. Berries you can buy are cranberries, raspberries, currants, and blueberries. All fruits contain vitamin C, which is perfectly preserved long time in fruit drinks and berries mashed with sugar.

Fruits can also be consumed raw if the pregnant woman does not suffer from increased secretion of gastric juice and allergic reactions to some of them. When a woman feels that raw fruits cause increased irritation of the gastric mucosa, then ideal option will become jelly and fruit compotes. Apples can be baked in the oven or steamer, and the juicy fruit can be used as a filling for curd dishes.

In addition to fruits, vitamins are found in meat and dairy products, vegetables, and offal. The most complete list of essential vitamins and products containing them is given in Table No. 2.

Table No. 2. Essential fat-soluble vitamins during pregnancy

Vitamin name


A (retinol + beta-carotene)

visual receptors, skin, mucous membranes

Liver, egg, butter, dairy products

D (calciferol)

Calcium absorption, bone and teeth growth

Egg, butter, hard cheese, milk, fatty varieties fish

E (tocopherol)

Natural antioxidant

Vegetable oil, olives, wheat germ

Blood clotting

Liver, onion, spinach, cucumber, green pea, parsley dill

B1 (thiamine)

Metabolic processes, nerve and muscle activity

Liver, heart, tongue, beans, peas, brewer's yeast, whole grain porridge

B2 (riboflavin)

Metabolic processes, heart function

Liver, heart, red meat, cereals, dairy products, brewer's yeast

B5 (pantothenic acid)

Metabolic processes

Beef, liver, egg, brewer's yeast, cereal porridge

B6 (pyridoxine)

Metabolic processes, hemoglobin production

Beef, chicken, pork, brewer's yeast, liver, cereal porridge

B8 (biotin)

Metabolic processes, hair growth, nail plates

Liver, egg, dried fruits, beans, beans, peas, fish

B9 (folic acid)

Cell division and growth, bone development

Cucumber, spinach, parsley, zucchini, sunflower seeds, lettuce, hard cheese, whole grain porridge

B12 (cobalamin)

Red blood cell production, metabolic processes

Beef, chicken, pork, fish, liver, heart, dairy products

C (ascorbic acid)

Natural antioxidant, wound healing, resistance to viral infections

Most fruits and vegetables

PP, B3 (niacin)

Metabolic processes

Beef, chicken, pork, River fish, oceanic lean fish, brewer's yeast, beans, peppers, peas

Do's and don'ts

Each organism is individual. It is quite possible that the diet of one pregnant woman is absolutely not suitable for another. The characteristics of each organism will show what it is advisable to refuse during the period of bearing a child, and what to focus on. However, nutritionists have developed special tables for pregnant women, whose advice should be followed. Table No. 3 shows the most frequently used Everyday life products and dishes made from them, as well as the benefits and possible harm for pregnant.

Table No. 3. Recommended and undesirable foods for pregnant women


Bread and bakery products

Bran bread, bread made from flour coarse, crackers, savory pastries

Baking from premium grades flour, puff pastries and pastries

Vegetable soups with low-fat broth, Lenten borscht, beetroot

Fat broths

Low-fat steam or boiled beef, rabbit meat, skinless chicken

Fatty meats, homemade fatty sausages, dumplings, smoked lard, canned meat

Low-fat fish varieties (pollock, hake, pelengas, perch, carp, navaga, grenadier)

Fatty fish, smoked, salty fish, canned fish, crab sticks

Cereals, grains, legumes

Buckwheat, rice, wheat, pearl barley, corn, oatmeal

Semolina porridge, dishes with high content beans, peas, legumes

1-2 eggs per day (boiled or in an omelet)

Fried or raw

Dairy products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheesecakes, casserole, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, feta cheese

Smoked cheeses, raw milk

Fruits vegetables

Boiled vegetables, fruits in compote or jelly; cranberries, blueberries, nuts, pumpkin seeds

Red fruits and vegetables, some citrus fruits if you are allergic to them

Fats and sweets

Olive, sunflower, corn and butter, jelly, jam, chocolate candies in moderation

Butter pastries with rich cream, too large portions of chocolate

Snacks, spices

Vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, fruit salads

Hot sauces, horseradish, mustard, hot peppers, vinegar, salt

Small volumes of natural juices, fruit jelly, dried fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, weak teas, rosehip infusion, chamomile tea

Alcoholic drinks, strong coffee and tea, tonic drinks with high sugar and gas content

Nutrition of a pregnant woman by month

In each trimester, it is necessary to focus on foods high in folic acid, this contributes to the normal development of the fetus. It is not advisable to limit yourself in water consumption. However, you should not drink too much liquid during the day, and especially at night. Water must be purified, without dyes or artificial flavoring additives, still. It is not recommended to drink water while eating or immediately after; it is better to do this before eating and a couple of hours after eating.

In the first trimester you can plan your food intake daily diet as shown in Table No. 4. Depending on whether allergic reactions to various fruits and vegetables occur, each woman should regulate their consumption independently or on the advice of a supervising doctor.

Table No. 4. Recommended daily diet for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

Day of the week



Buckwheat or rice porrige(you can add milk) Fresh Juice(carrot, apple, orange)

Puff pastry with pumpkin or spinach

Whole grain bun, pea soup with the addition of broccoli, rose hip tea

Apple or carrot

Stewed chicken with rice or pasta, Mint tea

Bran bread with cucumber or tomato and hard cheese

Yogurt or curdled milk

Spaghetti with tuna, zucchini and olive oil

Curd cheesecake

Oven-baked potatoes with beans

Oatmeal with added milk, kefir

Grapefruit or orange

Lean beef casserole with beans

Dried apricots with prunes

Vegetable salad from boiled rice, eggs and sardines, tomato or cranberry juice

Cheesecakes with the addition of low-fat sour cream, carrot juice with pulp

White cabbage salad or red cabbage in olive or corn oil

Laminaria salad with the addition of unrefined sunflower oil, fish pie, dried fruits compote

Banana or kiwi

Wholemeal bread, boiled egg, lettuce, baked milk or kefir

Oatmeal with water or milk with the addition of dried apricots or prunes, fermented baked milk or yogurt

Some walnuts, steamed dried fruits

Boiled pasta from durum flour with low-fat meat sauce, carrot or cranberry juice

Toast with butter

Lavash with soft or processed cheese with added herbs, chamomile or rosehip tea

Omelette with added small quantity vegetables and ham, croutons, fresh orange or tomato juice

Bran bread with low-fat lightly salted salmon

Boiled chicken, avocado salad, yogurt or kefir

Several walnuts or peanuts

Vinaigrette with bran bread, lightly salted herring, fermented baked milk


Pancakes or pancakes with fruit or jam, yogurt

Apple or pear

Bran bread, vegetable soup with a piece lean meat, compote or green tea

Carrot salad with low-fat sour cream

Boiled or stewed chicken in the sleeve, boiled potatoes, carrots or boiled beets, mint tea

Table No. 5. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the second trimester

Daily value(g)

Wheat bread

Rye bread

Wheat flour

Pasta or spaghetti


Vegetable dishes

Fresh fruits

Dried fruits

Sweet flour products

Fish, seafood

Low-fat cottage cheese

Sour cream, fat content no more than 10%

Dairy products


Vegetable oil

Hard cheeses

Black tea

Iodized salt

Natural coffe

Table No. 6. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the third trimester

Daily value(g)

Fish (boiled or stewed)

Meat (boiled or baked in a sleeve without crust)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Dairy products

Low-fat sour cream


Vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive)

Wholemeal bread

White bread made from premium flour



Colored, White cabbage or broccoli

Bulb onions

Cucumber tomato

Prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins

Table No. 7. Chemical composition required dietary intake per day in the second and third trimesters


Daily value(g)

Plant based proteins

Animal proteins

Animal fats

Vegetable fats


Total daily energy value

2556 kilocalories

Table No. 8. Recommended number of meals per day, indicating approximate volumes

I trimester

II trimester

III trimester

Meals 4 times

Meals 5 times

Meals 6 times

Breakfast volume is 30% of the daily diet

Breakfast volume is 20% of the daily diet

The volume of second breakfast is 15% of the daily ration

The volume of the second breakfast is 10% of the daily ration

Lunch volume 40% of daily ration

Lunch volume 30% of daily ration

The volume of the second lunch is 10% of the daily ration

Dinner volume 10% of daily ration

The volume of the afternoon snack is 15% of the daily ration

A couple of hours before bed, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of your daily diet.

Dinner volume 10% of daily ration

A couple of hours before bed, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of your daily diet.


It is important for every pregnant woman to know which foods should be limited in consumption and which ones should be completely abandoned during pregnancy. Everything a woman does during this period instantly affects the health of the unborn baby. The woman herself and the fetus are most vulnerable during the first trimester. Increased content salt can increase toxicosis, cause increased swelling, which is why you should exclude spicy dishes seasoned from your diet big amount spices, and canned vegetables, replacing them with fresh ones.

Fried food is undesirable not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. As soon as the pregnant woman reduces her intake fried foods, you will immediately notice a decrease in strong feelings of thirst and improved digestion. Fried foods provoke constipation and liver dysfunction. Today there are many ways to steam food. In this case, you should avoid consuming pregnant foods from microwave oven. Although the products do not become crusty, as when fried, they can cause great harm the body of mother and child.

Not everyone can completely eliminate sweets from their diet. However, it should be understood that “fast carbohydrates” do not bring any particular benefit to anyone, giving the body only extra pounds.

Carbonated sweet drinks contain a high content of various dyes, preservatives, flavors, and flavor substitutes. There is no need to talk about alcohol at all. It can only increase toxicosis, irritating the mucous membranes of all organs digestive tract and also bring irreparable harm embryo.


1. Sobolev A.N. “Nutrition for a nursing woman”, 2009
2. Yurkov A.S. " Daily consumption vitamins for pregnant women", 2010.
3. Ivanskikh A.V. “Features of nutrition of pregnant women, women in labor and nursing mothers”, 2009