Milk serum for the face. Serum mask recipes

One of the elixirs of female beauty and health is milk serum. This inexpensive natural product is recommended to be regularly used as a universal cosmetic product.


Whey is an independent food product resulting from the folding and filtering of milk during the preparation of cottage cheese. It does not contain fats, but at the same time it has a large number of proteins that are easily digestible and give the body essential amino acids that it does not produce, which come only from food.


Whey can be easily purchased at the store; as an option - prepare milk whey yourself at home. There are several ways to prepare this product.

RECIPE No. 1: (based on yogurt)

Bring the right amount of sour milk over low heat to a boil, but do not boil.

Leave on the stove until completely cooled.

When cool, strain the liquid through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.

Recipe number 2: How to make whey  (based on milk)

Bring 1 liter of milk to a boil and add the juice of a small lemon, mix and remove from heat.

After cooling, separate the cottage cheese from the whey using gauze or a fine sieve.


The composition of whey includes minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body and are very useful for improving and improving the structure of hair and scalp.


Heat 100 ml of whey to 36-37 ° С. soak a cotton pad in it and apply on the face and décolleté. After drying completely, wash with warm water.

Serum healing properties - effect: eliminates oily sheen, gives the skin a matte shade, tones and cleanses.


3 tbsp. l fat 20% curd mix with 3 tbsp. l whey, apply to pre-cleansed skin and rinse after 10 minutes. Instead of water for washing, you can use warm green tea.

Serum healing properties - effect: whitens the skin of the face and helps in the fight against freckles.


0.5 tbsp. l ground coffee mix with 2 tbsp. l whey and apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Serum healing properties - effect: improves complexion.


Beat egg white, combine with 1h. l flour and 2 tbsp. l whey. Mix thoroughly, apply the resulting mass on the face and hold for 15 minutes.

Rinse with warm water. For not very oily skin, protein can be replaced with yolk.

Serum healing properties - effect: cleanses, smoothes and dries the skin, tightens pores.


For dry, normal and combination skin: 0.5 tbsp. l mix oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l whey, apply on face and massage in circular motions for 2 minutes. Wash yourself with warm and then cool water.

For oily skin: 3 tbsp. l serum combine with 1 tsp. salt. Using the obtained V-scrub, massage your face for 1 minute, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. After the procedure, apply a soothing cream.

Serum healing properties - effect: cleanses, smoothes, dries the skin.


2-3 slices of wheat or rye bread, soak 100 ml of whey, mash and apply on the face. Massage for 10 minutes. Then rinse your face with room temperature water.

Serum healing properties  - effect: well cleanses, nourishes the skin.


Heat 200 ml of whey to a temperature of 40-50 ° C and mix with oatmeal until a thick mass is formed. Then apply it to your hair, cover your head with a plastic bag and a towel. Hold the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water without shampoo.

You can make hair masks using only serum without any additional ingredients. It is enough to moisten it with plenty of hair and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water using shampoo.

Serum healing properties - effect: heals and strengthens hair. gives a beautiful shine.

MILK Nail Tray

In 250 ml of warm whey, add 2-3 drops of jojoba oil. Dip your hands in the bath for 10 minutes, then pat it dry with a tissue.

Serum healing properties - effect: strengthens nails.


In a warm water, add a handful of bran and 5 drops of wheat oil, and then pour in warm whey (2 L). Take such a bath for 20 minutes. Then, without rinsing, pat your skin with a bath towel.

Serum healing properties  - effect: tones the skin.

If you want your hair and skin to always look perfect, then get acquaintedand or

    Adalind koss

It is impossible to prevent aging, but to delay this process is real. Enough daily to organize proper skin care. Self-made whey is a great way to fight aging. It whitens, tightens, smoothes the skin, gives it freshness, activates the regeneration process in the cells. Professionals advise starting its application from the age of 30.

The use of whey

The use of whey is indicated in such cases:

loose skin, loss of tone;
aging skin;
the appearance of wrinkles;
combination skin type or prone to oily;
pore enlargement;
burns from the sun;

This product contains many useful substances. Serum is prepared easily, and the result will be smooth and vitamin-rich skin, a fresh complexion. The main component in the serum is water, which is 94% of the total. The remaining 6% contains lactose, milk sugar, protein, vitamins, fats and beneficial bacteria.

Serum is of great benefit to the skin. Professionals advise using it from the age of 30 to delay the onset of signs of aging.

It is a powerful oxidant. Amino acid stops the aging process, it is not produced in our body by itself, but comes through the skin or with food. Beauty salons use cosmetics based on this product, but they are expensive. These are different scrubs, lotions, masks, etc. For this product, which is easy to do yourself, no need to overpay. The effect of this will not change.

The serum is made from kefir, and such a product will be natural and retain all its properties. There is another advantage: only cooked whey is used immediately, while retaining the benefit.

Remember that it is important to use the product with caution if there is damage to the skin. Do not lubricate the skin around the eyes, eyelids.

The composition and benefits of whey

Let us consider in more detail the composition and benefits of serum. This is an exclusively natural product that contains many components:

for smoothing the skin - vitamin B5;
to relieve inflammation, irritation, acne, protection from the negative effects of the external environment - vitamin B9;
activation of collagen production is due to the presence of vitamins E and C;
niacin will improve skin tone and make it healthier;

potassium promotes intensive skin hydration;
calcium activates metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level.

Serum is a true find in a home cosmetic bag. In addition to the powerful effect of rejuvenation and toning, this tool cleanses the skin, nourishes, fights against comedones, acne, fights inflammation and pigmentation.

The special composition makes the serum indispensable in the care of aging skin, to give it tone and beauty.

Systematic use of serum will improve elasticity. She will benefit combination skin and prone to oily, because fights against excessive production of fat on the skin, removes unpleasant shine, makes the skin tone even, fresh and clean.

High ability to restore and relieve inflammation helps to effectively use serum to treat sunburn, skin regeneration after violations.

How to make whey at home

Consider several options that will tell you how to cook whey at home:

Fast and first method.

Take a pack of kefir (its type does not matter), send it to the freezer in the compartment for quick freezing. When it becomes completely hard, remove and thaw on gauze (roll it several times) or on a sieve. A similar cooking method will help to save all acids and vitamins in the target product. No other treatment is required, you can use the tool.

Second method.

Pour fresh milk into the pan and heat until sour. Throw a slice of rye bread to speed up the process. When everything is sour, send the milk to a small fire. If the milk is curdled, immediately remove from the oven and let cool. Then filter through cheesecloth. The liquid is ready, and the remaining milk that has become cottage cheese can be eaten.

The third method.

This method has differences from the previous one. Fresh milk must be poured into a container, put on the stove and boil. Then add the juice of half a lemon, stirring all the time. From this, milk is curled. Remove from the oven immediately and cool. Then do the same: filter and apply as directed.

Serum Uses

The finished product can be used immediately for cosmetic purposes and any skin. An important condition is freshness, therefore it is not necessary to prepare whey “for later”. Effective use is considered a slightly warmed up product. There are such ways to use serum:

cooking masks at home for different purposes;
use as a means of washing;
basis for creating ice to wipe the face;
use as a tonic to clean the skin.

Homemade whey is always better than the product from the store. Moreover, the methods of its creation will not cause much trouble.

In order for the anti-aging and cleansing effect of the use of serum to become noticeable, it is important to use it every day for a month.

Milk serum. Meal Recipes

Consider recipes for various products from whey:

Face wash.

The simplest use of whey is daily cleaning. Moisten the cotton wool with it and wipe the skin on the face, in the decollete and on the neck. And an even simpler option - washing. In this situation, do not wipe the skin, just get wet with a napkin. Do not be afraid of the "sour" amber, the aroma quickly evaporates.

Serum Freeze.

If you make ice cubes from whey, you will get an excellent composition with the effect of a tonic and activation of restoring cellular functions. Such cubes should be used in the morning to replace the tonic after cleansing the skin.

Anti-aging peeling.

To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons of serum, 1 tsp. thick from coffee or oatmeal. Add salt or coffee to the liquid to make a scrub. Using gentle massage movements, without pressing or stretching the skin, scrub it, but do not touch the skin near the eyes. Manipulations last about 3 minutes. Then it is important to wash with warm water and cream. The product will give the skin freshness and dullness. Repeat manipulations twice in 7 days.

Face serum masks

Now consider the options for masks from face serum:

Skin nutrition.

To create, you need 50 ml of serum, 1 slice of bread from rye flour without a crust. Soak it in serum and crush it. There will be a mushy mass that does not drain from the skin. Leave on the face for a third of an hour, then roll it off the skin in circular, careful movements and wash it with heated water. Suitable for all skin types.

Whitening face.

This recipe contains fat cottage cheese - 2 tablespoons, whey - 2 tablespoons. Rub the components to homogeneity, apply the mass on the skin of the neck and face. If you have oily skin, add more protein. The mask is left for a period of 20 minutes, and then washed off with heated water or green tea. Repeat no more than 2 times in 7 days until the effect is achieved.

There are many recipes for homemade skin care products. Masks, scrubs, peels, compresses - all this contributes to rejuvenation and elasticity.

Toning and lifting.

This compress will help tone the skin. In a heated serum, moisten a piece of gauze. On it, cut holes in advance for the mouth, nose and eyes. Put on your face for a third of an hour. Then you do not need to wash, blot skin. You can repeat daily.

Lifting with fruits and vegetables.

Vegetable or fruit pulp is mixed with whey to a porridge-like state. Lubricate cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour. From fruits, prefer melon, banana, apricot. And from vegetables - eggplant, radish, sweet pepper, cucumbers and cabbage.

Cleansing and smoothing oily skin.

To prepare the mask you need: 2 tablespoons of serum, 1 tsp. flour and 1 protein. Beat the protein ahead of time, pour the remaining elements into it and mix. The mass is applied to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour, washed off with heated water. As a result, you get clean, smooth skin with narrowed pores.

Each representative of the weaker sex should definitely use milk serum for personal care. This product is able to refresh and rejuvenate the skin in the shortest possible time. And what else is important for a woman, except to like yourself in the mirror?

   January 19, 2014, 15:27

Whey is a byproduct of cottage cheese production. Whey is obtained by coagulation of milk. This product contains a lot of expensive micro and macro elements, as well as proteins that are more than suitable for digestion and our body as a whole. Cook serum  not difficult, the more so that in addition to this product you will get a charming homemade cottage cheese.

You will need

  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 1 teaspoon sour cream;
  • sieve;
  • gauze.

Instruction manual

1.   Add sour cream to milk and stir.

2.   Put milk in a warm place for souring for a day.

3.   Pour the sour milk into a saucepan and place in a water bath for 25-30 minutes. Do not stir.

4.   When the milk is curdled, remove it from the heat.

5.   Cover the sieve with gauze and strain serum  with cottage cheese.

6.   Tie the cottage cheese in cheesecloth in order to compress and remove the remnants of serum.

7.   Cool the whey.

8.   Ready serum  keep in the refrigerator.

Whey is a product energetically used in cooking. Due to the huge number of vitamins and minerals, whey is recommended for consumption in many diseases. It has a healing effect on the hair, skin and nails, strengthening them and improving the appearance. Prepare thin pancakes or pancakes on the basis of whey - a delicious dish for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

You will need

  • Whey pancakes:
  • - 0.5 l of whey;
  • - 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • - 2 eggs;
  • - salt;
  • - 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • - 0.5 l of milk;
  • - flour.
  • Whey fritters:
  • - 1 liter of whey;
  • - 3 eggs;
  • - 7 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • - salt;
  • - flour.

Instruction manual

1.   Whey pancakes Pour 0.5 liters of fresh whey into a large bowl. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into the serum without top and mix everything perfectly. Leave the serum in a warm place for 40 minutes.

2.   Add to the serum with soda 2 raw chicken eggs, salt to taste, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Stir everything until smooth.

3.   Pour the flour into the whey and mix everything until the lumps of flour disappear completely. You should get a dough with a density of sour cream.

4.   Pour about 0.5 liters of milk into the resulting dough, mix everything.

5.   Heat the pan, pour vegetable oil on it.

6.   Pour a portion of the dough into the pan. By tilting it in different directions, achieve a uniform separation of the dough on the surface of the pan.

7.   Bake pancakes from 2 sides to a nice golden color.

8.   Fold the finished pancakes on a plate in a stack and serve them with hot ones.

9.   Wheat fritters In a saucepan, mix 1 liter of whey with 7 tablespoons of granulated sugar until sugar is completely dissolved.

10.   Add 3 eggs and salt to your whey to taste. Mix everything.

11.   Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into the base for the dough. Then add the flour in portions, kneading a sufficiently thick dough. It should not drain from a spoon, but smoothly fall.

12.   Fry the pancakes in a preheated pan, pouring vegetable oil as needed. Spread the dough with a tablespoon, leaving the distance between the pancakes.

13.   Serve the finished pancakes on the table with drinks to your taste.

Useful advice
  If desired, pancakes can be stuffed with liver, stewed cabbage, cottage cheese or any filling to your taste. For pancakes and pancakes, serve jam, jam, jam, sour cream, condensed milk. Milk whey is allowed to use as a refreshing drink or replace it with kvass when cooking okrosh.

The healing result of whey was known to the ancient Greeks. They treated her with diseases of the digestive and genitourinary system, drank as a restorative and sedative. In the Middle Ages, doctors prescribed her for dysentery, poisoning and skin diseases. People living in the 21st century also know what whey is suitable for, but the newest century has added to the scope of this marvelous product.

Serum composition

The active substances in the whey of each 5-7% (the rest is water), but, despite this, its value is undeniable. The fact is that it actually does not contain fats, but is rich in easily digestible proteins. The proteins contained in serum include essential amino acids that are not produced by the body, and which a person receives only from food. In addition, these proteins are directly involved in the formation of red blood cells - red blood cells, as well as in the synthesis of proteins in such a major organ as the liver. Whey proteins are extremely valuable when compared to other natural proteins. Thus, it has been confirmed that whey proteins have greater bioavailability than chicken egg proteins, and the presence of lactose, milk sugar in whey makes it truly priceless, since this sugar is completely absorbed by the body. And this is a particularly desirable carbohydrate for the body, as does not convert to fat in cells and does not disrupt the gastrointestinal tract. Serum contains a pity a small number of fats (from 0.05 to 0.5%), but these fats are suitable, because enhance the action of enzymes. Approximately all vitamins, salts, macro- and microelements that make up the initial raw material, usually go into milk whey in the usual way. milk. Serum is a “champion” in the table of contents of vitamin B6, which is important for the functioning of the nervous system and the condition of the skin, and choline, which is involved in lipid and fat metabolism and stimulates brain action. Vitamins A, B2, B1, B12, C, E, H and PP are also present in a satisfactory number. Of the minerals in the serum, there is magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

Useful properties of whey

The suitable properties of whey can be judged on the basis of its chemical composition. It’s enough to say that each 1 liter of the product satisfies 2/3 of the daily norm of calcium, 1/3 of vitamins B1, B6 and B12, 80% of vitamin B6, 40% of potassium. If you drink a glass of serum every day in the morning, you can unconditionally and rapidly strengthen your immune system and prevent some diseases. If you have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart and blood vessel diseases, drink milk serum all day in order to improve your mood and prevent attacks . The product will help to eliminate slagging, the vessels will cleanse and gain their former elasticity. The serum will come to the rescue and with edema. Take it as a medicine, in a glass 3-4 times a day. You will get rid of excess stagnant fluid in the body and really feel the lightness in the lower extremities. Bags under the eyes will also disappear. And at the same time, at the same time, your digestion will improve, your stool will stabilize and you will feel better. Using every 2 glasses of whey per day will make your skin clean and smooth, relieve acne and acne. For beauty guidance, you can use the product not only inside, but also externally. A mask of equal parts of cottage cheese and serum with a drop of lemon juice, applied to the face, neck and décolleté area, whitens the skin, brightens freckles and age spots. Yes, you can primitively wash your serum in the morning and notice that after a short time the skin will become more toned and smooth. Rub the serum into the hair roots, add it to shampoos and balms and your hair will become strong, voluminous, silky. For the health of weakened and dull hair, use a mask: crush chopped onions, decoction of burdock root and ground black pepper on the tip of a knife into serum, rub this mixture once a week into the hair roots and distribute it along each length, then put a hat on your head for the shower and hold the composition for at least an hour. Rinse with warm water and mild shampoo. The result - more healthy and sparkling hair is noticeable more closely after 3 procedures. Well, and of course, use milk serum in unlimited numbers on fasting days and with diets. Even for one fasting day, it is allowed to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. And the use of a marvelous product for diets (all sorts!) Will definitely increase their effectiveness.

Whey is a liquid that remains after curdling and filtering milk. Such a serum has a healing effect and helps with various ailments.

With laryngitis and tonsillitis  as often as possible, gargle with a sage broth. To do this, 1 tablespoon of sage in a glass of serum.

For constipation  drink serum in the morning on an empty stomach. The body is hefty cool and rapidly cleansed. Also, you will be able to rapidly and unconditionally increase your immunity.

If you are faced with diabetes  , try this tool: pass through the meat grinder buckwheat and pour 2 tablespoons of the resulting buckwheat flour with a glass of whey. In the morning, eat instead of breakfast. Try to have breakfast this way 2-3 times a week. Serum stimulates the release of insulin.

With cracks on the heels  regularly make baths from warm whey.

If you sprained tendon  , apply burning compresses from serum. Change them as they cool.

To remove excess fluid  out of the body, drink a mug of serum throughout the day in small sips. Disturbed water-salt balance will be restored, which means you will get rid of toxins, toxins and excess cholesterol. Whey is a good way to quench your thirst.

With increased oily skin  wipe the skin with serum 2-3 times a day. Lotions with serum will help in the fight against acne, blackheads, as well as psoriasis, neurodermatitis and diathesis.

Fans of cooking cottage cheese at home are well aware that whey is a by-product of this process. This unclear liquid, despite its external unattractiveness, contains a lot of suitable substances, including biotin, vitamins A, E, and C, which are necessary for skin and hair. Therefore, whey is a part of a number of shampoos and is used to prepare homemade care products. for hair.

You will need

  • For the first method:
  • - milk serum;
  • - lemon juice.
  • For the second method:
  • - 0.5 liters of water;
  • - 1 tablespoon of dry burdock roots;
  • - lemon juice.
  • For the third method:
  • - 0.5 liters of whey;
  • - 6 slices of rye bread.

Instruction manual

1.   For hair care, whey is used both as part of mixtures and separately. To make the hair shine, apply liquid to the hair, put a cap made of polyethylene on your head and wrap it with a thick towel. After an hour, wash your hair with a mild shampoo and rinse with water, into which a few drops of lemon juice are squeezed.

2. A mixture of serum and another famous component of shampoos - burdock root - will help improve the appearance of hair. In order to prepare a composition for washing your hair, pour a tablespoon of chopped dry burdock root with half a liter of boiling water. Place the container with the mixture on low heat and cook for ten minutes.

3.   Cool the broth under the lid to room temperature and mix it with the same amount of serum. Wash your hair with the resulting product, using water acidified with lemon juice as a rinse aid. As usual, it is recommended to arrange such a procedure at least 2 times a week.

4.   Nutritious and cleansing masks from bread are used to care for hair of various types. However, dry hair owners are advised to add additional components to the mixture, such as oil and sour cream. For the preparation of a bread mask, whey is also suitable. Cut the crusts from six slices of rye bread and soak them for fifteen minutes in half a liter of whey, preheated to 50 degrees.

5.   Mash the soaked crusts to a state of gruel and distribute the resulting mixture over clean hair from roots to ends. Put on a plastic hat, wrap it with a towel and hold the nutritional composition on your head for forty minutes. Wash away the remaining gruel with a huge amount of warm water.

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  Prepare whey mask recently before use. If you choose to buy ready-made whey in the store, choose the product that contains no fruit additives.

Hair should be continuously looked after and maintained their beauty. Home masks can give your hair a healthy glow and strength. It is allowed to make them from any improvised means, including fermented milk products.

If you have little time to prepare the mask, apply lightly warmed kefir, milk whey, real yogurt or yogurt to your hair. Gather them on top of the head in a bunch, cover with polyethylene and wrap with a towel. Take out 30 minutes and rinse. With regular use of such an express mask, the hair will become more powerful, sparkling and silky.

To enhance the result, you can mix fermented milk products with other suitable components. So, say, for owners of thick hair a mask prepared from 1 cup of kefir and 2-3 tbsp is suitable. powder of blue or green cosmetic clay. The composition is applied to clean hair and washed off after 1 hour. Instead of clay, you can use mustard powder, lemon juice or egg yolk.

A mask of 1 cup of kefir, raw egg yolk and 3 tablespoons will help moisturize dry hair. warmed up burdock, olive or castor oil. Spread the mixture evenly over each hair length and hold for 1 hour. Wash off the mask with warm water and a mild shampoo. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week for a month.

Salvation for dry and brittle hair will become a home remedy based on natural yogurt. Mix 3 tbsp. fermented milk product with the same number of cognac and 1 tablespoon honey. Hold the mask for approximately 40 minutes.

To give volume to thin hair, make the following mask: in a glass of warm kefir add a small slice of baking yeast and 1 tsp. honey. Mix the components well and wait 20-30 minutes. After that, apply the composition to raw hair, insulate and hold for 30 minutes.

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If used regularly serum  for hair  , then it is allowed to restore the hair in a fairly short time, and improving the condition hair  invisibly closer after the first use of this tool. Exceptionally gratifying that amazing serum  allowed to do at home.

You will need

  • - milk
  • - lemon.

Instruction manual

1.   The whey that is formed during the preparation of cottage cheese has more than a long time ago established itself as a delicious cosmetic product. It contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, B, C, E, A vitamins, choline and biotin. After the use of whey in the roots, metabolic processes and hair  We are getting stronger.

2.   For the first method of making whey, take milk (approximately 1 liter) and place it in a warm place. When the milk turns sour and turns into yogurt, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Do not boil!

3.   Having noticed the first clumps of cottage cheese on the surface, turn off the stove and let the liquid cool. After this, strain serum  through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Put the cottage cheese - it is allowed to use it for the preparation of desserts.

4. For the second method, take pasteurized milk (1 liter) and one small lemon. Put the milk on the stove and, when it boils, add the lemon juice. Stir and remove from the stove. After filtering, the milk will stratify into cottage cheese, the one that you leave for desserts, and serum  which you will apply to hair .

5.   In order to prepare a healing shampoo, add a decoction of burdock roots to milk serum. With this mixture, wash your hair 1-2 times a week. Hair will become silky and obedient.

6.   If hair  If you become brittle and fall out, a whey mask will help. Warm serum  stir with chopped oatmeal until the consistency of sour cream. Put the resulting mass on hair  s, rub into the scalp and wrap your head in cellophane. Wrap a thick towel on top or put on a woolen hat. After an hour, rinse off the mask with warm water.

7.   Undiluted natural serum rinse hair  s later washing. Don't flush it, give hair  Am dry in the usual way. The strands will become noticeably stronger and will be more cool to hold the hairstyle.

  Do not apply serum to the area around the eyes and use only freshly prepared product.

Useful advice
  Use whey to improve complexion: primitively apply warmed up on the skin and leave to dry completely. Wash with warm water afterwards.

The recipe for making Kuban okroshka contains a little secret, one that allows you to make the dish strange. You can change the number of ingredients as you wish.

You will need

  • - 250 g sour cream
  • - 300 g of cooked sausage or nipple
  • - mustard
  • - salt
  • - ground black pepper
  • - sugar
  • - fresh greens
  • - 2 l of whey
  • - 3 fresh cucumbers
  • - 5-6 eggs
  • - 4 potatoes
  • - 8-10 radishes
  • - 500 g of kefir

Instruction manual

1.   Boil potatoes in slightly salted water. It is not recommended to clean root crops in advance. In the opposite case, the necessary consistency may not work.

2.   Rinse the radishes and cucumbers thoroughly and cut into small cubes. Grind sausages or cooked sausage in a similar way.

3.   Cook and chop eggs, laying 2-3 yolks in a separate container.

4.   Mix the yolks with one tablespoon of mustard, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and add sour cream.

5.   Pour the milk whey and kefir into the vegetables. Thoroughly mix and add the egg mixture. Before serving, do not forget to add okroshka with an inseparable ingredient - finely chopped fresh herbs.

Dressing based on egg yolks makes okroshka more intense. If desired, you can supplement the dish with spicy ingredients - spices and seasonings.

Useful advice
  If you wish, you can prefer one of the ingredients - whey or kefir.

Useful advice
  Serum can be used as an independent drink, as well as the basis for baking or desserts. In addition, whey has found widespread use in cosmetology. Serum should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Irina May 29, 2017

Dear readers, how do you feel about dairy products? I love them very much, including cottage cheese, especially homemade, rustic. Having breakfast with tea or coffee is such a delight! The main thing is not to abuse high-fat dairy products.

What about whey? Waste product, waste? Do not tell. In this inconspicuous yellowish liquid, there are enough useful and therapeutic substances that are beneficial not only for health, but are also widely used for rejuvenating and caring for face skin and hair.

What is the benefit of whey for hair, how to cook it at home and use in hair care, as well as recipes, let's talk today.

Hair Benefits

Whey contains a number of vitamins, minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the health of our hair. Namely:

  • nourishes roots and hair;
  • moisturizes;
  • promotes renewal and restoration of hair structure;
  • increases the strength of hair rods;
  • strengthens hair roots;
  • prevents falling out;
  • according to some reports, promotes hair growth;
  • normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • fights fungal diseases of the scalp;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • restores hair weakened and damaged after dyeing, perm, frequent styling and other harmful effects;
  • protect hair from external harmful effects;
  • allows hair to stay clean and fresh longer.

Application result

After several procedures with milk whey, the hair becomes strong, acquires elasticity, silkiness, volume, healthy shine, looks healthy and well-groomed, it becomes much easier to comb them.

We solve problems

Whey is suitable for the care and recovery of all types of hair, but first of all, it has proven its effectiveness for:

  • dry hair
  • oily hair;
  • weakened and damaged hair;
  • prevent loss;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • split ends treatment.

How to make whey at home

Serum can be purchased at a store, in the market, or made at home. If you compare these three options, then store whey is the least effective. The fact is that it is not known which milk was used in its production, which food additives were included in it. In addition, industrial whey is designed for a long shelf life, which, of course, does not add to its beneficial properties.

If there is no time to make the serum yourself, then a product purchased on the market is a worthy option. It is made from natural homemade milk without any food additives and, we can say with confidence that it was not subject to boiling (yogurt was heated only to the temperature that was needed to get the cottage cheese).

And finally, the most reliable and proven way to get natural milk hair serum is to cook it yourself at home. How to do it?

Frozen Kefir

A package of fresh kefir is placed in the freezer and wait until it is completely frozen. Then we put a colander or strainer on the pan, where we put gauze in several layers and place frozen kefir. When it is completely thawed, then a gentle cottage cheese will remain in the gauze, and a useful and medicinal serum in the pan.

With this method, whey, without being exposed to high temperatures, completely retains all the useful and medicinal substances in its composition. For those who make kefir at home - this is the best option.

Souring Milk

Pour homemade whole milk into a saucepan and leave in a warm place for souring. To speed up the process, you can add a slice of rye bread. When the milk turns sour, remove the bread, and put the pan on a small fire and heat until the milk is curdled. Be careful not to heat the curdled milk strongly, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out tough.

Remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents and strain through several layers of gauze. In the gauze there will remain high-quality home-made cottage cheese, and the liquid is a useful and therapeutic whey.

Adding Lemon Juice

This method is designed for quick preparation of whey. Squeeze the juice of one lemon in a liter of homemade whole milk, mix well and put on a small fire. During heating, the milk will curl. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the liquid and filter, as already described.

With this method, whey is still not quite “right”, since in its manufacture there is no process of fermentation (fermentation) of milk and, therefore, the resulting product does not contain beneficial bacteria and other useful substances associated with this process.

How to store whey

Whey should be stored in a glass dish in the refrigerator.

For medical and cosmetic purposes, the shelf life of the product should not exceed three days.

And now let's look at how to use milk serum for hair in order to get the maximum benefit from this tool.

Natural Serum Shampoo

Whey contains components that gently and effectively cleanse the scalp and hair from contamination and sebum. This product is less aggressive and acts softer than industrial shampoos. In addition, it has a healing and caring effect on the hair and scalp.

If for any reason you do not want to wash your hair with whey, then add a little to your shampoo, thereby enriching it with useful components of the product. You can also add serum to other industrial hair care products.

Whey Head Wash

Heat the whey to a warm state and first apply a small amount to the scalp, massage for a couple of minutes, and then wet all the hair. The exposure time is 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. To enhance the effect, rinse clean hair with a decoction of burdock root.

Milk serum can be washed as needed.

Rinsing hair with whey

One of the easiest ways to use whey for hair is rinsing. For this procedure, the product is used on its own, and in combination with other components.

The serum or composition with its inclusion must be preheated to a pleasant comfortable temperature. To enhance the effect, you can add half-ampoules of vitamin A or E.

Wash the hair as usual, squeeze (you can slightly get wet with a towel). Then we use the prepared milk rinse. We squeeze the hair, dry it with a towel and let it dry naturally. Additionally, rinse hair with water is not necessary. Apply as needed.

After this procedure, the hair looks well-groomed, beautiful, easier to style, longer stay clean and fresh.

Whey Rinse Recipes

Now let's look at how to prepare a rinse composition with whey.

Lemon juice conditioner

We prepare whey according to the third option with the addition of lemon juice and use it as a rinse aid. Apply 1-2 times a week.

After application, the hair becomes smooth, shiny. In addition, this composition slightly lightens.

A good result is the combination of milk whey for hair with decoctions / infusions of medicinal plants.

Milk and nettle rinse

1.5 tbsp. l nettle pour 0.5 l of boiling water, cover, wrap and insist until cool. Strain, bring the resulting liquid to its original volume and mix with 500 ml of whey (1: 1).

Whey and Burdock Rinse

1.5 tbsp. l burdock root pour 750 ml of water, bring to a boil and boil on the smallest fire for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, insulate. When the broth cools down, strain, and bring the liquid to its original volume. The resulting broth is mixed with milk serum for hair in a ratio of 1: 1.

Whey Spray

A type of rinsing with whey is the use of a spray. This procedure has proven itself to restore the hair structure after dyeing, perm, frequent styling, etc.

Pour milk whey into an empty bottle with a sprayer and apply to the hair along the entire length. If there are split ends, we process only them. If desired, 1 tsp can be added to the composition. burdock oil. Frequency of use - several times a day.

Whey Hair Masks

Such masks give a particularly intense healing and caring effect. For these purposes, you can use only serum or combine it with other components.

Before applying the mask, the hair should be washed as usual, wiped with a bath towel. Apply the prepared composition first to the scalp with massage movements, and then distribute it along the entire length of the hair. Cover the hair with polyethylene, insulate on top with a terry towel. After the required time has elapsed, wash off the mask with warm water. If desired, you can use shampoo. Allow hair to dry naturally.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of the procedure depends on the recipe, but usually is 30-60 minutes.

How often to apply

Masks give a good effect during the procedure twice a week. Course - 10 masks. For preventive purposes, these masks can be done once a week.

Hair Mask Recipes

There is nothing complicated in making hair masks with whey. Let's look at a few options.

Whey mask

Pre-heated to a comfortable temperature, whey is applied to the scalp and unwashed hair. The duration of the procedure is an hour.

Milk mask in combination with other hair masks

The purchased hair mask is mixed with whey in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply to scalp and clean, damp hair.

Nourishing mask with honey and yolks

2 tbsp. l melt natural honey in a water bath (heat only until warm!), grind well with 2 yolks preferably domestic eggs, gradually diluting the mixture with 250 ml of warm milk whey. The exposure time is at least half an hour.

The mask is suitable for all types of hair. It perfectly nourishes and activates the roots, restores the structure of the hair shaft, gives the hair shine and shine.

Mask for oily hair

15 g of white clay (buy at the pharmacy), mix well with 5 g of potato starch. Dilute the resulting powder with 45 ml of warm whey to the consistency of sour cream. When applying, pay special attention to the roots. The exposure time is half an hour.

The mask is great for oily, quickly contaminated hair. It nourishes the roots, normalizes the fat balance of the skin. If after unsuccessful dyeing in blond hair has acquired a yellowish tint, then this mask will help remove it.

Dry hair mask

2 tbsp. l olive oil (peach, coconut) combine with 2 tbsp. l whey. When applying, we pay special attention to the hair, carefully rubbing the composition into them. The exposure time is 1-2 hours.

The mask actively moisturizes, has a restorative effect on damaged, dried hair. After several treatments, your hair looks healthy and well-groomed.

Mask for strengthening hair

Melt 18-20 g of cocoa butter in a water bath, add 25 ml of warm milk whey and 6 drops of patchouli essential oil. The exposure time is half an hour.

The mask strengthens the hair roots, effectively restores the structure of the hair rods.

Hair Growth Mask

Grind 1 medium onion to a puree state, grind well with 1 tbsp. l burdock oil, gradually diluting a mixture of 250 ml of whey.

The composition is applied to the hair roots and insulated with a terry towel. If your scalp is not very sensitive, you can additionally cover the hair with polyethylene to enhance the effect. The exposure time of 15 minutes

Since the onion can cause irritation, then if the unpleasant sensations occur, immediately wash off the mask.

The mask improves blood circulation, activates the metabolic processes of the roots, stimulates hair growth, improves their appearance.

Mask with rye bread for nutrition and hydration

Cut the crusts from three pieces of rye bread, crumble the flesh, pour 250 ml of warm milk whey. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid through gauze, add 2 tbsp. l colorless henna and 1 tbsp. l burdock oil. The exposure time is an hour.


Whey hair serum is usually well tolerated and extremely rarely causes allergic reactions. Nevertheless, before using both the serum itself and the formulations with its inclusion, be sure to conduct a tolerance test.

Here with such an affordable and effective way of hair care, we met today. And now let whey benefit us not only in cooking, but also as a cosmetic for hair. It’s so nice and joyful to be not only healthy, but also beautiful.

And for the soul we will listen today NIKOS IGNATIADIS - In Classic Mood.

see also

  • Blooming Sally. Beneficial features. Contraindications
  • How to make Ivan - tea. The healing properties. Application
  • Chamomile
  • Linseed oil

When heated, sour milk is curdling. In this case, a characteristic fluid is separated - serum. It is used as a separate product, and also as a means for cosmetic procedures. Can I drink whey? Does the body benefit from it? This will be discussed in the article.

How to make whey

What is useful How to drink this product? Before answering these questions, let's find out how to prepare whey. To do this, you need to take milk (1 liter), strain, for example, through cheesecloth, leave it to warm all night. The next morning it will turn into yogurt. This product is similar to jelly or sour cream. It all depends on how fat the milk is. Yogurt can be more or less thick. The mass is placed in a saucepan and heated over a fire (it is advisable to put the saucepan on a spray bottle). It is impossible for the product to boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out quite tough. Remove the pan from the fire at a time when the curd is still soft. Now you need to separate the serum from it. To do this, take a colander with gauze. It is necessary to pour the resulting mass into it and wait until the serum drains. A liter of milk does not allow you to get a lot of cottage cheese, but a lot of whey will come out. If necessary, you can also purchase it in the store in a finished form. It is used for a variety of purposes.

A tasty and healthy drink is obtained by mixing whey with different juices from fruits and vegetables. The product has a dual healing effect with decoctions of herbs.

Children will appreciate the jelly made from whey. It is necessary to heat two glasses of the product and add ½ tablespoon (tablespoon) of gelatin (previously soaked). Also do not forget about sugar, syrup or jam. As a result, you will get very tasty and healthy jelly.

Talk about the composition

Everyone knows that drinks are good for drinking dairy. Many experts strongly recommend a serum for use. Why? It contains only 7% of active substances. But at the same time it is very useful. It has very little fat - not more than 0.5%, but contains proteins that are perfectly digested. There is also whey and milk sugar - lactose. This component completely assimilates our body. This carbohydrate has a good effect on the stomach. It is extremely beneficial for our body. Fat, in a small amount contained in serum, is useful, as it can enhance the action of enzymes.

The product contains proteins, which include all the essential amino acids. This makes the product truly valuable.

Milk serum. How to apply it correctly?

As we already know, milk whey is very useful for the body. How to drink this drink? To strengthen immunity, you need to drink a cup of serum daily in the morning. It is best to introduce a product into the diet at a time when no serious business is planned. Remember the mild laxative effect.

For what other purposes is milk whey used? How to drink - we already know. Now let's talk about cosmetic procedures. If you regularly wipe your face with serum and lemon juice, it will become perfectly white. This recipe is suitable only for normal and oily skin.

To strengthen your hair and give it a perfect shine, wash it all with the same serum. It removes dirt well and strengthens hair roots. You can add a decoction of the roots of burdock to achieve a better result.

It is enough to regularly drink serum for 60 days to forget about acne forever. To do this, take this product, add lemon juice and boiled milk (500 g) to it.

Milk whey: useful properties. How to drink?

Whey can do real miracles. It removes toxins from our body, perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst. It can become a component of the diet, as well as a means for effective weight loss.

Positive effect on the kidneys, liver and intestines. This fermented milk product reduces the inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes and skin, helps to normalize the pressure in those who suffer from hypertension. Also, thanks to serum, the risk of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. With its regular use, rheumatism fades. It helps to improve metabolic processes, improves blood circulation.

Experts say that whey raises the mood. It helps make up for the lack of vitamins. Even able to partially replace vegetables and fruits.

Whey is traditionally used for such diseases: dysbiosis, pancreatitis, ischemia, and many others.

Talk about contraindications

If you decide to drink whey regularly, it is important to first study its effect on your own body. Do not forget that this product has a slight laxative effect. Moreover, it can manifest itself at a completely inappropriate moment. That is why it is worth starting to drink whey-based drinks on the weekend.

How to drink serum?

It is best to eat it during lunch. They serve it on the table in a heated form. For taste, it is worth adding dill, cumin, pepper, basil, salt to it. The best option is to drink it before meals with salt and spices.

Serum is effective for low acidity and poor digestion. If the product may cause heartburn. In this case, you should refrain from drinking this drink. Quite often, it helps to restore low and high acidity. Many dairy products affect the body almost as well.

Help with diabetes

How to drink whey with diabetes? Israeli scientists have conducted research. As a result, it turned out that it is very useful in this disease. If you drink it before meals, insulin production improves significantly. It also helps to regulate blood sugar.

It acts in the same way as modern anti-diabetes drugs. With the constant use of milk and whey, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is significantly reduced. Sour-milk drink helps to increase the production of glucagon-like peptide. This hormone in our gut stimulates the secretion of insulin. It does not increase glucose levels after eating.

Scientists suggest that very soon, whey will become one of the methods of effective therapy for type 2 diabetes. More extensive research is required. It is necessary in order to study the benefits of whey in diabetes.

With pancreatitis

Can I drink whey with pancreatitis?

How to drink this drink in case of illness? Or is it better to completely exclude the patient from the diet? This product has a lot of lactose. This is its main drawback. Patients with pancreatitis are not able to digest lactose. It contributes to diarrhea, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms. That is why you need to very carefully apply serum for pancreatitis. It can not be used for diarrhea.

It is unacceptable to include this product in the menu of patients with acute pancreatitis.

When the patient's condition improves, his diet expands. At this time, whey can be carefully added as a healthy drink. She is much better than whole milk. Better to start with a quarter cup in the morning. Gradually increase the serving to a glass.

Serum can be a standalone drink. It is also good to prepare various cocktails with juice from it.

For patients with pancreatitis, it is worth using a serum prepared at home. If you decide to buy a ready-made drink in a store, you should choose a product without any additives.


Serum is almost 90% water. The rest is substances that passed into it from milk. This drink is useful because it is less oily. It is perfectly absorbed by our body. Casein is absent in the serum, so they are well digested. The product has a lot of useful substances - minerals and vitamins.

The laxative effect of this drink allows you to treat constipation. Whey well reduces appetite and quenches thirst. Recommended by nutritionists in the fight against excess weight.

A very useful and tasty product is milk whey. How to drink this drink to improve your well-being, you already know. Be healthy!