Pollock with marinated carrots and onions, an almost classic recipe. How to cook carrot and onion marinade a traditional recipe

   Calorie content:   Not specified
   Time for preparing:   Not indicated

  Each housewife has her own specialty, and no matter how much she cooks other dishes, everyone expects to see exactly this, her signature dish, on the festive table. This is exactly what happens when we come to visit my aunt. It doesn’t matter at all for what reason we gathered: a birthday, a festive date, or just that, but a friendly hostess always sets the table with delicious dishes. An invariable dish is a fish under a marinade made of vegetables, and, as for me, I haven’t tried a meal anymore.
  Although the recipe for marinade for fish from carrots and onions with vinegar seems to be simple, I even cooked it at home several times, but it just doesn’t work out so deliciously as my relative does. And I wrote it down from the words of my aunt and she was present several times during the preparation of the dish, it would seem that it’s difficult - she cooked a vegetable marinade, fried a fish, put it in a marinade and you have a wonderful tomorrow! And I do everything the way I need, and my households really like it, but as for me, my aunt’s fish is still better. Probably, the matter is not in cooking, but in another ...
  If the recipe interests you, then I will be happy to share it with you. It is not difficult to cook the marinade itself, you just need to sauté the chopped vegetables in oil, add, spices and stew, add vinegar at the very end and add the garlic for pungency. Such a marinade can then be used for any dishes, for example, to make a cold appetizer of sea fish.

- root of carrots (large) - 2 pcs.,
- dried laurel leaf - 2 pcs.,
- turnip onion - 2 pcs.,
- fruit pepper peas - 2-3 pcs.,
- vegetable oil (odorless) - 2-3 tablespoons,
- table vinegar (9% - 1 tsp),
- tomato paste - 2 tbsp.,
- fine white crystalline sugar - 1 tsp,
- kitchen or sea salt - to taste,
- water - to taste.

How to cook with a photo step by step


  First, peel the onion from the husk and cut it into half rings.
  Then grind the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.

  Pour a little oil into a heated frying pan and put onion first, fry it for a couple of minutes and add carrots, and then simmer a little.

After that, put the vegetables in a different container, add spices, a bay leaf, tomato paste, sugar and a little water.

  Stew them under the lid for at least an hour on low heat, and then add table vinegar.

  Then we bread in the flour pieces of sea fish (hake, pollock) and fry it until golden brown on all sides.

  We put a little vegetable marinade at the bottom of the container, then put and again the vegetables. We put the fish for a day in a cool place and can serve a snack to the table. The fish under the marinade of carrots and onions with vinegar turns out to be surprisingly tasty.

Bon Appetit!

It’s very easy to cook any kind of fish under a vegetable “coat” or marinade. To do this, you just need to choose the cooking method (frying, stewing, baking) and your favorite fish - mackerel, pollock, hake, sea bass, limonella, cod. The variety of this product is amazing, and onions, carrots available to everyone can be turned into an excellent juicy marinade.

Fried fish with carrot and onion marinade

In the classic version of the recipe for cooking a dish under a vegetable marinade is the use of simple, generally available products that everyone has in the kitchen.

It remains only to purchase your favorite fish and start creating a fragrant, juicy dish that goes well with a side dish of cereals, pasta, mashed vegetables and baked vegetables. To make fish under a useful marinade you will need:

  • hake (cod, pollock) - 0.9 kg;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • carrots and onions - 250 g each;
  • tomato juice - 250 ml;
  • spices (ground pepper and salt) - 15 g each;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. (large);
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.

One hour is enough to cook fish under the marinade of carrots and onions. Calories 100 grams of the dish contains 96 units.

Hake is usually sold in ice cream, therefore, after defrosting and washing it, you should first remove moisture from the surface with a paper towel. Then cut the fish into slices of 3 centimeters wide (portioned), put them in a deep container and add salt to it for half an hour to soak.

In order not to waste time, you can prepare a delicious vegetable "coat". To do this, cut the peeled vegetables in a convenient way (carrots on a grater, and onions into smaller cubes).

In a frying pan, lightly brown the onion with 5 ml of oil for three minutes, add the carrot.

Fry vegetables until they become soft and rosy. Then pour juice from tomatoes, add spices and laurel leaves. After putting out the marinade for ten minutes, move it to a separate container.

The salted hake needs to be fried on all sides before being rolled in flour. When the fish pieces become golden, they must be evenly transferred to another pan.

Having completed the process of frying fish, the marinade is poured onto the surface.

After 10 minutes of heating over low heat, the fish is saturated with vegetable juice, which in turn will give a wonderful aroma of fried hake to the whole dish and side dish to it.

Braised fish

When cooking predatory fish, most of its juices are usually lost. You can use the excellent recipe for stewing fish, in which, with a small number of ingredients, the dish will acquire the greatest juiciness, aroma, soaked in vegetable marinade from onions, carrots. To create fish for a wonderful vegetable "coat" you need:

  • zander (pike, perch) - 1 kg;
  • lean oil - 50 ml;
  • onions and carrots - 300 g each;
  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • water - 0.3 l;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • flour - 190 g (1.5 cups);
  • pepper (ground black) - 15 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.

The fish is cooked in parallel with the marinade, which allows you to cook directly to the dish in just an hour. Calorie content of 100 grams perfectly combined with all side dishes of fish is 94 kcal.

Peeled fish should be cut into transverse slices six centimeters long, sprinkled with salt, left to soak for 20 minutes. After dipping in flour, quickly fry. Pieces must have a beautiful, golden crust.

To create a marinade, you need to chop the peeled vegetables at your discretion, but the carrots cook faster coarsely grated, and the onions, chopped into cubes. On a “drop” of oil, fry the onion (5 minutes), and when it becomes transparent add carrots to it.

After another seven minutes, pour water into the vegetables, put the pasta, sugar, salt, cloves and pepper. After putting out the marinade for ten minutes, pour the zander.

Lay out the layers of marinade and pike perch in a pan, alternately. The top layer should be marinade (it can be prepared a little more). Put out the dish, warm over low heat for twenty minutes. You can serve it with a side dish, salad or just with rye bread.

How to bake fish in the oven

Having shown a little imagination, you can create a culinary masterpiece that will delight with its originality and wonderful taste of relatives, friends and guests.

Baked fish under the marinade of onions and carrots can be made in separate portioned slices, which will simplify the serving of a wholesome and healthy dish. To create a delicious and juicy fish you will need:

  • cod (fillet) - 1 kg;
  • carrots, cheese (hard variety) and onions - 0.2 kg each;
  • mayonnaise - 70 g;
  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • spices (salt, seasoning for fish) - 15 g each;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking time takes a little longer and is about one and a half hours. At the same time, 100 g of a wonderful dish contains 113 kcal.

Cod fillet should be cut into portioned squares about 8x8 cm in size. After sprinkling them with spices, set aside for soaking, let the juice go.

Cut the peeled vegetables - onion into strips (half rings), grate carrots coarsely. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry vegetables until a rosy, fried mass is obtained. Put the onion, carrot paste and mix well, supporting a little more marinade on the stove.

Arrange the cod on a slightly greased oil pan with high sides at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other. On top of each fish piece lay the marinade and make a light mesh of mayonnaise on top. In the oven at a temperature of 180 ° bake cod for an hour.

Grate the cheese and sprinkle portioned slices 20 minutes before the end of cooking. The dish can be served with hot, slightly cooled sprinkled greens.

Fish for cooking under the marinade should be selected with a low bone content, not too greasy and juicy. Other ingredients can be added to the onions and carrots that make up the marinade to saturate the taste.

It can be honey, wine, mushrooms, salad peppers. A cooked dish that was stewed, fried or baked is best left to cool for several hours, but before cooking, you must:

  1. Any kind of selected fish is washed under running water, so it must then be wiped, dried, depriving it of unnecessary moisture - the batter will be evenly distributed over the surface of portioned pieces;
  2. When adding tomato juice, ketchup or pasta, before salt, you need to taste the marinade;
  3. During baking, excessive evaporation of juices can be avoided by tightly wrapping the fish in foil.

Choosing a pan with a thick bottom, marinade and fish will be evenly fried. You can reduce the cooking time by frying the fish in one pan at the same time, and the marinade for it in another.

Fish dishes must be in the diet, because they turn out to be very tasty and very healthy. There are many ways to cook fish. You can fry, stew, cook, bake fish, or you can cook in a marinade.

Fish in a carrot marinade with onions is easy to prepare, looks very impressive on the table, so you can serve such a dish not only on weekdays, but also on holidays. In addition, fish in the marinade can be used as a cold snack.

For the preparation of any marinade, sunflower oil is usually mixed with acid (vinegar is most often taken for this purpose), various spices and salt are added. Marinade improves the taste of any dish! If river fish is chosen for the dish, then the marinade will hide its specific taste, make the meat even more tender and juicy.

Onion and carrot marinade for fish

With such a marinade, any fish will become even more aromatic, tastier and healthier!

Food composition:

  • 300 g carrots;
  • 200 g of tomato paste;
  • 250 g of onion;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • salt;
  • 150 ml of vinegar 3%;
  • 2-5 cloves;
  • 6-7 pieces;
  • three lavrushki;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Cooking progress:

  1. Peel the washed vegetables. Cut the onion heads into half rings. Grate the carrots with medium-sized cells. Then fry the onion in oil until golden. Next, put the carrots in the onions and fry the vegetables for another five minutes, stir.
  2. Then pour tomato paste into the carrot-onion mixture, mix and leave for 5-7 minutes to stew.
  3. Pour 50 ml of water into the pan, simmer the vegetables for another five minutes, stirring at the same time.
  4. Then comes the turn of salt, spices and vinegar. With these ingredients, continue to stew the carrots with onions for another 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
  5. In the resulting marinade, the fish will need to be left for 3-4 hours in a cold place.

You can cook marinade for fish without adding vinegar. Instead, lemon juice is quite suitable.

Marinade with carrots, lemon juice and onions

Food composition:

  • one carrot;
  • half a lemon;
  • one onion head;
  • salt;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

How to make a marinade?

  1. Fry half the onion rings until transparent. Next, place the carrots cut into strips. Cook the vegetables for about five minutes.
  2. Turn off the flame under the pan. Mix lemon juice with ground pepper and salt, pour the mixture to the vegetables. To mix.
  3. Leave the vegetables to cool. Place the fish in the prepared marinade, then place it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then the fish can be fried, baked or stewed. In any case, you will get a very tasty dish.

Carrot marinade is a thick vegetable dish with a large area of \u200b\u200buse.

It can act as an appetizer, a side dish, a mass for sandwiches on its own, vegetable caviar, salads and much more are prepared on its basis.

Despite the simplicity of the products and the meager list of ingredients, the dish turns out to be very fragrant, juicy, bright and does not look like a simple stewed carrot.

Carrot marinade - general principles of preparation

For the marinade you will need a large and juicy carrot. From sluggish root vegetables a delicious dish will not work.

Carrots need to be peeled, chopped or grated, then stewed or fried with the rest of the ingredients.

What else can go into a carrot marinade:

Tomatoes or tomato paste;

Greens are rarely added to marinade, and if used, it is mostly dried and crushed. The marinade is prepared mainly in vegetable oil, it is better to use a refined aroma so as not to interrupt the aroma characteristic of vegetables.

Often a vegetable dish is diluted with canned fish. They go well with carrots and ennoble the appetizer. Of course, you can use fresh fish, but why complicate the process?

Recipe 1: Carrot marinade in the dining room

This carrot marinade is a side dish that can be served with fish, poultry, meat. It was often cooked in Soviet canteens and used to serve a variety of dishes. If desired, the marinade can be chopped with a blender and you get carrot caviar.

Ingredients   3 carrots;

2 onions;

Bay leaf;

3 peppercorns;

Clove of garlic;

50 grams of tomato paste;

A spoonful of sugar.

Cooking1. We clear onions. Finely chop and fry until transparent in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

2. Peel the carrots, rub and send to the onion, fry together for 2 minutes.

3. Add 100 ml of water to the tomato paste, mix and pour into the vegetables. Put peas, salt, sugar.

4. Cover the pan with a lid, remove the heat and simmer the vegetables until soft.

5. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, chopped garlic, if necessary, add salt, mix well, stick a bay leaf and turn it off after a minute. Before serving, let the marinade stand for 15 minutes.

Recipe 2: Carrot and Sprat Marinade

A delicious version of carrot marinade with canned sprats. The dish is simple, inexpensive, while quite satisfying. Instead of mashed tomatoes, you can use ordinary tomato paste or even ketchup.

Ingredients   3 onions;

5 carrots;

0, 5 cups of oil;

Sprat Bank

5 tomatoes.

Cooking1. Take a large frying pan or cauldron, heat the oil to a haze.

2. Cut the peeled onions into cubes, fry for 3 minutes.

3. While the onions are fried, you need to prepare the carrots. We clean root vegetables, three on a coarse grater.

4. Send the carrots to the onions, reduce the heat, cover and simmer together until the vegetables are soft.

5. Tomatoes are washed, dried and cut in half. Rub the flesh, leaving the skin.

6. Send tomatoes to carrots with onions, add salt, a little sugar, simmer for another 5 minutes.

7. Open the jar with sprats, knead the fish with a fork, send to the vegetables. We taste it, if necessary add pepper, more salt. If there is not enough acid in the tomatoes, then you can pour a little vinegar.

8. Warm up the carrot marinade and turn it off.

Recipe 3: Puff Carrot Marinade with Saury

Another recipe for carrot marinade with canned fish, this time with saury. But it differs from the previous dish in a simplified way. All ingredients are stacked in layers and stewed until cooked, they do not need to be constantly mixed and controlled. We use canned food in oil.

Ingredients   3 onions;

800 grams of carrots;

2 banks of saury;

300 grams of tomatoes;

Also, to prepare the marinade you will need a cauldron or a pan with a thick bottom.

Cooking1. Peel the onions, cut, but not finely. Put in a cauldron, fry until transparent.

2. For tomatoes, remove the stalks and the place of attachment to them, cut into circles.

3. Rub the peeled carrots and put half the mass on top of the onion, level the layer with a spoon. Salt, sprinkle with pepper, you can throw a few peas and a clove star.

4. Take the tomatoes and put the circles in one layer on top of the carrots.

5. Open canned food, if desired, you can use less fish and get by with one jar of saury. Knead the slices slightly with a fork, remove the spinal bones and spread on top of the tomatoes.

6. Put the remaining carrots on the fish, distribute the mass evenly, salt again, you can pepper.

7. Lay out the circles of tomatoes with the finish layer. So that they give away the juice, add a little salt on top.

8. Pour 50 grams of water into the cauldron, close the lid and set the carrot marinade to simmer for a slow fire for about an hour. Then you need to try it on salt, check the softness of carrots and you can turn it off.

Recipe 4: Carrot Marinade for the Winter

If the season pleased with a large crop of carrots, then you can make a tasty and simple marinade preparation. It can be used as a snack, instead of a side dish or added to any first or second courses. You can use jars of any size to roll carrot marinade.

Ingredients   2, 2 kg of carrots;

800 grams of onion;

350 grams of oil;

250 grams of tomato paste;

70 ml of 3% vinegar;

3 tablespoons of salt;

6 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

4 star cloves;

10 peas of pepper.

Cooking1. Chop the onion arbitrarily. There are a lot of vegetables, so it is more convenient to use a combine.

2. Pour oil into the pan, heat it and pour the prepared onions, fry for 3 minutes.

3. Shred the carrots, send to the onion, pour 150 grams of water and simmer for 25 minutes under the lid.

4. Add tomato paste, sugar, salt, put all the spices, vinegar and mix. You can throw a bay leaf on top, but it does not need to be mixed so that its smell does not become intrusive.

5. Cover and simmer another 25 minutes.

6. While preparing the marinade, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.

7. As soon as the time runs out, mix the workpiece once again and lay it out on the container. We roll up, cool and send for storage in the cellar.

Recipe 5: Carrot Marinade in a Multicooker

The option of making a very fragrant and bright marinade from carrots without onions. It will turn out to be especially beautiful if you use curly grater for slicing. To flavor the dish you will need dried herbs, you can use the Italian mixture.

Ingredients   1 kg of carrots;

100 grams of butter;

Salt pepper;

Apple vinegar;

2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

A spoon of dried herbs.

Cooking1. Brush the carrots and clean them. Now cut. For this dish, it is better not to use the usual grater, but you can use any curly or make a thick straw. If there is nothing like this, then just cut the carrots into thin circles.

2. Now we add tomato paste, salt, dried herbs to the carrots and mix everything thoroughly with our hands.

3. Put butter in the slow cooker, then immediately all the carrots. Close the lid and set the baking mode for 40 minutes. Every 10 minutes, the marinade needs to be mixed. With the last stirring, pour a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.

4. After time, you need to check the carrots for softness and taste, if necessary add more spices. If the pieces are hard, then close the lid and cook another 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 6: Carrot Marinade "From mother-in-law"

This version of carrot marinade can be considered a hot salad, simple and quick. It will help out when you need to cook something in a hurry. In the original is prepared with sprats in tomato, then you can use any other canned food.

Ingredients   3 carrots;


Bank of any canned fish;

2 tablespoons mayonnaise;

Cooking1. Boil the carrots until cooked, peel, cut into slices.

2. Cut the onion, passer in oil until rosy color. Oil is needed just a little bit so that the salad does not turn out too fat.

3. Open canned food. If the pieces are large, then we break the fish into several parts and send it to the pan to the fried onion. We heat up all the liquid.

4. Chopped carrots, mayonnaise. Salt to taste, you can sprinkle black pepper. We mix everything and you're done!

Carrot dishes are tastier if sugar is added to the salt along with salt. But do not overdo it, after all, a marinade is not a snack for a sweet table.

Did not calculate the amount of food, and the marinade turned out too much? Add a little vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and roll the excess into a sterile jar. And you can do it even easier - put the snack in bags or plastic containers, close it tightly and send it to the freezer. And always at hand will be the finished dish, which will only need to be warmed up.

Marinade is not only a wonderful snack, but also an excellent filling for pies. If the dish is already with fish, then you do not need to add anything. If it consists only of vegetables, then you can put boiled eggs, chopped sausage, meat, and minced meat.

Cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves are very strong spices, the aroma of which only intensifies over time. Therefore, these ingredients need to be laid in small quantities, and after cooking it is better to remove them from the dish. This is especially true for winter harvesting.

Carrots are a unique product that can be the perfect complement to almost any dish. Soups, appetizers, salads, hot - all this is the scope of a modest orange-colored vegetable. Carrot is very useful in its raw form, but most often it can be found as a side dish or an additional component of a more complex dish. Take, for example, carrot marinade. It is not remarkable in itself, and therefore hardly anyone wants to eat it with spoons. But as a flavoring and aromatic additive, it is simply irreplaceable. What is carrot marinade? In order to cook it, you must have the following products available: carrots, onions, ketchup, salt, a little sugar, vinegar, red or ground black pepper, a clove of garlic and a little greens.

The number of components is selected to taste, and the cooking technology should be as follows:

  1. Boil the carrots, and then gently grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Dice the onion and fry in oil until soft.
  3. In a deep pan, combine carrots, onions, salt, sugar and ketchup together. Dilute the resulting mixture with boiled water to a mushy state and bring to a boil over low heat.
  4. Then add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe, mix everything well and remove from the stove.

This carrot marinade can be eaten both hot and cold. To taste, it slightly reminds everyone of the famous caviar from zucchini. The same soft and gentle. It can be eaten in the form of a sandwich, laying on bread. In addition, believers use carrot marinade during religious fasts. In a period of strict prohibitions, this product can serve as a great addition to pasta, cereals and potatoes.

There is another dish that uses carrot marinade. Probably everyone knows this recipe. This refers to "fish under the marinade." For the cooking process you will need:

Preparing the dish is easy:

  1. The fish should be washed, cut into slices, sprinkled with pepper, salt and set aside for a while.
  2. Then lightly fry each piece in boiling oil. Once the fish is ready, you can take on the marinade.
  3. Fried carrots and onions, chopped in half rings, fry for 5-6 minutes in a separate pan.
  4. Then put ketchup in the mixture and leave for another 5 minutes. You can pour a little water into the pan.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients gradually and simmer all together for another 10 minutes.
  6. Put fried fish in a deep pan and cover it with a layer of marinade with a thickness of at least 1 centimeter. The number of layers obtained will depend on the number of fish and the size of the pan.
  7. When the dish is fully assembled, it remains to add a quarter glass of water. Then cover the pan tightly with a lid and leave to simmer another 10 minutes.
  8. Now you can let the product cool slightly or eat it hot. This is how anyone likes it.

There is another way to make carrot marinade. In this case, the product will be a real cold snack. To prepare, you will need:

  • 0.5 kilograms of carrots;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 grams of ketchup;
  • 1 jar of canned fish;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • a little salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • bay leaf;
  • cloves can be added if desired.

Cooking begins with the preparation of products:

  1. Cut the onions into medium cubes, and grind the carrots with a grater.
  2. The onion needs to be slightly fried in oil and put on the bottom of a thick-walled pan.
  3. Pour ketchup on top and lay the peeled rings of tomato.
  4. Then put a few peas of pepper and half a grated carrot.
  5. Next lay out the fish, gently mashed with a fork. On top again ketchup, tomato, pepper, bay leaf and sugar.
  6. The last layer of the remaining carrots is laid out. Add hot water to the pan. After that, cover and send to the fire. Stew the dish for an hour.
  7. At the end, you need to add salt, mix everything thoroughly and let cool slightly.

Such an unusual dish will be an excellent side dish for boiled potatoes and meat.

The dish, which will be discussed now, is very simple to prepare. Tasty, which goes without saying. And universal, which is rare. It can be served as a snack on the festive table, as a side dish and as an independent dish. Do you know more similar examples !? I don’t remember right away. I know carrot marinade since childhood, though under the name “marinade”. And despite the fact that this dish consists of stewed carrots, even my wife, who used to be very scornful about the heat treatment of carrots, likes the marinade. Let's move on to the recipe.

carrots 500-600 gr.

a pair of medium onions

salt (in a jar of mayonnaise I have salt)

sugar 1 teaspoon


bay leaf

cloves (to taste)

canned saury 1 can

Preparation of carrot marinade:

Peel and grate carrots on a coarse grater. Chop the onion, but not very finely. Medium.

Fry onions in vegetable oil, but do not fry. Take a wide and deep pan, you can cauldron. At the bottom of the pan lay the first layer of marinade: fried onions, pour lightly with ketchup or add rings of peeled tomato, a few peas of pepper and a couple of cloves. Add cloves to taste if you like its aroma.

Spread half a carrot in a second layer. We put canned fish on it, which can be cut right in the jar. Further, as in the first layer: ketchup or tomato, peppercorns, bay leaf, cloves. Close the fish with a third layer of carrots and spices. Sprinkle the marinade with sugar on top.

Add a little hot water, cover and simmer the carrot marinade for an hour over low heat. After an hour, try the carrot, it should turn out soft. If soft - the marinade is almost ready. Salt, mix and let it brew for 3-5 minutes.

Any canned fish goes to the marinade. Theoretically, you can take fresh, but I have never tried it, I like its taste with saury.

Hot carrot marinade can be served as an independent dish or side dish, for example, along with meat. When the carrot marinade cools down, it will be a great snack, including a festive table. If you prepare the marinade specifically for a snack for the holiday, then it is advisable to do it earlier, so that it is infused overnight. Bon Appetit!!!

Pollock under the carrot and onion marinade

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How do you usually cook fish? Personally, I prefer quick recipes, most often frying in oil. It happens that it comes to cutlets. And for a change I cook pollock under the marinade of carrots and onions. Wonderful cold appetizer, I tell you! You just need to be patient and keep the fish in the fridge for the required time, making it possible to soak in the marinade. It absorbs the taste of tomato sauce, it becomes very juicy, slightly pungent. There are different ways to prepare pollock: boil in water with spices, stir in broth or fry in a pan in oil. The last option I like more than others.

In addition to vegetables, tomato sauce or tomato paste for juiciness and vinegar for a more contrasting taste are added to the pollock recipe under the marinade. For spices, I use allspice peas, bay leaves, paprika and cloves.


To cook pollock in a marinade with carrots and onions you will need:

  • fresh-frozen carcasses of pollock - 2 pcs (about 1 kg);
  • onions - 4 heads;
  • carrots - 1 very large (grams 250-300);
  • tomato sauce - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 0.5-1 cup;
  • salt to taste;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 4-5 tbsp. l;
  • jamaican allspice - 10-12 peas;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
  • cloves - 3-4 pcs (optional);
  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp. l for breading.

How to cook pollock fish under the marinade. Recipe

I prepare the fish for frying. I rinse under cold water, with a knife I clean the contaminated areas. I cut the abdomen, remove the remnants of the insides, remove the dark film. I cut the fins and small bones on the back and near the tail with scissors.

Rinse the fish again, leave to dry. Then I cut into portioned pieces - here everyone determines how large or small to chop. But I do not advise cutting it very thinly, pollock can dry out when frying.

To eliminate the fishy odor, I spray it with lemon juice. Again - do as you like, this is not an obligatory stage of preparation.

I shift the pieces of pollock into a bowl. Salt, sprinkle with ground pepper. Other spices I do not add. You can take a ready-made mixture for fish or choose to your taste. Stirring so that salt and pepper fall on each piece, cover, leave to marinate.

I rub carrots on a coarse grater. Shank onion thin half rings. Take more vegetables, the marinade turns out to be very tasty and it happens that it ends faster than the fish.

I heat the oil in a frying pan. I pour the onion, lightly fry, but not until golden brown. As soon as it softens and in some places a pinkish tint begins to appear, the onion is ready.

Add carrots, mix. On low heat I leave to languish until soft.

I don’t fry carrots either, they need to be softened, saturated with oil, but at the same time they should not be brought to the appearance of a fried crust.

I remove the onions and carrots from the pan. In the oil remaining after frying the vegetables, I lightly boil the tomato sauce so that it has a rich taste with a characteristic acidity.

I spread the vegetables back, mix with the fried tomato. Add salt, sugar, lavrushka and spices. You can’t use cloves, many people don’t like its specific taste.

I pour in water, let it boil. I cook tomato filling for pollock for about ten minutes with little heat. At the end, pour in the vinegar. Turn off the fire, cover.

Pour flour into a deep bowl for breading. Roll in pieces of pollock in flour from all sides.

I heat the pan with enough oil. I spread the fish, fry for about five minutes until a golden crust forms from below.

I flip, also brown on the other side and on the sides. The intensity of the frying is at your discretion - someone likes the crust to be dark, someone prefers slightly fried.

Now you need to lay out everything in layers. At the bottom of a pan or bowl, I put a little tomato marinade in a plastic container. Slices of pollock on it.

I close the marinade. I put another layer of fish, again cover with stewed vegetables in a tomato. If the capacity is wide, you can make one layer of fish, and marinade above and below.

Cover, let cool to room temperature. Then I put it in the refrigerator for a night or longer.

This is not the first time I've been cooking, and I want to note that the fish under the marinade becomes noticeably tastier somewhere by the end of the next day. I advise you to cook this appetizer in advance and let it brew well. When serving, you can sprinkle with herbs or green onions, and boiled potatoes to offer as a side dish. But here we usually have pollock under the marinade of carrots and onions, it’s like a cold appetizer, it’s delicious with fresh bread! Bon appetit to all! Your Plyushkin.

You can see the recipe in detail in the video clip format