Minimum dose of alcohol. Why are there permitted ppm? What awaits a drunk driver?

To drink or not to drink and drive is a question that always sounds relevant. How it is allowed, how many ppm are allowed according to the norms of the new law in 2019 - is described in the article.

In Latin, permille literally means “per thousand.” This is one thousandth or one tenth of a percent.

This unit is designated “‰” and serves, among other things, to determine the amount of alcohol contained in:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • vapors exhaled by humans.

The ratio between milligrams per liter and ppm is 0.45.

1 ‰ = 0.45 mg/l.

How to measure it

There are two common methods:

  1. When is the presence of alcohol detected? air mass exhaled by a person into a special tube.
  2. When the blood alcohol level is detected. A driver suspected of drinking alcohol is sent to a medical facility, where blood is drawn from a vein.

In both cases, breathalyzers are used with a small error of 0.05 ‰.

New legislative norms are drawn up taking into account the permissible error that may arise:

  • when taking alcohol-containing products;
  • due to the presence of endogenous alcohol in the body.

On a note! Endogenous alcohol is the presence of ethanol (monohydric alcohol) inside a person. IN gastrointestinal tract fermentation occurs constantly. With the help of microbes, sugar breaks down, resulting in the formation of alcohol. It is absorbed by the mucous membrane and enters the liver with the blood. The alcohol concentration is quite high. It is 0.04-0.15 ml per 100 ml. This is mainly due to dairy products and bacterial fermentation products.

The 2nd method provides the greatest objectivity. It is he who is the source of information entered into the protocol, which subsequently serves as an evidence base.

What is the norm

According to Art. 12.8 Code of Administrative Offenses before management vehicle, while driving and after an accident, you must not take substances that contribute to intoxication.

In this case, administrative liability threatens a person with a concentration of ethyl alcohol per 1 liter of exhaled gases that exceeds the permissible error. Its value is expressed as 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ‰. For comparison, in 2013 it was 0.01 mg.

In terms of the amount of alcohol, this is expressed as follows: 33 g per average male weight of 80 kg. You can do the calculation yourself using the online calculator:

How much did you drink?

ml strength


ml strength


ml strength


Your mass

Hours have passed

Alcohol concentration (ppm)

You can get behind the wheel through

Where did this figure come from? As stated above, the instrument error is 0.05 ‰. Taking into account this indicator, in order to respect the rights of drivers, a triple margin was taken and the calculation was made:

  • 0.05 x 3 = 0.15 mg/l
  • 0.15 mg/l + 0.01 mg/l (stock) = 0.16 mg/l

For blood alcohol levels, the limit is 0.35 mg/l or 0.778 ‰.

How to avoid a fine

Alcoholic drinks

The period of weathering of alcohol from the body is quite long.

Some averages:

Name Fortress Time Drink volume Human weight
Beer 4-6 o 30-40 min 100 g 80 kg
Champagne 11 o 1 hour 15 minutes
Vodka 40 o 4 hours 20 minutes
Cognac 42 o 4 hours 40 minutes

Just feeling that a person has already sobered up is not enough. The test may not be in his favor.


As already mentioned, alcohol is produced in the blood even without drinking alcohol-containing liquids.

The most “dangerous” products include:

  • all fermented milk;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • beer without alcohol content;
  • oranges;
  • overripe bananas;
  • juices (warm);
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • black bread.

But a high concentration of alcohol can be detected only with large quantities their use. If one sausage sandwich and candy are eaten, this will be taken into account precisely because of the introduction of a discount for the error. Until 2013, you could get a fine by drinking a glass of yogurt.

What awaits a drunk driver?

Important! Since July 2013, changes have been made to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding fines related to intoxication. In order not to rely on outdated information, you need to take it into account by studying the data from the tables.

Violation Punishment until July 2013 In 2019
Art. 12.8
When a car is driven by a drunk person Rights are taken away for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Rights are taken away for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Fine 30 tr.
When the function of driving a car is transferred to a drunk person
When a drunk driver is driving and:
  • does not have a license to drive a car*
  • deprived of this right
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 5 thousand rubles. for those who are not subject to arrest**
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 30 tr. instead of arrest
Art. 12.26
When a driver does not want to undergo a medical examination for 1.5 – 2 years
  • Deprivation of VP for 1.5-2 years.
  • Fine 30 tr.
Same action:
  • in the absence of a driving license
  • upon deprivation of VP
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 5 thousand rubles. if it is impossible to arrest
  • Arrest 10-15 days.
  • Fine 30 tr. except for arrest
Art. 12.27
When a driver drinks alcohol after an accident Deprivation of VP for 1.5 - 2 years.
  • Deprivation of VP for 1.5-2 years.
  • Fine 30 tr.

*Based on Article 27 of the Law on Road Safety dated December 10, 1995 No. 196 Federal Law, only a person who has passed the test and received a license can drive a car. In Russia, its citizens must have a national ID, and foreigners must have a national or international one.

**In accordance with Art. 3.9 of the Administrative Code, arrest cannot be applied to:

  • pregnant women;
  • female persons whose children have not reached 14 years of age;
  • minors;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • military;
  • called to training camps;
  • employees of a number of executive structures with a special rank.

Punishment under the Criminal Code

The above fines are applied when the violations considered do not have elements of a criminal offense. If they exist, the punishment is imposed on the basis of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Administrative violation with careless consequences Type of consequences

(criminal act)

Punishment Mandatory additional punishment
Public works for the period Imprisonment for a period
Drunk driving Causing serious harm to health

up to 3 years

up to 4 years Lack of opportunity to work in certain positions

conduct a definition activities

Death of a Man Not provided from 2
Death of 2 or more persons from 4

The specified sanctions, both for administrative violations and for criminal offenses, are applied when the fact of intoxication has been proven against the offender.

To do this, an excess of the amount of alcohol in the exhaled air or in the blood is established -

0.16 mg/l (0.356 ‰); 0.35 mg/l (0.778 ‰) – respectively.

Criminal penalties may be applied to persons who committed the designated acts and who refused to undergo examination.

By drinking alcohol while driving, you can not only get into trouble, but also commit a criminal offense. Therefore, you need to be moderate when drinking before driving. Permissible blood alcohol levels are indicated in the article.

In terms of clarifying the procedure for establishing the fact of using substances that cause alcohol intoxication. Information began to spread in the media that to determine the state of intoxication, the unit of measurement is being returned - ppm. Let's take a closer look new law and what changes actually await us.

Changes in the law

Changes are made in a note to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The article defines the responsibility for driving a vehicle by drivers who are in a state of intoxication.

air, or in case Note. Administrative liability provided for by this article and part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code occurs in the event of an established fact of consumption of substances that cause alcohol intoxication, which is determined by the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration exceeding the possible total measurement error, namely 0.16 milligrams per liter of exhaled breath. air, or the presence of absolute ethyl alcohol in a concentration of 0.3 or more grams per liter of blood, or in the case the presence of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in the human body.

Video of the discussion of the law in the Duma

  • What changes for drivers?

    Blood alcohol content is determined in the laboratory

    Alcohol can be detected either by the alcohol content in your breath or by the alcohol content in your blood. Blood alcohol content can only be determined by laboratory conditions with blood sampling.
    When blowing through a breathalyzer, it is possible to determine only the alcohol content in the exhaled air.

    My breathalyzer shows ppm, how can that be? It's simple - “ppm” is calculated using the formula 1 ppm = 0.45 mg/l. This is a very simplified method and cannot be used in administrative matters.

    In fact, nothing changes for ordinary blowdowns. The need to determine the alcohol content in the blood arises when a person is physically unable to exhale (too much intoxication, is unconscious, or in the event of death as a result of an accident). The permissible alcohol limit in 2018 remains virtually the same, but it can now be determined in two ways. Moreover, in a normal situation, taking a blood test is hardly justified.

    Permille or not?

    To answer this question, you just need to know what ppm is.

    Promille (lat. per mille - per thousand) - one thousandth, 1⁄10 percent; denoted by (‰); used to indicate the number of thousandths of something in its entirety.

    According to the law, mass is determined in volume - these are different quantities, and if you take ppm from the volume, then the volume should be obtained accordingly.

    Put 15 grams of sugar in 200 ml of tea. What percentage of sugar is in tea? What is 1⁄10 percent (ppm)? Using this example, it is clear that the ppm sugar content in tea cannot be determined. But when we know approximately the volume of 1 gram of sugar, then with simple calculations we can already obtain the proportion of the volume of sugar in tea.

    According to the law of the Russian Federation, ppm to determine the state of intoxication of drivers has not been used in recent years and will not be used in the near future.

    When does the law come into force?

    When can the law be applied in practice?

    To apply the law, changes must be made to the (alcohol, narcotic or other toxic). 90 days are allotted for making changes to by-laws.

    Rumors and truth

    Some excerpts from popular media. What is true and what is not.

    Statement Is it true
    Permille is defined as one thousandth part of a percent. Permille is defined as one tenth of a percent or one thousandth of a whole
    Indications 0.16 mg/liter in exhaled air, approximately equal to 0.33 g/l in blood. Right
    The law tightens the liability of drivers who are intoxicated. Liability is not regulated by this law
    The state of intoxication of drivers will be determined by ppm The state of intoxication of drivers will continue to be determined by the alcohol content in the exhaled air - 0.16 mg/l, alternative method for blood alcohol content – ​​0.3 g/l. ppm is not used.
  • The driver's blood alcohol content can be determined in two ways. This is the detection of its presence in the blood and in the air exhaled by a person. The content in the blood of drivers is checked at the clinic using a vein test. The presence of alcohol in the exhaled air of people driving is measured on site using a breathalyzer. The amount of alcohol is expressed in units such as ppm. The ratio between milligrams per liter and ppm is 0.45. Drivers are subject to certain standards for alcohol content in the blood and exhaled air, exceeding which can result in a fine.

    What is the permissible blood alcohol level?

    A person who is intoxicated is prohibited from driving. The level of alcohol in the blood, exceeding which is subject to an administrative fine under the new law, is 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ppm.

    If we consider it as the amount of alcohol, then permissible norm alcohol is 33 g pure alcohol per 80 kg of the average human weight. For men and women, the permitted value will be different. The table shows an approximate calculation of ppm in a person’s blood after drinking drinks of a particular strength and the reaction of a breathalyzer:

    How much alcohol consumed in ml Drink strength How many hours have passed since consumption Blood concentration Conclusion about the state of intoxication
    Man 200 12 2 0,187 The fact of alcohol consumption was established, no obvious signs of intoxication were detected
    Woman 200 12 2 0,312 You can drive after 1 hour
    Man 200 25 2 0,763 Driving allowed after 3 hours
    Woman 200 25 2 1,025 Driving is permitted after 5 hours
    Man 100 40 3 0,541 It is recommended to get behind the wheel no earlier than after 2 hours
    Woman 100 40 3 0,751 You can drive your car in 3 hours

    To find out exactly how much alcohol-containing products you can drink, it is recommended to study the label on the bottle. By comparing the ratio of its own weight, volume and strength, it will be possible to determine after what time the vehicle is allowed to be driven.

    It should be taken into account that men process alcohol in their blood faster than women. The processing of alcohol by the body also directly depends on the speed of a person’s metabolism and individual characteristics.

    How long does alcohol stay in the blood and what does it depend on - exact calculation using the table

    What is the penalty for drinking too much alcohol?

    Penalties for driving while intoxicated different kinds punishments under the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia (Article 12.8). When a drunk driver is detained by traffic police officers, the vehicle is taken and placed in a special paid parking lot. The following penalties are provided for violation of the law:

    • If a person, while intoxicated while driving a car, has not committed criminal acts, then he will be fined 30 thousand rubles and his driver’s license will be confiscated for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.
    • Transferring control of a vehicle to a person whose blood alcohol concentration exceeds the minimum permissible quantity, is punished in the same way as in the first case.
    • If a person’s breathalyzer shows an excessive level of alcohol vapor in their exhaled air and the driver does not have a driver’s license or was previously deprived of the right to drive, then the punishment includes arrest for up to 15 days or a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

    While driving, you must not use any narcotic, psychotropic or other substances that cause drug or alcohol intoxication. If it is established that the driver is under the influence of drugs or it is discovered that the consumed dose of alcoholic beverages is higher than the permissible dose, administrative liability is imposed on him.

    How many ppm are there in different drinks?

    Modern breathalyzers show the presence of alcohol in the blood of motorists with minimal error. Therefore, before deciding to drink alcohol, the driver must know how many ppm are in different drinks and roughly calculate permissible level for myself. The table below shows the ppm content of commonly consumed alcohol-containing products:

    The permitted share of alcohol is calculated taking into account the person’s weight, time elapsed after drinking the drink, and gender. If the driver feels sober, this does not mean that there are no residual effects in his blood after drinking alcohol.

    There is a so-called norm of ppm alcohol in the blood, knowing which, a person will understand whether he can drive and at what stage of intoxication he is. The unit ppm measures the content pure alcohol in human blood after drinking alcohol. To determine its value, you can use special formulas and tables.

    Degree of intoxication in ppm

    The table, which can be used to determine the stage of intoxication in ppm, should be used simultaneously with formulas that will help you independently calculate the content of pure alcohol in the blood after drinking alcoholic beverages. When using the table, you need to take into account that the indicators are influenced by factors such as the age of the subject, his gender, general health, and the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

    Decoding the level of ppm in the blood according to the table:

    Signs of alcohol intoxication

    When alcohol gets into the blood, certain signs are observed that may be a reason to send, for example, a driver to medical examination. To such signs alcohol intoxication relate:

    1. A strong odor of alcohol emanates from a person's mouth. Moreover, even the most powerful modern remedies cannot get rid of it, which is why it is categorically not recommended to drive with such aromas.
    2. After drinking alcohol, a person’s posture becomes unstable and their gait becomes uncertain. This symptom is classified as impaired motor coordination.
    3. There is trembling of the upper extremities or only the fingers.
    4. Neurological disorders are clearly visible - the person begins to talk too loudly, and his speech will be unintelligible. Alcohol consumption leads to an incorrect assessment of the environment, a person becomes aggressive, and may demonstrate unnatural behavior.

    Calculation of ppm alcohol in blood

    This value can be calculated using several formulas. It is important to remember that with such a study you can only determine the level of alcohol content, but not the time of drinking alcohol. Another important point: An equal volume of alcoholic drinks of different strengths will “produce” different pure alcohol content. For example, half a liter of vodka and the same amount of beer will be given different results: in the first case, the person will be very intoxicated and alcohol poisoning, and in the second - mild intoxication, which will pass in a couple of hours.

    Widmark's formula

    This formula is considered the most common and frequently used today:

    C = A/m* r

    C is the value of the total concentration of pure alcohol in the blood

    A is the mass of alcohol, which is expressed in grams (it is necessary to convert the volume of alcohol consumed into mass)

    M – total body mass of the patient (his weight)

    r – Widmark coefficient: for women it is 0.6, and for men – 0.7.

    Note:if you want to calculate the total amount of alcohol. which was drunk the day before, then you should use the formula A=s*m*r.

    Dubrovsky formula

    You can determine the amount of alcohol in the blood and based on exhaled air data using Dubrovsky’s special formula:

    WITH air = C eau * K1* e ( K2 *T)

    C eau - liquid, represents the level of alcohol concentration in the liquid

    C air is the concentration of alcohol in exhaled vapor

    K1 – constant value equal to 0.04145

    K2 is the value of a constant equal to 0.06583

    K2*T – special power of the number “e”

    T – temperature value.

    The formula is used only by specialists, but you can use it yourself. For example, if the temperature of exhaled vapor is 35 degrees, then the following value is obtained:

    0.3*1/2100=0.15 mg/l.

    This calculation formula is used when there is a breathalyzer of any type, from the simplest to complex devices that make it possible to obtain certain data.

    Calculation without a calculator

    C = A / (P * r) – b60 * T

    C – alcohol concentration

    A – the amount of alcohol consumed previously in grams (the volume must simply be multiplied by the density - 0.79384)

    P – body weight

    r is a reduction unit that shows the proportion of alcohol entering the blood. For men and women this value is different, for women it is 0.55, and for men – 0.68

    b60 – the value by how much the concentration of alcohol decreases in 1 hour. It is at the level of 0.1-0.16 g/l

    T – time that has passed since drinking alcohol.

    To make it clearer, here is an example of a simple calculation based on the following available data:

    A = 0.4*100 ml*0.7484= 31.936 g

    N = 2 hours

    r = 0.68

    P = 80 kg

    r = 0.68

    b60 = 0.13.

    The result will be the following answer: C = 31.936/(038*80) = 0.3270588 ‰ or 0.33 ‰. This ppm indicator means that the man is still intoxicated, his reaction is slightly inhibited, and it is better for him not to get behind the wheel.

    The following tables for calculating ppm of alcohol in the blood can also be used at home, this will help determine in a controversial situation whether it is possible to drive a car. But you need to know the number of ppm that are allowed when driving a vehicle - this data will be individual for each country. In Russia, since 2013, the permissible alcohol limit while driving has been 0.16 ppm in exhaled air and 0.35 in the blood.

    Most drivers understand what punishment awaits them for driving a vehicle in drunk. However, ethanol is also found in the body of people who did not drink alcohol at all on the eve of the trip. This effect is achieved by a number of medications, as well as food products. So, how much ppm is allowed and will not cause a fine?

    Every driver is required to know about the permissible levels of ethanol in the blood established by law. Strict adherence to these indicators allows citizens to drive motorized vehicles. Let's consider how many ppm are allowed in order not to violate traffic regulations, and also to prevent the creation of emergency situations while driving.

    It is known that strong alcohol and medications contain alcohol. In addition, alcohol is present in a number of food products.

    This substance, when consumed, causes a state of intoxication:

    • the functioning of the cerebral cortex is inhibited;
    • the body's reactions slow down;
    • coordination of movements and mental capacity are violated;
    • attention quickly dissipates after taking alcoholic substances;
    • visual acuity is impaired.

    Permille is a quantitative value. It makes it possible to determine the degree of intoxication after consuming substances containing ethanol.

    This indicator allows you to detect the presence of alcohol in the body. Thus, 1/10 of a ppm indicates the content of 0.045 mg of ethyl alcohol in 1 liter of blood.

    From human body Ethanol takes a long time to dissipate. This fact must be taken into account before consuming strong drinks, food, medicine, if you will soon be driving a car.

    If a citizen drinks 100 g of vodka, it will take about 5 hours to drive. After drinking a glass of wine, you can drive no earlier than 4 hours.

    Let's consider how many ppm are allowed while driving for all drivers without exception.

    As of 2018, for citizens driving vehicles after taking substances containing ethanol, administrative liability is provided. It occurs if ethanol is detected in their blood.

    A breathalyzer is used for testing. The driver exhales a certain volume of air through the tube. At the same time, the display shows the level of alcohol contained in it. As of 2017, the dose of ethanol consumed should not exceed 0.35 mg/l. If this indicator is exceeded, traffic police officers have the right to claim that the person they are checking is intoxicated.

    Starting from 2018, it is possible to confirm that a citizen drank alcohol on the eve of a trip by taking a blood test. The new permissible alcohol driving limit in ppm is 0.3 mg/l. Exceeding this indicator threatens car owners with suspension from driving.

    Blood testing is also used in cases where confirmation of a citizen’s drunken state is not possible through the use of special devices:

    1. Taking such a measure is necessary in cases where the person driving the vehicle is unconscious and cannot independently pass a breathalyzer test.
    2. The same applies to persons who are heavily intoxicated. Being in an altered state of consciousness, they pose a particular danger while driving.

    Persons who drive drunk are sent to undergo a medical examination (examination) with mandatory testing.

    If the results of laboratory tests confirm that the alcohol content exceeds the norm of 0.3 ppm, this gives grounds to consider the person being tested to be drunk. For this offense you will have to bear the responsibility provided for by law.

    Until recently, there was only one way to give objective assessment a person’s condition, as well as the presence of ethyl alcohol in his body - through analysis of its content in the blood. But in some cases, for example, on highways and highways, it is almost impossible to determine in this way whether a drunk person is driving a car or not.

    In this regard, mobile devices have been developed to detect the presence of alcohol - portable detectors. Their job is to detect alcohol based on an analysis of the volume of air exhaled from the lungs. When calculating the volume of alcohol in the human body, a number of parameters are taken into account.

    These include:

    • content percentage alcoholic drink to the total weight of the person being examined;
    • weight indicators;
    • gender of the person being examined;
    • total amount of fluid (in the body of the person being examined);
    • the amount of ethanol contained (in the volume drunk).

    WITH The stage of intoxication of a citizen can be determined independently. For example, let’s take the following parameters: a person’s weight is 80 kg, the volume of vodka drunk with 40% alcohol content is 250 mg, the volume of fluid in the body of an adult is 70%.

    Thus, the volume of liquid will be 80(kg) x 70(%)=56 kg. The amount of pure ethanol in the body will be equal to 250 (mg) x 40 (%) = 100 mg. Taking into account the density of ethyl alcohol, we obtain the volume of pure ethanol: 0.79 g/mol * 100 mg = 79 g.

    When calculating, an error is taken into account, which does not exceed 10%, so the exact amount of pure ethanol is 71.1 g. Taking into account the above data, it is easy to calculate the number of ppm. It will be 71.1/56=1.27.

    Let's look at the question of the duration of the concentration of alcohol vapor in the volume of air exhaled by the driver.

    The time it takes for alcohol vapor to be removed from the body is influenced by factors such as individual ethanol tolerance, as well as many other factors:

    1. Citizen's gender.
    2. Age and weight.
    3. Number and type of drinks consumed.
    4. Chronic diseases internal organs(liver, lungs, kidneys, heart).

    It is known that ethanol is absorbed into the human body at different rates. For this reason, the duration of its content in the volume of exhaled air will differ significantly. Thus, in men, alcohol is eliminated from the body much faster than in women.

    The withdrawal time is also affected by the volume of alcohol consumed and the mixing factor. various drinks. In addition, the duration of alcohol consumption largely depends on whether a person has chronic diseases. So, in people with a diseased liver, alcohol is eliminated for a very long time.

    If a person uses strong drinks from 2 days or longer (drinking state), he will not be able to pass the breathalyzer and be allowed to drive a vehicle. In this case, the presence of alcohol in the blood, as well as the volume of exhaled air, is observed for about 72 hours.

    And also the duration of the removal of ethyl from the volume of exhaled air is influenced by the amount of food eaten while drinking alcohol. If strong drinks were consumed without food, alcohol vapors are still detectable for quite some time. If a person has eaten and drank heavily, this process occurs much faster.

    Table. Duration of elimination of alcohol vapors in the volume of exhaled air.

    Persons found to be intoxicated while driving will face administrative penalties. If road users (pedestrians, passengers of other vehicles) are injured due to their fault, criminal liability may arise.

    If a driver is found to have exceeded the permissible ethanol content for the first time, he will be fined. Transport control will become unavailable to him for some time.

    A repeated offense will result in the penalty rate being increased many times over. In addition, a citizen who breaks the law may be punished with forced labor.

    If it is discovered that a fined person was driving a car while intoxicated, that is, he committed a new offense while serving an old one, he will suffer a more severe punishment than specified in the sanction of the article.

    Drivers must also understand that their unmotivated refusal to take an alcohol test and examination at a medical facility is an indirect admission of guilt for driving while intoxicated. At the same time, it is almost impossible to prove your innocence in such a situation.

    The owner of a motor vehicle will be fined if he gives control of the car to a drunk driver. In addition, the violator is subject to punishment in the form of deprivation of his driver's license.

    Let's look at the degree of responsibility for citizens who, while drunk, hit pedestrians on the roadway:

    1. If the injured person received minor injuries, the person responsible for the accident faces administrative liability.
    2. If a pedestrian is injured in an accident and suffers serious bodily harm, the culprit faces a prison sentence. In addition, the driver may be subject to forced labor and deprived of his driver's license.
    3. In the event of an accident resulting in the death of a pedestrian, the drunken citizen faces imprisonment for long term. At the same time, his rights are also taken away. If the accident resulted death two or more people, the drunk driver will go to prison. The court will set a specific sentence for him based on the proven circumstances of the case and other data.

    In some cases, punishment in the form of imprisonment is replaced by forced labor or a large fine. Throughout the entire period of such punishment, the citizen will be deprived of the right to use a driver’s license and drive his or her vehicle.

    When determining the volume of alcohol in the blood of males, which does not exceed 0.3 ppm, it is considered that the person is absolutely sober and can drive a vehicle. If these data fluctuate between 0.3-0.5, it means that the effect of ethanol on consciousness is insignificant.

    If the level of ethanol fluctuates within one and a half ppm, this indicates a mild stage of intoxication. It is strictly prohibited to drive a car in this condition. If the concentration of alcohol in the blood exceeds 1.5, but not more than 2.5 ppm, the degree of alcohol poisoning is considered to be moderate.

    An ethanol concentration of 3 ppm indicates severe intoxication of the person being examined. The presence of ethyl alcohol in a volume of up to 5 indicates a severe degree of poisoning. Above these indicators, as a rule, the diagnosis indicates a fatal outcome.

    As we have already said, the share of water in male body is about 70%. This means that ethyl alcohol disappears much faster when compared with similar indicators for a woman. Thus, a man’s body is capable of processing about 0.15-0.17% of the total volume of alcohol consumed in 60 minutes.

    Concentration (in ppm) of alcohol in the blood of women

    It is known that the absorption of alcohol in women occurs faster, and it takes much longer to eliminate it, compared to men.

    This is due to the fact that the liquid content in female body is only 60%. Therefore, the rate of ethanol elimination in 60 minutes is 0.1% of the volume of drinks consumed.

    The higher the strength of the alcoholic drink, the longer the ethanol it contains is removed from the body. Moreover, this statement is the same for citizens of both sexes equally.

    Let's look at foods that are not recommended to be consumed immediately before a trip. They cause fermentation and release of some alcohol.

    These include:

    • juices;
    • fermented milk products;
    • overripe bananas;
    • kvass.

    This also includes oranges and beer with zero alcohol content. It is also not advisable to use air fresheners. oral cavity, since they contain ethanol.

    As for drugs, their list is quite large, since medical alcohol is a mandatory component of many of them.

    We list the most popular medications:

    1. Rhinital (ethanol-containing homeopathic medicine).
    2. Canephron N.
    3. Biovital (hawthorn extract containing alcohol).
    4. Bittner (alcohol content reaches 40%).
    5. Licorice root (syrup).
    6. Levovinisol.

    Among medicines With high content ethyl alcohol (43%) should be highlighted:

    1. Asinis in drops.
    2. Aflubin.
    3. Vokara and Gentos.

    Heart medications, which are used by many drivers, should be included in a separate group. They should be taken with extreme caution on the eve of a trip.

    These medications include:

    1. Valocordin.
    2. Barboval.
    3. Valoserdin.

    These drugs are based on ethyl alcohol and phenobarbetal. We also note the well-known Corvalol, which in addition to alcohol contains barbiturates.

    You should not purchase drugs that are actively advertised in the media, removing all signs of alcohol intoxication and the characteristic odor. Such drugs simply do not exist in nature. They may block the characteristic odor, but they do not affect the breathalyzer readings in any way.

    Note that knowledge established standards ethanol levels in the blood and their strict implementation will save drivers from the serious consequences of an accident, as well as paying significant amounts of fines due to their own carelessness.