Menu for a child’s birthday. Children's menu for a child’s birthday

Every mother wants a special day of the year - the birthday of her child, to be bright, special and memorable. At 2 years old, there are no special wishes about what the child should be like, so the mother herself must carefully think through and organize everything so that it is interesting to everyone who is invited, especially the children.

The birthday of the child should be bright, colorful and interesting.

Most parents prefer to spend a holiday at home, it’s more convenient. Competitions, clown, animation - all this can be ordered at home, but the menu is a bit more complicated. It is necessary to prepare such dishes that would be tasty, healthy and served on the table in a special way to attract the attention of children, and they wanted to try them.

What dishes to choose, what to serve first to the table and how to serve everything, all the mothers who are preparing a birthday for their 2 year old baby are asking all these questions.

What should not be on the holiday table

There are small food restrictions that every mother should adhere to if she wants to organize a holiday for a 2 year old child and his friends. At this age, not all foods and dishes can be eaten, so the main thing when creating a birthday menu is:

  • no salty, spicy and fatty dishes;
  • dishes with pepper, mayonnaise sauce and garlic are not welcome on the table;
  • smoked meat is also better to remove;
  • do not experiment by mixing many different products in one dish;
  • remove fresh fruits and vegetables from the menu that can cause allergies;
  • do not put on the table fish dishes with pits, grapes, fruits with a rough skin and what the child can choke on, postpone the holidays for the older generation;
  • fruits and vegetables that may stain clothing should be used to a minimum.

Beautiful and delicious snacks

Recently, canapes-sandwiches are very popular in the children's menu. In order for them to interest children, it is advisable to perform them in the unusual form of ships, stars or bugs. In addition, only safe products will be needed to prepare them, and it will take a little time to create them.

Canapes are made only from fresh bread, preferably white, butter, pieces of boiled pork, not fried, but baked, tender varieties of cheese and vegetables or fruits. Turn on the imagination and make canapes from those products that your beloved baby loves more.

It is important that for children in no case do not use skewers and toothpicks for canapes, the child can prick them.

Tasty and healthy salads for a children's holiday

Useful salads can be laid out on a plate in the form of an animal or a flower, and little children will like this serving. There is a large number of salads, each mother can choose from the list for her menu those that she likes, but pay attention to this salad.

Sun salad

The first thing I want to say is that it contains orange and lemon, so for children prone to allergies it is better not to cook it, and it is very light, hearty and tasty.

To prepare it you will need:

  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs., but they can be replaced with 8 quail, which will make the salad even more useful;
  • boiled chicken - 300 g;
  • cucumber;
  • an Apple.

As dressing, you can use the sauce, which is prepared from yogurt, olive oil, a couple of drops of lemon juice and egg yolks.

Salad is prepared as follows: oranges, cucumber and apple, peeled and cut, as small as possible. Peel the egg, finely chop it and add to the rest of the ingredients, do the same with the chicken. Salt, mix and beautifully put in the form of the sun on a plate, pour over the sauce.

The salad is ready, you can serve the kids on the table. But remember that citrus fruits can cause allergies, so ask your moms who are invited to the baby’s holiday about whether they can eat fruits that can trigger such a reaction. Be sure to adjust the menu based on this.

Tropics Salad

The menu for the birthday of children of 2 years of age should be varied, satisfying and light, so you should pay attention to the Tropiki salad, which almost all children love and eat it with great pleasure. The recipe is quite simple and easy, does not require very high costs, as it contains a small amount of ingredients.

His preparations will need:

  • 300 g chicken, only boiled;
  • 300-400 grams of pineapple;
  • 1 apple, preferably green;
  • grapes in the amount of 1 cup.

Peel the apples, grate and sprinkle lightly with lemon juice. Grind the pineapple and add to the apples, also do with meat. Cut the grapes into two halves and add to the dish. You can fill with mayonnaise, but only your own cooking or yogurt.

Children eat a sweet fruit salad with great pleasure!

You can also add a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and greens to the festive menu, but just chop the vegetables finely and season them with olive oil. Serving salad on the table is best in small salad bowls for each child separately.

Sweet fruit salad

The child will eat this delicious salad with great pleasure. It is prepared immediately before the arrival of the guests, since the fruits may lose their color, and the appearance of the salad will not be very attractive. It is worth asking the parents of the invited children if they are allergic to beekeeping products and nuts, if not, then honey is added to the bottom of the salad bowl, and the top of the salad is sprinkled with chopped nuts.

For a salad you will need:

  • green apple, banana;
  • 1 cup grape raisins;
  • 1 pear fruit
  • a glass of yogurt.

Take the fruits without the peel and cut them into small pieces. Divide the grapes in half, combine with fruit. Mix everything, put in small salad bowls, and pour the top of the dish with yogurt. This tasty and at the same time light dish is prepared quickly and children will definitely like it.

A child’s birthday is once a year, and 2 years once in a lifetime, and every mother wants to make this day special, so the menu for this day is carefully selected.

Salads are ready, but what a feast without second courses, but what to cook for a children's birthday so that it would be beautiful, tasty, and enjoy the children.

Second courses

For a children's birthday, you should not prepare a lot of hot dishes, because children eat little, they are more interested in entertainment than a festive table. Therefore, for a children's holiday you can only cook a side dish and meat dish.

On a children's birthday, when the child is only 2 years old and almost all guests are the same age, it is better to choose meat dishes with minced meat. They cook quickly, the meat is tender, soft, a child at 2 years old will eat it with pleasure.

Each mom decides which recipe to choose for her child’s birthday, but perhaps this one will be more like it.

Chicken zrazy with quail egg

Little children will definitely like these zrazy, because they are very tender and tasty, besides they have a little secret inside that will interest the children and make them eat food.

Children will definitely like chicken zrazy with a quail egg!

To prepare them you will need:

  • 400 g of minced chicken;
  • 1/3 cup rice;
  • small carrots;
  • bulb;
  • 12 boiled quail eggs;
  • 2 tomatoes.

Zrazy is prepared like this:

  1. Chop the onion with a blender and add to the minced meat.
  2. Ready rice to attach to minced meat.
  3. Salt, mix thoroughly until the stuffing is soft.
  4. Roll a ball from minced meat, hide a quail peeled egg inside and roll it up.
  5. Boil in boiling water for 10 minutes, lower them into the water carefully on a spoon.
  6. Fry the carrots with tomatoes in a pan.
  7. Put zraza in the gravy, add the broth so that it completely covers them.
  8. Stew for 20 minutes, then for 5 minutes you need to send the pan to the oven.

Serving zrazy with a surprise can be with any of the side dishes, but the child will definitely like the multi-colored mashed potatoes, it is still very useful, as it is made from natural products. Cooking it is very easy.

Mashed potatoes "Traffic light"

Dishes from natural products, enriched with useful substances, should be liked by every mother, moreover, bright colors perfectly decorate the table, attract children to it, who came to the holiday.

What a birthday without sweets! Preference should be given to light, not too sweet pastries and cakes.

To prepare a colorful mashed potato you will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • carrot juice - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • beetroot - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • spinach juice - 3 tbsp. l

Boil peeled potatoes until cooked, salt during cooking. After the water is drained, it is necessary to knead the potatoes, adding butter and cream to it. Beat everything well so that the mass is light and uniform. Divide the mashed potatoes into three parts: in the first, add carrot juice, in the second - beet juice, in the third - spinach. Put mashed potatoes in the form of balls in a pan, send to the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

For a children's birthday, you don’t even have to bake colored balls of mashed potatoes, but simply put each baby on a plate beautifully. Such mashed potatoes will decorate any table.

The birthday of the child, especially who turns 2 years old, should be interesting, the menu is ready, now you need to choose drinks and sweets.

Of the drinks, milkshakes of different colors with the addition of fruits are well suited, here everything depends on the mother’s imagination. Milkshakes are very useful and pleasant to taste, each child with great pleasure will drink such a drink if you put it on the table.

But as for sweets, then preference should be given to light, not too sweet pastries and cakes. “Bird's milk”, “Carrot” cake or any other, but only with a light and airy cream, are perfect for children.

Do not overload the table for the birthday of a small child, for him the main thing is entertainment and games with friends. Prepare the dishes that the birthday boy loves more, he will eat with pleasure, and the other children will follow him.

A child’s birthday should be bright, colorful and interesting, to be remembered, captivate the children, and the dishes should be original decorated, then any child will want to try them.

Of course, you can prepare them for other events, as well as for older children.
  Remember that we cook for little children, so the products must be of high quality, fresh, and the ingredients are natural. Put the fruits on the plates, desserts can be made on the basis of the curd, be careful with the cake, yet the children are still crumbs.
  And do not say that you do not know what to cook for a child’s birthday at 2 years old:

Salad "Snowman" with sour cream

Low fat sour cream
  1. Cook the meat until cooked (it is better to cook in a double boiler). Also, carrots (1 pc) and beets are cooked.
  2. Cut the boiled meat into cubes.
  3. Let’s cool the meat and cut it into cubes.
  4. Three cooked beets and carrots on a grinder, but separately from each other.
  5. Now we make the salad itself - lay out layer by layer: chopped meat - smeared with sour cream, beets - smeared with sour cream, carrots with sour cream, and then a layer of grated cheese again with sour cream.
  6. Decorate the salad. Cut out circles from the second carrot (pictured from olives), and a smaller one from beets. These are the eyes. Also, from a carrot we make a nose, a mouth, a bucket on the head, you can make cilia. We take carrots raw.

Holiday quail eggs for children

quail eggs - 10 pieces
red caviar
1 tablespoon sour cream
greens and lettuce leaves

1. First, boil quail eggs, cool, clean and cut lengthwise into halves.
  2. We wash the lettuce well, let it drain in water, put it on the dish.
  3. Now start the eggs. To do this, take out the yolks and knead them with chopped herbs (for example, dill), which we washed well beforehand, seasoning with a spoon of sour cream.
  4. In the remaining lower halves of the eggs we put a few grains of red caviar, and on top with a spoon our mixture of yolk with greens and sour cream.
  5. Next, we cover our testicles with the remaining half on top and lay a few more eggs on top. Festive quail eggs are ready for children.

Melon Raspberry Lemonade

  melon (diced pulp) - 8 glasses
  raspberries - 1 cup
  lemon juice - 1/2 cup
  sugar - 1 cup
  water - 2 glasses

Method of preparation: Grind pieces of melon and raspberries (best in a blender, but if you don’t have a blender, use a regular meat grinder or spatula to make mashed potatoes). Add lemon juice, sugar and water. Pour lemonade into glasses, add ice.
  Original children's dessert without baking. Raffaello with Strawberries

Raffaello balls with whole strawberries inside.

  1. Beat the egg with sugar, and continuing to beat, add the butter and cottage cheese, then add the flour, mix.
  2. Next, we pluck the pieces from the dough and make flat cakes out of them (as for dumplings). Put inside a whole strawberry. And roll up the ball.
  3. Then we put it in boiling salted water, cook for 3 minutes after it emerges.
  4. Take out, roll in a mixture of sweet crackers and coconut.
  Our strawberries are ready!

Curd dessert with jelly

This curd dessert is made from sweet curd mass, but nevertheless it is much more useful than the sweets that we buy for our children. Such a beautiful dessert will decorate the festive table and will surely appeal to young guests both externally and to taste.

1. Soak gelatin in a small amount of water for 10 minutes.
  2. After 10 minutes, add milk and dissolve the gelatin.
  3. Mix the dissolved gelatin with the curd.
  4. Pour into the mass cubes of colored jelly.
  5. Turn the mass into a sausage, wrapping it with cling film.
  6. Put the dessert in the refrigerator for 2 hours to set.
  And also remember that it is very important how everything will look on the table. Be sure to decorate all dishes for children.

Very soon, your baby will celebrate his next birthday. He is looking forward to this momentous event. Crosses out dates on the calendar. Trying to guess which gifts will receive. Diligently paints invitations to his guests. And he lives in anticipation of a miracle, magic, fairy tale. So give him this tale! After all, this is quite within your power. The main thing is to think over all the details in advance. And the theme of the holiday, and design, and, of course, the menu for the birthday of the child. Turn on your imagination, activate your childhood memories, and forward - towards the brilliant extravaganza, created only for your, one and only, little birthday boy!

The most favorite children's holiday

Birthday. The most coveted children's holiday. Why are children so fond of him?

It is a pity, as Crocodile Gena correctly noted, that such a wonderful day happens only once a year. Therefore, your holy duty, as parents, is to ensure that your child remembers the previous one with great enthusiasm before his next birthday. And he was looking forward to when he would become one more year older. And again, a fairy tale will come into his life ...

Create a holiday atmosphere for the little birthday boy and his guests. Decorate the room with balloons, lights, tinsel

Solemn entourage

How does a children's birthday begin? Of course, with the design of the holiday. And it, in turn, depends on the theme of the celebration. There really is no limit to the flight of imagination.

Build on what your little one likes. Heroes of fairy tales or cartoons, travel, pirate stories, space adventures, robots, princesses, fairies, scientific discoveries, etc.

And more balls, tinsel, lights. Caps for guests, whistles, pipes and drums are required. What a holiday without all this? The little birthday boy should be congratulated loudly, colorfully, solemnly. And no other way!

Decorate the room in which the celebration will take place, according to the chosen theme. Children notice little things and details. Forms, paints, colors. Costumes, sets, effects. Let it all be purely symbolic, fake. But it should be.

The menu for a child’s birthday should include simple dishes that are convenient to eat with your hands: sandwiches, tartlets, canapes, for example

Holiday menu for a child’s birthday

But to the festive table on the children's birthday their demands are put forward. Due to the fact that the kids are active and playful, long gatherings at the table are unlikely to become such an interesting pastime for them. What alternative can you offer?

Buffet. Here is the perfect option for a children's holiday. He does not oblige little tomboys to anything. They want - they eat, they want - they play.

And if so, then the menu for such a table should be appropriate. And the serving is interesting, vibrant, attractive. So that children have a desire to interrupt their games and entertainment, and try something that looks so unusual.

Place the treats on a table that is not too high. For this purpose, a coffee table is also quite suitable.

So, what to serve and how to serve your baby’s guests on his birthday?

  1. The table on which you place the treats should match the height of the guests.
  2. Serve it with bright dishes, cover with a colored tablecloth.
  3. Do not beg children to eat. This is already a holiday for them.
  4. Instead of one long feast, take a few short snacks in between competitions, entertainment, games.
  5. Children's table is not for spicy, salty, fatty, smoked.
  6. When inviting kids to a holiday, find out from their parents if the little ones have an allergy to certain foods.
  7. Cook healthy and simple dishes. Which is convenient to eat.
  8. Do not invent anything sophisticated. Kids are happy to eat well-known, traditional dishes.
  9. Decorate them according to the theme of the holiday. Or so as to interest the children, amaze their imagination.

Vegetables, despite the fact that many children do not particularly favor them, can be served in such a way that it will be impossible not to try them

Vegetables and salads (with photo)

Vegetables in the children's menu are not the last. Therefore, their presence on the festive table is quite justified. Although some peanuts do not eat them very willingly, this problem can be solved by serving an originally decorated salad garden of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, greens. And it is better to refuse more difficult salads at a children's holiday. Especially if the guests are just kids or preschool children.

Cut the vegetables into neat slices so that they are conveniently pricked with a fork or skewer.

Photo gallery “How to serve vegetables to children?”

  Cucumber snake   Funny bull made of pepper   Olive palm trees   Ball salad   Swarm of funny bees   In the meadow   Mushroom glade   To interest children not only in sweets, present vegetables with fun

Snacks: sandwiches, canapes, tartlets

The main dishes of the festive table for the child’s birthday should be those that are convenient to take and convenient to eat. And these are just all kinds of sandwiches, canapes and tartlets.

We do not allow babies to “bite” and “bite” in everyday life. But, for some reason, this is exactly what they like to do the most. So let at least during the holiday give free rein to their true addictions.

Children's sandwiches look very appetizing, if you approach their design with a soul


Sandwiches can be made with cheese, sausage, ham, pate, butter, eggs. And supplement them with vegetables, herbs, olives, pineapples. Here, the choice is yours.

Try to cut out the bread with cookie cutters. Get sandwiches in the form of bunnies, Christmas trees, cars, stars, ships. It will be interesting to kids. If you don’t have any molds, then it is better to buy a baguette instead of a traditional loaf. It will turn out small neat children's sandwiches.

Canapes in the form of penguins will make a splash among the guests of your baby

Canapes differ from sandwiches in smaller sizes and the fact that their ingredients are chopped on special skewers. This is one bite dish.

For cooking canapes, you can use meat and sausages, cheeses, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as everything you can find in the refrigerator and everything your imagination tells you.

Canapes can also be made from fruit. But serving them would be more appropriate along with a sweet table

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes (recipe)

To prepare such canapes, you need 1 baguette (better than black cereal bread, but you can also have white), 200 g of sausage (cooked), cherry tomatoes (1 sprig), creamy pasty cheese (150 g), lettuce and parsley. And you also need to find something to squeeze out small circles. For example, a container from under Kinder surprise, a baking dish or a small thin-walled glass.

  1. Cut the bread into thin slices, and then squeeze small circles out of them with a tin.
  2. Spread them with cream cheese and put on each leaf of salad.
  3. Put the bread on the skewers.
  4. Then cut the sausage into very thin slices.
  5. Bend them four times, putting parsley branches inside.
  6. And put the sausage on the skewers.
  7. Cut cherry tomatoes into rings.
  8. And place them on the skewers on top.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes are ready.

Video "How to cook canapes?"


For tartlets, molds are best bought at the store. And you can cook the filling yourself. As mentioned above, children do not really like salads. But tartlets stuffed with vegetable, meat, fish or fruit salads, and originally decorated, they will certainly be appreciated.

Tartlets can also be both salty and sweet. Everything will depend on the filling you put in them.

Hot dishes

On a hot day, it is better for the little guests of your baby to serve piece and unusual dishes. What is this about? Yes, at least about chicken skewers on skewers. Or about small meatballs, meatballs, meatballs. Which may look like mice, chickens or ants.

Boiled beets and carrots, olives, green peas, a knife (curly or plain) and, of course, your sleight of hand will help them gain such a look.

And for a side dish you can offer a very unusual treat.

Potato mushrooms. Such a side dish will undoubtedly appeal to the kids

Potato Mushrooms (recipe)

Cooking such mushrooms from potatoes is quite simple.

  1. Take as many potatoes as you expect.
  2. Wash them and boil them in a peel until almost done.
  3. Drain and allow to cool.
  4. Then with a knife, cut a mushroom-shaped workpiece from each potato.
  5. Salt potato mushrooms and grease with sunflower oil.
  6. All that remains is to send them to the oven until a golden crust forms.
  7. Before serving, mushroom caps can be colored with colorful sauces.

It is difficult to find a child who would not consider pizza one of the most ingenious inventions of mankind

Another hot dish that children will not leave without attention. This, of course, is pizza. Nowadays it is difficult to find a child indifferent to this invention of Italian students.

And again, here you have a vast field for creativity. The size of the pizza, its shape, the filling. All this can be so diverse that it is only the culinary preferences of each individual family that must be guided here.

Fruits can be served during the sweet table, or can be from the very beginning of the holiday. Children having fun will not refuse periodically to feast on them.


Children's holiday menu cannot but include this item. Fruits. They are tasty, healthy and, when properly designed, very effective. If you cut them into pieces, you can lay out whole fruit paintings on dishes. Fruit canapes are also very popular among kids.

And fruit salads, in contrast to vegetable salads, will be consumed by the peanuts with great pleasure. Moreover, they are prepared very quickly and simply.

In fruit salad, the ingredients may vary depending on the time of year or the preferences of the birthday

Fruit Salad (recipe)

To prepare a fruit salad, you need 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, 200 g seedless grapes (quiche-mish), 200 g low-fat yogurt, strawberries or raspberries for decoration, you can grated chocolate or crushed nuts to taste.

  1. Wash fruits under running water.
  2. Peel them.
  3. Dice and mix.
  4. Arrange the salad in a bowl.
  5. Pour it with yogurt.
  6. Garnish with strawberries, raspberries, nuts, grated chocolate.

And remember: a fruit salad is prepared immediately before serving it.

A sweet table is the culmination of a children's holiday

Sweet table

A sweet table is, in addition to fruits, sweets, cookies, cakes, ice cream, all kinds of desserts. And, of course, the main attribute of any birthday is a birthday cake. Necessarily with candles, which the hero of the occasion should blow out. This is what children consider to be the culmination of the holiday.

It is the cake, this recognized symbol of the Birthday, that should be not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful. Of course, not in your concept. And in the concept of a little birthday.

Therefore, it is best to ask the baby in advance how he imagines his birthday cake. And pre-order exactly the one that your little one so dreamed about.

That's where the magic is! That's where the fairy tale is! Moreover, this will not be difficult for you at all. Today, skillful confectioners will build you any miracle of culinary craftsmanship, realize any fantasy and any whim.

You just admire what masterpieces can appear on the festive table on the birthday of your child!

Photo Gallery “Birthday Cakes for Children”

  Shaun the sheep   Hello Kitty!   Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs   Cake in the form of a ship for lovers of the sea   Cake with Smeshariki   If you celebrate a double birthday, such a cake is suitable for you   Lightning McQueen for racing enthusiasts

What drinks to prepare

As for drinks, you should stock up on them in sufficient quantities. Compote, homemade fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juices, as well as cocktails made by you yourself, will be just right. Especially if you spill them into tall glasses and decorate with colorful umbrellas and tubes.

And one more secret. Before filling glasses, dip their edges in water and then in sugar. A beautiful and, moreover, delicious rim is formed. Kids will love this feed.

Drinks on children's birthday should be a lot. And they should be tasty, healthy and, again, well presented.

Video “Recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails”

It only at first glance seems that it is so difficult to organize a festive table on the birthday of your child. The main desire. And there are always ideas. Do not be afraid to ask the hero of the occasion what he wants, what he dreams of. And do not try to impress the kids with exquisite delicacies. Leave the delights for a more respectable public. For kids, the main thing is that the holiday be fun, interesting, entertaining. Well, a snack in between games was what. Be guided by this principle, making the menu for guests of the little birthday.

To prepare the holiday menu, you need to prepare in advance. Think over what you are going to cook, how many children you count on. The menu of a 2-3 year old child is partially close to an adult. All children love the holidays, so the task of parents is to make the holiday table not only tasty, healthy, but also beautiful.

After all, we know how difficult it is sometimes to feed a baby. But who will refuse to try a hedgehog, and not just mashed potatoes? Set the table with the usual familiar products, just approach this with imagination. This also applies to table setting. As for the dishes, first of all they should be light. The menu should be such that children satisfy their hunger, rejoice at delicious dishes, but at the same time do not suffer from overeating and indigestion. Sweets should be preferred not flour, but curd and fruit, cooked on fructose. From drinks for babies fruit juices, or fruit drinks and compotes are suitable.


Boil potatoes, add butter, beat. Put on a plate in the shape of a hedgehog. Instead of needles, stick peeled seeds. Put the eyes with boiled carrots, on the nose - a highlight.

  eggs - 5 pcs.
  cheese - 200 g.
  -a tomato

Boil eggs, peel, cut in half, put the yolks. Grate cheese, mix with protein, butter, dill. Stuff the egg halves with this mixture. Cut the tomatoes into circles. Insert a toothpick into a tomato with a thin triangular slice of cheese attached to it (mast with a sail).


Boil the eggs, peel. Wash the radish, cut into thin semicircles for the ears. Make two parallel cuts in the egg, insert the ears. With the help of a pepper, you can make a nose and eyes.

  - eggs
  - sour cream
  - boiled carrots

Hard-boiled eggs, peel, cut the thick ends. Take out the yolks, rub them through a sieve with sour cream and fill the eggs with this mixture. Place them on a plate with the toppings down. Cut the ears out of the carrots and stick them in the upper part of the egg.
  Make eyes from small round slices of brown bread crust, from carrots - mouth and ponytail. Place lettuce leaves on a plate and place bunnies on them.

  -minced meat

Fry the minced meatballs with minced meat. Hard-boiled eggs, peel, cool. Cut off the ends and attach the cutlets on top. Put the mushrooms on a plate, sprinkle with herbs.

  "Funny faces"
  beef liver

Wash the tomatoes, take out the middle. Prepare the filling: mix boiled potatoes with boiled, chopped liver. Draw a face on a tomato. Cut the legs out of cheese.

  -chopped meat

Fry the patties in vegetable oil. Cut thin strips from the apple - the legs of the spider. Insert into the patty.

Children's birthday, like any other event, has its own characteristics of table setting and the organization of the holiday as a whole. Also, fashion trends, reflected in the decor and the rules for its holding, also influence the design of the celebration.

But all parents have the opportunity to arrange for their child and his guests an unforgettable and vibrant holiday that will not only be preserved in the common memory, but also fit into the budget.

To arrange a magical birthday for your child, first of all, you need:

  1. Choose the general theme of the holiday. It can be a favorite cartoon that immediately determines the color scheme, festive attributes and even the child’s outfit. Frozen, Minions, Smeshariki are especially popular today, and classic Disney princesses or comics remain relevant. The theme of the holiday may be a hobby or a child’s desire for some kind of work;
  2. Choose a room in which a children's table will be organized. It can be directly a children's room, and a living room and kitchen, if its size allows.
  3. Create a menu with suitable recipes. On the table must be assorted sweets and all kinds of useful goodies that will not be difficult for children - mini-formats, tartlets, skewers, canapes are desirable;
  4. Prepare small gifts for younger guests. It can be toys in the general theme of the holiday, sweet presents, etc. It’s good if the children can use them immediately during the celebration, and then take them with them - magic wands, pipes, bandages or jewelry, etc. You can put them on plates.

The main thing is to start preparing for the children's holiday, if possible in advance, so that there is time for checking the selected recipes, using or making your own decor and finding everything you need. It should be remembered that a children's table is not a place for spicy, fatty, overly salty and smoked dishes, plus it is important to ask parents of young guests if they are allergic to any products and exclude them from the menu.

There is no need to invent too sophisticated dishes, because children can refuse them - with pleasure they eat only well-known, traditional food. And in no case should you try to force one of the children to eat, because such adult behavior can lead to a tantrum that will ruin the whole holiday.

Table decoration for children's birthday

There are requirements for decorating a children's table for holiday gatherings:

  1. Exposure to the overall color scheme. Regardless of whether a certain theme is chosen for the holiday (cartoons, professions, hobbies, etc.) or if neutral design is chosen in the form of stars, hearts, peas, etc., it is important that the entire table setting matches 2-3 main colors or shades of choice;
  2. Making space around and above the table. It can be “Happy Birthday!” Garlands, paper decorations, a background of paper or fabric, figures, flowers, etc .;
  3. Selection of the right dishes. Necessarily need plates, cutlery, glasses, shelves for sweets and fruits, cake stand, vases for sweets, and trays and more dishes can come in handy. But for reasons of convenience and security, it is better to choose paper or plastic dishes that can be made in the colors of the holiday. No - universal white is suitable;
  4. Making a festive tablecloth. It should also fit into the color scheme, so you should not purchase a tablecloth separately for one holiday. It can even be a disposable oilcloth if it suits the theme, but it is also easy to decorate the simplest white tablecloth with frills or a garland (using a stapler), or paint it with watercolors, adding inscriptions and drawings;
  5. Making decor for the festive table. We are talking about thematic napkins, vases, cup holders, decorations for tubes, cutlery, cakes and desserts, candlesticks, etc. - All this can be done from improvised materials;
  6. Decoration of chairs. Chairs are an important attribute of the festive table, for which they need to be draped, tied with bows, decorated with balls, or hang nameplates and other attributes appropriate to the subject.

Children's birthday party table: making menus and recipes

Children's birthday is a celebration of the abdomen (including for parents), its menu must be composed of simple, but very tasty dishes.

The greatest chances of being eaten are with nuggets, french fries, baked potatoes with toppings, pasta with cheese, salads in tartlets, etc., but not with complex meat or vegetable dishes.

A children's table may even consist entirely of snacks - small sandwiches, mini burgers, pies, spring rolls, etc. As an option - a sweet table of donuts, muffins, cookies, pastries, macaroons, lollipops, marshmallows, marmalade, sweets and Of course, cake with candles.

You can add sweets with fruits, berries, nuts and yogurts (including frozen). Naturally, you still need juices or soda.

Useful Nuggets

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of chicken;
  • 0.25 L of heavy cream (above 20%);
  • 70 gr. breadcrumbs and sesame seeds;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking time: 30 minutes plus 4 hours for pickling.

Calorie content: about 70 Kcal / 100 gr.

First you need to marinate the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces in cream with salt and pepper for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Then roll each piece of meat in breadcrumbs with sesame seeds and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. You can serve with any sauce - cheese, sweet and sour, homemade mayonnaise, vegetable sauce, etc.

American cheese pasta

Essential Ingredients:

  • 300 gr pasta horns;
  • 100 gr. smoked bacon;
  • 100 gr. hard cheese (best cheddar);
  • 100 gr. mozzarella (in extreme cases, it can be replaced by suluguni);
  • 200 gr. frozen green peas;
  • 400 ml cream 20%;
  • 50 gr butter;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: about 330 Kcal / 100 gr.

You need to start by cooking pasta and parallel cooking of the sauce, for which you need to melt the butter, add flour to it, quickly mix until smooth and pour the cream. Boil until thickened, season with nutmeg and salt.

Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry in a dry pan (they will melt a lot of fat), grate the cheese. Mix together cooked pasta, bacon, peas, cheese and put the mass in a baking dish. Cook in the oven at 200 degrees until crust.

Children's buffet table for the birthday: making menus and recipes

If it is clear that the birthday man and his guests are active children, and it will be difficult for them to sit still at the festively set table, it is appropriate to stop at the buffet option, in which many portioned canapé snacks will be set on a separate table. Usually such a table setting enthralls children and they all eat with appetite.

Canapes with sausage and tomatoes

Essential Ingredients:

  • 1 baguette (preferably cereal);
  • 200 gr. boiled sausage;
  • a bunch of cherry tomatoes;
  • 150 gr. cream cheese;
  • lettuce leaves.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content: about 210 Kcal / 100 gr.

For squeezing out small circles, a glass with thick walls, a baking dish or even a half of the container from the kinder surprise are suitable. And they need to be squeezed out from baguette and sausage cut into thin slices, although sausage can be cut into very thin pieces and just fold them four times.

Each of the pieces of bread needs to be greased with cream cheese, covered with a small piece of leaf lettuce and put on a skewer. On the same skewer, put on another slice of sausage and cherry tomato (you can half). Done!

Meat balls

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg mixed minced meat;
  • 1 pack of puff pastry;
  • salt to taste;
  • vegetable oil for lubrication.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: about 250 Kcal / 100 gr.

Minced meat needs to be salted and rolled from it small meatballs, and thaw puff pastry and cut into thin strips according to the number of meatballs obtained - they need to be wrapped with them. Put the resulting balls on a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees - until crusty.

This is the simplest and most universal recipe - you can put any salad of those that the child likes, including traditional olivier and crab, into tartlets. Tartlets themselves can be either bought at any store or cooked from puff or shortcrust pastry in cupcake tins. As a result, the children's buffet table will be very supported.

Sweet table for children's birthday: making menus and recipes

It’s no secret that desserts are the most anticipated dish for both small birthday parties and guests, and (albeit secretly) for their parents. A sweet table can support the main meal or be an independent holiday menu, but the scope for serving it is truly unlimited. And to make a mistake with him will not work.

Curd and pineapple dessert

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg of sour cream;
  • 1 can of canned pineapple;
  • 0.5 l of pineapple juice;
  • 0.5 cans of condensed milk;
  • 25 gr gelatin;
  • a bag of vanillin.

Cooking time: 15 minutes plus time for solidification and soaking.

Calorie content: about 150 Kcal / 100 gr.

Initially, you need to soak the gelatin in pineapple juice for an hour, and then dissolve it on a small fire, not bringing the liquid to a boil. Further, the preparation is elementary - all ingredients except pineapples need to be whipped with a blender and combined with pieces of pineapples and a cooled gelatin mixture. Pour the mass into a mold or molds and let it solidify.

Buckwheat sweets “A la truffles”

Essential Ingredients:

  • 200 gr. buckwheat flour (it can be made independently in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of prune puree;
  • 5 pieces. whole prunes;
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of vegetable oil;
  • sesame for sprinkling.

Cooking time: half an hour.

Calorie content: about 300 Kcal / 100 gr.

First you need to mix all the dry ingredients, and then mix them with prune puree and yogurt, as well as sunflower oil. Finely chop the prunes.

Make small cakes from the finished dough, put a few pieces of prunes in them, close and form balls, which need to be put on a baking sheet and baked at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. When cooled, they will need to be dipped in honey and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Essential Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of "Anniversary" cookies;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 100 gr. Sahara.

Cooking time: 20 minutes plus 6 hours to freeze.

Calorie content: about 420 Kcal / 100 gr.

Cookies must be divided into two parts and one crushed in a blender, and the second broken into pieces manually. Melt the butter with milk, add cocoa powder and sugar, then bring the mixture to a boil.

Pour ground cookies, remove from heat and knead the resulting mass well, adding the remaining pieces of cookies to it, and put on cling film or parchment paper, forming a sausage shape. It remains to send the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours and cut into slices before serving.

How to decorate a children's table for a birthday: ideas, photos

One of the most relevant topics in the decor of children's parties today is “Princesses” and “Frozen” for girls, “Pirates” and “Minions” for boys.

You can create a fabulous atmosphere of the Disney holiday for the little princess with the help of bright and lush decorations - clusters of balloons, pink bows and ribbons, stretch marks with inscriptions, draperies of chairs, tables and lampshades, paper garlands. In this case, more flowers are desirable in the design - both living and artificial, and even in pots, as well as cardboard models of castles and towers or posters with drawings of them.

Cartoon "Frozen" won the hearts of all girls, so a holiday in this style will surely make them the happiest in the world. Here blue and white colors come to the fore, as well as any imitations of snow and ice.

Snowdrifts from sintepon or other material, cardboard figures, painted with glitter paint or coated with shiny glutinous paper, snowflakes from Christmas decorations, cookies of the same shape, muffins with blue cream and sprinkled with silver pastry toppings ... And balls.

You can arrange a pirate party for a little birthday with bandanas, vests and pirate hats, which are sold in many children's stores. You can also find toy daggers and treasure chests there. Bananas, chocolate coins, appetizers with seafood and caviar (you can imitate it) are obligatory in the treat.

“Minions” is adored by all children, therefore, designing a children's birthday in this style is suitable not only for boys, but also for mixed holidays. It is advisable to find hats or masks of minions for all guests, but you can simply print their images from the Internet and hang them on the walls.

You can write wish cards in the warped language of the minions and give them to the children, learn a funny dance with them. In the treats, bananas are also obligatory, as well as all kinds of images of these creatures.

And some more ideas for children's birthday dishes in the next video.