Master class: preparing oatmeal cookies. Oatmeal Cookies: Best Recipes

Oatmeal cookies are a very tasty and healthy dessert. Soviet delicacy with that name was available in almost every store. The home version is no less tasty, so almost everyone loves it. How to make oatmeal cookies? Below you will find some simple and versatile dessert recipes. With their help, you can easily, and most importantly, quickly cook your favorite treat with your family.

The history of oatmeal cookies dates back several centuries. It is believed that it first appeared in Scotland, where oats were more common than wheat. Oatmeal baked cakes on previously hot stones, which later became known as cookies. The recipe at that time in composition was significantly different from modern ones. Ground oats were mixed with water, resulting in a thick dough from which baked cakes. Sometimes sour cream was added to the dough to improve the taste.

During the First World War, special oat cookies were prepared for the soldiers of New Zealand, Australia, which did not spoil for a long time and gave a large amount of energy. It received the name ANZAK - by the abbreviated name of the army corps.

Useful properties of oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal, used for baking, is a source of a large amount of nutrients. Many vitamins, groups such as B, PP, H or E. They are responsible for the health of the nervous, vascular systems of a person, as well as for their normal functioning. Oatmeal cookies with minerals are no less rich.

It consists of:  calcium, potassium, iodine, magnesium and many others. Since oatmeal is rich in iron, it can increase hemoglobin growth.

It is best to cook oatmeal cookies at home. It should be consumed by young nursing mothers, pregnant women, children, as well as those who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal system. Due to the high content of real dietary fiber, it stimulates the intestines, encouraging it to work properly. This helps to get rid of many problems: excess weight, allergic reactions, diathesis and many other diseases.

Ingredients for Oatmeal Cookies

The main, as well as the most important ingredient of cookies is oatmeal or oatmeal. If you want them to taste, they are added to the dough whole. However, there are many recipes where it is used oatmeal - ground flakes. This processing method slightly changes the consistency of cookies.

The next ingredient is plain water. There are recipes for oatmeal cookies, where milk is used, then the dough turns out more delicious and tender. If you do not plan to make dessert diet, then sugar will be required.

True, in this case, the calorie content of oatmeal cookies will be quite high. Butter also adds calories to a delicious treat.

When you add it to the dough, you can significantly improve the consistency and facilitate the formation of cookies.

The most delicious oatmeal cookie recipes

We have compiled specially for you the most delicious and simple recipes for oatmeal cookies. Among them, you will also find lean and diet recipes. We hope you appreciate them.

Classic Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

The most delicious is considered the classic oatmeal cookie recipe. This is a true taste of childhood.

To prepare it, we need:

  • butter 250 grams;
  • sugar 2/3 cup;
  • flour 1 cup;
  • 2 eggs;
  • oatmeal 350 grams;
  • baking powder

How to cook:

You need to take a bowl of medium capacity and mix sugar well with butter. Grind it up until the oil changes color to white. Next, add eggs and beat with a whisk or mixer.

The flour is mixed separately with a baking powder, then, together with the flakes, it is poured into the egg-oil mass. Mix again and clean in the cold. The dough in the refrigerator is infused for 1.5-2 hours, after which you can start baking.

Small pieces are separated from it, from which cookies are formed, in the form of small cakes. It is more convenient to sculpt if you gradually wet your hands with cold water. So the dough will not stick, and the cookies will turn out smoother.

Cakes spread on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other. Bake dessert at high temperature for about 20 minutes. The finished cookies are cooled and served to the table. Homemade oatmeal cookies are crispy and extremely tasty. They serve it with tea, coffee, kefir or other drinks.

Lean Homemade Cookie Recipes

For those who follow their figure, the following recipes are a real salvation. Those who follow the fasts will also like them, because they do not contain eggs.

Recipe with Honey and Vegetable Oil

Lean oatmeal cookies can be made quickly and easily. For the preparation of a delicious, diet dessert, appropriate products will be required.

To do this, you will need:

  • oat flakes - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil 6 tablespoons;
  • melted honey 3 tablespoons;
  • soda or baking powder;
  • chopped nuts (any to taste) - half a glass.

How to cook:

Cooking lean oatmeal cookies at home as follows. Oatmeal flakes are well grinded in a blender. Mix them with honey, oil and other ingredients. The dough should be thick so that it can form cakes.

Next, fashioned cookies are sent to a baking sheet and into the oven. Dessert is prepared for 20-25 minutes at high temperature. Then the treat is cooled, then served to the table. Dietary oatmeal cookies turn out to be no less tasty than classic.

Oatmeal Cookies with Banana

The fruit dessert is very delicate and delicious in taste. Since eggs and butter are not included in the recipe, the dish can be called a diet.

What is required:

  • banana 2 pcs.;
  • flakes (hercules) 1.5 cups;
  • cinnamon 1 tsp;
  • dried fruits 0.5 cups.

How to cook:

To make lean oatmeal cookies, you need to do the following. Bananas are peeled and ground to a slurry. Flakes are poured into the resulting mass and allowed to infuse well. Raisins, prunes, dried apricots and other selected dried fruits must be scalded with boiling water.

Next, dried fruit is cut very finely and added to the overall mixture. Bake cookies in the oven at high temperature for just over a quarter of an hour. This dietary recipe for oatmeal cookies is useful when cooking is very short. To improve the taste, dessert is sprinkled with coconut, almonds or nuts.

Probably many wondered how many calories are in oatmeal cookies? Indeed, for all its usefulness, flour, sugar and other additives used in recipes significantly increase its energy value.

The following homemade oatmeal cookie recipe does not imply the use of flour and a sweetener is used as a sweetener.

In a deep bowl, a glass of cereal is poured with milk (0.5 cups) and left to swell for half an hour. Then only yolks (2 pcs.) Are added to the oatmeal and mixed well.

The sweetener is diluted with water and poured into the resulting mass.

The proteins are whipped separately at a very high speed to obtain a thick white mass. You can add a little salt when whipping, so the process will go much faster. Then the protein foam is slowly mixed into the first mass so as not to damage the texture.

They cover the baking sheet with paper and form small balls with a spoon. In the process of baking, they will settle a little and turn into a delicious cookie. Dessert is prepared in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve a treat with tea or fruit drink.

Egg-free oatmeal cookies

You can easily cook such a delicious dessert without the main binder - without eggs.

For this unique recipe we will need:

  • wheat flour of the first grade;
  • oatmeal flakes 1.5 cups;
  • butter 1 pack;
  • nuts or seeds 0.5 cups;
  • soda or baking powder;
  • vanillin;
  • granulated sugar 0.5 cups.

How to cook:

Oil must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and left at room temperature to soften. In a deep bowl mix nuts, seeds (peeled), cereal and sugar. Soda, vanillin and flour are added there. The oil is divided into small pieces, then added to the finished mixture.

Of all the ingredients, thick dough is kneaded. Nipping off small pieces, form small balls the size of a ball from a ping-pong. They are laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and sent to the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake until a beautiful crust appears.

Kefir oatmeal cookies

This one of the diet recipes for oatmeal cookies will appeal to many losing weight. It does not contain sugar, eggs and butter, so the dessert is low-calorie. Instead of a sweetener, natural honey is used, 2-3 tablespoons are enough.

The cooking process is very simple. Flakes (1.5 cups) are poured with 300 grams of fresh kefir and left to soak. After that, vanillin, cinnamon, soda, dried fruits or candied fruits are added to the cup. Knead the dough thoroughly. If there is a desire to get cookies that are even in shape, then dried fruit must be finely chopped beforehand.

Delicious Oatmeal Cookies

This special recipe will appeal to children and adults. A delicious oatmeal dessert with apples, raisins and nuts is very tender, and in addition is rich in vitamins and minerals. How to cook?

The softened butter is beaten very carefully with sugar until a lush white mass appears. Without ceasing to beat, add cinnamon, vanilla, egg to the oil. At the very end add vinegar slaked soda. Nuts, apples are peeled, chopped, raisins are poured with boiling water and everything is gradually added to the total mass.

The dough should be well kneaded until thick. If it turned out to be liquidy, you can add some more cereal. Next, a small spoon is formed into a small spoon and spread on a prepared baking sheet. Cookies are prepared quite quickly. As soon as the surface is browned, it can be taken out and served to the table.

This simple recipe for oatmeal cookies can be changed at your discretion, changing its composition. For example, instead of apples, you can use pear or citrus fruits, and instead of raisins, favorite candied fruits. It all depends on your preferences and taste. In any case, the dessert turns out to be incredibly tasty and as useful as possible.

Some Tricks of Delicious Cookies

Cooking any dish requires skill and experience from the cook. Without observing some of the subtleties, creating a delicious dessert simply will not work.

  1. Oatmeal cookies turn out to be much tastier and more tender if you use instant Herculean flakes when mixing the dough. They have already undergone minimal processing and become soft much faster.
  2. If you don’t like the appearance of a whole oatmeal dessert, you can grind them with a blender. The dough in this case will be more uniform, and the cookies more beautiful.
  3. If you plan to cook a treat with pieces of chocolate, then it should first be frozen. White, bitter or milky - to choose from. You can add chocolate only at the very last stage of preparation.
  4. Due to its many beneficial properties, oatmeal cookies can be used as breakfast. This is the best substitute for cereals for little sick.
  5. The thinner the dough layer, the more crumbly the dessert will turn out. If the ball or cake is formed large, then the treat on the outside will be crispy, and on the inside very soft.
  6. By the way, it is not worth keeping cookies in the oven before they become hard. It hardens after a while, after it cools down.
  7. They serve ready-made meals with any drinks, both hot and cold.

As you can see, it’s not difficult to cook a tasty treat known since the Soviet times. It will turn out to be more tender and useful than in the store, because in the production they use various chemical additives to increase the shelf life.

Why spend extra money and endanger your health? Cook at home, according to the recipes - you and your family will be satisfied.

Greetings to my friends and guests of the blog. Today I will talk about how to make delicious cookies made from oatmeal or from "Hercules", as they are also called.

Why buy in the store what you can cook yourself quickly and much better. I’m not joking, you’ll spend a maximum of 20-25 minutes on everything. And even a girl can handle such simple recipes.

By the way, you noticed how interesting the children's stomach is. They can’t eat porridge for breakfast, they are full. But, after that, cookies with tea can pick up the whole plate. My son was always so cunning in childhood.

And there are also stupid situations when you sit with guests and someone dunks a treat in tea, but it fell apart. You try to pick up with a spoon, but it falls apart even more. So you sit with a silly look and drink some nonsense.

In general, today I will describe in detail several recipes for such a delicious oatmeal dessert. After all, as usual, each housewife has her own way with her own “twist”, which is why they differ from everyone. But the main thing is that the result itself does not disappoint anyone. Cook and enjoy yummy.

This is my favorite recipe. I like it with nuts in the dough. However, if there are no nuts at hand or you simply do not want to add them, then do not take them into account and that’s all. Or almonds can be replaced with other nuts. You can grind them in a blender or just very finely chopped with a knife.


  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Ground almonds - 1 cup
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 170 gr
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 50-70 gr
  • Butter - 100 gr
  • Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Salt - 2 pinches

1. Put flour, sugar, almonds and cereal in a bowl in random order. Add baking powder and salt. Break the eggs there. And the last - put butter in chopped pieces. Mix all this into a homogeneous mass and leave for 20-30 minutes, so that it "gets stuck".

2. Then add raisins and mix. Then refrigerate for 30 minutes.

3. Prepare a baking sheet and place parchment paper on it. Turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and just sculpt small flat cakes of any size you want. Place them on a baking sheet with a good distance from each other.

4. Put in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. You can determine the readiness of the cookie when it turns golden. Immediately after baking, it is soft and then hardens and becomes crispy. It tastes very good. It’s great for tea.

A delicious classic raisin delicacy

But the recipe according to GOST. Like hello from childhood. These cookies were sold in stores. And I loved them very much. And now I cook it myself for my relatives. A very simple and affordable set of products. They are designed for five servings. If you want more, just increase the proportions evenly.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it melts a little and becomes softer.


  • Oatmeal flakes - 150 gr
  • Raisins - 20 gr
  • Butter - 120 gr
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanilla Sugar - 5 g
  • Flour - 110 gr
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

1. Mix the butter with the egg and add sugar. Grind with a whisk or a fork until smooth.

2. Add baking powder, sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. Mix everything.

Flour must be sifted through a sieve.

3. After that add the oatmeal, mix and put the last ingredient - raisins. Once again, mix everything in a homogeneous mass.

Rinse in advance, dry with a paper towel and steam with boiling water for 5 minutes.

4. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Prepare a baking sheet, put parchment paper on it. Now we begin to make cakes and lay on a baking sheet. Do not put close to each other, leave a distance. Bake for 10-12 minutes.

And here we get such a wonderful and tasty miracle after baking. Let cool and then treat yourself and treat your loved ones.

Dietary Hercules and Banana Cookies. Recipe without flour and sugar

A great diet dessert comes from just three ingredients. Nuts can be removed from the recipe, but tastes better with them. In addition, walnuts can be replaced with any others that you like. But, in my opinion, in this recipe they are best in harmony with other products.


  • Oatmeal - 1 cup
  • Banana (ripe) - 2 pcs.
  • Walnuts - 1/2 cup
  • Cinnamon or vanilla - as desired and to taste

For greater sweetness, you can add half a tablespoon of maple syrup or honey. But this is optional.

1. Take the bananas, peel and cut into slices in a bowl. Mash into gruel with a fork or use a blender.

2. Then add the cereal to the banana slurry and mix until smooth.

3. Cut the nuts directly with a knife into very small pieces. Then send them to the dough. Mix thoroughly again.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. And on a baking sheet with parchment, lay directly with a spoon of tortillas and do not press them much. The size of the cakes is at your discretion, you can make them generally chaotic.

5. Put in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. Look, when they are browned, then they are ready. They can stick to paper a bit, that's okay. Let them cool slightly and remove from the pan with a spatula.

If you want cookies to be more rosy, add 1/2 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. Best Coconut. But remember that it will increase the calorie content of your baking.

Tender kefir oatmeal pastries

I found a very good video for you with a detailed description of delicious kefir cookies. With this recipe, everything should work out just fine for you. I also cook like that and the treat just melts in my mouth.


  • Oatmeal flakes - 160 gr
  • Flour - 160 gr
  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Butter - 125 gr
  • Honey - 2 teaspoons
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Kefir 2% - 4 tablespoons
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Salt - 1/4 teaspoon

Everything is very cool described. The only thing I would do differently was to place it on a baking sheet with a little more distance, because the dough had spread out and stuck together during baking. So it will be more convenient to get a spatula. By the way, kefir and oil can be replaced with 200 grams of fat cream, but this is the nuances for every housewife. Everything else is just a miracle.

Recipe for oat treats with cottage cheese, without flour

I want to draw your attention to this option. With all its advantages, it is also useful, thanks to cottage cheese. And it turns out moderately sweet. In principle, it can also be classified as dietary, since we do not add flour here


  • Hercules - 400 gr
  • Cottage cheese - 350 gr
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 gr
  • Oil - 100 gr
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Soda - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Vanillin - a pinch

1. To begin with, we need to grind the flakes into small crumbs using a blender or coffee grinder.

2. In a deep bowl, break the eggs and mix with sugar. Then add pre-softened butter and grind everything to a uniform consistency. Next, add the cottage cheese and mix in the dough.

3. Mash the banana with a fork into the pulp. The more ripe you have a banana, the easier it will be to knead. Then add it to the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Pour soda and vanillin there. All mix.

4. Last add ground flakes and mix everything. Add better in several parts to control the density.

5. Now you can form cookies and spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Take a little dough with a spoon and blindfold the ball with your hands, put it on a baking sheet, pressing it slightly. And so do with the remaining mass. Next, send the pan into the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25-30 minutes.

6. When it is ready, remove from the pan and let cool. It will become crispy when cooled and can be served with tea.

If you have children, I’m afraid that while you are pouring tea, they will already remove all the yummy into their tummies. Well, it’s just not possible to resist the temptation.

Well, my dears, today I have come to an end. I think that you will not be limited to the choice of one recipe, because they are all very good and the pastries are incredibly tasty. So cook, especially since you won’t spend much time. But your family will thank you. Enjoy your tea party!

Crispy, aromatic, with raisins, chocolate chips or pieces of fruit ... Homemade oatmeal cookies - a tasty and healthy treat!

  - A recognized treat for both adults and children. This is a great choice for breakfast, especially if you add crispy gingerbread to a glass of milk.

Oat, which forms the basis of cookies, contains a whole range of nutrients. These are B vitamins, fiber, amino acids and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. And what is especially valuable - even after heat treatment, the healing properties of this cereal remain unchanged.

Oatmeal cookies are prepared with and without eggs, with and without flour, with butter and vegetable oil, with sugar and honey, with kefir, milk and sour cream. Especially tasty are oatmeal cakes with berries, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, chocolate, jam, pieces of fruit.

Dietary, lean, cottage cheese, chocolate, date - there are so many recipes for oatmeal cookies that every lover of crispy pastries will be able to choose a treat to their liking.

We will consider the most popular oatmeal cookie recipes that will appeal to both adults and small sweet tooths, and are suitable for those who like chocolate, cottage cheese, dried fruits, and those who fast or diet.

Recipe 1. Classic Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 250 g of butter, 150 g of sugar, 150 g of oatmeal, finely ground, 2 eggs, 200-250 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder or 1 teaspoon of soda, slaked vinegar. Nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots, prunes - at will.

Beat eggs lightly. Rub the butter with sugar, add the eggs, oatmeal, dried fruit and mix well. Sift flour with baking powder and add to the creamy mass. Knead a not very cool dough and put it in the refrigerator for an hour - you need the flakes to swell slightly. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper. From the "rested" dough, form small cakes and put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, at a distance from each other (during the baking process, the gingerbread cookies will increase. Bake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 180º.

Recipe 2. Curd Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 3 large eggs, 200 g butter, 200 g cottage cheese, 500 g oatmeal, 300 g flour, one teaspoon of baking powder or hydrated soda. Salt, paprika, red pepper, dry garlic - to taste.

Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grind oatmeal into large crumbs. Add cottage cheese, flour, oatmeal, baking powder and beaten eggs. Lastly add the butter (melted and chilled) and knead the dough well. Allow it to “rest” on the table for 30 minutes, and then spread over a greased baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 220º. Ready cookies, while it is still warm, cut into diamonds.

Recipe 3. Date Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 100 g Hercules flakes, 100 g pitted dates, 150 g sugar, 150 g butter, 150 g flour, 3 teaspoons of baking powder.

Cut the dates and boil for 5 minutes in a small amount of water (about 150 ml). While the dates are cooling, mix the flour, oatmeal and baking powder in a deep bowl. Then add chopped butter to this mixture and grind it well with flour. The resulting mixture should resemble breadcrumbs. Then add 100 g of sugar to the dough, mix thoroughly, pour in the water in which the dates were cooked, and mix again. Oil the baking sheet and sprinkle with flour. It is advisable to take a round shape with a diameter of about 20 cm or a rectangular baking sheet of 18x25 cm. Divide the dough into 2 parts: one “cover” the form, put dates on top, and put the other half of the dough on top. Bake for 40-45 minutes at 180º. Finished cake after cooling, cut into squares.

Recipe 4. Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 4 eggs, 80 g of oatmeal, 85 g of sugar, 1 tablespoon of starch, 2 tablespoons of melted butter, vanilla sugar to taste. For glaze: 3 tablespoons of milk, 50 g of chocolate, 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Grind oatmeal into small crumbs (but not to the state of the powder). Beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla, starch, butter and cereal, mix well. From the finished dough, form gingerbread cookies and spread on a baking sheet, oiled. It is most convenient to do this with a tablespoon, moistening it in water. Bake until browned at 180º. Melt chocolate with milk and powdered sugar in a steam bath and dip the gingerbread cookies in liquid glaze after they cool slightly on a baking sheet.

Recipe 5. Lean Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of natural honey, 100 g of walnuts, 1.5 cups of oatmeal, vegetable oil, soda on the tip of a knife or half a teaspoon of baking powder.

Using a blender, grind oatmeal to a state of fine crumbs. Slightly fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, and then chop finely. It is very convenient to do this using a rolling pin: put nuts, cover with cling film and crush using a rolling pin. Mix the finished nuts with oatmeal, honey and vegetable oil (pour in the oil gradually to make a dough of medium density). Add soda (or baking powder) at the very end. Knead uniform dough. Form oval cakes from it with wet hands. Put them on a greased baking sheet and bake in a well-heated oven until rosy. Ready gingerbreads, when they cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 6. Dietary Oatmeal Cookies

Ingredients: 1.5 cups of oatmeal, 50 g of natural honey, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, favorite dried fruits, sunflower oil.

Pour boiling water over oatmeal, and when they swell, add cottage cheese, honey, and finely chopped dried fruits. You can take dates, raisins, dried apricots, figs, dried cherries. With dates, for example, sweet cookies will turn out, and with dried cherries, gingerbread cookies will have a spicy sourness. The main thing is that oatmeal cookies prepared according to this recipe are useful and at the same time safe for the figure. Knead the dough with your hands until smooth, form small cookies and lay in rows on a baking sheet - you need to cover it with baking paper and grease with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Bake until golden in a well-heated oven. The finished gingerbread, among other advantages, has a fantastic smell and wonderful taste.

Recipe 7. Oatmeal Cookies with Nuts

Ingredients: 90 g of oatmeal (not chopped), 75 g of brown Muscovado unrefined light brown cane sugar, 3 tablespoons of butter, 2 protein, 100 chopped walnuts, 2 tablespoons of wholemeal.

Turn on the oven 190 °. Melt the butter and cool, add oatmeal, nuts, protein, sugar and flour. Knead uniform dough. Cover the baking dish with parchment, grease it with the remaining piece of butter and spread the cookies at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other: from the finished dough, form about 12 gingerbread cookies with your hands. Flatten the cakes with a fork so that they are no thicker than 0.5 cm. Bake until golden brown in a heated oven for 15-20 minutes. Store finished oatmeal cookies in a bowl with a tight-fitting lid.

1.   For the preparation of oatmeal cookies, both conventional oatmeal and instant flakes are suitable. To make the dough tasty, the flakes are usually ground in a blender or meat grinder to a state of coarse grinding.

2.   After kneading, you need to give the test a "rest" an hour and a half, so that the flakes absorb moisture and swell. Thanks to this, the dough becomes thicker and does not spread on the baking sheet, and the cakes themselves are baked more evenly.

3.   Butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and added to the dough softened so that it mixes easily with other ingredients. Also, do not replace butter with margarine, it is a very harmful product, it is made from cheap artificial fats.

4.   There are some subtleties when baking oatmeal cookies. As soon as a golden crust appears, immediately remove the gingerbread from the oven, do not overdo it, otherwise they will harden. When the cookies have cooled, put them in a bowl and cover with a towel.

Buying oatmeal cakes in the supermarket, especially if you are going to treat them with a child, is not worth it: just read what they are made of. These supplements can cause allergies or diathesis in children.

It is better to cook oatmeal cookies at home: take good-quality oatmeal, natural butter, add homemade cottage cheese, nuts, pieces of fresh berries or your favorite dried fruits - you will get a tasty and really healthy treat.

For many, the taste of oatmeal cookies is associated with childhood. It is impossible to forget the smell that rang around the house when my mother baked oatmeal gingerbread cookies, a wonderful aroma that made grabbed rosy cookies still hot right from the baking sheet.

  Alesya Musiyuk

Hello friends! Tell me, is there at least someone here who will refuse the freshest home-made cookies? Well, maybe the really hot muffin and cupcake fans will doubtfully raise an eyebrow. But if it is a fragrant oatmeal cookie at home, then here, I think, no one can resist.

And it’s true, it’s preparing quickly, thanks to Hercules it is nutritious, and even low-calorie or even dietary - it's just the perfect breakfast! At the same time, oatmeal cookie recipes suggest the possibility of using different goodies at home as additives, so I want to eat it for lunch and dinner with the same appetite.

Therefore, today I propose to learn how to cook the most delicious homemade oatmeal cookies from Hercules, and at the same time thoroughly understand all the intricacies of this popularly beloved treat.

We start logically with the classic recipe for oatmeal, and then move on to culinary delights in the form of more dietary cookies, and, of course, everyone's favorite chocolate.

But first I want to talk about some useful tricks:

  1. Hercules for oatmeal cookies you need to choose high-quality and always coarse. The time required for its preparation and indicated on the packaging will tell you about this. 15 minutes and longer is what we are looking for. From instant cereal good homemade cookies do not blind.
  2. Balls are often formed to bake cookies from the dough. In the process, they still “diverge”, so between them you need to leave a place with a margin. The balls themselves do not need to do more than a walnut. Please also note: the smaller the size of the balls, the more crispy the finished cookies will come out.
  3. Ready cookies at the time of extracting it from the oven will be soft and this is normal. It will harden in the process of cooling.

Well, theories, in my opinion, are enough, so I will gladly turn to practice.

Recipe 1. Classic Oatmeal Cookies

Immediately make a reservation, at home, cookies according to this recipe are baked without eggs.

It is as tasty as what was done in the distant past of GOSTs and bought in Soviet stores. And, of course, far superior to what is sold today and often made from questionable quality products.

We will need:

  • oatmeal or ready-made flour - 75 gr.
  • softened butter - 85 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 125 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (10 g.)
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp without slide
  • water - 50−75 ml
  • salt - 1/3 tsp without slide
  • wheat flour - 170 gr. + 5 gr. on the heat
  • soda - 1/3 tsp without slide

The recipe is designed for 25 cookies.

How to cook:

  1. First, prepare the oatmeal. For this, Hercules flakes, selected in accordance with the characteristics indicated above, must be ground in a coffee grinder. If there is no coffee grinder, the blender and its chopping bowl will help out.
  2. Another way is to slightly dry the flakes in the oven, put it on a sheet of paper, cover with a second and “roll” several times from above with a rolling pin.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210ºС. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper.
  4. In a blender or mixer, grind soft butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and cinnamon until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. In 50 ml of room temperature water, dissolve the salt and add to the oil along with oatmeal.
  6. We scroll a few turns of the blender or mixer to combine the two mixtures.
  7. We introduce wheat flour mixed with soda and knead a homogeneous dough with our hands.
  8. We collect the dough into a ball, and if the dough crumbles, add some more water.
  9. We dust the working surface with flour and roll out a layer with a thickness of 5 mm and cut out round cookies with a diameter of 6 cm.
  10. If you make cookies with a thickness of 5 mm, then they will come out more crispy. A thicker layer will result in soft oatmeal cookies. See according to your preference.
  11. We shift the sliced \u200b\u200bcookies onto a baking sheet at a distance of 1 cm and send to the already waiting preheated oven for 12-15 minutes.

Advice - do not “fry” the cookie strongly, otherwise it will be too hard.

Needless to say, at home this simple recipe can be supplemented with everything that comes to your mind - chocolate drops, raisins, walnuts, prunes, the list goes on and on almost endlessly. The result in any way will be both tasty and dietary enough. You must admit that this recipe alone is already enough to pleasantly pass the baking process more than one evening.

Recipe 2. Cookies with Hercules at home

Between cakes, homemade oatmeal cookies are my favorite treat.

The risk of failure with this cookie is extremely negligible. Therefore, when you need to do it quickly, tasty and guaranteed successfully, I take it.

In addition, oatmeal cookies are the most grateful pastries: whatever you put in it, it will always turn out delicious.

We will need:

  • flour - 65 gr.
  • whole grain flour - 65 gr.
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil (I have melted coconut) - 80 gr.
  • brown sugar - 150 gr.
  • large egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet or ground cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • oat flakes, such as hercules - 50 gr.
  • raisins or nuts - 80 gr. (or halved nuts and raisins)

Cooking process:

  1. We heat the oven to 180ºС, cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a small bowl, mix the two types of flour, baking powder and vanilla sugar or cinnamon.
  3. In a deep bowl, mix the butter, sugar and egg.
  4. Pour the flour mixture into a bowl with liquid ingredients and mix briefly.
  5. Then add the oatmeal and raisins / nuts, and mix again a little.
  6. From the resulting dough, we pluck the pieces the size of a walnut and spread on a baking sheet at a distance from each other (cookies will be much apart when baking)
  7. We bake oatmeal cookies in an oven preheated to 180º for 15-17 minutes or until golden barrels.
  8. We cool the cookies for 5 minutes on a baking sheet, and then transfer to the wire rack until completely cooled.

It should be noted that if you want to get oatmeal cookies at home, similar to store cookies, then use cinnamon for the aroma (you can combine it with vanilla). It is cinnamon that gives the same unique taste to oatmeal liver.

Recipe 3. Homemade oatmeal cookies with chocolate and coconut

Here you can also give free rein to imagination: chocolate, for example, can be replaced with walnuts or raisins, but with chocolate it turns out very tasty. I advise.

Essential Ingredients:

  • medium-sized banana, ripe - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 75 gr.
  • brown sugar - 60 gr.
  • odorless vegetable oil (I have melted coconut) - 80 ml
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • flour - 125 gr.
  • oatmeal - 170 gr.
  • soda - ½ tsp
  • ground cinnamon - ¼ tsp
  • a pinch of salt
  • dark chocolate, ground - 70 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 °. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Knead a banana in a deep bowl with a fork until it is mashed.
  3. Add white and brown sugar, vegetable oil, vanilla extract and mix with a whisk until smooth.
  4. We introduce flour, oatmeal, soda, cinnamon, salt, crushed chocolate and coconut.
  5. Knead thoroughly with your hands until a thick, uniform dough is obtained.
  6. With wet hands, we form balls of approximately 30 g. each, put them on a baking sheet at a distance from each other and gently press with your fingers. Such cookies hold their shape quite well.
  7. Bake 12-14 minutes until golden brown, remove and leave for 5 minutes on a baking sheet.
  8. Then we shift to the grate until it cools completely.

Chocolate and healthy oatmeal jam at home is ready! Crispy on top, but soft and tender inside - we’ll get such cookies. Fold a few pieces with a slide, tie them with a pretty ribbon, and here's a simple and tasty gift for your beloved friend, made in your own kitchen.

You can experiment with recipes for oatmeal cookies indefinitely. They look great cottage cheese and bananas, apples, any berries, nuts - from walnuts to exotic pecans. The main thing is not to restrain your creative impulses, and delicious discoveries will immediately make themselves felt! And for inspiration - always welcome!

I just recently noticed that even once, if my memory serves me, I haven’t cooked oatmeal cookies twice according to the same recipe. Always at least something, but change. And apparently, I will never be able to repeat a recipe, because the options for oatmeal cookies, which can be prepared at home, are just an endless amount.

Here are some more oatmeal cookie recipes:

What recipes for homemade oatmeal cookies do you like most? Share in the comments, I'm very very interested!

I say goodbye to new meetings and to the next oatmeal cookies.

Good luck, love and patience.


Yesterday I had a fun day, however, this is a normal day for a mother of two children. I finally found some time to clean up the kitchen cabinet where I store the groceries. And I found there a bunch of interesting things. For example, a few open packages of granulated sugar - I often bake and always take it in reserve, and because of the heap of packages in the closet, I can forget about it and buy more. In addition, wheat groats were found in the cupboard (I took them even when Jamil ate cereal, and it was still not useful), from which I will bake original bread, which I will tell you about and the packaging of oatmeal, which we handed to us at the supermarket in as a gift. As in ordinary life we \u200b\u200bdon’t eat oatmeal, I decided to outwit everyone and do so to eat it without even realizing.

Yes! Magic Google saved me again and now I’ll tell you how to cook oatmeal cookies literally with one left. While I cooked them, the children had fun as they could. Laila, four and a half months old, learned to sit and menacingly rattled. And Jamil is my elder, the three-year-old, as usual, smashed everything around. Thanks to the nanny who worked with him, otherwise I wouldn’t tell you here about this oatmeal oatmeal cookie - an indispensable option for mothers who have a cook in one hand and a child in the other.

Although, we must pay tribute, Jamil often helps me sculpt something from the dough. And when there is no test, I occupy him with plasticine Play doh. He helps me out a lot in the absence of a nanny. Jamil loves him, and I like him, because it's not just plasticine, but there are a bunch of all kinds of interesting sets for creativity. You can cut out various molds, sculpt dresses for dolls, pass plasticine through a figured press. Here is a set, for example . True beauty?

They have sets for kids too. Even if a child accidentally swallows a bite, nothing will happen to him, because this plasticine is made of edible products.

In general, so that you do not have what is in this video, we quickly make my oatmeal cookies.

For oatmeal cookies we need:

* 1 portion - 16 pieces

  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of flour with a slide
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar (or a pinch of vanillin)
  • 100 gr. butter

* Note: a glass - 250 ml

In fact, the original recipe had two tbsp. tablespoons of flour without a hill and there was no sugar at all, but we are a sweet tooth, so I adapted the recipe.

Stages of cooking:

If you want, you can add cinnamon or raisins to the dough. My cookies without anything turned out to be very tasty and tender (there is almost no flour there), something similar to meringue and I must say, went with a bang.