Pickled Shrimp.

To cook the shrimp, they are first soaked in the marinade. Marinating is the best way to make them melt in your mouth, juicy and tender. There are plenty of ways to pickle shrimp. With preliminary marinating, seafood becomes more nutritious and is easier to digest in the digestive tract. The marinade envelops the meat, preventing the juice from flowing out during cooking, and prevents it from burning. Thanks to this, pickled shrimp will be not only tasty, but also healthy. It remains only to choose the appropriate shrimp marinade and the recipe for pickled shrimp will be perfect.

Marinade Shrimp Recipe

Shrimps under the marinade will turn out to be very tasty if you follow all the steps of the recipe, their taste will not leave anyone indifferent. You can serve them as a separate snack or make salads. Shrimps prepared according to this recipe are already ready for use, even without additional frying.

For cooking you will need:

  • about 1 kg of peeled shrimp;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil without a specific smell;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 50 ml of soy sauce;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • half a small spoon of paprika;
  • half red hot pepper;
  • a small spoonful of mustard cereal;
  • 2 large spoons of wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • half a teaspoon of turmeric;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

How to pickle shrimp:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water in a suitable container, dissolve the salt, boil for a couple of minutes, cool slightly. Then pour shrimp with this composition and leave for 30 minutes. When time is up, put the seafood in a colander.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine soy sauce, 50 ml of water, butter, sugar, spices. Put everything on a slow fire, bring to a boil, without ceasing to mix.
  3. Put prepared seafood in a bowl, sprinkle with vinegar, then spread the chopped garlic and pour the marinade so that it does not have time to cool down, mix.
  4. You need to marinate the shrimp for half an hour, cover with cling film and put in the refrigerator.

Wine Based

The advantage of this recipe is that you can choose any shrimp to your taste, peeled or not, large or small, and you can also combine different ones, decorating the dish.

Wine will add piquancy to shrimp and make the taste more refined.

For cooking you need:

  • 750 g of shrimp;
  • salt;
  • 4 cloves of garlic, sliced;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 6 - 8 branches of dill;
  • 200 ml of dry white wine;
  • cooking oil, it is better to take olive;
  • for serving lemon.

How to marinate shrimp with wine:

  1. Marinating shrimp before frying is carried out in wine with salt, garlic and pepper, put dill sprigs in the same place. It is better to wait longer for the meat to soak in a delicious piquant marinade. To do this, it is recommended to leave the entire workpiece for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  2. Remove the meat from the marinade, peel the garlic and dill, dip it with napkins or a paper towel.
  3. Pour olive oil into the pan and wait for the surface to warm up.
  4. Fry seafood in batches - each shrimp should be well fried. After each batch, change the oil to fresh. Shrimp meat is fried quickly - for a minute on each side.

Serving the finished dish is recommended with lemon sliced \u200b\u200binto slices. Cooking it is quite easy, but it turns out very tasty, suitable for a festive table. Despite the rather high cost, this seafood is so useful that it is sometimes worth pampering yourself with this delicacy.

In lemon juice

Shrimps in a marinade with lemon juice are perfect for the holidays. It is a delicious and simple appetizer.

For cooking you need:

  • celery stalk, cut into large pieces;
  • 1 red onion, sliced \u200b\u200bin thin slices;
  • thin sliced \u200b\u200blemon;
  • 450 g raw peeled shrimp;
  • dill;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  • half a glass of olive oil;
  • a fourth of hot red pepper, cut into small pieces;
  • sprigs of thyme;
  • clove of garlic;
  • capers with marinade - 2 large spoons;
  • 2 tablespoons granular mustard.


  1. Stir in a large saucepan celery, half onion, half lemon, salt, dilute all with 4 glasses of water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover, reduce heat to a minimum, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Now you should add the shrimp, then immediately remove the pan from the heat and cover.
  4. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, so that the meat turns pink, and then drain the broth.
  5. At the bottom of a liter can, put the dill inflorescence, then lay the seafood in layers, the remaining lemon, onion, thyme, garlic, capers and mustard.
  6. Separately, mix vinegar with olive oil in a glass - they will exfoliate, pour them into a jar of shrimp. It is necessary that the composition completely covers them. If this does not happen, you can add oil directly to the jar.
  7. Close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.
  8. After that, the shrimp will turn into a delicious gourmet appetizer.

As a result, the dish is simple and very tasty. Marinating gives sophistication to taste. Shrimps prepared in this way will help diversify both everyday and holiday menus.

Korean style with soy sauce

Soy sauce goes well with any seafood. This is an interesting tasty shrimp marinade recipe with soy sauce and spices. The sauce emphasizes the unusual taste and tenderness of seafood.

For the recipe you need:

  • a pound of peeled shrimp;
  • 5 large spoons of soy sauce;
  • 3 large spoons of olive oil;
  • grated ginger root; (how much? tablespoon)
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • lemon juice;
  • starch;
  • cilantro, chili pepper, salt.

How to marinate prawns for frying in a pan:

  1. Mix soy sauce with 2 minced cloves of garlic, add finely chopped cilantro.
  2. In this mixture, marinate the shrimp before frying for 15 minutes.
  3. Heat olive oil in a pan and fry 2 more chopped cloves of garlic, pepper in it, then fry seafood for 3 minutes on each side.
  4. Put the seafood on the cooked plate, and pour the shrimp marinade in the pan for frying in a pan with soy sauce, add lemon juice, salt to it and bring to a boil. Put the meat in the sauce and cook for no more than 1 minute.

Before serving dishes for aroma, you can decorate it with cilantro. It will fill the seafood with aroma and make them even more appetizing. Such shrimp will become a real traditional dish for holidays and family dinners.

For grill

Grilled prawns are not only tasty, but also healthy. They are prepared in this way very quickly, the main thing is to learn how to fry them on the grill, and also, which is very important, to marinate correctly first.

For cooking you need:

  • 1 kg of shrimp;
  • a third of a glass of olive oil;
  • the fourth part of a glass of tomato sauce;
  • 2 large spoons of wine vinegar;
  • fresh basil, finely chopped;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, ground pepper.


  1. First you need to properly defrost seafood. Put the shrimp in a sieve so that the thawing is gradual and they are not immersed in the resulting water.
  2. For marinade, you need to cook bulk dishes, mix vinegar, oil, tomato sauce, finely chopped garlic and basil in it. Then add salt and pepper.
  3. Pour the meat with fried shrimp marinade and leave it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. It is recommended to cover the bowl with a food film or a lid so that odors do not penetrate inside.
  4. Take out the shrimp and string on the skewers, a little greasing with olive oil for an appetizing look.
  5. Skewers are placed on the grill and fried on both sides until cooked.

The taste of marinated seafood on the grill will not leave anyone indifferent. In addition, all useful elements are preserved in the meat.

For barbecue

Cooking shrimp with the barbecue for a short time, their aroma will delight guests, but before frying it is important to properly marinate and prepare seafood.

To prepare grilled shrimp marinated in soy sauce, you will need:

  • 1 kg of peeled shrimp;
  • basil and dill;
  • 50 ml of soy sauce;
  • 100 ml of pomegranate juice;
  • 50 ml tartar sauce;
  • half a hot pepper pod;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 40 ml sesame oil;
  • 30 g of brown sugar.


  1. Mix soy sauce with juice, tartar sauce, sesame oil, sugar, chopped garlic, pepper in a small bowl. The marinade is heated over low heat, it must be constantly stirred until the sugar is completely dispersed. Then remove from heat and cool.
  2. The resulting spicy marinade for shrimp on the grill should be poured with seafood and allowed to stand for 1 hour in a cool place. Long pickling does not harm the dish at all.
  3. Shrimps are strung on skewers or, if desired, laid out on a wire rack. It should be fried on moderately heated coals for one and a half minutes on each side.
  4. Shrimps marinated in soy sauce with garlic and spices, served with finely chopped dill and basil.

Cooking marinated shrimp on the grill will not take much time, but the result will be amazingly tasty. Already during the frying process, you can enjoy a mouth-watering, incomparable aroma. You can serve seafood with sour cream and garlic sauce, which will add even more piquancy and a unique taste.

The beneficial properties of shrimp

Due to its rich composition and calorie intake, the use of shrimp is well reflected in the functions of various organs and systems in the body. The health benefits of such meat are as follows:

  • Iodine content - it helps the endocrine system to work properly, the person’s overall health is normalized, and the brain works more actively.
  • Magnesium, potassium and sodium in the composition helps to improve heart function.
  • Sulfur promotes the production of oxygen, thereby supporting the functioning of the brain.
  • Shrimp - an excellent prevention of the development of oncology.

All of these trace elements are not only found in meat, they are easily digested from it. The general state of health is gradually improving, internal metabolic processes are being restored, hormone production is returning to normal, and immunity is improving. Also in the composition of seafood is an indispensable vitamin B12, it is not found in vegetable products. In this regard, when a person refuses meat, he definitely needs shrimp to make up for the deficiency of this element and prevent health problems.

Korean style shrimp is a spicy dish that will amaze even the most moody critic.

Choose fresh shrimp. You can buy frozen. But be sure to look at the label. There should not  be the words "boiled and frozen." When marinating shrimp, “seafood” will become tasteless and “rubber”. Yes, and you need to defrost competently. Not in the room, but in the refrigerator. And not just casually throw in a bowl, but put in a colander, placing the latter in a deep bowl. So that the liquid draining does not come in contact with seafood.

Pickled Shrimp Recipe

To begin with, it’s worth sorting out the list of necessary products, and only then begin to study the very essence of cooking. You must evaluate whether all products are easy to purchase.

The main components are, of course, shrimp, with a total mass of kilograms. Half a glass of oil (vegetable). Although you can replace it with olive, if someone prefers it more. 2 tablespoons of liquid natural honey and vinegar (preferably rice). Take 2 times more soy sauce. But sesame oil will need only 1 spoon. It will give that very note of “Korean” spicy dishes.

From seasonings you will need: garlic (a couple of cloves is enough), lemon sorghum - just 1 stalk is enough. And for spice, use a Chinese spice mix. For example, "5 spices." It contains all that “bouquet” of the necessary oriental tastes and aromas.

Now you can talk about the cooking process itself.

  • Start by cleansing the sea inhabitants of their shells. Do not forget about the intestinal vein. In no case do not leave her. Pour oil (vegetable or olive) into the pan. Quickly, no longer than 20 seconds, fry the shrimp from 2 sides. You can’t overcook. Otherwise, they will become "rubber." Now you need to find a slotted spoon. And with it, pull out the fried shrimp from the oil. By the way, do not pour the oil itself. Pour into other dishes. You will still need it.
  • Now take the pan. It should be not only clean, but also dry. Therefore, most likely, you will need other utensils to speed up the cooking process. On it, dry the heads and shells until red.
  • Now proceed to the marinade. Remember the oil on which the prawns were fried? Now his "star exit" in the kitchen. Pour in the sauce (soy) and sesame oil. Also stir in it all the necessary honey. And pour freshly dried shells over the resulting liquid. Also pour a glass of water. And all the resulting boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. It is not necessary to bring to a strong boil. Let it gurgle a little.
  • Now strain the marinade. Shells are no longer required. They "gave" everything they could. Feel free to add vinegar. Remember sorghum? Crush it. Also do with garlic. Add them to the marinade. And again send the saucepan to the fire. Let it boil again. Filter again.
  • Sterilize the jars. All the same sorghum and garlic should be thrown to their bottom. Place shrimp on top. And for the third time, boil the marinade. Let stand a little and fill in jars. Now tightly roll the sealed covers, turn them over and send them to cool. Day upside down and shrimp ready!

The recipe for quick-pickled shrimp

Korean pickled shrimp can also be cooked quickly. No need to wait a day, roll up in banks.

  • Take a little over a pound of shrimp (already peeled). 3 lemons, 2 onions, 1 large pepper (Bulgarian), a couple of cloves of garlic, a spoonful of honey or sugar. On a spoonful of capers (pickled) and spicy mustard. For spice dishes, take chili paste. Its quite enough and a teaspoon. Half a glass of white sweet wine and a couple of spoons of grape vinegar are excellent additions to the marinade. Of course, salt. From the greens, take cilantro.
  • Wash and clean the main ingredient if the shrimp is still in shell. Cook in boiling salted water for two to three minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, leave to drain and cool in a colander.
  • Now let's deal with the marinade. Start with a bow. Cut it into rings. Put in a deep bowl. Also do with pepper. Do not forget to wash it thoroughly and remove all the seeds. Throw to the bow. We turn to lemons. After thorough washing and drying, cut into circles. Place in the same place as the onion and pepper.
  • Let the capers “appear” in the bowl. Send chopped chili and garlic there. Pour in all liquid ingredients (including honey or sugar). And squeeze the juice of the remaining 1 lemon. Mix everything. Cut the greens. And send boiled seafood to the marinade marvel. Move everything carefully. Let the tastes “mix”, forming a real taste of pungency and spice.

Cover tightly. Send to the refrigerator to soak. One hour will be enough. Shrimp absorb all the charm of spices. If you leave the shrimp in the "Korean sauce" for the night, then the taste will become even more intense and refined. But if you need to quickly catch up to the arrival of guests, then an hour is enough. Friends and “unexpected” (or even desired) guests will be absolutely delighted with such an appetizer with an “oriental” flavor.

In Asia, pickled shrimp is in demand not only among the local population, but also among tourists. Of course, it is difficult to repeat the recipes according to which arthropods are prepared by the same Thais. Since in supermarkets it is not always possible to find those products and spices that are so popular among Asians, however, the Russian people found a way out of the situation and came up with their own way to prepare such a snack.

Grilled prawns

It is not difficult to marinate shrimp in this way and take a minimum of time. For the marinade, mix in a deep bowl a couple of cloves of chopped garlic, any vegetable oil (such as olive), tomato ketchup and wine vinegar. Add fresh chopped herbs, for example, dill and basil, a pinch of curry and salt, then dip thawed shrimp in the sauce, mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate, forgetting about them for an hour. After its expiration, the dish can be safely sent to the grill.

To prepare this marinade per kilogram of king prawns, we use the following.


  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 25 g of ketchup;
  • 10-15 ml of wine vinegar;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs;
  • a pinch of red pepper and salt.

Amazing snack

First, seafood must be soaked in warm salt water. This will allow not only to melt the ice accumulated on arthropods, but also how to soak them with salt.

In the meantime, shrimp take a warm bath, take up the preparation of the marinade. In a saucepan, mix soy sauce diluted with a little water with olive oil. Next, add mustard, sugar and a mixture of allspice. After a couple of minutes, add chopped garlic. Bring the contents to a boil without stopping stirring, and remove the sauce from the heat.

In the meantime, you were engaged in marinade, the shrimp were enough to settle down, it was time to drain the water. Put the peeled seafood on a plate and pour in the sauce that has not yet cooled. Mix everything thoroughly and let it soak (enough for 30 minutes). This recipe for pickled shrimp makes them both an independent appetizer and gives a piquant taste if you decide to make a salad.

Products used in the preparation:

  • shrimp - 1000 g;
  • soy sauce diluted with water - 50 ml / 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 100 ml;
  • mustard - 10 g;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • a mixture of allspice - 10 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves.

Beer snack

To prepare snacks, take a kilogram of shrimp, soy sauce, garlic and various seasonings to your taste.

Pass two pairs of garlic cloves through a press and add to thawed shrimp. Sprinkle the dish with 70 ml of soy sauce and let it brew for half an hour. After the allotted time, the contents must be transferred to the pan and simmer over high heat for 4-5 minutes with the addition of spices to taste. Serve the finished dish warm with various sauces, for example, it is good to use Tartar.

All recipes for pickled shrimp are quite simple and take a minimum of time. Do not put off cooking until later, amaze yourself and your loved ones with amazing dishes today.

If you are fed up with traditional snacks, and you want something unusual and sophisticated - make pickled shrimps. It is simple, does not require large time and financial costs, and the result will be very, very impressive!

Pickled Shrimp: A Traditional Recipe

You will need:

  • one kilogram of shrimp,
  • two onions
  • three to four tablespoons of olive oil,
  • forty milliliters of vinegar,
  • five bay leaves
  • one clove of garlic
  • salt and greens.

Boil the shrimp, peel them, chop the onion into rings. Put the prepared shrimp and onions in any convenient glassware, for example, in a jar.

In a separate bowl, prepare the marinade. Thoroughly mix olive oil, vinegar and salt, add bay leaf and garlic. If you like the spicy taste - add capers and Tabasco sauce. Stir the marinade thoroughly and fill it with shrimp.

Leave the shrimp to marinate in the refrigerator for a day. Serve this gourmet appetizer on the table, decorating with greens. Do not come off!

Pickled Shrimp: Chinese Recipe

You will need:

  • five hundred grams of large shrimp in shells,
  • one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil,
  • four tablespoons of soy sauce,
  • two tablespoons of rice vinegar,
  • two tablespoons of liquid honey
  • one tablespoon of sesame oil,
  • one lime.

Peel the shrimp and fry in vegetable oil until crusted. Then transfer them to another - dry - frying pan and fry until golden brown.

Cook the marinade. In a separate bowl, mix the first pan vegetable oil, soy sauce, sesame oil and honey. Add this mixture to the shrimp, pour a glass of water and boil for ten or fifteen minutes over low heat.

Then strain, squeeze a clove of garlic, add vinegar and a little lime. Bring to a boil again and strain again.

Place the shrimp and garlic on the bottom of the glass jar, bring the marinade to a boil again and pour the shrimp on it. Close the jar tightly and allow the shrimp to cool naturally. Despite the fact that this recipe requires more time, it is very simple, and the shrimp is very tasty.

Pickled Shrimps with Cherry Tomatoes

You will need:

  • five hundred grams of shrimp,
  • five hundred grams of yellow cherry tomatoes,
  • one and a half tablespoons of olive oil,
  • one teaspoon of dry oregano,
  • two cloves of garlic
  • two tablespoons of chopped cilantro,
  • one bunch of green onions,
  • one tablespoon of lemon zest,
  • salt and pepper.

Cook the marinade. Thoroughly mix cilantro, garlic and olive oil, and put shrimp in this mixture for five hours. Then, cut the cherry tomatoes into halves and put them on a baking sheet with garlic. Bake them in the oven for ten minutes.

After the shrimp has marinated, you can grill them or do it in a skillet without adding oil for five minutes. Put the finished shrimp on plates, pour the sauce, garnish with greens and lemon slices. Very beautiful!

Bacon marinated shrimp with sauce

You will need:

  • fifteen king prawns
  • one slice of chopped ginger,
  • two cloves of garlic
  • thirty milliliters of soy sauce,
  • sixty milliliters of honey
  • eight slices of bacon,
  • thirty milliliters of vegetable oil.

To make the sauce you need: one hundred seventy-five grams of mayonnaise, one tablespoon of chopped cilantro, zest of one lime, fifteen milliliters of lime juice, salt and pepper.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients needed for the sauce and refrigerate. Combine soy sauce, honey, ginger, garlic and add shrimp marinade. Leave them in the marinade for an hour and a half, not longer.

Then wrap each shrimp in a slice of bacon, fix with a toothpick and grill for ten or fifteen minutes. A golden crust will signal the readiness of a snack. To keep the toothpicks better, moisten them first in water. The appetizer is served hot along with the sauce on the table.

Sometimes it is useful to step back from the traditional menu and cook something unusual, tasty and aromatic. Try the offered shrimp recipes - and they will decorate your table!

Try for more variety.

Hello, curious readers of my blog. Seafood in our country has always been considered a delicacy. They are valued for their amazing taste and healthy properties. Most often I just cook them with salt and then add them to salads. But if you want a really tasty dish or a delicious treat for a picnic. You will have to cook the shrimp marinade. There is nothing complicated here - I'm sure you will succeed at the highest level 😉

In general, all representatives of crustaceans can be attributed to one of two groups - warm-water or cold-water. The first are large in size. These include king and tiger prawns. Arctic cold-water crustaceans are smaller in size than their warm-water brethren. But believe me, the taste is no worse.

The energy value of pickled shrimp is only 60 kcal per 100 g of product. It contains 12.2 g of protein and 1.3 g of fat.

Shrimp meat has a rich chemical composition. It contains:

  • iodine, sodium, cobalt, copper, iron and other mineral compounds;
  • vitamins A, E and group B;
  • fatty acid;
  • astaxanthin is the king of natural antioxidants.

This product has almost 15 times more iodine than beef. But this element is so important for the thyroid gland.

Calcium present in shrimp helps in strengthening bone tissue. In addition, it is necessary for the full functioning of the immune and blood-forming systems, as well as for the kidneys.

As for zinc, which is rich in shrimp, this element is needed for healthy hair and nails. He also takes part in the synthesis of hormones. It turns out how valuable this product is.

How to marinate shrimp

Before marinating, frozen shrimp need to be prepared. In other words, they need to be thawed. There are several ways.

The first is in the water.   You need to open the package with seafood and put them in a colander. And then bring under a stream of cold water and hold for a bit.

The second - at room temperature . This method gives a fairly quick result. However, after such defrosting, the meat of crustaceans loses its characteristic aroma.

The third is in the refrigerator . This method is the safest. You need to open the shrimp package and pour them into a bowl. And after the dish should be sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at night. Thanks to this defrosting, the shrimp retain their flavor and remain delicious.

Fourth - in a plastic bag . Seafood freed from packaging must be transferred to a bag, after which it should be tightly closed. Then the package must be immersed in a container of cold water.

Fifth - in the microwave . This is the most undesirable method. Although it allows you to defrost the product very quickly, but at the same time the shrimp lose their taste.

After defrosting the crustaceans and cleaning them (this applies to the crude product), they begin to marinate. Below I bring to your attention original recipes that allow you to pickle seafood without much hassle.

We pickle in lemon juice

Preparing this delicacy is very simple. To pickle a pound of peeled shrimp you will need:

  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 3 tbsp chopped fresh garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp salts;
  • 70 ml of lemon juice;
  • 50 g chopped parsley.

Thawed shrimp for 1.5-2 minutes. dip in boiling salted water. Then we recline them in a colander. And then we shift it into a deep bowl.

In a pan, heat the oil. Next, put the garlic gruel there and fry it over medium heat for a minute. Then we send lemon juice and parsley to the pan. Next, salt and pepper everything. We cook all this in a minute.

Pour the shrimp marinade and cool them to room temperature. Then we cover the bowl with a lid and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Well, then put the treat on a plate and serve. Everything is ready - it's time to take a test 🙂

Cooking Korean Shrimp with Soy Sauce

The recipe for this dish is as follows:

  • 1 kg of unpeeled tiger shrimp;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • large onions;
  • walnut-sized ginger root;
  • 6 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • olive oil.

Peel ginger and garlic. Place the garlic, ginger, soy sauce and pepper in a blender bowl. All this mix. We place crustaceans in this marinade and leave for half an hour.

We peel the onion from the husk, finely chop it and fry in oil until golden. Then we send seafood with marinade to the same pan. We cover the dishes with a lid, reduce the heat to medium and simmer it all for 10 minutes. Remember to periodically mix the contents of the pan. If you think that there is little fluid, add a little water. Or add ½ cup dry white wine to get an interesting taste.

Carefully pull out the prepared seafood with cooking tongs and place them on a non-flat plate. Continue to simmer the sauce until thickened. Then move it to the saucepan. We clean each shrimp, dip in the sauce and gobble it on both cheeks 🙂

Grilled shrimp marinade

Stock up on these products:

  • 5 peeled + 5 shrimps in a shell (medium in size);
  • lemon;
  • a handful of chopped rosemary leaves;
  • 3 tbsp olive oil;
  • head of garlic;
  • 0.5 tsp sea \u200b\u200bsalt.

Peel the garlic and chop finely with a knife. Squeeze juice from citrus. Cooking marinade - mix 2 tbsp. oils with chopped garlic and a pinch of salt. Add half of the lemon juice here.

Sent in the marinade of peeled crustaceans for 10 minutes. Then we pull them out and grill them for a couple of minutes.

On the abdomen of shrimp in shell make a small incision. Then pour them with the remaining lemon juice and olive oil. Slightly salting. Then we also grill them for a couple of minutes. It turns out very tasty.

Try making shrimp peeled or in shell in such a marinade. And then write in the comments what you liked best.

Cooking marinated shrimps on the grill

If at the dacha you wanted a gourmet dish instead of “ordinary” barbecue, then take along 0.5 kg of shrimp and some of these ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp ground paprika;
  • 1 tbsp. l brown sugar;
  • 1 tsp crushed caraway seeds;
  • 1 tbsp ground hot red pepper;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 2 tbsp olive or other oil;
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;
  • green onions.

There is hot red pepper in this recipe. If you do not like spicy, then reduce its amount. In a deep container, mix paprika, sugar, caraway seeds, black and red pepper, salt and oil. Peel the garlic and chop it in a garlic press. Add the garlic mass to the spicy mixture - this is marinade.

If you cook crustaceans in shell, you will need all this marinade. For peeled - half the amount. Mix seafood with spicy mixture and leave for 15 minutes.

Next, lay the shrimp on the grill and cook on the grill. If crustaceans are in shell, their preparation time is 4-5 minutes. And peeled shrimp should be fried for 2-3 minutes. During cooking, they must be turned over.

Then remove the seafood from the grill and transfer to a flat plate. Chop green onions and sprinkle them with the finished dish. Enjoy nature and marinated shrimp on the grill 🙂

Shrimp marinade in white wine

This is a dish of Portuguese cuisine. It is served with beer or dry white wine. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 20-30 large crustaceans;
  • 4 tbsp oils (sunflower or olive);
  • 150 ml of white wine;
  • juice from half a lemon (medium size);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • some butter;
  • slices of half a lemon;
  • chilli;
  • salt;
  • dill greens.

We clear the crustaceans from the shell. Put butter in a pan and pour olive oil, and then heat it well. Peel and chop the garlic with a knife. We send it to the pan and fry it for a minute - during this time he will give his flavor to the oil.

Put the seafood in the pan and fry them. They should darken. Then pour it all with wine and lemon juice. Salt the mixture and add the chili pepper. Mix it well and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Put the yummy on a plate. Sprinkle with chopped dill on top and decorate with lemon slices. Serve with slices of fried loaf in vegetable oil and beer.

What marinated shrimp eat

Seafood prepared according to these recipes can be eaten as an independent dish. They can also be used as one of the ingredients of appetizers or salads.

Pickled Shrimp and Corn Salad

Its recipe is as follows:

  • 200 g of seafood;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 g canned corn;
  • 50 ml of vinegar (apple or wine);
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 40 ml olive oil;
  • large onions;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp lime or lemon juice;
  • parsley + onion green.

We peel the onion from the husk and finely chop. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into any shape. Peppers are peeled from seeds, cut into thin slices. Cut the green onion. We send pickled shrimps (naturally, peeled), onions, peppers, tomatoes and corn to the salad bowl.

We make a gas station. To do this, peel the garlic from the skin and chop it with a knife. Mix vinegar with oil, garlic mass and citrus juice. Pour the ingredients of the dish with dressing and mix gently. Top with salad parsley.

Shrimp, squid and egg salad

Take care in advance to prepare such products:

  • lemon;
  • 0.5 kg squid;
  • 150 g peeled shrimp;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 4-5 tsp red caviar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • lettuce leaves.

On a flat plate, spread the carefully washed lettuce leaves. Boiled squid cut into half rings and spread on the leaves. Spray the finished crustaceans with lemon juice and set aside for a couple of minutes. Hard-boiled eggs, grated coarsely and sent to a salad bowl. We put shrimp here. Mix eggs with shrimp and squid.

Peel the garlic and chop it in a garlic press. Then mix it with mayonnaise. We season salad with this mixture. After we add caviar here. And again we mix everything. Just do this very carefully so that the eggs do not burst. That, in fact, is all - the meal is ready.

Cooking Caesar Salad

For Caesar you will need:

  • kilo of royal crustaceans;
  • 90 g of hard cheese;
  • some loaf for crackers;
  • 6 pcs cherry tomatoes;
  • green salad;
  • garlic clove;
  • vegetable oil.

We will prepare the gas station from:

  • 100 ml of olive oil;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tsp mustard;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice;
  • salt + pepper.

We cut the bread into cubes and slightly dry in the oven. Then we heat the oil in a pan and to give it a flavor we place the garlic clove cut along. We fry for about a minute, and then pull out the garlic. We send crackers to the pan, they need to be fried until golden brown.

Rub the cheese on a coarse grater. We wash and cut the tomatoes in half. Then proceed to the preparation of the dressing. Boil hard boiled eggs. We need only the yolks - rub them with a fork. Next, mix the yolk mass with garlic, mustard and lemon juice chopped on a garlic press. We also introduce oil here and mix everything thoroughly. Then salt and pepper the dressing.

Tear lettuce leaves into pieces of arbitrary shape and spread on a flat plate. Then we send cherry tomatoes, on top - ready-made shrimp, and after - crackers. Water it all with dressing and sprinkle with cheese. Shrimp and tomato salad is ready.

How do you pickle seafood? I am sure that you have your own family secrets of cooking. Share them in the comments, friends. And drop the link to the article in the social. network. And I say goodbye to you - until we meet again.