Mangosteen - how to choose and clean it correctly, beneficial properties and effects on the human body. How to “ripen” the fruit at home

What is mangosteen? Mangosteen (Garcinia) is an exotic fruit, its homeland is the states of Southeast Asia, where it is recognized as the king of fruits. Residents of the CIS countries are familiar with the fruit from their tour to Thailand. This miracle fruit is also available for sale here and, taking into account the delivery price, it is an expensive delight. Due to the fact that it has incredibly beneficial properties, this fruit is becoming more and more popular every year.


Let's look at what a mangosteen looks like externally and internally. It looks like an apple, covered in a thick purple and burgundy skin that is not eaten. Beneath it is a saturated edible pulp of snow-white color like lobes similar to garlic cloves. Inside the pulp there are grains tightly adjacent to it.

What does mangosteen taste like? The taste of the fruit is considered one of the best. Mangosteen has a slight fragrance and sweet and sour taste, which is characterized as a combination of citrus fruits, pineapple, strawberry, peach, grape and apricot. The fruit pulp is rich, melts in the mouth and perfectly quenches thirst. Besides the finest taste, has beneficial properties.

Where is mangosteen grown? This exotic fruit grows in the tropics and is little known in our country. The homeland of mangosteen is the Malay archipelago. Most common in Thailand and some states of the south- eastern Asia. In other countries, trees are found only in botanical gardens. Mangosteen is suitable for a damp equatorial climate. Trees do not tolerate drought and wind well. And they die at temperatures below +5°C.


What is so good about mangosteen? The most useful qualities mangosteen are predetermined by its most valuable chemical composition, it has healing qualities. Mangosteen is a real treasure trove of:

The fruit has beneficial features due to the presence of vitamins in the composition. Vitamin combination presented:

  • vitamins A, B (riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and folic acid);
  • S, E and D.

What else is precious about mangosteen? The beneficial properties of the fruit support macro- and microelements such as:

  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • manganese.

Calorie content of fruit 72 kcal per hundred gram portion of fruit pulp.

Mangosteen benefits and harm

Normalizes metabolic and gastric processes. For this reason, mangosteen is used as a fat burner. It is effectively used for diarrhea. He helps with work endocrine system and corrects hormonal background. Fruit juice helps to rehabilitate after general surgery, serious illnesses and melancholy. When used, they rejuvenate and cleanse the body, increase vitality.

Contraindications. There is also harm from this fruit. He gives birth allergic reactions. It should be eaten with caution by people suffering from allergies to fruits. Not recommended for use in large quantities for illnesses gastrointestinal system, pancreas, kidney and liver diseases in the complication phase. During pregnancy, it is eaten if it was previously in the diet and was successfully tolerated.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

What are the beneficial properties of mangosteen fruit? This fruit has been used for many years in Southeast Asia, the Philippines and other regions as a traditional medicine. Impact:

How to choose the right fruit

When choosing mangosteen, you should pay attention to the color of the leaves located at the top of the fruit. Their tone should be bright green, not chestnut. The brown color of the leaves indicates that the fruit is overripe and begins to lose its good qualities. A sign of ripe fruit will be the springiness of the fruit. When pressed, the fruit springs back properly and does not remain stiff, like a watermelon skin.

A unique feature of the fruit is that if it begins to rot, it is not at all noticeable from the outside. You can examine the quality of a product only by touching it and carefully examining the leaves. Choose better fruits large, because they contain greatest number pulp. In addition, fruits with a significant number of leaves are richer and contain fewer seeds.

How to eat mangosteen correctly

How to properly peel fruit. Mangosteen must be peeled carefully and accurately so as not to damage the flesh. Here are some tips for cleaning mangosteen fruits:

The upper lobe of the fruit is also cut off, and the pulp is eaten with a spoon. The fruit is used in fresh, are not subjected to heat treatment, because due to it the aromatic and taste qualities of the product are lost.

Store it in the refrigerator. Storage period is no more than 7-10 days. The tastiest and healthiest fruit will be the one that has ripened on the tree. When the fruit is delivered to us, it is picked unripe. They eat it fresh, make juices and jams. The fruit is not frozen, but it is preserved. Sterilize the fruit for no more than 10 minutes, otherwise it will become insipid.

Mangosteen juice is recommended for vigorous well-being and recovery after serious illnesses and surgical intervention. The juice is used to treat obesity, consumed in weight loss programs and all kinds of diets. The juice establishes an alkaline pH environment, which is very beneficial for the body. The juice is consumed for the prevention of cancer, as a supporting drug in the treatment of malignant formations.

Use in folk medicine

It is advisable to note that not only the pulp of mangosteen is useful. In everything folk medicine Asia is successfully used dried fruit skin. From the peel ground into powder, ointments and creams are used to treat dermatological diseases such as skin rashes and serious forms of eczema. Antimicrobial creams for feet and for the care of problematic skin of the face and body have a good effect.

Mangosteen fruit in cosmetology

The healing properties of mangosteen allow it to be used in for cosmetic purposes. The fruit extract is used in the production of shampoos, face creams and other cosmetic products. Recognition has a cream for stretch marks with mangosteen. It moisturizes and tightens the skin, giving it elasticity and a blooming appearance.

Mangosteen and weight loss

When dieting, experts recommend using foods with the highest fiber and antioxidant content. A diet like this helps keep your body required quantity vitamins and feel cheerful. Mangosteen fits exactly according to these criteria. Useful composition This fruit compensates for the lack of vitamins and microelements, speeds up metabolism, and strengthens immune resistance. Important role in weight loss psychological aspect when taking mangosteen does diet menu more tasty and diverse. This provides an opportunity not to fail during a strict diet.

Economic uses of mangosteen

It's not just the fruits that matter. The benefits of mangosteen are great. There is a milky sap in the tree bark - orange latex, it is used in the paint and varnish industry. Young shoots of trees are used as chewing sticks. The wood is used to make souvenirs and carpentry. But the most expensive are fruits. They are included in drink "Xango";. They are crumbled into a cocktail, unpeeled, right with the skin.

Mangosteen is an exotic fruit with amazing taste and beneficial properties. Thanks to its composition, the fruit strengthens the body and restores after illness. Systematic use of mangosteen strengthens immune resistance, restores metabolism and delights with amazing taste and aroma.

Mangosteen (mangosteen) or garcinia, mangkut is a sweet fruit rich in many nutrients. It is extremely popular due to its sweet taste. Mangosteen has a purple skin on the outside, but the health benefits come from the sweet and tasty flesh found inside the fruit. This fruit is most popular in Asia, and is currently growing in popularity in American and European countries.

What does it consist of?

Mangosteen contains high amounts of vitamin C, which boosts immunity. He contains a large number of phytonutrients and antioxidants that are beneficial in protecting against many diseases. Mangkut is useful for protecting against the effects of free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and many others. Below are the amazing health benefits we get from eating this amazing fruit.

Positive effect on the body

Increases immunity. Mangosteen is an excellent source of vitamin C. 100 grams of mangosteen provides 7.2 milligrams of this vitamin, which is 12% daily norm. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that enhances immune system function. It boosts immunity to protect against common illnesses such as colds, coughs and flu. Vitamin C also enhances the function of the immune system to protect against infections. Garcinia also contains large amounts of other phytonutrients such as xanthones, polyphenols, quinones, and so on. Due to its high content of phytonutrients and antioxidants, mangosteen has protective and healing properties. It protects the body from viruses and dangerous bacteria. Thus, mangosteen is quite beneficial for increasing immunity.

Useful for protection against cancer. Mangosteen is one of the foods that protect the body from cancer. It is very effective due to its high nutritional content. Mangosteen contains significant amounts of antioxidants known as xanthones. Xanthones have a high ability to scavenge free radicals that damage normal cells and help repair damaged cells.

Mangosteen is one of the fruits that contain high amounts of xanthones, which are effective in protecting against cancer. They also contain the highest amount of vitamin C. This vitamin is one of the most powerful antioxidants that protects the body from free radicals. Thanks to the combination of xanthones and vitamin C, mangosteen is one of best fruits that protect against cancer.

Preventing early aging. Mangosteen contains great amount antioxidants and xanthones that protect against premature aging. Aging in early age stimulated due to increased pollution, and this increases the production of free radicals. Free radicals stimulate the aging process by damaging the skin. However, antioxidants and xanthones actively destroy them and protect our body from premature aging.

Improved skin health. Mangosteen juice applied to the skin helps treat skin problems such as eczema and acne. This juice has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory beneficial properties. Also, eating mangosteen keeps high level moisture of the skin and protects against skin diseases.

For weight loss

Increased energy. Mangosteen contains a large amount of carbohydrates that provide the body with energy. It also contains riboflavin, which increases the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which increases energy levels.

Healthy weight loss. Mangosteen is low-calorie product. He contains good quantity fiber. Diets with high content fiber suppresses appetite and increases metabolism. Thus, this fruit promotes healthy weight loss.

Other medicinal properties

Protects against diabetes. Eating mangosteen is also beneficial for patients diabetes mellitus, as it significantly reduces the effect of glucose on the body. Mangosteen is effective in protecting against sudden rise and fall in sugar levels and prevents complications in diabetic patients.

Cardiovascular diseases. Mangosteen lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood due to its rich fiber content. Thus, it increases blood flow into nervous system and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. Mangosteen contains a good amount of potassium, which increases fluid levels in the body, thus balancing sodium levels and balance blood pressure. Mangosteen reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke. It contains a huge amount of antioxidants that protect against arthritis.

Brain health. Eating the healing nutrients of mangosteen also appears to be beneficial for the brain. This fruit contains a good amount of antioxidants that nourish every cell and neurons in the brain and also protect the brain from oxidative processes. The high content of xanthones ensures the body's high ability to fight free radicals. They are also responsible for Alzheimer's disease. Thus, mangosteen protects us from Alzheimer's disease.

Bone health. Mangosteen contains good amount nutrients, which improve bone health. It nourishes bones and helps strengthen them.

Negative Impact

The benefits and harms of mangosteen are unequal. It has virtually no contraindications and is recommended by doctors in 99% of cases. It can only be harmful to people with allergies or individual intolerance to certain components.

The beneficial properties listed above once again prove that natural products nutrition is the only correct path to health. Enjoy tasty and healthy, and sometimes healing properties for your health and the health of your children.

Mangosteen, also called mangosteen and garcinia, is an exotic fruit of the Clusium family. In his homeland in Southeast Asia, he was awarded the title of King of Fruits. According to legend, Buddha, while walking through the forest, tasted the fruit of a mangosteen he accidentally found, which filled him with strength and happiness. After which the fruit was presented to people.


Mangosteen – medicinal dietary product, widely used in folk medicine in Asian countries. Due to its unique chemical composition, mangosteen has a powerful healing effect on the body. The fruit is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The ascorbic acid contained in it strengthens the immune system. And nicotinic acid, also included in its composition, makes the fruit useful for people who want to get rid of tobacco or alcohol addiction. The peel of the fruit is a source of a large number of xanthones (more than 30 types out of 210 known today). They improve brain activity, increase the body's protective functions and maintain microbiological balance. In addition, xanthones are powerful antioxidants that have a positive effect on cardiovascular system. They affect the human body at the cellular level, killing intracellular viruses before they have time to penetrate the “holy of holies” - the DNA structure.

The peel of the fruit is rich in tannins, which promote the speedy healing of acne and wounds on the skin.

The mangosteen peel is dried, ground into powder and used as an astringent for dysentery and fever. An anti-eczema paste is also prepared from it. A decoction is made from the leaves and bark of the tree, used for dysentery, diarrhea, high temperature, thrush, stomatitis and inflammation of the urinary tract.

Mangosteen juice has become popular recently. It strengthens the body, helps to recover faster from operations, depression and serious illnesses.

According to scientific research, many diseases of the 21st century, including cancer, are directly related to acidification of the body. This is facilitated by foods such as sugar, coffee, flour products, nutritional supplements, dyes, pasteurized and refined foods, alcohol, etc. Contributes to acidification of the body and poor ecology.

Mangosteen juice allows you to maintain a high pH level in the body, i.e. alkaline environment. And in it, as you know, microbes and harmful organisms die.

Mangosteen is used to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney stones;
  • cataracts;
  • oncology.

In addition, the fruit has the following therapeutic effect on the body:

Mangosteen is used for cosmetic purposes. Substances contained in the peel of the fruit help fight acne, wrinkles and make the skin healthier.


For people who do not live in areas where mangosteen grows, it can be dangerous due to individual intolerance.

No other harm was identified from mangosteen.

Calorie content

100 grams of mangosteen contains about 73 kcal. Of these: proteins – 0.6 g (~ 3 kcal), fats – 0.6 g (~ 3 kcal), carbohydrates – 15.9 g (~ 67 kcal). But mangosteen jams are significantly higher in calories than fresh fruit: they contain 210 kcal per 100 g. product.

A regular 200 milligram glass contains 196 grams of mangosteen (~ 143.1 kcal), a faceted glass contains 216 grams (~ 157.7 kcal).


Mangosteen is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this fruit and frequent allergic reactions to it. Allergies can manifest as rashes and skin redness accompanied by itching. For some it is in the form of joint pain.

The fruit and its juice can be consumed by pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it is a source of large amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. But here it is important to ensure that mother and baby do not have an allergic reaction to this product.

The nutritional value

Mangosteen is a small treasure trove of health. His unique composition Helps improve health and fight various ailments.

Vitamins and minerals

Mangosteen is rich in B vitamins, minerals, powerful antioxidants - xanthones, flavonoids and other substances that make the fruit amazingly beneficial for human health.

Component name

Quantity per 100 gr.


Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.015 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin component) 0.43 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) 0.103 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) 6 mcg
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 2.7 mg
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 0.5 mg
Choline (vitamin B4) 8.4 mg


Potassium 47 mg
Calcium 15 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Magnesium 16 mg
Sulfur 20 mg
Phosphorus 11 mg
Chlorine 2 mg


Iron 0.4 mg
Iodine 1.6 mcg
Manganese 65 mcg
Copper 80 mcg
Zinc 0.1 mg
Fluorine 7 mcg

Now the shelves of grocery stores and markets are overflowing with a variety of tropical fruits. Among them you can also find mangosteen. It has a dark purple color and is the size of a peach or nectarine. Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of this fruit. Very often mangosteen is confused with mango, but in fact these fruits have nothing in common. It tastes juicy and very sweet.

It’s probably no secret that the beneficial properties of a particular food product are determined by its chemical composition. Mangosteen contains 39 different natural antioxidants. They help the body fight free radicals.

Among these useful substances catechin is released. This substance belongs to the group of flavonoids, which contain an extremely large amount of nutrients. Also given tropical fruit contains a large amount of proanthocyanidins. These are antioxidants consisting of catechin chains.

Mangosteen contains various vitamins. For example: C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as vitamin D. As for microelements, there are also a large number of them:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • important fiber for the body.

According to nutritionists, the calorie content of mangosteen is low and amounts to 63-72 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Like any fruit, mangosteen is extremely beneficial for the human body. First of all, it strengthens the immune system and enriches the body with vitamins, fiber and vital minerals. Mangosteen also accelerates wound healing and helps the body fight viral and bacterial diseases. In addition, it was discovered beneficial effect on the skin. Based on what studies were conducted that showed that this tropical fruit is good remedy in the fight against eczema, seborrhea and allergic reactions.

Many nutritionists claim that this unique fruit normalizes metabolism and also helps burn excess calories. Therefore, mangosteen is often recommended for obese people. In some countries of the world, mangosteen is called the “fruit of the gods” or “fruit eternal youth" It received such names because it has rejuvenating properties, and thereby significantly increases vitality. Mangosteen also improves the functioning of the endocrine glands and normalizes hormonal levels.

  1. In Asian countries, this fruit has great importance in folk medicine. For example, for skin diseases, the fruit is peeled, crushed into a porridge-like mass and applied to the affected areas. Keep for 10-15 minutes and wash off with warm water. But the skin should not be thrown away. It is often used as a remedy against dysentery. And this is considered a fairly effective and safe method;
  2. Also, the pulp of the fruit is very often used to make tea, which has medicinal properties. It especially helps with diarrhea and stomach upsets;
  3. As already noted, mangosteen has a beneficial effect on immune system. It works especially well in viral diseases. After all, the vitamin-rich fruit extremely quickly strengthens the immune system and helps the body recover and adapt faster;
  4. To improve the health of the body, mangosteen tinctures have long been prepared. To do this, place one fruit in a jar, pour a liter of boiling water and leave it overnight. After which the resulting tincture is taken on an empty stomach;
  5. It is also very useful for chronic fatigue and various inflammatory processes.

As already noted, fresh mangosteen can most often be found in tropical countries. And its shelf life is quite short. In most cases, the fruit is eaten fresh. Like any other fruit, mangosteen has found its place in cooking.

  1. It is easy to make juices and smoothies. They are perfect for people who have excess weight, as well as those who, on the contrary, strive to pump up muscles the faster;
  2. Preparing desserts. Mangosteen is great for cooking various fillings, fruit salads, baked goods and syrups;
  3. Mangosteen pie and fruit salads with mangosteen.

So you can make a wonderful syrup from it, and you can also preserve it and enjoy it in winter. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that it takes no more than 10 minutes to sterilize this tropical fruit. After all, if we neglect this condition, then unique taste the fetus is completely lost. In Malaysia, they make mangosteen jam with the addition of cloves. He is considered an excellent remedy against colds.

There are a few basic tips to highlight:

  1. Condition of the peel. When you pick up a fruit, the first thing you should pay attention to is the peel of the fruit. If it is dry, soft or hard with noticeable small cracks, then the fruit is unripe or, on the contrary, not yet ripe. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy it. You need to choose a brightly colored mangosteen with thick skin. When pressed, it should spring slightly;
  2. Peel color. The color of the fruit should be uniform and rich. If you notice that the mangosteen is covered in spots or spots here and there, then it is not recommended to buy it. After all, this is the first sign that he is already for a long time was stored, and besides, in the right conditions. This will significantly affect taste qualities tropical fruit;
  3. Integrity of the fetus. You should also pay attention to the integrity of the fetus. After all, even minor damage can allow bitter juice to get inside the fruit, which in turn will negatively affect the taste. Therefore, you need to select only whole specimens;
  4. Fruit weight. Ripe fruit is relatively heavy. When you take it in your hands, you will immediately feel it. Therefore, if you took mangosteen, and it is quite light, then most likely it simply did not reach you.

The main contraindication to consuming mangosteen is individual intolerance or an allergic reaction to the fruit. Those people for whom it causes itching, redness on the skin or even a rash should avoid consuming mangosteen.

Also, this fruit should not be consumed by people taking medications that thin the blood. After all, mangosteen contains xanthones, which can affect blood clotting.

In order for the fruit to retain all its beneficial properties, you need to choose it correctly. A rather interesting fact is that the shelf life of mangosteen is quite short and is no more than two weeks. This time begins to be counted from the time the fruit was picked. But this is provided that all storage rules have been followed and transportation conditions have been met. Therefore, in our area it is very difficult to find high-quality, fresh tropical fruit.

In most cases, mangosteen is found frozen and in the form of various juices. It is also worth noting that the cost of one kilogram of this tropical fruit on average ranges from 0.5 to 5 dollars. This cost is due to the fact that growing the fruit is quite difficult and the conditions for this also require appropriate conditions. In addition, the cost also takes into account manual harvesting.

It is also worth noting that mangosteen is an asexual plant. After all, he has both female and male organs, which means that he is capable of self-fertilization. According to scientists, this is a rather rare phenomenon called parthenogenesis. No nectar is formed. This means that during the flowering period, mangosteen flowers do not attract either insects or birds. Interesting fact It is also true that mangosteen occurs in nature as a hybrid of the species Garcinia hombroniana and Garcinia malaccensis.

According to one legend, once upon a time Buddha found a mangosteen and was impressed by it. amazing taste, gave it to people, calling it a wonderful gift from heaven, the Fruit of the Gods. This exotic fruit looks like familiar fruits and, at the same time, is like nothing else! However, at the same time, almost everyone who decides to try it likes its taste and aroma. Besides good taste Mangosteen is characterized by a high content of substances and vitamins beneficial to the body. For these properties, in its homeland, mangosteen is called the king of fruits.

Mangosteen Fruit – Fruit of the Gods

What is mangosteen and where does it grow?

Mangosteen is an unfamiliar and rather exotic fruit for our country, so first of all you need to figure out what it is and where it grows.

Mangosteen, or mangosteen, is the fruit of an evergreen, tall (up to 25 m) tree from the Clusium family, genus Garcinia. The tree is beautiful pink young leaves that become dark green on top and light green on the underside as they age. The flowers also look unusual - their fleshy petals are covered with bright red or green spots.

After flowering, small round fruits are set, covered with a dense thick skin of purple or dark burgundy color. Hidden under the inedible skin is snow-white pulp, divided into segments, like a tangerine. As a rule, there can be from 4 to 8 such slices in one fruit. It is almost impossible to describe the taste of this fruit, since it is unlike anything else and sounds different to everyone.

Mangosteen is native to tropical regions. It was first discovered in the Malay Archipelago and is also found in Thailand and some other countries in East Asia. Although some countries grow mangosteen in their botanical gardens, it is a very demanding tree. It needs a humid equatorial climate, without droughts and winds. Even a short-term drop in temperature to +5 degrees will be fatal for him.

What are the benefits of mangosteen?

The fruits of the mangosteen tree are small round fruits that have a wide range of beneficial properties. Thanks to them, mangosteen is called the Fruit of the Gods - for great benefit for health and the ability to cure many diseases. Its beneficial properties were known at the beginning of the 18th century, and with the development of science and medicine they also received scientific justification.

Mangosteen contains most of the essential to the human body vitamins, microelements, in particular:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • thiamine;
  • nitrogen;
  • sodium;
  • riboflavin;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phytonutrients, biologically active chemicals.

Interesting! Mangosteen contains nicotinic acid, so its use helps cope with nicotine or alcohol addiction.

The main reason for the active healing effects of mangosteen on the body lies in its composition. It contains many unique components that can significantly improve the general condition of the body and cope with the causes of many diseases.

Mangosteen fruits are rich in xanthones; approximately 60 varieties of this antioxidant have been found in it; even medicinal aloe contains several times less of them. Thanks to their antimicrobial effect, they are able to slow down the proliferation of bacteria, fungi or viruses. Due to the significant content of fruit antioxidants, including xanthones, catechins, proanthocyanidins, polyphenols and sterols, mangosteen effectively protects cells from the effects of free radicals.

Mangosteen fruits will be especially useful if it is necessary to prevent and treat the following diseases:

  • cataract;
  • hypertension;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • atherosclerosis.

The beneficial properties of mangosteen fruits also include the ability to:

  • normalize sleep;
  • improve appetite;
  • normalize digestion and metabolism;
  • cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and harmful substances, rejuvenate it;
  • eliminate headaches, including migraines;
  • tone the body;
  • normalize hormonal levels and the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • eliminate dermatitis and allergic reactions.

Thanks to the substances included in its composition, mangosteen has the ability to restore liver cells, improve blood composition, and normalize liver function. gastrointestinal tract. Taking mangosteens after meals can control sugar and fat levels, thereby promoting weight regulation, which is why it is often used for weight loss.

Also, the list of diseases that mangosteen helps in the fight against includes Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, gum disease, glaucoma, melanoma and even leukemia.

In addition to use in medical purposes, these fruits are actively used in cosmetology. Mangosteen extract is added to soaps, creams, and skin masks. It helps cope with acne, inflammation, skin rashes, and eczema.

Contraindications for use

Mangosteen has no special contraindications. However, there are some recommendations and restrictions on use. Since mangosteen is quite exotic fruit, it can cause allergic reactions or individual intolerance in people who are not accustomed to it since childhood.

Also, according to recent studies, xanthones contained in mangosteen improve blood clotting. Therefore, eating these fruits is not recommended for people taking medications to thin it.

Since the scientific study of the properties of xanthones is still ongoing and all their properties are not fully known, mangosteens should be used with caution during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and small children, best of all after consultation with a specialist.

How to choose, eat, store mangosteens

Since mangosteen is a rather unusual fruit for our latitudes, sometimes when buying it in stores it can be difficult to make right choice, especially if this is the first acquaintance. To avoid disappointment and frustration, you need to remember a few simple rules:

  • ripe fruit should be firm, but at the same time slightly springy when pressed. A mangosteen that is too hard will be unripe, and a soft one will be spoiled;
  • You should not choose very small fruits; due to the thick skin, such a mangosteen will have very little edible pulp;
  • fully ripened fruit has an intense skin color;
  • overripe fruit can be distinguished by dry, cracked peel;
  • It is better to choose fruits delivered from China, Thailand or other countries in Southeast Asia.
Before your first try, it is advisable to learn how to properly peel mangosteen, otherwise it can become a real problem. In fact, peeling this fruit is quite easy. To do this, first tear off the stalk, then cut the peel in a circle, trying not to touch the flesh of the fruit. The cut should be quite deep, since the thickness of the skin is 7-10 mm. Additionally, you can make cuts on the bottom and sides. After this, the peel is easily removed, revealing the snow-white aromatic pulp. You can also get it out with a spoon. You need to eat the pulp carefully, as there are quite large seeds in the slices.

One of the remarkable properties of mangosteen is its keeping quality. In a covered, dry place (but not in a cold place) they can be stored for about 20-25 days. After this period, the peel hardens, becomes tougher, the pulp dries out and loses its taste. Mangosteen can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks; the longer it sits, the more overripe the pulp will become.

How to use mangosteen

Mangosteen is primarily consumed raw as a dessert. They can be found on the menu of almost any restaurant in Thailand. Fruits can also be frozen or canned, although if not processed correctly they may lose their characteristic aroma and taste. In Malaysia, it is customary to make jam or jam from mangosteen.

Sweet and sour mangosteen jam

To prepare you will need:

  • approximately 200 g pulp;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • the same amount of water;
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pectin for thickening.

First, a syrup is boiled from sugar and water, mangosteen pulp is added to it and the whole thing is boiled until softened. After this, lime juice and pectin are added to the jam and simmered over low heat until thickened. Ready jam Place in sealed jars.

Creamy mangosteen cocktail

You can make a very tasty and, most importantly, healthy cocktail from mangosteen:

  • 250 g pulp puree;
  • 100 g cream;
  • glass of water.

All ingredients are mixed in a blender, adding a little sugar to taste.

Recent studies show that mangosteen promotes the breakdown of fats, and the juice made from this fruit has the same properties. Regular intake of mangosteen juice helps to lose weight, supports wellness. It helps to recover after operations or serious illnesses.

Important! The main benefits of mangosteen are not concentrated in tasty pulp, but in a thick peel. It contains the majority of xanthones. Therefore in medicinal purposes It is recommended to prepare a paste from the pulp and peel.