Delicious milk noodles for children. How to cook milk soup for a child with vermicelli Milk noodles for a 1 year old child

Probably every mother knows the recipe for milk soup. But does everyone succeed the first time? Which milk is better to choose? What kind of pasta and how much should I add so that the soup is not too thick? How long to cook? Today we will try to find answers to all these questions.

General cooking principles

You can prepare the soup with regular store-bought noodles or homemade noodles. It is better to choose high-quality pasta, preferably made from durum flour - it will not fall apart during cooking and will not turn into a sticky porridge. You can buy regular small noodles or ultra-thin, so-called “spider web” noodles, which are cooked literally in a matter of seconds.

Normalized milk of 2.5% and 3.2%, which is sold in bags, is suitable. You can use whole, but only diluted in water. Baked milk, which you can buy in a store or melt yourself at home, is also suitable. It is important to pay attention to the fat content of the milk. The higher the fat content, the higher the calorie content of the soup. Very fatty store-bought milk, and especially homemade milk, must be diluted with water, especially if you are preparing children’s soup.

Correct proportions

To make noodle soup cooked with milk tasty and tender, you need to calculate the proportions correctly. The soup should not be too thick. Therefore, you need to add exactly as much pasta as indicated in the recipe. You can pour a little less, but not more, since during cooking the dough swells greatly, absorbs liquid and increases in volume. The optimal amount of vermicelli for milk soup is 0.5 cups (volume 200 ml) per 1 liter of milk.

    1. Choose the right cookware. To avoid burning, it is best to cook in a saucepan or in a saucepan with a thick bottom and always over low heat.
    1. Do not let the milk burn. To prevent anything from burning, do not move far from the pan. Stir the dish constantly during cooking. Most often, whole milk burns, so to prepare milk soups with noodles, it must be diluted with water. You can also use this trick: first pour cold water into the bottom of the pan, and only then add milk in a thin stream.
    1. Pour vermicelli only into boiling liquid. There are several ways to prepare milk soups, but the general rule is that the pasta should only be dipped into the bubbling milk, stirring constantly to prevent the noodles from bunching up and sticking to each other.
    1. Be careful not to overcook the pasta. As a rule, vermicelli cooks very quickly, in just over a minute. Therefore, you can remove the soup from the stove almost immediately after boiling, as soon as the noodles are half cooked. While the soup cools, it will absorb some of the hot liquid, become softer and not boil over.
    1. If you like thick milk soup, like jelly, add a little starch to it (0.5 tsp per 1 liter of milk). To do this, separately dissolve the starch in a cup of cold milk, pour in at the very end of cooking, 2-3 minutes before readiness, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

Some housewives are unable to cook vermicelli in milk; it remains raw and hard, and the milk burns. What to do in this case? The problem can be easily solved. Cook the vermicelli in boiling salted water, as you would regular pasta, until fully cooked, following the instructions on the package. Then drain in a colander to drain all the liquid, and immediately add to the boiling milk, boil the soup and remove from heat.


  • milk - 400 ml
  • water - 100 ml
  • vermicelli – 50 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 chip.
  • butter - 1 tsp.
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife - optional

Total prep time: 10 minutes / Cook time: 5 minutes / Yield: 2 servings


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    The technology is very simple. I take a ladle with a thick bottom and a non-stick coating. I pour cold water into it first, and then milk. If you have store-bought milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you don’t have to dilute it, but just rinse the ladle with water. I definitely dilute whole and very fatty ones, then the soup will turn out more tender and will not burn.

    I put the ladle on the stove, on the lowest heat. I stir constantly so that it doesn't burn or run away. As soon as the milk warms up, I add a piece of butter and let it dissolve. Of course, you can add oil at the very end or completely exclude it from the list of ingredients if you are cooking for kids.

    I patiently bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, add salt - just 1-2 tiny pinches will greatly improve the taste of the soup. Immediately add granulated sugar, as well as vanilla on the tip of a knife for a pleasant aroma. If you have noodles made from durum flour, then sugar can be added at the very end of cooking, then the soup will definitely not burn.

    Pour vermicelli into the boiling milk, slowly and carefully, stirring the soup so that it does not stick together and form one lump. I measure out the amount of pasta by the handful. For 500 ml of liquid I take 1 large handful, from the heart, this is about 50 grams.

    I continue to cook over low heat, stirring, for no more than 1 minute. It all depends on the type of pasta. If you have “Gossamer”, then remove from the stove immediately after boiling, cover with a lid and wait a couple of minutes, it will evaporate on its own. Hard varieties need to be cooked a little longer and tasted; the inside of the vermicelli should be soft, but not overcooked. Keep in mind that it will swell in hot liquid and still reach condition.

Once the soup has cooled slightly, pour it into bowls. The soup is delicious, be prepared for the kids to ask for more! You can adjust the amount of sugar or add honey instead. Bon appetit!

    The recipe is exclusively for lazy moms like me. I've never made this long-suffering milk soup before. The milk was boiling away, the pasta was boiling, it was just terrible! And then it finally dawned on me to do everything separately. Well, in general, the recipe is simple. And if you add a little sugar, even a child will like the dish. This soup can be given to children from 1 year old.


  • Pasta - 400 g
  • Water - 2 l
  • Milk - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Preparation.

Step by step photos of the recipe:

Let's boil the water.

Drain the water, put it back in the pan and add milk. Add a spoonful of sugar.

You don’t have to cook for a long time; as soon as it boils, turn it off and add butter.

After 5 minutes you can put it in plates and feed the babies.

Why do I add so little sugar? Because then you can sweeten it with honey or jam, children will like it more, unless, of course, there are allergies.

Bon appetit!


In order for the baby to be active and grow healthy, parents are obliged to take care of him. Their concern is expressed in proper nutrition and adherence to a daily routine. It is very important for a child that his daily menu is complete and includes the entire necessary range of elements. During the growth period, it is necessary that foods contain large amounts of protein and carbohydrates. The first is a source of tissue construction, and the second provides the necessary supply of energy that the body spends on active growth and development. It is very important that young children have a lot of dairy products in their diet, because calcium, which is contained in milk, is an essential element for the growth of bone tissue.

It is worth considering the fact that the children's digestive system is designed in such a way that it cannot digest everything. Therefore, fried and smoked foods are taboo for young children. They can cause stomach upset.

So food should be light and simple. It is useful to give your child soups. Especially dairy ones. The proposed soup recipe is just right for children aged 1 year and older. The fact is that this is no longer puree, but pasta, which needs to be chewed thoroughly, so it is recommended to give it only to those children who already have chewing teeth.

The proposed dish contains only healthy and healthy products - milk, butter (which helps absorb all vitamins), pasta (a source of much-needed carbohydrates). You can avoid sugar or put it as little as possible. The preparation method is very simple, heat treatment is boiling, frying of products is excluded.

At what age can the products included in the composition be given?

Cow's milk can be given to children starting from 9 months, of course, if you are confident in its quality.

Butter, in diluted rather than pure form, is gradually introduced into complementary foods from six months onwards. It is better not to give it to your baby in its pure form, as it is very fatty and the weak secretory function of the stomach may not be able to process it.

But pediatricians advise postponing the introduction to sugar until a later date, so as not to develop unhealthy eating habits in the child. But just starting from the year, a small amount of sugar can be added to the diet. But you should pay attention to how the child eats. Perhaps he will find the soup very tasty without it or with a minimal amount of it. Here everything will depend on the individual preferences of the baby and on what food he is already accustomed to eating at his age.

Rate the recipe

As the baby grows up and becomes familiar with adult food, the mother makes the diet varied, including new unfamiliar components in the diet. The most popular and favorite dish of many toddlers is milk soup with noodles. It is not only healthy and nutritious, but it is equally important that the unusual shape of pasta arouses genuine interest among children. In addition, this dish also has high taste properties. The young mother just has to find out at what age to get acquainted with shaped dough products and how to prepare them herself.

When you decide to prepare milk soup with noodles for your baby for the first time, it is important to choose the right products. Pay attention not only to the interesting shape, but also to the quality properties. Today there is a huge range of similar products. When purchasing, remember that pasta for baby food must be made from durum wheat. First of all, this is necessary due to the fact that they do not contain gluten (gluten), which can cause allergies in children. Also, pasta made from durum varieties retains its shape better, is perfectly accepted by the baby’s stomach, is easily digested, leaving only useful components in the body.

An alternative to such noodles is gluten-free baby pasta. They are based not on cereal flour, but on gluten-free rice and corn.

You can try pasta at the age of 9 months, but you should introduce it as a permanent ingredient in dishes no earlier than the baby is 10–12 months old. It’s better to start getting acquainted with vegetable soups; after a year you can prepare milk pasta soup.

Pasta products are characterized by numerous advantages and significant benefits for infants. The most significant indicators include:

  • Contains a large amount of complex carbohydrates. This means that vermicelli can provide the baby with energy for several hours.
  • The product is rich in B vitamins, microelements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium) and amino acids necessary for the normal growth and development of toddlers.
  • Pasta is easy to prepare and has a wide range of uses in cooking.

Some manufacturers offer vermicelli in different colors. Don't be afraid to buy green or red pasta for your little one. To give them a tint, safe food colors are used.

DIY homemade noodles for babies

Noodles made with love by mother’s hands have the greatest benefits and high taste properties. The recipe is simple. For this you will need:

  • 300 g flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. Break the eggs into a bowl.
  2. Add a pinch of salt and beat.
  3. Place the flour in a separate container, make a well, and pour in the mixture of eggs and salt.
  4. Stir with a spoon, and then knead the dough with your hands.
  5. Place the dough in a bag and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to give it elasticity.
  6. Cut the dough into slices and coat in flour.
  7. We roll out the pieces with a rolling pin or put them through a machine, after which pancakes are formed, 1–2 mm thick.
  8. Dry the rolled sheets in air for 10 minutes.
  9. We cut them into ribbons. You can roll the sheets into tubes and cut them with a knife.
  10. Leave the noodles on the kitchen board until completely dry.
  11. Homemade noodles are cooked for about 7–10 minutes. It can be stored in the refrigerator, first wrapped in a plastic bag.

Milk in infant nutrition

In order for milk noodle soup to be beneficial for children, it is important to choose the right not only pasta, but also milk. It is better to cook babies aged from 10–12 months to three years with diluted milk. A child’s body is still unable to normally perceive and digest a whole healthy drink. It contains highly allergenic cow's milk protein, casein.

Dr. Komarovsky notes that for children under one year of age it is better to prepare soup with milk formula, since it has a number of advantages: it has a stable composition, contains the necessary vitamins and microelements, the mixture is adapted and hypoallergenic, and is easy to prepare.

If you are confident in the quality of homemade milk, it is also important to observe fat content in children’s diets. The optimal value is 2%. For example, dilute three percent milk with boiled water in a 2:1 ratio.

Rules for including milk soup in the diet

A one-year-old baby will love soups with milk if they are introduced correctly and consistently into the diet. To do this, we take into account the following principles:

  • Initially, the soup is prepared without filling. It is better to add vegetables - zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, potatoes. When the child gets used to it, we complicate the recipes, add spider web vermicelli, and then other types of pasta.
  • For the first time, the baby is offered one spoon of soup. If the product does not cause negative symptoms: rash, bowel disorders, we continue to increase the portion of the product. The norm for a one-year-old child is up to 100 ml, at one and a half years the baby will eat a full portion of 120 ml of soup, and at three years – 180–200 ml.
  • Milk noodles are cooked quickly in an enameled stainless steel pan with a double bottom on the stove. Cast iron containers are also suitable for this purpose. Total cooking time is 15–20 minutes. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils, especially for boiling milk and storing food for children. The safety of aluminum cookware with fluoroplastic (Teflon coating) is causing a lot of controversy today. It is quite safe to prepare a dish in a slow cooker.
  • Prohibited additives for children under one year of age are salt, sugar, pepper and other spices. They are added in small quantities to the dishes of children over 12 months. You should not put sauces, ketchups, industrial mayonnaise, or products with a high content of preservatives, dyes, or flavoring additives into the soup.
  • To give the dish a special taste, you can add 10–20 g of butter, honey (if you are not allergic), and dried fruits.

In addition to the question of how to cook children's milk soup, we decide on a suitable recipe and select the necessary ingredients. Such complementary foods will delight the baby, give him a good mood, strength and energy to explore the world.


When choosing a suitable recipe, it is important to focus on the baby’s age, familiar ingredients and taste preferences.

Classic milk soup with noodles

The most common and beloved by all children is regular milk soup with homemade noodles. To prepare you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of cow's milk;
  • 0.5 l of purified water;
  • 20 g butter;
  • salt, sugar - at mother's request;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vermicelli or noodles.
  1. Add pasta to boiling water and cook for 8 minutes until tender.
  2. Place in a colander.
  3. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, adding a little salt.
  4. Add boiled noodles to boiled milk and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Add oil and turn off the stove. The soup is ready, cool and serve.

Milk soup with vegetables

This recipe is ideal for those kids who are starting to get acquainted with milk soups. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 potato tuber;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 20 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 8 broccoli florets;
  • 5 g butter.
  1. Peel the vegetables, wash them, chop them finely.
  2. Simmer the carrots in butter for 7 minutes, then add the potatoes, pumpkin and broccoli.
  3. Pour in half a glass of milk, add salt, continue cooking for about 20 minutes.
  4. A few minutes before it’s ready, pour in the remaining heated milk and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  5. Cool and serve the dish to the baby to try.

Milk soup with potatoes

  1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly and grate.
  2. Fill the potato mixture with water and place on the fire.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes, add milk.
  4. Cook for another 10 minutes over low heat until fully cooked.
  5. Add oil, cool and serve to the baby for testing.

Milk soups in any form are beneficial for children's bodies. Dishes regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen bones, and help improve immunity. By adding pasta of different shapes and colors, the dish can be colorful, original and always different.

Milk soup with noodles is a dish that, due to its healthy composition and speed of preparation, is ideal for baby food, consumption by the elderly and those who are watching their figure. To make the dish as tasty and healthy as possible, it must be prepared according to proven recipes and only high-quality products must be used (vermicelli made from durum wheat).

Classic milk soup is cooked with thin vermicelli, which is also called “Spider Web”. To interest children, you can use thin pasta in the form of technology, letters, numbers, stars, etc.

Milk noodle soup is a wonderful nutritious breakfast for the whole family.

Proportions of products for milk soup with noodles:

  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 100 g vermicelli;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 3 g salt.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Rinse a pan with a thick bottom, for example, stainless steel, with cold water. Then pour the milk into it and heat it to a boil, constantly making sure that it does not escape. For milk soups, it is better not to use skim milk, since the body simply needs fats to absorb the calcium and vitamins contained in it, which are not enough in a low-fat product.
  2. After the milk boils, reduce the heat and add vermicelli in small portions, continuously stirring the contents of the pan. This will prevent the pasta from sticking together into one lump.
  3. A couple of minutes before the noodles are ready, sweeten the soup with sugar to taste and add a pinch of salt, which in this case will act as a natural flavor enhancer, so it should be added.

How to cook in a slow cooker?

You can very simply and quickly prepare milk soup with noodles in a slow cooker using the appropriate option.

To prepare it you must prepare:

  • 4 multi-glasses milk or 2 multi-glasses water and 2 multi-glasses milk;
  • 1.5 multi-cups noodles;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 g salt.


  1. If you prepare soup in devices equipped with the “Milk porridge” function, then it will be enough just to put all the ingredients in an electric pan, close the lid and start the appropriate program.
  2. If the required option is not available among the available programs, the cooking algorithm will change slightly. First you need to boil the milk (or milk and water). This can be done with the “Fry”, “Multi-cook” or “Soup” functions.
  3. Place vermicelli, salt, sugar and butter into boiling milk, cover with a lid and continue cooking. For the Polaris multicooker, 7-10 minutes in the Multicook mode at 110 degrees. In Panasonic devices, “Steam” for one minute and keep on heating for another 7-10 minutes.

Hearty soup with noodles and potatoes

The ratio of noodles and potatoes to liquid given in this recipe allows you to get a medium-thick first course, so the prepared soup should be eaten immediately after cooking, otherwise it will thicken too much.

Every mother knows the recipe for a tasty and healthy first course.

List of required ingredients:

  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 350 g potatoes;
  • 150 g vermicelli;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the potato tubers and chop into small cubes. Place the vegetable in a saucepan, add water and cook until soft. Since vegetables boil very poorly in milk, to prepare milk soup they are first boiled in water and only after that milk and other ingredients are added.
  2. In a separate bowl, heat the milk until almost boiling, but do not boil. When the potatoes are cooked, pour hot milk into the pan, add vermicelli and cook until fully cooked.
  3. When the soup is almost ready, add salt and spices as desired.

With added pumpkin

This healthy soup can have a different consistency - thinner or thicker, which will look like porridge. Everything will depend on the ratio of pumpkin and milk, which each housewife can choose at her own discretion.

The basic proportions of ingredients will be as follows:

  • 240 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 1200 ml milk;
  • 50 g vermicelli “Spiderweb”;
  • salt, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste;
  • butter in portions for serving.

How to cook milk soup with pumpkin:

  1. Roughly chop the pumpkin pulp, cleared of seeds and peel, place it in a bowl, add water so that it just covers the vegetables, and place on the stove.
  2. When the pumpkin is absolutely ready, it should be pureed. This can be done using a blender, potato masher, or by rubbing through a sieve.
  3. The resulting orange puree should be diluted with hot milk to the desired thickness, put vermicelli in it, add sugar and spices to taste. After the noodles are cooked, the soup can be served.
  4. When serving, place a small piece of butter on each plate.

Milk soup with noodles for children

From the first days of life, milk is indispensable in a child’s diet. Over time, mother's milk is replaced by cow's or goat's milk. It often happens that the older the child gets, the less pleasure he drinks milk. In this case, mothers resort to various tricks.

Milk soup can be seasoned with a couple of spoons of your favorite jam or fresh berries.

For example, you can make a delicious soup from milk and noodles by taking:

  • 1000 ml milk;
  • 75 g vermicelli;
  • 25 g butter;
  • salt and sugar to taste.


  1. Place two pans on the stove: one with water and the other with milk. As soon as the water boils, add a little salt and boil the vermicelli in it until half cooked. Depending on the instructions on the package, this may take 3 to 5 minutes.
  2. Then place the vermicelli in a colander and rinse thoroughly with hot water so that they do not stick together. When the liquid has drained thoroughly, transfer the pasta to the boiling milk.
  3. Add sugar and butter to the milk. Boil the soup until the vermicelli is ready. This first course should be served hot.

Italian chicken noodle soup

For most, milk noodle soup is a sweet dessert that has become the first course, but in Italy, chicken soup with a rich creamy taste, cooked with water, milk and cream, is very popular.

The Italian soup has a rich, creamy flavor.

To cook it, you need to take:

  • 1000 ml chicken broth;
  • 150 ml heavy cream;
  • 45 ml milk;
  • 450 g chicken fillet;
  • 150 g canned corn grains;
  • 120 g vermicelli;
  • 30 g corn starch;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


  1. Pour broth and cream into a saucepan of suitable volume, place chicken fillet cut into thin strips into this mixture. Bring to a boil and cook for twenty minutes.
  2. In a separate pan, boil the vermicelli in enough salted water until half cooked. Cooking time will depend on what is indicated on the package. Drain the noodles in a colander, rinse and add to the chicken fillet.
  3. Next, mix cold milk with starch and add it into the soup in a thin stream. Then add corn, salt and cook for a few minutes until the vermicelli is ready. Serve the dish warm, seasoning with ground black pepper on top.

Balanced baby food is the basis for the full development of babies. However, after the introduction of complementary foods and the transition to regular food, especially at an early age, children become selective in food. Parents have to work hard to prepare a dish that the baby will like and provide him with all the necessary nutrients. The solution is milk soup. With its help, you can easily accustom capricious children to unloved foods.

A balanced diet is important for a child, which should include milk soup

Nuances of preparing milk soup

Before moving on to the recipes for various milk soups, you need to understand some cooking tricks. Properly prepared soup is a guarantee that your child will eat it with pleasure.

You can take three milk options as a basis:

  • whole;
  • dry;
  • condensed.

As for the first option, it is added during the cooking process. Powdered milk must first be diluted in a small volume of water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, then add the rest of the water. The amount of milk powder and water is taken in a ratio of 50 g. product per 1 liter of water. In the latter version, this ratio is 2 tbsp. for 1 glass of water. The resulting solution is brought to a boil.

Typically, milk soups are prepared with the addition of vegetables, flour products or cereals. In the case when the soup is prepared exclusively with milk without water, then all its components must be cooked separately, until half cooked. Only after this can you add them to the soup.

To prepare this dish, thick-bottomed pans are ideal, which should be rinsed with cold water before starting cooking. This will prevent the soup from burning. It should always be cooked over low heat.

Milk is the basis for children's soup. If it is too greasy, the product can be diluted with water

A separate important nuance in the preparation of not only milk soups, but also all other dishes intended for children of the first year of life is the minimal use of sugar and salt. To avoid making mistakes when adding these substances in their pure form, baby nutrition experts recommend using their aqueous solutions.

Saline solution

To prepare the saline solution you will need 25 g. salt and half a glass of water. Salt is poured into hot water and brought to a boil. The salt should completely dissolve. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

After the solution is ready, it should be filtered using gauze folded in several layers and lined with sterile cotton wool. The next step is to obtain the original volume by adding boiling water to the solution. Next, boil the solution again. Pour the prepared saline solution into a sterile container with a closing sterile lid. It is added to food in the proportion of 1 teaspoon, which corresponds to 3 grams, per 200 grams of food.

Aqueous sugar solution

Sugar is not the best product for feeding a child, so it should be used as little as possible. A convenient option is to prepare an aqueous solution

To obtain sugar syrup, you need to take half a glass of water per 100 grams of sugar. The procedure for its preparation is similar to how saline solution is made. Sugar is poured with hot water and brought to a boil. It is necessary to boil the sugar until it is completely dissolved. This will take a little longer, about 20 minutes. Then the procedure of filtering through gauze is also carried out, which must be folded in several layers and lined with sterile cotton wool. The original volume is achieved by adding boiling water. After this, the solution must be boiled again. The finished sugar syrup is poured into a sterile container with a closing lid.

Milk vermicelli recipes

With noodles

The most popular, easy and convenient to prepare option is milk noodle soup. It is allowed to cook it quite often and feed it to the baby every other day. However, it is not recommended to give a one-year-old child milk soup with flour products every day.

The recipe is incredibly simple. In addition, both store-bought vermicelli and homemade noodles are suitable for its preparation. To save time, you can always make a little more soup for not only the child, but also for all family members.

Noodle soup will appeal not only to the baby, but also to other family members.

In principle, the basis of all milk soups consists of the same standard ingredients:

  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • water - 200-250 ml;
  • butter – 4 tsp;
  • saline solution - 1 tsp.

For milk noodle/noodle soup you will need the following additional ingredients:

  • vermicelli/noodles - 4 tsp;
  • sugar solution - 2 tsp.

Solutions of salt and sugar, vermicelli or noodles are added to the water brought to a boil. Cook everything together for about 10 minutes. Then hot milk is added and everything is brought to a boil again. After boiling, cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes. In addition to the common ingredients, all ready-made dairy soups are seasoned with butter.

With pasta

Another recipe with flour products is milk soup with pasta (we recommend reading:). For him, the following are added to the standard set:

  • pasta – 40 gr.;
  • sugar solution - 2 tsp.

It is advisable to prepare soup from medium-sized pasta, for example, with letters, stars or rings. This will give it an appetizing appearance and it will be convenient for the baby to eat it.

First of all, you need to cook the pasta for 5 minutes. The water in which this is done should be salted. In order for the water to drain from them, they are laid out in a colander. Boil milk with salt and sugar solutions added to it. Add pasta and cook for another 5 minutes.

Recipes for milk soups with various cereals

With rice

The additional ingredient you will need to make this soup is 2 tablespoons of rice. It must be thoroughly washed, changing the water several times, and boiled. Pour hot milk over it and let it boil. Pour in the saline solution and boil again. At the end, add butter as usual.

For milk soup, it is preferable to choose the round variety, as it cooks better and becomes softer

With semolina

When preparing a dish with semolina, the following are added to the main ingredients:

  • semolina – 2 tbsp;
  • wheat bread – 50 gr.

A glass of milk is diluted with water and boiled. Semolina is added. The soup is cooked for 10 minutes, and it must be stirred constantly. Add a second glass of hot milk and butter, and boil again. Croutons and salt solution are added to the finished dish.

With oatmeal

For oatmeal soup you will also need:

  • oatmeal – 40 g;
  • young green peas – 2 tsp.

Rinse the cereal in several passes and fill it with cold water and leave it to swell for 2 hours. Add salt to the water and cook the peas. Boil the oatmeal and cook for half an hour in the water with which it was poured. Add hot milk, peas, saline solution to the cooled cereal and rubbed through a sieve and boil again.

With barley

For soup with barley, only 40 grams of barley is added to the main ingredients. Barley grits are fried until yellow in a preheated oven in a dry frying pan, after which they are cooked for 2 hours, poured with boiling water. The cooked porridge is rubbed through a sieve. The remaining ingredients are added to it and everything is brought to a boil.

To cook the egg, you can use a multicooker, which will free mommy from spending a long time in the kitchen.

With pearl barley

Additional ingredients for barley soup:

  • pearl barley – 20 g;
  • sugar – 1 tsp.

The sequence of actions is approximately the same. Well-washed cereal is poured with boiling water and cooked under a lid over low heat until soft. Afterwards the pearl barley is rubbed through a sieve. Then the remaining ingredients are added to it and everything is brought to a boil.

Milk soups with vegetables

We offer 2 simple recipes:

  1. prefabricated vegetable soup on a milk basis;
  2. creamy soup with zucchini and rice.

In the first case, potatoes - 1 piece, carrots and pumpkin 30 grams each. finely chopped, cauliflower is disassembled into inflorescences - 6 pcs. Stew carrots with 2 tsp. butter and 4 tbsp. water until soft. Next, you need to add the rest of the vegetables, add water and leave covered over low heat for 25 minutes. Towards the end, pour in the saline solution, milk and bring to a boil.

In the second case, rice is added to the standard ingredients - 2 tsp. and zucchini pulp - 100 g. The washed zucchini is cut into thin slices. Mix it and rice, add saline solution and pour boiling water. Cook until done. Wipe and dilute with milk.