Lightly salted mackerel in brine at home. With vegetable oil

The most best recipes pickles of mackerel, herring, capelin

Salted mackerel according to the Old Mariner recipe

As soon as the fish had melted a little, I washed it, cut off the head, tail, fins, removed the skin, carefully gutted it, cut it into 2 fillets along the spine, removing the spine and all the bones. Sprinkle with salt (about 1 tbsp) and place in a saucepan. The fish caught caviar - and that's it too! Place the saucepan in the refrigerator. until morning. In the morning (12 hours passed), I lightly washed the fish under running water and laid it on paper napkins to dry. Meanwhile, I finely chopped the garlic (1 m clove for 1 fillet) and chopped the dill. I peppered the inside of the fillet halves with freshly ground black pepper, sprinkled with garlic, dill, and placed pieces of bay leaves. You can stop there, but you can lightly grease the fish to add additional flavor nuances spicy mustard, mayonnaise, butter. I mashed the caviar with a fork and also spread it evenly on the fillet. Next, press the two halves of the fillet tightly against each other and wrap each “pair” separately in a bag. Place in the freezer until evening. In the evening, remove the fish from the freezer. Lightly salted mackerel is ready! Easy to cut, dense. Stored in the freezer. But not for long, as it is eaten quickly. Bon appetit!

Mackerel marinated at home!

You can't imagine how delicious it turned out! You will need 2 fish. Cut off the head and gut it.... (I asked my son to do this, I couldn’t do it myself, my hand didn’t rise. I even ran away from the kitchen so as not to look...). Wash well. Cut into pieces 1.5 cm thick. Pour a large glass (I have about 300 ml) of water into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of salt. Stir well until the salt dissolves. Place our fish pieces there, I also put a couple of bay leaves. Cover with a plate and place some weight on top. Let's leave the fish to salt. I left it overnight. I put it in in the evening, in the morning, at about 10 o’clock, I already took it out. I was salting for about 12 hours... In the morning there was such a picture. Drain all the liquid... Place the fish in the same bowl again. Then, in the same bowl, put:

. Vinegar (if 9%, then 3 tbsp, if 5%, like mine, then 4-5 tbsp);

. black pepper, hot paprika- taste;

. onion, cut into half rings - 1 large onion;

. 2 cloves of garlic (squeeze through a garlic press);

. rast. oil - 1 glass.

Mix everything well. Cover again with the same plate (all the fish should be in the marinade), press down and place a weight on top. Then put it in the refrigerator until evening to marinate well. You can stir it periodically. And in the evening you can eat! The mackerel turned out so delicious that it cannot be expressed in words! It seems to me that it is even tastier than herring... fattier, or something... With boiled potatoes and pickled onions... In general, my mouth is already watering again... Bon appetit!

How to pickle mackerel - cooking recipes!

In this marinade, mackerel turns out tastier than red fish! Tender pickled mackerel will simply melt in your mouth... Wonderful salted mackerel can be prepared at home. There are many cooking recipes, some of which we will consider.

Recipe No. 1

. Mackerel - 1 kilogram.

To prepare marinade for 1 liter of water:

. Salt - 5 soup spoons;

. Granulated sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Dry mustard - 1 soup spoon;

. Bay leaf - 6 pieces;

. Cloves - 2 pieces;

. Vegetable oil - 2 soup spoons.

Preparation: The fish must be cleaned, the entrails and head removed, the tail and fins cut off. In a separate pan, cook the marinade from the proposed ingredients, which must be cooled. After the marinade has cooled, put the fish in it, put a plate and pressure on top of the mackerel and in the cold, in two or three days the fish will be ready. The fish can be turned over periodically.

Recipe No. 2

. Mackerel - 3 pieces.

For marinade per 1 liter of water:

. Tea leaves - 4 soup spoons;

. Salt - 4 soup spoons;

. Granulated sugar - 2 soup spoons;

. Liquid smoke - 4 soup spoons.

Preparation: First defrost the frozen mackerel, then cut off the tail, head, clean the entrails, rinse well and put it in a two-liter jar, the tails should be at the top. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, add tea leaves, granulated sugar, and salt to the water and bring everything to a boil. After which you need to strain, let cool and then add to the marinade liquid smoke. Pour this marinade over the fish, cover with a plastic lid and refrigerate for about three days. Periodically, the jar of mackerel needs to be shaken. After the time has passed, the fish can be consumed by cutting into pieces.

Recipe No. 3

. Mackerel - 500 grams;

. Salt - 3 soup spoons;

. Sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Black pepper.

Preparation: Thaw fresh frozen fish, then clean it, removing the head, tail and entrails. After this, rinse it well and cut it into portions. Then each piece of fish must be salted, peppered and sugared, placed in a jar or some other container for salting fish. Between each row, salt the fish, sprinkle with granulated sugar and pepper. You need to put the mackerel in the cold and in about a day or two the fish will be ready.

Recipe No. 4

. Mackerel - 3 kilograms.


. Water - 1 liter;

. Granulated sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Salt - 6 soup spoons;

. Bay leaf - 3 pieces;

. Black peppercorns - 9;

. Allspice- 3 peas;

. Coriander - half a teaspoon.

Preparation: It is necessary to defrost and clean the mackerel, that is, remove the entrails, remove the head, fins and tail. After this, rinse the fish well and place it in a pan in a jack. Separately prepare the marinade from the proposed ingredients. Let it cool and pour the mackerel on top; if there is not enough water, you can add boiled salted and cooled water. Place a plate and weight on top of the fish. Place in a cool place for 5 days. Bon appetit!

How to cook mackerel home salting?

For lovers delicious salty This recipe is dedicated to mackerel. It is simple; even an avid bachelor who does not have special cooking skills can salt mackerel using it. Ingredients:

. Mackerel;

. tea;

. salt;

. sugar.

Preparation: So, take two large frozen mackerel, defrost under running water, wash, cut off the head, and also remove the insides straight into the trash. We wash the fish inside and out, remove the moisture with paper towels and start cooking the brine. How to cook brine, also known as marinade: pour four tablespoons of tea with a liter of boiling water. It turns out like this strong tea, in which our defrosted mackerel will swim. Add four tablespoons of salt and the same amount of sugar to the tea (cooled) and stir. Place the mackerel in this salty-sweet tea brine and store it in the refrigerator for four whole days. Then we remove it from the marinade, hang it in the kitchen over the sink overnight, remove it in the morning and put it in the refrigerator, having first wrapped the fish in a paper bag. All. The fish is ready! Cut it and try it. Bon appetit!

Let's marinate mackerel! Real jam!

Take 3 pieces of frozen mackerel, wash, clean and cut into pieces. The main thing in this matter is not to let the fish UNFROST, we carry out all manipulations with frozen mackerel!! Peel and chop 3 onions and 3 cloves of garlic. Place the mackerel, onion and garlic in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 heaping tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of oil, ground hot pepper, allspice, bay leaf. Mix carefully. Place tightly in a jar, cover with a lid and refrigerate for a day. And a day later we take out our fish and eat it.

Home-salted herring + marinades and brines!

Herring should be purchased with a thick back (fatty). If it is frozen, then it should be completely defrosted before salting. And it's better not to wash it. And now a few recipes: Marinade 1:

. Boiled water (1 glass);

. vegetable oil - 3 tbsp;

. black peppercorns;

. bay leaf or several;

. salt to taste.

Boil it all, cool it and add a little vinegar. Place the herring, cover tightly with a lid and leave in the room for 4-5 hours, then in the refrigerator for another 5 hours, or better yet, leave it overnight.

Marinade 2:

. For 1 liter of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar;

. Bay leaf;

. black peppercorns;

. cardamom;

. garlic;

. 1-2 flowers (dried) cloves.

Bring all this to a boil and cool. Pour over the herring so that it is completely covered with marinade. Place the container in the refrigerator immediately (in winter, you can put it on the balcony). After two days you can eat.

Pickle 3:

. 4 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar per 1 liter. water (this is about 2-3 herring).

Place the fish in the cooled brine for 1 day. Basically, no hassle. This method can be used to salt not only herring, but also mackerel.

Pickle 4:

. 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water;

. add bay leaf;

. allspice peas;

. coriander (bunches).

Sue everything. Cut the herring into medium pieces, place in a bowl on its side, pour over the chilled marinade. Cover with a plate and place a jar of water on top like a press. Leave in a cool place for 1 day.

Second recipe:

. 6 table. spoons of salt;

. 1 table. spoon of sugar;

. seasonings are the same for 1 liter of water.

The rest is done the same way. Place ungutted fish in three liter jar and pour in brine: for 1 liter of boiled chilled water you need 5 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of allspice peas. When the brine has already been poured into the jar, place 1 tablespoon of dry mustard on top. Bon appetit!

Our own salted herring!

. Fresh frozen herring - (3-4 pieces per 3 liter jar);

. salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;

. sugar - 5 tbsp. spoon;

. laurel - 2 pcs.

Preparation: Boil 1 liter. water. Add 3 tbsp to boiling water. spoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Place the resulting brine on a window or balcony until it cools completely. Completely defrost and wash the herring. Place the herring in a 2 or 3 liter jar and fill with brine. Add 2 bay leaves. Place in the refrigerator for 2 days. After 2 days, the herring is ready to eat. P.S. Personally, I use Norwegian herring, in my opinion it tastes better than Atlantic herring. At all this ambassador It turns out no worse and even better than the fresh herring that they sell in the store.

Herring is an incomparable way of pickling!

We have salted herring using this recipe many, many times and we have always been pleased with the result!! We take 1 kg. fresh frozen herring good quality. Gut, remove skin and cut into pieces. Place the fish in an enamel saucepan.

Prepare the filling in advance:

. 3 onions cut into rings;

. 10-12 tbsp. water;

. 1 tsp Sahara;

. 1-2 tbsp. salt (without a slide);

. 0.5 tsp ground black pepper;

. 1 dec. l. vinegar (essence); . 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;

. 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Preparation: Boil everything together with the onion, cool and pour over the fish. Place in the refrigerator. In a day delicious herring will be ready! Well, very tasty!! I used table vinegar. Bon appetit!

Delicious and quick herring in the marinade!

●herring - 2 pcs.,

●onions - 1-2 large sizes,

●apple vinegar - 5 tbsp.,

●salt - 2 tsp,

●sugar - 0.5 tsp,

●water - 1 glass,

●peppercorns - 10 pcs.,

●a pinch of coriander seeds.

Preparation: First prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, Apple vinegar and heat a little (do not boil) until the ingredients dissolve in it. While the marinade is cooling, clean the herring and cut into pieces, and also cut the onion into rings. We take a jar and place the herring in it, adding onions, peppercorns and coriander alternately as we place it. Pour the now cooled marinade over it, cover it with a lid and leave it somewhere away for a day. In a day, the delicious pickled herring will be ready. Bon appetit!

Herring gentle salting!

5 pieces fresh-frozen herring

Brine: For 1 liter of water we take 5 tablespoons (without a slide)

  • salt 3 tablespoons (without slide)
  • sugar
  • 12-15 grains of black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon of dry mustard seeds (you can use 1 teaspoon of dry mustard) - mustard gives hardness, or rather elasticity, to the herring, it will not be soft, as we sometimes get in the store.
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Five pieces of herring fit into a 3-liter jar, it’s okay that the tails are still sticking out, we’ll press them down. It took 2 liters of water, so we do a double calculation. Pour water into a saucepan, boil along with salt and sugar. Let cool. Place all the spices in a saucepan and fill with cooled brine. Press the tails under the water and close with a lid. Place in a cool place. You can eat tomorrow. If you add cloves, there will be herring spicy salting. But we don’t like this kind of thing. We need gentle salting. Bon appetit!

Spicy dry salted sprat!

. Sprat (fresh) - 1 kg;

. Coriander (grains) - 0.25 tsp;

. Salt (with a small slide; shallow spoon) - 3 tbsp;

. Black pepper (peas) - 1 tsp;

. Allspice (peas) - 4-5 pcs.;

. Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;

. Ginger (ground; pinch);

. Cloves (buds) - 4-5 pcs.

Preparation: Rinse the sprat thoroughly under running water. Prepare the pickling mixture: Crush the spices in a mortar, but not very finely, then mix with salt. Remember that iodized or fine salt not used for salting fish. Sprinkle the sprat with the pickling mixture and stir. It is better to do this in a wide container, such as an enamel bowl. Do not use jars or other narrow dishes; the sprat in them is salted unevenly and quickly deteriorates. Cover the fish with a plate and place a small weight on top. Place in a cool place. In 12 hours delicious fish will be ready!

Lightly salted capelin!

Ingredients for brine (per 1 liter of water):

. 3 tbsp. salt;

. 2 tbsp. Sahara;

. 5 bay leaves;

. 1 tsp each allspice, cloves and coriander.

Preparation: Wash the capelin and put it in a jar. Bring the brine to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then cool and pour the fish into jars. You can add 1 tsp. vinegar essence for a 1-liter jar of fish. Then the ambassador will be spicy. But you don't have to add it. Better a couple tbsp sunflower oil. And in the refrigerator for a day. Bon appetit!

Hello Irina! There is a new theme on the Four Tastes website:

There are already quite a lot of recipes for making salty delicious mackerel, but I couldn’t pass up the recipe from the author of “Ladena”. The mackerel here turns out very well beautiful color, author and...

Fish is a source of nutrients for humans. Among the available varieties, the leader is mackerel. It can be smoked, grilled, baked and even salted. Salting mackerel at home is a simple and accessible procedure for everyone.

How to choose mackerel for salting

Choosing mackerel for salting is the most important step on which the success of the preparation depends.

Mackerel is ideal:

  • weighing 0.3-0.35 kg: small fish have a lot of bones and little fat;
  • fresh;
  • light gray color;
  • with light eyes;
  • without a yellow tint (it indicates several defrosts - frosts or old age of the fish);
  • with a slight fishy odor: strong aromas may be a sign of spoilage;
  • wet and elastic to the touch.

If fresh mackerel is not available, you can use frozen mackerel. In this case, it is better to give preference to those caught in the fall, since they are fattier.

General principles of cooking: preparing food and utensils

For salting mackerel, select dishes that do not oxidize: they can be made of enamel, plastic and glass. If you don’t have one, you can use a wide plastic bottle after cutting off its neck.

Regular salt is suitable for the procedure, preferably coarse: iodized salt will not change the taste finished product, but will ruin it appearance.

Whole fish, meat or slices are salted - the cooking time depends on the size.

If the fish has bad smell, then you need to soak it for half an hour in cold water to get rid of it.

Whole mackerel is cooked for three days, and pieces – for 1 day. The procedure is carried out in cool conditions, since when high temperature the product may deteriorate. To fully reveal the taste of the product and aroma, various spices and seasonings are used.

After salting is completed, the mackerel is stored in the refrigerator, after pouring vegetable oil, maximum 5 days. You should not put it in the freezer, as after defrosting the fish meat will be soft and watery.

Salting mackerel at home - recipes

Before you start salting fish, you need to decide on the salting method. The correctness of actions is what you need to pay attention to before you deliciously pickle mackerel at home. After all, not only the taste, but also the external characteristics and aroma of the product depend on them.

Salted in pieces

To salt fish pieces you need to prepare the following products:

  • a couple of mackerels;
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • cloves – 3 buds;
  • 70 g salt;
  • ground coriander teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • a pinch of basil (optional).

The ambassador is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Preparation of the marinade: add all seasonings to boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. Then remove from the stove and cover.
  2. Preparing the fish: clean, remove the tail, head, wash, dry and cut into slices about 4 cm wide.
  3. Ambassador: fish slices put in jars, pour in the cooled marinade, seal and leave in the room for a couple of hours.
  4. Place in the refrigerator to salt for at least a day.

Whole salted mackerel

Without heat treatment, you can get smoked-looking fish. For 3 mackerel you need 90g salt, 40g granulated sugar, 1.3 liters of water, 3 full handfuls of onion peels and 2 tbsp. tea.

Step-by-step recipe for salting mackerel:

  1. Pour all the ingredients (except mackerel) into boiling water, cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove from the stove, cool and strain.
  2. We clean the mackerel, remove the head and tail, wash and dry with paper napkins or towels.
  3. We put it in jars and fill it to the top with the mixture.
  4. Cover and leave for 12 hours.
  5. After this, put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, remembering to turn it over twice a day.

Mackerel in brine

For 2 medium fish you will need a large onion, 2-4 cloves, 5 grains of allspice and black pepper, several bay leaves. For brine, half a liter of boiling water requires 70g of salt, 40g of granulated sugar and 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the entrails from the fish, rinse and cut into slices.
  2. Cut the onion into rings or half rings.
  3. Place the fish slices in a container, alternating them with onion layer, and sprinkling with spices.
  4. Pour in brine.
  5. Cover and place in the refrigerator.

The next day the fish can be served.

Salt without water

Salting mackerel can be done even without water. To do this, the prepared slices are placed in a container, sprinkled with salt. You can even salt a whole fish this way. The result is a very appetizing product, but you will need to wash it well before using it.

A mixture prepared as follows will help improve the taste: chopped onions are mixed with seasonings, vegetable oil and the juice of one lemon. The resulting mixture is poured onto the salted mackerel and left for 20 minutes.

Another recipe without liquid:

  1. Remove the entrails from two fish, wash and dry.
  2. Cut them into small slices.
  3. Mix 30 g of salt and 5 g of granulated sugar, add laurel, a little black pepper and vegetable seasoning(taste).
  4. Roll the slices in the resulting assortment and place tightly in a container.
  5. Cover and refrigerate for a couple of days.

When pickling, you can add a couple of teaspoons of mustard to the spices to obtain a spicy aroma.

You can also prepare fillets for sandwiches without brine. For half a kilogram of the main product you will need 2 pinches of salt and a little pepper. The fillet is well rubbed with seasonings, rolled tightly into parchment paper and put it in the refrigerator for three days.

Mackerel is considered nutritious product, containing essential microelements and vitamins important for the human body. You can buy it already marinated in a store, but such fish is unlikely to taste like the one you cooked yourself. In addition, store-bought mackerel is more expensive than home-marinated mackerel. In the process, you can give free rein to your imagination using various ingredients for marinade, each time surprising guests with a new taste of the dish.

How to marinate mackerel deliciously

Everything depends on the quality of the fish chosen for marinating - both taste and appearance.

And this applies not only to salting - for barbecue or grilling, smoking (how to smoke fish) and other methods of cooking, the rules are the same.

Fresh and fat fish guarantees a juicy, tender and incredibly appetizing treat, and slightly spoiled raw materials will negate all the efforts of the hostess.

So how do you choose the best one? best mackerel for marinating?

Sticking to simple rules, there is no doubt that the mackerel in the marinade will be finger-licking good:

  1. In grocery stores and markets, fish is sold in three types: fresh chilled, fresh frozen and deep frozen. It is best to choose the first option for marinating, but if there is no such fish, frozen raw materials will also do.
  2. Before marinating fresh frozen mackerel, she needs to let it lie for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator or a couple of hours on the table. You should not defrost it completely until it is soft, otherwise it will be difficult to cut and will slip out of your hands.
  3. You need to purchase large mackerel carcasses; when marinated, they turn out fattier and juicier.
  4. When buying fish, you should pay attention to its appearance: mackerel should be smooth, without dents or creases, the skin should be smooth and shiny. If the fish is sold ungutted and with the head on, you need to carefully examine its eyes. Fresh mackerel's eyes are clean and shiny. Turbidity indicates that the fish is not fresh and may have already begun to spoil.
  5. There should not be too much on frozen fish. big crust ice, otherwise this is a direct indication that the carcass has been defrosted multiple times. This fish is not suitable for marinating; the fillet will be tasteless and soft.
  6. It is not recommended to buy mackerel with yellowed skin. Yellow spots indicate a fat oxidation reaction. In this case, the pickled delicacy will have an unpleasant bitter aftertaste.
  7. The fish should be left to thaw room temperature or put it on the most bottom shelf refrigerator.
  8. It is not difficult to marinate mackerel at home in brine, but first it is gutted, the head and tail fin are cut off, everything inside the carcass is thoroughly cleaned with a knife, rinsed under cool water and the preparation process begins.


Do not confuse ordinary mackerel with tuna, which is not suitable for salting at all - it is dry and does not have the necessary original taste and smell. It’s easy to distinguish - on tuna dots, and on regular stripes (as in the photo above).

Spicy salted mackerel

Pickled fragrant mackerel- Very delicious snack, which will please any guest. Before a feast, hospitable housewives always think that, in addition to hot dishes, there should be variety of snacks. And pickled mackerel with onions and vinegar is perfect. Moreover, it can be quickly marinated, since the recipe is very easy, quick, and the fish is marinated in a few hours.

Mackerel itself is not only a tasty fish, but also very healthy. It contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which have a very positive effect on human body. So mackerel has very tasty white meat and very few seeds, so it will be a pleasure to eat it.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: appetizers
  • Cooking method: pickling
  • Servings:8
  • 6-8 hours


  • fresh frozen mackerel – 300 g
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.
  • water – 300 ml
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.
  • sugar – 1 tsp.
  • black peppercorns – 5-7 pcs.
  • onions – 1 pc.
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Thaw the fish, cut off the head, clean the inside of the belly, remove the intestines. The main thing is to remove the black film on the belly, as it can taste bitter in the fish.

Cut the mackerel into finger-thick pieces. This is approximately 0.7-1 cm. With this thickness, marinated mackerel in pieces will be ready in 6-8 hours. If you marinate the whole mackerel, it will take about a day, maybe two.

Now let's make a marinade for spicy salted mackerel. Put the water on the fire, then add sugar, salt and continue to cook everything.

When the water starts to boil, add spices: bay leaves, black peppercorns. Let the spices simmer for 2-3 minutes to make the marinade more spicy.

Finally, pour in the vinegar and stir the marinade.

Pour in the vegetable oil, stir again, let the marinade boil and immediately remove from the heat. Cool completely.

Place the fish in a container. A plastic, glass, or enamel container will do. Pour the cooled marinade over the fish until the liquid covers the pieces. Place the container in the cold.

After 6-8 hours, the marinated mackerel with onions will be ready. It’s convenient to cook in the evening - in the morning it will marinate and you can eat it. To serve the appetizer on the table, I used onion rings, which go perfectly with this salted fish.

Mackerel in a jar: recipe with onions and carrots

Mackerel with a marinade of carrots and onions, marinated in a jar, is a simple recipe that is perfect for country gatherings.

It’s convenient to prepare everything at home and take it with you on vacation.

What do we need:

  • 2 large fish
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar
  • a couple of cloves, 5-6 peas of black or allspice, a little coriander
  • 2 heads onions
  • 1 large carrot
  • 3 tbsp. l. apple vinegar or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pre-defrosted and gutted mackerel (2 large fish), cut into pieces no more than 2 cm thick.
  2. Next you need to prepare the marinade for mackerel. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Place sugar, salt, spices and carrots cut into slices into the boiling liquid. Let simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the cooked brine from the stove, cool and pour oil and vinegar into it.
  4. Cut the onion into half rings. Place in a glass jar in layers: mackerel, carrots from brine, fresh onions. When all the fish is placed in a jar, pour brine on top so that the mackerel pieces are barely covered with liquid.
  5. We marinate the mackerel in a jar in a cool place for a day.

Marinate in citruses

Mackerel in orange marinade has a completely new and delicate taste. This marinade for pickling mackerel is also interesting because it is used hot, that is, the appetizer is prepared quite quickly.


  • 2 large fish carcasses
  • 2 onions
  • celery stalk
  • salt and a little black pepper
  • coriander seeds
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • refined vegetable oil
  • freshly squeezed Orange juice- 1.5 tbsp.

How to marinate:

  1. Separate the fish fillet from the bones and backbone and place in a separate bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with coriander. Wrap the container with fish cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Using a grater, carefully remove the zest from the lemon, without the white bitter layer.
  3. Finely chop the onion and celery. Heat a frying pan with refined oil, fry the chopped vegetables a little, add lemon zest and fry a little more.
  4. Pour orange juice into the pan and let it boil for no more than 5 minutes.
  5. Add the hot filling to the container with the fish (it turns out to be a slightly boiled fish), cool slightly, cover with a bag or cling film and put in the refrigerator. After an hour, you can enjoy delicious marinated fish.

Marinated mackerel in 2 hours

Another way to quickly marinate mackerel at home is to prepare a special brine.

This recipe is simply irreplaceable if guests are expected to arrive in the next couple of hours or if you just want to serve an original appetizer for dinner.

What you will need:

  • 2 large fish
  • 2 onions
  • 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • 800 ml water
  • 4 dried bay leaves
  • 1 tbsp. vodka or cognac.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the gutted carcass into pieces up to 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Place the water on the stove and let it boil.
  3. Throw black pepper into the boiling liquid, bay leaves and salt.
  4. Cook the marinade for no more than 10 minutes. Ready brine Cool slightly, add chopped onions, vodka (it will act as an additional disinfectant, the taste will not be felt).
  5. Place the mackerel in a plastic container, pour in the marinade, close tightly with a lid and refrigerate.
  6. After 2-3 hours, the fish is ready to eat - take it out, pour vegetable oil and serve.

Delicious marinated whole fish

Such fish takes much longer to cook than cut fish, but the taste of the whole marinated carcass is much richer.

And externally, thanks to the addition of onion skins and tea leaves, the fish looks very appetizing.

Whole pickled mackerel is a recipe as simple as any other.


  • large mackerel - 2-3 pcs.
  • 4 tbsp. l. coarse salts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • water 2 l;
  • 2 tbsp. l. black leaf tea;
  • onion peel 100 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Gut the mackerel, remove the head and tail fin, and set aside.
  2. Boil water, add sugar, salt, dry tea and onion peels, washed in water.
  3. Boil the brine for about 5 minutes, cool.
  4. Place the prepared carcass in glass containers, pour in the marinade, place pressure on top and leave overnight. In the morning, remove the pressure and put the fish in a cold place for 72 hours.

Mackerel in mustard marinade

Mackerel marinated with mustard is very tender and spicy, amazingly tasty!

In this case, the brine is prepared without vinegar at all - it is the mustard that softens the meat.

What you need:

  • fish - 2 pcs.
  • water - 700 ml
  • 1 tbsp. l. mustard
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. Place spices, sugar and salt in a saucepan and pour hot water, bring to a boil for 3 minutes.
  2. When the cooked brine has barely cooled, add mustard and mix well.
  3. Pour the cooled brine into the prepared and divided mackerel. Hide in a cool place for a day.

How to marinate in mayonnaise

Mackerel marinated in mayonnaise is a cooking method that can be called brineless. This mackerel marinade recipe does not require adding water or other liquid.


  • fish 2 pcs.
  • onions 3 heads
  • 5 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
  • bay leaf 3 pcs.
  • black peppercorns 5 pcs.
  • vegetable refined oil 1/4 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt.


  1. In a separate bowl, mix spices, mayonnaise, oil and onion cut into half rings.
  2. Cut the fish carcass into small pieces and place in the mayonnaise mixture.
  3. Place pressure on top. Let sit for about 60 minutes and then transfer to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

What are the benefits and harms of pickled mackerel?

This fish is considered a dietary, but also very nutritious product. It contains amino acids, fats and trace elements. 100 g of pickled mackerel contains 12.8 g of protein, 8.3 g of fat, 3.7 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product is 142 kcal.

Regular consumption of mackerel helps reduce blood cholesterol, regulates the hormonal system, increases hemoglobin, strengthens blood vessels and improves vision. For child's body Mackerel is simply necessary: ​​it helps strengthen teeth and bones, and prevents the development of rickets.

How to serve marinated mackerel

Submission methods spicy fish a lot and they all depend on the ingenuity of the hostess.

The mackerel is beautifully laid out on a dish, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs or poured with vegetable oil.

You can put lemon slices, cranberry or juniper berries on top of the fish pieces.

You can beautifully place onion rings, cherry tomatoes or olives on pieces of fish. A dish decorated with lettuce, carrot flowers and a boiled egg looks beautiful.

An excellent solution is ready-made canapes, snack sandwiches with a piece of marinated fillet.

How to properly store marinated fish

Homemade pickled mackerel cannot be stored for a long time. Therefore, you should not stock up on fish delicacies for future use. Mackerel in brine can stand in the refrigerator no more than 3 days, while it will become more salty every day.

It is better to remove the fish from the brine, transfer it to a clean glass container and pour in vegetable oil. In this case, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about 7 days.

Self-marinated mackerel will decorate any table, and almost everyone has all the ingredients necessary for the marinade in their kitchen. Remember - no store-bought product can compare with the delicate, melt-in-your-mouth taste of spicy fish marinated at home.

Video: mackerel in soy marinade in 15 minutes

Probably everyone already knows how beneficial omega fatty acids are for the body. And most are aware that they are contained in large quantities in meat sea ​​fish. However, not all people like fish as an independent dish, even with a side dish, and forcing yourself to eat something you don’t like means risking digestive problems. There is a harmonious way out of this contradictory situation: use healthy fish as an addition or snack. IN small quantity, and appetizingly cooked, even opponents of seafood will eat it with pleasure. It remains to solve the question of how to salt mackerel deliciously, and so tasty that anyone will be tempted.

Picky selection

Any preparation begins with a wise choice and preliminary preparation original product. In our case - fish. It would be ideal to purchase fresh mackerel, but this is not possible everywhere. A frozen fish always available.

In any case, no matter which one you take, carefully inspect the carcass. Mackerel is bought well-fed, the back should be thick, and the carcass should be intact. Frozen fish are usually already cut, but if you are lucky enough to have fresh fish, you will have to prepare it before salting the (delicious!) mackerel.

Carcass cutting

The fish is washed, and only cold water so that its meat does not become “shaggy”. Then the carcass is dried with napkins or a towel and gutted. The entrails are removed (caviar and milt are also not spared). The inside of the abdominal cavity is covered with a kind of black film. It needs to be scraped off, since it is not possible to add tasty salt to the mackerel if it is present - the dish will be bitter. Only after this the fins and head are cut off, and the abdominal cavity is washed.

Only salt!

There are many ways to salt mackerel. The recipe we offer is based on the use of salt alone. The first step is to fill the fish's belly with it. Some people are confused by the amount of salt it requires. Do not worry! The meat will take exactly as much as it needs, and the excess will go away. The main thing is not to use sea or iodized salt. Next, take a neutral vessel - either stainless steel or enamel. The mackerel is laid out in it in layers, belly up, and each row is again sprinkled with salt. Then the pan is covered with a lid and set out to cool - in the autumn, a balcony, even a glazed one, is very suitable. The fish will sit there for quite a long time: three days if there is not much of it, and up to a week if the container is deep and there are several layers of mackerel in it. Please note that with this salting method, a so-called brine is formed, consisting of fish liquid and salt. It needs to be drained regularly - it can be a breeding ground for unwanted microorganisms. If desired, you can diversify the taste of the final product by adding various spices and herbs when salting. But even without them, the fish turns out to be tasty, moderately salted and tender.

The traditional method, also known as brine

The most well-known method for salting mackerel is to fill it with brine from a liter of water and salt with sugar in a ratio of 1 to 3. Spices are added at your discretion: pepper (black, white, allspice - or in combination), laurel and coriander. All this needs to be boiled and boiled a little. The fish, placed in a salting container with their bellies up, is poured with cooled brine and covered. It should stand overnight in the room, and then move to the refrigerator for a day, after which it can be served. If you want to speed up the salting, you can cut the mackerel into pieces. It will turn out less juicy, but it will only have to stand in the cold for 8 hours.

Fast and tasty

Not everyone is ready to wait a week for that sweet moment when they can start tasting. There are “early ripening” recipes for them that are suitable even for those in a hurry, since salting mackerel quickly means eating it tomorrow. So, for two not too large fish, take about 3 large tablespoons of salt and 4 nine percent vinegar, a couple of medium onions, half a glass vegetable oil, allspice, laurel and cloves - as you like. Spicy lovers can also add ground black pepper. You will have to fillet the fish, and also remove the skin from it, since it is better to salt the mackerel tasty according to this recipe without unnecessary “details”. The fillet is cut into small slices. A marinade is prepared from oil, vinegar, cloves, bay leaves and peppercorns. The cut fish is placed in the container where it will be cooked, sprinkled with salt, mixed and left for about 15 minutes for initial salting. Then it is peppered, sprinkled with onion rings and filled with marinade. It is advisable to salt the mackerel in a container that can be shaken - that’s all additional ingredients will be distributed more evenly. The vessel sits at room temperature for 10 hours, then hides in the refrigerator for another two. And you can enjoy the taste!

Salty, but almost like smoked

And how to salt mackerel at home, and even more unusually? Make it look like it's smoked! Moreover, it will turn out much juicier than the original. We offer another recipe for how to add delicious salt to mackerel - in pieces, not whole.

First you need a brine, for which you take salt and sugar in a ratio of 3:1.5 (in tablespoons) per 1.2 liters of water. Plus 2 tablespoons of dry black tea and 4 of clean onion peels. All this needs to be boiled and removed from the stove, then add a couple of prunes for taste. When the marinade has cooled, strain.

The mackerel is cut into approximately equal pieces and placed in glass jar, pour marinade, cover and leave alone for 3 or 4 days - depending on the temperature in the apartment. It must be turned over twice a day to ensure even salting. Then the mackerel is removed from the jar, wiped, greased with vegetable oil and placed in another container. It is not suitable for food for long - it spoils quickly, but your family, having barely tasted the fish, will not let it stagnate.

Hello! Continuing the topic of making pickles, I’ll tell you how to pickle mackerel at home quickly and tasty. In this material I will present to your attention a whole series of different step by step recipes.

To begin with, I’ll tell you about the intricacies of choosing mackerel and the features of subsequent preparation. After all, the final result largely depends on this. You are already familiar with the technique of preparing salted salmon. It's time to master the art of pickling mackerel.

  1. Large or medium-sized mackerel is suitable for salting. Small fish are bony and lean. Perfect option– fish weighing 300 grams. It is better to salt fresh or fresh frozen fish. If you don’t have one, frozen will do.
  2. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the color. Fresh fish has a light gray tint without signs of yellowness, the eyes are light and not cloudy. Good mackerel is characterized by light fishy aroma, feels elastic and slightly damp.
  3. When salting, salt draws excess moisture from the fish and thoroughly saturates the carcass. The process is carried out at a low temperature, since in hot conditions the product will go rotten. Upon completion of salting, the mackerel is put into the cellar or refrigerator.
  4. To prepare salted mackerel, use dishes that do not oxidize. I use enamel, plastic and glass containers. If suitable utensils are not available, a wide one will do. plastic bottle with the neck cut off.
  5. I recommend salting mackerel at home with regular salt, iodized salt doesn't fit. Iodine will not affect the taste ready-made dish, but will ruin the appearance.
  6. It is better to use coarse salt. It requires a lot of liquid to dissolve, so more moisture will be removed from the fish, which will increase shelf life.
  7. Whole carcasses, fillets or pieces are suitable for salting. This does not affect the cooking technology, but reduces the time for complete salting. Whole mackerel takes three days to cook, pieces are salted for one day.
  8. Fridge - the best place for storage. Pour vegetable oil over the mackerel and store for no more than 5 days. Do not keep salted fish in the freezer; after defrosting, the meat will become watery and soft.
  9. To ensure that the mackerel fully develops its taste and acquires a breathtaking aroma, add laurel and peppercorns during the salting process. Coriander, cloves and allspice add a piquant flavour.

The tips listed above will help you prepare delicious, beautiful and aromatic salted mackerel.

A simple recipe for pickling mackerel


  • Mackerel – 2 pcs. 350 g each
  • Drinking water- 1 liter.
  • Mustard powder – 1 teaspoon.
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt – 5 tablespoons.
  • Peppercorns – 10 pcs.
  • Laurel – 4 leaves.


  1. I pour water into a saucepan and put it on the stove. After the water boils, add the spices specified in the recipe and cook for high fire three minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the marinade with a lid and leave to cool to room temperature.
  2. I'm preparing mackerel. I cut off the tail and head, and remove the entrails. I thoroughly rinse the fish with water, dry it, cut it into pieces 3-4 centimeters wide and place it in a glass bowl.
  3. I pour the cooled marinade over it and put the container with mackerel in the refrigerator. After twelve hours the fish is ready. It will take 2 days for complete salting.

It's as simple and incredible as possible. good recipe preparing salted mackerel in pieces.

Classic recipe

Shop windows are filled with a wide variety of salted fish. But there are times when a trustworthy brand, for certain reasons, supplies unpalatable fish. If at hand classic recipe salting mackerel, disappointment can be avoided.


  • Mackerel – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 4 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Vinegar – 2 tablespoons.
  • Laurel – 3 leaves.
  • Black pepper – 3 peas.
  • Allspice – 2 peas.
  • Water – 1 liter.


  1. I wash the fish, dry it, cut it into pieces and remove the entrails.
  2. Pour water into an enamel container, add spices, and bring to a boil. I boil for five minutes and remove from the stove. After the brine has cooled, I add vinegar and mix thoroughly.
  3. I put the pieces of fish in a glass container, fill them with marinade and place them in a place at room temperature for a day, then I put the mackerel on a plate and taste it.

Video recipe

As you can see, homemade pickling mackerel is a simple task. Salted mackerel is combined with potatoes, rice and even buckwheat. If you tell us in the comments your recipes for salting this wonderful fish, I will be grateful.

Spicy salted mackerel

The recipe for spicy salted mackerel is suitable even for herring and red fish. 12 hours after cooking is completed, the dish will delight you incredible taste.


  • Fresh mackerel- 2 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 heads.
  • Allspice – 5 peas.
  • Laurel – 2 leaves.
  • Vinegar– 50 ml.
  • Salt – 3 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 teaspoon.
  • Dried cloves– 2 sticks.
  • Ground black pepper.


  1. I peel the fish and cut the carcasses along the ridge. Then I carefully remove the bones and cut the mackerel fillets into medium-sized pieces. Sprinkle with salt and set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. I cut the peeled onion into rings. To prepare the marinade, combine vinegar with vegetable oil in a bowl, add the spices indicated in the recipe, and mix thoroughly.
  3. I season the mackerel with pepper, add onion rings, mix, put in a glass container and pour in the marinade. I leave it at room temperature for at least 10 hours, then keep it in the refrigerator for another two hours.

Mackerel salted according to this recipe is incredibly tender. I usually serve spicy fish with boiled potatoes, although I often use it for making croutons and sandwiches. Guests empty the plate with this delicacy first.

Salting whole mackerel in brine

Supermarkets sell ready-made marinated mackerel, but cooked with my own hands much tastier. Those who have tried this homemade delicacy will definitely agree with me. For the rest, I recommend reading the recipe for salting whole mackerel in brine.

Mackerel - fatty fish, which is highly valued and should be present in the diet of every person. I'll share two great ones. simple recipes. You can salt fish yourself, even without special culinary skills.

Full salting recipe video

Whole mackerel in brine with onion skins

Fish nourishes the human body useful substances. Red fish is considered the most valuable, however, it is also the most expensive. The pinnacle of leadership among available varieties occupied by mackerel. It is smoked, grilled, baked, and salted.


  • Frozen mackerel – 3 pcs.
  • Regular salt– 3 tablespoons.
  • Water – 6 glasses.
  • Black tea – 2 tablespoons.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Onion peels - 3 handfuls.


  1. I put the frozen mackerel in a large bowl and wait until it melts on its own. I do not recommend using a microwave oven for this purpose, otherwise the fish will not retain its dense consistency and benefits.
  2. While the fish is defrosting, I prepare the brine. Onion skins I place it in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. I put it in a saucepan, add salt, sugar, tea leaves and fill it with water. After the liquid boils, remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid.
  3. I carefully pour water over the mackerel, gut it, wash it again and place it in an enamel container. I also add filtered brine here. I cover the dish with a lid and put it in a cold place for three days. I turn the mackerel over once a day, as a result it is evenly colored and salted.

Three days later, I take out the fish, cut it into portions and serve it to the table, garnished with lemon slices and sprigs of herbs. This mackerel goes well with boiled and fried potatoes. You decide for yourself what to serve this delicacy with. My recommendations in this case are inappropriate.

Whole mackerel in tea solution

Whole salted Mackerel is ideal for serving on its own. It’s difficult to say how long such fish can be stored. I salt it a few at a time and it disappears instantly. But I am completely convinced that if you create this culinary miracle, no one will want to buy salted fish in the store anymore.


  • Frozen mackerel – 2 pcs.
  • Salt – 4 tablespoons.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons.
  • Loose black tea - 4 tablespoons.


  1. I defrost the fish in the sink under running water. Then I cut off the head, gut it, rinse it with water and dry it with paper towels.
  2. I pour boiling water over black tea, wait until it brews and cools, then add salt and sugar. Stir until completely dissolved.
  3. I dip the mackerel into the prepared tea solution and leave it to marinate in the refrigerator for four days. I take the fish out of the marinade and hang it over a basin or sink by the tails overnight.

I recommend serving the delicacy to the table in the form portioned pieces. To decorate salted mackerel I use greens; for a side dish I steam or steam vegetables mashed potatoes. You can add it to some New Year's salad, which will make it much tastier.

How to salt mackerel in 2 hours

The stores sell a variety of salty fish, but buying a lightly salted product is sometimes problematic. To keep fish longer marketable condition and was stored longer, manufacturers do not spare salt. However, cook lightly salted mackerel Can be done at home in 2 hours.

The recipe described below is suitable for impatient fans of homemade pickles. It is enough to be patient and after 2 hours you can start tasting the lightly salted product.


  • Mackerel – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 head.
  • Water – 350 ml.
  • Salt – 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Black pepper – 7 peas.
  • Laurel – 2 leaves.


  1. The first thing I do is pickle the brine. I pour water into a small ladle, bring it to a boil, add the onion cut into four parts, the spices and salt indicated in the recipe. I cook the brine over low heat under the lid for no more than 10 minutes, then turn off the gas, remove the lid and let it cool.
  2. While the marinade cools, I work on the fish. I cut off the tail and head, make a small incision on the abdomen, remove the entrails through it, wash the carcass with water and dry it with paper napkins.
  3. I cut the carcass into pieces 2 centimeters thick so that it is salted quickly and evenly. I put the pieces of fish in a jar or food container, fill them with brine, close the lid and put them in the refrigerator for 120 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed salted fish get ready. If necessary, you can keep it in the brine for another half hour. Before serving, I recommend garnishing the mackerel with onion rings and herbs.

Agree, some hot dishes take much longer to prepare than is incredible. tasty treat. The only drawback is the short shelf life. However, the fish is not in danger of spoiling, since it does not stay on the table for a long time, just like fried pollock.

Salted mackerel pieces

Practice shows that salted mackerel pieces at the same time excellent independent dish, a wonderful addition to various side dishes And great ingredient for snacks.

The recipe is intended for people who cannot imagine their life without salted fish. Thanks to spicy pickle the fish becomes fit for consumption overnight.


  • Mackerel – 350 g.
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar – 0.5 tablespoons.
  • Ground pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vinegar - to taste.


  1. I pour water over the fresh mackerel, cut off the head and tail, gut it, wash it again and cut it into pieces three centimeters thick. I roll each piece in a mixture of pepper, sugar and salt.
  2. I place the mackerel tightly in a glass container, cover it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until the morning. Then I wash off the excess salt from the mackerel, dry it, put it in a clean jar and fill it with a solution of vinegar and vegetable oil. After two hours, you can enjoy the taste of salted fish.

I think you were very surprised by the simplicity of the recipe. A homemade treat that is in no way inferior store product, and in some aspects will give a big head start. As a first course you can make borscht, for the second you can have fish and potatoes, and for dessert