Mayonnaise at home recipe. Photo: Homemade quail egg mayonnaise

How to make mayonnaise at home is a fairly frequently asked question from our regular readers, and in today’s article the team of this culinary site will try to fully answer it.

In fact, homemade mayonnaise is prepared very easily and quickly; all you need is a couple of minutes and a set simple ingredients How will mayonnaise be prepared at home? Why make homemade mayonnaise if all the store shelves are simply forgotten about this sauce, and the answer is very simple and you can read it on the label about the composition of the product being sold, you won’t find a single natural product there, now think about whether it’s worth buying it if you can have mayonnaise cook at home. Of course, the majority thinks, why bother making mayonnaise at home if you can go to the store to buy a second jar and forget about the extra worries with preparation, but only those who have never tasted homemade mayonnaise think so, I assure you the taste is simply amazing, much better purchased product. If you ever try mayonnaise prepared at home, you will simply forget about the mayonnaise that is sold on the shelves of your store. Moreover, those people who value their most important thing - health and take care of it, listen, because the benefits from homemade mayonnaise will be significantly more.

Okay, we won’t torment you for a long time, in fact, we can talk for a very long time about the benefits and taste of homemade mayonnaise, but today our main task is to teach all our readers how to prepare mayonnaise at home, which is exactly what we will do.

Ingredients for homemade mayonnaise:

  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil – 350 grams;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • Mustard – 1 teaspoon.

As I probably already said, to prepare mayonnaise at home we will need a few minutes and the presented ingredients, as you can see, the ingredients themselves are very simple and will probably be found in any housewife’s refrigerator. Well, if it so happens that you are missing something, you can always find a solution and replace the product with something similar, for example, you can always replace lemon juice with vinegar, and you can eliminate mustard altogether, since this ingredient can be classified as amateurs, but what cannot be replaced is butter and egg; without these components, you definitely won’t be able to make a delicious and, most importantly, homemade mayonnaise.

It is advisable that during the preparation of mayonnaise all ingredients are room temperature, and I also advise you to choose only homemade eggs, then your mayonnaise will turn out really very tasty. Homemade mayonnaise is great to add to various dishes and salads, what you can’t do with this mayonnaise is bake it, as it will instantly separate and the dish you prepared with it will become, to put it mildly, not as expected.

In the process of preparing mayonnaise, you can also influence its thickness, the amount of oil is responsible for this, if you need thicker mayonnaise, you can add a little more oil and beat with a blender again, if, on the contrary, you need mayonnaise less thick, citric acid comes to the rescue .

How to make mayonnaise at home

As you probably understood, for cooking we need a mixer or blender, dishes, it should be deep enough, it could be a bowl or a glass from a blender. The eggs we use must be fresh and have an orange yolk. I use half the ingredients for one serving. Break the egg into a blender glass, add salt, mustard and sugar.

Now, using a blender, beat it all until smooth; I have an immersion blender, and it does the job perfectly.

Next, in order for us to achieve the most positive result, and for our mayonnaise to be as close as possible to store-bought mayonnaise, we need to replace the blender with a mixer. Beat with a mixer for a few more minutes until the consistency of mayonnaise is obtained.

You are wondering at what stage you need to add lemon juice, but at this particular stage, when mayonnaise at home is almost ready, add a little lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly again.

The finished mayonnaise should be quite thick, if you put a spoon, it should stand without any problems, as shown in the photo.

Well, that's all, now you know one of the most popular recipes making mayonnaise at home. In fact, if you search the Internet, you can find enough information on preparing mayonnaise at home, various recipes and secrets, well, why should you look if everything has already been found for you and presented below.

Homemade mayonnaise: benefits and recipes

Mayonnaise is an integral part of many dishes. Every good housewife has it in the refrigerator. Mayonnaise is a mixture of egg yolks, vegetable oil and various spices. The first to make mayonnaise were the French. Now it is distributed all over the world. It is used to dress many salads and is used for sandwiches, appetizers, and casseroles.

However, many people think about the question of whether mayonnaise is so healthy, and most importantly, how natural the mayonnaise that is sold in stores is. To cast aside all doubts and eat only healthy foods, you can prepare mayonnaise yourself at home.

What to choose: homemade or from a pack?

Most people are used to purchasing sauce at the store. Most of them show yolks and olives on the packaging, as if to convince buyers that the product is truly natural. When purchasing mayonnaise in a pack, you should definitely look at its composition. Various kinds of preservatives, flavorings, thickeners and other chemicals are needed only to make mayonnaise last longer. They will not bring any benefit to the human body. To see how harmful mayonnaise from a pack can be, just try to wash the sink with it. Chemical substances its composition will cope with this task perfectly!

This is why many people prefer to use homemade mayonnaise. It is made from natural products, which is much safer for the body. What are the advantages of homemade mayonnaise? To make mayonnaise, you need the most regular products, which are available in every kitchen. Making mayonnaise seems to be a difficult process only because a person does not know how to prepare it. It's actually simple and easy.

Mayonnaise prepared independently consists only of natural ingredients and does not contain harmful substances. Store-bought mayonnaise contains egg powder, powdered milk, various oils, harmful starch, gelatin and more. Mayonnaise prepared at home has a completely different shade: thanks to the eggs, it is creamy, and all the mayonnaise in the pack is white, which once again proves its unnaturalness.

What is homemade mayonnaise made from?

Making mayonnaise is not a difficult process. The basis is egg yolks, it was from them that the first mayonnaise was prepared in France. Accompanying ingredients include salt, sugar, vegetable oil and lemon juice (vinegar).

To add any specific taste to mayonnaise, spices are added to it. Also pleasant taste mayonnaise can be made from herbs, garlic, olives, horseradish, mushrooms, ham, cheese. The well-known Provencal mayonnaise contains mustard. Homemade mayonnaise is much thicker than store-bought mayonnaise.

To check the quality of the mayonnaise, you need to put a little mayonnaise in a frying pan heated on the stove. If mayonnaise is natural, it will turn into oil and other curdled ingredients. If the mayonnaise is artificial, it becomes similar to semolina porridge or jelly.

Secrets of delicious homemade mayonnaise

All products used in the preparation of mayonnaise are simple and affordable. The cooking method itself is also quite simple. However, you need to know the exact technology for mixing all the components, then the mayonnaise will turn out delicious. A prerequisite is that the products must be approximately the same temperature. To prepare mayonnaise, it is better to use earthenware or porcelain dishes.

You need to mix the products using a blender or mixer. You need to mix at low speed at first, but when the mixture starts to thicken, you can increase the speed. You can use a whisk, but it will be quite difficult and time-consuming. You cannot mix all the components at once. Vegetable oil should be added a little at a time in small portions, from a teaspoon to a small trickle.

How to make mayonnaise at home?

Recipe No. 1

Ingredients: yolks (4 pcs.), sunflower oil (2 cups), vinegar or lemon juice (2 dessert spoons), salt, sugar and pepper to taste.

To prepare, you will need a large blender bowl. For a minute you need to mix the yolks and spices. The sugar should completely dissolve, and the mass should become homogeneous. Only after this do they begin to gradually add vegetable oil. It is necessary to add oil until the mixture becomes thick. If you need liquid mayonnaise, then you need to include more oil.

Recipe No. 2. "Provencal"

Ingredients: yolks (4 pcs.), sunflower oil (300-350 ml), vinegar or lemon juice (2 tbsp.), mustard (1 tsp.), salt and sugar.

In a blender you need to beat the yolks and spices. The mass should resemble sour cream and be uniform. Then slowly pour in the oil. Only when the mayonnaise becomes thick should you add lemon juice.

Ingredients: yolks (6 pcs.), sunflower oil (600 ml.), salt (1 tsp.) and sugar (1 tsp.), lemon or cranberry juice (3 dessert l.), fresh spinach(60 g), any greens (4 tbsp.).

Beat the yolks and spices in a blender, gradually add oil and turn everything into a single mass, then add an acidifier. The greens must be boiled for about 5 minutes, squeezed and passed through a sieve. The resulting mixture must be mixed with the resulting sauce.

Ingredients: eggs (2 pcs.), sunflower oil (2 cups), sugar (2 tsp.), mustard (1 tsp.), lemon juice or vinegar (2 dessert l.), salt.

The eggs are mixed with spices, then an acidifier is added. The oil must be poured in small portions and whisked until a single, thick mass is formed. You can include olives in cooking, lemon zest, herbs such as oregano, basil or rosemary.

Recipe No. 5. Low calorie mayonnaise

Ingredients: milk (200 ml), sunflower oil (400 ml), lemon juice, salt, sugar, mustard.

In a blender, beat the milk and butter for a minute, then add salt, sugar, lemon juice and mustard. The resulting mixture is stirred to a single mass. To make mayonnaise successful, all products are taken at approximately the same temperature. When choosing milk, it is better to give preference to fatty milk.

Those who have tried homemade mayonnaise at least once will agree that it is much better than store-bought mayonnaise. It makes any dish tastier and healthier!

Let's cook today 3 options for homemade mayonnaise- one of the most popular sauces.

Many people believe that mayonnaise is very harmful product and there is some truth in this, especially if you use it without restrictions and don’t think about what the store-bought sauce is made from.

What if mayonnaise cook at home without any “chemistry” available and healthy products, and at the same time not to abuse it, then we will receive not only tasty and delicate sauce , but also completely natural.

To make homemade mayonnaise we will need:

List of ingredients:

Olive mayonnaise “Provencal”

  • 1 egg
  • 200 ml. vegetable oil
  • 50 ml. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. white wine vinegar
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 tsp. mustard
  • white pepper(optional)

Mayonnaise on yolks with lemon juice

  • 3 yolks
  • 250 gr. vegetable oil
  • juice of 1 lemon (2 tbsp)
  • 1.5 tsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mustard

Mayonnaise without eggs with milk

  • 150 ml. milk
  • 300 ml. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice (vinegar)
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp mustard

HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE, 3 step-by-step recipes for mayonnaise at home:

So, let's get started, let's get started olive mayonnaise"Provencal", for this we will use an immersion blender.

Carefully beat the egg into a blender glass, being careful not to damage the yolk.

Let's pour out yours favorite oil, (sunflower, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed, etc.) I have refined sunflower.

Add olive oil According to the recipe, it should be no more than 1/4 of the total amount of oil, otherwise the mayonnaise will taste bitter.

Place prepared mustard, preferably Dijon, into a glass.

Add salt, sugar and white pepper.

Pour in white wine vinegar, you can use vinegar instead regular vinegar, apple or lemon juice.

The blender can then be raised and stirred vigorously until a smooth sauce is formed.

The greater the power of your blender or mixer, the simpler and easier it is to prepare mayonnaise.

Our Provencal olive mayonnaise is ready; it only took 3 minutes to prepare.

Pour fresh yolks, preferably from home-made eggs, into a tall glass or bowl, add ready-made mustard, add salt and sugar.

Turn on the mixer and beat at high speed for 30 seconds.

Then, without ceasing to beat, pour in refined sunflower oil in small portions in several stages, beating well each time, and the mass will begin to thicken and lighten.

The thickness of mayonnaise directly depends on how much oil you add.

The more oil, the thicker the mayonnaise.

Now add lemon juice and beat well again until a smooth sauce is obtained.

After adding acid, the mass becomes even lighter.

It took me 6 minutes to prepare it.

Due to the use of yolks from domestic eggs, mayonnaise acquired a yellowish-cream color and is very delicate consistency, as befits mayonnaise.

I note that for good cooking For mayonnaise, you must use room temperature products, so be sure to remove them from the refrigerator in advance.

Now let's prepare an easy one eggless mayonnaise with milk

Pour milk, vegetable oil into a blender bowl, add mustard, and add salt and sugar.

Lower the blender to the bottom of the glass and beat the mixture at maximum speed until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained.

Mayonnaise at home is prepared very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes, it must be stored in the refrigerator, in a closed container for no more than 3 days, so you should not cook it in large quantities for future use

Then add lemon juice and beat a little more.

This sauce took me less than 3 minutes to prepare.

This version of mayonnaise is completely no different in taste and consistency from store-bought.

So, friends, I showed you 3 basic recipe preparing mayonnaise.

But this sauce has many derivatives.

Mayonnaise can be mixed with yogurt, sour cream, add gherkins, herbs, garlic, paprika, olives, capers, lemon zest, as well as tomatoes, onions and sweet Bell pepper.

Mayonnaise is not only a dressing for salads and appetizers, it is used to prepare cold dishes from meat, fish, poultry, for some hot dishes, and all kinds of baked goods are also prepared with its addition.

Try making mayonnaise at home and choose your favorite flavor.

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HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE, 3 recipes for mayonnaise at home - video recipe:

HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE, 3 recipes for mayonnaise at home - photo:

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise? How to make sure that the sauce does not separate and beats well, so that it turns out thick and homogeneous? It’s very simple - you just need a blender, following the order of adding the ingredients and just 5 minutes of your time. Today you will learn how to make mayonnaise using a blender at home - step by step recipe and strict adherence to the advice guarantee results the first time!

Why is homemade sauce better than store bought?

Homemade mayonnaise is different from store bought mayonnaise. natural taste, special tenderness and lightness. Due to thickeners and starch, the purchased product is more viscous, its consistency is denser and heavier.

Homemade mayonnaise:

  1. Natural and safe - contains only natural products, without flavor enhancers, “eats” and other chemicals;
  2. Quick to prepare - it will take literally 5 minutes, that is, less time than a trip to the store will take;
  3. Unique - its taste and consistency can be changed by each housewife at her own discretion.

It is better to prepare mayonnaise yourself, then you will definitely be sure of its composition and harmlessness to the body. And don’t worry about the shelf life - the sauce will last perfectly in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days (than fresh eggs, those longer term storage).

Blender or whisk?

Making homemade mayonnaise using a blender is a pleasure! Just a couple of button presses and thick sauce can already be used for dressing all kinds of salads, as a marinade or a base for preparing more complex dishes. Of course, you can also achieve the desired result manually, but you will have to spend much more time working hard with a whisk.

Another thing is a blender. It will eliminate the need to stir food for a long time and persistently until smooth, whitened and thickened, and splashes will not fly throughout the kitchen. Even the simplest model, not equipped with high speeds and special attachments, will do. If there is no bowl for an immersion blender, then you can use another dish - a tall glass or a container of small diameter, narrow and tall, with sides. It is very important that the “leg” of the device grips most of the dishes, then everything will whip up quickly and 100% will not separate.

Choose quality ones and be sure to fresh food. Chicken eggs must be selected, from a trusted manufacturer, and must be fresh. For classic mayonnaise It is customary to take only the yolk. But at home, it’s quite possible to use a whole egg, so that later you don’t have to think about where to put the remaining whites.

Mustard can be any kind, hot or mild, smooth or grains. It is more convenient to use a ready-made product. Although some recipes add mustard powder, previously diluted with a couple of teaspoons of cold boiled water.

Lemon juice is ideal for cooking homemade sauce. He gives it special taste And pleasant aroma, whitens. If suddenly there is no lemon in the refrigerator, then you can replace it with table lemon, apple lemon or wine vinegar- the amount is selected individually, some of the vinegar can be poured in at the initial stage, and the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting the acid to your taste. As a standard, 0.5 to 1 tsp is added to 1 egg. vinegar.

It is best to use vegetable oil as the main component, which must be refined and odorless. Olive oil has a special taste, so if you decide to add it to the sauce, use it not as a base, but in a mix with sunflower oil: ratio per 150 ml sunflower - 50 ml olive. Then the mayonnaise will not be too sharp, with a barely noticeable, noble bitterness in the aftertaste.

Three rules for delicious mayonnaise

  1. Good mayonnaise can only be made from foods at room temperature, so be sure to remove everything you need from the refrigerator in advance.
  2. Do not disturb the order of adding the products: first beat in the egg with salt, sugar, mustard, then pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice and add butter at the very end.
  3. Always add vegetable oil in small portions and only into a well-beaten egg mixture, then the mayonnaise will not separate.

The thickness of mayonnaise does not depend on the number of eggs, but on how much vegetable oil you pour into it. The more oil you add, the thicker the sauce will end up. If you “overdid it” and the mayonnaise turned out to be too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 teaspoons of boiled water.


  • choice egg 1 PC.
  • table mustard 1 tsp.
  • sugar 1 tsp. incomplete
  • table salt 1/3 tsp.
  • lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • refined vegetable oil 200 ml

How to make mayonnaise with a blender at home

  1. Products should be warm, at room temperature. Large egg I wash it warm soap solution to remove the risk of salmonella infection. I beat it into the blender bowl (or into another narrow and tall container).

  2. I add salt and sugar. You will need 1 large pinch of salt, 1 small teaspoon of sugar.

  3. I put ready-made mustard from a jar - I add 1 heaped teaspoon. If you are cooking for the first time, then first add 0.5 spoons, especially if the mustard is strong, and you can add the rest at the very end of cooking, adjusting to your taste.

  4. I place the immersion machine in the bowl so that the blender rests properly on the bottom. For what? When he beats, he will “pull” down the entire mixture from above, turning it into a homogeneous emulsion.

  5. I start beating the mixture at low speed. All components will combine and a soft foam will form.

  6. I add lemon juice (or vinegar, but in smaller quantities). You can squeeze the lemon directly into the bowl, as long as there are no seeds in it. Beat again on low speed to combine the lemon juice with the other ingredients.

  7. As you can see in the photo, the amount of foam will increase, covering almost the entire blender stem. This means you can gradually add vegetable oil.

  8. Little by little, literally 1 tablespoon at a time, I pour in the oil, without ceasing to work with the blender. As soon as a portion of the butter has combined with the whipped egg mixture, add the next one and so on until the sauce thickens - in general the process will take no more than 2 minutes.
  9. I transfer the finished sauce to a gravy boat or a clean jar with a lid. Before serving, it is advisable to place the mayonnaise in the refrigerator to cool, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

This is the easiest homemade mayonnaise recipe. You can use a blender to prepare it with all sorts of additives: garlic, pepper, olives, capers, and so on. Experiment and you will be pleasantly surprised how delicious homemade mayonnaise can turn out. Enjoy your meal!

Mayonnaise sauce has no equal in popularity. It was invented a long time ago and exact data about its origin is lost.

There is a version that the word “mayonnaise” itself comes from the French “moyey”, one of the outdated meanings of which is yolk.

A more popular assumption is that the sauce was invented during the siege of the French city of Mayon in order to diversify the menu of the besieged, who had only olive oil and eggs at their disposal.

But, one way or another, today mayonnaise is one of the most popular sauces in the world.

The choice of industrially produced mayonnaise is huge. But it should be borne in mind that none of them (with all the variety of recipes) is prepared according to the classical model.

The explanation for this is very simple. Original sauce It is made from natural products that have small Therefore, “correct” mayonnaise can be stored for no longer than a week, even in the refrigerator. This circumstance forces producers to use preservatives when preparing this sauce, so that advertising does not claim this.

You can taste the real taste of this product only in very expensive restaurant or by preparing it yourself.

Therefore, those who want to use it in their kitchen real sauce, must learn how to prepare mayonnaise at home.

Fortunately, its preparation cannot be called difficult or time-consuming. It is important to follow the technology exactly and use quality ingredients.

What you need to make mayonnaise at home.

Making mayonnaise at home will require the following products:

    2-3 fresh chicken yolks(preferably bright yellow, homemade)

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon sugar

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1 cup vegetable oil (originally olive oil)

The oil added to mayonnaise must be refined.

In addition to the products listed, you will need a mixer (or blender) and a convenient bowl.

at home.

Mix the yolks, salt, sugar until smooth. With the mixer running, add to the mixture a small amount of vegetable oil. Literally half a teaspoon. When the oil is confidently combined with the yolks, add the next half teaspoon of oil. We repeat the procedure, constantly ensuring that the mass is homogeneous. Towards the end of the procedure, the amount of oil added (but not the speed) can be increased slightly (up to a tablespoon). You should not pour oil into the sauce in a continuous stream; there is a great danger of ruining all your work.

At the end, add everything and mix thoroughly.

Subtleties that need to be taken into account when preparing mayonnaise at home.

    The butter and yolks should be at room temperature. If they are added additional ingredients, their temperature should not differ from the sauce.

    The more oil you can add to the sauce, the tastier the mayonnaise will be.

Mayonnaise sauce finished form It is a delicate creamy mass. By adding a small amount to it ready mustard, we get an equally famous version of the sauce - “Provencal” mayonnaise.

How to add variety at home.

Taste finished product may be changed to suit our preferences. First of all, its main component - oil - may change. Olive oil is considered classic. Using other types will affect the final taste of the dish.

You can change the taste of mayonnaise using paprika, dried herbs, various peppers, mustard seeds and other spices.

Fans can add finely chopped vegetables (onions, garlic, cucumbers, fresh herbs) to the sauce. These components are cut into small pieces and combine with mayonnaise.

In any form, “live” mayonnaise, prepared from natural products, will turn into an excellent seasoning for salads, appetizers or hot dishes. But you should remember that the shelf life of this wonderful sauce does not exceed seven days. It is recommended to store mayonnaise in the refrigerator, in a glass or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid.

Mayonnaise is the most delicious and popular sauce in the world, as well as an original twist and delicious dressing almost any dish.

But the product sold in our stores and supermarkets called mayonnaise has nothing to do with the well-known sauce.

Just look at the list of components included in store-bought mayonnaise - there are practically no natural ingredients, but only flavoring fillers and preservatives.

Whereas real mayonnaise sauce should include only natural ingredients:

  • vegetable oil, eggs, mustard, salt, sugar, lemon juice - which are the real basis of this product.

Therefore, preparing mayonnaise at home is the best and highest quality option for creating this product, which is in many ways superior to ready-made store-bought sauce.

How to make mayonnaise at home - methods and general principles of its preparation

A product having a fat content of less than 50%, as well as a composition with preservatives and various chemical additives cannot be called mayonnaise, but only mayonnaise sauce.

Therefore, it is better to prepare mayonnaise at home - it will not be so difficult, and also much tastier and healthier.

For correct production mayonnaise at home, any cook or housewife needs to rely on general principles its preparation:

In order to create mayonnaise at home and bring it to the desired consistency, you need to use a blender or mixer in cooking, although it is best to do it the old fashioned way and use a whisk for hand whisking.

The eggs that need to be beaten first are better to choose homemade ones, with bright yolks. Since it is the color of the yolks that gives mayonnaise appetizing look. But if the eggs are still purchased with yolks light shades, it is more advisable to add turmeric to the ingredients, which with its bright yellow color will add a unique flavor to the future mayonnaise appearance.

The oil in mayonnaise must be refined sunflower oil, or even better, olive oil, pouring it into the container with the ingredients for the future sauce in portions in a thin stream.

The more oil is used in preparing the product, the thicker the homemade mayonnaise will be.

When the desired consistency of the sauce is achieved, be sure to taste the mayonnaise and if something is missing, add it, thus bringing the product to complete perfection.

Recipes and how to make mayonnaise at home yourself according to all the rules

Recipe 1. How to make mayonnaise at home (Classic version)


Oil ( plant origin) – 200 ml.

Eggs – 2 pcs.

Lemon juice – 30 ml.

Mustard – 15 ml.

Sugar (fructose) – 15 ml.

Cooking method:

Yolks from two eggs (preferably taken from domestic chickens), salt and sugar must be mixed together. This action can be performed using a simple whisk (blender, mixer). Whisk until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

Important! Mixing should be done in a circular motion (clockwise).

Then, without stopping and continuing to beat the existing components, you need to add oil to them in small portions.

After obtaining a homogeneous mass, you need to acidify the mayonnaise and add lemon juice to it. And then add the mustard and again mix all the ingredients thoroughly and beat.

In order for the mayonnaise to be thick and rich, you can add more oil to it, since the consistency of the future mayonnaise depends on its quantity.

Recipe 2. How to make mayonnaise at home (Traditional version)


Oil (sunflower) – 1 tbsp.

Eggs – 2 pcs.

Vinegar – 60 ml (3%).

Salt and pepper – not for everyone.

Sugar – 30 gr.


Water (if necessary).

Cooking method:

At the beginning of the mayonnaise preparation process, it is necessary to separate the yolks from the whites. Then to raw yolks you need to add mustard, pepper and salt. Mix all components thoroughly with each other.

If the mayonnaise turns out to be too thick, it can be diluted by pouring small portions water while whisking continuously.

At the end of the process, you need to add sugar and vinegar to the mayonnaise and mix all the ingredients thoroughly again.

Recipe 3. How to make mayonnaise at home (an option for making lean pea mayonnaise)


Split peas (pea flakes) – 30 gr.

Water – 180 ml.

Refined oil (vegetable origin).

Salt and pepper – not for everyone.

Sugar – 20 gr.

Vinegar – 30 ml.

Mustard – 30 gr.

Cooking method:

Place the peas in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook until the bean components are completely converted into mush.

Pass the pea pulp through a blender to obtain a homogeneous state.

If the mixture turns out to be too thick, you need to add water to it, as the consistency should resemble the appearance of jelly.

The resulting mass must be cooled.

Pour a little oil into a mixing bowl and add part of the pea mush (1:2) to it. Beat the ingredients for 1 minute.

It is necessary to beat the combined components for about 2 more minutes until a homogeneous and dense mass is obtained.

Recipe 4. How to make mayonnaise at home using quail eggs


Quail eggs (yolks) – 8 pcs.

Oil ( walnut) - cup.

Mustard - half a teaspoon.

Lemon juice.

Salt and pepper – not for everyone.

Cooking method:

Yolks quail eggs It is necessary to separate from the proteins and beat using a whisk, blender or mixer.

Then you need to add lemon, a little mustard, salt and pepper the mixture to taste. Mix all components thoroughly and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Recipe 5. How to make mayonnaise at home - “Curd”


Cottage cheese (fat consistency) – 0.5 cups.

Milk – 60 ml.

Egg – 1 pc.

Refined oil (vegetable origin) – 60 ml.

Salt and mustard are not for everyone.

Lemon juice - half a teaspoon (or the same amount of vinegar).

Cooking method:

To prepare mayonnaise, you need to mix cottage cheese with good fat content thoroughly with milk and the yolk separated from the white.

Then you need to pour vegetable oil into the existing ingredients in a thin stream and beat all the ingredients using a blender, mixer or whisk.

You should get a thick, homogeneous consistency.

This mayonnaise is perfect for dressing any dishes.

Recipe 6. How to make mayonnaise at home (without eggs and milk)


Milk – 1 (partial glass).

Oil (olive) – 1 (half a glass).

Cream thickener - half a teaspoon.

Salt and mustard are not for everyone.

Lemon juice – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

Using a whisk, mixer or blender, beat milk and butter together until smooth.

After this, thoroughly beat the existing mixture again to the required thickness - and the mayonnaise is ready!

Recipe 6. How to make mayonnaise at home – “Vegetarian”


Boiled rice– 0.5 cups.

Refined oil (preferably olive) – 1 cup.

Salt, sugar.

Lemon juice.


Cooking method:

Boiled cooled rice should be placed in a blender glass. Next, add oil to the rice and blend the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Afterwards, you need to add mustard to the resulting mass and beat everything again with a blender.

Then you need to pour the remaining oil into the resulting mixture, portionwise and slowly, and beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

Ready mayonnaise needs to be seasoned with salt, sugar and lemon juice and set aside for a while to completely dissolve the components.

For more piquancy, you can add garlic, herbs or cucumbers to this mayonnaise.

How to make mayonnaise at home - useful tips and little tricks

To prepare mayonnaise at home, it is recommended to use unrefined olive oil or refined vegetable oil.

Before you start making mayonnaise, it is better to cool the oil in the refrigerator.

Mayonnaise loves eggs, and when you add them in sufficient quantities, the sauce becomes richer and more tasty.

Mayonnaise homemade It is best to store in the refrigerator for no more than a day. But if the shelf life needs to be extended, then it is recommended to add more oil to mayonnaise - this will extend its life and shelf life up to three days.

To make homemade mayonnaise even tastier and piquant, you can add additional components– olives, cucumbers (pickled), olives, caviar (red and black), orange juice, red pepper, onion, garlic, herbs and much more.

At the end of cooking, you should always taste the resulting masterpiece, and if something is missing, any component, add it and don’t be afraid to experiment.