Leek cooking application. What to cook from your leek - my recipes

Leek in our latitudes is not very popular, while in Europe it is very loved and appreciated. This vegetable can be prepared in all kinds of ways: steam, fry, bake, use in the first dishes and as a filling for pies. In addition, leeks are inexpensive and completely does not harm the figure. The restaurant chefs unanimously call him the king of onion soups: leek really has a very mild aroma and delicate taste. He is a hundred times more tender than onions and will never make anyone cry.


Finding leeks in the supermarket or in the market is not difficult: it is present almost everywhere. But choosing a good one is far from easy: stems should be very resilient, with snow-white, still wet rhizomes and bright dark green leaves. It is better to choose a thinner onion (try to buy stems less than 4 cm thick) and approximately the same size, so it’s more convenient to cook. An exception if you make a salad: with this, everything is much simpler. By the way, green salads with leeks - fresh, crispy, juicy - are excellent, they are even the coldest in winter bring the smell of approaching spring. For such a "spring" salad, cut the onion into rings, tear the leaves of lettuce, iceberg or other green varieties you like into pieces, season with vegetable oil with all kinds of fresh herbs and white balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. An even better dressing for this salad is sour cream, cream or unsweetened yogurt. Then the taste is more delicate. For salad dressing, you can use not only raw onions.

In general, leek somewhat loses its charm if boiled in water. therefore best steamed: Hold the stems in a water bath for five to seven minutes. It also turns out delicious if you lightly fry it in olive oil and add to dishes of meat, poultry or fish. A great option for breakfast is scrambled eggs on an onion “pillow”. It looks especially impressive if you take only green leaves, without white stems, and add a little turmeric to the omelet for a rich yellow color. Believe me, such a sunny omelet on a green "pillow" in the morning incredibly uplifting!

But, if you like, a classic French recipe for making “asparagus for the poor”, as leek is called in this country. Just bake it in the oven and sprinkle with grated hot cheese and breadcrumbs.

Store leek  in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for no more than five days. And boiled on the second day after cooking becomes harmful. But how fresh it is! This versatile vegetable is very   rich in vitamins B and C, it contains a lot of iron, calcium and phosphorusas well as some essential oils that improve blood circulation and heart function.

In vain, many consume the white part of the stem - it is the most delicate and delicate. Green leaves not only look appetizing, but also   rich in carotene. A great advantage of leeks is that it grows all year round, therefore it is always available fresh, "from the garden", regardless of the season. But since leek grows in the ground, it must be thoroughly washed. Soak best.

Shrimp Leek Salad

David japy

For 4 persons:

  • 8 small stalks of leek;
  • 8 large shrimp;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 green apples;
  • 1 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • a pinch of coriander;
  • peppercorns;
  • 2 drops of tabasco;
  • 6 small onions;
  • several branches of dill.

Prepare the marinade: in a bowl, mix the juice of one lemon, ground coriander and pepper. Rinse the stalks of leeks, cut the roots and remove the top leaves. Cut into 2 cm slices. In a saucepan, heat the water, bring to a boil, salt, dip the onion slices into it. Cook for about 3-4 minutes to keep the onion stalks crispy. Remove from heat and immediately dip in cold water. Peel the shrimp, fill them with marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Cut avocados into thin slices, pour half the lemon over the juice. Peel the apple, chop, pour the juice of the second half of the lemon. Pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. l olive oil, tabasco sauce, applesauce, salt and pepper. Heat the pan, pour oil in it, fry the shrimp over high heat for about 5 minutes. Place leek, shrimp, avocado and green apple on serving plates, pour over the sauce. Sprinkle with finely chopped onion or chopped onion and chopped dill. Serve immediately.

Crispy onion sticks

David japy

For 6 persons:

  • 10 pieces. leeks;
  • 10 thinly sliced \u200b\u200bprosciutto;
  • 50 g parmesan cheese;
  • olive oil, pepper.

For the sauce:

  • 3 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l vinegar, 0.5 tsp mustard;
  • 1 chopped shallot;
  • a couple of sprigs of parsley, salt.

Peel the onion, remove the roots and top, rinse thoroughly in cold water. Steam for 10 minutes. Cool immediately in a deep bowl of cold water. Slice the parmesan cheese into thin slices. Wrap each onion in a slice of prosciutto, grease with a small amount of olive oil, put on top slices of parmesan, sprinkle with ground pepper. Prepare a salad dressing: finely chop parsley and shallots, add salt, mustard, vinegar and oil. Stir well. Editor’s Note: Olive oil will give ham a soft and beautiful translucent hue.

Regular onions, both green and onions, have long been an integral part of our kitchen. Without onions, the preparation of most of the most common dishes is unthinkable. But leek is much less known. In stores, you can see it quite rarely, and among summer residents and gardeners it is not very popular. And in vain - it is used in many cuisines because of its unusual taste and considerable benefit. But we will come back to this later. To get started, let's talk more about cooking.

What portion of onion is eaten?

Often you can meet people who are frankly disappointed in leek after trying it once. They claim that his greens are too hard and even cooking does not allow her to be made more tender. Alas, these people made a serious mistake, which led to the appearance of such an opinion.

After all, you do not need to eat greens or onions, as in other varieties of onions. The delicate white part is eaten, which sits deep in the ground, replacing the bulb itself. In addition to it, a small lower part of green feathers is eaten, and then, only in young shoots. Connoisseurs use only the white part.

It must be thoroughly washed, especially if leek is grown on sandy soil. Otherwise, during lunch, sand will creak on the teeth, which will not please the household. You can not only rinse, but also soak the white shoots for half an hour, and then rinse again. Only then can you start cooking.

The white part has a surprisingly delicate and unusual taste - something in between ordinary green onions and garlic. Very fragrant, it will give a special flavor to any dish, regardless of whether it was fried, cooked, stewed or used when serving.

Green leaves are very hard. They are not eaten at all in any way. After all, even finely chopped feathers during long cooking remain stiff and can ruin any dish. But many people feel sorry for throwing a luxurious green top, and they found an interesting use for it.

What to do with green feathers?

As mentioned above, they can not be eaten because of the stiffness. But if you can’t eat them, this does not mean that they are useless in cooking.

Experienced chefs often use a garnish bouquet - tied with a thread, a bunch of dry grass. Its composition may be different, depending on the preferences of the cook: parsley, bay leaf, basil, tarragon, celery roots, rosemary and much more. Here you can add the green leaves of leeks.

Garni bouquet is used most often when preparing soups. During cooking, the beam is lowered into the pan, and shortly before the end is removed, saturating the dish with a pleasant aroma.

As you can see, benefits can even be derived from products that are not edible. So, having decided to prepare a dish with leek, do not be too lazy to collect its feathers and dry, so that in a few days, weeks or months you can please your loved ones with a familiar dish with an unusually sophisticated and rich smell.

Cooking use

Now we will tell you how to use leek so that it reveals the whole bouquet of tastes and aromas.

Firstly, you can eat it fresh. Some eat shoots as a snack, just dipping in salt, but most people prefer to add it to salads with fresh vegetables. True, only a young stem is suitable for this, until it has hardened. Secondly, you can add chopped product to almost any dish that uses regular onions. The white part of the leek can very well be used in casseroles, pies, soups and any other dishes.

But still, this is a more “noble” product than a simple onion. And thanks to the delicate and rich aroma, it can well complement dishes that are atypical for our cuisine.

For example, if you cut leek and make mustard and egg sauce, you can serve the resulting dish as an unusual cold snack. Stew leek with cherry tomatoes, beans and garlic and an unusual but very satisfying vegetable stew is ready. Mix finely chopped leek with cod fillet, potatoes and parmesan - get a great filling for a layer cake that will impress even the most picky gourmets.

As you can see, the scope of leek is simply huge. Need more detailed recipes? We will return to them a little later. First, we’ll tell you why it’s worth enriching your diet with it.

The benefits of leeks

It is eaten in different parts of the Earth - Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Why so? Because many culinary specialists make sure that their dishes are not only tasty, but also healthy. And for this, leek is just perfect.

The list of vitamins and useful minerals that make up the plant is quite extensive. There are vitamins B1, B2, C, E and PP. This is a real find in the spring, when vitamin deficiency weakens the immune system and you need to urgently strengthen the body so that it effectively resists any disease. In addition, it contains a large amount of potassium, which makes leek an excellent diuretic product. It is also rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium.

Leek is very useful for people who want to lose weight. On the one hand, it has an extremely low calorie content - only 33 kcal per 100 grams. On the other hand, it speeds up the metabolism, allowing you to quickly get rid of excess weight during physical exertion.

In general, the list of diseases for the disposal or prevention of which you need to add leeks to your diet is quite extensive. We list only the main ones:

Of course, the product is not a panacea, but its beneficial qualities are undeniable. It is best to eat young sprouts fresh - this will get the maximum benefit. But even after cooking, stewing or frying, when leek loses some of its beneficial properties, it still remains a real find.

Are there any restrictions?

However, in everything you need to know the measure. And to eat a useful product in kilograms is not worth it. This can significantly increase the acidity of the stomach and even lead to gastritis. If you regularly use a lot of leek, the pressure also rises.

Women in the lactation period are especially recommended to limit the use of a fresh product or even abandon it - milk for several days can get an unpleasant smell, and the baby will not want to eat it.

Application in traditional medicine

The use of leeks, according to traditional medicine, allows you to achieve good results. In addition to the benefits described above, it will be useful to remember a few additional recipes.

Are furuncles tormenting or a bite place of gadflies and bees? Grind the white part of the leek into slurry (you can use a blender or a simple grater), put on a wound, cover with a film and tie with gauze for several hours. The edema will pass quickly, and the pus will stretch out.

Even a severe sore throat can be cured in two to three days by gargling daily with leek juice.

It also helps with more serious diseases, such as pneumonia. Usual inhalation is used here. Finely chop the onion or grate it, put it in a jar and breathe in pairs. But for each new inhalation, it is advisable to use a fresh portion - the old pretty quickly loses its useful properties.

Tasty and easy recipes

Finally, we will tell you how to cook leeks and give a couple of recipes that will impress even picky gourmets.
  If you want to make a delicious and unusual soup, Vichysois is right for you. Take:

Melt the butter in a pan with a thick bottom and fry the finely chopped onions. Add chopped leek and fry for another 5 minutes. Pour the broth and toss the chopped potatoes. When it is cooked, catch a potato and leek with a slotted spoon, chop in a blender. Return to the pan and pour in the cream. Bring to a boil and get a very light and delicious mashed soup.

Many will like a light salad. For him you will need:

Boil eggs and potatoes, cool, peel and chop finely. Cut leek into rings and mash a little to make it more tender. Chop the cucumbers. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and salt if necessary. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and can be served.

Surely these dishes will allow you to make a real sensation in any culinary society - even the most spoiled gourmet will appreciate their delicate and unusual taste.

  . We broke our minds, guessing what it was made of. It turned out leek! Suddenly. But taste-oo-oo-oo! By the way, you will pass by, do not pass by. The town with the emblem in the form of a Phoenix bird is worthy of all praise. They say that Walt Disney often rested in Eze. And Nietzsche wrote his Zarathustra here too. Ha! If we had stayed there for a week, we would not have written that as well. A blessed place where strangers are easily treated with onion confit))

Without leeks, Mediterranean cuisine would not exist. He is there everywhere. And the rest of European cuisine without it would have become poorer. Leek is one of the national symbols of Wales. Delicate, with a pleasant sweetish taste and a complete lack of bitterness. Exquisite product. One of the pillars healthy eating. He is idolized by slimming ladies. Even children are friends with him! Isn't it sad that in our kitchen we confine ourselves to trivial onions? Well, perhaps we still know green. Let's fix this situation urgently! There is a story that Pharaoh Cheops awarded his particularly distinguished subjects with armfuls of leeks. Now it’s easier. Now leek is on every counter, and it’s a sin to ignore it.

Pearl onions.  So it is also called. There are many useful properties in this spicy spice. Both alternative and traditional medicine sing odes to him. " Onion from seven ailments? Take it higher! At least a couple of dozens of diseases leeks precisely under the power to overcome. In general, it is worth looking through the relevant literature and study the subject. We will go into the kitchen and read the chapter Best Secrets under the name RECIPES OF PREPARING ONION-POREA.

We have selected for you three recipes for leek dishes, which are prepared quickly and easily.

Leek Recipe No. 1. Vishisoise soup.

Traditional Parisian leek, potato and cream soup is eaten hot. But at the beginning of the last century, Louis Dia, a Frenchman from Ritz-Carleton in New York, thought of whether to make it cold (as a child, he liked to add cold milk to soup). And he named it in honor of the world famous resort of Vichy, next to which his childhood passed. Yes, this is a cold cream soup, not the usual consistency of soup for us. But, we assure you, try once, and he will be a regular on your table!

So for Crème vichyssoise glacée  we will need:

- a pound of leek;

- a pound of potatoes;

- 1 piece of onion;

- a small bunch of green onions;

- a liter of chicken stock;

- half a packet of butter;

- a glass of cream;

- salt, black pepper.

Fry chopped onions in oil - in the container in which the soup will be cooked. Add finely chopped leek (use the white and light green parts). When the onion becomes soft, add the potatoes into cubes and, after a couple of minutes, the broth. Salt, pepper, simmer for half an hour. Beat in a blender with chilled cream. For 30 minutes in the refrigerator - and you can serve, sprinkled with green onions. Better yet, submit it in French: with shrimps fried with garlic and a sauce of finely chopped fennel, lemon juice and olive oil. Well, or at least with croutons fried with garlic.

Leek recipe number 2. Meatloaf with leek:

- 1 kg of minced veal;

- 2 stalks of leek;

- 1 stalk of celery;

- 2 slices of fresh white bread;

- 2 tbsp. l butter;

- 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

- salt, black pepper, parsley.

Finely chop the leek and celery, fry in a pan in butter and vegetable oil for 5 minutes. Add bread (in the state of crumbs), parsley, salt and pepper. On the plastic wrap we spread the minced meat with a rectangle, level it, spread the filling on it. We turn it into a roll using a film, place it on a greased baking sheet, bake for 180 hours at 180 degrees.

Leek Recipe No. 3. Gratin.

- 4 stalks of leeks;

- 2 glasses of cream 33%;

- ¾ grated parmesan (or any other hard cheese);

- salt pepper.

Cut the leek stalks in half, wash, spread in a large frying pan, pour cream, salt, pepper. Bring to a boil, then simmer under the lid for 5 minutes over low heat. Remove the lid, continue to simmer until the leek softens - 10-15 minutes. We spread the contents of the pan into a mold (along with the remaining cream), sprinkle with cheese, put in the oven to bake for 30 minutes.

So, what will we cook the first of these three dishes? BS did not choose and cooked all three at once. Yummy! Almost like an onion confit in the French town of Eze on the Cote d'Azur;)

These qualities are highly valued by many peoples of the world. Europeans, in particular, use fresh leeks from early spring in various salads, appetizers, okroshka. In general, it is considered the norm - the consumption of fresh herbs every day all year round.

Enterprising vegetable growers, of which there are many in our country, do so by growing leeks in unfavorable times on the windowsill in the apartment or in heated greenhouses. This allows you to provide your loved ones with fresh leek, which stimulates appetite, improves digestion and contributes to a more complete digestibility of nutrients.

Different leek dishes can be prepared, for example, such.


This delicious vitamin garnish for meat can even be served at the festive table: everyone likes it.

For its preparation, I usually take 5-6 bunches of leeks and 3 carrots, 75 g butter, 200 g broth, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream, as well as salt, sugar and parsley - to taste.

I clean and wash the onions and carrots well, after which, cut into slices, sauté on low heat. At the same time I add sugar, salt and mix everything. Then fill with broth and, having covered with a lid, carcass on low heat for 20-25 minutes.

When the liquid boils, add sour cream and chopped parsley - the side dish is ready.


This is the easiest summer salad, which is prepared from those vegetables that are "at hand". Our family really likes if this “hand” is generous, that is, there are 2-3 cucumbers, so much

same tomatoes, at least 1 sweet and hot pepper, and also at least a little green dill or parsley, and, of course, 2 bunches of leeks.

Such a salad decorates any table gathered for lunch or dinner.

He is preparing quickly. I wash all the vegetables, and then cut into beautiful slices familiar to the family: leeks, cucumbers and tomatoes - in rings or half rings, and peeled peeled seeds - in strips.

I add all this beauty to taste and transfer it to a salad bowl, after which I season with vegetable oil and sprinkle with chopped herbs.


I believe that breakfast is one of the main “chants” of the whole day: with what mood you leave your home - this will turn out in many ways. And so I try, because of my family’s abilities, to prepare something delicious for morning tea. Sometimes onion paste helps out.

I wash, peel and grate 2 apples, then combine with chopped leek. I also add 2 finely chopped, boiled eggs, sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. I mix everything well.

I butter slices of rye bread with butter, put onion paste on top and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Nourishing and with love!

Leek in danish

We need to take 400 g of leek, 200 g of herring fillet, 150 mg of milk, 2 egg yolks, 100 g of butter and spices to taste.

Cut the washed leek into small strips and lay in layers in a pan greased with oil (fat) with prepared herring fillet. The last layer should be from leek.

Pour all this with milk, add beaten egg yolks, sprinkle with pepper, put slices of butter on top and put in the oven for 20 minutes to bake.

Serve with fried or boiled jacket jacket potatoes, after decorating the dish with herbs.


To prepare a side dish for a rice dish, you will need 400 g of leek, 50 g of ham and 20 g of vegetable oil.

We start with a side dish. Dice the ham and fry in vegetable oil. We connect the ham with leek, which is pre-put out under the lid on low heat, -

Sprinkle the finished dish with chopped parsley and serve with a side dish of boiled rice sprinkled with grated cheese and garnished with tomato rings.


For him, it is better to take all the ingredients in equal proportions, say, 300 g.

Rinse the leek well and, having dried on a towel, cut into small pieces. After that, put in a bowl with chopped Beijing cabbage.

On a coarse grater, grate 2 peeled apples, from which the seeds were removed, and add to the prepared vegetables. Salt, pepper to taste and mix well.

Season the salad with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is also good as a side dish for meat or fish.

Give it a try!

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Onions, as a rule, are often not given the most noticeable place among vegetables, however, not every housewife will be able to prepare a delicious dinner if she accidentally forgets to add it to the soup for roasting. There are quite a few varieties, one of which is leek. How to cook it and with what, we will find out today.

Leeks are less bitter than ordinary leeks, so they can be added to the dish in large quantities. During processing, it will lose its bitterness and give the dish an interesting flavor. Dishes from leeks are sweet and tender, and the aroma is very soft.

So how to cook it? The most elementary salad that will surely be enjoyed only by an onion lover. We take the stem and wash it thoroughly, you can even remove the first layer of leek, its white part, to completely get rid of pollution. Thinly cut the white part into rings, put in a bowl and beat with your fingers so that in the end there is a magnificent onion mass in the bowl. Now we need half a lemon, squeeze the citrus juice directly with a hand in a bowl with onions, add a little olive oil. You can add the same grated green apple. Salad ready!

As you already understood, an apple tastes great with onions, so the next recipe will also contain it. First we need to boil hard boiled chicken eggs. Take the onion and cut it into rings, set it aside. Now three on a coarse grater, then the same operation is done with hard cheese and already cooled eggs. We lay all this in layers in a deep dish: onion, apple, eggs, cheese. There was the last touch - fill our salad with a thin stream of mayonnaise so that it is not very greasy. Our salad is almost ready, it only remains for him to brew in the refrigerator for about two hours, and you can serve it to the table.

Incredibly delicious soup can be made from leeks. So, we need chicken breast, half an onion, two carrots, dill - this is for the broth. Cook it in the usual way: when the breast boils, lower the heat, remove the foam and put vegetables and dill stalks there. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, the broth should be transparent and aromatic. Salt to taste.

Now we take a separate saucepan with a thick bottom, throw the pre-chopped leek there, how to cook next? Very simple: we throw there the grated carrots and simmer it all under the lid for several minutes.
Now we clean a couple of potatoes, cut into small cubes and set separately to cook, so that excess starch comes out. As soon as the potatoes began to boil, remove. It should only be half ready.

Our roasting of leeks and carrots has already been quite stewed, now we throw sweet bell pepper cut into cubes and close the lid again - it should become soft. While it is preparing, add a little garlic and the most favorite spices.

As soon as we feel that the frying is ready, fill it with broth (from which boiled vegetables and chicken meat were previously pulled out, of course), we throw potatoes into it, finely chop the greens and let it brew for a couple of hours.

It should be noted that this is a rather whimsical vegetable - leek, we learned how to cook it, and what about its storage? It, like any natural product, is prone to decay, and this is not good, so dishes from this vegetable should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Raw leeks can lie in a cool place for about seven days, and in the freezer for up to four months.

And by the number of vitamins that are contained in leeks, this vegetable confidently overtakes onions. There is carotene in leek, and in addition there are also vitamins B6, C, B1, B2, PP, E. Thanks to vitamin C, leek will help. During prolonged storage, the amount of vitamins in it increases. For approximately one year of storage of dried onions, the content of vitamin C in it increases by 2.5 times.

Today we learned a few recipes with leeks, which will always come in handy for any table, since dishes with this vegetable are not only tasty and fragrant, but also extremely useful.