The best recipes for cooking world cuisine. National dishes of different countries

The world's cuisine is very diverse and unusual in its own way. It has a huge number of dishes that are not similar to each other either in taste, in appearance, or in consistency. Habitual food in different countries is individual, has its own distinctive qualities and characteristics. We provide you, lovers with a satisfying and tasty meal, unusual national dishes from countries around the world.


Georgian cuisine  different consumption of various sauces, seasonings and spices (for example, suneli hops, which are added to many Georgian dishes). Vegetable and fish snacks are also popular here. Regardless of the time of year, every family on the kitchen table during meals is served a variety of greens (parsley, dill, mint and the like). In addition to it, vegetables such as radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and radishes should be present. Thanks to this, Georgian food served on the table becomes more wholesome and aromatic.

A dish like khashi (garlic broth)  served only for breakfast. It is mainly boiled from beef (beef legs, scar and abomasum). This soup is the most nutritious, as it contains proteins and extractive substances. Many say that this dish is intended for those who work hard, as it adds strength, and for revelers to get rid of a hangover the next day.

Khinkali  - One of the most popular Georgian dishes in the world. Outwardly and to taste they resemble ordinary dumplings, only of a huge size and with a tail. Black pepper is used as seasoning. The filling of such a dish is the most diverse: from meat to vegetable, but most often inside the khinkali you can find the broth. Such dumplings are eaten by hands, holding by the tail. First, drink the contents of the khinkali, biting it, and then proceed to the filling.


Australia  Is a country of immigrants. It is thanks to them that it is enriched by centuries-old traditions of different nations, a huge part of which is the cuisine itself. People bring here a wide variety of recipes for dishes and dishes. It is here that you can meet the national dishes of countries: from China to the USA. Also here you can notice the culinary techniques of European, Vietnamese and Japanese cuisine. The most popular dishes here are made from seafood and meat.

Fried kangaroo - this dish is preferred by local natives. It is a delicacy, does not emit such a substance as methane and contains a small amount of fat, which gives it the right to be considered low-calorie. This meat is very tender. It is enough to fry it on the one hand and you can start the meal. Kangaroos go well with garlic, peppers and fruits like plums, red currants and oranges.


This country has long been a colony of Portugal, which had a great influence on the traditions of Brazilian cuisine. Gastronomic preferences are well integrated into the culture of South American Indians. Soon, the Portuguese brought slaves from Africa, which led to a confusion of the culinary features of Brazilian cuisine. It is this trio (Indians, Africa and Portugal) that is an integral part of Brazilian dishes.

Watapi  - This is a dish made from seafood (shellfish, shrimp) and fish, which must be ground. Then everything is mixed and fried. For a pleasant taste and aroma, coconut juice is added (this dish is poured with it). When the dish is cooked, bread and various spices are served with it on the table. And rice serves as a side dish.

Pau di Caju  - buns made from cheese. This is one of the most popular national dishes of Brazil. Most often it is served for breakfast. The recipe for buns was invented already in the eighteenth century, and for a long time it was a secret. The chefs of Brazil created this delicacy only within the state itself and thought it was a unique invention, which should be the pride of the region. And only after the twentieth century, the recipe began to spread and gained popularity.


Indian food  is one of the most delicious food collections in the world. It is more influenced by religion, which prohibits eating certain types of meat. For example, a large part of the population of India are people professing Islam. And they can’t eat pork. The second part of the Indians of the same scale professes Hinduism - a ban on beef. Therefore, the main additions to the national cuisine of India are vegetables and cereals. Literally over the past few hundred years, poultry dishes (chicken, turkey, duck) began to appear in the culinary menu of this country.

Dhal - This is a thick puree soup of various types of legumes. There is no meat in this dish, so it is called vegetarian. This soup contains the following ingredients: coconut milk, lemon juice, tomatoes, onions, garlic and curry. When the dhal is cooked, it is traditionally necessary to serve it along with warm cakes. They say that this dish helps to restore normal weight. And yogis assure that you need to eat it before meditation.

Sabji  - This is a stew of vegetables. Since curry is the most favorite spice of the inhabitants of India, and it is it that is used to season almost all the dishes of this country, this dish was also not without it. This dish is served with a portion of rice and warm cakes. You can also add yogurt, coconut milk, Indian cheese - paneer, various spices and herbs to vegetable stew. This dish is very hearty, mouth-watering and fragrant.


Everyone can envy the national dishes of Turkey, because they are part of the most experienced and ancient cuisine of this country. In those distant times, the Turks erected any kind of food to the level of a cult. This hospitable people held feasts for relatives and strangers. Even competitions were held on how well they will conduct this event. The basis of Turkish cuisine is rice, wheat and vegetables.

Baklava (Baklava)  - A real Turkish dessert, created from a large number of layers of dough with the addition of various types of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts). The cooked dish is poured with honey syrup. By tradition, the baklava is eaten with a cup of hot coffee, as a snack to any dish or after a barbecue. Baklava is exclusively Turkish sweet. This information is confirmed even internationally.

Dolma  - This is a very original and unusual delicacy. Its appearance resembles cabbage rolls, but instead of cabbage, the contents of the dish are wrapped in grape leaf. Dolma filling consists of rice and / or minced meat.


The inhabitants of this country almost do not eat meat dishes, in large quantities eat rice, vegetables, fruits and seafood. Japanese cuisine is not only distinguished by its variety of delicacies, but also by the process of their use. In this country there are a huge number of rules that are recommended to be followed.

Sushi - one of the main traditional foods of Japan. You could say her business card. Sushi cannot be imagined without Japan, and Japan cannot be imagined without sushi ("Sushi" - this is the name given to this national delicacy in the homeland) - this association has long been used in all countries of the world. This dish demonstrates a lump or roll of rice with various fillings: fish, vegetables, eggs, algae. Sushi is traditionally served with soy sauce, ginger and wasabi.

Shabu shabu  - A special plate with a deep bottom, consisting entirely of metal. It is used to heat a variety of dishes over an open fire or in the oven. The main ingredients of shabu-shabu are: vegetable soup / broth, tofu and noodles. In addition to this, meat slices are served separately on the table (most often from duck, pork, lobster and chicken). These pieces of meat are dipped in hot soup before eating. This dish is especially popular during cold and rainy weather.


Mexican cuisine  very diverse and savory in taste. Often, in addition to salsa (a business card of Mexico) - fire sauce with peppers and tomatoes, cooks add various seasonings and herbs to dishes. Also in almost every dish there is corn in any form and beans.

Enchilada was invented back in the days when the Mayan tribe existed. At this time, the inhabitants of Mexico ate tortillas, consisting of corn kernels. In such a dish, the filling most often was ordinary fish. Now they are wrapped in meat slices, slices of cheese, seafood, beans, a variety of vegetables or all at once. Such a dish, and even with chili sauce, is served in Mexico for breakfast.

Quesadilla  - The national dish of Mexico. This is a tortilla cake (either corn or wheat). According to tradition, Quesadilla inside is filled with cheese, but over time, its recipe began to change. In this dish, ingredients such as meat fillet, a variety of vegetables, mushrooms, potatoes and the like began to appear. Along with quesadillas, snacks are also served. For example, it can be a vegetable side dish, hot chili pepper, coriander and fire sauce - salsa. The main difference from other Mexican dishes of this type (burritos, chimichanga, enchiladas) is that the quesadillas are folded in half and not twisted into a roll.


Italian cuisine everyone knows - this is a well-known and accepted fact. Her dishes are not like other national dishes of the world. Cuisine in Italy is distinguished by a huge number of different spices, spices and products, toppings in the dish itself. In the dishes you can taste the seafood, vegetable and fruit slices, poultry (duck, turkey, chicken), pork, beef, slices of cheese, rice, wild berries and legumes.

Kachchukko  - seafood soup. It is made from fish soup (fish stock), wine (preferably red) and tomato juice. In the same bowl with soup, add shellfish, crayfish and / or various types of fish. In appearance, the kachchukko is similar to goulash. There is a tradition associated with this dish: the bottom line is that you need to add as much fish to this soup as there are letters “c” in its name (that is, five).

Lasagna  - traditional national Italian food. It in its appearance resembles a layer cake. For lasagna, it is necessary to use durum wheat flour. The filling between the layers of dough can be minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables (you need to apply them in turn). Top of the “pie” is covered with Parmesan cheese. Bologna is considered to be the birthplace of lasagna, so this dish cannot be made completely without such an ingredient as Bolognese sauce.

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Almost every country has its own national dishes. All of them significantly differ, from each other, by their taste, aroma, appearance and ingredients used for their preparation. Below is a list of the ten most famous cuisines of the world and their most popular dishes.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the brightest and most colorful cuisines in the world, characterized by regional diversity and numbering about 5350 traditional recipes. It is characterized by a predominance of plant products, the main of which is rice. Also, corn, soy, cassava, sweet potato, sago, chicken, seafood, various fruits and vegetables are actively used in dishes. A variety of spices play an important role, primarily pepper. The most famous dish of Indonesian cuisine, which is often perceived as the "culinary symbol" of Indonesia, is Nasi-goreng.

Mexican cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Mexico, which is a combination of Aztec and Spanish culinary traditions. It is based on a rich variety of products: first of all, corn (maize), and then avocado, fresh and dried beans, sweet and ordinary potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, duck and turkey meat, chocolate, various seasonings, and also many species of fish that live in the coastal waters of this country. The most famous dish of Mexican cuisine is considered to be a rather spicy tortilla soup, as well as the worldwide famous alcoholic drink - tequila.

The eighth place in the list of the most famous cuisines of the world is occupied by Chinese cuisine - one of the richest and most varied cuisines of the world, divided into several main groups, each of which has its own differences in terms of ingredients, spices and cooking methods. The differences in these cuisines are closely related to the traditions and culture of each individual region. However, despite these differences, rice is an integral part of most Chinese dishes. The most famous dishes of Chinese cuisine are: Peking duck, fried rice, dim sum, centenary egg and tortoise soup.

Italian cuisine - traditional Italian cuisine, one of the most popular European cuisines. Specializes in dishes of flour, fish and seafood. Its characteristic feature is the relative simplicity and speed of cooking, as well as the use of fresh ingredients in dishes. A large number of vegetables and spices, such as oregano, basil, pepper, tarragon, thyme, rosemary and parmesan, predominate in Italian dishes. Olive oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic and olives are often used. Italian cuisine is very diverse and regional. Each region has its own culinary delights. The most famous Italian dishes are pizza, lasagna and spaghetti.

Spanish cuisine is the name of the national cuisine of Spain, which is divided into regional. Each of them has its own characteristics, because they directly depend on what products are used for cooking. An essential ingredient in true Spanish cooking is olive oil, it is Spain that produces 44% of all olive oil in the world. Spanish dishes are simple. Most often they are prepared from fish, seafood, legumes and rice. They often add tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, eggs, garlic, onions, olives, almonds and wine. The most famous and national Spanish dish is considered ham ham and paella.

French cuisine is the national multi-regional cuisine of France, known throughout the world as very diverse and sophisticated. Its main feature is the use of exclusively fresh products. Despite the differences in regional culinary traditions, a characteristic feature of the national French cuisine is the abundance of vegetables and root crops: potatoes, green beans, various varieties of onions, spinach and cabbage. Residents of coastal areas prefer to use seafood in their kitchen: fish, crab, lobster, lobster, shrimp, etc. The most famous dishes of French cuisine are baguette, frog legs, ratatouille, croissant, truffle, etc. And also very popular throughout world alcoholic drink - cognac.

Japanese cuisine is the national cuisine of Japan, characterized by seasonality of food, freshness of products, poor use of seasonings, minimal processing, preservation of the original appearance and taste of the products. Much attention is paid to the appearance of dishes. The main ingredients of Japanese cuisine are rice, various vegetables and seafood - fish, seaweed, shellfish. Compared to Americans and Europeans, the Japanese eat very little beef and pork, as well as animal fats, butter and dairy products, since it is forbidden to kill and eat animals in Buddhism. The most famous dishes of Japanese cuisine are sushi, sashimi, Japanese curry and the national alcoholic drink of rice - sake.

Indian cuisine is one of the oldest and most varied cuisines in the world, known primarily for its vegetarian dishes. On this densely populated peninsula there are so many people professing different religions that it is very difficult to characterize typical Indian cuisine in a few sentences. But we will try. Most of the Indian population is vegetarians, so the skillful use of seasonings has become a real art for them. Among the huge number of spices used in Indian cooking, it is worth highlighting: cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, red and green chili, cinnamon, saffron, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, anise, sesame, onion and garlic. The basis of Indian dishes includes rice, a variety of vegetables, eggs, fish, seafood, etc. Dairy products are very popular. The most famous Indian dishes are curry, dhal, chapati, etc.

The second place in the list of the most famous cuisines of the world is the national cuisine of Turkey, which is among the best in richness, variety of tastes and products used. In modern Turkish cuisine, meat and bread are the most important food. A wide variety of spices is also used. And the most used vegetable in Turkish cooking is eggplant. The most famous Turkish dishes are kebab, berek, dolma, baklava, Turkish delight and others.

Thai cuisine - the national cuisine of Thailand, considered one of the best, most original and famous in the world, is associated primarily with the taste of bananas, citrus fruits, pineapples, coconut milk, fresh coriander, lemongrass, garlic and chilli. However, the basis for Thai dishes is primarily rice, and only then a variety of aromatic spices, fish and seafood. Meat in Thailand is consumed relatively infrequently, it is considered a festive dish. Thai cuisine focuses on lightly cooked dishes with strong aromatic properties. The most common seasoning is mild fish sauce. The most famous Thai dish is sour-spicy soup based on chicken broth with shrimp, chicken, fish or other seafood, sometimes with the addition of coconut milk - Tom Yam.

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Any country is an integral part of its culture, which has been formed for centuries or even centuries.

It is difficult to imagine Russia without cabbage soup or Georgia without khachapuri. Therefore, visiting different countries, it is necessary to try the national dishes of these countries. It will not only allow you to completely plunge into culture  countries, but also bring home some interesting recipes.

National dishes

  1. Croatia: Page cheese
      The famous Page cheese is made from sheep's milk on the island of Pag.
  2. Italy Pizza
      Classic pizza is made from very thin dough. Tomatoes, mozzarella, and a variety of meat products serve as the filling, season the dish with basil.
  3. China: Xiao Long Bao
      These are dumplings that float in soup. In shape, they resemble khinkali, but they are made from different varieties of meat and steamed in special bamboo baskets.
  4. India: Tandoori Chicken
      This dish consists of pieces of chicken that are pickled in yogurt and spices. Tandoori chicken is baked over high heat in a clay oven, and a dish is served with vegetables and rice.
  5. Canada: Putin
      This incredibly high-calorie dish consists of french fries, cheese and specially prepared sauce.
  6. Belgium: Mussels with French Fries
      Mussels can be cooked in different ways, and served with salted crispy potatoes and washed down with cold Belgian beer.
  7. Austria: Vienna Schnitzel
      This is a thin piece of chopped veal breaded, fried until golden brown in a large amount of fat or butter and served with potatoes or rice.
  8. Argentina: Asado
      This meat is cooked on charcoal, served with bread, salad, chimichurri sauce and red wine.
  9. Brazil: feijoada
      Feijoada consists of black beans, baked pork, beef, spices and cassava flour. It is served with rice, cabbage, slices of orange and spicy sauce.
  10. Australia: Float Pie
      This is a meat pie that floats in a bowl with thick pea soup.
  11. Egypt: Molochaea
      Molokhei is prepared from the leaves of molokhei (a bitter-tasting vegetable), which are separated from the stems, chopped and boiled in broth with coriander and garlic. Serve a dish with chicken or meat.
  12. England: Yorkshire pudding roast beef
      This is roast beef with dripping pudding.
  13. Georgia: Khachapuri
      Surely everyone knows this juicy viscous cake stuffed with cheese or eggs.
  14. Malaysia: Nasi Lemak
      This dish consists of rice cooked in coconut milk with slices of pandanus leaves. And it is served wrapped in banana leaves with sambal sauce, anchovies, peanuts and boiled egg.
  15. Netherlands: herring
      The Dutch love to eat herring with a fresh bun and chopped onions.
  16. Indonesia: Terang Bulan Cake
      This dish is a sweet cake in the shape of a semicircle stuffed with chocolate chips, grated cheese, slices of peanuts and even bananas.
  17. Saudi Arabia: Kasbah
      Kasbah is made from rice with the addition of a large number of spices - cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and bay leaf, and served with meat and vegetables.
  18. Japan: Katsudon
      This is a thin pork chop with an egg, which is placed on top in a bowl of rice.
  19. Mexico: mole sauce
      This sauce consists of about 100 ingredients, and they cook it for a long time - sometimes for several days.
  20. Norway: rakfisk
      This is trout, which is first salted, left to ferment for several months, and then served with onions and sour cream.
  21. Philippines: adobo
      These are pieces of chicken or pork, which are stewed in a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar. Peppers, garlic and bay leaves are also added here.
  22. Portugal: Francesinha
      This is a sandwich that consists of two square slices of white bread, between which is a piece of meat, a slice of ham stuffed with olives, and sausage. It is covered with cream cheese and put on a plate with tomato sauce.
  23. Ukraine: Dumplings
      Dumplings are usually cooked with a filling of potatoes, cottage cheese, cabbage or meat, and they are served with fried lard with onions and sour cream.
  24. Romania: Sarmale
      This dish looks like cabbage rolls. It is prepared from minced meat with rice, which is baked in small salty cabbage or grape leaves.
  25. Russia: cabbage soup
      Russians will gladly treat a foreigner with a plate of tasty and satisfying cabbage soup.
  26. Scotland: Smoked Salmon
      It is served on bread croutons with butter or cheese-curd paste.
  27. Slovakia: cheese dumplings
      These are small potato dumplings seasoned with soft cheese and bacon.
  28. Slovenia: crane sausage
      These are small pork sausages in which salt, pepper, water and garlic are added.
  29. South Africa: Biltong
      This is beef jerky that is marinated with various spices.
  30. South Korea: Panchang
      Panchan - a lot of appetizers and salads that are served with the main course and rice: kimchi, namul, jong ...
  31. Spain: Jamon Iberico
      This is a ham from a special breed of Iberian pigs, which is kept on a special acorn diet. The meat is salted and then dried in well-ventilated cellars.
  32. UAE: shawarma
      In the UAE, this dish is prepared from pita, stuffed with pieces of fried meat of different varieties and vegetables. As a dressing, tahini, hummus or spicy sauce is used.
  33. Venezuela: pabellion criollo
      This dish is made from minced beef, rice, black beans and cheese.
  34. USA: Hamburger
      For a hamburger, Americans recommend taking a milkshake and french fries.

These dishes look so appetizing that I already want to get to all these countries. Whatever country you bring, do not forget to ask about the local national dish  and taste it!

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    American cuisine is a synthesis of several cuisines of the world. The main influence on the formation of American culinary traditions was exerted by England, Germany, Italy and China.
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    Armenian cuisine is one of the oldest in all of Asia; in part, it has also passed to neighboring peoples (Georgians, Russians, Azerbaijanis, etc.). As a rule, Armenian dishes are prepared for a long time and require large labor-intensive costs.
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    One of the main Slavic cuisines, characterized by a large number of dishes from potatoes, mushrooms and meat (primarily pork), as well as a very low consumption of milk and dairy products. Belarusians, who are familiar with sweets and desserts, are often replaced with berry jelly, compotes, juices or pies.


    This includes the cuisines of the peoples of Central Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Balkans. Almost all of these cuisines are united by the use of a large amount of rice when preparing a wide variety of dishes. The famous Chinese cuisine is especially vivid in this category.
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    Very original, prevailing in more than one century, under the influence of many traditions, Georgian cuisine is one of the brightest in the world. The famous kebabs, chakhokhbili, lobio, kharcho are very popular even outside the country.
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    European cuisine (it is also called continental) combines the traditions of many countries, but also has its own distinctive features. Spices and seasonings go by the wayside in comparison with Eastern cuisine, dishes are prepared mainly from meat and vegetables, as well as eggs and flour.
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    Almost everyone is familiar with the two main dishes of Italian cuisine - pizza and pasta. These dishes are beloved by Europeans and Americans, there are hundreds of their variations and recipes. However, Italian cuisine is much more extensive; seafood and cheese dishes are especially popular among locals.
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    The hallmark of Mexican cuisine is the burrito and tortilla (corn flour tortilla). Almost all dishes add very hot chili or jalapenos. Two sauces make the famous cuisine: guacomole and salsa.
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    Russian cuisine is very rich in first courses, hearty pies and loaves. Stewed cereals, stewed meat dishes, dumplings, as well as pancakes and pancakes are popular among the people. At the end of the 15th century, there were 500 recipes for kvass alone.
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    Residents of the Mediterranean eat a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits, pasta and pastries made from durum wheat, fish and seafood. On the basis of Mediterranean cuisine, diets and diets of proper nutrition are often made.
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    Suppose you had the opportunity to try one dish in each country in the world. How to choose the most worthy culinary attraction?

    On the Quora website (a social service, a kind of online market for questions and answers), we decided to conduct a survey on this topic. Users had to name one dish, which they considered the most “cult” for their country. The result was a list of 35 national dishes, representing 35 countries.

    Australia: Float Pie

    Pie-float is famous as a deliverer from a hangover. This is a meat pie floating in a plate with thick pea soup. Sometimes it is seasoned with tomato sauce and vinegar. This dish is especially popular in winter.

    Austria: Vienna Schnitzel

    This dish is considered one of the symbols of Austria. The classic Viennese schnitzel is a very thin piece of chopped veal breaded, fried to golden brown in plenty of fat or butter. As a side dish to it, as a rule. served potatoes or rice, and decorated with lemon and parsley.

    Argentina: Asado

    There is a grill for making asado in every self-respecting Argentinean family. In fact, this is meat cooked on charcoal, but its taste depends on many subtleties, and usually these men are Asadors. The composition of the dish includes meat, homemade sausage, glands, kidneys and black pudding. Served asado with bread, lettuce, chimichurri sauce and red wine.

    Belgium: Mussels with French Fries

    This dish can also be tasted in other countries - for example, in France or the USA, but it was the Belgians who were the first to invent this appetizing combination of ingredients.

    Mussels are cooked in a variety of different ways (in wine, oil, with herbs or in tomato sauce), and served with salted, crispy fries. And washed down with cold Belgian beer.

    Brazil: feijoada

    Brazil is a country with rich and diverse culinary traditions, so choosing one dish is not so simple. However, Quora users settled on feijoada - a dish of black beans, baked pork, beef, spices and cassava flour. It is usually served with rice, cabbage, slices of orange and spicy sauce to speed up the digestion process.

    Canada: Putin

    This is a very high-calorie dish originally from Quebec. It consists of french fries, cheese and sauce.

    China: Xiao Long Bao

    These are Shanghai dumplings floating in soup. The shape of xiao long bao is even more like khinkali. They are made from different types of meat and steamed in special bamboo baskets.

    Croatia: Page cheese

    The world-famous Page cheese is made from sheep's milk on the island of Pag.

    Egypt: Molochaea

    Various variations of this dish are prepared throughout North Africa, but it has gained particular popularity in its homeland - in Egypt.

    The Egyptian version is prepared from the leaves of a molokhei (a bitter-tasting vegetable), which are separated from the stems, chopped and boiled in broth with coriander and garlic. Moloch is served with pieces of chicken or rabbit meat, sometimes they are replaced with lamb or fish.

    England: Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pudding

    Once upon a time, English cooks came up with a way to use fat dripping on a pan while frying meat for making puddings. Now roasted beef with “dripping” pudding is considered a national dish in England.

    Georgia: Khachapuri

    Khachapuri is a juicy, viscous tortilla with a filling, usually with cheese or an egg.

    Holland: herring

    The Dutch prefer a herring with a fresh bun and chopped onions.

    India: Tandoori Chicken

    In India, culinary traditions vary greatly depending on the region, so it is almost impossible to find one dish that would represent the whole country. In the north, they eat more seasoned curry meat dishes, and in the south, vegetables with a large variety of spices are preferred.

    However, if you still need to choose only one classic Indian dish, then it will be tandoori chicken. Pieces of chicken are marinated in yogurt with spices, and then baked over high heat in an clay oven. It is usually served with vegetables and rice.

    Indonesia: Terang Bulan Cake

    This is a sweet cake in the shape of a semicircle, stuffed with all sorts of goodies - chocolate chips, grated cheese, slices of peanuts and even bananas. These cakes are sold by street vendors throughout Indonesia.

    Italy Pizza

    Classic Italian pizza is made from a very thin base and filling, consisting of fresh tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and various meat products. In Italy, pizza is considered art and pizza restaurants are considered by artists.

    Japan: Katsudon

    It would seem that Japan is associated with sushi all over the world, but the Japanese themselves advise travelers not to miss the opportunity to try katsudon - a thin pork chop with an egg, which is placed on top in a bowl of rice.

    Malaysia: nasi lemak

    Nasi lemak is translated as “rice with cream”. Rice is cooked in coconut milk with slices of pandanus leaves. Served wrapped in banana leaves with sambal sauce, anchovies, peanuts and boiled egg.

    Mexico: mole sauce

    This is a very complex sauce, it contains up to 100 ingredients, including herbs, ground nuts, butter, cocoa, meat broth and, of course, several types of chili. And they prepare mole sauce for a rather long time - sometimes for several days.

    Norway: rakfisk

    Rakfisk is considered a winter dish. This is trout, which is first salted, left to ferment for several months, and then served with onions and sour cream. Norway used to be a poor country with little to grow. Since the winters are long in this country, I had to stock up on fish until the first snow and somehow store it. Sauer fish was a good way out.

    Philippines: adobo

    Adobo is called a spice popular in many countries, but in the Philippines it is a dish consisting of pieces of chicken, or pork, stewed in a mixture of soy sauce and vinegar, and seasoned with pepper, garlic and bay leaf.

    Portugal: Francesinha

    The name of this dish translates as “little Frenchwoman. It is a sandwich of two square slices of white bread, between which is a piece of meat, a slice of ham stuffed with olives and a blood sausage. All this is covered with cream cheese and put in a plate with tomato sauce. French franzigne usually serves french fries and a mug of cold beer.

    Romania: Sarmale

    Sarmale is a Romanian version of cabbage rolls or dolma. It is minced rice and meat, baked in small salty cabbage or grape leaves. It is considered a winter dish.

    Russia: borsch

    Russian users of the Quora website advised foreigners to definitely try a plate of borscht for Russian vodka.

    Saudi Arabia: Kasbah

    This is a rice dish with the addition of a large number of spices - cloves, cardamom, saffron, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg and bay leaf. Kasbah is usually served with meat and vegetables.

    Scotland: Smoked Salmon

    Served on wholemeal bread croutons with butter or cheese-curd paste. Scots love to sprinkle fish with lemon juice.

    Slovakia: cheese dumplings

    These are small potato dumplings seasoned with soft cheese and bacon.

    Slovenia: crane sausage

    Small sausages made from pork, salt, pepper, water and garlic - and nothing more.

    South Africa: Biltong

    This is a South African variety of jerky. Most often, the biltong is made from beef, but it is also excellently obtained from other types of meat, for example, ostrich. Thin strips of meat are marinated with various spices and salt and dried.

    South Korea: Panchang

    This traditional South Korean dish consists of many appetizers and salads, which are served on small plates as an accompaniment to the main dish and rice: kimchi (sauerkraut with hot red pepper), namul (fried vegetables seasoned with sesame oil, vinegar and garlic), chong ( Korean variation on the theme of pancakes) and so on.

    Spain: Jamon Iberico

    To produce this ham, a special Iberian breed of pig is raised, which is kept on a special acorn diet. The ham is covered with sea salt, and then suspended for a couple of years in well-ventilated cellars. Finished jamon is cut into thin slices and served with wine, crispbread and olives.

    UAE: shawarma

    Shawarma is one of the dishes available for any wallet in the expensive Arab Emirates. Perhaps the democratic nature of this dish has made it one of the most popular in the country. Prepared from pitta stuffed with pieces of fried meat (usually a mixture of lamb, chicken, turkey or beef) with vegetables. As a dressing, tahini, hummus or spicy sauce is used.

    Ukraine: dumplings

    Ukrainians will gladly treat foreigners with dumplings with potatoes, cottage cheese, cabbage or meat. They will be served with fried lard with onions, and sour cream.

    USA: Hamburger

    That's so simple and boring. For a hamburger, Americans recommend taking a milkshake and french fries.

    Venezuela: pabellion criollo

    This Venezuelan national dish includes minced beef, rice, black beans and cheese. Typically, pabellion criollo is served with fried egg and fried plantain.

    According to the materials