Light cocktails for children. Milkshakes for children

All children are very fond of cocktails, but some of them are so delicious that they will delight any very picky gourmet.

What are useful?

The benefits of cocktails are invaluable, because most of them contain milk (or kefir), as well as fruits and berries.

Useful properties of cocktails:

  • Milkshakes strengthen bones, hair and teeth.
  • Berry and fruit smoothies contain a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects against attacks of bacteria and viruses.
  • Such drinks contain many other vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, for example, zinc, copper, iron, B vitamins and so on. Thus, they normalize metabolic processes, improve the nervous system, eliminate inflammatory processes and have an antioxidant effect, that is, prevent cell degeneration.
  • We should also write about oxygen cocktails. They are enriched with oxygen, which, getting into the body, penetrates into all tissues and significantly improves their work. In addition, such drinks tone and invigorate.

How to cook?

In general, you can prepare cocktails from almost any product, but you need to combine them, as some of them are simply incompatible. The cooking process is very simple. It is most convenient to use a blender or.

First, all products must be prepared, that is, washed, and then remove all unnecessary (seeds, stalks, peel, and so on). Then you just need to grind everything. But some cocktails have a liquid base and fillers in the form of pieces.

Below are some simple cocktail recipes for kids.

First recipe

To prepare, you will need:

  • a quarter cup of yogurt;
  • two kiwis;
  • two bananas;
  • one or two teaspoons of honey.


  1. Peel a banana and cut it into small pieces.
  2. Kiwi also needs to be cleaned and cut.
  3. Dip the chopped fruit together with into the blender bowl and chop while whisking.
  4. Add honey and whisk the cocktail again.

Second recipe

Try making a nutty chocolate nutty smoothie, but remember that drinking it too often is not worth it.

  • one cup of whole milk;
  • about 30-40 grams of milk chocolate (you can take bitter, but the child may refuse to drink such a cocktail);
  • one teaspoon of nut paste or two teaspoons of nuts (such as peanuts or hazelnuts).


  1. First you need to melt the chocolate. To do this, break it into small pieces and place in the microwave for literally 30 seconds.
  2. Now you need to do walnut paste. Heat a small amount of milk and dissolve the paste in it. If you use nuts, you need to chop them with a blender or coffee grinder.
  3. Now add chopped nuts or diluted nut paste to the cool milk as well. If you use bitter, you can also add literally half a teaspoon of sugar (preferably brown) or natural honey.
  4. Whisk well with a mixer or blender.
  5. A nutritious and tasty cocktail is ready!


List of ingredients:

  • 300 ml of milk (you can use yogurt or yogurt instead);
  • a quarter cup of blackcurrant;
  • 100 grams of blackberry;
  • two tablespoons of muesli;
  • two teaspoons of honey;
  • one pear.


  1. First you need to prepare the pears. Peel them, remove the cores and cut into slices.
  2. Immerse slices of pear, blackcurrant, blackberry and granola in a blender. Now whisk together.
  3. Add milk and honey, beat well.

Fourth recipe

Milkshakes are very tasty. You can cook one of them with cherries. This will require:

  • a glass of strawberries;
  • a glass of milk;
  • 50 grams of vanilla ice cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the strawberries well, remove the stalks. If the berries are large, then it is advisable to cut them into halves.
  2. Dip the strawberries into a blender and chop them.
  3. Now add milk and ice cream and whisk everything thoroughly so that a foam forms.

Recipe Five

You can cook a delicious children's Mojito. To do this, prepare the following ingredients:

  • half a lemon;
  • half lime;
  • two tablespoons of cane sugar;
  • several sprigs of fresh mint;
  • a glass of sparkling mineral water (but not salty).

Description of the cooking process:

  1. Squeeze half a lemon well.
  2. Now wring out and lime.
  3. Add lemon and lime juices to sparkling water along with sugar.
  4. Mix everything well.
  5. Remember the mint leaves and throw in a glass.


Try to make a delicious cherry cocktail with cottage cheese.

List of required ingredients:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 100 grams of cherries (it is advisable to use a sweet variety);
  • one tablespoon of condensed milk;
  • one tablespoon of cottage cheese.


  1. Remove the seeds from the cherry and squeeze it. It is best to do this through cheesecloth.
  2. Now pour milk and cherry juice into the blender bowl, as well as put the cottage cheese and condensed milk.
  3. Whip well.


How to make a fresh and perfectly thirst quenching watermelon-melon cocktail? Here's what you need for this:

  • 200 grams of watermelon pulp;
  • 100 grams of melon pulp.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove all the seeds from the watermelon pulp, cut it into pieces.
  2. The pulp of the melon also needs to be peeled and chopped.
  3. Dip all the pieces into a blender, chop, and then beat.

Recipe Eighth

Tasty, bright and fresh will be an orange-milk shake. To do this, prepare:

  • a glass of orange juice;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • 100 grams of cream ice cream;
  • a few slices of orange for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk and orange juice into the blender. Put ice cream there too.
  2. Whip well.
  3. Pour the cocktail into glasses and decorate each of them with a slice of orange.

Recipe Ninth

Try making an exotic cocktail with coconut and pineapple. You will need:

  • glass of water;
  • a glass of coconut milk;
  • 400 grams of pineapple pulp.


  1. Peel the pineapple, cut into small pieces, place in a blender and chop until mashed.
  2. Add coconut milk and water, whisk together.


Oxygen cocktails have an interesting and pleasant taste, but their preparation requires a special device - an oxygen cocktail, an oxygen cylinder or a pillow. And you also need juice (or several of its types).

Just pour a small amount of juice into a glass, immerse a tube into it through which oxygen will be supplied and turn on the device. In a matter of seconds, airy foam forms.

Be sure to cook delicious treats for your little gourmet!

Cooking for children: seven summer recipes for milkshakes

The first day of summer gives us two reasons for joy at once - World Milk Day and International Children's Day. We suggest celebrating both holidays by preparing delicious milkshakes for children according to our recipes.

Blueberry Banana

Thick will decorate any holiday. Especially if in a pair with a sweet velvety banana, take tender blueberries with a light refreshing sourness. We combine in a blender bowl 250 g of washed and dried blueberries, 200 g of ice cream and 500 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%. Here we cut 3 ripe bananas in circles. Beat the ingredients with a blender at medium speed for 1–2 minutes, until they turn into a smooth mass. If your children are inveterate, add some powdered sugar or honey. Do not forget to decorate the glass with the delicacy with mint leaves and blueberries.

Strawberries in curd clouds

In summer there is nothing better than a hearty strawberry instead of the usual breakfast. To cook it, lightly fry 50 g of oatmeal in a dry frying pan. Pour them into a blender, mix with 200 g of cottage cheese, 300 g of fresh strawberries and 1 tbsp. l liquid honey. Pour this mixture with 600 ml of milk and beat until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Pour the drink into glasses, decorate with whipped cream and decorate with whole strawberries. Feel free to add to any other berries. Such a bright mix for breakfast will cheer up your children and charge you with a summer mood for the whole day.

Squishy Peanut Bliss

It will become a successful impromptu. Dice 2 ripe bananas and add 4 tbsp. l peanut butter. Interesting chocolate notes will give the drink 2-3 tsp. cocoa powder. We spread this mass in a blender bowl, pour 500 ml of milk and beat at medium speed for a couple of minutes. Pour the cocktail into glasses, decorate with crushed unsalted peanuts and slightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Similar milkshakes for children in a blender can be prepared from any nuts. And if you take almond milk instead of regular milk, there will be no limit to the admiration of small gourmets.

A sip of chocolate cool

Chocolate is the number one treat for any child. Therefore, the recipe for a milkshake for children with his participation will be loved instantly. Take a bar of pure milk chocolate. We leave about 20 g for decoration, break the rest into pieces, pour 100 ml of hot water and beat with a blender. When the mixture has cooled, pour 600 ml of milk, put 200 g of chocolate ice cream and continue to whisk until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Grated chocolate, grate and sprinkle drink on it. Other variations of chocolate milkshakes for children at home can be found on the website "Eat at Home!".

Exotic Fruit Charm

Do you want to please not only children, but also yourself? Cook with pineapple. Just remember, the fruit must be fresh, not canned, otherwise the desired effect will not be. So, cut 300 g of pineapple pulp into cubes. We clean the slices of half of the grapefruit from the white films, also chop and combine with the pineapple. Add here 150 g of fresh raspberries and fill everything with a mixture of 150 ml of soy and 150 ml of coconut milk. It remains to beat the components into a homogeneous mass. Pour the cocktail into glasses, sprinkle with coconut and enjoy the sweetness of the tropics with the children.

Peaches swim in yogurt

Wonder how good! And most importantly, they are combined with any fruits. We take a couple of large fleshy peaches, cut in half, remove the seeds and chop the pulp into cubes along with the peel. In a blender bowl, mix 500 g of fresh strawberries, 120 g of natural yogurt without additives and 120 ml of milk. Beat the ingredients until they turn into a smooth cocktail. Now pour the peaches into it and continue whisking for another minute. For children, you can pour a little maple syrup - this cocktail will benefit.

Sugar Cherry in the Snow

Even if you didn’t have fresh fruits and berries at hand, there is a recipe for a milkshake for children that will do quite well without them. Pour 100 ml of milk, 150 ml of kefir into the blender bowl, put 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese and beat the mixture at medium speed for a minute. Next, we introduce 40-50 g of seedless cherry jam and beat for a couple of minutes. You can treat such a cocktail even to kids. For older children, substitute fermented baked milk for cream ice cream, and instead of cherry, take any other jam that they prefer. In any case, they will not be able to refuse such a tempting delicacy.

Be sure to save these recipes - in the coming months you will need them more than once. We look forward to hearing the stories about your signature milkshakes in the comments. Spend the first day of summer with pleasure and health benefits!

Homemade milkshake is prepared in a matter of minutes from the simplest ingredients. The secret to a delicious drink is to use chilled ingredients. Beat products using a mixer, food processor or blender at maximum speed.

A classic cocktail is a healthy and tasty treat that can be prepared for a children's party. Such a drink is liked even by children who refuse to drink regular milk. If you strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipe, even a novice cook can make a milkshake.


  • 0.5 l of milk of low fat content;
  • 150 g of ice cream.

Cooking method.

  1. All components are placed in a bowl of a food processor.
  2. Stir with a spoon to melt the ice cream.
  3. Turn on the technique and beat at the highest mode for about 3 minutes until a gentle foam appears.
  4. Pour the cocktail into beautiful glasses, decorate, add ice crumb if desired.

In order not to spoil the taste of the drink, use high-quality ice cream without additives.  If necessary, the cocktail is supplemented with other ingredients: berries, chocolate, cream, coffee.

How to cook with bananas?

This drink perfectly refreshes and nourishes the body with protein, vitamins and minerals. It can be used as a quick snack, as well as after physical exertion to restore strength and energy.

You will need:

  • 400 ml of medium fat milk;
  • 200 g of cream ice cream;
  • 1 ripe banana.

The recipe is step by step.

  1. The peeled banana is chopped and put in a blender. Add 100 ml of milk.
  2. Beat the ingredients until all the pieces of fruit are mashed.
  3. Add ice cream and whisk for another minute.
  4. The remaining milk is poured and mixed in a blender until a lush foam is obtained.
  5. A milkshake with a banana is consumed immediately after preparation.

Milkshake, as in the USSR

The taste of this dessert reminds many of the school and teenage years. The cocktail is thick, with a high velvety foam.


  • 100 ml of fat milk;
  • 25 ml of orange syrup;
  • 25 g of cream ice cream.

Cooking technology.

  1. To achieve high foam, milk is pre-frozen.
  2. All ingredients are placed in a blender bowl and beat at maximum speed for exactly one minute.
  3. Pour the drink into a glass and immediately drink through a straw.

Sweet drink with strawberries

A cocktail prepared according to this recipe is incredibly tasty, nutritious and very healthy. If you effectively serve it, it will become a table decoration at a children's party.

Required Components:

  • 300 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5%;
  • 200 g of ice cream;
  • 300 g of fresh ripe strawberries;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. They wash strawberries, remove tails, and dry them.
  2. Berries and sugar are put in a blender and beat in mashed potatoes.
  3. Add ice cream with milk and turn on for another minute.
  4. A cocktail with strawberries is served in a tall glass with a straw and a whole berry.

Chocolate milkshake

One serving of this drink energizes and gives a good mood for the whole day. You can experiment with the taste of a cocktail by adding different varieties of chocolate.

You will need:

  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 50 g of dark chocolate;
  • 60 g vanilla ice cream.

Cooking steps.

  1. So that chocolate pieces do not come across in the finished drink, the tile is pre-melted in a steam bath.
  2. Ice cream is taken out of the freezer in advance. If you add melted ice cream, the cocktail will turn out to be more thick.
  3. All components are combined in a food processor and beat until foam appears.
  4. The finished drink is decorated with chocolate chips and a mint leaf. Served in low square glasses.

Tip: lovers of rich chocolate flavor can add 5 g of ground coffee to the ingredients.

With kiwi

Exotic milk drink is a source of valuable trace elements and vitamins. It perfectly refreshes in the heat and replenishes energy reserves after hard work or training. To soften the sour taste of kiwi, add a banana.

List of ingredients:

  • 2 kiwi;
  • half-banana;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g vanilla ice cream;
  • 40 g of caramel ice cream.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Kiwi freed from the skin and cut into circles. A few slices set aside for decoration.
  2. Half a banana is diced.
  3. Fruits are transferred to the blender bowl, half of the prepared milk is poured and vanilla sugar is poured.
  4. The components are whipped in turbo mode for 2 minutes.
  5. Both types of ice cream are added to the resulting mass and whipped for another minute.
  6. The prepared cocktail with kiwi is poured into glasses and decorated with slices of exotic fruit.

Vanilla smoothie

The gentle taste of this cocktail will appeal to both children and adults.


  • 180 ml of high fat milk;
  • 50 g of vanilla ice cream;
  • 2 drops of vanilla extract;
  • 20 g of sugar.

Cooking progress.

  1. In a whipping container, milk and slightly melted ice cream are mixed.
  2. The components are whipped for 2 minutes. During this time, a thick foam should form.
  3. Sugar is added to the milk composition and vanilla is added. Beat another minute.

Before serving, the vanilla cocktail is cooled.

Tip: before pouring the drink, the glasses can be placed in the freezer so that they are covered with hoarfrost, then the cocktail will give aesthetic pleasure and keep it cool longer.

With pineapple

This drink helps to normalize digestion, improve well-being and mood. Pineapple helps with weight loss, so a cocktail can be included in the diet of a lax diet.

You will need:

  • 200 ml of milk 1% fat;
  • 400 g cream ice cream;
  • 1 g of cinnamon powder;
  • 500 g pieces of canned pineapple.

Cooking method.

  1. Liquid is drained from a can of pineapple. The pieces are dried on a paper towel.
  2. Ice cream is taken out of the freezer 30 minutes before preparation.
  3. All ingredients are combined and whipped with a blender.
  4. When a lush, thick foam appears, the cocktail is ready.

Raspberry milkshake

A raspberry cocktail conquers with its tenderness and bright berry taste from the first sip.

Necessary components:

  • 300 g raspberries;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 200 g of vanilla ice cream.

Cooking process.

  1. Raspberries are sorted, leaving only ripe undamaged berries.
  2. Sugar and raspberries are placed in a blender and mixed at low speed until mashed. To make the drink pitted, the mass can be wiped through a fine sieve or gauze.
  3. Pour milk, whisk for a minute.
  4. Add ice cream and continue to cook at high speed until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  5. The finished drink is served in tall glasses and drunk through a straw.

Berry smoothie with ice cream

Not all children love fresh berries, and any kid will drink a bright sweet drink with pleasure. This healthy treat can be included in the diet every day.


  • 100 g of fresh raspberries, blackberries, blueberries;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 150 g of ice cream;
  • 100 ml of nonfat milk.

The recipe is step by step.

  1. The berries are washed and dried.
  2. The ice cream is thawed to a mild state.
  3. All components are placed in a blender. Stirred on turbo mode for 1.5 minutes.
  4. The berry smoothie is poured into tall glasses and served with wide straws.


Necessary components:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 50 ml of drinking water;
  • 10 g of instant coffee;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of ice cream.

Cooking steps.

  1. Coffee powder and sugar are mixed in a mug, pour cold water, mix thoroughly.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into a blender bowl and beat for about a minute until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. Add milk, ice cream directly from the freezer and mix until lush foam is formed.

With cognac and cinnamon

Unexpectedly arrived guests can be treated with an invigorating alcoholic milkshake.  They will definitely appreciate the aromatic drink.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of chocolate ice cream;
  • 100 ml of brandy;
  • 5 g of vanilla sugar;
  • 40 g of regular sugar;
  • 1 g of cinnamon powder.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Milk is poured into a blender. Fall asleep both types of sugar and cinnamon.
  2. Add ice cream from the freezer and cognac.
  3. If necessary, add ice cubes.
  4. Beat the blender until smooth.
  5. Milk and cognac cocktail is poured into low glasses.

With pumpkin and apple

Such a drink must be present in the diet of everyone who wants to strengthen their immunity, reduce weight, saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. The main ingredients for a cocktail must first be baked.


  • 2 small sweet and sour apples;
  • 300 g of pumpkin pulp;
  • 250 ml of milk;
  • 5 g of honey.

Stages of cooking.

  1. Wash apples and pumpkin, cut into large cubes, put on a baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
  2. The baked components are cooled first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator.
  3. All products are combined in a blender bowl and beat into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Before serving, the vitamin cocktail is cooled for 30 minutes.

With avocado

This nutritious and healthy drink can be enjoyed daily for breakfast. The substances contained in the cocktail help reduce cholesterol, strengthen vision, improve skin condition.

You will need:

  • 1 avocado;
  • 300 ml of milk 2.5% fat;
  • 40 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 1 g of cinnamon.

Cooking method.

  1. Avocados are cleaned, the stone is removed. The pulp is cut into cubes and sprinkled with lemon juice to maintain a natural shade.
  2. After 10 minutes, the avocado is transferred to a blender, filled with milk, granulated sugar is added.
  3. Beat everything until smooth and completely dissolve the sugar grains.
  4. The prepared drink is poured into glasses and sprinkled with cinnamon.

Homemade milkshake with currants

Currant - a berry is very useful, but sour, therefore, compotes and preserves are most often prepared from it. However, during heat treatment, some of the vitamins are destroyed, so it is better to use fresh currants in cocktails.


  • 200 g of fresh or frozen blackcurrant;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 400 g of ice cream;
  • 30 g of sugar.

Cooking technology.

  1. If frozen berries are used, they are allowed to thaw.
  2. Currants are placed in a blender, pour half the milk. Beat in medium mode for a minute.
  3. Add the remaining milk, add 300 g of ice cream and sugar. Beat another minute.
  4. A milkshake with ice cream and currants is poured into glasses. The remains of the ice cream are cut into small pieces and added to the drink.

With cherry

Cherry berries are perfectly combined with chocolate in desserts and drinks. Delicate cherry cocktail will be a wonderful decoration of the festive table.

Would need:

Necessary components:

  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 100 g of parmesan.

Cooking steps.

  1. Celery is ground on a grater and squeezed through cheesecloth.
  2. The blender combines the resulting juice, milk, grated cheese.
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly whipped, poured into glasses and cooled.

Milkshakes are not subject to long storage, therefore they are always prepared at once. The volume of ingredients should be calculated by the number of servings.

Milkshake is great as a healthy treat for children. Usually, babies who do not like milk enjoy drinking a milkshake. It is much more useful than many other sweets, as it contains a lot of calcium and other trace elements. Filler in the form of fresh fruits and berries - a portion of vitamins and minerals.

Making this refreshing drink is very easy. The easiest way is with a blender. It takes only 5 minutes. The classic version involves two main ingredients - milk and ice cream. Milk is completely replaceable with another dairy product. For example, cream, yogurt, kefir. The basic option can be supplemented with various syrups, fresh or frozen berries, fruits, herbs, natural honey, chocolate. There are plenty of options, you just have to choose according to your taste.

Of course, do not abuse such a dessert. Milkshakes are quite high-calorie, contain a lot of sugar and fat. Therefore, they are not recommended to drink often if there is excess weight. In this case, I recommend drinking a dairy drink 1-2 times a week. At other times, prepare delicious fruit or vegetable smoothies. Every day you can cook with a new taste. Minimum calories and the figure does not affect 🙂

Cooking features

There are several secrets that will allow you to make cocktails correctly and tasty.

  • use only chilled milk. Its temperature should be 5-6 degrees. Warm milk whips worse, and too cold loses taste.
  • optimal fat content of milk - 2.5%;
  • it is better to get ice cream out of the freezer first. It should be soft;
  • fruits or pitted berries first pass through a sieve. Then the bones will not fall into the finished drink;
  • serve the drink immediately after preparation. Over time, it loses its airy consistency. And fruits and berries can react with milk. The use of such a product can lead to not very good consequences. This is especially true for children.
  • children should not give drinks with exotic fruits; use simple recipes. Here you can banana, it usually does not cause unwanted reactions.
  • weight watchers should not refuse a milkshake. You can use kefir or skim milk. A great end to your workout is a protein shake.

How to make a milkshake in a blender

For preparing a milkshake, a stationary high-power blender is more suitable. Such a device is convenient in that it creates a large cap of bubbles and holds a large volume.

By the way, I heard that a milkshake with a banana perfectly relieves the symptoms of a hangover. True, I did not personally check it. And you? 🙂 If you have only yogurt on hand, I recommend preparing this delicious and diet dessert.

With banana and ice cream

Ice cream drink is more high-calorie and thicker. For 100 grams, 93 kcal is obtained. This option is more like children than the previous one. It is more sweet and airy. The amount of ingredients is again to your taste. A glass of milk usually takes one hundred grams of ice cream, one banana.

I recommend to try another banana-coffee milkshake. You will need milk, some strong, prepared coffee, vanilla ice cream, banana, and chocolate chips. As always - whisk, pour and enjoy 🙂

if there is no ice cream at hand, replace it with natural yogurt, add a banana with strawberries and a little honey. Whip everything and in the freezer. It turns out well, very tasty 🙂 Especially on a hot summer day. Step by step recipe.

Milkshake with Kiwi

To make a milkshake with kiwi, take half a liter of milk, 1 kiwi and about a hundred grams of ice cream. Peel and place the kiwi in a blender. You can cut kiwi into several large pieces. Add ice cream and whisk. Then slowly pour in the milk. Beat a few more minutes until you reach the desired consistency.

You can use a combination of kiwi with a banana, it turns out a very interesting fresh taste.

With cottage cheese

About 250 grams of cottage cheese, with a fat content of up to 5-9%, are needed per liter of milk. Almost any berries or syrups can be used as a filler. It is excellent with raspberries, cherries, cranberries. If using sour berries, add sugar.

Curd cocktails are more satisfying, so they are good for breakfast. Add a couple of spoons of small oatmeal and wait 2-3 minutes until it swells. You'll definitely be full before lunch. Or make a nutritious drink with cottage cheese and banana.

With strawberry

For a strawberry milkshake, you need 200 g of strawberries per glass of milk, a few balls of vanilla ice cream. If the strawberries are sour, add the powdered sugar. Berries are suitable and frozen. But do not forget to defrost them beforehand so as not to damage the blender. The best decoration for such a dessert would be whipped cream and a strawberry.

Mmm-mm-m ... education. Especially in the summer, in the country. A detailed recipe for a milkshake with strawberries.

Milk Shake with Cocoa

For 400 grams of milk, take 200 grams of ice cream, 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa powder. Add sugar or vanilla sugar to taste. Whip in a blender. Sprinkle with chocolate chips before serving. You can also add some berries to such a drink. I like the combination with cranberries. She gives a little sourness. Just don’t lay her down a lot.

With chocolate

Chocolate milkshake is one of the most popular. Not surprisingly, probably everyone loves chocolate. A glass of milk will require a couple of tablespoons of vanilla ice cream, about 50 g of chocolate.

If you like the taste of chocolate, you can add more, it will be more saturated. It is better to take milk chocolate, but black is also suitable, this is an amateur.

To dissolve the chocolate, heat the milk in a saucepan and add pieces of chocolate to it. Stir until the chocolate slices are completely dissolved. Then let the mixture cool and beat in an blender along with ice cream and milk.

With protein

If you are actively involved in sports, you probably use protein mixtures to lose weight or build muscle. Such a drink can be made at home.

To do this, you need 200 ml of kefir, 60 g of milk powder or whey protein, a teaspoon of sugar, a spoon of jam. A cocktail contains up to 60 grams of protein. Sugar gives energy.

All curd milkshey can also be attributed to protein. Their protein content is higher than in other types of drink. If you use protein drinks for weight loss, then this option is ideal for you.

Peppermint Coffee Cocktail

For this drink you will need 150 grams of milk, 400 grams of vanilla ice cream. Add a tablespoon of peppermint and a half cup of mocha. Whisk everything with a blender. Pour the finished cocktail into tall glasses and garnish with grated chocolate. This is freshness itself!

I hope you enjoyed my options for making a milkshake in a blender. Tell us how you make milkshakes. And do you have any favorite milkshake recipes? Do not forget to share on social networks. Subscribe to blog updates, it will be interesting. Bon Appetit.

What can be made cocktails

All children's cocktails on the basis of the components can be divided into 5 types: milk, berry, fruit, protein (with egg white) and cottage cheese. To make cocktails at home, you can use the following main ingredients and their combinations:

1. Fruits: banana, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (suitable and frozen to make the drink pleasantly refreshing), cherry, orange, kiwi, mango, etc.

2. Liquid base: cow or goat milk, soy milk, oat milk, water, kefir, flavored yogurt, fruit juice.

3. Add-ons: chocolate chips, grated nuts, honey, cocoa, ice cream and more.

5 cocktail recipes for kids

Strawberry smoothie

Delicious milkshake for children from ripe strawberries. Ingredients:

  • 8-10 medium fresh strawberries
  • a glass of natural yogurt
  • banana
  • a teaspoon of linden honey.

To make a baby shake, mix strawberries, banana and honey in a blender or food processor until smooth. Then add yogurt and mix well again. Done! Best served a little cool.

Children's cocktail "Banana-Podliza"

A baby cocktail recipe works well for slightly overripe and soft bananas. You will need:

  • 2 bananas
  • a tablespoon of flower (or any to your taste) honey
  • a tablespoon of yogurt
  • 2 cups of milk.

From bananas you need to make a mushy mass (in a blender or crush yourself with a fork). Add the banana mass to a separate bowl with pre-mixed honey with yogurt and milk. Before using the cocktail, mix a little with a spoon and serve it to the child.

Simple banana cocktail with apple

A very simple recipe. Perfect for a child’s breakfast. We will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe chopped banana
  • sliced \u200b\u200bsweet apple
  • a quarter cup of milk
  • a quarter cup of yogurt
  • some grated ice (optional).

Mix everything well in a food processor or using a blender. A great start to your day.

Blueberry vitamin cocktail for children from 6 months

Blueberries are a very healthy product for your child. These berries are rich in vitamins A, C, PP, as well as potassium, sulfur, calcium, iron and other mineral elements. The recipe is simple. We will need:

  • 2 handfuls of blueberries
  • 250 ml of natural yogurt
  • ripe banana
  • 50 ml of apple juice.

On a hot day, frozen blueberries are perfect. Beat all ingredients until smooth. It will turn out magnificent and tasty, and most importantly a very healthy, fruit and berry milk drink.

Cocktail for children with passion fruit to improve digestion.

This is a unique taste and very healthy drink for the child. Here's what you need:

Mix the peeled fruits in a blender. Squeeze out the resulting mass and strain. It is very simple to make a very healthy cocktail for children and adults at home.