Treatment with juices. The healing power of currants and currant juice

To obtain juice, fresh ones are selected ripe berries black currant. Then the berries are carefully sorted and washed. Excess liquid Allow to drain, and the berries themselves are passed through a stainless metal meat grinder or crushed with a blender. The crushed berries are transferred to an enamel colander. This colander is placed on enamel pan, which in turn is placed on a metal grid covering the bottom of another large pan. Pour a 6-8 cm layer of water into the bottom of a pan with a metal grate, then place the pan on the fire, cover it with a canvas cloth, and tightly close the lid on top. The steam generated by boiling water warms up the crushed currants and promotes the release of juice, which gradually flows into the pan along with the condensed water. The duration of steam treatment is 2 hours.

If the resulting blackcurrant juice is intended for long-term storage, then it is poured hot into sterilized jars, covered with boiled lids, placed in a saucepan with water at 60°C (with warm water) and pasteurized at a temperature of 85 - 90°C (at a low boil). Jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters are pasteurized for 12 minutes, and those with a capacity of 1 liter - 15 minutes.

After sterilization, the jars are immediately sealed. Next, they are checked for leaks, turned over onto lids and cooled in air.

Ready blackcurrant juice is rich in vitamins and has high acidity, so before use it is usually diluted with sweetened water (except in cases of diabetes). Often this juice is added to compotes or jams made from other berries and fruits. In addition, a very popular mixture of apple and blackcurrant juices.


1. Blackcurrant juice is used:

For the treatment of sore throat (the antiseptic properties of black currant are so great that gargling with its juice diluted with water a short time helps get rid of sore throat);

When the body is weakened, for example, after surgery;

At severe cough(berry juice is drunk with honey or sugar);

For headaches (use infusion).

2. Fresh blackcurrant juice is used for metabolic disorders, liver diseases other than hepatitis), high levels of uric acid and purine bases in the body. 3. Blackcurrant juice treats anocidal gastritis. For this, it is recommended to drink 0.3 glasses of juice 5-7 times a day, 20-25 minutes before meals.

4. Fresh currant juice is taken for achylia, enterocolitis, bronchitis, hemorrhagic diathesis, vitamin deficiency, anemia, debilitating diseases and (without sugar) diabetes. Berry juice, diluted with water, is used for rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity.


1. Despite the fact that fresh berries and blackcurrant juice are allowed for liver problems; they should not be taken for hepatitis.

2. Juice from black currant berries is not useful after heart attacks and strokes, as well as when there is a risk of developing thrombosis.

3. Some experts believe that during pregnancy from using currant juice V medicinal purposes It's better to refuse.

4. Black currant is contraindicated in case of increased stomach acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and hyperacid gastritis.

5. 100% juice from black currant berries can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children, although in reasonable doses it helps increase hemoglobin in the blood.

Juice obtained from natural products very useful for the body, not to mention the fact that baby food it is not replaceable at all. For cooking fresh juice You can use a juicer. But if you want to prepare juice for the winter, it is best to do this in a juice cooker. It is in a juice cooker that you can cook juice in large quantities.

Juice for the winter in a juicer

What might we need for this?

  • vegetables, fruits or berries;
  • water;
  • sugar;

How the juicer works

Before you start preparing juice in a juicer, first read the instructions for it, and also inspect this device. It consists of three “floors”, each of which is a separate metal container.

We pour water into the lowest one, and into the middle one, into the so-called juice receiver, steam should flow from the lower floor and liquid, that is, juice, should flow from the upper reservoir.

The raw materials from which the juice is prepared must be placed on this same top floor. Next you can see the hose, which is attached to the pipe, on the second floor of the juicer. The finished juice passes through this hose.

How to prepare juice?

To prepare juice, we select high-quality fruits, wash them, dry them, and if they have seeds, remove the seeds as well. We do not touch the skin of the fruit, as it contains a large amount useful substances and vitamins. But besides this, thanks to the skins, the juice can be more aromatic and tasty. Then place the prepared fruits in a pan with a wire rack.

But if the vegetables or fruits are large, cut them into small pieces.

Some proportions in preparing juice: 4 kg plums - 400 grams of sugar, 4 kg of cherries - 350 grams of sugar, 4 kg of strawberries - 300 grams of sugar, 4 kg of raspberries - 500 grams of sugar, 3 kg of pears or apples - 400 grams of sugar, 4 kg red or black currants - 400 grams of sugar.

After the raw materials are filled with sugar, you need to pour 2-3 liters of water into the lowest container and tightly close the heat-resistant lid. Then a clamp is installed on the hose, and the raw materials for the juice are left to steam.

Liquid in the juice receiver begins to appear at a temperature of 70 degrees. The juice is boiled for an hour. But this process may take less time, it depends on the juiciness, ripeness or hardness of the fruit.

After the container on the second floor is filled with juice, prepared sterilized heated jars are placed under the hose, which must be installed so that they are below the level of the bottom of the juicer. Then the clamp is removed and the juice is poured into the jar.

It is better not to use the first 400 ml of juice for preservation, since the drink is not sterile enough. The juice that will drain further can be safely preserved. From 4 kilograms of fruit you should get approximately 2 liters of juice.

Currant is the most common berry in Russia, and currant juice many gardeners use in their home cooking and preparations for the winter. The craze for this plant is easily explained: the plant is winter-hardy, does not require particularly complex care and is quite productive. The main advantage of currants is their good taste qualities berries and a large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body.

Currant berries contain up to 11 percent sugar and up to 3 percent organic acids. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, and also contain iodine, carotene, pectin substances and coumarin. Housewives use berries as stand-alone product or they obtain currant juice for making homemade products from it in the form of juices, jellies, and syrups.

Currant juice, both red and white, very well activates intestinal activity, improves appetite, quenches thirst, and also has the ability to remove urolithiasis and has a diaphoretic effect. Currant juice is extracted from the berries using a conventional electric juicer or juicer.

If there is no electricity, and this happens often in dachas, then it is used to obtain currant juice. auger juicers, mechanical screw presses. When there are only a few berries, you can simply squeeze them out after blanching and place them in a nylon bag.

Juice without sugar.
If the juice is not consumed immediately, it is preserved using pasteurization or hot filling. In the case of hot filling, currant juice is placed in an enamel container and heated to a temperature of 85-90 degrees. It is then poured into hot, sterilized bottles. Pasteurization is performed by pouring the juice into bottles and heating it to the same temperature.

Pasteurize according to time, depending on the volume of the container. Pasteurization time, for example, for a half-liter bottle is 8-10 minutes. After pasteurization, the dishes are tightly closed.
Sugarless natural juice currants are very sour. It is used to acidify dishes home kitchen. It is added to drinks, as well as when canning berries, fruits and vegetables instead of vinegar.

Syrups for cooking are very beautiful in color and aroma. soft drinks from red and especially pink and white currants. To prepare them, mix natural juice with sugar (1300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice), then heat to 90 degrees until the sugar is completely dissolved. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the syrup is poured into pre-sterilized bottles and sealed tightly.

Juice with sugar.
45 percent boiling water is poured into hot sterilized bottles. sugar syrup in the amount of 100g. Immediately add hot (90 degrees) natural juice. Add hot juice to the top edge of the neck and seal the bottle hermetically with rubber caps.

Raw jelly.
Raw jelly is made from white and red currants. In this form, it perfectly preserves biologically active substances and very appetizing in taste. To prepare the jelly, you need to take freshly squeezed juice from slightly unripe white or red currants. Currant juice is mixed with sugar (1200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice). The resulting syrup is poured into small dry glass jars.

Place parchment mugs pre-soaked in vodka on top of the syrup. Banks are closing plastic lids. Store the jars in a cool place, trying not to shake them; you need to handle them especially carefully for the first couple of days.
Particularly dense and aromatic jelly it turns out if you cook it with fruit sugar (a glass fruit sugar per glass of juice).

Boiled jelly.
If you prepare boiled jelly, then fruit sugar cannot be used. Boiled jelly is semi-solid boiled currant juice with sugar. Fruit sugar at a temperature of 102-105 degrees, crystals begin to form. Boiled jelly is a very stable product; it is used to decorate cakes and various desserts.

It is also prepared from the juice of unripe berries and boiled, placing it in a small container. During boiling, gradually add half of the sugar (400 g), and at the end of cooking add in small portions the second half of sugar (400 g), that is, only 800 g of sugar per liter of juice. Determine the readiness of the jelly with a wooden spoon.

If you drag it along the bottom of the pan, it should leave a trail behind it. Place the finished jelly in sterile containers, heated over gas or in the oven. glass jars, small capacity. After leaving the jars for 8-10 hours, they are closed with ordinary plastic lids.

By planting currants in your summer cottage, you can always harvest the berries and get healthy, freshly squeezed fruit. currant juice, from which it is not difficult to prepare various homemade preparations: drinks, syrups, jellies or wine.

Blackcurrant juice will not be a superfluous stock in your pantry. After all, currants are rich in vitamins, and in winter you will really appreciate your foresight. Unlike syrup, blackcurrant juice can be prepared without sugar or with it. minimum quantity. In this case, the juice can be used as a base for compote or jelly, without fear that your dishes will be too sweet.

To prepare blackcurrant juice you will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 150 grams of water.

Place the currants in a colander and rinse them under running water. cold water. Clean them from stems and leaves.

Place the berries in a saucepan and crush them well with a potato masher. Add water and place the pan on the stove.

Bring the berries to a boil, and immediately remove the pan from the stove, cover it with a lid and wait 2-3 hours.

Place a sieve or fine mesh colander on a clean pan and strain the juice. Take your time, let it drain on its own. It may take a little longer, but the juice will be clear and there will be no need to further filter it.

If there is not a lot of juice and it is intended for baby food, it can be frozen by pouring the juice into ice molds or into a plastic candy box. If there is more than two cups of juice, then it is better to put it in jars.

Blackcurrant is not afraid high temperatures and the juice can be boiled. Just don’t overcook the juice, just bring it to a boil and skim off the foam.

Pour the juice into sterilized bottles or jars and immediately close the lids. Later you can do

Blackcurrant juice without sugar can be stored for up to 6 months, because sugar is a preservative and can last for years. Therefore, if you need to increase shelf life, add sugar when preparing juice, at the rate of 100 grams of sugar for each liter of juice. This will be enough for the juice to last for 12-18 months.

How to prepare blackcurrant juice in a juicer, watch the video:

The taste and benefits of currants have been known for centuries. It contains great amount vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. But no less than fresh fruit, they are also in the juice of this berry. And if it is made with your own hands... How to prepare red currant juice for the winter?

Briefly about the main thing

To begin with, let’s talk about the berry itself. There are more than a hundred varieties of currants, but the most famous of them, perhaps, are black and red. Blackcurrant is found everywhere; it is rare that a garden exists without this shrub. But it turns out that the red variety of the fruit is much healthier, although it tastes a little sour. It contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins of groups B, A (most of all), C and others, phosphorus, potassium, iron. At the same time, the calorie content of the berry is only 43 kilocalories (per 100 grams).

Eating red currants helps improve metabolism, thanks to a large number Potassium has a good effect on the functioning of the heart, thereby preventing stroke and other heart diseases. The berry is good for the blood: it eliminates various harmful salts and substances, and also reduces cholesterol. There is more iron in the red variety than in the black variety, and this has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels.

The use of red currants is recommended to strengthen the immune system. The berry reduces the risk of cancer, helps with fatigue, strengthens bones, and relieves stress. You can use it as a diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative, and if you include it in your regular diet for epileptics, it will reduce seizures. Red currant is good for vision, it is recommended for children, diabetics (lowers sugar levels), and even people with allergies, since it does not cause a negative reaction. The berry has a beneficial effect not only in fresh, but also in dried form. It is actively used by nutritionists and cosmetologists: it can get rid of skin pigmentation and heal cracks in the legs. With the addition of red currants, many different masks are made for the body, legs, and face.

What about juice?

Any juice homemade, be it currant, raspberry or apple, differs advantageously from store-bought ones, first of all, in its quality. Housewives themselves select the fruits for harvesting and know for sure that there are no harmful additives not mixed in there.

Red currant juice improves well-being and has antipyretic properties. Like the berry itself, it strengthens the immune system. The drink quenches thirst well and improves appetite. Thanks to it, salts and harmful substances. Because of high content pectin red currant juice is excellent method cleansing the body. It can stop bleeding, relieve nausea, and is an excellent antioxidant. Experts unanimously recommend taking red currant juice as often as possible - the results will be obvious.

Red currant juice is used in folk medicine– for example, during treatment gastrointestinal diseases, problems with gallbladder and liver. It is also used to combat insomnia and memory loss. Juice is actively used in dietetics - after all, its calorie content is even lower than that of fresh berries - there are only 39 kilocalories per 100 grams. However, you need to remember that it brings benefits without adding sugar.

Methods of obtaining

There are plenty of options on how to extract juice from red currants at home.

  • First of all, this is, of course, a juicer - the simplest method. But, unfortunately, not everyone has this miracle of technology.
  • Another way is a juicer. When using it, it is important to clear the berries from the branches, otherwise the juice will get an unpleasant herbaceous taste.
  • You can squeeze the juice “by hand” - mash the berries, boil them in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes, and then don’t forget to strain. If there are very few berries, they are squeezed in a nylon bag.
  • The next option is grinding. It is suitable for those who like juice with pulp. The method is almost no different from the one described above, except that you don’t need to strain the mass. The berries should be boiled over low heat and ground through a sieve, and then boil what happens. The drink will contain pulp.

Who is prohibited from currant juice?

First of all, for those who cannot tolerate any components of this fruit. In addition, drinking red currant juice is not recommended for people with gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, ulcers and increased acidity stomach. Patients with hepatitis should not take the drink.

To those suffering overweight, as well as for diabetics, currant juice is allowed only without sugar.

Juice and other currant preparations

You can make many different delicacies from red currants. One of the most popular is jelly. It is prepared using both cold and hot methods, without adding gelatin. Berry compote is more useful, jam or jam is less useful. They also make it from red currants different types mousses and marmalades, curd desserts and cocktails, brew wine and liqueurs, and make sauces for meat dishes.

In addition, currants can be dried or frozen. However, compared to all methods, red currant juice is the most useful, since it retains all its beneficial properties.

Secrets of Juicing

  • Since red currants are quite sour, the juice from them is also very sour. Before use, you must dilute it with water or add sugar. And in its “natural” sour form, you can use it like vinegar when canning.
  • By working with a juicer, you can get puree instead of juice. It’s easy to avoid this: first you need to heat the berries thoroughly, and only then squeeze them.
  • For 10 liters of juice you will need approximately 20 kilograms of berries.
  • For canning you only need ripe fruits, unripe ones can ferment.
  • When rolling up jars, you should choose glass or varnished ones. tin lids- but not metal ones.
  • Juice should be preserved immediately after preparation - unless it is intended to be destroyed immediately. This can be done in two ways - hot filling or pasteurization.
  • Before harvesting, it is important to sort out the berries, remove spoiled ones and clean them of branches and debris.
  • It is better to take enamel or stainless steel dishes. In aluminum, oxidation of the berry may occur.

Cooking methods and recipes

No matter how the red currant drink is prepared, it will certainly turn out very tasty and will not leave anyone indifferent.

Redcurrant juice in a saucepan

  1. Place the cleanly washed and sorted berries in small saucepan and fill with water.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, strain the resulting mass.
  4. Stirring constantly, carefully add sugar (one glass).
  5. Bring to a boil, pour into jars.

Redcurrant juice in a juicer

  1. First, pour water into the machine, then load clean berries onto the grill, and pour sugar there (2 to 1).
  2. The process of juice release will take place within 40-60 minutes.
  3. We drain the juice through drainage vessels into sterilized containers.

Redcurrant juice in a juicer

  1. Place clean berries in a juicer, then pour the resulting liquid into a container.
  2. Separately, dissolve a glass of sugar in water (by the way, you can also use cane sugar).
  3. We combine both liquids, mix and fill the prepared containers.

Proper storage is the key to success

Firstly, you need to pick the berries in dry weather. In small, clean boxes at a temperature of about zero degrees, it can last for two months - which means that you can prepare various delicacies from it at any time. Red currants can be stored in the freezer for up to three months.

Freshly squeezed juice can stand in the refrigerator for no more than a few hours. It is not intended for long-term storage - unless frozen (freeze immediately after cooking!). Then he keeps his useful qualities and taste for about two months. In the refrigerator, the drink should be in a tightly closed container.

When freezing juice, you do not need to fill the container (bottle or cups) to the top, because the liquid will increase in volume when frozen. The container may simply burst. If you are going to consume frozen juice, you must first let it sit at room temperature.

You can also freeze the juice in small containers. You will get real fruit ice!

Thus, red currant juice is really healthy and tasty. This drink is a real find for those who care about their health!