Rabbit stewed in wine (red or white). Tender and tasty rabbit in white wine for a festive dinner

Rabbit meat tastes like poultry meat, but is more tender and healthier. A properly cooked rabbit in wine will become a decoration not only family dinner, but also anyone festive table. The dish goes well with almost any side dish. We will look at two recipes, the first based on white wine, the second with red.

Selection of ingredients. The carcass of a young rabbit is ideal for stewing in wine; if the meat is old, it is better to soak it in water for at least a couple of hours. vinegar solution(1 teaspoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water) to make it more tender. Vinegar also removes bad smell(if available).

Only dry or, at least, semi-sweet wine with minimal sugar content is suitable. Sweet, fortified and liqueur wines spoil the taste rabbit meat, therefore not used. The wine should be natural, but not necessarily expensive; unique organoleptic properties and long aging are not required here. To prevent the meat from becoming too tannic, it is better to avoid drinks that were in oak barrels.

Rabbit in white wine

Counts classic recipe. After marinating, the high acidity of white wine makes the meat more tender, while leaving a light wine aroma.


  • rabbit carcass – 1 piece;
  • white dry wine– 1 bottle (750 ml);
  • Bay leaf- 1 piece;
  • flour - for dredging meat;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • onions – 1 piece;
  • salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

1. Divide the rabbit meat into portioned pieces. Clean and rinse.

2. Place the rabbit meat in a marinating container, pour in white wine (at least 2-3 cm above the meat layer). Cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Remove the rabbit meat from the wine. Dry, salt and pepper, then roll in flour. Do not pour out the marinade, it is needed for stewing.

4. Heat a frying pan (deep) with vegetable oil. Fry the meat on both sides until golden color(about 10 minutes on each side).

5. Add chopped onion into half rings to the frying pan. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf and other spices. Fry until the onion turns golden.

6. Add white wine, bring to a boil, reduce heat to a minimum, do not cover with a lid for 8-10 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates from the wine.

7. Cover the frying pan with a lid. Simmer over low heat for 90 minutes until cooked (after 60 minutes, taste, add more salt and spices if necessary). Periodically add wine and stir the meat.

8. Transfer the finished rabbit in white wine to a plate and serve hot with any side dish or as a separate dish.

Rabbit in red wine

A quick recipe that doesn't require pre-marinating. Including preparation, cooking will take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes. Red wine perfectly complements the taste of stewed rabbit meat. A pleasant light aroma will also appear.


  • rabbit meat – 1.3 kg;
  • dry red wine – 350 ml;
  • butter– 50 grams;
  • olive oil– 50 ml;
  • flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • tomato – 1 piece (or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste);
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, other spices - to taste.

1. Wash the rabbit carcass well, remove any remaining fat, film and entrails. Cut the meat into portions approximately the size of egg. Rinse the pieces, drain, then dry with paper towels (optional).

Pre-soak the hare meat in a vinegar solution (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water) to remove the specific smell of game. Rabbit meat can be cooked immediately.

2. Cut the peeled onion into strips.

3. Pour boiling water over the tomato, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp small pieces. Tomato can be replaced with 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.

4. Peel the garlic cloves, then cut them into a couple of pieces with a knife.

5. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan or frying pan with a lid. Add olive oil.

6. Roll the rabbit meat in flour (the pieces are dried, so a little flour will be needed).

7. Place the meat on hot frying pan, fry until golden brown crust(about 10 minutes).

8. Turn over with a fork and fry the rabbit on the other side until the same golden brown crust appears.

9. Add tomato, onion and garlic. Lightly salt (it’s better to add more salt ready dish). Add pepper, bay leaf and other spices. Fry for 10 minutes.

10. Pour red wine over the rabbit meat. After boiling, reduce the heating power to a minimum and keep open lid 10 minutes for the alcohol to evaporate.

11. Cover the frying pan (saucepan) with a lid, set the heat to low and leave to simmer. The rabbit in red wine will be ready in about 90 minutes.

During the stewing process, some of the liquid will evaporate; to replenish, you can add wine or plain water. Periodically you need to stir the meat so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

12. After 60 minutes from the start of stewing under the lid, taste the meat, add salt and pepper if necessary.

13. Rabbit in wine is only served hot. The dish goes well with mashed potatoes and boiled rice.

Among the dishes French cuisine rabbit in wine is not the only thing meat dish, which is prepared according to the principle of stewing in wine. You can remember others: the well-known coq-au-vin () or the no less popular boeuf bourguignon (beef in wine). Rabbit in wine is probably almost dietary, at least the most dietary of the recipes listed. This dish is sometimes classified as a Christmas dish, but it will certainly brighten up a weekday evening.

You can find many variations of the recipe - it all depends on the taste of the cook. It’s probably impossible to find the most traditional and authentic, the most “correct” option, but does it even exist? After all, the recipe is folk, and its origins are in small rural kitchens and in the hands of homely housewives. The rabbit is stewed in white and red wine, with the addition of various vegetables and root vegetables, with all kinds of herbs, fresh and dry, with or without herbs and spices. This is why the dish turns out so homey and “native”, because everyone can make it according to their preferences, observing only the basic principles of cooking, which we will talk about.


To cook rabbit in wine you will need:

  • dry red wine 300-350 ml
  • rabbit legs 3 pieces
  • 2 carrots
  • onion 1 piece
  • 1 large and juicy tomato
  • olive oil 4 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic 3 cloves
  • thyme or thyme 2 sprigs
  • bay leaf 2 pieces
  • flour 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt, pepper to taste

Also suitable for cooking whole carcass rabbit, cut into portions.

How to cook a "drunk rabbit"

Wash the rabbit's legs, dry with paper towels, and rub generously with salt and pepper.

Pour the flour into a plastic bag and place the meat in it. Close the bag and shake it so that the flour evenly covers the rabbit. Then shake off the excess flour - the meat will take exactly as much as needed. This is the first point: dredging the meat in flour will help it brown, and then the flour will help thicken the sauce.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the rabbit in it over medium-high. high fire before the appearance golden crust.

While the rabbit is roasting, cut the onion into half rings.

Finely chop the garlic.

Cut the carrots into slices.
Place the vegetables in the frying pan where the rabbit is fried. Add bay leaf and thyme to it.

Then rub on fine grater tomato so that the skin remains in your hand.

Add the resulting sauce to the pan.

Stir, simmer for 2 minutes, and then pour in the wine.

Second key moment cooking is very tender bunny in wine it is a long stewing process. So, despite the fact that this meat cooks quite quickly, simmer it for 1.5-2 hours.

During this time, the sauce will boil away, thicken, and the rabbit itself will acquire an intense dark color.

Serve the rabbit, be sure to add the vegetables with which it was stewed - this will be the most best side dish. Generously pour the resulting sauce over the dish.

Rabbit meat occupies a leading position in the advice of nutritionists about proper nutrition. This meat is one of the few that have low level fat, do not cause allergies, are well absorbed by the body, and do not increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Even small children can cook domestic rabbit as their first meat feeding. But, despite all the usefulness of this product, many refuse it because of its harshness and specific smell. Such troubles can happen if amateurs take on the preparation; real housewives have long adapted to cooking rabbit in white wine with cream, and this a win-win, which even the most picky gourmets will appreciate.

Secrets of tender rabbit meat

If you are planning to please your family with this... French delicacy, then choose for this young domestic rabbit. Its meat will be much more tender, and cooking will take much less time.

White wine with its unique sourness will serve as a kind of marinade that will soften the meat fibers and saturate the dish. delicate taste and amazing grape aroma, which is important for those who cannot tolerate the smell of rabbit meat.

When choosing wine, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Give preference to those varieties of white wine that contain least amount Sahara. It is better to choose sweet or semi-sweet wine.
  • Always be guided by your own taste, you should like it wine taste and aroma. If you plan to serve wine at the table, it should be the same one that you used when cooking.
  • Choose young wine that has not been aged in oak barrels. Excessive astringency will harm the rabbit.

Thanks to the cream in which the meat will be stewed, the dish will turn out very tender, juicy and will simply melt in your mouth.

How to cook rabbit in white wine with cream

The most successful option for preparing rabbit meat is using wine, cream and vegetables. This combination of ingredients will make your dish amazingly tasty.

To cook rabbit in white wine with cream we will need:

  • One young rabbit weighing about one and a half kilograms.
  • Half a liter of heavy cream.
  • Two large onions.
  • Two large carrots.
  • One hot red pepper.
  • Half a celery root.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Four hundred grams of white wine.
  • Large head of garlic.
  • Salt, pepper, spices (any to taste).
  • A couple of sprigs of rosemary.
  • Two large spoons of flour.

Cooking steps:

  • The carcass is washed, cut into portions, salted, peppered, sprinkled with spices and left to soak a little.
  • Wash, peel and chop all the vegetables. The carrots should be in the shape of circles, simply peel the garlic and divide it into cloves, peel the peppers from seeds and cut them into strips, cut the celery root into strips, and cut the onion into half rings.
  • Pour into the roasting pan sunflower oil, it should cover the bottom well.
  • When the oil starts to boil, throw in a couple of cloves of garlic and hot peppers, and after a couple of minutes we take them out of the cauldron. This time is enough for them to impart their taste and aroma to the oil.
  • Over medium heat, fry the meat on all sides until golden brown.
  • Add celery and rosemary and continue frying for another ten minutes.
  • In a separate frying pan, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  • Pour the wine into the cauldron with the rabbit, leave the cauldron on high heat and without a lid for two minutes so that the alcohol evaporates, reduce the heat and cover the meat with a lid. Let it simmer for half an hour.
  • Add fried onions and carrots, four cloves of finely chopped garlic, salt and simmer under the lid for fifteen minutes.
  • Pour in the cream and flour, simmer for another five minutes and turn off the heat. The meat should sit for a few minutes with the lid closed.

Rabbit in white wine with cream goes well with fresh vegetables, potatoes, rice or pasta.

Considering the texture and color of the meat, the most successful option for cooking rabbit in alcohol is stewing it in white wine. But additives can be very different, from traditional to the most unusual, even unexpected!

Meat selection

Since the meat in this recipe simmers for quite a long time, It’s not necessary to look for young meat!

Anyway, it will be pre-marinated, then simmered for about an hour.

If you are faced with a choice of which parts are best to use, then the most popular choice of all chefs are the back legs.

They are the meatiest in the carcass, but they are also the most big pieces, accordingly, they will take the longest to cook.

As is the case with beef for steaks, for example, rabbit also has less popular, but no less suitable and more profitable parts for cooking.

First of all, these are the front paws. Cut into three parts, they cook quickly, it is convenient to take them with your hands by the tip of the bone and they are ideal for your small size children. Can be chopped in portioned pieces ridge, cutting off part of the peritoneum. By the way, you might find it useful. This dish will look very good when served on a platter in even pieces with white meat. Such pieces will also cook faster than the hind legs. Should not be used for this recipe ribs. They are better suited for soups and stews.

Selecting wine for a recipe

To cook a rabbit, It is best to use Italian or Spanish dry wine.

There are several reasons for this.

Historically, this dish has Spanish roots.

Therefore, the most logical thing would be to use a wine that will highlight the character of the dish.

Italian dry white wines have a delicate aroma and mineral taste; they will also fit organically into the concept.

It is not necessary to buy the most expensive wines. But it’s better to buy two bottles of the most expensive wine you can afford. Some of the wine will be used in cooking, and the rest will be chilled in the refrigerator until served!

Rabbit stewed in white wine with orange

In such a dish, salt and pepper will sound good, but what if you add a little green garlic, soft grain mustard and even an orange? It will be a very tasty experiment, believe me!


  • 1 bunch of young green garlic and 2 large cloves
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 orange
  • 250 ml dry white wine
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 pinch thyme
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

In this recipe It is recommended to marinate the rabbit before cooking. Many renowned chefs advise marinating rabbit meat before cooking, and this is definitely to its benefit. A couple of hours will be enough, but if possible, it is better to marinate the meat the day before and leave it in the refrigerator until cooked.

In this case, mustard and garlic greens are used for pickling. By the way, if you don’t have it, you can take traditional cloves. But in spring and summer season Be sure to try using greens, they are more aromatic and tender.

Grind the garlic in a blender, add mustard, salt to taste, a teaspoon vegetable oil and stir until smooth.

Wash the pieces of meat and blot away excess moisture. Place the pieces of meat in a suitable sized bowl, add the marinade and mix well. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave room temperature for a couple of hours or put it in the refrigerator overnight.

In this recipe pieces of meat are first fried, then stewed in wine along with the rest of the ingredients. For cooking, it is better to choose a large frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom.

Place the frying pan on the fire, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and heat. Dust the rabbit pieces with flour and lightly bread them.

Fry over high heat on all sides until golden brown. Do not cover the pan with a lid. With this frying, the juice in the pieces of meat is, as it were, “sealed” inside. If there is a lot of meat, but there is no frying pan of sufficient diameter at hand, then the pieces can be fried in portions; you should not stuff them very tightly together.

While the meat is being fried, there is time to prepare the remaining ingredients. The basis of the sauce in this dish is onions simmered to a caramel state. Peel the onion, cut in half and chop into small cubes. The more onions in this recipe, the tastier and richer the sauce.

Second, but less common ingredient The sauce for this recipe is orange. Large and juicy orange peel so that you remove a little back pulp, as shown in the photo. Take out the core. Chop the slices into small cubes. Collect juice.

If the rabbit was fried in several stages, then return all pieces of meat to the frying pan. Add onion and orange, as well as orange juice. Add spices and cloves of garlic, add salt. Pour in the wine. Bring to a boil and evaporate the wine, stirring, for 3-4 minutes. Then reduce the heat and cover the dish with a lid. The rabbit will be stewed in wine for about 1 hour. Periodically you need to stir it and check the sauce. If the liquid has evaporated quickly enough, you can add a little more wine or hot water.

Season the dish with salt and pepper, let simmer for another 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and give it a rest ready rabbit under the lid for 10 minutes. This is just enough time to cook, say, pasta for a side dish!

Serve the rabbit pieces and side dish with sauce on large enough plates. Your gourmet dinner ready! Tender meat stewed in wine, with subtle aromas onion-orange caramel and herbs with garlic will not leave even skeptics and adherents indifferent traditional ways preparations!

Add a glass of the same, but a little chilled, dry white wine to the dish, you can’t go wrong.

This rabbit can be served without a side dish. But then, as advice, we can recommend using double the amount of wine, onion and orange. Then you will get much more sauce. In this case, the dish is best served with homemade bread, such as chabata, pieces of which can be dipped into the sauce.

Get creative, this recipe is a great occasion!

Recipe with rosemary in a slow cooker

As a successful variation of this dish, you can suggest replacing oranges with apples and preparing rabbit meat with wine and rosemary.

Then it is better to take semi-dry wine, with more bright taste , it will highlight the apples in this recipe.

You can prepare this dish in a slow cooker.


  • 6 pieces of rabbit stew or 2 thighs
  • 2 sprigs fresh or dried rosemary
  • 1 tbsp. with a top of grain soft mustard
  • 2 large onions
  • 3 sweet apples
  • 300 ml white semi-dry wine
  • 70 butter for frying
  • 1 tbsp. corn starch
  • salt to taste

Cooking method

  1. The difference between this recipe and the previous one is that not vegetable oil is used for frying, but butter, and the apples are fried first, followed by the rabbit meat. Before cooking, the meat is marinated in the same way, but instead of garlic, rosemary is added. Mustard is still responsible for giving the meat additional juiciness and softness.
  2. Before cooking, peel the apples, cut them into 6 slices each, and remove the core.
  3. In the “frying” mode, start the multicooker. Melt butter and fry apple pieces in it. When too high temperatures butter burns, pay attention to this and take it into account when cooking!
  4. Remove the fried apples from the bowl onto a plate and keep warm. You can cover it with a lid, you can cover it with a sheet of foil.
  5. Fry the rabbit pieces until caramel crust On the one side.
  6. Peel the onion and cut into as small cubes as possible. Turn the meat over, add onion to it, pour in half the amount of wine. Close the multicooker. Switch to the “quenching” mode and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.

    If you are worried that the liquid will evaporate too quickly, add a little more wine.

  7. Then return the apples to the multicooker bowl. Mix corn starch with 50 ml of wine, pour into the rabbit and apples. Gently mix the contents of the bowl so that all the pieces of rabbit meat and apples are distributed evenly, and there is onion between them.
  8. Salt and pepper. Pour in the remaining wine, close the lid and cook for about 30 minutes.
  9. The garnish in this case will be apples, but if you wish, you can serve spaghetti or lentils, it will be unusual and very elegant!

Recipe in sour cream and white wine in the oven

You can also cook rabbit fricassee in white wine with cream or full-fat sour cream using this principle. Then the apples are replaced with champignons or porcini mushrooms, and half the wine with sour cream or cream.


But one thing is always worth taking into account, wine is sour ingredient, accordingly, you must be completely sure of the freshness of the cream, otherwise it will curdle!

You can use a little life hack: evaporate all the wine after adding the onion, dilute the cornstarch with some cold cream, add to the dish and cook until almost done. Add the rest of the cream to the finished dish and heat well, avoiding active boiling, then the sauce will remain smooth and curdle.


  • 6 pieces of rabbit stew or 2 thighs
  • 300 g mushrooms (pre-cooked)
  • 2 large onions
  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • 300 ml white semi-dry wine
  • 70 ml vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 tbsp. corn starch
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method

The meat in this recipe is cooked in the oven, so you should choose a frying pan that can be used for this purpose. The meat is not pre-marinated.

  1. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the rabbit pieces on both sides.
  2. At this time, peel and cut the onion into thin half rings. Cut the mushrooms into quarters. Add the onion to the meat, pour in all the wine, simmer for a few minutes over medium heat. Cover with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
  4. Add mushrooms to the rabbit, salt and pepper.
  5. Mix corn starch in a small bowl with 70 ml of cream until completely dissolved, add to the meat and mushrooms, mix well. Cover the pan with a lid and place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.
  6. Remove the colic, add the remaining cream, stir and, without covering, put back in the oven for another 5 minutes.
    Remove the dish from the oven. Let stand for 5-7 minutes before serving.

Another interesting but simple cooking recipe can be seen in this video:

Try it different variations and recipes, you will definitely be able to choose the dish that will become your signature!

Recommend to your friends:

My family usually cooks stewed rabbit or . As everyone knows, rabbit in sour cream or that classic version cooking rabbit. But recently we were on holiday in Spain, and our hotel had themed evenings. On these evenings we were offered dishes of Spanish, French, Italian and other cuisines. And I really liked the recipes for French and Italian cuisine rabbit dishes. Everyone in my family liked it French rabbit recipe, but with a slight Spanish twist. I asked the chef about his secrets cooking rabbit in white wine. And at home I prepared stewed rabbit with olives and tomatoes, and since then it has been rabbit dish has become one of our family's favorite rabbit dishes. Rabbit meat It may turn out dry, so be sure to choose the right sauce. Use the tips and prepare stewed rabbit with olives and tomatoes.

Stewed rabbit with olives and tomatoes - recipe

Required ingredients:

Rabbit carcass, weighing one and a half kilograms;

Two onions;

Three cloves of garlic;

Two sprigs of rosemary;

Three tablespoons of olive oil;

Two handfuls of black olives;

A handful of sun-dried tomatoes;

One glass of dry white wine;

Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the rabbit into portions, salt and pepper it and let stand for about twenty minutes.

Peel the onion and cut into large slices. Peel the garlic and cut the cloves in half. Remove olives from marinade and drain excess liquid. To prepare our rabbit dish, you need to take a thick-bottomed pan or a duck pot.

Heat olive oil in a saucepan or saucepan, add garlic and rosemary sprigs to it.

Place rabbit pieces in aromatic oil and fry them on all sides until golden brown. After this, add the chopped onion and fry the rabbit with onions for another five minutes.

Now pour half a glass of dry white wine over the rabbit, add olives and sun-dried tomatoes. If you don’t have sun-dried tomatoes, you can add fresh tomatoes, but you need to remove their seeds and excess juice. We stew our rabbit under the lid with olives and sun-dried tomatoes about twenty minutes, then salt, pepper and add the rest of the wine. Again, cover our rabbit with a lid and simmer it.

After this, we simmer our rabbit for another forty minutes, periodically turning the rabbit pieces over. Then turn off the heat and let the rabbit brew for about twenty minutes.