Red grape varieties and red wines. Wine grape varieties: features and purpose


Many people believe that all grape varieties for wine production grow exclusively in the south, but even in Altai today many owners grow strong, healthy vines with large clusters of juicy berries.

Harvests from most fruit crops intended for direct consumption, no matter whether raw or after heat treatment. But there are also individual plants that are bred for industrial processing, that is, essentially, raw materials. For winemaking, for example, special technical grape varieties are used. Let's figure out how they differ from canteens, especially since you can eat both of them.

On the table we are used to seeing large clusters with large juicy berries. As for the latter, preference is given to the most fleshy ones, with thin skin, preferably without seeds. The taste of the berry can be either tart or sour, but always sweet, since the fruit is usually served for dessert. The sugar content in such grapes is usually in the range of 13–17%. The table variety is more valuable the more fruits there are on the clusters and the larger the berries themselves. It is logical that grapes require a lot of sun to fully ripen and accumulate juice.

There are completely different requirements for technical varieties, which, by the way, can also be eaten. Their main and main difference is the size of the berries and clusters, which are much smaller than those of table varieties. When growing such grapes Special attention paid to juiciness and taste, as well as the amount of sugar, which should be in the range of 18–20% or more. The berries should contain a lot of coloring and extractive substances that affect the richness of the color of the wine, as well as the bouquet of flavors and odors. It is these substances that make some varieties unsuitable for consumption, as they give the berries an unpleasant aftertaste.

In fact, wine can be made from any fruit and berries, as long as the sugar content is high enough. However taste qualities wines largely depend on mineral and vitamin composition fruit pulp. Taking grapes as an example, it becomes clear that some varieties can impart homemade wine only exceptional sweetness, maybe some tartness, but not a rich bouquet of flavor shades. That is why many owners try to grow not only table grapes, but also grape varieties for winemaking.

It should be remembered that industrial crops require the same amount of space as ordinary fruit crops, but their yield can be quite low. When growing table varieties, it is productivity that is most valued, that is, the number of bunches from each bush, while for wine varieties, the sugar content of the berries should be high, and not the yield of the vine. In areas close to the north, where the sum of active temperatures rarely exceeds 2000–2200 (in particular in the Moscow region), only early ripening frost-resistant varieties ripen.

But even grapes bred specifically for the north would not have gained sugar if there were a large number of clusters on one bush. With low solar activity, the metabolism in the vine is somewhat slower, which is why the distribution of microelements among the vines may be insufficient. Understanding this, experienced gardeners carry out pruning twice a season, which is called normalization. The first is carried out when the berries reach the size of peas, at which time up to 50% of the clusters should be removed. The second pruning is carried out at the end of July, leaving only 1-2 brushes on each shoot, depending on the size of the vine. If this is not done, the quality of the grapes will be low.

In regions where the frost-free period ranges from 130 to 150 days, the vine should produce a harvest no later than 110–115 days from the moment the buds open. Few varieties have such precocity, and most of those grow in the south, but they cannot be grown in the north; they will not take root. For many years now, work has been going on to create vineyards in the Moscow region and in cold latitudes, from the harvests of which it would be possible to make best wines.

Today, varieties are considered to be the most adapted to the conditions of the north white grapes, such as Elegy, Muscat golden, Hungarian Crystal And Prim, Muscat Odessa, Pineapple, Gift of Magarach. But red wine is healthier, and therefore dark frost-resistant crops appeared: Anniversary, Livadia black, Fortune, Germanic Rondo, Holodrigi Ruby And December. The latter variety is universal and can be used directly for food, as well as for obtaining fresh juices, due to the fact that it has large, fleshy berries.

Each of the grapes listed is able to withstand fairly low temperatures and even short-term severe frosts. In particular, Gift of Magarach tolerates cold well when the thermometer shows -33, even if the cold lingers. And here Elegy And Anniversary at long frosts can lose significant amounts of kidneys, of which sometimes no more than 10% remain unfrozen. Most other frost-resistant varieties will lose all their buds without careful covering if low temperatures linger for a couple of weeks.

In the conditions of the Moscow region, they grow, among others, and, that is, those that can easily tolerate even significant cold snaps, and, remarkably, are practically not susceptible to diseases. These include Sukribe, Saperavi Northern, and Amur breakthrough. The latter, along with such varieties as Triumph, Malinovsky And Amethyst, refers to Amur hybrids bred by domestic breeders for northern conditions. These crops can withstand frosts down to -32 ( Marinovsky) and up to -40 ( Triumph).

If you have such a spacious plot that, in addition to an orchard and vegetable garden, there is also room for a vineyard, try to leave the southern side of the plot free. It is there that the vine will receive the most solar heat for active metabolism. As a last resort, you can set aside a strip of land under the southern wall of a residential or outbuilding. Under no circumstances should we plant bushes from west to east, then only one side of the vine will be constantly in the shade. The rows of the vineyard should stretch strictly from south to north.

Under the seedlings we dig a hole 60x60x60 or a trench with the same depth and width, depending on whether you have one bush or several. At the bottom we place a small layer of broken brick (about 20 centimeters). When filling the hole, be sure to add manure and compost to the soil, maybe a little peat, and always sand and fine gravel in small quantities. In the corners of the pit or along the trench on both sides, in increments of 60 centimeters, we bury plastic half-meter pipes so that 5 centimeters rise above the ground. Through them we will water and fertilize the vines.

It is preferable to plant grapes with a closed root system in early spring after frosts, but if with an open root system, then planting can be done from spring to autumn.

In order for the vineyard to be fully provided with sunlight, it is not recommended to plant bushes densely. The minimum distance between plants is 2 meters, as for the space between the rows, its width should be at least 3 meters. 30 centimeters to the west of each row we dig trellises from which the growing vine should be easily removed for. So that the vineyard can withstand the cold from minimal losses, metal arcs are installed above the shoots laid along the rows, onto which a vapor-permeable covering material is stretched.

It is necessary to insulate grapes in the Moscow region gradually, until there is no sign of frost; it is better to leave the ends of the greenhouse open. After closing the shelter, you can throw more snow on top. At the end of March, when the snow melts and the earth begins to warm up, we gradually begin to open the bushes. During the day, when the weather is sunny, we remove the covering material, but before sunset we tighten it again so that at night the plants are protected from possible spring frosts. We return the shoots to the trellises when it becomes completely warm and no cold weather is expected.

White wine is one of the most common alcoholic drinks, which is consumed by people of all ages around the world; in some countries, even children are treated to it, diluting the drink with water to reduce the alcohol percentage. Today, there are several manufacturing countries that are famous for producing the highest quality and natural wines, and each of them keeps its own production secrets. Currently, certain rules and classifications of white wines have been formed so that people can navigate the vast world of aromatic drinks.

In the article:

Types of wine grapes by color

Even those who have never tried any type of wine in their lives know that there are three versions of this drink, differing in color. This difference is achieved by using special technologies fermentation.

  1. Reds are made from pre-crushed grapes. The color of the finished drink can be either bright ruby ​​or dark garnet. Among the most popular are red varieties such as Bordeaux, Merlot, Pinot Noir and many others.
  2. Pink ones are obtained due to the fact that immediately after the fermentation process of the raw materials has begun, the skin is removed from the berries. In addition, to obtain a pink drink, two types of grapes are mixed - red and white. The subsequent preparation technology is similar to that used to produce white wine.
  3. White - to obtain this drink, varieties of berries of the corresponding color are most often used. However, it can also be prepared from red grapes, if you first remove the skins and seeds, which contain pigment. The color of the drink can be pale, straw-like, or dark amber. We will describe the most popular representatives of this species below.

What grapes are white wine made from?

Depending on what grape variety is used as a raw material, as well as what ratio of sugar and alcohol is chosen, the manufacturer receives one or another type of finished product. Many of them have been prepared for so long that they have become famous throughout the world and today are considered the calling cards of a certain area.

For your information. Not everyone knows that the raw materials for making grapes are those sunny berries. which we are glad to see on our table are different grapes. Table grapes are used directly for food, and wine is made from special (wine) varieties. Of course, you can eat them, but they have much less pulp, and the taste is tart and less sweet, and in varieties for dry wines it is sensitively sour.

We will look at the most popular varieties of white wines from different groups classification common in Russia and Europe.

White table wine

Russian consumers, according to statistics, value sweet and strong wines more, while in Europe the standard of quality and taste is considered to be dry wine. It is produced using complete fermentation technology grape juice, while the percentage of sugar in the finished product does not exceed 0.3. Connoisseurs call dry white and red wines the most natural and healthy alcoholic beverage.


This name is familiar to everyone without exception, because it tells us about the variety of wine (and grapes, respectively), which is considered a classic of white wines in the “dry” category. Today, specialists around the world are engaged in the cultivation of these berries, and the finished product offered by manufacturers is distinguished by its high strength. Chardonnay is not aged for a long time, and how its flavor develops depends on various factors.

Grüner Veltliner

Grüner Veltliner

One of the hottest varieties that grows in large quantities in Australia. It is used for production as budget options drink, as well as expensive and prestigious vintage wines. Its difference is that the drink contains less carbon dioxide.


easy option for those who prefer dry wines with sourness, but not aggressive in terms of alcohol content.



Which is quite difficult to grow, but those who succeed will find success in the quality market alcoholic products. Alsace is considered the place where the best Gewürztraminer wine is produced.

White sweet wine

It will hardly surprise you that the best varieties This type is manufactured in France. These are places like Chateau Yquem, Fargue and many others. In addition, the cities of Germany, Romania, as well as Armenia and Russia are famous for their white wines with a sweet taste.

Borgo Tesis Verduzzo Doc Friuli Grave Fantinel

For ease of classification, all white sweet wines are usually divided into three additional groups depending on their origin, composition and production technology:

Tokaj wines

Tokaj wines

Obtained as a result of modifications to a unique prototype that was obtained in Hungary. The wine of this group is considered the most ancient, preserving the original bouquet that was valued thousands of years ago. This drink can be stored well for a long time: while in a bottle, it will change its taste with every decade. There are three factors that make Tokaj unique:

  • the condition of the soil and climatic conditions due to which the grapes partially wither and even become raisinized by the fungus Botrytis cinerea;
  • sepage composition consisting of three varieties of berries - Furmint, Harsh Levelu and white Muscat;
  • long-term aging in conditions of low temperature and humidity of about eighty percent.

Among the most popular Tokaj wines are Assu and Tokaj South Bank. They are recommended to be served with dessert, as well as with cheese and fruit.

Muscat white wines

They are obtained from such fragrant varieties as white, or incense, nutmeg, pink, black, or Alicant, Wengen, red, or purple, as well as Aleatico and others. Our country can be proud of these varieties.


To obtain a good muscat variety of berries, a moderately hot climate is required, which is characterized by a dry and warm, long autumn. The two most common manufacturing technologies used are Western European (from France) and Soviet.

Among the most popular Muscat wines, experts and connoisseurs note the French Muscat de Frontignan and Muscat de Mirval, the Italian Moscato di Siracusa and Moscato di Trani, and the Greek Rhodes and Samos.

Dessert white wines

Obtained from varieties such as Aleatico and black Muscat (Auriu wine), Muscadelle (Krasnodar Taman and Crimean Pedro).

Agora Muscat Black

It was precisely these grape varieties that suffered the greatest damage during Gorbachev’s thoughtless anti-alcohol campaign, when, at the instigation of the “mineral secretary,” huge areas of grapevines were destroyed in Crimea and southern Russia. In a matter of days, hundreds of years of work by breeders and winegrowers disappeared into oblivion. It is impossible to restore the taste and aroma of lost varieties, because the properties of the berries depend significantly on the place of growth. Muscat of Crimea cannot be confused with similar grapes from, for example, France or Italy.

You don't need to be a professional sommelier to figure out which type of wine suits you best. It is enough to understand the basic principles of production of a particular type or simply find and feel that very aroma and taste.

Wine and table grape varieties are grown. Table grape varieties, as a rule, are not processed; they are eaten. They have a large spreading cluster and large berries. Wine varieties grapes, also called technical grapes, are bred specifically for processing. They have a medium-sized brush on which small and medium-sized berries are formed. Possess a huge amount coloring substances and a pleasant, persistent odor, therefore they are used mainly to make wine, syrups, jams, tinctures and various drinks.

The Magaracha grape variety has a high juice content in the berries and is used for the preparation of alcoholic drinks and juices.

Depending on what kind of wine is to be produced, it is necessary to select suitable variety grapes

Description of wine grape varieties

Wine varieties are early and mid-ripening, with high and low sugar and acid content. The clusters differ in the way they grow; they can be dense or sparse. Grapes are distinguished by shape, structure, properties of pulp and skin, juiciness, color, aroma, taste and beneficial properties.

Depending on the properties, taste and characteristics of wine varieties, they make different kinds guilt.

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Grape varieties for white wine

Grapes have not only special taste, but also useful properties.

"Armalaga" belongs to an early species, has bright green berries, and is resistant to fungal diseases. The weight of one bunch of grapes reaches 350 g, the berries are round and medium in size. The peel is whole and crispy. The pulp inside is soft, juice-containing, fibrous. Sugar content of grapes is up to 22 g/100 cm3, acidity is 6-8 g/dm3. Used to make sweet table wines.

“Aurora Magaracha” is mid-season, not picky about the soil and growing conditions. Good for middle zone Russia, where the humidity is moderate. The grapes are green with a hint of pink. Medium brush, medium berries, round shape, juicy. The peel is thin and dense. Sugar content of grapes is 23 g/100 cm2, acidity is up to 9 g/dm3. Designed for preparing white dessert wines.

“Bianka” belongs to the early varieties, is not picky about the soil, and is resistant to foliar viruses and fungal diseases. Grape seedlings are resistant to low temperatures and do not need to be covered for the winter. The brushes reach medium size when fully ripe, small and round berries, in the process of ripening they increase slightly, have a light yellow with a green side. The peel is dense, elastic, the grape pulp is sweet and juice-containing. Sugar content of Bianca is 26 g/100 cm2, acidity 6 g/dm3. The grapes make excellent fortified, dessert, semi-sweet, and dry wines.

"Zigerebe" is early. The clusters are small in size, the berries are round in shape, small, yellow-green in color. The peel is whole and dense. The sugar content in berries is more than 39 g/100 cm2. Very sweet, low acidity, 4 g/dm3. Table wine is made from Zigerebe.

"Muscat of Odessa". Bred a long time ago, known for its resistance to low temperatures.

The Yohaniter grapes are early, resistant to fungal diseases, frost-resistant, have a medium-sized cluster, the berries are densely planted, small, and light green in color. The peel is dense, whole. Sugar content is high, more than 30 g/cm2, medium acidity, 4-8 g/dm3. Used for making table wines with a delicate citrus bouquet. The wine grape variety "Muscaris" is early and frost-resistant. Medium-sized brush, medium-sized berries, round in shape, light and white in color delicate aroma. Sugar content 29 g/cm2, medium acidity. Suitable for making high quality wines.

Wine varieties of mid-season grapes "Chardonnay". The bunches are small, the grapes are small, juicy, aromatic, sweet. The most famous in the world, it produces good quality white table wine. By keeping the drink in an oak barrel, you can give it a subtle spicy bouquet. Sugar content is 20-22 g/cm3, acidity is average, 7 g/dm3.

"Muscat of Odessa". Bred a long time ago, known for its resistance to low temperatures. Planting of seedlings occurs from autumn to winter, not deep. The seedlings are small and when growing have several rhizomes. The clusters are medium, the berries are also medium in size, yellow-green, juicy and fibrous, have pleasant aroma. Sugar content is 26 g/cm2, acidity is average. Used to make high-quality dessert and table wines.

Early-middle Muscat Ottonel. The bunch of grapes is small, the berries are small, round, juicy. The peel is elastic, whole. Sugar content is approximately 21 g/cm2, acidity is average. Resistant to fungal diseases. The best variety for making high-quality semi-sweet wine.

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Grape varieties for red wine

"Vesta" is early. Frost-resistant, resistant to diseases of fruits and bunches. Medium to large grape clusters. Medium sized, rich fruits of blue color, round, elongated shape, juicy and fibrous inside. Sugar content is 24 g/cm2, acidity is average. The color of the juice is light, with a red tint.

"Alpha" is mid-season, frost-resistant, disease-resistant. The brush is medium, cylindrical in shape, the berries are dark red or burgundy, round, medium in size. The flesh is stringy and viscous. Sugar content 17 g/cm2, acidity 27 g/dm3. Has a characteristic spicy aroma with notes of citrus and fruit.

"Dove." The clusters grow small, the berries are medium-sized, red, fibrous, and juicy inside. Sugar content is approximately 24 g/cm2, medium acidity. Technical, good at making quality table wine.

The best grape varieties for cooking quality wine these are the early ones: “Cabernet”, “Cortis”, “Dorsa”, “Jura”, “Sabo”. They have an excellent aroma and excellent taste. The clusters are medium, weighing up to 500 g, have a round and oval shape. The berries are medium-sized, juicy, fleshy. Varieties require care: good watering, thinning and removing excess clusters, pruning the vines, irrigating the soil. At the same time, the variety is high-yielding, frost-resistant, and resistant to diseases of leaves and bunches. Sugar content of Cabernet ranges from 19 to 32 g/cm2, acidity is average. The juice has a citrusy, spicy and fruity aroma. It is used in the preparation of high-quality vintage wines.

"Citron Magarach". Frost-resistant, resistant to diseases of fruits and leaves. The clusters are large in size, reaching 500 g. The berries are medium in size, light yellow in color, juice-containing, and have a sharp nutmeg-citrus smell. Sugar content is 25 g/cm2, medium acidity. Used in the production of dessert wine.

The variety of uncovered grapes “Banskaya Isabella” is frost-resistant. Grape bunches and berries reach medium sizes, round or oval shape. The berries are red, fibrous inside. The peel is strong and crispy. Sugar content is 20 g/cm2, medium acidity. Good for making wines with fruit and citrus notes, tart taste.

"Kishmish" of medium ripeness. The brushes are thick and spreading. The berries reach medium size, are juicy and fibrous. Elastic peel. Universal, used for making table and dessert wine, with a sweet taste and sourness. Sugar content is 26 g/cm2 and has medium acidity.

"Livadia". Early. The clusters are medium in size, the berries are round, juicy, rich dark in color. Sugar content is 25 g/cm2, acidity is average. The peel is elastic. Resistant to low temperatures, no need to cover for the winter, withstands up to -30 frost, resistant to diseases of fruits and leaves. Used in winemaking to make light dessert wine.

Almost all varieties of red grapes have a pronounced aroma and saturated color, they make high-quality table wines, excellent dessert wines. The produced wine drinks can be stored for at least 20 years without forming a large number of sediment at the bottom of the bottle. When red wines are stored in barrels, they acquire a woody aroma and tart taste.

The best grape varieties for making red wine are mid-ripening varieties that have high content sugar and medium acidity.

Growing grapes is not an easy task and requires planning and accurate calculations. Which variety to choose is the first question that interests a novice winegrower. Yes, and professionals sometimes want to experiment, get acquainted with new varieties, and try to grow them.

Table grapes are used in fresh. In winemaking, technical varieties are traditionally used to prepare juices and raisins. Bunches of table grapes should give aesthetic pleasure. Fewer requirements apply to technical varieties. The vine should produce a good harvest, but the berries can be very small, the clusters very crumbly, the taste can be different, because you need different ones.

This separation is ideal for professional winemaking. For an amateur who has planted several or one vine and is ready to put it into practice own ideas, this division is of less importance, not so fundamental. And yet, growing grapes requires taking this feature into account. You can make a mistake by planting the wrong species. Table varieties are more acceptable, because they give a bouquet of taste when fresh. The technical ones complement the foundation they have created. This classification is very convenient when breeding new varieties, when growing for sale, and for strict planning. If you want to cook a jar of compote, of course, the grapes that are ripe at that moment and have been harvested will do.

Red variety and black variety

Berry color - how important is it? Are there any fundamental differences in taste? The beauty of the clusters, foliage, their combination matters, because often the vine is grown only for its own pleasure, and it will not be complete if one focuses too much on the harvest. Nature bestows a person with a large number of fruits in response to the efforts made and the love shown.

Red grape varieties are a more spectacular decoration of the site than white and pink ones. At the same time, the exquisite, delicate, sensual beauty of white and pink grapes does not fall in price. It is impossible to choose without taking into account the taste. Red varieties traditionally have more pronounced sourness, although they are sometimes very sweet.

If you need a bright element on the site, you plan to plant the vine upward or parallel to the ground, red grape varieties are ideal. In terms of expressiveness, only blacks can compete with them. Pink and white will give a completely different impression. What is better to choose is something each person decides for himself. The best option is, perhaps, a combination of different vines. But first of all, they usually choose varieties with dark berries - these are classic version, business card of grapes. The difference between black and red berries is small, smoothed out by biological properties. Black grapes always look harmonious, thanks to the coating on the berries created by nature.

Natural coating on berries

Each grape of any variety or color is always covered with a transparent coating that can be easily wiped off with your finger. This is the natural microflora of this type of berry, an advantage that cannot be argued with, a unique feature.

The microflora of grapes contains yeast, which is why this plant has become so popular. It is most often chosen if you want to prepare an intoxicating drink or alcohol. Even in ancient times, people noticed how well it was suitable for these purposes. Perhaps this is why winemaking, and after it the cultivation of grapes in general, became fashionable. Today, the vine is necessarily present in almost every summer cottage, in every yard. Of course, not only yeast and not only useful varieties are found here. Also present wild species yeast fungi, different types mold, acetic, lactic acid bacteria.

Some of the microorganisms present in the microflora can interfere with the preparation of wine. The composition of the microflora of a grape depends on the weather, time of year, degree of ripeness, presence of damage, proximity to the ground, soil characteristics, variety, location in the structure of the bunch and other factors. The microflora changes color a little.

The difference between black and red grapes is often revealed when the berries are eaten, rather than by visual contact. The juice of black grapes has a slightly different shade, as does the pulp and skin. A bunch of both red and black varieties looks seductive, extravagant, and will decorate both the site and dining table, and the counter.

Original Black

Original Black belongs to the mid-late table varieties and has interesting and attractive characteristics. It takes root and grows well, has high productivity, and is frost-resistant. Not only the color, but also the shape of the berries attracts attention - they are elongated, destroying the stereotype of what grapes should be like.

I also can't help but like the shape of the bunch. It is conical, the berries fit tightly to each other. This is a large, very appetizing table grape. The weight of each bunch varies from 400 - 600 grams to 1-2 kilograms. The leaves of the vine are large. They have a weakly defined edge and are of a strongly dissected type - they have a pronounced apex and lateral lobes.


A table variety of grapes such as Zarif has magnificent clusters of dark-colored berries. violet shade, classic, round shape. It belongs to the early ripening varieties and ripens by the second half of July. It is characterized by average frost resistance, requires careful attention and careful care, protection from cold weather if it is part of the local climate. Immunological resistance to podium is low. But if you put in enough effort and take care of the health of the vine, the result will live up to your expectations.

A table variety of any grape needs care, because you always want to collect something worthy in terms of volume, external and taste characteristics harvest. In this regard, you want to fertilize the soil well, as well as install timely protection against pests. The return from cultivating the land, material, tangible, is the pride and joy of a skilled gardener.

Its clusters are of medium density, conical and cylindrical-conical in shape. The vine looks beautiful. The leaves are medium-sized, of the moderately dissected type - the apex and lateral lobes are noticeable, but attention is focused on the plate of a pleasant light green color. This variety was grown in Tajikistan.


This table grape variety is very popular and is often chosen for cultivation. And not in vain, because its characteristics are close to universal, which, of course, provides it with dominance. It contains virtually no seeds, which will please both lovers of fresh grapes and raisin lovers. It refers to early ripening varieties, has high frost resistance. The berries are dark purple in color and large. The clusters are dense, conical in shape. Their weight averages from 700 grams to a kilogram or more.

The leaves are large, with medium dissection, and a pleasant, juicy green color. Kodryanka's immunity is good. The plant is resistant to most diseases typical of grapes, but not all, alas. Therefore, it needs care and attention. They created Kordyanka in Moldova.


This table variety of red grapes, like an astronaut, will allow you to enjoy the taste of the grapes and admire the beauty of the vine. It is not for nothing that it was given such a name. The grapes will remind you of the sky, stars, constellations. The berries of this variety are small and loosely collected. Against the background of foliage they look like decoration, and that is what they are. However, there is no point in admiring this beauty for a long time, because the grapes are tasty and contain a lot of useful substances. The variety is an early variety. The bunches weigh from 100 grams to 200 grams. Immunity is average, grapes are not resistant to some types of common diseases and require moderate care. It makes a gentle impression and enchants with its harvest.


The berries are purple in color and have a classic round shape – a distinctive feature of this grape variety. The cylindrical clusters are sometimes decorated with side branches that resemble wings. They are loose. Although the berries are loosely arranged, they can last a long time. You can admire this variety for a long time without fear that the grapes will fall to the ground. This feature is valuable not only from an aesthetic, but also from a practical point of view. Sometimes it’s good that you can put off picking berries for a while.

The foliage is medium to large. If necessary, by growing Isabella, you can create a magnificent decor. The table variety of red grapes Isabella will appeal to guests, neighbors, and the owner himself. The plate is close to solid, covered on the inside with a thick white felt-type edge. Isabella's homeland is North America.


The simple name accurately characterizes the variety. This table red grape variety is an early variety and is unpretentious. It has a very valuable advantage - it is resistant to attacks by wasps and bees. It is impossible not to pay attention to this. In addition, July is resistant to frost and with the onset of cold weather, having provided standard protection, you don’t have to worry - the vine will be in good condition in the spring.

The berries of July are medium and large, oval in shape. The clusters are large but loose. Their weight varies from 300 grams to 400. They are well stored after harvest, which expands the capabilities of the winegrower and gardener. The plant is immune to some common diseases, which reduces the time it takes to care for it.

Agat Donskoy

This variety was created specifically to delight all grape lovers with delicious fruits. Its berries are large, dark blue, juicy, sweet, aromatic. Distinctive feature- independence from conditions environment, although relative, as a result of this stable, high yield. Agat Donskoy effectively resists bees and wasps. It is also resistant to harmful fungal microorganisms. In winter you won’t have to worry much about it, because it has low sensitivity to average frosts. The bunches of this variety are large and moderately loose. Their weight varies from 500 grams to 700.


Loose bunches with large berries This grape variety will give aesthetic pleasure and a wealth of delicate shades of taste. They attract attention and offer to try the berries as soon as possible. The purple-red hue looks great against the backdrop of green, large foliage. The shape of the leaf plate is rounded, but the segmentation is not lost - there are five blades, the features of the classic grape leaf. The variety was created in the USA.

Grapes are a unique product in their composition. They contain valuable substances, such as easily digestible vitamins and beneficial enzymes, free acids, mineral salts and trace elements that help get rid of fatigue, improve mood and even cure some diseases. The level of acidity, taste and aroma of the wine depend on the geographical location of the grape and its variety.

Today there are more than 5 thousand grape varieties, of which only 100 are technical and suitable for making wine.

Of these, only 30 species are distinguished, including red and white wine grape varieties, as the most popular in the industry.

What is the difference between table and wine grape varieties?

Red wine is made from blue and red grapes. During the production process, berries with skins and seeds are used, which gives the wine tartness and makes the taste more rich. White wine is made from light grapes, and at the initial stage of fermentation, the skins are removed from the wine must. At the end of the fermentation stage, the white wine is immediately bottled. This production technique gives the taste of white wine notes of sophistication and sophistication.

There are table and technical grape varieties. Table grapes are grapes that are eaten fresh. It has fleshy, large and sweet berries, attractive color and aroma.

Technical grape varieties (wine grape varieties) are grapes that are suitable for the production of wine, champagne, grape juice and secondary wine products. Its berries contain a high proportion of juice (up to 85%) and are more acidic than table fruit.

Table grapes are widespread throughout the world, although caring for them is quite difficult. For its cultivation it is necessary to take into account important conditions, such as: terrain, climate, amount of heat and sunny days per year, because it is very demanding in care. In addition, it is necessary to organize regular soil cultivation, pest and disease control.

The main thing in table grapes is high sugar content, low acidity of juice and large size of berries.

Caring for technical grapes is simpler. This wine grapes frost-resistant and has an unsightly appearance, but wine producers are not interested in what it looks like bunch of grapes. More important is the amount of sugar in the berries and the volume of grape juice produced.

The harvest of technical grapes is low, but the berries ripen well. Therefore, those winemakers who produce wine in large volumes usually have large areas for planting grape plantations.

Table varieties are resistant to various diseases, take root well and are quite frost-resistant. This is especially important for winemakers northern regions territory of Russia, in conditions of unstable weather and lack of heat and light.

In order for the harvest to be high and meet all expectations, it is necessary to correctly select grape varieties for red and white wine. This choice will depend on various factors, such as: physico-chemical indicators, sugar content and acidity, as well as the growing area and soil characteristics.

The best varieties of red wine grapes

Red wine is made from red and blue varieties grapes It is generally more complex, strong and dry in flavor than white. This is influenced by the unique wine production process described earlier.

The best red wine grape varieties:

    The most popular red grape varieties. It was the result of crossing Cabernet France and Sauvignon Blanc in the 17th century in Bordeaux, and was the most popular and cultivated of all until it was surpassed by the Merlot grape variety.

    Cabernet Sauvignon makes the best wines long exposure, with a bright and rich taste. Its deep astringency is explained by the high tannin content in the composition. The flavor bouquet is a bright taste of black currant, notes of coffee, tobacco, chocolate and prunes. It belongs to the group of “heavy” wines, and is recommended to be served with fatty or smoked meat so as not to interrupt the taste of the food.

  1. Cabernet Franc. It is the ancestor of Cabernet Sauvignon and has a milder taste and rich aroma. Widely distributed in the Loire and Bordeaux valleys, as well as in Bulgaria and Hungary. Flavor bouquet – notes of raspberry and blackberry. Used mainly in blends. It is practically impossible to find in its pure form.
  2. It is considered the second most popular of all red grape varieties in the world. It is grown wherever there are wineries. It is unpretentious in care, in the cold season it ripens better than Cabernet Sauvignon, and in the warm season it picks up more sugar.

    Used in blends of many Bordeaux wines, especially cabernet. Its distinctive feature is that it contains a large amount of alcohol with a low level of tannin. The flavor bouquet includes notes of plums and prunes, cherries, tobacco, cedar, spices and chocolate.

    Pinot Noir. It is one of the three grape varieties from which champagne can be produced. It is grown mainly in regions of Europe with a cool-temperate climate, and in the USA and Japan. But its homeland is the Burgundy region, where the best Burgundy wines are produced.

    It is very easy to care for and produces a relatively small amount of harvest. Depends on weather conditions and terrain features. Has a very thin and rich taste and aroma. Flavor bouquet – notes medicinal herbs, various berries, iodine and musk.

  3. Famous and popular red variety in Italy grape wine. Grown mainly in central Italy, from Romagna to Lazio. Used pure and in blends. Outside of Italy, it is better known as the main component of Chianti wines, Carmignano. It contains high acidity and medium saturation. The flavor bouquet includes notes of spicy cherry and violet, and after aging in oak barrels oak and nutty flavors are added.
  4. Syrah. A grape variety used in the preparation of red and rosé wines, both dry and fortified. Grown in all wine-growing countries, its true flavor comes from the French Rhône Valley. It has a low yield, which ensures good taste guilt. The flavor bouquet includes notes of various berries, tobacco, chocolate and pepper.

  5. A variety of red grapes from the legendary Carmenere variety, exterminated by pests from the territory of Bardo, but preserved in the territory of Chile. To this day, the bulk of this wine is made in Chile. Has low acidity, low level tannin with a slightly sweet aftertaste. Difficult to grow and takes a long time to ripen. The flavor bouquet includes shades of black berries, plums, spices and black pepper.
  6. Mourvèdre. A unique variety of red grapes, one of the three famous blends GSM (Grenache Siramourvedre). The second most popular grape variety for wine in Spain. Grown in the southeast of France and on the Mediterranean coast. Has high drought resistance. Wine rich in theanine is practically never found in its pure form. The flavor bouquet is unique - notes of meat, berries and medicinal herbs.

  7. The Grenache grape variety is famous all over the world, a red grape variety. Grown mainly in the north of Aragon (Spain) and in other European countries. Very drought tolerant and hardy, produces best on rocky soil. Is different a small amount tannin, low acidity and high alcohol content. Rosé wines are mainly produced from it. The flavor bouquet includes notes of berries, nuts, leather and earth.
  8. Zinfandel. A red grape variety native to the USA and its pride. Distinctive feature– high proportion of tannin, sugar and alcohol. Serves as a basis for creating sweet, dry, table and sparkling wines. Flavor bouquet – berries, spices, dark cherries and black pepper.

  9. One of the best red grape varieties for the production of fine wines, top class. Originally from Germany. It has high productivity, frost resistance, and is resistant to pests, which makes it possible not to treat with chemicals and to grow organically. pure product. Has a rich dark color and high tannin content. The flavor bouquet is herbal notes, raspberries and summer fruits.
  10. Saperavi. Late wine red variety Georgian grapes, from which table, dessert and strong wines. It is grown mainly in Georgia. It is better to grow in warm regions, because sugar accumulates in grapes only in such conditions, because it itself has a very high level acidity, which smoothes out after 5-20 years of aging. Flavor bouquet – notes of raspberry, creamy taste and dried fruits.

The best varieties of white grape wine

The taste of white wine is more refined and light compared to red wine. Technical grapes of light varieties are used for the production of white wine. There are a huge variety of them. Let's highlight the most popular and best varieties of white grapes:

There is no consensus on which wine is better - white or red. Each variety and type has its own unique taste and aromatic properties, which turn the production and consumption of wine into an art.