We make potato starch in house conditions ourselves. Potato starch - a useful thickener

    Make starch at home  pretty simple. It is enough to wash and peel the potatoes and twist it in a meat grinder. Pour water later and isolate starch. Stir and drain a little. Starch should settle, after which it is necessary to carefully drain the water and dry it.

    Video Making starch at home

    As an experiment, it’s very interesting to try make potato starch yourself. To do this, you do not need sophisticated equipment, but just a knife, grater, bowl and directly the potatoes themselves.

    Potatoes need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Pour the potatoes coldly with water and let stand until the starch from the potatoes separates into water. Then we filter this water from the potato residues and leave. It is best to pour water into a glass dish so that we can see how starch settles to the bottom. When the water becomes transparent, and at the bottom we see a white precipitate (this is our starch), carefully remove the water, and pour the wet starch into some thick and wide dishes so that the water evaporates.

    The easiest and easiest way to get starch from potatoes at home. So, peel and wash the potatoes, put it in a blender, pour a little water into it. Now turn on the blender. Now pour the contents into a deep dish, add a little more water, mix well and strain the mass through cheesecloth. The cake can be thrown away, and let the water settle (about 10 minutes). At the bottom of the bowl - starch just drain the water.

    I make starch like this: on a juicer I get potato juice, and cake separately. I stand for potato juice for about 15 minutes. Carefully pour the juice into a glass, a large amount of starch remains in the mug. Spread it on cheesecloth in a colander. The remaining liquid drains. I dry the starch on the battery in a cotton napkin.

    In order to make starch, you need to peel the potatoes and wash it well. Then grind in a meat grinder or blender as finely as possible. After that, pour water into the chopped potato and carefully move it so that starch comes out. Next, you need to leave for a while, so that the water settles and starch donkey to the bottom. Carefully drain the water and the rest of the potatoes, let the starch dry and pour it into any ware for storage.

    My grandmother certainly made her starch. Soaps, small, culled potatoes, rubbed on the trolley by hand (then there was still no electric). Washed many times with water in large pots, and when the water became whitish - left overnight. During this time, starch settled to the bottom, forming a very dense viscous mass. The water drained, the starch was laid out on the boards covered with oilcloth and was dried in the attic with regular stirring.

    But this process is so laborious that it is easier to buy a pack of starch in a store.

    I cook potato starch - first you need to peel the potatoes and then grate the peeled potatoes on the trolley and pour the grated potatoes with cold water so that the water is a centimeter higher than the level of the potato. Then you need to mix the resulting mixture well and when you see that the water has turned milky - and this is the starch that has turned into water, then you need to carefully pour this milky water into another pan. And then again add water to the grated potato and mix again so that the starch passes into the water and drain this water and repeat this procedure until the water becomes pale and liquid - so there is very little starch in the potato. Now you need to let potato water settle and as a result the starch settles to the bottom and you get a white precipitate of a dense structure - the upper layer of water needs to be drained. The resulting starch needs to be dried on the baking hole, having previously distributed it evenly over the entire area, having spread 1 cm thick. The starch so dried out turns into white powder - very similar to the starch we buy in the store.

    Getting potato starch is easy at home.

    To do this, wash potato tubers well in cold water.

    Then we pass the grated liquid mass through cheesecloth, folded in half, into the dishes, for example, an enameled pan.

    Do this until the starch is clean.

    Wet starch is squeezed strongly and scattered on plywood or cardboard, put in the oven, maintaining the temperature not higher than 40 degrees. Thus, the starch is dried.

    Starch costs a penny. Well, why should you make life so complicated? But if you need it as a school experiment, then take the potatoes, pass through a meat grinder or juicer. Let the sediment settle, drain the water and let it settle. Drain the upper liquid and the sediment will be your starch.

    Making starch is pretty simple. In order to save it, you can cook it from last year's potatoes. It is passed with the help of household appliances / meat grinders, juicers and potato pulp are washed in several waters until white. After washing the last time, leave the potato water in a bowl for five, six hours. During the elapsed time, starch will completely sink to the bottom. Remain gently drain the water and dry the starch in the sun.

One of the most commonly used laundry detergents, liquid starch, can be prepared at home. Here are some suggestions:

Unlike our great ancestors, who had to tinker with starch for clothes for a long time, we have a wide range of starch-based laundry products that can be used much easier. And while some of these products are added during the wash cycle, others are sprayed directly over the clothes while ironing. Since this product of the laundry industry is available in a variety of forms, so you can get the best deals on the market.

Liquid starch can be prepared at home using some readily available household products. Want to know how to make liquid starch? Enough vegetable starch and water. Thus, plant starch is all that you need, and it will cost much less compared to purchased products. Since artificial starch is used for other purposes, home starch is much cheaper.

Starch Ingredients

  • Corn starch - 1 cup.
  • Cold water - ¼ cup.
  • Tap water - 3 ¾ cups.
  • Essential oil (lavender / vanilla / rose) - a few drops.

How to make liquid starch at home

Dissolve corn starch in cold water. Be sure to mix the mixture well so that no lumps remain. After that, set aside the mixture and boil tap water in a saucepan. When the water boils, add corn starch to the pan. Stir the contents of the pan and add a few drops of essential oil. Continue stirring for about a minute before removing the pan from the stove.

Allow the mixture to cool before pouring it into the spray bottle. You can spray homemade liquid starch when ironing clothes. You can also use this starch when washing clothes, but in this case, be sure to spray the clothes with water while ironing. In general, you can replace corn starch with the finished mixture, and essential oil can be replaced with lemon juice. Making liquid starch at home is very simple, you only need corn starch and water. Essential oil becomes an indispensable addition to the aroma. If you want to enhance the effect, simply add starch to the recipe.

Compared to purchased household chemicals, homemade starch is free from chemicals. However, home starch should not be stored at room temperature for more than a few days. Otherwise, cool it. Such starch should be brought to room temperature before use. If you store liquid starch in a bottle, make sure you shake the bottle well before use. This is necessary because starch can settle on the bottom of the bottle. Its application is diverse, you can immerse the fabric in a starch solution and wring it before drying and ironing the fabric. You can also spray it on dry clothes before ironing.

Tired of going to the supermarket hoping to find and buy quality starch? Then you should learn how to cook it in your home kitchen. Moreover, for its production, frozen or wilted and shriveled potatoes, which you just wanted to dispose in a bin, are very suitable. On average, from one bucket of potatoes you get about a kilogram and a half home and high-quality starch. Interested in the prospect of learning to make starch yourself? Then go ahead.

Starch preparation technology and step-by-step instructions

Step one.  We take a regular medium-sized potato, rinse thoroughly with water so that there is no dust and dirt, if necessary, use a brush.
Step Two  We peel potatoes from the peel and three on a fine grater in a deep bowl, you can use a vegetable cutter, anyone as you like.
Step Three  Pour the resulting potato mass with cold water, so that the amount of the resulting mixture doubles and mix thoroughly. This is very important because it is at this moment that starch is released into the water.
Step Four At the next moment, we express the water through a double layer of gauze into a separate enameled dish, and again pour our grated potatoes with water in order to extract the remaining starch from it again. Then we utilize the used potatoes in the bin.
Step Five  We give a little time to the filtered liquid, so that the starch settles on the bottom. When this happened, carefully drain the liquid, and the settled starch again pour water and repeat the procedure. After the last wash, proceed to the next step.
Step Six  In a heated oven to a temperature of 40 degrees, we send the starch poured onto a sheet of parchment onto a baking sheet. You can just let it dry naturally. As you wish. When the starch becomes friable, simply rub it with your rolling pin or with your hands to eliminate all lumps.
  Pour the prepared, powdery mixture into a dry, hermetically sealed jar. Starch does not like moisture and odors. Homemade starch is slightly different from the store, it has a yellowish tint, and in the store we are used to buying white starch.
  Thus, we received a natural product, without any chemical impurities, and this is much more beneficial for our health.

Starch is used as an additive to a variety of dishes. It can be potato and corn. His choice depends on the preferences of the person. If you have a desire, then you can easily try to make potato starch and corn yourself at home. This does not take much time, on average 30 minutes. How to make starch from potatoes and corn will be described below.

Ingredients and Accessories for a Homemade Product

To prepare potato starch we need:

  • potato (you can take small or frozen - this will not affect the taste)
  • bowl
  • grater, juicer, blender, meat grinder or vegetable cutter (whatever is at hand at home)
  • cold drinking water
  • gauze or fine sieve

If you prefer corn starch, then for its own production you will need the same list of necessary devices, but the main component will not be potatoes, but corn.

How to cook potato starch?

Many housewives love to cook with natural products, and starch is no exception. How to make potato starch yourself at home? As a rule, preparing a starch product from potatoes is not very difficult. The main desire, time and availability of all necessary.

The cooking sequence is simple and is as follows:

  • Potato tubers must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt by thoroughly washing them under running water. Small potatoes and damaged ones are suitable here. If there are spoiled places on vegetables or rot, then these areas should be cut off. No need to peel potatoes

  • The next step is chopping potatoes. For this, any of the above devices is suitable. How do you do this, does not play a role. In general, the result should be a kind of mashed potatoes
  • Pour cold water into the resulting potato mass in a ratio of 1: 1. Mix thoroughly next. When mixed, potato starch enters the water. As a result, the potatoes are washed. It is for this purpose that you need to mix the whole mass very well
  • The next step is to filter the potatoes. To do this, immediately after stirring, not allowing the mass to thicken, strain it through a prepared piece of gauze or a fine sieve. An enameled pan is a good capacity for this case. But the potato mass is no longer needed and it can be thrown out
  • The filtered liquid must be left for a while so that it settles. After a short period of time, you will notice that the starch made is at the bottom, and on top the liquid has become a transparent color. In order not to spill the settled starchy potato product, gently drain this clear water. After this, the potatoes can be washed again with water, removing starch residues from it. This procedure is recommended to be repeated 2 times

  • The final step in the preparation of homemade potato starch is its drying. To do this, put the mass that has settled on the bottom on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, and put it in the oven until it is completely dry. The temperature in the oven should not be more than 40 ° C. If you are not in a hurry for starch, you can leave the starch mass to dry on a baking sheet in the fresh air and gradually it will dry on its own
  • When the starch is made crumbly, roll it with a rolling pin, or knead it in your palms. This is necessary in order to remove the formed lumps.

It is recommended to pour the resulting home-made potato starch into a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid to prevent moisture from appearing.

Self-made potato starch will differ in color from the one purchased. Homemade starch is not white, but slightly yellow, and this is its natural color. Just add a blue dye to the purchase, which makes its color white. Your product, as a result, is obtained without any chemical additives and is more useful.

How to make corn starch?

Making cornstarch is like a homemade potato recipe. Naturally, the main product is corn. It should be grinded and also filled with cool water in a ratio of 1: 1, that is, 1 tsp. corn + 1 tbsp. l water. Whisk this whole mixture and add one glass of hot water to it. Mix everything until the mixture thickens. Then put on fire for 1 minute. This is necessary in order to get rid of starchy taste.

With such proportions, you will get a small portion of starch, about 1 glass. If you need a larger quantity, then you need to carry out the calculation in accordance with these proportions.

Making starch at home is not at all difficult. Guided by the above recipes and most importantly, desire, you can make a starch product that will be more useful and economical on the material side. And the dishes will become even tastier.