Pork loin what to cook tasty. How to cook a loin at home

It is hard to imagine a man who does not like pork. Muslims consciously find themselves eating meat from this animal, considering it unclean. But most people in the world prefer to add pork to their diet, making it kebab, stew, roast and much more.

The benefits of pork for humans

The benefits of pork are determined by what beneficial substances it enriches the human body.

  • Pork contains large quantities of all B vitamins that take care of the well-being of the nervous system and help us deal with stressful situations. In particular, a powerful dose of B1 in pork will protect the human body from any neurological disorders. Vitamins of this group are not able to accumulate in the body, you need to take care of their replenishment.
  • An invaluable help to the bone tissues of our body for the absorption of calcium is provided by a generous portion of vitamin D.
  • Pork is the main supplier to our body of magnesium - a trace element that serves as a building material for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Pork contains a lot of zinc, a lack of which in the human body threatens to disrupt the synthesis of the hormone insulin. Therefore, for diabetics and people prone to diseases of the endocrine system, the inclusion of pork in their diet is mandatory. Zinc protects and restores immunity. A sufficient amount of this trace element helps to strengthen the bone tissue of adults, and for the child's body - this is the full development of the skeleton.

reference: 100 gr. pork in the diet will give a person 35% of the daily value of zinc.

  • The high content of proteins (proteins) makes this product energetically valuable, increasing the overall tone of the body, its potential. For nursing mothers, pork meat is an assistant for good lactation.
  • Fatty amino acids (such as linoleic, oleic, glutamine, arachidonic) are not synthesized in the human body, and their lack leads to the development of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, decreased blood coagulability and impaired tissue regeneration. A person receives up to 50% of the daily norm of the much needed linoleic acid from pork.
  • Pork is rich in substances that block the functioning of cells and interfere with a positive mood. In general, not only lard, but all pork is a natural antidepressant.
  • The meat is easily absorbed by the human body, and pork fat is less harmful to the cardiovascular system than beef or chicken legs.
  • Nutritionists distinguish pork as a fighter for "male power."
  • Pork meat proteins help the functioning of the human body, giving it vitality.
  • Selenium and arachidonic acid, which are rich in lard, protect the body from the activity of free radicals, which contribute to the formation of cancerous tumors and decrepit body.

What is the softest and tastiest part of pork?

To find out the answer to this question, it is necessary to understand the purpose for which each part of this beautiful animal is used.

Neck, front spinal part

This meat is moderately fatty, soft and very juicy. The neck has become an expensive part of the pork carcass, apparently due to the special love of modern man for kebabs, which led to an increase in demand for pork neck, from which the most ideal, delicate and delicious kebab is obtained. The neck, baked in the oven as a whole piece in a foil or sleeve, is also tasty, from which they make unchanged mincemeat for cutlets. With any type of heat treatment: cooking, stewing, baking, frying pork neck, the result will be successful.

It is suitable for cooking soups and meat roasts. But pork neck dishes are high in calories and will not appeal to those who follow a diet.

Loin, back

From the point of view of culinary science, a loin (in other words, the back) is the best and most tender pork meat in a small fat frame. Since this is still the dorsal part, one cannot do without a ridge and ribs. The meat cut between the ridge and ribs is an entrecote for roasting.

It should be understood that the loin and the carbonate are, in principle, one and the same meat, but the loaf is obtained when the loin is stripped of bone. It is sold by cutting fat from the loin, leaving only a small layer on top for juiciness of future dishes. The loin goes for cooking kebab, stew, pilaf, boiled pork and meat medallions are prepared from it.

This part of pork has its own contraindications:

  • you can rarely eat and in small quantities, since the high calorie content of the product threatens to increase the body weight of the meat eater, and with obesity available, pork loin is completely prohibited.
  • The concern is the possibility of increasing cholesterol in the blood due to dishes based on this part of the pig carcass.
  • Excessive use of loin provokes the development of problems with the heart and blood vessels.

Important! Pork is a type of meat that needs to be cooked well.

Tenderloin, lumbar

Tenderloin is considered to be a tasty part of the pork section, therefore, it differs in some high cost. It is located above the spine (in its central part) under a layer of fat. Although tenderloin is often referred to as solid boneless meat, in reality it includes pulp and part of the spine with ribs.

The muscle is not subjected to physical exertion throughout its life, which is why it is the most tender and soft meat of all pork, and besides, it has almost no fat - a delicacy inherently. Pork tenderloin contains a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins of the PP and B groups, proteins and fats, which are so important for the human body.

Low-calorie meat makes it possible to consider it a dietary product, which is important for people with increased weight and various health problems. Tenderloin is delicious for all types of cooking, but it’s better not to stew it because of the lean - it can be tough.

Excellent roast comes out of meat, chops, schnitzels, it is combined with any vegetables in the first dishes. It can be fried whole or as escalopes (a delicacy from Russian and French cuisines), previously cut into 4 cm thick slices. Meat baked in foil or sleeve in a whole piece is also tasty. Great skewers are marinated from this section of pork.


Juicy ham is one of the most delicious and expensive sections of pork. It is a hip or shoulder-scapular section of it. In the market, instead of a true product, they can slip part of the leg above the knee.

In fact, the ham is very large, butchers before selling cut it into two parts and sell it like that. The lower part includes bone and therefore contains less meat, but is great for frying, drying, salting. The upper part, loin (popularly called the “back”) has no bone. This excellent meat is suitable for cooking on an open fire, cutlets, steaks, escalopes or schnitzels are fried from it.

The most delicious meat is cut off from that part of the carcass that is not involved in the processes of movement. It does not have a large number of muscles and tendons. Such meat can be found on the back - the closer to the tail, the product will be softer and juicier during cooking.

To prepare the schnitzels, the meat is divided into oval oblong medallions, the thickness of the pieces should not exceed 2-2.5 cm. It is necessary to cut strictly across the fibers. Then the schnitzels are beaten and small notches are applied over the entire surface of the meat, breadcrumbs are breadcrumbs. The original Russian dish - boiled pork - is made precisely from the "backside". For its preparation, high-grade meat is rubbed with spices and salt, watered with sauce and baked in the oven in a single piece.

For this dish, no special cooking skills are required, so anyone can handle it.

In anticipation of the upcoming pleasure, we suggest finding out how to fry a pork loin in a pan to please yourself and your family with juicy meat! And we, in turn, are sure that this recipe will become a favorite in your cookbook for a long time!

Pork Loin Selection

To begin with, let's recall what is a loin? This is not anyhow what a piece of pork, but specifically the back and, preferably, with a bone! It is worth recognizing that this product is very popular among our hostesses.

If you need to quickly feed and please the household with a delicious dish, then just a loin will do just the way!

Pork meat contains a whole complex of trace elements and B vitamins involved in the metabolism and organization of nervous activity.

Now let's move on to the next important step. We need to choose the right loin!

Meat should have the following qualities:

  • The color is pale pink, uniform over the entire surface;
  • The smell of a fresh product is practically absent. He is gentle and pleasant;
  • The fat layer should be white. Yellow indicates the old age of the animal;
  • When pressed with a finger on the surface of fresh meat there is no dent.

Preparing meat for frying

After the main stage with the choice of meat is behind, we can begin to conjure over our future lunch or dinner.

  • We put the loin on a cutting board, remove excess fat, a film with a sharp knife, cut it into 1.5-cm-thick sliced \u200b\u200bpieces so that each piece has a bone.
  • Then we wash pieces of loin under cold water and wipe with a paper towel.
  • Further, so that the meat is better fried and softened, lightly beat it with a kitchen hammer. To do this, it is better to place the loin in the film, in this case we will protect ourselves from meat splashes and will not crush the bone. This is important to maintain the best taste of the dish!

Before the final stage of preparation, we rub portions of meat with vegetable oil and let them lie down at room temperature for 15 minutes. It is also necessary to maintain the softness of the product during the frying process.

How to cook pork loin in a pan

Today we take the simplest and fastest option as a basis and find out how to fry pork loin in a frying pan in vegetable oil. This option is not only simple to execute, but also allows us to feel the beauty of natural meat. And, I must say that the loin has excellent taste!

Before frying, you can grate the meat with spices so that the loin not only looks appetizing, but also acquires a spicy flavor.

You can also use various types of marinades. And in this case, we will see a lot of options that turn each dish into a masterpiece. Marinades can be based on lemon, balsamic vinegar, olive oil and adjika, beer and even kvass!

But we decided to stop on the cooking option, the most preserving the taste and personality of the loin.

Just before frying, salt the meat and put it on a hot pan. We use oil at will. If we decide that it does not bother us, grease the pan with a thin layer.

At the last important stage of preparing a long-awaited dinner, we must know exactly how much to fry pork loin in a pan. It will depend on whether our dinner will please our family or not.

Fry meat for 5-7 minutes on each side. Then we cover the pan with a lid and let the dish sweat for another 5 minutes.

How to find out if the fried loin is ready

At the very end of cooking, try to pierce the meat with a sharp knife. If clear, colorless juice stands out, then our loin is ready! If we see pinkish juice, then this is a sign of the product’s not being cooked, and we add a few more minutes to stew.

And here on the dining table we are waiting for the outcome of our witchcraft: a beautiful, mouth-watering, exuding indescribable aroma, dish!

Of course, it will not be a crime if we serve such yummy with pasta or buckwheat, but you must admit that this is not the best option.

But when the fried loin appears before us framed by beautifully laid stewed vegetables, and red wine will splash in the glasses, here we will realize that our works were not in vain!

And the main result will be the joy and pleasure of our beloved household, with appetite absorbing the result of our culinary creativity.

In today's recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious pork loin at home.

Pork Loin Ingredients:

  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 700-800 g pork loin
  • 5-6 potatoes
  • 250 g sour cream
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • Spices for broth
  • Bay leaves, salt, pepper and peppercorns to taste

Pork loin cooking recipe

  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly.
  2. Put it in boiling water, close the lid and cook until all the fat comes out of the pork.
  3. Wash and clean all vegetables except onions.
  4. Cut into large pieces and add to the meat, 20 minutes before cooking.
  5. When the fat comes out of the pork loin, we take it out of the pan and wipe it with a napkin.
  6. Next, fry the loin on all sides.
  7. Now we shift the meat to a baking sheet, just spread all the vegetables from the broth, add the onion slices and put the loin in the oven for 20 minutes.
  8. Every 5 minutes we pour meat with broth so that it does not become too dry.
  9. Now we make the sauce for pork loin, take the remaining broth and add sour cream, flour, salt and pepper to it, you can also add dill and various greens to taste.

That's all, I think, you will no longer have a question how to cook a pork loin, enjoy your meal! Take a look now at this step-by-step recipe for pork chop. I think you will like it too.

Cooking brisket

How to cook pork brisket

Cooking pork belly or any fat with a slit at home does not cause any difficulties. Today I will tell you this wonderful recipe that will not cause you trouble in the kitchen. You can also cook delicious salted lard at home - it will be very tasty.

Products fresh brisket or fat with a slit, salt, ground pepper, 1/2 small onion, 1 clove of garlic, 2 plastic bags.

to make homemade pork belly, I take fresh bacon with a slit, since there was no real brisket in the refrigerator, we get out of the situation with what is. Cut it into medium pieces

How to cook pork loin?

Very juicy and tender meat will become not only the decoration of the festive table, but also an excellent breakfast. Cooking pork loin is easy, even a novice housewife can cope with this recipe. Here are some ways to cook pork loin in the oven.

First option

The meat should be washed and dried with a towel. Peel the seven cloves of garlic, cut into slices and, after making cuts in the loin, stuff it.

In a separate bowl, mix salt, a spoonful of paprika, a spoonful of seasoning hops-suneli and as much chopped dried basil. Use this mixture to grate the meat well. Take a large piece of foil, fold it several times and wrap pork in it.

As soon as the oven warms up to 200 ° C, send the loin there for 90 minutes.

For greater juiciness, the loin is coated with mayonnaise, and if you still want a fried and crispy crust, you will need to unfold the foil at the end of the cooking and let the meat lightly brown.

If a piece of pork is thicker than usual, you will have to cook it for longer than 90 minutes.

Second option

This recipe for cooking longer due to pickling, but the result lives up to all expectations.

Wash the meat and wipe it with a towel.

In a mortar, combine a large spoonful of salt, a pinch of sugar and as much coriander, one bud of clove, two peas of black pepper and the same amount of allspice, one laurel, a pinch of saltpeter and two cloves of garlic. Grind all this with a pestle. Separate the resulting aromatic mixture and use one part to spread the meat. Pound the spices well over the pork.

The meat must be placed in a deep container and covered with a lid or plate, put a small load on top. Keep the loin in the room for two days.

After a specified period of time, boil two liters of water and add the second part of the spices to it. Stir and fill the meat with liquid. Put in the refrigerator for 16 days, do not forget to turn the meat every 3 days.

After two and a half weeks, remove the meat, wash it well and wipe off again. Put the meat in a greased baking dish. Add slices of two onions and two tablespoons of water. Bake at 170 ° C for 90 to 120 minutes. If the water has boiled away, it must be added and the resulting juice periodically water the loin so that it becomes juicy.


As you can see, the cooking of the loin is not so complicated, and the meat is very tasty and tender. Such pork is served with boiled potatoes or rice, as well as vegetables or sauerkraut.

from pork belly what to cook at home?

Sergey  Guru, closed 6 years ago

Tamarrica  Enlightened 6 years ago

Su Dongpo Prescription Pork Belly

In the era of the Song Dynasty, the famous poet and writer Sushi lived, known under the pseudonym Dongpo. He invented this dish.

1.5 kg of pork belly, 10 g of green tea with jasmine, 500 ml of chicken stock, 150 ml of sherry or white port, 150 ml of soy sauce, 100 g of sugar, 25 g of onion, 2 g of ginger, 1 g of glutamate sodium.

Cut the breast into 6 x 6 cm squares, make crosswise cuts from the skin side, chop the onion into large slices. Brew green tea with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew well.

Put the brisket in a pan, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil, drain the water, wash the brisket in warm water. Put it in a pan with the skin down, add wine, soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, onions, ginger, chicken stock and tea, bring to a boil, remove the foam and simmer for one hour under a lid over low heat.

After that, turn the meat over and simmer for another two hours. The broth should stay a bit. Onion from the pan select.

You can add more wine and soy sauce, but you can’t add water. The breast prepared according to this recipe retains its shape, has an excellent taste, aroma, and melts in the mouth.

Sergey  Guru 6 years ago

have you tried it yourself?

Tamarrica  Enlightened 6 years ago

No. Usually I give recipes tried by me or my friends. But this, I can say, was jokingly sent. This recipe was brought to me from China. Hands have not yet reached the cook. If you take a chance, report the result.

Spiced pork loin

The loin is the most dietary and lean pork meat. However, it is quite difficult to cook so that the finished dish does not work dry. In addition to prolonged stewing and seasoning with various sauces, there is such an option as baking meat with a whole piece in foil in this case, the loin is cooked in its own juice. That is how we will prepare it today.

whole cloves

Rub the meat with salt and stuff it with slices of garlic.

Sources: cookinglife.ru, detishkam-vkusnotishki.ru, ladym.ru, otvet.mail.ru, verner-diet.ru

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Step 1: prepare the meat.

We spread the loin on a cutting board and, using a knife, we clear of excess fat and films. We cut into several portioned parts so that a bone remains on each. Then thoroughly wash the meat under running water. Now wipe with kitchen paper towels and spread in a free plate.

In turn, put the pieces in cling film or plastic bag and lightly beat off with a kitchen hammer. Attention:  try not to touch the bone so as not to crush it and thus not spoil the dish itself. We transfer the pork back to the plate, salt and pepper to taste and proceed to the preparation of our lunch or dinner.

Step 2: prepare the fried loin on the bone.

Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and put on medium heat. When the container with the contents is very hot, gently spread the pieces of the loin into it and fry on both sides 5-7 minutes each  until golden brown. After that, cover the pan with a lid, slightly reduce the heat and simmer the dish 4–5 minutes. That's it, the fried loin on the bone is ready! To be already one hundred percent sure, you can pierce it with the tip of a knife and see which meat flows from the juice. If it is transparent, then you can turn off the burner and call everyone to the dining table. If not, then extend the frying time yet for 4–5 minutes. Important:  the main thing is not to overexpose the loin, otherwise the dish will be dry.

Step 3: serve the fried loin to the bones.

We spread the fried loin with a wooden spatula on a special flat plate, decorate with fresh vegetables if desired and serve it with a glass of dry white or red wine, as well as pieces of bread, to the dining table.
Good appetite!

To prepare a delicious dish, you need to choose a juicy fresh loin. To do this, first of all, pay attention to the color - it should be pale pink, and the meat must be unbroken. The layers of fat and fat should be white;

In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, the meat can be grated with any other to your taste;

The loin can be fried not only on the stove, but also on the grill. You can also use a grill pan, then the meat will turn out more roasted and juicy.

Today we’ll talk about how to cook pork loin in the oven juicy and tasty. To do this, take a small cut without bone, quickly fry in a pan, and then bring to readiness in the oven. The cooking is simple. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to dry the tender meat. Perhaps the most difficult part in the recipe is to wait until the ready-made baked pork loin will “rest” the time set for it and reach its full condition. Do not violate the above recommendations, and your dish will turn out delicious, as in a restaurant!

Total cooking time: 28 minutes + 30 minutes for “rest”
  Output: 4 servings


  • boneless pork loin - 500 g
  • salt - 3 chips.
  • ground pepper mixture - 3 chips.
  • rosemary and thyme - 1 chip each.
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • garlic - 2 tooth.

How to cook pork loin

I washed the loin and dried it with paper towels. Abundantly rubbed pepper and salt on all sides.

In principle, you can limit yourself only to pepper and do not add any more seasonings in order to maintain a clean taste. But I decided to add another pinch of dried herbs - rosemary and thyme. If you wish, you can use Italian seasonings, garlic powder or buy a ready-made mixture for pork in the store.

I preheated a frying pan with thick walls and a bottom, best of all a cast iron one. It must be heated red. I poured 1 tablespoon of oil into the pan, warmed it and laid out the pork loin - fat layer down. Continued cooking over high heat, without lid, for 2 minutes.

When the fat was melted and the loin turned brown, I turned it over to the opposite side. Fried for 2 minutes, the fire should still be strong.

To "seal" all the juices inside the piece, you need to fry the loin not only from above and from below, but also the sides - about 1 minute each. In general, roasting the whole loin takes 7-8 minutes.

It remains to bring the meat to condition so that it is cooked inside a piece. I left the loin in a frying pan in which I was frying (can be transferred to a baking dish, slightly heated in the oven). The fat layer should be at the bottom. For flavor, I added a couple of garlic cloves, peeled and crushed by the flat side of the knife, to the pan. Tightly tightened the meat with foil. And immediately sent to a hot oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.

Baked for 20 minutes, then removed from the oven, but did not open the foil. Let the baked loin “rest” for 25-30 minutes, then the juices inside the meat will be evenly distributed, and will not leak out if you try to cut too hot a piece. Cooking time may vary depending on the size of the loin - if it is more than 500 grams, then it will take 30-40 minutes. Keep in mind that a short and thick piece will bake longer than the same weight, but thin and long. The exact time will help determine the meat thermometer. Inside the piece, the temperature should reach 70 degrees before rest and about 75 degrees after rest.

After the meat has stood for 30 minutes, it can be cut and served. You can serve with any side dish of your choice, with vegetables, spicy or sweet and sour sauce. Bon Appetit!