Smoked chicken: benefits and harms. The whole truth about smoked chicken is good or bad

The likelihood of colic in newborns is very high, therefore, to protect babies from harmful products, a lot is forbidden to eat to a nursing mother.

Smoked chicken during breastfeeding is often the subject of heated debate between doctors and mothers, because poultry is a dietary product. To understand this difficult issue of the benefits or harms of smoked meats, you need to consider the situation in detail from all sides.

Any smoked products available to us today are produced in two of the most popular ways:

  • Hot when the product is subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of 40 to 120 degrees.
  • Cold, this method involves the use of a lower temperature, about 20-25 degrees, but the thermal effect on the product in this case takes much longer.

Smoked meat manufacturers prefer the first method, as it is less expensive. However, in the process of cold smoking, the product retains a greater amount of nutrients.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the technology of using “liquid smoke” in the process of smoking. Chicken is covered with a liquid that gives it the properties of smoked meats: color, smell and taste. Products prepared in this way do not contain carcinogens, but are significantly inferior to natural foods. Accessibility, ease and high performance make this method very popular.

Smoked chicken breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is characterized by the fact that everything that a mother eats through milk enters the baby's body. Therefore, the positive properties of smoked chicken include the fact that smoke and heat treatment destroy most bacteria and microbes.

Also, this meat does not contain trans fats, which have great harm to the body.

All of the above applies only to well, quality cooked, poultry and better if cooked at home.

Smoked meat contraindications for nursing mother

The body of a nursing mother after birth needs to be restored, so doctors advise to exclude everything that can lead to illness or infection of the body.

Smoked meats are just on the ban list. They contain a lot of sodium, few useful substances, and carcinogens formed during smoking have an extremely negative effect on the baby's body. Therefore, in the first six months, any smoked meat should be discarded.

How to introduce smoked chicken in the diet with HS

This question excites many mothers who want to breastfeed.

  • Like any other product, such meat should be introduced gradually. And, as noted above, having waited a certain period. You need to start with a small piece of the product, which should be eaten in the morning. And then carefully monitor the baby’s reaction.
  • If there are no negative reactions, then you can periodically indulge yourself with a small amount of well-cooked smoked chicken.
  • But if there is an allergy to the baby’s skin or signs of an upset digestive system, behavior has worsened, then the use of such products should be discarded. And to introduce the product into the diet should be no earlier than a month later.

  • It is also worth noting that in its pure form there are smoked meats, not worth it. It is better to use smoked meat in salads, make sandwiches with fresh vegetables and chicken, or cook soup.
  • It is important to remember that in natural products, the composition usually contains a minimum list of components. Therefore, before buying, you should study the label of smoked chicken.

In the first three months, any harmful products are strictly prohibited.

  • In the next three months, mom’s diet is expanding slightly, but smoked meats are still banned. And only after six months you can eat a small amount of food that was previously strictly prohibited.

However, each child is individual, therefore, planning to try the next meal, you should first consult a doctor who will determine the timing of the introduction of smoked chicken in particular and other products in the diet of a nursing mother.

Smoked chicken is a tasty and rather expensive delicacy that appears on the tables of most of us exclusively on holidays. It can be used both as an independent dish, and as an ingredient in salads. In this article, we will teach you how to smoke chicken at home. We are sure that you can enjoy it not only for your birthday and New Year.

Smoke preservation

They learned to smoke meat, fish and poultry a very, very long time ago. Thus, our ancestors not only gave these products an indescribable taste and aroma, but also got the opportunity to store them for a longer time. Smoking is a kind of conservation with the help of smoke, as a result of which the product acquires antioxidant properties that inhibit the development of harmful bacteria.

When smoked, the products do not lose their useful and nutritious properties, except that the taste of spices is added to them. They can be stored without cold for up to three days, without fear of poisoning the body. It is very convenient on long trips. Having mastered the basic recipes, you will know how to smoke chicken, and you can always stock up on this delicious food when moving to any distance.

Smoking methods

Of course, the most delicious smoked chicken (however, like fish and meat) is the one that is smoked in the old way, that is, it is treated with wood smoke for a long time. It is this method that will give the products the very, true taste.

A simpler and more modern method appeared along with the so-called liquid smoke, which is obtained by combining the smoke of barely smoldering wood with water. Absolutely all smoked products sold in stores go through liquid smoke processing and are literally stuffed with various preservatives. Many of them are unlikely to add health to you. Some of their names are worth - acetone, phenol, formaldehyde and other extremely harmful components. In addition, such processing completely eliminates all the useful substances from the product, making it completely useless in terms of nutritional value.

And how to smoke hot smoked chicken in the absence of a smokehouse and without the use of not at all useful liquid smoke? Everything is fixable if the house has such a miracle of modern kitchen appliances as an air grill or In this article we will not only teach you how to use these appliances. You will also learn how to smoke chicken in a smoke-cured smokehouse using various marinades. Thus, you can always cook your favorite product in one way or another.

Straight from the smokehouse

If you are lucky and you have a smokehouse or the ability to build it, then this recipe is what you need! How to smoke chicken in a smoke-cured smokehouse so that it turns out, as they say, you lick your fingers? Of course, the whole point is the marinade and the proper preparation of the bird carcass. This is 80 percent success and a guarantee that everything will turn out to be unusually tasty.

The first method, spicy

Prepare the necessary ingredients, including:

  • Chicken - 1 carcass.
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoon.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Bay leaf - to taste.
  • Black pepper peas - 5-10 pieces.
  • Juniper berries - 5 pieces.
  • Ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Cinnamon - 1 pinch.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.
  • Water - 3 liters.

First of all, wash my chicken, cut it into two halves and gently beat it off - this way the joints and bones become softer and release the brain fluid.

Then prepare the brine. To do this, heat water in a saucepan and add salt, 2-3 finely chopped cloves of garlic, bay leaf, black pepper peas, juniper berries, cinnamon, ginger, sugar and vinegar. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

We put the halves of the chicken in a large pot or bowl and fill it with brine so that it completely covers it. Put in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

After two days, we take out our chicken halves from the brine, make many small cuts in them and stuff with garlic. Then we hang the carcass halves so that the excess brine drains and the meat is completely dry.

Then we warm the smokehouse to the maximum temperature and begin to smoke our bird, periodically dipping it in brine for a more stable aroma and bright taste. How much time do chicken smoke in the smokehouse? It depends on the size of the carcass itself. The main indicator of readiness is the shiny film on the skin of the chicken: as soon as it starts to separate easily, smoking is over. By the way, in this way it is possible to smoke not only the halves of the chicken, but also its individual parts - drumsticks, thighs, fillets or wings.

The second way, accelerated

Knowing in a smoke-cured smokehouse, you can simplify the recipe. Agree, after all, there is not always time for a long preparation of a bird. If you plan to pamper your guests or go on a business trip, the smoked-boiled chicken, the recipe of which we offer, is an excellent option. This is a quick way that everyone will like. In addition, it does not require special culinary skills.

Knowing how to smoke chicken in a hot smoked smokehouse, you can simplify the classic way, which takes three days. Agree, after all, there is not always time for a long preparation of a bird. Smoked-boiled chicken, the recipe of which we offer, does not require much effort. So, we need the following products:

  • Chicken - 1 whole carcass.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Salt (preferably sea) - to taste.
  • Spices, herbs - to taste.
  • Water - at least 3 liters.

And chicken and broth

First of all, wash my bird, put it in a large pan and fill it with water so that it covers the chicken to half. Peel the carrots and onions, cut into large pieces and add to the chicken. Pour in your favorite seasonings, salt and pepper - all in such proportions as in the broth.

We put everything on a strong fire, wait until it boils, set the flame to a minimum and carefully remove the foam. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook the chicken for about 40 minutes. It should not be completely cooked - rather, half-baked.

After the set time, we take the chicken out of the pan and leave to dry. You can speed up the process with paper towels, gently wetting excess fluid. The resulting broth can be turned into soup or served for dinner with finely chopped greens and croutons.

Next, send our half-welded chicken to the smokehouse. If you do not know how much after pre-boiling, use the instructions for your smokehouse. If not, then on average the whole process takes 2-4 hours. The finished chicken has a rich brown-golden color.

Smoked meats from a cauldron

If there is no smokehouse in the house - it doesn’t matter! You can enjoy smoked chicken in the presence of such a necessary thing in the household as a cauldron. It is from him that it will be possible to build a kind of smokehouse in which you can cook not only chicken, but also lard, meat and fish. For this we need the following items:

  • Cast iron cauldron.
  • A stand in the form of a tin cylinder (you can use a can of canned food).
  • Metal plate.
  • Wooden sticks.
  • Alder sawdust.

First we cook the bird. To do this, cut it into pieces, rub it with salt and leave it to be salted for 1 hour. While the chicken is "resting", we proceed to the manufacture of our ersatz-smokehouse.

Do it yourself

We take a cast-iron cauldron and pour alder sawdust to the bottom. Sprinkle them with water and lightly sprinkle with sugar, mix. Thanks to this, the chicken will acquire a beautiful caramel color.

In the middle of the cauldron, we set up a tin can with a cut bottom and holes drilled on the sides: it should be stable on sawdust. On top of this design, we make an impromptu lattice of wooden sticks, set a metal plate or bowl on it and put our meat in one layer there. The pieces should fit snugly against one another. We cover the cauldron with a lid, send to the stove and simmer for 60-80 minutes until a golden brown color appears.

Miracles of Aerogrill

And finally, we offer one more option of smoked chicken in haste using air grill and liquid smoke. As we wrote above, this product will not bring health benefits, but if you do not abuse it, there will not be much harm.

We will need wings, hips, or a chicken carcass cut into pieces. We dry my bird, dry it with a paper towel, rub it well with salt and your favorite spices and leave it to marinate for 30-40 minutes. After this time, coat the chicken with liquid smoke and let it rest for another 30 minutes.

Put the grill in the air grill, heat it to a temperature of 250 degrees and put the prepared chicken there. The process of smoking in the air grill will take 40-50 minutes.

Hot smoked chicken is an independent dish, an appetizer, and an ingredient in salads or soups. Find it in the store today is not a problem: many chains sell mouth-watering smoked carcasses.

But a home-made dish is healthier and tastier: fresher, without carcinogenic liquid smoke and other "chemistry".

In addition, you can use different recipes for hot smoked chicken and each time you get a new interesting dish. Such a delicacy will not get bored, unlike the store.

If you have a hot smoked smokehouse, the chicken in it will be cooked in just 40-60 minutes (chopped). Preparing a delicacy at home is simple.

Preparing chicken for hot smoking

The question of how to prepare chicken for hot smoking is relevant. There are no trifles, since it depends on this stage:

  • whether the chicken will pickle;
  • whether it smokes evenly;
  • and after how much it will be ready.

In order for the chicken to smoky evenly, it is important to cut it into pieces that are close in size. You can smoke wings, thighs / drumsticks, breast separately, the whole bird or cut in half.

Important: small pieces will cook faster than large ones. For example, the wings are smoked for 40 minutes, and the whole chicken - 1.5-3 hours.

Preparing chicken for hot smoking:

1. Before smoking, the chicken is gutted.

2. Rinse thoroughly.

3. Cut.

4. Marinate in brine or rub with spices.

If you smoke whole chicken, it is better to use a special nozzle. With it, smoke will be distributed throughout the smokehouse, and the bird will smoke evenly inside and out. In addition, the chicken nozzle simplifies the preparation of the chicken for smoking and reduces the time it takes for the carcass to cook.

If you want to quickly smoke a bird, you will have to cut it. Remove the spine and large bones: the thymus and the thoracic, and beat off the resulting chicken halves between 2 cutting boards. So you soften the joints and bones. You can beat off the chicken with a culinary hammer, hatchet or any heavy object. So that the spray does not fly in different directions, half carcasses are previously placed in a plastic bag.

Hot Smoked Chicken Marinade

Before sending chicken to the smokehouse, it must be salted or pickled in one way or another:

    dry method;

    wet method;


The time of its preparation and the duration of salting will depend on how you decide to marinate the chicken for hot smoking. If you do not want to wait long, it is better to extrude the carcass. You are afraid that the chicken will pickle unevenly - prepare a brine. Otherwise, the dry method is suitable.

With the dry salting method, it is enough to grate the bird with salt (20 g per 1 kg of meat) and spices, place in a plastic bag and leave for 1.5-2 hours.

Best combined with chicken

  • coriander;

  • rosemary;

  • black pepper;


For the wet method, you need to prepare a brine. There are many options for pickles - choose any.

Popular smoked chicken marinades recipes

The following are basic recipes. You can follow them or take your favorite chicken smoking brine as a basis and experiment with seasonings. Adding spices to your taste in a standard recipe will make your familiar product unusual.

Simple marinade

All marinades are prepared at the rate of 1.5 liters of water per 1 kg of chicken. The simplest recipe is a salt solution. To prepare it, you need 1.5 cups of table salt and 1.5 liters of water. You can add a little vinegar to taste.

In the resulting brine, the chicken must be left at least 24 hours. Keep the bird in a cool place.

Spicy pickle

For 1.5 liters of warm boiled water, take the ingredients:

    salt - 100 g;

  • black pepper;

    bay leaf.

Dissolve the salt in water, add seasonings and bring the mixture to a boil - the marinade is ready. When it cools to room temperature, you can lay the chicken and put on top of the press. In this brine, leave the bird for 18-25 hours.

Piquant Marinade

To make unusual the familiar taste of hot smoked chicken, the pickle for pickling the bird can be slightly changed by adding cinnamon, a little sugar and aromatic herbs to taste. Some sophisticated smokers recommend juniper berries or ground ginger, and salt is replaced with soy sauce.

With the wet method, the chicken is kept in brine for at least 18 hours. In this case, you need to regularly turn the pieces or half carcasses if the bird is cut.

When there is no time to wait, the bird is sprinkled with marinade. Punctures should be done every 3-5 cm. Since the brine is injected directly into the thickness of the chicken, the pickling time is reduced to 1-2 hours.

How to smoke chicken in a hot smoked smokehouse

To smoke chicken evenly in a smokehouse, you need to adhere to several rules.

1. Salted or pickled chicken must be air dried for 1-2 hours before hot smoking. If this is not done, moisture will prevent smoke from entering the carcass. On the surface of the chicken forms a "shell", otherwise it is called "hardening". Because of it, the bird inside will remain damp, and the outside will be covered with a hard crust.

2. Chicken is placed on the grate of the smokehouse so that smoke evenly envelops each bite. If possible, it is better to suspend half-carcasses or pieces.

3. To smoke whole chicken you will need a special nozzle. Without it, evenly smoked the carcass will be difficult.

4. For hot smoked chicken 1-2 handfuls of wood chips are enough. Wood shavings should only cover the bottom of the smokehouse with a thin layer, otherwise the smoke will be too thick.

If you smoke chicken in a smoke-cured smokehouse according to these rules, it will be cooked evenly, it will turn out tender, without bitterness and an unpleasant aftertaste.

Hot Smoked Chicken

Hot smoked chicken temperature changes. It must be monitored during the cooking process.

If you took the whole carcass, during the first hour maintain the temperature in the smokehouse about 80 ºС, then lower to 40 ºС and leave for another 1-2 hours.

Halves are cooked in about 1 hour. In the first 10 minutes, the fire should be maximum, and when smoke from the smokehouse appears, reduce heat to a minimum. Now smoldering need only be maintained.

The wings are prepared at 60-80 ºС according to the same principle: first, maximum heating - then fire to a minimum.

How much to smoke hot smoked chicken in the smokehouse

At home, hot smoking of chicken in the smokehouse lasts from 40 minutes to 1.5-3 hours. But this is only an estimate.

Hot smoked chicken times vary depending on various factors:

  • the size of the pieces (whole chicken smokes longer);
  • duration of salting;
  • age of the bird (the older it is, the meat is tougher there and, accordingly, the cooking will take longer.)

There is no exact answer to the question of how much smoked chicken is in the smokehouse. You need to check the readiness of the bird from time to time.

A golden crust, dry and evenly colored, is a sign that the chicken has been smoked.

But if you doubt your readiness, pierce the carcass in the thickest place and see what the resulting juice will be. If it is transparent, the chicken is ready.

Before serving, remove the skin from the bird. She absorbed a lot of harmful substances, ashes, ashes and it is definitely not worth using it. Do not forget to “air” freshly-smoked chicken in the fresh air for several hours.

Hot smoked chicken cooked in a smokehouse is more healthy than purchased chicken. You do not use liquid smoke, preservatives and flavor enhancers, and are also confident in the quality and freshness of the bird. To make home-made delicacy tastier, use not frozen, but chilled bird.

Try proven popular marinades, experiment and create your own smoked chicken recipes in the smokehouse!

Fragrant and tasty smoked chicken has long occupied a place of honor in the refrigerators of many CIS residents. Hundreds of people give preference to this type of dish, saving time on cooking products and enjoying the pleasant and unique taste of smoked meats.

Eating smoked chicken is a matter of taste, but many gourmets are not even aware of what kind of load this product carries on the body.

"Pros and cons"

There are many conflicting opinions about the negative and positive effects of smoked meat on the human body. With all this, smoked products have taken a stable position in the sales market and are not going to leave store shelves.

Endless debate can be held on the benefits and harms of smoked chicken, and the public is unlikely to come to a common opinion. To understand how smoked chicken affects the human body, it is necessary to consider in detail the composition of meat and its properties.

The unique taste of smoked chicken attracts many gourmets. The popularity of this dish mainly lies in its most famous property - long storage. Of course, not only travelers and tourists, but also ordinary consumers buy smoked chicken, but only a few know about the benefits of meat processed by smoking.

The composition of meat contains the following substances:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium.

These elements are indispensable materials in the human body and help to avoid diseases such as heart attack, stroke and hypertension.

Chicken meat contains a huge proportion of easily digestible protein, while it has a low calorie content, being inherently a dietary product, especially when refusing to use peels.


Despite the large number of positive characteristics of smoked chicken meat, this product may well be harmful to the body.

Firstly, any kind of smoked meat is contraindicated in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of such a product can lead to exacerbations of ulcers, gastritis and disrupt the acid-base balance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, in addition to natural smoking, there is another way to cook this tasty meat - chemical processing. That is, under the influence of chemicals, meat acquires the same taste and properties as with natural smoking. The disadvantage of this treatment is the presence in meat of a large number of phenols and carcinogens, which cause the formation of tumors. And if during natural processing these elements are contained in small quantities, then in the chicken, processed by chemical means, they are many times more. Also do not forget about the chicken itself. Artificially bred birds are often raised with hormones and treated with antibiotics.

Thirdly, do not forget that the frequent use of chicken, even natural smoked, as well as other smoked products, can lead over time to the development of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Gourmet Health

Summing up and determining the positive and negative qualities of smoked poultry, all the data can be reduced to several points.

The benefits and harms of smoked chicken for humans:

  • Chicken meat consists of high-quality protein, which is easily absorbed by the body;
  • When processed by cold smoking, most of the trace elements and vitamins are preserved;
  • The product is low in calories with a low cholesterol content, especially if consumed without skin.

The negative properties include only the choice of a low-quality product and the possibility of tumors. However, the harm that can be caused by smoked chicken meat refers only to abuse of this dish.

Thus, the benefits and harms of high-quality smoked chicken for humans are not comparable in the absence of excessive consumption of this product. Write about how you feel about smoked chicken in the comments!

Smoked Chicken: Calories and Content

What could be better than having gathered in a circle of friends, after a hard day's work, to enjoy smoked chicken and cold beer? It is amazing how many gourmets, despite the high calorie content, prefer to replace baked poultry with its smoked counterpart.

Of course, in most cases this is just a matter of taste, but there are other reasons why it is sometimes worth giving preference to the smoked version of the preparation.

Of course, there are many conflicting opinions on the benefits and harms of smoked meats, however, despite the negative reviews, smoked chicken has not ceased to be popular among buyers. The thing is its unique taste, which cannot be achieved by other cooking methods. In addition, it has other advantages, which, unfortunately, are not inherent in baked and fried options. Take, for example, her wonderful conservation qualities. Thanks to cold smoking or long-term heat treatment, smoked chicken is stored for much longer, without losing its piquancy and delicate taste.

And if we talk about the benefits, then chicken, like no other, is good for our health. The phosphorus, protein, potassium and magnesium, which it contains in excess, are indispensable building materials for our body and help to prevent diseases such as hypertension, stroke and heart attack. Moreover, natural smoking gives the finished product a good bacterial effect, without introducing cholesterol and additional trans fats into it, which cannot be avoided when frying.

A few words about calorie content

Chicken meat is one of the most valuable and nutritious foods for the human body. Since chicken has a low fat content, it can be safely called dietary. It is often recommended for athletes, as it contains vitamins A, B and PP. Smoked chicken is unusually rich in iron, so it is also recommended for people with low hemoglobin.

So, it is worth summing up some of the positive aspects of smoking:

  • rich taste;
  • low in fat and cholesterol;
  • high protein content and vitamins;
  • amino acids in their original natural form;
  • nutritional value;

However, there is another side to the coin that would be dishonest to ignore. Smoked meat in any form is contraindicated for people with any disorders in the digestive system. It is important to remember that smoking is carried out both naturally and chemically, which does not bring any benefit to the body.

The real benefit will be brought only by natural smoking, so when buying it is worth paying attention to exactly how it was carried out.

Chemical smoking is not always at first glance distinguishable from natural smoking, so you should be careful and buy such meat in trusted places. Otherwise, it can lead to serious health problems. After all, it is well known that chemical smoking increases the risk of developing tumors and contributes to obesity. Of course, this applies to regular use of the product. If you allow yourself to eat harmful smoked meat once a year and you have no health problems, this will not lead to fatal consequences.

Choose wisely

If this bird was not brought to you by your grandmother, then there is already a risk. Chickens grown “artificially” for smoking or grilling are often stuffed with antibiotics and hormones. For the birds themselves, this serves as protection against infection, however, in our country, the consumption of this kind of meat can cause a decrease in the immune system and disturbances in the microflora of the body. Often this manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

Without a doubt, one does not have to go to any extremes. Such is life, that we cannot completely protect ourselves from the harmful effects of the environment, but we are able to take measures to minimize the risk. We will remember that natural smoking has its irrefutable advantages, and chemical treatment of the product, in particular chicken meat, is best avoided.

Description of the properties and taste of smoked chicken with a photo, its calorie content and harm, as well as the recipe for its preparation at home

Smoked chicken, although it is considered not a very useful product, it is loved by many and for quite some time. It attracts with its mouth-watering look and unique aroma (see photo). For smoking, meaty carcasses are selected, which are then treated with smoke. Thanks to proper processing, harmful substances cease to spread on the chicken, which allows it to be stored for a sufficiently long time (without a refrigerator, the chicken will be allowed to eat for 2 days). Given this, she is often taken with her on picnics and on trips.

The traditional method of smoking is considered one for which special equipment is used. The chicken has been in such chambers for a long time, and during this period it is treated with wood smoke. Modern manufacturers use liquid smoke to reduce the treatment period and significantly save. In this case, the carcasses are first subjected to heat treatment, and then immersed in containers with liquid smoke and various preservatives.

Today on the shelves of shops you can find smoked chicken of 2 types:

  • Cold smoked. In this case, the carcasses are kept over the smoke of a smoldering fire for several days. In this case, the temperature does not increase more than 30 degrees.
  • Hot smoked. This option can significantly save time, since the carcasses are in special smokehouses. This treatment allows you to get a more delicate and flavorful chicken.

Cooking use

Smoked chicken is an excellent independent dish, which can be served for dinner or at the festive table. In addition, it can be used in recipes for salads, snacks, etc. Its original taste also helps to improve the taste of the first, second and main dishes. In general, smoked chicken is an excellent product for culinary experiments.

To make the product not only tasty, but not harmful to the body, it is best to cook it at home. This can be done, either in whole or in part. For smoking, it is best to choose young chickens whose meat is more tender. The carcasses should be thoroughly washed, and then choose one of the proposed options: boil for several minutes in salted water; soak for 3 days in saline solution (1 tbsp of salt per 1 liter of water). You can also keep the chicken in the marinade for 12 hours. You also need to purchase a special smokehouse. Consider one of the options for smoked chicken. To do this, you need to take a chicken carcass, salt, pepper and your favorite spices.

The chicken must be thoroughly wiped with spices, and sent to a plastic sleeve for several hours. This is necessary so that the meat is thoroughly soaked. After that, the carcass should be hung out in fresh air so that it dries out. Then send the chicken to the smokehouse, and cook for 40 minutes. under intense fire. Before use, it is recommended to remove the skin from the carcass, since harmful substances have formed in it.

Smoked chicken harm and contraindications

Smoked chicken can cause harm due to its high calorie content and fat content, so do not use the product in large quantities. It is worth abandoning the product if there is an individual intolerance to the product. With frequent use of smoked chicken, you can provoke the appearance of obesity, as well as the accumulation of cholesterol and carcinogens in the body. All this in turn causes the formation of atherosclerosis and cancer. Smoked chicken is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems. If you use a product treated with liquid smoke, then toxins enter the body, which can trigger the appearance of various diseases and problems.

Smoked Chicken: Pros and Cons

There are many ways to cook chicken and one of them is very popular among all segments of the population. We are talking about smoked chicken, which is so loved by regulars of small cafes and outdoor recreation.

As a rule, smoked chicken lovers talk about its taste. True, almost no one thinks about how much harm they do to their health by consuming such foods. For the consumption of smoked chicken, by the way, there are many contraindications, for which for some reason everyone is silent.

Many people naively believe that chicken is useful in any form, but, unfortunately, it is not. In addition, such a dish is well seasoned, which also does not add to its benefits. Chicken meat is considered a healthy dietary product, but you need to eat it without a peel.

The main harm is caused by fat, which contains cholesterol and carcinogens. An increase in blood cholesterol leads to the development of atherosclerosis, and carcinogens, as they accumulate in the body, cause the appearance of tumors and malignant neoplasms. Due to its high calorie content, smoked chicken can cause obesity, which will later cause heart problems and hypertension.

Fortunately, all the negative consequences arise only with the regular use of this dish. If you occasionally treat yourself to a piece of smoked meat, there will be nothing wrong. True, with problems with the stomach, it is better not to try such dishes, so as not to provoke an exacerbation.

Not every food that tastes good will be beneficial, so weigh the pros and cons. Remember that prevention is the best protection of your health and the key to a happy life.

Chicken meat can be consumed without harm to health in much larger quantities than any other meat. Chicken meat contains a large amount of minerals that we need - protein, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, and vitamins - B2, B6, B12, A and E. There are no carbohydrates in chicken meat at all, and there is very little fat. It contains few calories, therefore, dieters, or those who want to keep fit, can safely eat a chicken.

Chicken meat  helps with diseases such as polyarthritis, gout, peptic ulcer, diabetes. In people suffering from type 2 diabetes, it is thanks to chicken that the content of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids in the blood serum increases. These acids are better absorbed by the body, because of them chicken meat helps to prevent atherosclerosis, as well as related diseases: stroke, heart attack, ischemia, hypertension.

Young chicken is considered the most healthy.

But also in the cold season chicken  on the table brings no less the benefits. It has long been used as a cure for colds, in the form of a broth.

Chicken broth - the chicken itself, water, salt, onions, peppers, carrots - helped in the fight against the disease, added strength and strengthened health. At present, an abundance of various medicines for colds is offered, but chicken broth still takes its place of honor among them.

Smoking, the harm of smoked chicken

Smoking has been used by people for a long time, as a special type of preservation of the product, in which this product acquires a pleasant taste, golden brown color and a characteristic aroma.

This is the process of treating food products with a smoke-air mixture to achieve antioxidant and bacterial effects.

Smoking is traditional and modern canning.

Traditional smoking is cold and hot.

Cold smoked

Cold smoking is carried out at a temperature of 18-22 ° C and is used for the manufacture of long-term delicacies. It takes the smoking process from 3 to 45 days.

Cold smoked technology is dangerous for the human body. With it, the accumulation of radioactive isotopes in the product occurs due to the duration of the process, which also disfigures the amino acids contained in the product.

Hot smoked

Hot smoking is carried out at a temperature of 35-45 ° C and it is used for the manufacture of cooked-smoked products, not intended for long-term storage. The process of such smoking takes 12-48 hours. With hot smoking, both the aroma and taste are completely different from those of the cold, it’s even more likely just baking the product in smoke.

If you use smoked food by traditional technology from time to time, just like a delicacy, then there will be no particular harm to health.

This can not be said about modern "smoked" products.

"Liquid smoke"

The duration and energy intensity of the process has led to the search for new economical and quick ways of smoking, and even just to give smoked products.

Modern smoking is the use of "liquid smoke" - a special smoking preparation, or in placing the product in a high voltage electrostatic field.

This smoke liquid appeared in the first half of the 19th century. It was discovered by the Russian scientist N.V. Karazin. The liquid production process was a high-temperature treatment of smoldering wood chips. Smoke entered the vortex aggregate, which ensured the effective dissolution of smoke components in water.

For some reason, this invention is attributed to S. Colegin, who patented smoke liquid only at the beginning of the 20th century.

This is not so important, because that smoke-accelerating technology has “accelerated” even more.

Now a small product can simply be bathed in a smoke potion, thermally processed and an end product with the taste of “traditional” smoking can be obtained. A large product does not urinate, but receives an injection of smoke fluid.

The aroma with a spicy tint present in such "modern" smoked products is associated with:

  • 66% with the presence of phenol - an extremely toxic substance;
  • 14% with the presence of carbonyl compounds - and this is formaldehyde, glyoxal, acetone, furfural, glycolaldehyde, methylglyoxal and others;
  • 20% with the presence of the remaining smoke components.

There is simply no point in talking about the nutritional value and usefulness of such products.

All this, of course, applies to smoked chicken.

Smoked meats are known to significantly increase the risk of developing tumors.

Smoking chickens for grilling are grown on antibiotics, bone meal and estrogen. Estrogen is a female sex hormone that causes an increase in body weight, not only in chicken, but also in the person consuming it. And from antibiotics added to poultry feed to protect against infections, consumers of chicken meat begin to decline immunity, the beneficial microflora is destroyed and allergies appear.

If you occasionally allow yourself to "play with fire" in the form of an appetizing smoked chicken, then I advise you not to eat chicken skin.

Chicken skin is the most susceptible part of the avian organism. During cooking, it is there that a huge amount of carcinogens accumulate.

In addition, to improve the taste, chicken is abundantly sprinkled with sodium glutomate - a flavor enhancer.

For reference: monosodium glutamate is a food supplement to enhance the taste, which is a white powder, highly soluble in water. It is proved that this supplement causes quite serious depressive changes in the psyche: in a child - hyperactivity, in an adult - chronic fatigue syndrome. Monosodium glutamate, accumulating in the body, can cause very severe attacks of bronchial asthma. Causes Alzheimer's disease.

The benefits of chicken  set out at the beginning of this article. So is it worth it to refuse, eating smoked chicken. After all, chicken is excellent in taste and in boiled form, and in the form of a carcass stretched over a bottle, visible in the oven ...

Lilia Jurkanis
  for women's magazine website

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