Pear confiture is an extraordinary delicacy with various additives. Pear jam for the winter - a simple recipe for sweet preservation

So, the task has been set, we will cook using a multicooker. To do this, you will have to be patient, pears, for each kilogram of which you will need about 700–800 grams of sugar and 1 lemon. The amount of sand depends on the sweetness of the pear variety. Wash the fruits by removing the petioles, then, without peeling the skin, cut them into rectangular pieces. In this case, be sure to remove the cores with seeds. Then we put the slices in the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar, after which we usually put the workpiece aside and wait for the juice to appear.

This will take 3-4 hours and most of the sugar will dissolve. In a multicooker, it’s easier to set the “Stew” mode and get pretty good results in just 60 minutes. a large number of juice and sugar completely dissolved in it. Having achieved the result, cool the mass for 2 hours. Next, set another mode on the household appliance: “Steaming”, and on the timer – 15 minutes. We start the multicooker, and it is better not to lower the lid all the way; you can leave a spoon in the bowl, the handle of which will not allow the container to completely close and will leave a thin gap for steam. When the time is up, stir and cool the brew for another 2 hours.

Making pear jam in a slow cooker

Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour 2 full tablespoons into the bowl, and then again, without changing the mode, start the timer for 15 minutes. It is possible to replace the juice with diluted citric acid, which requires 0.5 teaspoon per 2 tablespoons of water. You can cut the citrus pulp into slices and put a few in the preparation to give it exotic taste. Next, turn off the multicooker, mix the mixture thoroughly and cool it for 2 hours. By this point, the mixture has already thickened sufficiently, so the next step will require more frequent stirring.

So, again in the “Steam” mode, set the timer for 15 minutes and prepare the jam, regularly making a circular motion with the spoon along the walls and bottom so that the pear pieces do not stick to the surface and burn. At the same time, we put the jars to sterilize in the microwave or over steam. When the set time has expired, hot product pour into a container and immediately roll up. Cool in a warm place, first turning it over to see through the glass of the jars to see if bubbles appear in the area of ​​the lids. If you see this, put the unreliable ones in the refrigerator and consume them first.

This recipe is for those who like to combine different fruits. Take in equal shares pears, apples and sugar, that is, only 1 kilogram each. Also prepare peeled sunflower seeds, about 30 grams. Wash the fruits thoroughly and select the ripest and hardest ones so as not to become sour during cooking. Cut off the peel, then cut the fruit into slices, scraping out the cores with seeds.

Pear and apple jam

Don't miss wormholes either - if there are any in the fruit, they also need to be carefully removed. Now we chop everything and put the slices in the multicooker bowl, and sprinkle granulated sugar and seeds on top. Remove the steam valve from the lid and cover the container. Now let's set up the settings of the household appliance. You need the “Extinguishing” mode, and the timer should be set to 60 minutes. You can close the lid tightly only for the first 15-20 minutes, then you will need to periodically stir the mass so that it does not burn to the walls and bottom. A foam may also appear, which needs to be skimmed off with a spoon.

Therefore, every 5–10 minutes it is recommended to pause and stir the workpiece. After the specified time has passed, pour the brew into prepared sterilized jars under the edges of the necks and roll them up, and after the preservation has cooled, put it in a cool cellar. You can change the recipe a little and use walnuts instead of seeds.

The following recipe can be called exotic, since it involves oranges along with pears. You will need equal quantities of both fruits, that is, 1 kilogram each. Also take 2 kilos granulated sugar, this is not too much, given the inherent sourness of citrus fruits. Cut the washed and peeled pears in half and remove the cores.

Oranges should be washed very carefully, since they will be divided in half and then into thin narrow slices along with the peel.

Orange slices with peel for jam

First place the pears in the multicooker bowl, and citrus fruits on top, so that during the process of preparing the jam they release juice, soaking the slices with it. Let's pour it over fruit mixture sugar, and then set the “Stew” mode on the multicooker. Set the timer to 90 minutes. In this case, it is advisable to remove the steam valve, or even not close the lid completely, especially since you need to stir the mass during the cooking process. After the time has passed, sterilize the jars without lifting the multicooker lid, then hot billet put it in a container and screw it up.

It is best to immerse metal lids in boiling water for a minute to prevent bacteria from entering the preserves. It is recommended to cool it upside down, under a warm blanket; it can be stored either in the cellar, in the pantry, or on the mezzanine. Attention - in order to mix the jam in the multicooker, do not use a metal spoon under any circumstances, it can scratch the surface of the bowl. It is better to take a wooden spatula or a plastic one, if one is included in the kit.

Sunset with melon - dessert in honey

This recipe will be interesting to those who love especially sweet preparations. To begin, prepare 1 kilogram of sliced ​​pears and melon pulp, peeled and seeded. The fruits must be washed well, the skins do not need to be peeled off, and the melon berries must be chosen when they are ripe so that they soften completely when cooked. You will need 1.2 kilograms of sugar, in addition, you should have 3 lemons from which you should squeeze the juice.

The recipe also includes a seasoning such as anise, in the amount of 2 stars, but if you don’t like it, you don’t have to put it in the canning. Place the sliced ​​pears and melons in a multicooker bowl and add sugar, and then pour in the juice of 2 lemons. Set the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes, the melon will release juice very quickly. Cool the mixture for 2 hours, then set the “Steam” mode for 1 hour and, stirring from time to time, cook, removing the foam. By the end of the specified time, the melon will almost completely soften, turning into a homogeneous sweet mass, in which pieces of pear will float.

Leave the workpiece to cool for 4 hours with the lid closed. Then add the juice of 1 more lemon and its zest, add anise and set the timer for 15 minutes without changing the mode. Now you need to stir more often so that the thickened mass does not burn to the walls and bottom of the bowl. We sterilize the jars, and when the timer signals the end of cooking, transfer them with the pear into containers and roll up the lids, which are first immersed in boiling water for 1 minute.

Pears even after heat treatment retain majority useful substances. Ripe fruits saturated with potassium, calcium, vitamin C. Jam from these fruits can be eaten with tea, cereals, sandwiches, cottage cheese, even with meat. Any dish will be healthier with a flavorful dessert.

Cooking features

You can make jam from any pears, but it is better to take summer, sweet varieties. Overripe, “wasting” fruits are also suitable. Please ensure that the fruits are free from dirt, rot and mold. Throw away any obviously damaged copies.

The amount of sugar can be varied depending on the recipe. It all depends on personal preference and the type of pear. It is better to generously cover sour, astringent, dense fruits with granulated sugar. This way they will soak faster and release juice. Sweeten juicy, aromatic fruits moderately. The same goes for water. Watery pears do not need additional liquid. It is recommended to dilute “dry” fruits with water.

If everything is calculated and taken into account, you can start cooking. You will need the following devices and utensils:

  • pot;
  • wooden or silicone spatula;
  • sharp knife;
  • vegetable peeler;
  • cutting board;
  • masher or automatic kitchen chopper;
  • scales;
  • beaker;
  • seaming key;
  • containers with lids for storage;
  • towel.

Before sealing, the jars should be washed, dried and sterilized. After cooking is complete, screw the lids on and turn the containers upside down until they cool completely. It is enough to cook the jam for an average of one hour, then you can store the delicacy for one and a half to two years. For aroma and taste you can add to the recipe:

  • almond;
  • zest;
  • vanillin;
  • alcohol (cognac, brandy, liqueur);
  • fruits;
  • sour berries;
  • ground confectionery spices.

Unlike jam, which allows for solid elements, dense pieces, and whole berries, jam should turn out tender, melting in your mouth. Therefore, the pears are peeled before slicing. Only use the pulp, cut into cubes or slices.

A selection of recipes

Dessert by the following recipes prepared without sterilization. Sugar, lemon juice, alcohol, thickener play the role of natural preservatives. Before laying out the jam, just scald the containers with water several times and dry. In order not to doubt the longevity of the treat, it is recommended to sterilize the container in any convenient way.


Description . Traditional jam is made from fruit and sugar with the addition of lemon juice or acid. To taste, you can add a pinch of vanillin or zest.

What you will need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit and cut off the skin.
  2. Cut into four pieces and cut out the cores.
  3. Boil the water.
  4. Post it fruit slices into a saucepan, pour boiling water over it.
  5. Let it cook for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Add sugar, mix well.
  7. Reduce heat, mash the mixture with a spoon or masher.
  8. Leave to simmer for about 20 minutes.
  9. Pour in lemon juice.
  10. Boil for another 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  11. Place into containers and seal.


Description . This apple and pear delicacy is quick and easy to prepare. The fruits complement each other well and create jam. perfect consistency. Thickener is added if necessary to make the mixture thicker. If desired, finely chopped nuts or candied fruits are added to the dessert.

What you will need:

  • pears - 500 g;
  • apples - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • liquid pectin - 150 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - half a teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash and peel the fruit.
  2. Cut into arbitrary pieces.
  3. Heat until boiling, remembering to stir.
  4. Add spice, juice, thickener.
  5. Cook after boiling for about half an hour over low heat.
  6. Having achieved the desired consistency, remove from heat and pour into containers.

Fresh apple juice can be used instead of a thickener. Fill up pear slices sugar, leave in the refrigerator for a day. Pour in the juice squeezed from apples (a glass per kilogram of pears), cook over low heat. Excess liquid will boil away, leaving a jelly-like jam in the pan.


Description . The apple-pear combination is perfectly complemented by quince fruits, which are usually not consumed raw. Fruits have subtle aroma, ideal for making jam and marmalade.

What you will need:

  • pears - 500 g;
  • green apples - 500 g;
  • quince - 500 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit and remove the skin.
  2. Slice large cubes.
  3. Place in a saucepan, pour in water.
  4. Add half the sugar.
  5. Cook over low heat until the fruits are soft.
  6. Add the remaining granulated sugar and mix.
  7. Wait for it to boil, cook for another five minutes.
  8. Grind with any household appliance until pureed.
  9. Boil the mixture and pour into prepared containers.

If a meat grinder is used to grind the fruit mass, it is recommended to rotate the mixture twice to achieve a porridge-like consistency. You can also strain the fruit through a fine sieve.

With banana and kiwi

Description . Thickeners, depending on the type, give the dessert a consistency of varying density. To make the jam resemble jelly, the easiest way is to add gelatin granules. Cooking will not take much time, and the jam will acquire the necessary thickness.

What you will need:

  • pears - three pieces;
  • banana - three pieces;
  • kiwi - three pieces;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • gelatin - 10 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the banana skin and cut the pulp into circles.
  2. Place in a thick-bottomed pan, pour in the juice.
  3. Peel the pears and kiwis.
  4. Cut into cubes.
  5. Add sugar and let it cook.
  6. After boiling, add gelatin granules.
  7. Stir and cook until excess moisture has evaporated (the process may take an hour).
  8. Pour into containers.


Description . Plum fruits are great for making jam, marmalade, and marmalade. The dessert takes on a pleasant burgundy color. If desired, you can take different quantities fruit.

What you will need:

  • pear - 500 g;
  • plum - 500 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 50 ml.

How to cook

  1. Wash the fruit, cut out the cores, remove the seeds.
  2. Place the plums in a saucepan, pour in water.
  3. After boiling, cook for five minutes over low heat.
  4. Remove the skin from the pears and cut into slices.
  5. Add to the pan, stir.
  6. Bring to a boil, stirring the fruit mixture occasionally.
  7. Add sugar.
  8. Boil for a minute after it dissolves, stirring constantly.
  9. Turn off the burner.
  10. Stir for about five minutes, skimming off any foam that forms.
  11. Place in containers, close, and leave the seal to cool.


Description . Beautiful "sunny" jam is different delicate aroma, pleasant taste. Ripe nectarines and sour pears are suitable for this recipe.

What you will need:

  • pear - four pieces;
  • peach - four pieces;
  • sugar - 400 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears and cut out the cores.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Remove the pits from the peaches.
  4. Grind the fruit in a food processor or any other kitchen appliance.
  5. Add sugar and place on the stove.
  6. Cook after boiling over low heat until the jam thickens.
  7. Distribute among jars and roll up.


Description . You can get by with just zest or juice. The delicacy will be aromatic, light, with a pleasant sour taste. But a real gourmet is not looking for simple ways, so it is recommended to make jam with lemon pulp.

What you will need:

  • ripe or overripe pears - 1 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • sugar - two glasses.

How to cook

  1. Rinse the fruit and dry with a napkin.
  2. Carefully remove the skin from the lemon using a vegetable peeler or any other convenient method.
  3. Cut the fruit into slices.
  4. Cut each slice lengthwise with a sharp knife and remove the film.
  5. Remove the seeds.
  6. Place the separated pulp into a saucepan.
  7. Add sugar.
  8. Peel the pears.
  9. Cut into arbitrary slices.
  10. Add lemon pulp and sugar and mix.
  11. Place the pan on the stove and cook over low heat until it boils.
  12. Without ceasing to stir, boil the pear pieces until mushy (this takes about an hour).
  13. Turn off the stove and leave the workpiece open for three to four hours.
  14. Put it back on the fire, cook, stirring constantly.
  15. Having achieved thickness, put the jam in jars and roll up.


Description . The recipe can be called “Five Minute”, since the confiture is prepared easily and quickly. Depending on the variety and softness of the fruit, preparation and cooking takes from 30 to 60 minutes.

What you will need:

  • pear - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - one;
  • sugar - 500 g.

How to cook

  1. Peeled pear pulp cut in half.
  2. Cut out the cores.
  3. Chop into thin slices.
  4. Peel the orange and chop finely.
  5. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp.
  6. Place pear slices into the pan.
  7. Add sugar, zest and juice.
  8. Let it simmer over low heat.
  9. After boiling, boil for 15 minutes.
  10. Place into containers and roll up.


Description . There are several options for preparing dessert with a subtle mint flavor. You can boil the fruit mixture along with green branches, use dry crushed leaves, or prepare mint decoction, in which fruit slices will be boiled. Pears can be ground into porridge, left in slices or crushed with a masher. You can also add a thickener to give the jam a jelly-like consistency. Below is the easiest way to prepare mint dessert.

What you will need:

  • pears - 2 kg;
  • lime - five pieces;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • mint leaves;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Peel the pears and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut into small slices.
  3. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. Add sugar and leave for a while to release the juice.
  5. Grate the lime zest on a fine grater.
  6. Cut off the white layer with a thin knife.
  7. Remove the film from each slice and remove the seeds.
  8. Chop mint leaves.
  9. Add lime, zest and herbs to pears.
  10. Let it cook, stirring gently.
  11. Cook over low heat until the fruit is soft.
  12. If foam forms, skim it off.
  13. Having achieved the desired consistency, pour into containers.

To avoid peeling limes for a long time, chop the whole fruit using a food processor. Add the resulting green pulp to the pears.


Description . Ginger jam will harmoniously complement winter tea drinking, especially during colds. You can use dry seasoning, but fresh root more juicy and aromatic.

What you will need:

  • pear - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • fresh ginger - root 3 cm long;
  • lemon - half a fruit.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the pears and cut out the seeds.
  2. Cut into cubes.
  3. Clear ginger root, grate finely.
  4. Remove the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
  5. Place pear slices, zest, ginger shavings in a saucepan, pour in the juice.
  6. Add sugar and leave for six hours.
  7. Place on the stove and after boiling, cook for 15 minutes.
  8. Cool, boil two more times after cooling.
  9. Pour into jars.


Description . Chocolate pear confiture will appeal to those with a sweet tooth. Despite different nature products, this perfect combination. The amount of sugar can be reduced according to your taste. Instead of chocolate chips you can use cocoa (50 g per kilogram of pears). Recommended consumption ready dessert cold. It turns out to be a peculiar chocolate paste with pear flavor.

What you will need:

  • sweet pears - 1.2 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • 60% dark crushed chocolate - 250 g.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin from the fruit.
  2. Cut and cut out the seeds.
  3. Slice thinly.
  4. Place in a saucepan, add sugar.
  5. Pour in lemon juice.
  6. Place on the fire and wait until it boils.
  7. Turn off the stove, add chocolate chips.
  8. Mix well until smooth.
  9. Cover up parchment paper, refrigerate for 12 hours.
  10. Bring to a boil, simmer high fire five minutes.
  11. Reduce heat, cook for ten minutes, remembering to stir so that the mass does not stick to the walls and does not burn.
  12. Pour into jars and seal.

Try adding citrus to the recipe. Cut the orange zest and chop. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and mix with lemon. Add along with the zest before cooking.


Description . An autumn dessert with a beautiful scarlet color. Pears can be cut into large slices or small cubes, depending on the desired consistency. If you grind the fruit and berry mass through a sieve and add a thickener, you will get a dense jam, reminiscent of marmalade. If desired, you can enhance the taste with spices.

What you will need:

  • pears - 3.5 kg;
  • lingonberries - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.

How to cook

  1. Remove skins and seed pods from pears.
  2. Cut into arbitrary slices.
  3. Wash the berries and add to the fruit.
  4. Add sugar.
  5. Pour in water and bring to a boil over high heat.
  6. Boil for five minutes, skim off the foam.
  7. Leave to infuse for six hours.
  8. Boil the mixture and cook for a quarter of an hour, stirring.
  9. Leave for several hours, boil again for 15-20 minutes.
  10. If the thickness suits you, pour it into jars; if not, repeat the procedure.


Description . Flavored jam, similar to fruit butter, goes well with breakfast, cheeses and meats. You can add any thickener or do without it if the fruits are sufficiently viscous and not watery.

What you will need:

  • pears - 2.5 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • rosemary - branch;
  • sugar - 550 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • thickener zhelfix - 40 g.

How to cook

  1. Peel the pears and cut out the seeds.
  2. Cut into arbitrary pieces.
  3. Place in a thick-bottomed saucepan.
  4. Pour in water and cook over low heat.
  5. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater.
  6. Stir the softened pears.
  7. Add rosemary sprig and zest.
  8. Wait for it to boil, cook for five minutes.
  9. Add 500 g of sugar and mix well.
  10. Take out the green branch.
  11. Mix the remaining sugar with the thickener and add to the total mass.
  12. Grind the mass with a blender.
  13. Bring to a boil, pour into jars.


Description . You can reduce the calorie content of jam by removing sugar from the recipe. The delicacy is less sweet, but retains the fruity aroma. It is recommended to sterilize the jars before storing, since the dessert is prepared without the main preservative.

What you will need:

  • pears - 0.9 kg;
  • water - 250 ml.

How to cook

  1. Remove skins and seeds from the fruits.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Place in a saucepan, add water.
  4. Simmer for 40 minutes on low heat.
  5. Grind food processor or using a masher to form a smooth puree.
  6. Boil for another five minutes.
  7. Pour into containers and seal.

With alcohol

Description . Original preparation jam or marmalade. The consistency of the treat depends on the amount of thickener. For thickness, just add a teaspoon. To cook jelly, add two spoons, marmalade - four spoons. Alcohol is not only complementary flavoring agent, but also an excellent preservative. Pears soaked in alcohol acquire tart taste. How more aromatic wine(you can take semi-sweet), the tastier the jam will be.

What you will need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • white dry wine- 75 ml;
  • vanilla pod - one;
  • cinnamon stick - one;
  • agar-agar - two to three teaspoons;
  • liqueur or rum (optional) - three tablespoons.

How to cook

  1. Remove the skin and seeds from the pear.
  2. Cut into four pieces.
  3. Pour the wine into the pan, add a vanilla pod and a cinnamon stick.
  4. Place the fruit in the wine, simmer for 20 minutes over low heat, stirring.
  5. Using a slotted spoon, remove the fruits and place them in prepared containers.
  6. Remove the pod and stick from the wine broth.
  7. Add thickener.
  8. Cook until boiling, and then for one minute.
  9. Add liqueur.
  10. Remove from heat and pour over pears.

Jam “for adults” can be made with vermouth. Fill the pear slices, sprinkled with lemon juice, with sugar and a thickener (you can take 25 g of gelfix “2:1” per kilogram of pears). Boil until thick, add 200 ml of alcohol. Boil for two to three minutes, pour into jars.

In a slow cooker

Description . The device will cope with cooking on its own at the set mode. All that remains is to prepare the fruits. If the jam turns out liquid, you need to open the lid and set the program again for a few minutes.

What you will need:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml.

How to cook

  1. Remove skins and seed pods from washed pears.
  2. Cut the pulp into small pieces.
  3. Place in a bowl, pour in hot water.
  4. Add sugar to the pear pieces and stir until dissolved.
  5. Close the multicooker.
  6. Set the “Extinguishing” program for two hours.
  7. Every 20-30 minutes, open the multicooker and stir the contents.
  8. At the end of the program pour ready jam by containers.

It is easy to cook dessert in a bread machine if the device has a “Jam” function. Place pear slices into a container, sprinkle with an equal amount of sugar (or take a little less, to taste), add a teaspoon citric acid. Set the appropriate mode for about an hour. Take it out and put it in containers.

Any pear jam recipe can be improved at your discretion. Experiment with spices, fruit additives, and thickeners. Brew in small portions. If the harvest is large, you can make dessert according to different recipes and then choose the best one. Seal in small jars to quickly eat the treat without causing mold to form.

To make pear jam, you can use various recipes. But you need to know the features of cooking and choosing fruits for confiture.

When preparing pear confiture, the following features must be taken into account:

  • Most varieties of pears are very juicy. Therefore, during the cooking process they will produce a large amount of juice. For thick consistency This jam will have to be cooked for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Fruits with delicate, loose pulp are best used for making jam of a uniform consistency - to do this, they must be ground.
  • It is better to cut hard fruits into pieces - they do not become soft, by the end of cooking they become transparent, and the dessert looks very appetizing.
  • It is not recommended to combine pears with raspberries and strawberries. These fruits have a more pronounced aroma, so the taste will be dulled. On the contrary, to emphasize its taste, you can add citrus fruits, plums, apples and currants to the jam.

The finished jam turns out very tender and juicy. It can be used for baking or spread on bread for tea.

Selection and preparation of pears

To make jam, you can use fruits of any variety. The consistency and appearance dishes.

Fruits must be washed well, rot removed, and seeds removed.

Methods for making pear jam

You can make preparations for the winter different ways. You can use only pears or add citrus fruits, plums, cinnamon to enhance the taste.

A simple recipe for the winter

To make jam for the winter, you need:

  • 1 kilogram of pears;
  • 800 g granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml freshly squeezed apple juice.

Cut the juicy fruits into slices and grind with sugar. Leave in the refrigerator for a day to allow the fruit to release its juice. Apple juice pour into pears. Cook over low heat until the volume of liquid is reduced by half - this takes about an hour. After this, roll into pasteurized jars.

"Five Minute"


  • 400 g of fruits;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 400 g sugar.

Cut the main product into large cubes and place in a saucepan. Pour water, boil and cook for a couple of minutes. Remove the fruits and add sugar to the remaining liquid. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Then return the fruits to sugar syrup and cook for a few more minutes. Pour the jam into a dry jar and close with a tight lid or roll up.

In a slow cooker

To make jam in a slow cooker, you need to use hard varieties.

We use:

  • pears - 1 kg;
  • boiling water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Chop the fruit into cubes, place in a bowl, pour in boiled water, add granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Select the “Stew” mode and cook the dish for 2 hours, stirring from time to time. Then pour into pasteurized jars and seal.

In the bread machine

Prepare pear jam You can also use it in a bread maker.

  • 1 kg of fruits;
  • 500 g sugar.

Cut the fruit into slices and place in a bread machine container, add all the sugar. Select the “Jam” program, which lasts about 80 minutes. There is no need to stir. After the above time, the dish will be ready; the slices should remain intact.

With gelatin

To prepare pear confiture you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pears;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 650 ml water;
  • half a packet of gelatin.

In 50 ml boiled water add gelatin and leave until swelling. Cut the pears into slices, add 400 ml of water and lemon juice. Separately, boil 200 ml of water, add sugar, and after it dissolves, add the pears along with the liquid. Cook until the mixture turns reddish. Slice a lemon small pieces, add to boiling jam, simmer for a couple of minutes, remove from heat. Add dissolved gelatin to the mixture.

Distribute into jars while hot or eat immediately after cooling.

With yellowfix

To prepare confiture you need to take:

  • 1 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • sachet of gelfix.

Puree the pear using a meat grinder or blender. Place in a thick-bottomed saucepan and heat. Mix gelfix with 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and pour into pear puree. After the mixture boils, add the remaining granulated sugar. Cook for 30 minutes, then pour into jars.


Cut 1 kg of pears into cubes or slices, add 1 tsp. zest and juice of half a lemon, stir. Melt 500 g of sugar, add a bag of vanillin and 0.5 tsp. cinnamon. Mix the pears with the syrup, put on the fire and boil for 5 minutes. Leave for an hour, and then boil again for 5 minutes. Repeat this manipulation 3 more times. Pour into jars and close with lids.

With lemon

To make jam you need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon, zest.

Peel the fruits and cut into large cubes. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, add zest and finely chopped lemon. Leave for several hours to allow the pears to release their juice. Then place on low heat and cook for 1-2 hours until the desired consistency is achieved.

With orange

Pears soft varieties(1 kg) cut into thin slices. Remove the zest from one orange and cut it into strips, and squeeze the juice from the fruit. Place the prepared ingredients in a saucepan and add 500 g of granulated sugar. Boil over medium heat for 15 minutes after boiling, and then pour into pasteurized jars.

With plum

Finely chop 500 g of pears, remove the seeds and chop the same amount of plums. Combine the fruits, add 50 ml of water and simmer over low heat. Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Add 1 kg of sugar, bring to a vigorous boil, cook for an hour.

Periodically, the jam must be stirred and the foam removed.

How to store jam

Twisted jam can be stored in jars for 3-4 years. Jam from cubes should be kept for less - 2-3 years. A dark, cool room is suitable for storage.

If the dessert was prepared for quick consumption, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If mold or a film appears on the surface of the jam, it will need to be thrown away.

Fruits and berries


Pear jam in a slow cooker easiest to cook. It will take you a little over an hour to create such a delicacy and no additional effort. Despite little time cooking, the jam will taste very thick and tasty, and there will also be pieces floating in it sweet pear. This effect is achieved thanks to the multicooker mode, in which we will boil this traditional treat. You can adjust the amount of sugar yourself and thereby determine how sweet the finished product will be.

Various spices, such as cinnamon or cloves, are often added to jams and preserves to improve their taste. However, even original taste You will love this treat. A small amount of water will allow us to cook the jam so that it turns out moderately thick and viscous. You can leave the pears to steep in sugar and then cook them exclusively in own juice. Step by step photo The recipe will clearly demonstrate to you each stage of preparing such jam at home. You can use ready-made treats to serve with tea or to prepare other desserts. By the way, you can serve jam immediately after it is created. Let's start preparing delicious pear jam in a slow cooker for the winter.

Time: 60 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

How to cook using a multicooker delicious jam from pears

Pear jam is wonderful preparation for the winter. Many housewives keep recipes for this delicacy that belonged to their mothers and grandmothers.

Although now this dish is often prepared in a slow cooker. Jam is very similar to confiture. They have similar tastes, textures and cooking methods. This is not surprising, since these two dishes are connected by almost family ties. It happens that the recipes for these pear dishes are even confused.

The main difference between jam is that when it is prepared, the fruits are boiled in syrup for a long time. Cooking delicacies in a slow cooker has the same principle. But when preparing pear confiture for the winter, in order to reduce the time, gelling agents are added to the dish.

Many housewives prepare pear jam for the winter using a slow cooker, and the recipes for this dish are periodically supplemented with some clarifications and nuances. There are recipes in which pieces of pears float in jelly, and others in which the jam is a homogeneous mass.

If you take care of winter preparations in advance, then cold winter evenings You will be able to delight yourself with dishes that taste like summer. Moreover, the pear delicacy can be put into pies as a filling.

In order to enhance the aroma of pear, orange zest is added to recipes, and you can also use cinnamon and cloves. By the way, in a slow cooker the dish always turns out a little more flavorful.

These fruits are excellent energy drinks. Plus, like all fruits living in the garden, they are rich in pectin, fiber and alimentary fiber. This is precisely what explains the fact that pears have a great effect on work digestive system and help cleanse the intestines.

You can even lose weight with the help of pears, since they contain few saccharides, which has a positive effect on blood composition, and this, in turn, helps the body lose extra pounds.

These fruits can also be consumed in fresh, and after heat treatment. By the way, if you cook pear jam When using a slow cooker, you will retain quite a lot of useful substances contained in fruits.

But besides jam, these fruits can be added to fruit salads, pastille, compote and even some meat dishes prepared with the addition of pear.

In order for the jam to be rich and have the desired consistency, it is better to cook it in a slow cooker. Not only does this magic pot preserve almost all the vitamins in the delicacy, but it also significantly facilitates the preparation process.


Cooking process

Step 1

The fruits should be ripe and soft. But they also need a high density in order to easily deprive them of their skins. If you come across bruised or darkened fruits, it is not recommended to put them in jam. They will negatively affect the color of the final dish. It won't look appetizing.

Step 2

Wash the pears well and dry with a towel. Cut off the skin and get rid of the tails.

Now cut each fruit in half and remove the seeds.

Step 3

Now we transfer the pieces to the slow cooker and pour over them with the juice that remains in the bowl. Pour water and lemon juice into a bowl. Water is needed so that they cook well and fall apart easily. The jam will be thick and have a uniform consistency.

Step 4

Sprinkle everything with sugar and set the multicooker to the “Stew” program. Cooking time is fifty minutes, maybe an hour. This mode will not allow the food to burn, it will simply simmer the right temperature. Thanks to the multicooker, you do not need to cook the jam in several batches.

Step 5

After the beep, the food should be allowed to cool and can be served with tea. If you are planning to can, then the hot food should be poured into sterilized containers and covered with sterile lids.

Store jars in a cool, dark place. But remember that it is better to eat the jam this winter and not store it for more than a year.

Watch another version of this dish in the video below: