Who better to drink black tea, and who - green. Choose healthy tea: black or green

Tea is a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy: the many beneficial properties of tea have been known since time immemorial, thanks to which, for several millennia, tea has remained the most widespread beverage almost anywhere in the world, second only to water.

Today in the world there are many types and varieties of tea - ranging from the most popular, green and black, and ending with exotic varieties such as red or white tea . Tea leaves contain polyphenols - substances that are indispensable for human health. Polyphenols help protect cells from the so-called oxidative stress - the process of cell damage due to oxidation. In addition, polyphenols help lower cholesterol, stimulate the human immune system, and prevent the formation of blood clots and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to polyphenols, tea contains many other useful ingredients - for example, theanine, vitamins, minerals, methylxanthine and many amino acids that slow down the aging process, help normalize high blood pressure and improve the digestive system and the body's excretion system. Tea leaves contain vitamin K, a deficiency of which in the body causes insufficient blood coagulation, and antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on cells. Drinking 2-4 cups of tea per day can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases.

The benefits of green tea

One of the most important benefits of green tea, proven by numerous medical studies, is its ability to reduce the risk of cancer - especially lung cancer, which is important for smokers. Some studies have shown that green tea prevents the formation of certain tumors, while those contained in green tea   catechins neutralize free radicals much more efficiently than vitamins C and E. In addition, catechins slow down the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity and on the surface of the teeth, thereby reducing the risk of tooth decay.

In addition to the ability to reduce the risk of cancer, green tea helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system - this drink lowers cholesterol and, thereby, reduces the risk of various heart diseases and heart attacks. Green tea, as a powerful antioxidant, effectively inhibits the oxidation of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in the arteries, which plays a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, green tea suppresses the effects of ACE, an angiotensin-converting enzyme produced by the kidneys and often becoming the main cause of high blood pressure. By normalizing pressure, green tea reduces the risk of a heart attack.

The benefits of black tea

Although green tea is traditionally considered one of the most wholesome drinks, black tea is practically inferior in its properties to nothing. Recent studies have shown that black tea almost as effectively stimulates the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of cancer, strengthens the immune system, prevents arthritis, and lowers cholesterol.

One of the main advantages of black tea is its ability to suppress blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, in a study conducted by scientists at Boston University, it turned out that the risk of heart attack in people who drink 4 cups of black tea daily is 50% less.

Like green tea, black tea reduces the risk of developing a number of cancers - especially colon cancer and breast cancer. Moreover, a recent study by Rutgers University in the United States showed that the substance TF-2 contained in black tea destroys cancer cells without damaging normal cells. The same substance suppresses the Cox-2 gene, which is responsible for the course of inflammatory processes. Finally, black tea can neutralize bacteria that cause a number of diseases - including diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis, skin diseases and herpes.

Tatyana Smirnova

This wonderful plant is known as a tea bush or "Camellia Sinensis." It grows in the tropical and subtropical mountain forests of Southeast Asia. It is from its leaves with the help of complex technological processing that dry tea is obtained.

Black Tea Production Technology

To produce the usual black tea, the collected leaves are wilted for several hours. This process is needed to remove excess moisture from the leaves. After that, the leaves are sent to scooters, which twist them. This is necessary to begin the destruction of tea leaf tissue. This procedure begins a series of chemical reactions in which tea leaf enzymes act as catalysts. These reactions occur at the stage of oxidation or fermentation. The main chemical reaction is the conversion of flavonols or catechins (that is, the main components of the tea leaf) to theaflavins or thearubigins (these are substances that give a characteristic taste to black teas).

How green tea is made

To produce green tea, the leaves are first steamed in special machines or tea-fixing machines, which allows you to get rid of moisture. Green tea is not fermented, due to this, enzymes in its composition are activated. We can say that the chemical composition of ready-made green tea is much closer to fresh leaves than to black tea. Oolong green teas can be fermented for a short period of time. Green teas vary greatly according to the method of mechanical processing of leaves. The most popular type of green tea is the so-called "". With this processing method, the leaves are twisted into very dense peas that fully open in hot water.

Green tea has long been considered the most effective antioxidant, so it is often preferred to black tea. Recent studies have proven that black tea is an equally effective antioxidant. We can assume that the positives from drinking green and black tea are quite comparable, thus, the choice of a particular type of tea becomes a matter of taste.

Traditionally, green teas are valued in the East, and black in the West. This is due to the fact that Indian fermentation is more typical for Indian tea, and tea was delivered to Europe from India. Currently, China is the largest exporter of green tea, followed by Vietnam with a large lag. Black tea is delivered to all over the world by the same China and India.

Disputes among lovers of tea drinks concern not only their favorite tastes and aromas, but also the benefits of a particular tea. If among the variety of varieties it is difficult not to get confused, then the main types can be represented as black and. It is traditionally believed that green tea, which has not undergone complete processing and fermentation, is more useful, but is it really so, and which drink should be preferred? The answer to this question is in our article.

The benefits of green tea

To understand, it is more useful after comparing useful properties and characteristics. It should be noted that both black and green tea are obtained from the same raw material - tea leaves. The difference is only in processing them after collection. In addition, the process of transporting and brewing a drink, which for each variety will differ in important nuances, plays a large role.

The main advantages of green teas:

  • Excellent antioxidant, helps to eliminate toxins and harmful compounds from the body.
  • Effectively breaks down body fat, is used during diets to stabilize weight.
  • It has anti-aging properties, it is recommended for use in old age.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system and increases vitality.
  • Reduces blood pressure by removing excess salts from the body, providing an anti-edematous effect.
  • Lowers blood sugar, is an excellent prevention of arteriosclerosis.

Among the main disadvantages of this drink is in the composition. It is generally accepted that green tea is less saturated, but in fact the concentration of active substances in it is much higher than in black varieties. That is why it is not recommended to use it at night, as well as with exacerbation of chronic diseases. Green tea is introduced into the children's diet much later than ordinary black, and the abuse of this healthy drink during pregnancy and lactation can lead to negative consequences in the development of the baby. Usually, in the absence of medical contraindications, it is recommended to drink no more than two to three cups of green tea per day and only in the morning. During the period of dieting, the dosage can be slightly increased, be sure to take breaks between courses.

The benefits and harms of black tea

Black or red according to the Chinese classification, tea more than other varieties fell in love with our compatriots, so its popularity is much higher. However, there are many conflicting myths about the benefits of this drink. First of all, this is due to the presence of caffeine in the composition, so invigorates no worse than a traditional cup of coffee. In addition, it is not recommended to give black tea to children under two years of age, because it interferes with the normal absorption of calcium and its main building element - vitamin D. Despite these shortcomings, black varieties are also distinguished by positive qualities.

Useful properties of black tea:

  1. An excellent invigorating effect that lasts not too long, so it does not hurt to sleep peacefully at night.
  2. Some varieties of black tea are considered quite nutritious, which will help replace one of the meals with a simple tea party.
  3. Normalization of the digestive function is achieved due to the good vitamin and mineral composition of the drink.
  4. Quick recovery after physical and mental activity.
  5. Relieving an attack of nausea and calming the stomach after vomiting also belongs to the advantages of this drink.
  6. Black tea can increase blood pressure.
  7. The diaphoretic and bactericidal effect is successfully used in the treatment of colds.

A “safe” serving of black tea is three to four cups per day. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to reduce consumption by half, and for young children to start "acquaintance" is better with weak freshly prepared broths with the addition of a small amount of sugar and milk. By the way, milk neutralizes the harmful effects on bones and tooth enamel, so black tea with milk is considered a more suitable drink for children than similar mixtures.

Which tea is healthier?

Despite the difference in taste, black or green "demonstrate" almost the same properties for our body. Both drinks perfectly tone and refresh, unless green has a more pleasant taste when chilled. In addition, drinks copes well with the effects of overeating and alcohol abuse after a feast. There are several key differences, as well as important nuances in the preparation of these drinks.

Important nuances of drinking tea:

  • Green varieties are recommended in the morning to tone the body, while black is suitable for restoring strength and a calming effect.
  • Of great importance is the quality of the water used in making tea. For any kind of it, only a purified and preferably settled liquid of suitable temperature is suitable.
  • Green tea is recommended to brew slightly cooled water (80-90 degrees). At this time, like black, it will better reveal its taste and aroma when using boiling water or water aged up to 90-95 degrees.
  • Any drink is better to drink not too hot, so it is more beneficial for tooth enamel and stomach. Chilled fluids should also not be abused, because this upsets the stomach and can lead to negative consequences.
  • Any kind of tea will better reveal its qualities in a glass or ceramic teapot, but it is better to refuse metal utensils.
  • Packaged teas, regardless of the variety, cannot boast a full range of useful qualities. In most cases, this is just a cheap substitute for tea raw materials, which will not bring the body the expected benefits.
  • Green tea, unlike black tea, has less effect on the color of tooth enamel, so its use in such problems is more justified.

Some more interesting facts and a comparison of black and green tea can be found in the proposed video.

If you analyze the question well, green is more beneficial for our body, we can come to a completely unexpected conclusion. Tea leaves, used for the production of both types, contain completely unique and indispensable substances for us, so the tea drink is truly considered an elixir of youth and health. The method of processing and drying the raw material slightly changes the composition of the product, but to a greater extent this is affected by the collection period and the additional flavoring agents and additives used in the preparation. So, it is better to prefer loose tea leaves of good quality regardless of the "color" of the drink, and also to study the basic rules of brewing and storage. Moderate consumption in the absence of medical contraindications will allow you to fully enjoy the variety for well-being.

Which tea is healthier to drink in summer - black or green, chilled or hot?

Advises one of the best domestic experts, the tester of the May company in Moscow, Igor Aleksandrovich Boyko.

Why is green tea healthier?

Green tea is so different from black tea that many people think these are different varieties. In fact, it is one and the same tea plant.

Green tea is healthier than black because it contains more polyphenols, carbohydrates and vitamins. In its production, fermentation simply does not occur, as a result of which tea loses up to 30-40% of useful compounds.

To keep the tea green, at the very beginning in Japan it is steamed with hot steam, and fried in China. As a result, the enzymes in the green tea leaves are killed initially, and this process is not carried out. Therefore, the leaves remain green. Green tea is always healthier than black.

Its very good to drink in the heat. It perfectly quenches thirst. And since it has a high content of tannins, tannin, it also favorably affects the gastric mucosa.

In Central Asia they love him very much and drink a lot, because the food there is fatty. This is especially true for lamb, which has a low pour point of fat. And with the help of tea, fat is better absorbed by the body.

By the way, the shape of the bowl from which tea is drunk in Central Asia is specially designed so that the amount of tea decreases as it cools. As a result, the temperature of the infusion that you drink is the same all the time.

But green tea is especially popular in the East. And this is no coincidence. The Chinese drink green tea and sell black for export. The Japanese are buying in China the highest quality green tea. Everyone else gets what is left.

How does tea help health?

Tea has the most beneficial effect on almost all body functions. It is one of the richest sources of manganese among products of natural origin. And manganese is necessary for bone growth and body development. Tea contains a large amount of antioxidants. They prevent the development of cardiovascular and cancer diseases, lower cholesterol.

Caffeine is contained in a tea plant about the same as in coffee beans - from 1.8 to 3.5%. In the process of technological processing, this amount practically does not undergo changes.

That is, in both black and green tea, the amount of caffeine is approximately the same.

Nevertheless, the structural formula of caffeine in tea and coffee is different. Tea caffeine has a milder effect on the human body. If you drink a cup of coffee, then after 15-20 minutes you will feel a surge of energy, increased performance. But the effect of caffeine, which is contained in coffee, also passes quickly. A tea plant caffeine has a smoother effect and a longer effect.

Very good tea infusion for the eyes. For example, if sand gets into the child’s eyes, parents should know that they need to rinse their eyes with a weak solution of tea - it doesn’t matter, black or green, and only then go to the clinic.

Decades ago, doctors at the Botkin Hospital conducted clinical trials to treat dysentery with green tea. It was found that control lots of patients who consumed tea were cured in the same way as those who took medication.

It is interesting that if it is better to drink ordinary tea 10-20 minutes after brewing, which allows you to enjoy the aroma, then for the treatment of dysentery, the infusion that has stood for two or three days is more effective.

Tea works very well on the kidneys. This is especially true, again, for green tea, which has very good diuretic properties. In addition, tea helps the prevention of heart attacks and myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, urolithiasis. This unique natural doctor protects against caries, normalizes blood pressure, and helps with poisoning and indigestion.

Why do you have to drink tea in the summer?

Hot tea, if you drink it in the heat, quenches your thirst better than cold. Although, of course, drinking iced tea is also nice. I mean it is brewed and then chilled tea.

And what is sold in bottles in every stall is, of course, not tea. There are microdoses of the natural product, an average of 1.5-2%. The rest is food additives and dyes. And most importantly, they do not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, cause an addictive effect.

Since in summer the temperature is quite high and a person sweats, there is a need for the body to restore its water balance. Therefore, we are thirsty and try to somehow make up for the lack of water in the body.

In summer, consumer preferences of tea lovers change greatly. According to research conducted by the May Company, in the warm season, the consumption of flavored teas increases significantly. Drink ordinary black tea, respectively, much less. Especially Russians like tea with mint and currant. But actually it’s difficult to drink flavored teas for a long time. You can drink them several times, and then go back to traditional black and green tea.

However, all the additives in tea are the effect of an additional taste, but positively, special compounds that bind the oxidation processes in the human body still affect the body. This, in turn, slows down the onset of old age.

And the most important thing. Tea - a drink unique not only for its beneficial properties. Today on the market there are a myriad of not only monosorts, but also blends, where several varieties of tea are mixed, often from different continents. This is the democracy of the ancient drink. Due to the variety of flavors that the tester continuously creates, everyone can choose their own tea, which will be pleasant to drink.


Women's Health Magazine, No. 7/2007

Tea takes a leading place among the most consumed drinks in the world. One can only envy such a wide variety of species. They differ not only from the raw materials used in the preparation process, but also by the color of tea leaves. The multi-colored palette is determined by the degree of fermentation. It, in turn, affects the amount of tannins, and hence the effect on the body. Each variety has its fans, but the most popular question is which tea is healthier - black or green, because they both have similar properties.

Before determining which tea is best to drink, it is necessary to understand how this drink affects the human body. Any kind of tea contains macronutrients, tannins, antioxidants and, of course, caffeine. The amount of caffeine contained in black and green tea is approximately at the same level, since in the fermentation process this indicator remains unchanged.

Therefore, to give strength and vitality, you can use any kind of tea and the effect will be the same for them. The same can be said about the manifestation of the antibacterial, antisclerotic and antioxidant effect, as well as the effect of tea on the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems of the body. However, the amount of substances in the percentage ratio is slightly different, since green tea does not undergo fermentation, which means it retains more vitamins.

How does green tea affect the body?


In order to preserve useful substances in a tea leaf, the Chinese fry them, and in Japan they pour boiling water over them, killing unnecessary enzymes. Due to this, the amount of polyphenols, flavonoids and vitamins remains in its original amount, and the leaves remain green. However, one cannot say that green tea is more useful than black tea, just each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of green tea are primarily in the ability to remove free radicals and heavy metals from the body. In China, it was even shown for use during the atomic bomb drop. The polyphenol contained in the composition has a positive effect on the prevention of cancers, and also participates in the process of cell renewal.

Worldwide, green tea is considered the main drink for people seeking to lose weight or maintain normal weight. It speeds up the metabolism, participates in the process of burning fat and has a diuretic effect. In addition, the flavonoids contained in it serve to prevent diseases of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.

Green tea favorably affects the cardiovascular system. It is able to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, therefore it is recommended for use in diabetes. Regular drinking strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.


Despite the great benefits, green tea has contraindications:

  • do not use it in the evening, as it can provoke insomnia;
  • strong infusion can have a negative effect if there is a disease of the stomach - gastritis or an ulcer;
  • with caution, you should drink green tea with gout, since the purines contained in the composition cause the formation of uric acid.

Of course, you should drink a drink in moderation. Optimal to drink no more than three cups of tea per day.

The influence of black tea


Although the tea leaf for this species undergoes fermentation, black tea contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as PP. Therefore, it favorably affects the toning of the body, which is especially important for athletes and hypotonics.

The drink has a good effect on fastening the stool with diarrhea. Strong infusion contains tannins and gently solves the problem without medications. Tea infusion is also good for the eyes. It is used for washing the mucosa, as well as for inflammatory eye diseases.

Black tea works slower than green tea, but the effect of energy remains for a long time due to the high content of tannin and caffeine


Due to increased capillary pressure on the walls of blood vessels, black tea should be used with caution after suffering cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack. In this case, the green variety will be more useful, because it strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. By analogy with green, black tea is contraindicated for insomnia and any diseases of the nervous system.

Which tea is healthier

It all depends on your taste preferences and habits, as well as the desired result. Green tea has a pronounced tonic effect, as it contains more caffeine. It quenches thirst well, but the effect quickly passes. Black, on the contrary, gently affects the body, but for a longer time, it also does not cause dry mouth.

To decide which tea to drink, you need to know your pressure. After consuming a green variety, vascular tone decreases and blood pressure drops, which is good for hypertensive patients, but it is contraindicated for hypotensive patients. The latter, on the contrary, is recommended to drink black tea, which, thanks to vitamin P and C, as well as catechin, triggers the toning of the body and increases pressure.

  It is impossible to unequivocally answer what is more beneficial - green or black tea

Green tea is recommended to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, as well as normalize metabolism. An interesting fact is that this drink activates the brain, so you should not neglect it during exams and other heavy mental stress.

Black tea copes with intestinal infections and digestive tract disorders. The active substances contained in it, remove pathogenic bacteria from the body and restore the intestinal mucosa.

Remember that only quality tea can be useful, so when choosing it, pay attention to the integrity of the leaves, as well as its aroma.