Strawberries with sugar for the winter: the best recipes with photos. Mashed strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Now buying fresh strawberries in winter is not a problem. In hypermarkets, from time to time (especially before the New Year), small baskets with beautiful large berry. It is, of course, very expensive. However, there are also buyers for such goods who want to feel the taste of summer when it’s snowing outside the window. But to be honest, with such strawberries it doesn’t really feel like summer. How can it compare with the berries that we pick with our own hands at our summer cottages - juicy, aromatic, sweet and incredibly tasty.

They say that you need to eat 5 kg of strawberries per season, this helps to completely renew your blood composition. This means, of course, fresh berry, because any heat treatment significantly reduces the amount useful substances and vitamins. We invite you to continue to renew your blood not only during the summer strawberry season. Grated strawberries with sugar are prepared for the winter in fresh and retains maximum benefits. The preparation method is very simple, the only pity is that this delicacy is stored for no more than 4-5 months. But before the first winter cold It’s quite possible to hold out. And believe me, it’s so nice when it’s 20 degrees outside, a blizzard is howling and a blizzard is blowing, and you’re drinking tea with buns and strawberry dessert in a warm, cozy kitchen.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


How to prepare pureed strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Harvested strawberries must be carefully prepared. Pour the berries onto the table and, carefully examining each of them, select only the most best fruits– ripe, whole, without signs of rottenness. It happens that we didn’t have time to harvest in time and the berries were overripe - such strawberries are not suitable for us!

Remove the sepals from each berry, place the strawberries in a bowl of cool water and wash gently. You can do this in several waters, then place the berries in a colander or towel to drain excess moisture. Place clean, dried strawberries in a bowl that is comfortable for you to work with.

Sprinkle granulated sugar evenly on top of the berries and stir.

Using an immersion blender, puree the strawberries and sugar until smooth. You can do this with a kitchen utensil that you usually use to mash potatoes. If possible, use a wooden pusher rather than a metal one.

Prepare jars for dessert in advance. Take this issue seriously, because our strawberries are pureed, that is, raw. Jars and lids must undergo heat treatment, because if this is not done, various microorganisms will begin to appear. In this case pureed strawberries not only will it spoil, but it will also become dangerous to eat.

It is best to treat glass containers with steam. Place a wire rack in the bottom of a large saucepan and place the jars on it, neck down. Sterilize small containers for 15 minutes, large ones for 20 to 25 minutes. You can heat the dishes in the oven at 120 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Simply boil the metal lids in a small saucepan.

Place the strawberry mixture into jars.

Lightly sprinkle sugar on top to form a thin layer and seal with lids.

Strawberries with sugar without cooking are ready for the winter. Store it in the refrigerator or cellar, but remember that it must be consumed within 4-5 months after preparation.

The classic recipe for pureed strawberries with sugar involves the use of only two ingredients, but despite this, the result exceeds all expectations. Berries are not exposed heat treatment, so pureed strawberries with regular jam can't compare! With the “cold” method of canning, it is preserved maximum amount vitamins, natural taste and aroma. The preparation has a very beautiful bright color, it is aromatic, it smells incredibly delicious of fresh strawberries, as if they were just from the garden.

No need to cook. The berries should be sorted, washed, covered with granulated sugar, and then punched in a blender, crushed with a pestle or minced. And that’s it, all that remains is to pour it into sterilized jars, seal tightly and put it in the refrigerator. “Cold jam” will keep well for 4 months, and if you resort to freezing, the shelf life can be increased to 1 year.

Strawberries pureed with sugar for the winter will be well stored if they are prepared correctly:

  • It is best to pick berries on sunny days, as after rain they become watery and can rot and ferment;
  • the strawberries must be carefully sorted so that the “marriage” does not spoil the preparation;
  • the ratio of products is 1:1, that is, for 1 kg of berries you should take 1 kg of sand;
  • You can extend the shelf life if you increase the ratio to 1:2 or add a sugar “plug” under the lid;
  • puree should be poured exclusively into sterilized containers, preferably small in volume;
  • The workpiece should not be stored in a warm place or at room temperature, use of a refrigerator or freezer is allowed.


  • strawberries 500 g
  • granulated sugar 500 g

How to cook strawberries pureed with sugar

  1. First of all, you should process the berries, especially carefully, since the workpiece will not cook. I sort through the strawberries, discarding the crushed and spoiled ones. I rinse it under running water, remove all the leaves and let it dry.

  2. I add the full amount of sugar - 1 kilogram. Stir and leave for 3 hours in a cool place. The time will directly depend on the juiciness and ripeness of the berries.

  3. After the specified time, the strawberries will release juice, and sugar crystals will dissolve.

  4. All that remains is to grind the mass until smooth. It is most convenient to use an immersion blender, which copes with the task in just 1-2 minutes. A meat grinder or a regular potato masher will also work.

  5. You should get a homogeneous fruit mass beautiful color. If you used a potato masher for chopping, then, of course, you will encounter small pieces berries

  6. I pour the resulting preparation into small jars and close them with tin screw-on lids. The container must be sterilized and dry! I put it in the refrigerator for storage, where the jars will last for 4 months. If you want to extend the shelf life, then add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar under the lid, which forms a kind of “plug” that prevents oxygen from entering the jar. Also part fruit puree can be frozen, poured silicone molds- at low temperatures the mixture will not even harden completely, it will resemble something between marmalade and fruit ice.

“Living vitamin” can be served with tea or pancakes, added to porridge or poured over ice cream. If you froze the puree, then before using it is enough to keep it for 30-40 minutes at room temperature, after which you can safely use it for its intended purpose, just like fresh. Have a delicious tea party!

Strawberry very useful and delicious berry, but, unfortunately, her season does not last long. The first one appears on the shelves in mid-May, these berries are from Greece and Israel. The price for them is quite high, and it is possible that there are various chemicals used for rapid ripening and long-term storage. The second wave of strawberries lasts from June 1-16, and they are brought from Astrakhan, Moldova and Kabardino-Balkaria. But the most delicious and inexpensive Podmoskovnaya appears from June 16-30. This is the best thing to buy to saturate your body with vitamins during the season and make preparations for future use.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter

  • - 1 kg
  • Sugar – 0.5 kilograms

Strawberries with sugar for the winter recipe

Before you cook strawberries pureed with sugar, they need to be processed. remember, that strawberries with sugar for the winter prepared only from good berries, otherwise she won't live long.

Carefully sort the berries, remove the stems. Rinse the strawberries under cold water and let it dry a little. Please note that by grinding wet berries, you risk that raw jam can quickly deteriorate.

If you are an amateur natural taste, then prepare strawberries with sugar according to our recipe - 1 kg of strawberries for 0.5 kg of sugar. Well, if you prefer sweet taste, then keep the proportions 1:1, i.e. 1 kg of strawberries per 1 kg of sugar.

Grind the berries with a masher or blender. Mix the mixture with sugar, adding it to your taste.

If you are freezing strawberries with sugar, then place them in rectangular plastic cups with a lid or in plastic bags with a zipper and put them in the freezer. Well, if you prefer not to freeze the berries, then place them in clean, dry, pre-steamed glass jars, sprinkle a small layer of sugar on top and cover with a nylon lid. In this case, store the strawberries in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf, for no more than six months.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking - good alternative strawberry jam. What I like most about this method of preparation is that it is extremely simple. In fact, any housewife can prepare strawberries without cooking by simply grinding them with sugar; besides, this “raw jam” is stored in jars with nylon lids, which means you don’t even need to know how to handle a seaming wrench.

For those who want to stock up on strawberries this way, I have collected best recipes.

Strawberries with sugar in 5 minutes

It will take a lot ripe berry, only intact, not wrinkled or rotten. For 1 kg of strawberries, take approximately 1.2 kg of sugar; it is this proportion that is recommended for storing raw berry puree and protects it from spoilage. In 5 minutes you can make from a whole bowl of berries delicious preparation for the winter.

Place the strawberries in a colander, rinse with cold running water, remove the stems and garden debris, and rinse the berries again. Leave to dry, then transfer to a deep bowl and cover with sugar for several hours. Then take a regular potato masher to make mashed potatoes, grind the berries with sugar and place them in clean jars that have previously been doused with boiling water. Close with treated nylon lids. Place in the refrigerator and scoop out the strawberry puree and sugar with a clean spoon to eat. You can sprinkle a layer of sugar on top of each jar to protect against mold.

Strawberries with sugar in a blender

Very convenient recipe for those who have a blender or food processor. The proportions remain the same: per kilogram of berries 1 kg and 200 grams of sugar.

Peel the berries from the stalks, rinse and dry slightly. Place in a mixing bowl and puree. Pour the berry mixture into a saucepan, add sugar and stir. Sterilize the jars over steam along with the lids. Place strawberry puree and sugar into jars, leaving about half a centimeter of space on top. Cover it with sugar too, close the jars with nylon lids and place in the refrigerator. This preparation can be stored for 3-4 months.

Frozen strawberries with sugar

Also a very simple recipe. By the way, it can be implemented in two ways:

  • just freeze the berries with sugar without turning them into puree;
  • Make puree with sugar and then freeze.

In both cases, the proportions of berries and sugar are more economical: per kilogram of strawberries, 2 cups of sugar or even less.

For the first method, you will need a food container with a lid. Wash the berries, being careful not to damage them. Sprinkle them with sugar in layers directly in the container, close the lid and place in the freezer. Berries along with sugar can be stored in freezer several months without losing color, smell and taste.

The second method is freezing berry puree. Place the prepared strawberries in a blender bowl, puree them, then add sugar, mix thoroughly, place in cups, close cling film, place in the freezer and freeze. This portioned freezing is very convenient if you are cooking for children.

Strawberries with sugar in a simple way in a meat grinder

The recipe is not so well known and I don’t like it, because there is some kind of prejudice against the meat grinder - that it is not for berries. Nevertheless, I'll tell you.

For 1 kg of strawberries, take 1 kg of sugar. Prepare the berries (wash and sort), pass through a meat grinder. Pour sugar into the resulting mass, mix, leave for a while in a cool place. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars and nylon covers over steam, dry and place strawberries and sugar there. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks.

Strawberries in champagne

This method is a little different; it involves cooking, but only briefly. The preparation turns out extraordinary, try it, surprise your family and delight your guests!

For one and a half kilograms of berries, take the same amount of sugar (1.5 kg), a glass of champagne and a heaped teaspoon of citric acid. Sort the strawberries as usual, wash, remove the stems, and lightly dry. Using a blender, turn into berry puree, pour into a saucepan, add sugar and pour in champagne. Then add citric acid, let it heat up and stir at the same time - just not very intensely. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for no more than 7 minutes, skimming off any foam. Leave it overnight. Then bring to a boil again, cook for 5 minutes, pour into prepared jars and close with lids. Place in the refrigerator and serve as a holiday dessert.

Mashed strawberries are a type of so-called raw jam, which allows you to preserve vitamins that are sensitive to heat treatment. The aromatic fruit mass will be a real surprise on a stormy winter day.

The method of storing uncorked preparations depends on the sugar content: only a 1:2 ratio of berries to sugar prevents fermentation at room temperature.

Products mixed in equal shares, it is better to freeze. It is convenient to place single servings of sweet strawberry puree in small plastic cups or containers, bags or ice trays.


You will need for a 0.5 liter jar:

  • 250 g strawberries
  • 350 g granulated sugar


1. When making this jam, you don’t need to add water - the strawberries release juice on their own. Rinse the berries in water and tear off the stems. Place in a deep container with high edges - they will serve as protection from splashes. Using a fork, mash the berries in the container until they turn into a puree. You can use a blender or a potato press.

2. Pour granulated sugar into the strawberry puree and grind everything thoroughly. Do this even with a little pressure, as if pressing the sugar into the puree. If you like a little sourness in taste, add citric acid to the mixture at the tip of a knife and mix thoroughly. If desired, it can be replaced with orange or lemon natural juice.

3. Leave the ground strawberry mixture for 5-10 minutes.

4. Scald the jars and lids with boiling water, eliminating the presence of bacteria, and pour into them Strawberry jam without cooking to the very edges of the container.

5. Seal tightly hot cap and take it out to the cold or place it in the refrigerator. The prepared delicacy is perfectly stored for about 6 months from the moment of preparation. Strawberries pureed with sugar for the winter will be an excellent addition to pancakes, pancakes, etc.

Note to the hostess

1. Many housewives reject this preparation as a filling for pies because it is liquid: it leaks and burns. Two natural thickeners will help make it viscous enough - oat flour and crushed nuts. Thanks to them, you will get an ideal filler for either yeast or shortbread products.

2. One of the varieties of traditional American Sunday includes strawberries ground with sugar as an obligatory ingredient. The remaining ingredients are whipped cream and low-fat, not too sweet ice cream. All this is laid out in alternating layers in narrow tall wine glasses or glass glasses of a similar configuration. In the United States, this high-calorie and nutritious dessert is often replaced with an afternoon snack during the hot summer. Why not adopt a delicious tradition?

3. At social and bohemian events, champagne is usually served with strawberries. In winter, this aristocratic drink is much more accessible to ordinary people than a good fresh berry. Out of season, it is somehow tasteless, because it is greenhouse or imported in an unripe state. Grinded fruits, of course, are not served with elite wine, but miniature cake baskets filled with them are quite an appropriate dessert for a winter party with champagne.