Which cheese is the most healthy. Unsalted cheese

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas and, in addition to taking medications, requires a strict diet as a therapy. The patient's diet should be diverse and consist of healthy foods and the correctness of their processing. Doctors individually prescribe a diet and stipulate each product. Most patients wonder if cheese can be consumed during illness, and if so, which? Cheese is a healthy product that contains many valuable and nutritious substances. Therefore, doctors recommend including it in the diet, but exclusively permitted varieties.

The benefits of cheese

Cheeses have medicinal and preventive properties due to their main component - milk. In the process of manufacturing this dairy product, all the substances important for the human body are preserved. Due to the composition of cheese, it has the ability to restore the digestive system and maintain it healthy. The composition of this healthy dairy product includes:

  • up to twenty five percent of proteins;
  • up to sixty percent of milk fat;
  • up to three percent of minerals;
  • phosphorus;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • vitamins of group A, D, E, C, B12, B1, B2;
  • calcium.

Cheeses are characterized by easy digestibility, although their calorie content is high. They eat cheese for pancreatitis, but only certain types.  Thus, a dairy product is:

  • fused;
  • solid;
  • recycled;
  • brine.

How to use cheese for chronic pancreatitis?

  Cheese is great, but its use may be limited in various diseases, including chronic pancreatitis. You can include a dairy product in the diet a month later after a decrease in the symptoms of the disease. Cheeses are introduced gradually and at first soft non-greasy, unsalted and non-peppered. Then you can turn on half-hard, the initial portion should be within fifteen grams, gradually increasing to one hundred grams per day. You can season pasta with cheese, add it to salads or eat separately.

Cheese for acute pancreatitis

Patients with acute pancreatitis should not be included in the diet. Despite the usefulness of the product, it is considered dense and heavy for digestion. Moreover, it is very fatty, which means that it is able to stimulate the secretion of the “pancreas”, which is unacceptable in the inflammatory process of the digestive system.

What cheeses can I eat with pancreatitis?

An inflamed pancreas requires a strict diet, which means that the choice of products should be approached thoroughly. Although cheese has many useful elements, it can not always be included in the patient’s diet. If the doctor approved the use of this dairy product, you should pay attention to its varieties. The pancreatitis diet includes the following types of cheese:

  • solid;
  • not spicy;
  • without additives;
  • non-greasy;
  • low shutter speed.

And also the following varieties:

  • Brynza. Due to the small amount of fat and sodium compounds, feta cheese (unsalted) is allowed for pancreatitis. It is able to normalize the digestive system and prevent the growth of bacteria. The value of feta cheese is calcium in a form that allows the product to be easily absorbed in the patient’s body and help the hematopoietic organs function properly.
  • Adyghe. With pancreatitis, it is recommended to include this type of fermented milk product, since it has dietary properties and includes the necessary enzymes, minerals and vitamins, amino acids, which help the body resist disease. This cheese is able to normalize the digestive system and improve the microflora of the digestive tract. Circassian cheese can be used for salads, cold dishes, snacks and sandwiches. The daily portion can reach two hundred grams.
  • Low fat. The pancreatitis diet should consist of light food, cheese with a low fat intake (ten to thirty percent) will be an excellent product. It is easily absorbed and does not overload the inflamed organs of the digestive system. Such species are recommended for dieting, as they are not able to harm the figure. It can be shekel, granular cottage cheese, feta, gouda, ricotta or tofu. Tofu is also called bean curd; it has gained popularity and demand, as it contains a large amount of high-quality protein. By calorie content, all species are not higher than three hundred kcal in one hundred grams, so they are allowed to be taken in small portions several times a day.

What cheeses are better to refrain from?

Treatment of pancreatitis requires strict adherence to proper nutrition, based on the stage of the disease. For the duration of the disease, doctors recommend that you refrain from consuming these types of cheese:

  • Fused. It differs in the method of preparation, as a result of which the concentration of carbohydrates and cholesterol is reduced in the composition. It is easily absorbed, but due to citric acid it is banned during inflammation of the digestive system. Moreover, it is not recommended to include it in the diet, as many manufacturers make processed cheeses with flavorings and colorings, which is most harmful in the inflammatory process in the body.
  • Smoked. Smoked or smoked products should not be eaten, as its composition includes salts and aromatic additives that are undesirable for pancreatitis.
  • Sour-milk products with mold, herbs, nuts and other additives.

How to choose the right quality cheese?

Diseases of the digestive system require treatment that is based on taking medications and following a strict diet. The patient's diet should consist exclusively of wholesome, permitted and fresh products, which should be carefully considered at retail outlets.

First of all, you need to look at the shelf life of the product and its shelf life. Some types of cheese products over time only increase the palatability, while others, on the contrary, should not lie on display windows.

Soft species should not be acquired if their shelf life is nearing the end of the second month.  Even if the products are fresh, you must choose those with a shorter shelf life, since a long shelf life is achieved by adding a large number of preservatives to food products.

  If there is no palm oil in the product, then the cheese will become soft.

When choosing cheese, you need to look around the entire window and skip past those whose appearance did not like immediately. Next, you should pay attention to the size and where the eyes are in the solid form of the fermented milk product. With a small size of the eyes, the cooking technology was violated if the eyes are randomly located throughout the piece.

It is necessary to pay attention to structure and integrity. There should be no cracks, damage or punctures on the crust, as they may contain mold fungi and bacteria. The color of the product should be uniform, but this rule does not apply to blue cheese. The head covering should not have a white coating and an over-dried crust.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the elasticity, which should be felt when you click on the cheese head. If the surface was immediately sold and took such a position, this indicates poor-quality products.

In addition, you should look at the slice, if a dry crust is visible on it, then this indicates that the product does not contain vegetable fats, which can be seen if droplets of liquid appear on the slice. When choosing cheese, it is necessary to smell it to eliminate the ammonia smell, which warns the buyer about the beginning of the rotting process inside. The seller can cut a small piece for testing so that the buyer appreciates the taste and makes sure of its quality.

When choosing cheese, you should pay attention to the price category. Lower production means that it is cheese products and not real cheese, since it takes a lot of investment and time to produce a real sour-milk product. So, it can’t be cheap.

Cheese products can not be eaten with pancreatitis, as they contain a lot of vegetable fats and even palm oil, which is strictly prohibited in the inflammatory process of the digestive system.

Cheese is the oldest natural product made by man from the very beginning of history. Cheese was valued at all times: as a hearty product for every day, and as a delicacy. In this article we will consider the most low-fat varieties of cheese. And also, let's talk about the calorie content of the most common types of cheeses.

1. Low-fat cheese - Tofu. This is soy cheese. Its fat content ranges from 1.5 to 4%. In its content, tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so this cheese can be successfully replaced with meat. In addition, 100 grams of tofu cheese contains only 80 calories. Therefore, tofu is recommended to include in and fitness menus.

2. Low-fat cheese - cottage cheese  (fat content 5%). In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking ones), cottage cheese is called cottage cheese (English country or cottage cheese). Calorie content of grain curd: 98-125 kcal. The lowest calorie produced in Russia is cottage cheese “Savushkin product“ 101 grains + cream ”BIO 5%. Its calorie content: 98.6 kcal.

3. Low-fat cheese - from skim milk (8%). The calorie content of this cheese is 140 kcal.

4. Low-fat cheese - Kaluga “Chechil”smoked gourmet rope. Its fat content is 10%, and calorie content: 140 kcal.

6. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (5-10%), calories: 148 kcal

7. Low-fat cheese - Chechil (fat content 5-10%). - fibrous brine cheese, in consistency resembles suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense fibers with a fibrous structure twisted into tight plaits in the shape of a pigtail, often smoked. Fat in it contains up to 10%, moisture - not more than 60%, salt - 4-8%. With a fat content of 5%, calorie content is 155 kcal.

8. Low-fat cheese - Feta Arla Apetina. Apetina in traditional packaging - the cheese has a slightly salty taste and delicate texture. It is perfect for salads or as an appetizer with any kind of bread. Nutritional value: proteins 15.0 g, carbohydrates 5.0 g, fats 8.5 g. Calorie content: 160 kcal.

The taste of ricotta is slightly sweet, not sour, but rather fresh. Riccot is of different fat content. It can be made not only from whey, but from cream or milk (better still from fat milk). As a variety of Italian ricotta cheese, we are practically not widespread, such as mozzarella or parmigiano.

However, in his homeland, he does not graze the back in the least. This amazing dairy product is suitable for most diets due to its low fat content and easy absorption by the human body. If you compare ricotta with other cheeses, then it has much less fat and calories. The most famous varieties of it are: ricotta romano, ricotta piedmontese, ricotta siciliano, etc., depending on the density: ricotta moliteor (salted), ricotta forte (soft, not seasoned), ricotta dolce (fresh, without salt). In cooking, ricotta is widely used as a dessert. Neapolitan cake (pastor), as well as Sicilian pastries (cassata or cannoli) are the most common desserts with ricotta. Also, it is present in pancakes, pies, various cakes. However, ricotta is used to prepare not only sweet dishes.

Calorie content: Ricotta from skim milk -138 kcal, fat - 8%, Ricotta from whole milk - 174 kcal, fat - 13%

Pickled Cheeses  Their average calorie content is 250 kcal.

Suluguni  - This is Georgian cheese, with a pronounced sour-milk, slightly salty taste and smell. The consistency is dense and elastic. prepared from pasteurized cow's milk, goat, sheep or buffalo or a mixture thereof. Calories - 286, 22% fat.

Cheese fetaor - this is the most popular cheese in Greece. But its popularity has long been not limited to Greece, this sheep’s cheese is known all over the world. We know it as an inapplicable attribute of Greek salad. According to the cheese classification, it is classified as soft grades. "Feta" in Greek means "piece." This, by the way, is due to the fact that it is made in a rather large piece. Feta is a bit like young pressed cottage cheese, but the taste of cheese is very rich, with a gentle acidity and a slight saltiness. This is a rather fatty cheese (50%), so for those who monitor their extra pounds, it will not work. Feta cheese should be eaten with pleasure, not thinking about how many calories it brings to the body. This cheese was made in the days of Homer. Calorie cheese, feta: 260-270 kcal

Processed cheese

Cheese Milkana fresh creamy 65% \u200b\u200b- Calories: 239 kcal

Cheese President fresh with garlic and herbs 70% - Calories: 344 kcal

Curd Almette cheese with herbs Fat content of at least 60-70% - Calories: 266 kcal

Cream cheese Rama Creme Bonjour natural curd 27% - Calories: 280 kcal

Cream cheese Rama Creme Bonjour curd with slices of fresh herbs 26.7% - Calories: 277 kcal

Someone in their daily diet uses cheese as the main dish, someone - as part of a salad, snack, sandwich or hot. A wide variety of varieties and producers are often confused - what to choose? What kind of cheese should I prefer so that extra centimeters are not added to the waist, and the body does not have to struggle with an excessive amount of saturated animal fats, we understand below.

Cheese back

Cheese, like any other sour-milk product, contains extremely useful substances for our body - potassium, calcium and vitamin D, A, B2, B12. 70 grams of some types of cheese, such as Emmenthal, contains as much protein as 100 grams of meat, fish or 2 eggs. Despite such a valuable “reserve” of vitamins and nutrients, cheeses also contain a large amount of saturated fat, which we try to avoid. Especially a lot of these elements in cheese varieties made from whole milk with the addition of milk fat.

If you like cheese and want to benefit exclusively from this product, give preference to low-fat unsalted varieties. Worldwide, low-fat, unsalted cheese is considered the best food for both adults and children.

How many calories?

The calorie content of cheese depends on which milk and by what technology was used to produce it. Cheese is made from whole, skim milk or milk with low fat content. As additional ingredients can add butter, cream, etc. - at the discretion of the manufacturer. Of course, the least high-calorie (about 83 kcal / 100 g) is cheese made from skim milk, but cheese made from whole milk or with cream will not be so dietary - about 233 kcal / 100 g.

Cheese added to the finished dish automatically increases the calorie content of the serving by about 70-100 kcal. So, for example, baked potato with a calorie content of 145 kcal after adding cheese automatically turns into 245 kcal per 100 g.

The average calorie content of some types of cheese
  Type of cheese - calorie content, 100 gr.

Dutch round - 377
  Suluguni - 290
  Goat Cheese - 243
  Maasdam - 350
  Russian - 360
  Brynza - 246
  Gouda - 364
  Swiss - 396
  Estonian - 350
  Parmesan - 392
  Bursen - 404
  Brie - 304
  Camembert - 310
  Cheddar - 426
  Edam - 314
  Emmental - 370
  Feta - 304
  Mozzarella - 278
  Chechil - 255
  Tilsiter - 361

Debunking Myths

Cheese contains a lot of calcium.
  The statement itself is not a myth. The fact is that not all calcium that enters the body from cheese can be absorbed. Animal fats contained in this product interfere with the absorption of calcium. In low-fat and low-fat grades, calcium is absorbed much better.

Low-fat cheeses are healthy, so they can be eaten in unlimited quantities.
  Low-fat cheeses - Adyghe, Brynza, Suluguni - really contain very little fat. However, these “brine” varieties contain a large amount of salt. These types of cheeses ripen in concentrated brine. It is not advisable to use salted cheeses for hypertensive patients, people suffering from kidney diseases. So not every low-fat cheese can bring only health benefits. To rid low-fat cheese of excess salt, soak the sliced \u200b\u200bslices in cold water. Such fresh cheese can certainly be consumed by everyone, without exception.

Cheese is a hypoallergenic product.
Any kind of cheese belongs to the rennet or non-rennet category. The latter are prepared at a fermented milk dressing and rarely cause allergies. But rennet varieties are produced using rennet of animal origin, which often causes allergic reactions - indigestion, skin problems, asthma attacks. Such consequences may occur after taking mold cheeses. Experts do not recommend that allergy sufferers choose any hard-to-cut cheese.

Very hard cheeses: Parmesan (Italy), Romano (Italy) and Sbrinz (Switzerland).
  Solid: emmental, gruyere (Switzerland), cheddar, cheshire (England).
  Semisolid: edam, gouda (Netherlands).
  Semi-soft: Limburg (Belgium), Munster (France), Tilsit (Germany).
  Soft (ripening with mold over the entire mass of cheese or on the surface): Roquefort (France), gorgonzola (Italy), brie, kashmber, neuchatel (France).
  Soft (without ripening): creamy (Great Britain), mozzarella, ricotta from whole milk (Italy).

Cheese has been criticized by nutritionists a lot. It supposedly contributes to weight gain and clogged arteries. But just because you shouldn’t eat it in kilograms doesn’t mean at all that you should avoid cheese at all. Cheese is a tasty and excellent source of protein, calcium, phosphorus and other useful components, especially if you choose the right variety. Here are five types of cheeses that, according to doctors, give odds to all others.


A key component of Greek cuisine, feta contains less fat and calories than most cheeses, says Natalie Kane-Bish, a professor of nutrition and nutrition at Kent State University. One serving is enough to make a Greek salad - 4 grams of protein and only 74 calories.

The distinctive strong feta flavor means you can use less cheese without feeling “pinched”. The salty taste of feta makes it a good choice for crumbling into salads and soups. In addition, it is paired with sweet foods such as watermelon or sweet potatoes.

Tip:  despite the fact that feta for import is often made from cow's milk, Greek feta cheese is made from sheep or goat milk, which makes it a good choice for people with problems digesting cow's dairy products. Keep in mind, however, that unpasteurized feta and other soft cheeses may often contain the harmful Listeria bacteria than other cheeses, so be sure to buy pasteurized feta cheese, especially if you are pregnant or have a weak immune system.


Children's favorite snack is a great choice for adults. But for this you need to choose a "pigtail" of partially fat-free mozzarella. This is not actually processed cheese - mozzarella cheese is viscous naturally. It contains few calories and a lot of protein (one serving is 71 calories, 7 grams of protein).

Tip:  the fact that this cheese is usually pre-packaged makes it convenient for a healthy diet at work or at home.


Parmesan is also an excellent choice. The homeland of cheese is the Parma region in Italy, and its classy aroma inspired even the classics (even Bocaccio in the Decameron did not offend this cheese with his brilliant attention).

Parmesan cheese is relatively low in calories (110 per serving) but high in salt (449 mg per serving), so use it in moderation.

Tip:  try putting it on a salad or eating small slices with ripe apples or pears, as well as pasta and pizza.

Swiss cheese

What we call Swiss cheese is often Swiss Emmental, although other cheeses with a similar taste and texture are sometimes defined in the same way. Swiss cheese is popular. Since it comes in several varieties, including low salt and low fat, it’s easy to find the option that suits your dietary needs.

Like hard cheese, Swiss is richer in phosphorus than almost all soft cheeses. Calcium and phosphorus are key elements for bone formation and bone density. This is important for people of any age.

Tip:  try adding a slice to the sandwich. Sliced \u200b\u200bin small slices or cubes, the cheese will go like a great snack, especially with fruit.

Cottage cheese

There is a reason nutritionists love cottage cheese: it contains a lot of protein and low fat (if you buy cottage cheese with a low fat content), and is versatile enough to mix it with most other products. You can eat it with vegetables, or add fruits and cinnamon and make it sweet.

One serving of low-fat cottage cheese contains only 3 grams of protein and only 20 calories. Like all cheeses, it is also high in calcium.

Tip: Cottage cheese may contain a lot of salt, especially when it is low-fat or low-fat. Be sure to check the label before buying it.