Which raisins are better to choose. Why blue and brown raisins are healthier than yellow

In the cold season, I especially want sunny berries and fruits.

But retail offers us only imported goods at predatory prices and unknown, and, therefore, of dubious production.

Beloved and such native dried fruits will come to the rescue, namely, healthy and tasty raisins.

Dried grapes were first obtained in the East.

The ancient Persians noticed the benefits of raisins due to its ability to preserve all the nutrients of grapes and took these dried fruits on long military campaigns, long caravans and navigation.

Four varieties of raisins are distinguished:

1. blue pitted. Sold under the name "Shigani";

2. light without bone. Known as "Sabza";

3. light "Avlon" with one bone;

4. Amber "Hermian" with 2-3 seeds.

The color of this dried berry depends on the grape variety and production technology. It can be dried both in the sun and in the shade, or pre-doused with a solution of alkali. As you can see, raisins retain all the beneficial properties of grapes due to minimal technical processing.

Raisins: composition, calories, as used

The use of raisins for the body is due to its composition:

element Body function Content in 100g.
Potassium Supports water balance and fluid exchange, regulates osmotic (cellular) pressure and acid-base balance 749 mg
Calcium Provides tissue hardness, impermeability of blood vessels, participates in blood coagulation, stimulates hormones and glands 50 mg
Phosphorus Regulates mental and physical activity, catalyzes chemical reactions in the body, synthesizes protein 101 mg
Magnesium It is necessary for the production of 300 enzymes in the body, is responsible for the transfer of genetic information, nerve signals 32 mg
Sodium Maintains a balance of intercellular fluids, neutralizes acids, regulates blood pressure, promotes digestion 11 mg
Copper Forms red blood cells, synthesizes hemoglobin and myoglobin, regulates the respiratory and nervous systems, breaks down iron 0.32 mg
Manganese Responsible for redox processes, ensures the formation of cartilage, supports the pancreas 0.3 mg
Fluorine Provides healthy and healing bone tissue, prevents the formation of lactic acid 234 mcg
Vitamin C It forms collagen, eliminates toxins, regulates the elasticity of blood vessels, protects the endocrine glands 2,3mg
Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 Regulate carbohydrate metabolism, form polysaturated fats, control nerve impulses, produce gastric juice 0.5 mg
Choline Protects the liver from obesity, produces lecithin, activates mental activity 11.1 mg
Vitamin PP Provides protein metabolism and cellular respiration, regulates the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, protects the mucous membranes 1.6 mg
Vitamin K Essential for blood coagulation, wound healing, liver cell division, prevents blood diseases 3.5 mcg
Glucose Regulates carbohydrate metabolism, ensures the functioning of muscle and nerve cells, all metabolic processes, heat exchange 27.75 g
Fructose Nourishes brain cells, regulates glycogen in the blood, removes sugar from the body, supports lymph nutrition 29.68 g

Raisins, nutritional value:

Calorie content - 299 kcal

Proteins - 3.07 g

Fats - 0.46 g

Carbohydrates - 79.18 g

Useful properties of raisins have been actively used. in medicine. It is indicated for diseases of the bladder, the diuretic effect of this product removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling, and normalizes kidney function. Potassium is useful for cardiovascular problems, nervous disorders.

Organic raisins have an antibacterial property. It is useful for dysentery, food poisoning, diseases of the oral cavity. The same antibacterial effect helps with lung diseases (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia), runny nose.

Decoction of raisins reduces high blood pressure, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. The choleretic property of this product eliminates belching, heartburn, nausea, and problems with stool.

Raisins can even cure dermatological problems, for example, lichen, boils. To do this, apply gruel from crushed dried berries to the affected area.

Raisins help normalize the menstrual cycle, get rid of heavy bleeding during menstruation (girls, adopted).

In cosmetology  The benefits of raisins are used in various masks for hair and face. This product cleanses the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily hair, and the skin - from oily sheen.

In cooking  dried grapes are used as a filling for baking, compotes and fruit drinks are prepared from it, added to children's cereals, pilaf. Stuffed raisins meat, make dressings and sauces, added to vegetable, fruit and meat salads to give a gentle, sweet taste.

Raisins: what are the benefits for the body?

Raisins are the most useful of all dried fruits, as they are able to preserve 70% of vitamins and 93% of microelements of grapes.

Organic raisins (folic, ascorbic, nicotinic, tartaric) regulate nervous activity and have a sedative. Therefore, it is useful to eat these fruits under stress, overwork, irritability, or a lot of mental stress. They also destroy harmful bacteria in the oral cavity (which cause tooth decay and gum bleeding).

B vitamins in dried grapes normalize metabolism, improve sleep, reduce appetite, protect against free radicals (toxins), and increase immunity.

Raisins, thanks to iron and copper, increase hemoglobin in the blood, and prevent anemia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Dietary fiber and raisin proteins normalize the intestines, accelerate fluid metabolism, eliminate swelling.

Regular consumption of raisins (the norm is 60 gr. Per day) helps to improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, as this product stimulates the work of the kidneys, heart. It also cleanses the liver and spleen, which is the prevention of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Raisin oleanolic acid is an antioxidant - it fights age-related changes, resists dangerous viruses and bacteria.

Raisins do not have sucrose (but there is fructose and glucose). This fact allows you to eat these berries when you are overweight, when you want a sweet, without fear for the figure. Moreover, fructose and sucrose activate energy metabolism and displace harmful sucrose from the body.

Raisins: what is the harm to health?

The harm of raisins is a too loud statement, but there are a number of precautions and contraindications when consuming these dried fruits:

    Raisins are a high-calorie product. Its excessive use will affect the roundness of the hips and sides.

    Accordingly, raisins are contraindicated in diabetes and obesity.

    Peptic ulcer problems and intestinal diseases may worsen with the use of raisins.

    With lesions of the oral cavity (caries, stomatitis), raisins are contraindicated.

    Raisins will be harmful and even dangerous for the body if you do not rinse it first or pour boiling water over it (you yourself understand why).

    Active tuberculosis or acute heart failure precludes the use of this product.

    Individual intolerance and food allergy (much less without them).

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm and benefits of raisins

Eating dried grapes shown from the first trimester of pregnancy. Useful properties of raisins will help the expectant mother to fill up the deficiency of vitamins.

Pregnant women often complain of stool problems. Raisins (or a decoction of it) will solve this delicate problem.

The antibacterial property of these dried fruits will protect the expectant mother from fungi (thrush, stomatitis), increase immunity, and protect against colds.

Organic acids in raisins contribute to the formation of the baby's respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems.

Potassium and iron of dried grapes will raise the hemoglobin of the pregnant woman (by the way, due to low hemoglobin, doctors prescribe a cesarean section) and protect the fetus from oxygen starvation (which is the main cause of mental inferiority).

Raisin minerals help in the formation of the child’s bone and cartilage tissue, and protect the mother from brittle bones, crumbling of teeth and hair loss.

Decoction of raisins during pregnancy reduces the risk of rhesus conflict and the appearance of jaundice in the newborn, relieves swelling in the expectant mother, and promotes urination.

The harm of raisins during pregnancy can be caused by individual intolerance, as well as contraindications (diabetes, tuberculosis, stomach ulcer, enterocolitis).

When breastfeeding  raisins are also useful for the body of both mother and baby:

    This product is hypoallergenic (with the exception of individual intolerance), which means that all the beneficial properties get into the body of mother and child and will not cause a negative reaction;

    Useful fructose and glucose will restore the strength of mom, and milk will make sweet, tasty and plentiful;

    A decoction of raisins will save mom from problems with the stool, and a small tummy - from bloating and frustration. This drink can be given to the baby a month after birth to improve digestion and get rid of colic;

    These dried fruits increase the production of red blood cells in the child, restore the mother’s hemoglobin.

Raisins for children: useful or harmful

A decoction of raisins without sugar is recommended for children from the first months of life. It is rich in pectin, potassium, iron, phosphorus, which helps the child develop immunity, promotes the formation of useful enzymes in the baby’s intestines, soothes nervous excitability and hyperactivity, increases concentration and stimulates mental activity.

For children after a year and older, these dried berries will not only be useful, they will be a healthy alternative to sugar and sweets. Important: you can not give the child dry raisins - the baby has not yet learned to chew. the berries are pre-filled with hot water and allowed to swell. Pediatricians recommend giving this product from a year and a half when the child's teeth come out.

The word raisins came to the Russian language from the Turkic language, as you might guess, in translation this word means “grapes”. Harvested ripened grapes are dried in the hot sun for two or a little more weeks. This period is affected by weather conditions, so raisins are made only in those regions where drying in the hot sun is possible for several weeks. It should not rain. Drying is carried out in special places. Nowadays, all dried grapes are called raisins, but this is not entirely correct. Historically, only dried grapes with seeds were entitled to be called raisins. And without a bone, it should have been called kishmish. The properties of fresh and dried grapes are somewhat different, but with proper drying, 75-80% of vitamins and up to 100% of trace elements are preserved in raisins.

Black raisins are considered healthier than light. Red raisins obtained from pink grapes are rare and are inferior to dark in terms of useful properties, but superior to light.

For the production of raisins, not any grape variety is suitable, but only one with a thin skin and fleshy flesh. Almost all countries of Central Asia, Iran, India, Turkey, and California in North America can be attributed to regions in which natural conditions make it possible to grow grape varieties suitable for making raisins. Usually the inhabitants of these countries are well versed in the technology of properly drying raisins.

A good raisin during cooking loses up to 80% moisture, for the production of 1 kg of raisins you will need at least 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof grapes.

Useful properties of raisins

The various useful properties of raisins can be talked about endlessly, and its magical qualities have been known to people since time immemorial. Moreover, the properties of fresh grapes are very different from the same properties of dried grapes, and the doctors knew about this from ancient times. Raisins have long taken their rightful place in folk medicine.

This product is perfect for strengthening the nervous system, can be used as a sedative. Raisins owe this property to the niacin (nicotinic acid) contained in it, as well as to B vitamins (B1, B2 and B5), which have the most beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Raisins are able to relieve anger and irritability, have a sedative effect, improving sleep, it is shown to excitable people.

Raisins are indispensable for strengthening the work of the cardiovascular system, it is incredibly rich in potassium, which activates cardiac muscle work, so doctors often recommend that the raisins be consumed by the cores and hot or cold broth from it. It helps with hypertension. Infusion of raisins is recommended to drink in the morning and evening courses for a month in spring and autumn.

It helps a lot with lung diseases. It is used for cough and bronchitis, it contributes to the transition of cough from dry and hard to wet and soft. It is also used for colds and sore throats, decoctions of raisins with onions are especially helpful. Raisins contain boron, and due to this inhibits the development of osteoporosis in the elderly.

It is used actively used in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, raisins have a strong diuretic effect. In addition, it helps with a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Raisins have a mild choleretic effect, it has long been used as a means of combating constipation, and berries with stones help with dysentery. Raisins contain arginine, which makes it beneficial for men's health.

The benefit of raisins is expressed even in the fact that it is able to treat lichen. Berries cut in half are applied to the affected areas. The fact that raisins are so useful is explained by the content in it of a huge amount of vitamins, mineral salts of metals and organic acids. Raisins are rich in antioxidants. As recent research by scientists has shown, due to its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, raisins help even with dental diseases and have a beneficial effect not only on the gums, but also on the teeth. Raisins have a strong antibacterial effect due to oleanolic acid, which is part of it. It is used for anemia, especially its dark varieties, which are rich in iron.

The content of glucose and fructose in it is as much as 8 times higher than the content of similar substances in fresh berries. Raisins with stones are more useful than without them. The opinion of phytotherapists regarding dried fruits can be summarized as follows: the substances contained in the product from which moisture is removed become more concentrated in it, therefore caution and measure are important when using them.

Types of Raisins

Despite the fact that in the market recently you can find a variety of names for raisins, the main types as there were four, and remains. Such a classification developed 2500 years ago, and since then (fortunately or not), alas, nothing has changed. Here's what it looks like:

  • seedless raisins are light;
  • dark raisins without pits;
  • raisins light olive with one stone;
  • large raisins (with two or three seeds).

Now consider all of these types in more detail.

Seedless raisins light

This is a small raisin, which is made from grapes of the raisins of green or white (as it is also called gray) color. Other names for this variety - sabza, soyag, bedona are found in trade terminology and indicate methods of drying it. For example, soyag is obtained by drying in the shade, this requires special rooms. Bedon variety is obtained by ordinary drying in the sun without any processing. To obtain the Sabza variety, grapes are first scalded in an alkaline solution, and then dried in the open sun.

Raisins white contains a very large amount of sugar. Such a product is very useful for those who have poor health. Its consumption has a beneficial effect on strengthening immunity. It also has a softening effect on the intestines, working as a gentle laxative. It is widely used for baking and making confectionery.

Dark raisins, aka black pitted raisins

This raisin variety is obtained from grapes of dark varieties completely seedless. In appearance, it is maroon or dark blue. Such raisins, in turn, are divided into very, not very sweet, slightly dry. Previously, it was often called "cinnamon." By analogy with the previous view, dark or black raisins have other names - shagan, avlon, germian. By drying in the sun without any processing, shagans are obtained. Avlon is obtained by drying in the scorching sun with seeds of various varieties, without additional processing. To obtain the Hermian variety, the best raisin grapes are used, but before drying in the sun they are scalded in alkali.

Dark or black raisins, of course, holds the palm by the content of useful properties in it. It contains a lot of iron, it is useful for anemia. It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Dark raisins are rich in antioxidants. It, like white, is widely used in various culinary and sweet pastries. During heat treatment, it opens up, giving its specific musky aroma.

Red raisins are obtained from pink grape varieties. This rare type of raisin, it is not often found on the shelves. It occupies an intermediate position between light and black raisins.

Raisins light olive with one stone

This is a raisin of medium size. It can be called a classic type of raisins. Such a variety most often could be bought on the shelves of Soviet stores. Raisins with stones are considered more useful and rich than without stones. In the East, they even say that to deprive a fruit or a berry of a seed is the same as to deprive it of a soul.

It is good not only for confectionery products, but also for various meat dishes, pilaf, poultry stuffing. Often in cooking it is combined with apricots or prunes. Ideal for compotes.

Large raisins with two or three seeds

This raisin variety is the largest, meaty and very sweet. It is made from grapes "ladies' finger" or Hermian. It has an amber, very beautiful color, for this property it is sometimes called amber raisins. He looks very appetizing. It can be crushed and pitted for baking or preparing curd products. With seeds it is used for compotes, fruit drinks, kvass. After cooking, it retains its rich taste and rich color. This property has also found wide application in cooking.

Raisin Production Technology

Drying of grapes occurs in the hot sun, under the influence of direct rays. To improve the quality of the product, before drying it is often dipped in a solution of boiling alkali for only a few seconds.

In California, the harvest is laid out in trays, why are they placed between the grape rows. There it is dried without exposure to sunlight for several, usually two to three weeks, after which partially dried raisins are placed in low boxes. In them, he dries for a while. Then the raisins are sent to the factory, where all the processes for pre-sale preparation go through. Garbage and twigs are removed from it, washed, dried one more time and treated with solutions. After that, it is dried again, so that the remaining moisture evaporates, and then, after all these manipulations, they are packed in various containers. The process is fully automated using machines, and workers only control it at all stages. Next, raisins go on sale.

Chemical processing of raisins

There are three ways to dry raisins. Two in a natural way: one in the sun, the second in the shade, and the second method is preferable, since raisins dried in the sun are more solid. The third method is with chemical or thermal treatment.

Unfortunately, the raisins obtained in the third way, come across more often on the shelves for quite understandable reasons. It has a more attractive appearance, it is not subject to damage by pests and is stored for a long time. Good raisins look faded compared to chemically processed ones, since not a single berry retains its natural color after drying. If you see amber-colored raisins on sale, it may be a product fumigated with sulfur dioxide and tinted with dyes.

Properly dried dark raisins have a slight plaque, light looks light brown. If you see raisins uniformly yellow in color, then this is a processed product. Another sign of good quality: if you toss raisins, then when the berries fall, they will make a sound similar to the sound of falling pebbles.

Sulphurous anhydride fumigation is used to kill bacteria and protect against pests. From smoking in sulfur dioxide, the berries become shiny, golden and seemingly transparent. The opinions of experts about the dangers of such treatment differ, some say that the chemical is present in them in such an insignificant amount that it does not harm the body, others that this substance irritates the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.

To add extra shine, raisins can be greased with fat or glycerin. The berries dried in the usual way are dull and do not shine. Before use, it is better to soak the raisins, after a while drain the water and rinse well again with not very hot water, since cool boiling water will destroy most vitamins. When cooking compotes, sulphurous acid evaporates.

It happens that unscrupulous manufacturers use gas or gas burners and even blowtorches for drying. The berries are laid out on a grid and thus dried. Not only will they absorb harmful carcinogens, they will also have an unpleasant aftertaste, but the natural aroma with this treatment will disappear altogether. Such drying should be carried out using a filter system, which is often ignored.

Drying in a tunnel kiln is also used, in particular Iran and Moldova have such plants. A conveyor with berries moves along a special tunnel with heating elements. How raisins will be useful after such drying is a big question. If the berries are picked before they ripen, then their skin will be firm and naturally they will not dry. Then they are dipped in a solution of non-food soda, the skin is cracked, and the drying process is faster. But with this treatment, part of the juice (and with it the beneficial substances) is lost and bacteria penetrate. The appearance of this also suffers.

Eating raisins

Raisins are indicated and useful for the vast majority of people. It tastes good, it has an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Raisins can be eaten just like that, you can make decoctions, infusions and compotes, mix with other products. Raisins are widely used in cooking. It is good for baking and curd products. It is added in the preparation of meat and poultry. In the east, there is a whole culture of dried fruit consumption.

But, we must remember that raisins are high-calorie, and in it all substances are in a concentrated form, therefore, it should be in small quantities.

Contraindications Raisins

There are raisins and contraindications. It should be used with caution in people with diabetes, just a few berries a day, after boiling for a short time, in order to reduce the amount of sugar in it. Those who have a stomach or duodenal ulcer should better eliminate raisins from the diet. The same applies to patients with enterocolitis, active tuberculosis and acute heart failure. Another contraindication is oral ulcers. In all of the above cases, raisins will only harm. Obese people should not get involved in this product due to the high calorie content of raisins. Let's not forget that raisins can be tinted with food colors, so allergy sufferers should also be careful. In general, it is better to choose raisins not very attractive in appearance, more likely that they were not processed by anything.

Raisins for children

Children can begin to introduce dried fruits into the diet starting from the age of one. Since raisins are rich in fiber and iron, it will be a good way to prevent anemia. Calcium and boron will help in strengthening bones. Recall also that raisins increase immunity, it has a lot of antioxidants, so it is especially indicated for weakened children. In general, there are so many mineral salts and trace elements needed by the body that if there is no individual intolerance, then its consumption will be only useful. It can be added to various dishes, for example, casseroles, muffins, cereals, and cook compotes from it. The main thing is to rinse it well before adding it to dishes and let it sit for 15 minutes in water, which after draining and rinse the berries well again. If the child is nervous and crying often, raisins will help calm his nervous system and will contribute to good sleep.

A decoction of raisins helps relieve heat and replenishes the fluid lost during sweating in the body. Infusion of raisins fights well with cough and bronchitis. And in combination with onions, the infusion is taken for sore throat and runny nose.

Raisins for nursing mothers and pregnant women

Raisins are extremely beneficial for pregnant women. Dark varieties are able to make up for iron deficiency, which is indicated for anemia, which often accompanies pregnant women. Potassium, which is contained in large quantities in these berries, is no less useful. Since raisins also contain a lot of calcium, it becomes simply an indispensable product in this period of a woman's life. An additional plus is that, unlike natural grapes, this berry does not create an increased gas content in the intestines.

No less useful raisins and nursing mothers. It is able to enhance lactation, especially if combined with some nuts. But, while breastfeeding, raisins should be approached with caution and monitor the child's reaction to the introduced product.

Among dried fruits in terms of useful properties, this dried berry is in the first place. Literally all the properties of grapes are preserved in it - 100% of trace elements and 70-80% of vitamins. It contains nitrogenous substances, oleanolic and tartaric acids, fiber, ash, vitamins B5, B1 and B2 (read), ascorbic acid, boron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

Calorie Raisins  per 100 g is 264 kcal:

  • Proteins - 2.9 g
  • Fats - 0.6 g
  • Carbohydrates - 66.0 g

Everyone knows that raisins are useful, but not everyone knows about the characteristics of a particular variety. What are they like?

Varieties of raisins:

  1. Dark pitted. In cooking, it got its name “cinnamon”, and in the field of trade it is called “shigani” or “bidana”. It can be unsweetened, dry or very sweet. By the way, this variety is much more useful than other types.
  2. Light pitted. It is made from sweet green and white grape varieties. In culinary, it is called kishmish, and the modern trade name is “sabza”.
  3. Dried fruit light olive color with one seed, medium size.
  4. Large meaty variety, very sweet in taste, with 2-3 seeds. They make it from the grape variety "ladies' fingers", as well as from Hermian. The color is amber.
Varieties of sultanas and raisins, southerners are called differently: bedona, soyaga, sabza, avlon, shigani, germian, which differ in drying and processing methods. For example, if the white raisin "bedona" is dried in the sun without pre-treatment, then the "sabzu" is pre-scalded in an alkaline solution. Avlon is considered a delicacy of grapes with seeds of any variety, and soyag is dried in the shade.

Each variety is useful in its own way: seedless raisins, kishmish, are useful because of the high potassium content. If white dried fruit has a beneficial effect on the intestines and stomach, then dark varieties contain rubidium - a useful element for hematopoiesis, it helps to cleanse vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

"Tailed" raisins do not undergo mechanical processing during the separation of the stalks - so the berries do not wrinkle and retain their appearance.

What is the use of raisins:

  • get rid of cough with bronchitis. To do this, soak it with milk in a pot and eat at night. And to strengthen the lungs, it will be enough to eat 50 g of raisins per day.
  • restrain the growth of dangerous bacteria and protect against caries and gum disease. They do not contain dangerous sugars - therefore, they are not so scary for tooth enamel.
  • regulate the activity of nerve cells due to its content of niacin, or vitamin PP. The more this vitamin, the more nervous activity will be more productive and less prone to stress.
  • relieve migraines - for this, it is enough for 30 minutes to soak it in cold water and take it inside.
  • to ease the course of hepatitis A. For this, an infusion of raisins on grape vinegar is used, which can also treat tumors of internal organs (for example, spleen).
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers - during pregnancy, iron and magnesium deficiency can be compensated for with a small portion of raisins, and when feeding them, you can increase the amount of milk.
Raisins contain a lot of sugar, but not harmful sucrose, but glucose and fructose. Therefore, it’s much healthier to eat sweet dried grapes than iris or chocolates.

Probably, many noticed that if you throw raisins into a glass of champagne, it will jump down and up without stopping. How can this be explained? The fact is that in a glass a sufficient amount of gases raise the zest to the surface. Some of the bubbles go into the atmosphere, and the dried berry, which has a higher density than the density of champagne, sinks to the bottom and again begins to "grow" with bubbles. Bubbles, in turn, overcoming the critical mass, again raise it to the surface. That’s the whole secret.

Video about the benefits of raisins:

This dried berry is contraindicated in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, oral ulcerative processes, enterocolitis, obesity, and active pulmonary tuberculosis.

Please note: if the dried grapes are too oily, soft and uniformly yellow, then it has been chemically treated.

If dried fruit from light grape varieties was naturally dried, then it should have a light brown color, but not golden yellow! To preserve color, white varieties of raisins are treated with sulfur dioxide. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse exactly its bright appearance, soaking in warm water for 15 minutes.

For disinfection, you can hold it in kefir or sour milk. Choosing raisins, you can try rubbing 1 berry between the fingers - if the dried fruit is contaminated with insect larvae, it will be easier to notice them.

Video on how to make raisins:

I think it’s very difficult to find a person who does not know the taste of this delicacy. Almost everyone knows that these are dried grapes. After all, you can just eat it, taking pleasure in each individual berry, and add it to the pastry. Having prepared porridge and adding some raisins to it, we will get a delicious dish. A stuffed bird with raisins, and sausage, pilaf, curry .... As you understand, several dried grapes can fundamentally change the taste of any dish. Well, the presence of this fruit sweetness is appropriate in almost all dishes.

What gave the name raisins. The history of raisins. How and where did he come to us from.

For a long time, the main use of grapes was the production of wine. According to legend, during the preparation of wine, some of the grapes remained under the cloth. And when he was discovered, he had already turned into a soft treat with a sweet taste. And its name is not original. In the Turkic language, grapes are called "raisins." Well, he became the subject of commerce about 300 years before our era. And the first in this capacity were the Armenians and Phoenicians.

In Europe, the ancient Greeks were the first to try this delicacy. In a place called Corinth, small seedless grapes were distributed, which possessed a unique strong aroma. And in accordance with the name of the locality, the dried fruits of this grape began to be called "cinnamon."

For central Europe, the taste of raisins remained a curiosity until the 11th century. It was then that the knights returning from the Crusades began to bring him home.

What happens raisins. Types of Dried Grapes

Over the long history of the existence of this dry fruit, various varieties have been tried for its manufacture, various production methods have been applied and improved. And despite such a rich history of existence today, there are four main types of raisins.

Soyagi - made by drying grapes in the shade.

Bedona - for the preparation of this brand, the berries are dried in direct sunlight.

Sabza - before drying, the grapes are heat treated in an alkali solution, and then dried in the open sun.

Shagani - Dark raisins dried in the sun.

Avlon - dark raisins dried in the sun together with seeds of various varieties, without additional chemical treatment

Hermian - berries of dark grape varieties, dried in the sun, but as well as a sabza with preliminary heat treatment in alkali.

Perfect for pastry purposes, it is also good for most meat dishes. It is excellent at making compotes.

The largest type of raisins. Very meaty and very sweet. It is obtained as a result of drying varieties "ladies' fingers". It has a unique amber color. It is because of this color that it is sometimes called amber raisins. It looks extremely appetizing. During the cooking process, it retains a rich and rich taste.

Calorie raisins and its composition

Nutritionists and phytotherapists note that the substances contained in products from which water is removed become more concentrated. And their caloric value is increasing. So in our case, on average, about 300 kilocalories are contained in 100 grams of raisins. To find out how much this is, remember that a 100 gram meat cutlet contains about 245 kilocalories. However, due to the rich and sweet taste, eating 100 grams of raisins at a time is quite difficult.

Now about the composition. Consider specifically the content of these berries.

The same hundred grams of dried grapes contain approximately:

  • Water - about 15 grams
  • Protein - about 3 grams
  • Fat - 0.5 grams
  • Carbohydrate - about 75 grams
  • Fiber (dietary fiber) - about 5 grams
  • Ash about a gram

If we consider the vitamin composition, then it looks like this:

  • Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) - About 6 mcg
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) - About 0.15 mg
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) - about 0.1 mg
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3 or PP) - about 0.8 mg
  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) - approximately 0.6 mg
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - about 0.24 mg
  • Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) - About 3.5mcg
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) - approximately 3.5 mg
  • Tocopherol (Vitamin E) - approximately 0.7 mg
  • Phylloquinone (Vitamin K) - about 3.5 mcg
  • Biotin (Vitamin H) - approximately 2 mcg

No less rich berries of raisins and trace elements. Its one hundred grams contains:

  • Iron - more than 2 mg
  • Manganese - more than 300 mcg
  • Copper - more than 300 mcg
  • Selenium - more than 0.7 mcg
  • Zinc - more than 270 mcg.

Thus, we see that the berries of dried grapes are practically a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

And we will talk about the beneficial properties of these wonderful berries and their application in separate articles.

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Raisins, as everyone knows, is a variety of dried fruits and, in fact, is a dried grape. This delicacy has been popular for more than five and a half thousand years, although raisins (from the Turkic dialect this word is translated as “grapes”) were previously considered exclusively berries containing seeds.

The seedless product is popularly called "raisin".

   How is raisins made?

Typically, winegrowers, in countries where climatic conditions permit, dry the grapes under the sun in the open air for two or more weeks. A prerequisite is the presence of light, air and heat, so the largest amount of raisins is produced in Asia and North America.

For the preparation of raisins, not every grape variety is suitable, but only berries with a thin skin and juicy fleshy flesh.

Properly prepared raisins in the process of drying in the fresh air, as a rule, do not lose their nutritional and beneficial properties, while maintaining up to 80% of vitamins and completely preserving all the essential nutrients.

To get one kilogram of the finished goodies, winegrowers have to dry up to five kilograms of raw materials.

Alas, the producers of raisins have recently, to reduce labor costs and accelerate the drying process, are increasingly using artificial equipment (ovens) for the temperature treatment of berries, using chemically active substances. Raisins produced in this way, for obvious reasons, are better stored, and to a lesser extent damaged by pests and infections. Therefore, if on sale you come across an attractive-looking product of bright saturated color, then most likely it was dried by artificial means, treated with sulfur dioxide, and then tinted with dye. To give the berries a shine and an attractive presentation, unscrupulous producers often lubricate the berries with either glycerin or fat, so you should beware of buying a deliberately poor-quality product. Technologically correct dried berries have a natural, natural color and a slight matte coating.

To check the quality of raisins, it is enough to take and toss the dry berry up. When she falls, she will make a sound resembling the fall of a small pebble. Any other sound will mean fake.

If you nevertheless acquired berries that are suspicious in appearance, you should not worry about this, during the heat treatment, sulphurous acid will evaporate, though along with some vitamins and other useful substances. This should be remembered.

Useful properties of raisins

Ancient healers used raisins as a means of treating a wide variety of diseases and until now, grape berries occupy one of the honorable places in folk medicine, continuing to be in high demand due to the presence of a large number of elements useful to the human body.

The energy value of raisins is 300 kcal (per 100 grams of product).

This delicacy contains a huge amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vegetable sugars, acids, tannins and other macro and micronutrients, including iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, calcium and so on (you can safely list the entire periodic table of the great Mendeleev) .

It is generally accepted that raisins with pits are more useful than pitted. In addition, according to most scientists, it is precisely thanks to the drying process, in which excess moisture is removed from the berries, that the beneficial substances in the berries become more concentrated. For example, the content of glucose and fructose is eight times the amount of these components, in comparison with fresh berries.

Raisins contain a lot of iron (especially in dark grades), a huge amount of vitamins (B1, B2, B5), so eating berries favorably affects the human nervous system, improves sleep and has a sedative effect on the body, including strengthening the immune system.

Dried berries contribute to the improvement of the cardiovascular system, activating the activity of the heart muscle, and help withstand high blood pressure. They should also be used for bronchitis, lung disease, runny nose, cough, and sore throat.

Due to the large amount of boron in the berries, raisins are recommended for older people, as it inhibits the development of osteoporosis (improves bone strength). The positive effect of raisins on the kidneys is proved, since the berries have a strong diuretic and choleretic effect, as well as normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

It has long been known for the emollient effect that raisins have for problems with constipation, and the arginine contained in fruits helps increase male strength.

Thanks to oleanolic acid, which is part of raisins, a significant antibacterial effect is exerted on the human body, therefore, the use of berries has a beneficial effect on the condition of the tooth cavity and gums.

   Varieties of Raisins

Usually negligent raisin merchants call buyers, calling just an unimaginable number of different attractive and far-fetched names.

In fact, there are only four varieties of raisins:

Light pitted (sultana)

   · Dark (black) pitted

   · One-bone olive

   · Large raisins with two or three pits inside

There is also red raisins, which are obtained from the grapes with a pinkish tinge. This is a rather exotic type of raisin, which occupies an intermediate position between light and black. In the distribution network, this variety comes quite rarely.

Consider the above types of raisins in more detail:

1. Kishmish, as a rule, is a small variety of grapes (grayish, greenish or white). Depending on the drying method, this or that varietal accessory is determined.

· “Soyaga” - this type of raisin is obtained not by drying in the sun, but in a room specially adapted for this, since grapes dried in the sun are usually harder.

   · "Boyaga" - a variety dried in the open air, under the influence of the sun, without any additional treatments.

   · “Sabza” - a variety of grapes that are scalded in an alkaline solution before drying in the sun.

White raisins usually contain large amounts of natural sugar.

2. Black raisins (sometimes a maroon shade of the skin is sometimes found) pitted is made from dark grape varieties. Often it is called a “kinkinka”. It contains less sugar, but it has a pleasant specific musky aroma.

· "Shagani" - a type of raisin, which is dried in the open air, directly under the sun.

   · Avlon. For the production of this variety several varieties of grapes are used. Drying is done in the sun.

   · "Hermian." Like Sabza, it is preliminarily treated with an alkaline solution before drying. For the production of selected grape varieties.

3. Light olive raisins (with one stone) is the most popular and classic type.

4. Black raisins with several seeds are usually quite large and very sweet in taste. Its pulp is juicy and fleshy. It is prepared from the world-famous grape variety "Hermiana" or "Husain", better known as "Lady's fingers" (the length of individual berries can reach two and a half centimeters).

For its amber shade, this raisin is often called "amber."

   The use of raisins

Due to its excellent taste, raisins are widely used in cooking. It is used as an ingredient for the preparation of pilaf, other cereals, and also used in meat dishes and salads.

For obvious reasons, raisins are most actively used in the preparation of various culinary products: in the production of baking, muffins, cookies, puddings, ice cream and so on, the spectrum of its application is very wide.

Found this product a place in medicine and nutrition.

Berries are widely used for bowel cleansing and kidney treatment, and are recommended for women during pregnancy.

Raisins also help eliminate edema and are useful for children of any age.

Raisins are quite effectively used, despite its high calorie content, in dietetics, since the dietary fiber of the berries, when swollen, increases in volume, thereby reducing the feeling of hunger. In addition, the berries contain substances that contribute to the breakdown of fat cells, which is important.

For cosmetic purposes, raisins are often used to make various masks and creams. Its natural strength, thanks to a large number of powerful antioxidants and nutrients, perfectly rejuvenates the skin.

So eat raisins with pleasure and be healthy!