Which raisins are better to choose. Raisins: useful properties, varieties, types

Raisins are a very tasty and healthy product. A handful of raisins can satisfy hunger, it goes well with desserts and savory dishes, and it can fully replace dessert. Children can be offered instead of sweets: this way you can keep your child’s healthy teeth and replenish vitamins and minerals.

Sweet light seedless raisins are very tasty, it is convenient to use in cooking. And he is very beautiful. This quality often becomes the key when choosing. But will he be as useful as his less attractive brothers: dark and nondescript? The benefits of raisins are not always determined by its appearance.

What are the benefits of raisins

High-quality raisins contain many vitamins and minerals, and can be used as a biologically active food supplement.

Vitamins in raisins:

  • A (beta-carotene) - 6 mcg
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.16 mg
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.08 mg
  • Vitamin B3 or Vitamin PP - 0.8 mg
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.6 mg
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.24 mg
  • Vitamin B9 - 3.3 mcg
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 3.3 mg
  • E (tocopherol) - 0.7 mg
  • K (phylloquinone) - 3.5 mcg
  • Biotin (Vitamin H) - 2 mcg

Macronutrients in raisins:

  • Potassium - 751 mg
  • Calcium - 49 mg
  • Magnesium - 33 mg
  • Sodium - 12 mg
  • Phosphorus - 97 mg
  • Chlorine - 9 mg

Trace elements in raisins:

  • Iron - 2.07 mg
  • Manganese - 303 mcg
  • Copper - 303 mcg
  • Selenium - 0.69 mcg
  • Zinc - 276 mcg

Raisins are a fairly energy-intensive product: 100 grams of the product contains about 300 kcal. Therefore, if you are losing weight on a diet, then a lot of raisins are undesirable. The rest of the benefits of raisins are undeniable.

Harmful raisins

The technology for preparing raisins is not always the same, and this significantly affects its quality. The most beautiful is golden raisins. It is sweet and always pitted. But just such raisins can not be eaten in large quantities, and surely you can not buy for children.

Light yellow raisins contain that maintain its color and allow long storage. After all, it is moist and undersized. If sorbic acid, sulfur dioxide, sulfites were not used in its preparation, then it would simply rot. But no: it lies on the counter and beckons with an appetizing look.

If raisins were prepared without the use of preservatives, it will be dark or light brown. Outside, the berries will be dull and moderately dry. Such raisins are useful, and will be able to show all the properties of dried grapes as much as possible ..

Watch online: how to cook healthy raisins at home

How to choose healthy raisins

When buying raisins, conduct several experiments.

  • Throw the berry on the counter: high-quality raisins fall with a soft knock, under-dried - soundlessly.
  • Break or cut the zest: it should not be dry and not wet, dried inside, evenly dried, and not crumble.
  • Smell: the raisins should smell. If there is no smell, then it is possible that chemicals were used in its preparation. Also bad if the smell is too harsh. Imagine how grape compote could smell: this is the smell that is present in high-quality and healthy raisins.
  • Remember the berry between the boys: if the fingers are painted, then there is. You can also find out if there are larvae inside the raisins.
  • On the palate, quality raisins should be sweet. Sourness, bitterness, burnt taste indicate a violation of production technology.

The word raisins came to the Russian language from the Turkic language, as you might guess, in translation this word means “grapes”. Harvested ripened grapes are dried in the hot sun for two or a little more weeks. This period is affected by weather conditions, so raisins are made only in those regions where drying in the hot sun is possible for several weeks. It should not rain. Drying is carried out in special places. Nowadays, all dried grapes are called raisins, but this is not entirely correct. Historically, only dried grapes with seeds were entitled to be called raisins. And without a bone, it should have been called kishmish. The properties of fresh and dried grapes are somewhat different, but with proper drying, 75-80% of vitamins and up to 100% of trace elements are preserved in raisins.

Black raisins are considered healthier than light. Red raisins obtained from pink grapes are rare and are inferior to dark in terms of useful properties, but superior to light.

For the production of raisins, not any grape variety is suitable, but only one with a thin skin and fleshy flesh. Almost all countries of Central Asia, Iran, India, Turkey, and California in North America can be attributed to regions in which natural conditions make it possible to grow grape varieties suitable for making raisins. Usually the inhabitants of these countries are well versed in the technology of properly drying raisins.

A good raisin during cooking loses up to 80% moisture, for the production of 1 kg of raisins you will need at least 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof grapes.

Useful properties of raisins

The various useful properties of raisins can be talked about endlessly, and its magical qualities have been known to people since time immemorial. Moreover, the properties of fresh grapes are very different from the same properties of dried grapes, and the doctors knew about this from ancient times. Raisins have long taken their rightful place in folk medicine.

This product is perfect for strengthening the nervous system, can be used as a sedative. Raisins owe this property to the niacin (nicotinic acid) contained in it, as well as to B vitamins (B1, B2 and B5), which have the most beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Raisins are able to relieve anger and irritability, have a sedative effect, improving sleep, it is shown to excitable people.

Raisins are indispensable for strengthening the work of the cardiovascular system, it is incredibly rich in potassium, which activates cardiac muscle work, so doctors often recommend that the raisins be consumed by the cores and hot or cold broth from it. It helps with hypertension. Infusion of raisins is recommended to drink in the morning and evening courses for a month in spring and autumn.

It helps a lot with lung diseases. It is used for cough and bronchitis, it contributes to the transition of cough from dry and hard to wet and soft. It is also used for colds and sore throats, decoctions of raisins with onions are especially helpful. Raisins contain boron, and due to this inhibits the development of osteoporosis in the elderly.

It is used actively used in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, raisins have a strong diuretic effect. In addition, it helps with a number of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Raisins have a mild choleretic effect, it has long been used as a means of combating constipation, and berries with stones help with dysentery. Raisins contain arginine, which makes it beneficial for men's health.

The benefit of raisins is expressed even in the fact that it is able to treat lichen. Berries cut in half are applied to the affected areas. The fact that raisins are so useful is explained by the content in it of a huge amount of vitamins, mineral salts of metals and organic acids. Raisins are rich in antioxidants. As recent research by scientists has shown, due to its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, raisins help even with dental diseases and have a beneficial effect not only on the gums, but also on the teeth. Raisins have a strong antibacterial effect due to oleanolic acid, which is part of it. It is used for anemia, especially its dark varieties, which are rich in iron.

The content of glucose and fructose in it is as much as 8 times higher than the content of similar substances in fresh berries. Raisins with stones are more useful than without them. The opinion of phytotherapists regarding dried fruits can be summarized as follows: the substances contained in the product from which moisture is removed become more concentrated in it, therefore caution and measure are important when using them.

Types of Raisins

Despite the fact that in the market recently you can find a variety of names for raisins, the main types as there were four, and remains. Such a classification developed 2500 years ago, and since then (fortunately or not), alas, nothing has changed. Here's what it looks like:

  • seedless raisins are light;
  • dark raisins without pits;
  • raisins light olive with one stone;
  • large raisins (with two or three seeds).

Now consider all of these types in more detail.

Seedless raisins light

This is a small raisin, which is made from grapes of the raisins of green or white (as it is also called gray) color. Other names for this variety - sabza, soyag, bedona are found in trade terminology and indicate methods of drying it. For example, soyag is obtained by drying in the shade, this requires special rooms. Bedon variety is obtained by ordinary drying in the sun without any processing. To obtain the Sabza variety, grapes are first scalded in an alkaline solution, and then dried in the open sun.

Raisins white contains a very large amount of sugar. Such a product is very useful for those who have poor health. Its consumption has a beneficial effect on strengthening immunity. It also has a softening effect on the intestines, working as a gentle laxative. It is widely used for baking and making confectionery.

Dark raisins, aka black pitted raisins

This raisin variety is obtained from grapes of dark varieties completely seedless. In appearance, it is maroon or dark blue. Such raisins, in turn, are divided into very, not very sweet, slightly dry. Previously, it was often called "cinnamon." By analogy with the previous view, dark or black raisins have other names - shagan, avlon, germian. By drying in the sun without any processing, shagans are obtained. Avlon is obtained by drying in the scorching sun with seeds of various varieties, without additional processing. To obtain the Hermian variety, the best raisin grapes are used, but before drying in the sun they are scalded in alkali.

Dark or black raisins, of course, holds the palm by the content of useful properties in it. It contains a lot of iron, it is useful for anemia. It also has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Dark raisins are rich in antioxidants. It, like white, is widely used in various culinary and sweet pastries. During heat treatment, it opens up, giving its specific musky aroma.

Red raisins are obtained from pink grape varieties. This rare type of raisin, it is not often found on the shelves. It occupies an intermediate position between light and black raisins.

Raisins light olive with one stone

This is a raisin of medium size. It can be called a classic type of raisins. Such a variety most often could be bought on the shelves of Soviet stores. Raisins with stones are considered more useful and rich than without stones. In the East, they even say that to deprive a fruit or a berry of a seed is the same as to deprive it of a soul.

It is good not only for confectionery products, but also for various meat dishes, pilaf, poultry stuffing. Often in cooking it is combined with apricots or prunes. Ideal for compotes.

Large raisins with two or three seeds

This raisin variety is the largest, meaty and very sweet. It is made from grapes "ladies' finger" or Hermian. It has an amber, very beautiful color, for this property it is sometimes called amber raisins. He looks very appetizing. It can be crushed and pitted for baking or preparing curd products. With seeds it is used for compotes, fruit drinks, kvass. After cooking, it retains its rich taste and rich color. This property has also found wide application in cooking.

Raisin Production Technology

Drying of grapes occurs in the hot sun, under the influence of direct rays. To improve the quality of the product, before drying it is often dipped in a solution of boiling alkali for only a few seconds.

In California, the harvest is laid out in trays, why are they placed between the grape rows. There it is dried without exposure to sunlight for several, usually two to three weeks, after which partially dried raisins are placed in low boxes. In them, he dries for a while. Then the raisins are sent to the factory, where all the processes for pre-sale preparation go through. Garbage and twigs are removed from it, washed, dried one more time and treated with solutions. After that, it is dried again, so that the remaining moisture evaporates, and then, after all these manipulations, they are packed in various containers. The process is fully automated using machines, and workers only control it at all stages. Next, raisins go on sale.

Chemical processing of raisins

There are three ways to dry raisins. Two in a natural way: one in the sun, the second in the shade, and the second method is preferable, since raisins dried in the sun are more solid. The third method is with chemical or thermal treatment.

Unfortunately, the raisins obtained in the third way, come across more often on the shelves for quite understandable reasons. It has a more attractive appearance, it is not subject to damage by pests and is stored for a long time. Good raisins look faded compared to chemically processed ones, since not a single berry retains its natural color after drying. If you see amber-colored raisins on sale, it may be a product fumigated with sulfur dioxide and tinted with dyes.

Properly dried dark raisins have a slight plaque, light looks light brown. If you see raisins uniformly yellow in color, then this is a processed product. Another sign of good quality: if you toss raisins, then when the berries fall, they will make a sound similar to the sound of falling pebbles.

Sulphurous anhydride fumigation is used to kill bacteria and protect against pests. From smoking in sulfur dioxide, the berries become shiny, golden and seemingly transparent. The opinions of experts about the dangers of such treatment differ, some say that the chemical is present in them in such an insignificant amount that it does not harm the body, others that this substance irritates the gastric mucosa and gastrointestinal tract.

To add extra shine, raisins can be greased with fat or glycerin. The berries dried in the usual way are dull and do not shine. Before use, it is better to soak the raisins, after a while drain the water and rinse well again with not very hot water, since cool boiling water will destroy most vitamins. When cooking compotes, sulphurous acid evaporates.

It happens that unscrupulous manufacturers use gas or gas burners and even blowtorches for drying. The berries are laid out on a grid and thus dried. Not only will they absorb harmful carcinogens, they will also have an unpleasant aftertaste, but the natural aroma with this treatment will disappear altogether. Such drying should be carried out using a filter system, which is often ignored.

Drying in a tunnel kiln is also used, in particular Iran and Moldova have such plants. A conveyor with berries moves along a special tunnel with heating elements. How raisins will be useful after such drying is a big question. If the berries are picked before they ripen, then their skin will be firm and naturally they will not dry. Then they are dipped in a solution of non-food soda, the skin is cracked, and the drying process is faster. But with this treatment, part of the juice (and with it the beneficial substances) is lost and bacteria penetrate. The appearance of this also suffers.

Eating raisins

Raisins are indicated and useful for the vast majority of people. It tastes good, it has an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals that our body needs. Raisins can be eaten just like that, you can make decoctions, infusions and compotes, mix with other products. Raisins are widely used in cooking. It is good for baking and curd products. It is added in the preparation of meat and poultry. In the east, there is a whole culture of dried fruit consumption.

But, we must remember that raisins are high-calorie, and in it all substances are in a concentrated form, therefore, it should be in small quantities.

Contraindications Raisins

There are raisins and contraindications. It should be used with caution in people with diabetes, just a few berries a day, after boiling for a short time, in order to reduce the amount of sugar in it. Those who have a stomach or duodenal ulcer should better eliminate raisins from the diet. The same applies to patients with enterocolitis, active tuberculosis and acute heart failure. Another contraindication is oral ulcers. In all of the above cases, raisins will only harm. Obese people should not get involved in this product due to the high calorie content of raisins. Let's not forget that raisins can be tinted with food colors, so allergy sufferers should also be careful. In general, it is better to choose raisins not very attractive in appearance, more likely that they were not processed by anything.

Raisins for children

Children can begin to introduce dried fruits into the diet starting from the age of one. Since raisins are rich in fiber and iron, it will be a good way to prevent anemia. Calcium and boron will help in strengthening bones. Recall also that raisins increase immunity, it has a lot of antioxidants, so it is especially indicated for weakened children. In general, there are so many mineral salts and trace elements needed by the body that if there is no individual intolerance, then its consumption will be only useful. It can be added to various dishes, for example, casseroles, muffins, cereals, and cook compotes from it. The main thing is to rinse it well before adding it to the dishes and let it sit for 15 minutes in water, which after draining and rinse the berries again. If the child is nervous and often cries, raisins will help calm his nervous system and will contribute to good sleep.

A decoction of raisins helps relieve heat and replenishes the body fluid lost during sweating. Infusion of raisins fights well with cough and bronchitis. And in combination with onions, the infusion is taken for sore throat and runny nose.

Raisins for nursing mothers and pregnant women

Raisins are extremely beneficial for pregnant women. Dark varieties are able to make up for iron deficiency, which is indicated for anemia, which often accompanies pregnant women. Potassium, which is contained in large quantities in these berries, is no less useful. Since raisins also contain a lot of calcium, it becomes simply an indispensable product in this period of a woman's life. An additional plus is that, unlike natural grapes, this berry does not create an increased gas content in the intestines.

No less useful raisins and nursing mothers. It is able to enhance lactation, especially if combined with some nuts. But, while breastfeeding, raisins should be approached with caution and monitor the child's reaction to the introduced product.

Among the considerable number of dried fruits presented to the consumer, raisins are the most bought and available. It has long been widely used in cooking and in folk medicine due to its unique healing properties.

Many varieties of this sun dried fruit due to the widespread and wide variety of grapes grown.

The main suppliers of raisins are Iran, Turkey, India, North America (California), Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries.

In order for a consumer to make a choice which sort of raisins he needs, he needs to know the features of one kind or another.

  1. “Sabza” or “kishmish” - small light berries made from white and green seedless grapes with high sugar content. They are widely used in the baking and confectionery industries.
  2. “Korinka” or “shigani” is the most useful variety of raisins. The berries are small, seedless, dark, burgundy-bluish or blue-black. Such berries are perfect for making sweet pastries.
  3. Ordinary dried grapes of medium parameters, olive-gray color, contain one seed and are best suited for adding to dried fruit compotes and making other drinks.
  4. Large beautiful dried grape with amber color and seeds. This is the most attractive and fleshy type of raisins, which is made from large berries with a rich bright taste (grape variety "Husain" or "Hermian"). Massively used in cooking.

Trading grades

In trade, there are different names for raisins, but the most popular and best-selling varieties are:

- “Malayar” - a light brownish seedless variety of Iranian origin, it differs in equal even sizes of berries;

- “Sultana” - light or brownish raisins, not containing stones and made most often in Iran;

- "Golden" - a sugarless seedless grade of golden color;

“Shigani” is a dark-colored variety that does not contain seeds.

Based on the qualitative characteristics, seedless raisins are further divided into three grades: top, first, second.

Separation of raisins by processing level

  1. Eurosort is a product with high quality. Its purpose is application in the food industry. Before the sale, raisins undergo multi-stage processing: removing garbage and stalks, cleaning and lubricating with oil.
  2. Raisins "semi-finished product";
  3. Raisins "industrial".

Varieties by processing method

Raisins, as you know, are most often produced in countries with suitable natural conditions. The locals in these regions, for the most part, are fluent in grape drying techniques. Therefore, from the local producers you can hear the names of raisins, depending on the drying methods:

- “Sabza” - seedless berries dried after pre-treatment with an alkaline solution;

- “golden sabza” is obtained after treatment with an alkaline solution, and then fumigation with sulfur dioxide;

- "bedona" - seedless raisins obtained by the solar drying method without additional processing;

- “soyagi” - raisins obtained by the shadow method of drying without processing;

- "shagan" - dark berries dried under the sun;

- “Avlon” - dried grapes with seeds of different varieties without additional processing;

- “germian” - large berries made after short-term scalding in an alkaline solution and drying in the sun;

- "golden germian" - obtained after treatment with an alkaline solution and fumigation of sulfur dioxide.

Whatever the raisins, it will always remain a useful, tasty and nutritious product that is perfectly absorbed by the body and is widely used in various fields of the food industry.

Raisins, undoubtedly, is the most popular and affordable dried fruit in almost all over the world. It is found not only in those countries where it is traditionally produced, but also far beyond their borders. The main global suppliers of raisins are the countries of the Middle East, Turkey and the US state of California.

Among the huge variety of products, it is difficult for the buyer to choose what suits him best. Varieties of raisins differ among themselves not only in color, but also in the size of the berries, as well as in the presence or absence of seeds. In addition, the variety of grapes and the area where it was grown is important.

Despite such a wide variety of varieties and names, all dried berries are divided into 4 main types. This division was taken as the basis for more than two thousand years ago and has not yet changed. This classification includes all varieties, regardless of whether they are produced from dark or white grapes.

In addition to such a classification, raisins can be subdivided according to the manufacturing method:

- Soyag (natural drying of grapes in the shade);

- oftobi (natural drying of grapes in the sun);

- drying using artificial methods (thermal and chemical processing of berries).

1 view

It is a light raisin made from white or green grape varieties. Berries are small and seedless. In everyday life, such raisins are called "kishmish", but in trade at the present time there is another common name - "sabza".

Such a raisin contains a fairly large amount of carbohydrates, so it is very sweet. Such raisins are very often used in cooking for various pastries. In addition, these berries can be used as a delicate, gentle laxative.

2 view

For the manufacture of raisins of this species use dark grape varieties that do not contain seeds. The color of the berries is from maroon to blue-violet, almost black. The size of dried berries is usually small. The usual name for such raisins, which came from the distant past ("cinnamon"), is now replaced by the trade "shigani" and "bidan".

Such raisins are good to take with anemia, exhaustion and nervous system disorder. In addition, this type of dried grape contains a large amount of antioxidants. Due to its very sweet, almost sugary taste, and the absence of seeds, it is widely used in cooking. Its aroma is especially noticeable after heat treatment.

3 view

Berries of this species have a light yellow color with a gray-olive hue. The size of the berries is average, inside contains one seed. This classic type of dried grapes with seeds is often used in fruit mixes. The presence of seeds gives the berries a richer and more original taste.

4 view

This is the sweetest type of dried grape. The berries are very fleshy, large in size, have a beautiful attractive skin color - from brownish to light amber. Inside are several seeds. Such a mouth-watering and attractive product (with preservation of stones) is used in the preparation of compotes, kvass and other drinks. After removing the seeds, it is used in baking, curd mixtures and other dishes. After heat treatment, the berries usually retain a beautiful color and a bright rich taste, which is widely used in cooking.

Regardless of the type, raisins retain up to 70 percent or more of the beneficial properties that are found in fresh ripe grapes.

Raisins - this is one of the most beloved and widely presented on the shelves of our dried fruit stores. After all, it was not in vain that his name became a household name, denoting something original, hiding inside and creating an image of the object under discussion. Raisins are used in cooking and traditional medicine, as it has a number of useful properties.

What types of raisins can be found on the shelves

If you carefully study the proposed zest, you can see that they all have different modifications, it varies by variety and country where the plant grew. The product has seeds or is sold without them, it depends on the grape variety.

Large import of berries comes to our country from Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. Seedless pioneer - California, USA. Grapes occupy a third of the total world harvest! Most of all, this product is popular in the East and the Mediterranean.

Over the past centuries, grape varieties have not changed much, only trademarks that are engaged in the manufacture and sale of dried grapes have changed.

All of them create 4 main types of raisins from 4 main varieties of fruits:

  1. "Kish-Mish" or "Sabza" - berries are greenish-yellow in color and small in size without seeds.
  2. “Brana”, “Shagan” or “Korinka” - dark, sometimes burgundy berries without seeds, are characterized by a high glucose content, outwardly seem dry.
  3. A popular medium-sized variety of light olive color with one bone and many names.
  4. “Ladies' fingers” or “Germany” - large berries with dense pulp, delicious, have a hint of amber, unusually sweet, have 2-3 seeds.

It is believed that dark raisins have healing properties. For bakery products, the first two are used, since they do not have seeds. For cries and muffins, the raisins from Brahma will be the most delicious choice. The third type is perfect in compotes, drinks, pilaf, meat dishes, it is made up with apricot. The fourth type is widely used by confectioners.

You can find raisins different in the method of manufacturing in stores, there are those that are handmade, and there are factory brands. The first type has an unsurpassed aroma that can not convey factory-made raisins, but at the same time it is not so well cleared of all kinds of impurities.

The most popular raisin trademarks presented on modern counters are Maloyar, Sultana, Golden, Shiganov. The Sultana is divided into three grades - the highest, first and second.

If we talk about the quality of cleaning, then these are three types:

  • euro;
  • semifinished;
  • industrial.

When communicating with sellers from the southern regions, one can hear the following words: Soyagi, Sabzi, Bedonia, Shiganov, Avloniy, Germian, all of them mean raisins from Kish-Mish grapes, its different varieties.

The differences are as follows:

  • Bedonia has a white tint;
  • Sultana is dried in the sun without being cleaned;
  • Sabzi dried in the sun using an alkaline solution;
  • Soyagi dried in the shade;
  • Shaganov has a very dark shade;
  • Avloniy is made from a wide variety of grapes, dried in sunlight, not peeled;
  • Germian uses large berries of the best varieties, dried in the sun, scalded in alkali.

Why eat raisins

Raisins are widely used, they are loved and therefore popular. Moreover, all the useful constituent berries are stored in its composition. Nutritionists claim that it is 80% composed of vitamins and 100% of trace elements. The only drawback of raisins is that it is very high-calorie. Grapes contain a lot of sugar - about 90% glucose in the composition, and calorie content is 300 kcal. As for the remaining components, the fat is about 1 g, protein 3 g, carbohydrates up to 70 g. In it you can find ash, fiber, nitrogen-containing components.

Raisins are a source of acids very important for the human body - tartaric and oleanolic, B vitamins, iron, calcium and magnesium. The list of important substances can go on for a very long time.

To negate the main minus of raisins - its calorie content, it is enough just to limit the consumption of this product. But with reasonable consumption, you can get a charge of vivacity, energy and vitality. Some people say that raisins relieve puffiness well. To quickly remove edema, any animal fat is added to the soaked berries and this mixture is applied to the site of edema. Dried grapes are recommended for women during pregnancy or menopause, as it is a rich source of calcium. The acids in its composition are natural antioxidants that improve immunity and the condition of the skin.

The composition contains calcium, which positively affects the work of the heart, if you eat one handful of this tasty and healthy good treat per day, you can strengthen your nerves and establish a good sleep. Berries are even superior to apples in the amount of iron they contain; they are optimal for use in anemia. The composition contains boron, it is it that contributes to the better absorption of minerals, therefore raisins are also useful in osteoporosis and osteochondrosis.

It will be useful for men to find out that raisins contain iron oxide - a source of energy for the cavernous bodies of the penis, which are responsible for erection, and it also has a general tonic effect for the body.

Raisin Treatments

To strengthen the heart muscle, you must use this recipe: rinse 2 kg of berries and take 40 berries in the morning and evening before bedtime, do this every day until the berries run out. After six months, the procedure must be repeated.

To cure a respiratory disease, soak 30 g of raisins for an hour, eat before bedtime, treats should be washed down with warm milk in an amount of 200 ml. Another recipe: pour 200 ml of boiling water to 100 g of dried berries, leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain and add 2 tablespoons of onion juice to the resulting liquid. Take this infusion 3 times a day and the cold will evaporate very quickly!