What side dish to serve with barbecue. Getting ready for a picnic: we offer recipes for delicious barbecue dishes

Barbecue itself is already a tasty and independent dish, but, nevertheless, you always want to cook some intricate side dish for barbecue.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes, carefully clearing the seeds. Dress chopped eggplant with garlic squeezed through the garlic, pepper, salt and olive oil.

Kebab side dishes

Kebab marinated vegetables

This is a delicious and perfect side dish for barbecue. You can make a pickle using this recipe for literally all vegetables (radishes, cabbage, carrots and others). You just need to understand the very principle of pickling. It is still recommended to pickle celery, cabbage and radishes.

For pickling you will need: 1.5 kilograms of vegetables, 2 tablespoons of ginger juice, 3 teaspoons of sugar, 5 tablespoons of sesame oil, 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and wine, a head of garlic, 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, pepper, peas, salt, black pepper.

First, wash the vegetables and peel. Cut celery leaves into small pieces. Then radish, cut cabbage into squares of relatively small sizes. Grind garlic with garlic squeeze. In a separate bowl, prepare the marinade. Combine sesame oil, vinegar, sugar, garlic, sauce and lemon juice.

Mix everything and salt to taste.

Then pick the vegetables in a bowl with marinade, sprinkled with black pepper. Leave to marinate for a day. Therefore, it is necessary to cook in advance.

Vegetable salad served in the Caucasus as a side dish for barbecue

First of all, it is necessary to separate the leaves from the eggplant, but be sure to leave only the tails. In each eggplant you need to make an incision, salt and pre-cooked and sliced \u200b\u200bpork fat, put in it. Then put on skewers so that all the tails look in one direction. Plant green peppers and tomatoes in the same way.

Next, start the vegetable frying. First, fry the eggplant and peppers so that each side turns black. It is worth considering that the eggplant should be fried upside down. Then fry the tomatoes to the same blackness and on the same coals.

We proceed to the final steps. We clean the vegetables from the blackened peel. Do not forget to remove aromatic fat from eggplant.

Now that everything is almost ready, everyone decides for himself how to cut ready-made vegetables. Try as large as possible, pepper and add salt to taste. Using onions, add pungency, mix, drip with lemon juice and serve.

This dish can also be served cold, respectively, you can cook in advance.

Eggplant Appetizer

With such a barbecue snack you can surprise all friends and enjoy the great taste yourself.


- lemon juice

- garlic

- olive oil

- eggplant

- greenery

- salt

When preparing coals for barbecue, put washed eggplant in a bonfire. Putting should be so that then it was not difficult to pull them out. Note, be sure to put it in a bonfire. When they are properly carbonized from above, they must be put in cold water, previously salted. Then the peel is removed from them. Next, chop the garlic (here the amount is determined by taste), herbs.

The amount of garlic and the type of greens (parsley, basil, dill, cilantro) are used to taste. Cover eggplant with garlic and herbs. Pour vinegar or juice of one lemon, olive oil and salt.

The appetizer is ready.

Potato with bacon

Preparing a dish like potatoes in bacon, simultaneously with barbecue.

We will need:

- potatoes

- ground black pepper

- layers of bacon

- salt

15 minutes to cook potatoes in their skins. Potatoes should not be overcooked, otherwise it will crumble on a skewer. Better if it is undercooked. Ready potatoes cool and peel. Then each potato is wrapped in one layer of bacon. Everything is strung on skewers and fried over coals with a barbecue for about 15 minutes.

In time, the kebab will cook longer.

Pickled vegetables

The best side dish for any kind of barbecue - pickled vegetables. This recipe is suitable for carrots, radishes, celery, radishes, cabbage and various other vegetables. The most important thing is to master the principle of pickling. We suggest pickling radishes, cabbage and celery first.

So, we need:

- sugar (2-3 tsp)

- peppercorns (allspice black) - a few peas

- soy sauce (3 tablespoons)

- ginger juice 2 tablespoons

- one and a half kilograms of vegetables in any proportion (radish, petiole celery and cabbage)

- lemon juice

- garlic - 1 head

- sesame oil. (5 tbsp.)

- wine (red) vinegar

- salt

Cut celery leaves into pieces, chop the radish into slices, cabbage - medium-sized squares, and squeeze the garlic into the garlic.

Cook the marinade in a separate saucepan. Stirred and salted: sesame oil, ginger juice, lemon juice, vinegar, sugar, soy sauce with garlic. Vegetables are stacked in a container and gloves. Further, everything is poured with marinade and covered with a plate with oppression on top (a bottle of water will come for oppression) for a day. Therefore, vegetables are cooked not on the day of the preparation of barbecue, but a day earlier.

Traditionally, kebabs serve fresh vegetables, lots of herbs, sauces and unleavened cakes. A light company side dish for pork kebab, which can be cooked while the meat is grilled over charcoal, soaking in a fragrant smoke, will not be out of place at a picnic in a large company.

What can be served with pork barbecue as a side dish? There are many options. Nevertheless, the best and, in addition, a useful addition to juicy meat will be dishes from vegetables and potatoes. These products are perfectly combined, creating a harmonious flavor composition.

Vegetables cooked over a heat of coal act as independent ones for the main dishes, which will appeal to those who, due to beliefs or for other reasons, cannot enjoy pork skewers.

Turkish eggplant spicy warm appetizer

This side dish for meat on the grill looks modest. But his taste is just amazing! Having tried it once, it will be impossible to refuse an acute warm appetizer from eggplant.

To prepare 4 servings you need:

  • 2 large, solid, but not overripe eggplants;
  • 2 large hot peppers;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. tablespoons of olive or salad sunflower oil;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Vegetables are washed, dried. Peel the garlic.
  2. Eggplant and peppers baked directly on the grill with peel and tails on the grill until soft. From time to time, vegetables are turned over so that the frying is uniform on all sides.
  3. Hot eggplant is cut lengthwise into two parts and the pulp is selected with a spoon.
  4. Peppers are dipped for several seconds in ice water. They take out, quickly remove the blackened skin with their hands. Remove the seeds.
  5. Knead the eggplant pulp with a fork, gently cut the pepper with a knife or simply tear it into small pieces with your fingers.
  6. Vegetables are mixed in a clean bowl. Add finely chopped garlic, salt.
  7. All this beauty is seasoned with oil and gently mixed.

A piquant vegetable side dish is ready for pork skewers. Sprinkle with chopped herbs parsley or cilantro and serve! If desired, this dish can be made more varied by adding cherry tomatoes roasted on coals, spicy spices, green onions.

Baked potatoes with bacon in a foil

This side dish for pork skewers fits perfectly. But it can also be served as an independent dish, supplemented with a salad of fresh vegetables and garnished with herbs.

Required Products:

  • young medium-sized potatoes;
  • salty lard;
  • a mixture of white, lemon, black and allspice;
  • garlic.

How to cook:

  1. Wash potatoes, dry.
  2. The garlic cloves are peeled, cut across by ringlets 2-3 mm thick.
  3. Salo is thinly cut into small (4x4 cm) pieces.
  4. Potatoes are cut in half without peeling. Finely and finely pierce the cut area with a toothpick. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers.
  5. On one half of the potatoes put a ring of garlic and a slice of fat. Close with the second half, forming a kind of sandwich.
  6. Prepared for baking potatoes are alternately wrapped in cling film.
  7. The heat of the bonfire is raked a little to make a small hollow. Pour potatoes in foil. Top cover vegetables with smoldering coals.
  8. The baking time of potatoes with bacon is from 25 to 40 minutes. It depends on the size of root crops and the intensity of the heat. The degree of readiness is determined by piercing potatoes with a thin wooden skewer or a twig peeled from bark.

When the potato is ready, it is scooped out of the heat, the foil is removed and laid out in the center of the wide dish. Around the potatoes are laid out slices of pork kebab just reached by that time.
  A hearty side dish is ready for meat. It remains only to sprinkle the dish with herbs and present the dish exuding incredible smells to starving guests.

Vegetable side dish with spicy sauce on the grill

Fantastically beautiful, hearty, deliciously smelling dish with pork goes great. It’s captivating that it contains a lot of different vegetables and a delicious sauce, in which you can then dunk bread (for lovers). It is recommended to cook such a side dish simultaneously with barbecue, which is very convenient.

The set of products is called basic, for 4 servings. If you need to cook more, the amount of vegetables and spices to them is increased proportionally.

One medium-sized fruit is taken:

  • eggplant;
  • bulgarian pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • potatoes;
  • onion;
  • carrot.

For this amount of basic ingredients you will need 8 small tomatoes.

For the sauce:

  • on a bunch (small) of parsley and dill;
  • low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • clove of garlic;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion. A tail is cut out of pepper along with seeds and inner membranes. Peel potatoes and carrots.
  2. All vegetables are well washed, dried.
  3. Eggplant, zucchini, peeled potatoes and carrots are cut into 0.5 cm thick rings. Onions are half rings. Bell pepper - cubes 3x3 cm. Cherry is left whole.
  4. Sauce for pouring vegetables is prepared from crushed garlic, chopped herbs, sour cream, salt and pepper. All components are combined in one container and mixed well.
  5. From food foil, folded in 2 layers, small (per serving) plates with high sides are formed.
  6. Lay out layers of vegetables in them: eggplant - potato - onion - carrot - zucchini - bell pepper. Cherry tomatoes are laid on top.
  7. Vegetables are watered with sour cream sauce, put on the wire rack and sent to bake over the heat of the fire. An alternative, if there is no grate, is to place the plates of foil directly on the coals, after having leveled them.

After 15-20 minutes, just at the time when the first portion of pork kebabs is browned, the vegetable side dish with the sauce will be ready. Serve the dish right in the foil plates.

In the meantime, all this tasty food is being prepared, we are not wasting time and frying slices of white bread on separate skewers. When they dry and turn golden, remove from heat and quickly rub the croutons with garlic. We serve guests with barbecue, side dish and enjoy the reaction of their delight and admiration.

Shish kebab is a favorite dish, which is especially popular in the summer. Meat is prepared on the grill not only for a picnic, but also for different summer holidays. To ensure that the table is not empty, you need to know what side dishes, salads and snacks can be prepared.

Most often, vegetables, greens, various sauces and pita bread are served with barbecue. The most suitable drink is wine, which must be selected correctly. We will talk about all these subtleties in this article.

What wine is best served with barbecue?

Since it is believed that Georgians are preparing the most delicious meat, it is best to choose Georgian wine Saperavi. This drink has a rich structure and bright pomegranate taste. It goes well with fatty and fried meat.

A wonderful duet will be made up of barbecue and wine " Cabernet Sauvignon". It has many tannins that will allow the stomach to better digest heavy fried meat.

If you are preparing a lamb dish, then the Australian Shiraz will be a great complementing drink. This wine combines the taste of blackcurrant and blackberry, and it is also worth noting a bright note of black pepper. If you prefer beef for cooking, then it is suitable wine from Italy from the Sangiovese variety.

Picnic salads

If you do not know what to serve on the barbecue, then be sure to use the suggested recipes. There are a huge number of summer salads that can be cooked not only at home, but also in nature. Original and appropriate, they will look on the festive table.

Baked Vegetable Salad. Vegetables cooked on fire are very tasty and juicy with a slight smack aftertaste.

Moreover, this heat treatment allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients. The ingredients used are for 6 servings.

For this recipe should be prepared: 235 g asparagus, 190 g champignons, green and yellow zucchini, red onion, red bell pepper, vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons chopped basil, 1 tbsp. spoon chopped thin onions and parsley, 6 tbsp. tablespoons of crumbled semi-hard cheese. To make a dressing you should take: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of red wine vinegar, 1 tbsp. tablespoon of olive oil, 0.5 teaspoon of salt and Dijon mustard, 1.5 teaspoon of honey and 0.25 teaspoon of pepper.

  1. At the first stage, you should prepare the ingredients: separate the caps from the mushrooms, cut the zucchini into slices 0.5 cm thick, chop the onion with the same thickness into rings, cut the pepper into halves and remove the seeds and veins;
  2. Grease the lattice with oil and put prepared vegetables on it, which should also be sprayed with oil. Cook on each side for 4 minutes. before acquiring a ruddy color. Put them on a plate and cool;
  3. Now it's time to cut the vegetables into small pieces and put them in a salad bowl. Mix the ingredients of the dressing separately, mix and add them to the salad. Mix everything, add herbs and sprinkle with cheese.

Georgian salad. As you know, the most delicious and real kebab is cooked in Georgia, which means that the salad recipe invented in this country will be perfect for meat. The dish is quite light, but at the same time it stands out for its sharpness and piquancy.

For this recipe should take such products: 3 cucumbers and tomatoes, red onion, 45 g walnuts, 2 large cloves of garlic, a pinch of pepper, 15 g of herbs, 1 tbsp. a spoon of wine vinegar, 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons of water and salt.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  • Cut the cucumbers into thin slices, and the tomatoes into slices. Cut the peeled onion into rings. Finely chop the washed and dried greens;
  • Grind the peeled garlic in a blender, and then add nuts, salt and pepper to it. Mix to get a homogeneous mass. You can use a mortar instead of a blender. Add vinegar to the resulting mass and mix well. Then add water and mix to get a homogeneous consistency, like thick sour cream;
  • Take a flat plate, put prepared vegetables on it and fill everything with dressing.

Grilled pita rolls

Understanding what to serve on the festive table with a barbecue, it is impossible not to remember this delicious and satisfying dish.

An original appetizer can be prepared with different fillings, but we will focus on the classic version with cheese. The amount of ingredients is designed for 6 servings.

For this recipe on the festive table should take such products: 2 sheets of pita bread, 30 g of parsley and 285 g of suluguni cheese. You can use crab sticks, fish, boiled chicken, ham, eggs and other ingredients in the filling.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  • Each sheet of pita bread should be divided into 3 parts, cutting across. The result will be rectangles of approximately 30x15 cm;
  • Chop the washed and dried parsley, and cut the cheese into a small cube. Lay out the filling on each part of the pita bread and wrap the roll like a pancake. Put on the wire rack and fry on each side until a golden barrel is formed. Serve meat and rolls at the same time so that the cheese remains viscous.

Mushrooms cooked on the grill

Many people, thinking about what can be served with barbecue in nature, are sure to decide to cook this dish. We suggest considering two options for preparing snacks at once, which turns out to be very juicy. The amount of ingredients is calculated for 4 servings.

The following ingredients should be prepared for this recipe.: 500 g of champignons, 100 g of smoked chicken can be boiled, 55 g of fat and cheese, 30 ml of soy sauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and spices.

Step-by-step cooking process:

  • Wash the mushrooms, clean and separate the hats from the legs. Combine lemon juice, sauce, spices and mustard. The best option for mushrooms are Provencal herbs. Stir the marinade, put the mushrooms in it and shake it well. Leave on for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • After the time has passed, put the hats on the grill and place them on the brazier so that they open downwards. When the surface is browned, put chopped chicken and pieces of cheese in the hats. Put on the fire again and hold until the cheese melts;
  • Cut fat into thin slices and put it on skewers alternating with hats. It is up to you to decide which fat to choose; it can be either salted or smoked. Put on legs and fat separately. Put on the brazier and fry, periodically turning, until golden brown. This usually takes 10 minutes.

Potato "Accordion" with bacon

Finding out that you can serve delicious kebabs, it’s worth talking about a hearty side dish, which is prepared very simply. It is worth saying that the dish looks very beautiful and original. Be sure to prepare food foil.

Grilled vegetables


  • cherry tomatoes, 15 pcs.
  • zucchini, 1 pc.
  • eggplant, 1 pc.
  • bell pepper, 2 pcs.
  • olive oil, 4 tbsp.
  • salt, pepper, to taste


Wash all vegetables, cut and dry. Then put all the vegetables in one bowl, pour olive oil, salt and pepper. Put on a wire rack and fry on both sides.

Source: suwaneemagazine.com

Green salad


  • watercress, ½ bunch
  • radish, 7 pcs.
  • shallots, several feathers
  • mint, ½ bunch
  • parsley, ½ bunch
  • cilantro, ½ bunch
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil, 3 tablespoons


Wash and dry the greens, and then cut it and put it in a salad bowl. Salt, mix, season with olive oil (it can be replaced with lemon juice or sour cream). Serve to the barbecue immediately.

Source: taste.com.au

Vegetable salad


  • tomatoes, 3 pcs.
  • bell pepper, 1 pc.
  • cucumbers, 2 pcs.
  • beijing cabbage, ½ head
  • lettuce, ½ bunch
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil, 4 tbsp.


Wash all vegetables and greens, cut into a salad bowl. Salt and season with olive oil. Instead of oil, you can add balsamic vinegar, soy sauce or sour cream. Serve immediately to the barbecue.

Source: 123eda.com.ua

Lavash rolls with vegetables


  • tomatoes, 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers, 2 pcs.
  • pickled cucumbers, 1 pc.
  • lettuce, ½ bunch
  • dill, parsley, to taste
  • mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons
  • salt to taste


Wash, chop vegetables and herbs. Grease the pita bread with mayonnaise (you can replace it with curd cheese), put the lettuce, vegetables and greens, salt and wrap in a roll. Slice the resulting roll obliquely.

In our country, barbecue has become the dish that is most often prepared, going to the countryside. Usually, it is not limited to simple frying of meat strung on skewers; a lot of refreshments accompany this process. It is assumed that on the road people manage to get really hungry, and the time required for cooking should not be wasted.

However, such a popular dish requires a special approach to the side dishes and appetizers that make up its gastronomic background. In order to decide what to apply for barbecue, you need to evaluate the capabilities of the digestive system, and they, unfortunately, are not unlimited. First of all, the experience of residents of the Transcaucasian republics, traditionally with a culture of consumption of spicy meat food, will help in this.

So, what is served at the barbecue in Georgia or Armenia? As a rule, sauce, vegetables and herbs. No olivier salads and herring on a Caucasian table are adjacent to charcoal-baked meat. Tkemali is considered the best sauce; it unobtrusively emphasizes the aroma of smoke from fruit charcoal and fried lamb. Its sour tint does not interrupt the taste of the main product, which is very important when the meat is good. An excess of pepper or vinegar is an eternal ploy of catering workers trying to hide behind them the "not the first" freshness of what they sometimes try to pass off as barbecue, so do not be like them.

The lack of time brings modern people to the point that they serve barbecue in the usual store ketchup. It is better to cook it yourself from mashed fresh tomatoes, boiled over low heat with herbs and a little pepper. In any case, the sauce should not be too harsh.

Now about the side dish. The best option of all that is served with barbecue is salads and baked. Simply chop the cabbage and mix it with onions, slightly flavored with sunflower oil. Dill, parsley and fresh cucumbers in this composition are welcome. You can bake eggplant in Georgian, cut into brackets and lay it peeled down on a wire rack, and in foil. In the second case, they are recommended to be stacked with carrots, small pieces of potatoes and onion rings, so it will be juicier.

The king of all side dishes is the onion. It goes well with everything that is served with barbecue. Onions should be present both in the marinade and in the design of the finished dish. It can be baked on charcoal, pickled, just cut into rings. It is so important that without it, barbecue is not barbecue, but just fried meat.

Garnish should be minimal, while potatoes or rice are not very suitable. The task is to enjoy the taste of a dish that is difficult or impossible for most of our fellow citizens to cook at home. Therefore, the barbecue table should be plentiful, but concise. Salad, and or pita bread, baked vegetables, a bottle or a jug of good red wine, that’s all.

As for the dishes, then, contrary to common stereotype, one-time plastic plates are not the best option. An event such as a trip to nature with barbecue does not happen often, so you should pamper yourself and your friends with something more interesting. A great option is a set of pottery, including a jug.