What is the most popular citrus fruit? Citrus sunny fruits

Many people love tangerines, but did you know that there are many hybrids of these citrus fruits with various fruits? Breeders have worked hard and have bred many unusual citrus fruits, each type of which has its own unique taste. For example, there is a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo (or grapefruit) called tangelo. There are even oranges crossed with pomegranate (blood orange). It is in this article that we will tell you what tangerine hybrids there are and how they differ from each other.

This is the name of the hybrid of mandarin and king orange, which was obtained more than a hundred years ago in Algeria. They named it in honor of its creator - the French breeder, priest Pierre Clement. Sometimes it happens that clementines are mistaken for tangerines, but they taste much sweeter than their citrus “counterparts”.

In fact, they are also different in appearance, although they are very similar in shape. The peel of the clementine is much brighter - colored a rich orange color. They tolerate cold well and are extremely rich in vitamins A and C. Clementine juice is often used to make marinade. The unusual citrus is grown on the Mediterranean coast, from where it is exported to European countries.


The now popular tangerine tree, the fruit of which is a sour tangerine crossed with a kumquat. The fruits themselves taste very sour, but due to their sweetish and very thin crust they can be eaten. By the way, you can eat these fruits only if you grew them yourself: if you buy such a tree in a store, keep in mind that it is treated with a large number of chemicals. They are often used in combination with other products due to their very unusual taste.

Calamondins are very convenient to grow, since it is possible even on the windowsill of your own apartment. Although, of course, in most cases it is just a beautiful ornamental tree, since many people buy it in flower shops and do not grow it themselves.


Tangerine is a mandarin with a thin peel and rich pulp. orange color. Outwardly, they are practically no different from ordinary tangerines, although they have a “spout” that is more characteristic of a lemon. Therefore, if you come across a seedless fruit, easily divided into small slices and incredibly sweet in taste, most likely you purchased tangerine. It can be consumed fresh or used for a variety of preparations. This unusual sweet fruit is grown in China and Morocco, and can also be found in Sicily. In addition to excellent taste, tangerines also contain juicy pulp a large number of vitamins In addition, essential oils are often made from them and their aroma is even recognized as an excellent sleep aid.


Tangor was obtained by crossing a sweet orange and an equally sweet tangerine. Outwardly, it is very similar to a tangerine, although it differs from the fruits we are accustomed to in its larger size. In appearance, tangor fruits are quite round, slightly flattened. Inside, under the thick peel, you can find unusually juicy and sweet pulp, which contains great amount seeds Some people note that you can feel notes of mango in the taste of tangor. A huge disadvantage of this hybrid is its rather low frost resistance.


Sunki is a very sour tangerine. It was this that was crossed with the kumquat in order to subsequently obtain calamondin, the well-known tangerine tree that many people have on their windowsill. The skin of sunki is very dense, and the pulp has a bitter taste with noticeable sour notes. As you can easily guess from the name, this fruit is grown in China. Due to its bitter taste, sunki is not used in cooking, but it has found use in cosmetology - it can be used to obtain nutritious oil.

Cosmetics containing tangerine oil have long gained popularity all over the world.


Citrandarine looks very strange in the eyes of our compatriots, which is no wonder, because breeders got it by crossing a lemon with a tangerine. In appearance, it looks more like a lemon - its fruits are elongated, although the color of the peel is orange, like that of a tangerine. At the same time, the fruit itself is quite convex to the touch. Citrandarine tastes sour, which is not surprising, because it “inherited” these sour notes from lemon.


This fruit with an unusual name can be obtained by crossing a tangerine with exotic citrus ichang. Ichandarin is very small in size (but not as big as calamondin). Its taste is not very impressive - it is quite sour. It is for this reason that ichandarin is not eaten, but is grown specifically for industrial processing.


Tangerines are also a very unusual hybrid, which is obtained when tangerine and are combined. The result is a fruit that looks like a tangerine (slightly round) and tastes unusually sweet.


Otherwise these Exotic fruits called limonia. As the name implies, they are obtained by crossing a lemon and a tangerine. They also look very unusual: they look like a tangerine, but their peel is different in color - it is absolutely yellow, just like the second “parent” of the lemon. They also inherited their taste from him. Limadrins are very difficult to eat because they are incredibly sour. Although they are loved in the east, in China it is difficult to find a citrus more popular than limandrine.

Video “Caring for Calamondin”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for calamondin in the house.

Citrus crops These are evergreen trees or shrubs belonging to the genus Citrus. On Latin The word citrus means lemon tree.

The height of the trees rarely exceeds 12 m. The leaves are ovate, with spines in the axils of the leaves. The plant has very fragrant flowers. The fruits are juicy, with a thick skin, and are edible in many species.

These plants are native to the southern slopes of the Himalayas (orange), India, Malaysia and Fiji (grapefruit), Southern China and South Vietnam (mandarin). The origin of lemon is unknown, but it is probably native to India.

Citrus fruits are grown in South America, in the USA, North Africa, Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. They are cultivated using the plantation method. In Russia, citrus fruits are grown only in the Sochi region, where tangerine trees can be found in places protected from the wind. On the territory of the former Soviet Union, citrus fruits are common in the countries of Transcaucasia.

Eating citrus fruits. Citrus fruits are consumed fresh. In addition to fresh consumption, juices, compotes, jams, candied fruits, marmalade, sweets, and essences are prepared from the fruits. They are included in a variety of liqueurs and mixed drinks.

As a spice, citrus fruits are used in the preparation of various sweet dishes, cookies, sauces, fish, poultry and rice dishes. Fruit salads are made from the fruits. Syrup and juice from citrus fruits are considered the most healthy and tasty drink.

Dried lemon peel(zest) serves as a spice with a refreshing taste and persistent aroma. In order to best preserve the zest, cut off the rind in a thin layer, being careful not to touch the inner white layer. Lemon zest can be shredded fine grater and used as a spice and raw. If you pour boiling water over the lemon or put it in hot water for a few seconds, the aroma lemon zest will become much stronger. Lemon zest gives products, especially dough, a refreshing aroma. It is also added to vegetable soups, cabbage soup, borscht, meat and fish dishes, jellied dishes and cold dishes.

Lemon juice improves the taste of various dishes, for example, Wiener schnitzel, fried fish, cold appetizers, salads, etc. Lemon juice can be used in cooking instead of vinegar; this gives housewives additional options.

Chemical composition of citrus fruits. Different types of these plants have a similar chemical composition; almost all citrus fruits contain sugar, organic acids, vitamins, pectin, mineral salts, macro and microelements, phytoncides, essential oils and other useful substances. One lemon or, for example, orange contains up to 100 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C in citrus fruits is not destroyed during long-term storage and even during processing. Citrus fruits also contain another valuable vitamin - vitamin P, which is very important for strengthening the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland. Most vitamins are found in the young parts of the plant: shoots, fruits, leaves.

Beneficial properties of citrus fruits were known in ancient times. Citrus fruits promote the formation of gastric juice and improve the functioning of the gallbladder, have beneficial effect on digestive process. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C, these fruits protect the human body from various colds, promote rapid recovery, and their regular consumption strengthens the immune system. The pharmacological properties of citrus fruits vary slightly, for example, lemon is used in the prevention and treatment of viral infections, grapefruit helps strengthen blood vessels and protects against heart attack, orange normalizes intestinal function, etc.

IN folk medicine used and citrus fruit juice, which has the ability to kill harmful microorganisms and stop their growth, it contains biologically valuable active substances promoting human health.

Citrus fruit essential oil used for massage, added to water when taking a bath. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, has an anti-inflammatory, stimulating, analgesic effect, and lowers blood pressure. Thanks to antiseptic properties essential oil effective for the treatment of skin diseases, and also plays an important role in genital stimulation.

What types of citrus fruits are there?

List of fruits of the Citrus family:

Agli This is a hybrid that combines grapefruit, orange and tangerine. Agli fruit is originally from Jamaica. Grown in Florida. Translated from English, the word ugly means ugly; the fruit received its name for its not very beautiful appearance. The peel of the fruit is rough, wrinkled, and greenish-yellow. But the pulp of this fruit is very juicy and tasty, combining the sweetness of tangerine and thin spicy taste grapefruit. The fruit is consumed fresh and in cooking.

Orange(Chinese apple)- the fruit of the orange tree, native to China. The hybrid, obtained in ancient times, is apparently a mixture of mandarin and pomelo. The orange fruit is round, covered with a dense peel of all shades of orange. Inside the orange there is pulp divided into segments, which are easily separated from each other. Orange fruits are eaten fresh, candied fruits, jams, marmalade are prepared from them, and used to flavor confectionery products. Orange juice is one of the most common and healthy fruit juices; it quenches thirst well. Wines and liqueurs are infused on the skins of the fruits, and the fruits are candied.

Bergamot or Orange-bergamotThis is a hybrid obtained by crossing orange (a variety of bitter orange) and lemon. The name “bergamot” was given in honor of the Italian city of Bergamo, where it was first cultivated. Southeast Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. The fruit of bergamot is pear-shaped and has a sour-bitter taste. Bergamot is used to make marmalade and boil candied fruits. Essential oil extracted from fruits and flowers is used in perfumery and confectionery production. Bergamot peel is used in perfumery for its ability to combine with different scents to form a bouquet of scents that complement each other. Fresh bergamot is not consumed.

Bigaradia or PomeranianThis is a hybrid obtained by crossing a tangerine and a pomelo. Southeast Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. The fruit is berry-shaped, slightly flattened. In cooking, the zest of the fruit, essential oils and infusions from the flowers and leaves of bigaradia are used; they are added to sweets, marmalades, dessert dishes, tinctures, liqueurs, and are also used as additives in meat and fish dishes. The zest is also used to color and flavor drinks. Fresh bitter orange fruits are usually not consumed due to the strong perfume aroma that bigaradia juice gives off.

Gayanima originally from India. It grows wild in Central and Southern India. The fruit is the size of a large lemon and very fragrant. The aroma of the fruit is reminiscent of ginger or eucalyptus. Gayanima has a very sour, spicy taste. In cooking, this fruit is used in the preparation of marinades.

Grapefruit presumably the result of natural hybridization between orange and pomelo. It was first discovered in 1650 in Barbados, then in Jamaica in 1814. Today, grapefruit is grown in almost all subtropical countries of the world. Grapefruit fruits are large, weighing from 150 to 500 g, spherical, with a pleasant smell, juicy and sour pulp with a bitter taste, divided into segments. The color of the pulp varies depending on the variety from light yellow to ruby ​​red. Moreover, the more red tint the grapefruit pulp contains, the sweeter it is. In encyclopedias this fruit is classified as a dietary fruit. Grapefruit fruits are eaten fresh. They withstand better than other citrus fruits long-term storage, without losing their taste, and do not change their taste as a result culinary processing. Jams, jams, juices, liqueurs are prepared from grapefruits, they are used in confectionery industry. Candied fruits are made from the peel of the fruit. The sour fruit of grapefruit goes well with seafood, especially fish and shellfish.

Rough Lemon or Wild lemon native to China and India. Cultivated in South Asia, Latin America, Japan. The fruits of wild lemon are large and round, yellow in color. In cooking they are used in the same way as ordinary lemons; Candied fruits, jams, marmalade are prepared and used to flavor confectionery and drinks. Lemon slices are used to decorate fish, meat and seafood dishes. Wild lemon juice culinary purposes used to improve the taste of fish and meat dishes, cold appetizers and salads, added to sauces, confectionery, drinks and syrups.

Dekopon or Sumo originated in 1972 in Nagasaki Prefecture of Japan as a hybrid of mandarin and ponkan. The name of this fruit is made up of 2 words: Deko (the meaning of this word is “uneven”, due to the protrusion at the top of the fruit) and Pon (the first syllable of the word Ponkan). The fruit looks like a huge tangerine, the peel of which is rough and yellow-orange in color. The fruit pulp is dense, seedless, very tasty, the sweetness of the fruit is balanced by a light refreshing sourness. In Japan, this fruit is quite expensive due to its size and exquisite taste. Depocon is grown in large greenhouses and the fruits are harvested from December to February. After harvesting, the fruits are stored at a certain temperature for 20 - 40 days to reduce the level of citric acid and increase sugar, after which the fruit becomes sweeter and more attractive in taste.

Wild Indian orange originally from India. This plant is one of the oldest ancestors of modern citrus fruits, and is currently an endangered species. The fruit is used in medicinal purposes and spiritual rituals of India.

Iekan or Anadomican is a citrus fruit very similar to the tangerine, discovered in Japan in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The medium-sized fruit is shiny, bright red. The peel of the fruit is thick, but it is easy to peel with your hands, the pulp is very juicy, slightly sour and bitter, but sweeter than grapefruit. The chemical composition of this fruit contains a large amount of vitamins. The fruit is consumed fresh, in the form of juice and in cooking.

Indian lime, Palestinian lime or Colombian lime until recently it was considered a hybrid of lime and lime, but modern attempts to cross these plants have not yielded similar results. India is considered the birthplace of this lime. The fruits are spherical or slightly elongated; at the base of the fruit there is a small nipple. The smooth, yellow-orange peel fits tightly to the flesh. The aroma of the peel is slightly oily. The pulp is very juicy, tender, straw-colored; due to the fact that there is no acid in the fruit, the pulp is fresh and slightly sweet. Indian lime fruits are greatly influenced by climatic conditions. Those fruits that grow in the desert are very different in size, color, shape, and skin surface from those growing in cooler coastal regions. Palestine lime is practically not used in cooking due to its bland taste. In India, Egypt, Israel and Palestine it is often used as a rootstock.

Yemeni citron This is a special type of citron; the fruit pulp does not contain segments or bubbles with juice. The fruit size is large. Most fruits are elongated and pointed. The peel is rough and grooved, yellow in color. The fruit is sweet, soft and pleasant to the taste - almost odorless. This variety of citron is used for religious purposes.

Kabosu It is a hybrid of paped fruit and bitter orange. Originated and grown in China. This fruit is most popular in Japan. The fruit is not large in size, green in color with a tart, sour taste and a unique aroma reminiscent of an ordinary lemon. Kabosu fruit vinegar is used as a seasoning to flavor fish. The juice is rich in sourness and is used in Japanese cuisine in a wide range of products including condiments, juices, soft drinks, frozen desserts, snacks, cakes and alcoholic beverages, and the pulp in a variety of desserts and entrees. Kabosu zest is used to add a pleasant aroma to baked goods and desserts.

Calamondin or Dwarf orangeis citrus hybrid from crossing a tangerine with a kumquat. The homeland of calamondin is Southeast Asia. This indoor plant specially adapted for fruiting at home. Calamondin fruits are small, round, similar to small tangerines, with a thin orange fragrant and sweet skin. The pulp of calamondin is juicy, with pronounced sourness and a large number of seeds, which is why the fresh fruit is not often eaten. But this representative of citrus fruits has one great advantage - it can be eaten along with the peel, the sweet taste of which compensates for the sour taste of the pulp. Calamondin is used to flavor dishes and drinks; marmalade, jam, jelly and jam are made from it. Lemon is often replaced with calamondin. Some housewives make candied fruits, and also add a few slices of this fruit while making jam - then it acquires an unusual and at the same time very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. In Asian cuisine, the juice is used in seasonal fish, poultry and pork dishes.

Karna or Sour orange supposedly a natural hybrid of bitter orange and lemon. The fruit's homeland is presumably the northwestern part of India and China. The fruit is large, round or oval, usually with a prominent nipple. The color of the fruit ranges from golden yellow to deep orange. The color of the pulp is dull orange, the pulp has coarse fibers, juicy, with a weak aroma. The taste of the fruit is very sour, bitter and unpleasant; the fruit is used to make candied fruits and orange marmalade, which the British love very much. Sour oranges are generally not eaten fresh. Oil is extracted from flowers, leaves, seeds and peel, which is used in the perfume industry, cooking and wine and vodka products. Sour orange juice is used as a seasoning. This fruit is considered an important medicinal plant.

Kaffir lime or Kaffir lime subspecies of the citrus family. Its skin is dark green and lumpy. The fruit itself is inedible; the peel is sometimes used in cooking, but the main value of kaffir lime lies in its leaves. There is little juice in kaffir lime fruits and it is very sour. The bouquet of kaffir lime is undoubtedly citrusy, but its full lemon flavor comes through when the leaves are torn or cut. Thai cuisine is unthinkable without kaffir lime leaves; Malay, Burmese and Indonesian cooks also use them. The leaves are torn into pieces or cut into strips and used in soups (especially hot ones) and curries. Finely grated zest is sometimes added to fish and chicken dishes. Dried leaves Kaffir limes retain their flavor for several months if stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place. They are used basically in the same way as Bay leaf, and do not require pre-soaking.

Clementine It is a variety of tangerine, a hybrid of a mandarin and an orange. This fruit was bred in 1902 in Algeria in the garden of an orphanage run by Pierre Clémentin, hence the name of the fruit. The fruits are shaped like a tangerine, but sweeter with a surprisingly pleasant aroma, a smooth, glossy, fairly hard surface of a rich dark orange color. They are usually very easy to peel, like tangerines, the pulp with numerous seeds. Clementine fruits are juicy, sweet and fragrant. Clementines are consumed fresh and also used to prepare various dishes and drinks. Of these sweet and juicy citruses it turns out excellent baked goods, desserts, sauces, marinades and much, much more. The juice is frozen for sorbet. English often usedclementine is used to prepare exquisite alcoholic drinks, and its candied fruits are also added to brandy. Clementine juice goes very well with meat dishes.

Mandarin noble, Royal Mandarin or Kunebo. The homeland of this fruit is southwest China and northeast India. The fruits are large, spherical, dark orange in color. The sweet, juicy and aromatic pulp is divided into segments that are very easy to separate from each other. Royal tangerines are eaten fresh, made into jams and marmalade, and also processed into juice and used in the production of drinks and cocktails. The peel (or whole fruit) can be used to flavor liqueurs and candies.

Kikudaidai, Canaliculata or Bitter Orange This is a hybrid obtained in ancient times, apparently, it is a mixture of orange and grapefruit. In the mid-18th century in Japan, this variety was already grown in gardens as an ornamental plant. The fruits are small, round, bright orange, very juicy, sour and bitter, and are considered inedible. In addition to beautiful and original fruits, the plant has juicy, bright green glossy foliage. This plant is still grown for decorative purposes.

Corsican lemon, Citron, Finger Lemon or Buddha's hand The oldest citrus fruit comes from India. Citron is the very first citrus fruit introduced to the Mediterranean. This variety of citrus fruit differs from the rest in its finger-like shoots; the shoots do not grow together and are separated from each other almost to the base, which makes the fruit look like a human hand or fingers. Among Buddhists, the fruit is considered sacred; according to legend, Buddha left a memory of himself in this way. The fruits are large, weighing up to 1 kg, with a lumpy yellow surface, containing lemon-colored pulp and a large number of seeds. The juice is sour and very aromatic. Fresh Corsican lemon fruits are not used for food due to their bitter taste. The rind is used as a seasoning for various dishes. Indian cuisine. It is used to make jam, marmalade, candied fruits, and marinades.

blood orange, red orange, or Pigmented orange often called a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin orange, although in fact it is a natural mutation of the common orange. This color is given to it by the presence of anthocyanins, pigments that are quite often found in flowers and fruits, but are not typical of citrus fruits. Anthocyanins are the same substance that makes cranberries red and blueberries blue. The first plantings of blood oranges were grown exclusively in the area of ​​Mount Etna in Sicily. Because of their luxurious appearance and distinct taste, blood oranges were originally reserved for royalty. These oranges are delicious fresh. Blood orange juice is used in the same recipes as regular oranges, but it is good on its own. The dark red color of the juice makes it an ideal ingredient for cocktails. Blood oranges are also used to make wonderful preserves, jams, sorbets and marmalades. Housewives use slices of this fruit to decorate desserts: pies, cheesecakes and ice cream. Blood orange zest is used for baking. Blood oranges are also used in savory dishes. Sliced, they are added to salads and sauces. They are ideal for chutneys and complement seafood, pork, chicken and duck dishes well.

Bloody lime It is a natural hybrid of finger lime and rangpur, resulting from open pollination. The first blood lime fruits appeared in Australia in 1990. The fruits are very attractive, oval in shape. The color of the fruit varies from golden to blood red. The pulp and juice can range from a light reddish tint to an intensely dark red color. Fresh Juice has a sharp, fresh, clean aroma. These fruits are sour like lemon and have a light, attractive aroma. They are used fresh in cooking. Blood lime is used to make marmalade, preserves, syrups, juices, drinks and sauces.

Round lime or Australian round lime found in south-eastern Australia. The fruits are small, round, with a thick skin of green or greenish-yellow color. The flesh is pale green and has a strong citrus aroma. It is consumed fresh and used to prepare jams and marmalade. Round lime wedges are used to garnish cold drinks. The peel is used in cooking, candied fruits are prepared from it, and essential oil is extracted.

Kumquat, Fortunella, Kinkan, Japanese orange or golden orange. The homeland of this fruit is Southern China; in manuscripts this plant was described back in 1178. Kumquat is golden yellow, orange or fiery orange in color, resembling small orange. The peel of the fruit is smooth, soft, sweetish-spicy, thin and fleshy. The pulp is juicy, with a sour taste. The fruit usually has 3 - 6 segments and 2 - 5 seeds. Kumquat tastes like a tangerine with a slight sourness. The combination of a sweetish rind and sour pulp makes this fruit an unforgettable taste. The fruit is very popular due to its nutritional value and taste. It is also called the fruit of the sages, since it was the main food product of ancient Chinese and Japanese scientists. Kumquat is consumed both raw and in processed form (jam, marmalade), it is used to decorate the table, added to fruit salads, sauces are made from it, baked with meat and fish, jam is made, candied and candied fruits are made.

Ichan lemon native to southwest China. The fruit is named after the city of Yichang. The plant is known for its unusual hardiness and can be grown in areas of moderate frost and humid conditions. This is perhaps the only type of citrus fruit that is grown on the streets of cities in Europe and America as an ornamental plant. The fruits are very fragrant, small, oval or flat, slightly reminiscent of Kaffir Lime fruits. The skin of the fruit is hard, pale yellow, green or orange. Inside contains many large seeds and a small amount of bitter and sour juice. Due to the fact that the fruits are too sour, they are not consumed fresh. In cooking it is used in the same way as regular lemon.

Real lime, Lime sour or Mexican lime native to Southeast Asia. The fruits are not large, ovoid. The peel is thin, green or yellowish-green. The pulp is very juicy and sour, slightly greenish; there are very few or no seeds in this fruit. Mexican lime oil is green in color and has a delicate aroma of fresh fruit. In cooking, real lime is very popular; it goes well with Asian dishes; it is used in the preparation of soups, meat dishes and salads. Mexican lime wedges are used to garnish cocktails and alcoholic drinks.

Lime sweet or Limetta considered a hybrid, but its parents are unknown. The homeland of this lime is India. It is very rare in the wild. The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened, very similar to lemon. The peel of the fruit is medium thick, corrugated, bright red. The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant aroma, sweet and sour, divided into slices. Sweet lime is used to prepare canned food and drinks. The plant is valued for its decorative value.

Limandarin or Limonia This is a hybrid of tangerine with lime or lemon. Limandarins have been bred in China for a long time. In Japan it is known as haim, in Brazil it is known as cravo. In a number of countries it is cultivated for its fruits. The fruits are about 5 cm in diameter, the peel is thin and easily separated. The peel and pulp are dark orange. The Chinese reddish lemons that appear on the shelves of our stores are typical lemons. Limandarin has a sour taste, but a little softer than lemon. Most limandarins look more like tangerines than lemons on the outside, but you won’t be able to eat them like tangerines: their acidity reminds them of a pure lemon. The fruits are used in cooking for making marmalade and in canning. But sometimes they eat it fresh - there are fans. In India, lime juice is often added to tangerine juice for its exquisite aroma.

limequat or Limonella is a hybrid of lime and kumquat. The hybrid was bred in 1909 in China. Fruit small size, oval, yellow-green in color, has a lime aroma. The limequat fruit combines the sweetness of kumquat peel with the acidity of lemon. The peel has a pronounced sweet taste, the flesh is bittersweet and juicy. Limequat juice is used in the same way as lemon juice. Limequat is used in many recipes in place of lemons or limes. They are used to make puddings and pie fillings. Limequat zest is used in recipes in place of orange or lemon zest for icing or meringue. Limequat pulp is used in fruit salads to add tartness. All varieties of limequat are very decorative, but they have gained popularity not only because of their spectacular appearance. The plant is not afraid of frost, is very productive and begins to bear fruit at an early age.

Lemon most likely it is a hybrid that spontaneously arose in nature and developed for a long time as a separate species. The homeland of lemon is Southeast Asia. About 14 million tons of lemons are harvested around the world every year. The leaders are India and Mexico. The fruit is oval in shape, narrowed at both ends, with a nipple at the top, light yellow in color. The pulp of the fruit is sour, greenish-yellow, and consists of hairs filled with juice. Sliced ​​and whole lemons, their zest and juice are used in cooking. Drinks are made from lemons and added to tea (in the West, tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”). Lemon juice is added to all kinds of sauces, poured over fried kidneys, brains and other offal, game, and are added to many National dishes different countries. Lemon is indispensable in solyankas and in many meat and fish dishes. It is served with kebabs, and in general with almost any meat cooked over a fire. Lemon is added to fruit and berry, fruit and vegetable, sweet dishes and cookies. Have great taste lemon cakes and pies. You can find lemon in recipes for many types of dough, jam, creams, syrups, jellies, mousses, and ice cream. Lemon can be cut into small pieces, mixed with sugar and stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator. With this method, the beneficial properties of lemon will be preserved. Candied lemon pieces are added to tea. And if lemon juice is added to freshly squeezed juices, they will acquire a refreshing aroma and are additionally enriched with vitamins. It is worth remembering that the most large quantity essential oils are found in lemon zest. That is why this part is most suitable for flavoring dishes. But it is highly not recommended to use the white layer of skin, since during heat treatment it will add a certain amount of bitterness to your dishes. Lemon juice or zest is added to the dough when baking pies for piquancy. You can make your own filling from lemon and sugar.

Meyer lemon or Chinese lemon This is an ornamental plant, a hybrid of lemon and orange. Lemon got its name in honor of Frank Meyer, who discovered this plant in the vicinity of Beijing in 1908. Originally from China, where it is grown in flower pots as an ornamental plant, the Meyer lemon is very prolific. The fruits are round in shape, large, slightly yellower regular lemon, when ripe they acquire an orange tint. The pulp is tender, juicy, slightly bitter, dark yellow in color, practically without juice, and contains a small amount of seeds. Fruit weight is about 120 g.

By birth Mandarin from southern China. In India, the countries of Indochina, China, South Korea and Japan, it is the most widespread citrus crop. Also widely cultivated throughout the Mediterranean. In the territory of the former union, tangerines are grown on the Black Sea coast, in Abkhazia and in the Sochi region, which are considered the northernmost areas of their cultivation. Not found in the wild. The tangerine fruit is slightly flattened from the base to the top. Tangerines stand out among other citrus fruits in that the fruit has a thin peel that is easily separated from the pulp (in some varieties the peel is separated from the pulp by an air layer). The pulp is easily divided into 10 - 12 segments, each of which contains one or two seeds. The fruit pulp is orange or yellow and consists of many sacs filled with juice. Tangerines are valuable dietary product increasing appetite, improving metabolic processes and saturating the body with vitamins in winter. Mandarin fruits are consumed both fresh and for the production of fruit juices, compotes, jellies, jams and alcoholic beverages. As a spice, it is used in the preparation of various sweet dishes, cookies, sauces, fish, poultry, rice dishes and fruit salads. Everything is used in cooking; zest, peel, flowers, juice and even seeds. Tangerines are used in cooking to add sourness and flavor to dishes. Try using tangerine juice when preparing poultry dishes, I’m sure you’ll like it.

Mandarin Unshio originally from China, a little later it began to be cultivated in Southern Japan. At the moment, this variety is widespread in Southeast Asia and many European countries, where it is grown primarily as an ornamental houseplant. The Unshio variety differs from others in its high yield and resistance to low temperatures. Many tangerines sold in Russia are representatives of this variety. Unshio fruits are lumpy, spherical, slightly flattened at the base, weighing about 80 g. The peel is bright orange, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is very juicy, fleshy, has a pleasant sweet taste with barely noticeable sourness. The Unshio variety is considered seedless. The quality and taste of the fruit are exceptional. They are consumed fresh and used in cooking like regular tangerines.

Moroccan citron, as its name suggests, it comes from Morocco, where it is still grown in large quantities today. The pulp of this fruit is low in acid and its taste is described as sweet lemon.

Murcott is a hybrid of mandarin and tangerine. The variety was bred in 1913 in the USA. In Japan it is cultivated as a pot plant due to its decorative qualities. The fruit is not large, flattened at both ends, the peel is yellow-orange, thin, smooth, and fits quite tightly to the pulp. The pulp is orange in color, tender, juicy, aromatic, tastes very sweet (Murccot ​​translates as honey), according to some people, the taste of this fruit contains hints of mango. There are a lot of seeds, up to 30, this is the only drawback of this fruit. The popularity of the fruit is constantly increasing due to the excellent taste of the orange pulp. Murcotta is consumed mainly fresh.

Mineola is a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. The first fruit appeared in 1931, it was named after the city of Minneola in Florida. The fruits are relatively large, pear-shaped (sometimes this fruit is called a honey bell), and red-orange in color. The peel is strong but thin, easy to peel off by hand. The pulp is juicy, has a sweet and sour taste and a delicious aroma. The pulp contains a small number of small seeds. The fruit is valued for its large amount of folic acid, a very important element for women. Folic acid is necessary for the female body during pregnancy; it helps prevent the development of birth defects in the child. In addition, folic acid is called one of the substances that helps prevent cancer, and it also improves the condition of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity. The fruits are consumed fresh and processed. Juice is prepared from them, and the zest is used in cooking. Oil from the peel is used to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Natsudaidai or Natsumikan is a hybrid of sour orange (orangina) and pomelo. The plant was first discovered in Japan in the 17th century. The fruit can be eaten fresh, but it is much more sour than orange and pomelo.

New Zealand grapefruit is a hybrid whose origin is unknown. This variety supposedly originated in the East; the first mentions in the literature date back to 1820. These fruits are significantly different from the grapefruits sold in supermarkets. New Zealand grapefruit is smaller in size and has a beautiful yellow-orange color. The peel is thin, slightly wrinkled, and easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is juicy and aromatic. Ripe fruits are very sweet with a slight refreshing sourness and slight bitterness; the longer the ripe fruit is on the tree, the sweeter it becomes. The fruit is consumed fresh; in New Zealand it is enjoyed for breakfast. Marmalade, juice, sorbet, etc. are prepared from the fruits.

Orangequat or Mandarinquat is a hybrid of mandarin and Hawaiian kumquat, introduced into culture in 1932 by American Eugene May. This is an attractive ornamental plant. The longer the fruits are on the tree, the sweeter they become. The fruit is beautiful, medium size, orange or red, round. The peel is relatively thick and sweet. The pulp is juicy, with a mild cherry plum flavor and sourness, the juice is slightly bitter. The taste is quite unusual; the peel together with the pulp gives a unique combination of taste and aroma. Orangequat fruit makes wonderful marmalade. When fully ripe, it is consumed fresh and used to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Oroblanco(White gold), Sweetie(sweet - sweet) or Pomelite is a hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit. The fruit was bred in 1970 by Israeli scientists in the laboratory of the University of California, they tried to create a sweet grapefruit. It is grown in Asia, Europe, America and Israel. For their size, the fruits are quite heavy with a very thick, smooth and shiny skin, which even when ripe is green. The peel is very bitter. After peeling the fruit, a fatty film remains on the hands. The pulp is yellow, sweet and juicy, separated from the peel by a layer, there are almost no seeds. Sweetie is consumed like a grapefruit, cut into slices and peeled from the inner films. In cooking, the fruit is added to fruit salads and combined with mushrooms, seafood and poultry. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the peel of the fruit.

Ortanik This is a variety of mandarin, sometimes called tangor (a mixture of mandarin and orange). It was first discovered in 1920 in Jamaica. The fruit is medium-sized, flattened, with a reddish tint. The peel is thick and fits tightly to the pulp. The pulp is very sweet and juicy. The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of both tangerine and orange. It is used both fresh and for making salads and pies.

Otaheit,Sweet rangpur And Thai orange belong to limandarins (a hybrid of lemon and orange). The homeland of this fruit is India. He came to Europe from Tahiti in 1813. Unlike its counterparts, it is sweet and looks more like an orange.

finger lime or Australian fingerlime This is the most exotic citrus fruit, native to Eastern Australia. The fruit is oval, approximately 10 cm long, slightly curved, tapering towards the end, and is shaped very much like a finger, which is why the fruit got its name. The skin of the fruit is thin and has a variety of colors and shades. Pulp Pink colour, sour in taste, juicy, with a strong citrus aroma, divided into many small, rounded compartments containing greenish-yellow juice. These sections are not glued together and are easily separated from each other, due to which the structure of the pulp resembles fish caviar. In cooking, the pulp, zest of the fruit and leaves of this tree are used, which have a strong citrus aroma. In Australian restaurants, chefs prepare many dishes using finger lime pulp. It is added to soups and salads, used as a side dish, and used to decorate meat and fish dishes.

Persian lime or Lime Tahiti considered a triple hybrid involving sweet lemon, grapefruit and micro-citrus fruit. This plant is native to Southeast Asia. It is currently grown in Mexico and other subtropical countries such as Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Egypt and Brazil. The fruits are small, green, oval and have a small sharp tip. The peel of the fruit is thin, smooth, fits tightly to the pulp, and is slightly aromatic. The pulp is greenish-yellow, tender, juicy, very sour, with a real lime flavor. The septa are small and hard. There are practically no seeds in the fruit. In cooking, the fruits are used in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries. In tropical countries, lime is used as a substitute for lemon.

Pomelo or Shaddock native to Southeast Asia and China. This fruit was mentioned in Chinese manuscripts as early as 100 BC. Pomelo is still considered a symbol of well-being and prosperity, so in China it is customary to give this fruit on the eve of the Chinese New Year. It is cultivated in Thailand, Japan, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, the Tahiti Islands and California. The fruit is quite large; it is the largest among citrus fruits; the weight of the fruit can reach 10 kg. The skin of the fruit is thick, pale green or yellow. The pulp has large segments separated from each other by hard white partitions that taste very bitter. The taste of the pulp is reminiscent of grapefruit, but pomelo is much sweeter and not as juicy. The flesh may be yellow, red or green. Pomelo fruits are consumed fresh and processed. This fruit is an integral part of many national Thai and Chinese dishes. The pomelo is easy to peel; to remove the peel, simply cut it and remove it with your hands. Divide the peeled fruit into slices and remove the membranes from them. You should also remove the seeds from the slices.

Pomeranian,Bigaradia or Chinotto is a hybrid of tangerine and pomelo. The homeland of this plant is Southeast Asia. It was grown in India several hundred years ago. Currently, the plant is cultivated in Mediterranean countries, Paraguay and the Caucasus. Not found in the wild. In many countries it is grown as an ornamental houseplant. Orange fruits are small, spherical or slightly flattened. The peel is thick, lumpy, bright orange or red in color, and easily separates from the pulp. The pulp is divided into segments, sour and slightly bitter. Fresh bitter orange is not consumed due to its sour taste. But the zest of this fruit is very valuable. The zest is used to make marmalade, desserts, candied fruits, it is added to confectionery and sweet dishes (ice cream, Easter cakes, cakes and muffins), curd desserts. Decorate with candied orange rind holiday dishes. Ground zest goes well with poultry, cheese, meat and fish dishes. In the alcoholic beverage industry, the zest is used to flavor drinks, tinctures and liqueurs. Orange fruits are also used in cooking; in India they are pickled and added to rice; in Cuba, the juice of this fruit is used as a marinade for meat dishes; in Turkey, it is used to season salads. In England, marmalade and jam are made from orange pulp. The orange flower is a traditional part of the wedding bouquet and is a symbol of innocence.

Ponkan, Suntara or Citrus goldenfruit This is the name of the mandarin, which is native to the mountainous regions of India. This variety is considered the most widespread tangerine in the world. It is grown in China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Zinzibar, Brazil and Japan. In many countries, ponkan is grown at home as an ornamental plant. The fruit is small, round or slightly flattened. The peel is orange in color, smooth, of medium thickness, fits loosely and is easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is orange in color, divided into slices, tender, juicy and sweet, the aroma is very pleasant. Inside the fruit there are a large number of small seeds. Ponkan tastes superior to almost all varieties of tangerines. Ponkan is consumed fresh. In cooking, jams, preserves, marmalade, drinks, fruit salads and desserts are prepared from it. Excellent candied fruits and zest are obtained from the peel.

Poncirus, prickly lemon or Trifoliate a citrus plant native to northern China, where it has been grown for thousands of years. Even in ancient times, this plant began to be used as a rootstock. It grows wild in China and the Himalayas. The advantage of this citrus variety is its frost resistance; it can be grown in regions with harsh winters. The fruits are small, juicy, slightly flattened, golden-lemon in color. The peel is thick, soft, covered with velvety fluff, difficult to separate from the pulp. The pulp is slimy, bitter-sour, and contains a caustic oil that gives the fruit a very unpleasant taste. Trifoliata is crossed with other citrus fruits. The resulting hybrids have increased frost resistance. This plant is used for decorative purposes as a hedge in landscape design. The fruit is considered inedible and is not used in cooking.

Australian desert lime or simply Desert Lime originally from Australia. This is the only citrus plant that can withstand severe drought and dry winds. The fruits are very small and green. The pulp is juicy, sour, and has a strong lime aroma. The fruit of the desert lime is highly prized for its pleasant, refreshing, slightly pungent taste. In cooking, marmalade, jams, jams, drinks and various sauces are prepared from them.

Tashkent lemon or Rangeron This is a hybrid originally from Tashkent. The variety was bred by Z. Fakhrutdinov by grafting the Meyer variety and the Novogruzinsky variety. The fruits are small, smooth, almost round, and have a pine-tangerine aroma. The peel is smooth, very thin and soft, orange in color. The pulp is also orange, very juicy, almost not sour, and has a pleasant aroma and taste. The fruits are consumed fresh; they are slightly sour than oranges.

Rangpur is a hybrid of tangerine and lemon. The homeland of this fruit is South Asia. It received its name in honor of the city of Rangpur, located in Bangladesh, where it was discovered. In Western countries, rangpur is often used in landscape design and as a rootstock for citrus plants. The fruits are more like tangerines, and the taste is closer to lemon. They are medium in size and smooth. The peel is thin and easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is dark orange, very sour. In cooking, rangpur is used instead of lemon; candied fruits, marmalade, juices are made from it, and canned.

Citrus halimii currently poorly studied. The plant's homeland is Southeast Asia. It is found very rarely in the wild, only in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. It was opened in 1973. The fruits are small, round, edible but very sour. The peel is yellow-orange, thick, and difficult to separate from the pulp. The pulp is yellow-green, not juicy, with a large number of seeds.

Sudachi is a fruit of hybrid origin obtained by crossing paped and mandarin. This variety was developed in Japan, which is still its main producer and consumer. The fruit is medium-sized, slightly flattened, dark green in color. The peel is dense and hard. The pulp is light green, juicy, very sour, but with a good lemon-like taste and a very pleasant aroma. The fruit is rarely consumed fresh. But in Japanese cooking he is irreplaceable. The juice is often used instead of vinegar as a base for sauces, as well as for flavoring drinks and desserts. Thin slices of sudachi are used to decorate fish dishes.

Marcot is a very tasty tangor of American origin (Murccot ​​translates as honey). Royal Mandarin- very sweet tangor comes from China and India. etc.

Tankan is a hybrid obtained by spontaneously crossing an orange and a tangerine. This variety of citrus fruit was brought to Japan from Taiwan. Today Japan is the main exporter of the fruit. Tankan is considered the best citrus fruit of the East. The fruits are red-orange, medium size, spherical. The peel is wrinkled, thin, and comes off easily from the pulp. The pulp is bright orange, very sweet and juicy, with a delicious aroma, divided into segments. Tankan is consumed fresh. In Japanese cuisine there are many dishes in which this fruit is presented.

Tangelo is the common name for a group of citrus fruits resulting from the crossing of tangerine and grapefruit. The plant was first obtained in 1897 in the USA. Currently grown in the USA, Israel and Turkey. The most popular tangelos: agli, alemoen, clementine, mineola, orlando. simenol, thornton. The fruit is round, the size of a large orange. The peel is bright orange, very aromatic, thin, and easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is yellow-orange, juicy, sweet, slightly sour. Tangelo is consumed fresh. In cooking, jams, jams, candied fruits, and baking fillings are prepared from it. The pulp is added to various salads.

Tangerine called a variety of sweet tangerines. China is considered the birthplace of this fruit. Today, tangerine is the main citrus crop in China, although the main producer is the United States, where it is grown for oil from the peel of this fruit. The fruits are red-orange. The peel is thin and easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is very sweet, divided into segments, and has a faint citrus aroma. There are no seeds in tangerine fruits. This fruit is consumed fresh. In cooking, tangerine is used to prepare salads and desserts; it is very good in combination with meat and fish. Aromatic candied fruits are prepared from the peel. Jams and jams are made from the pulp.

Thomasville is a hybrid of kumquat and citrange. The first fruits from the plant were obtained in 1923. The fruits are small, yellow-orange in color, medium in size, pear-shaped or spherical. The peel is thin and bitter. The pulp is tender and juicy, sour, pleasant to the taste, a little like lemon or lime. There are not a large number of seeds in the fruit or they are completely absent. When fully ripe, the fruits are consumed fresh and marmalade is prepared from them. The juice is used to flavor soft drinks. Unripe fruits replace lemon.

Uglifruit called a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. This tangelo is native to Jamaica, where it is grown in large quantities. The name of this fruit is one of the variants of the word “ugly”, which was given to it for its not very beautiful appearance. Since 1934, Jamaica has been able to supply uglifruit to the markets of England and America. The fruit is greenish-yellow with orange spots. The peel is rough, wrinkled, and easily peels off from the pulp. The pulp is orange, very juicy and sweet with a slight bitterness, divided into segments, and has a pleasant citrus aroma. Carbonfruit is consumed fresh. In cooking, marmalade, preserves, candied fruits, salads, sauces and jams are prepared from it. The juice is used to flavor drinks.

For decorative purposes, uglifruit is grown in many countries around the world.

Lemon feronia, Wooden apple or Persian lemon This is the name of a plant native to India and Sri Lanka. It is currently cultivated throughout Southeast Asia, where it is grown along roads, in parks and gardens. The fruit of the wood apple is gray, spherical, with a hard woody shell. Inside contains brown, sticky, aromatic, mealy, sweetish, astringent pulp with numerous small white seeds. In order to eat it, you must first break the woody shell of the fruit. The pulp of the ripe fruit is mixed with sugar, coconut milk or palm syrup and eaten like sherbet. The fruit is used to make drinks, jam, sweets and ice cream. It is also used to make fruit preserves, jellies and chutneys

Citron, Estrog or Cedrat The oldest citrus fruit grown by humans, it has been cultivated in India and Mesopotamia for several thousand years. Since ancient times it has been cultivated in Asia. Citron is the first citrus plant to come to Europe. This happened long before our era. Currently, this plant is grown in many countries around the world. Citron fruits are the largest of the citrus fruits, slightly oblong, in appearance and color reminiscent of a lemon. The peel is yellow, very thick (2.5 - 5 cm), lumpy. The pulp is sour or sweet and sour, slightly bitter, not juicy. Fresh fruits are practically not consumed. But jams and preserves are made from the pulp, and very tasty candied fruits are made from the peel. The peel is used to produce essential oil for the confectionery and perfume industries.

Citrange is a hybrid of sweet orange and trifoliate. Jams and marmalade are prepared from the fruits of this fruit. It is not consumed raw. The plant is often used in design as a decorative one.

Citranquat is a hybrid of kumquat and citrange. The first fruits from the plant were obtained in 1923. The fruits are small, yellow-orange in color, medium in size, pear-shaped or spherical. The peel is thin and bitter. The pulp is tender and juicy, sour, pleasant to the taste, a little like lemon or lime. There are few or no seeds in the fruit. When fully ripe, the fruits are consumed fresh and marmalade is prepared from them. The juice is used to flavor soft drinks. Unripe fruits replace lemon.

Citrofortunella or Dwarf orange is a citrus hybrid from crossing a tangerine with a kumquat. The homeland of citrofortunella is Southeast Asia. This indoor plant is specially adapted for fruiting at home. The fruits are small, round, similar to small tangerines, with a thin orange fragrant and sweet peel. The pulp is juicy, with pronounced sourness and a large number of seeds, which is why the fresh fruit is not often eaten. But this representative of citrus fruits has one great advantage - it can be eaten along with the peel, the sweet taste of which compensates for the sour taste of the pulp. Citrofortunella is used to flavor dishes and drinks; marmalade, jam, jelly and jam are made from it. Citrofortunella is often used to replace lemon. Some housewives make candied fruits, and also add a few slices of this fruit while making jam - then it acquires an unusual and at the same time very pleasant citrus aroma and taste. In Asian cuisine, the juice is used in seasonal fish, poultry and pork dishes.

Citrus Wilson This hybrid plant obtained by crossing papeda and grapefruit. The plant is used as a rootstock. The fruits are large. The peel is thick, tough and aromatic. The pulp is juicy, sour and very bitter.

Citrus Kombava is a citrus plant. Its skin is dark green and lumpy. The fruit itself is inedible; the peel is sometimes used in cooking, but its main value lies in the leaves. Juice there is little in the fruit and it is very sour. The bouquet of this citrus is undoubtedly citrusy, but its full lemon aroma is revealed if the leaves are torn or cut. Thai cuisine is unthinkable without its leaves; Malay, Burmese and Indonesian cooks also use them. The leaves are torn into pieces or cut into strips and used in soups (especially hot ones) and curries. Finely grated zest is sometimes added to fish and chicken dishes. Dried leaves retain their flavor for several months if stored in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place. They are used basically in the same way as bay leaves and do not require pre-soaking.

Chironha or Orangelo is a natural hybrid obtained by crossing grapefruit and sweet orange. The plant's homeland is the highlands of Puerto Rico. In 1956, fruit specialist Carlos G. Moscosa noticed this plant near coffee plantations. Its fruits were larger and brighter than those of other trees. Chironha is very popular in local markets. The fruits are large, the size of a grapefruit, slightly elongated or pear-shaped. The peel is bright yellow or orange, not thick, smooth, fits quite tightly to the pulp but is peeled off very easily. The pulp is yellow-orange, soft, tender and very juicy, divided into segments. The fruits are consumed fresh, like cutting a grapefruit in half and eating the pulp with a spoon. The fruits are preserved with syrup. Delicious candied fruits are prepared from the peel.

Yuzu,Yunos or Yuzu is a natural hybrid obtained by crossing a mandarin orange and an Ichan lemon. The homeland of this plant is the central part of China and Tibet, where it is still found in the wild. This plant has been known for more than 2,500 thousand years. Currently cultivated in China, Japan and Korea. Yuzu is one of the most frost-resistant citrus plants. Medium sized fruits. The peel is yellow-green, lumpy and porous, easily separated from the pulp. The pulp is juicy but very sour and has a strong citrus aroma. The taste of this fruit is tart, with tangerine notes. Yuzu is practically not consumed fresh, but is irreplaceable in cooking; Marmalade is made from its pulp, the zest is used to decorate dishes, and the juice is used instead of lemon juice. Yuzu fruits are considered an integral part of national cuisine.

Citrus fruits are evergreen shrubs and trees that belong to the Rutaceae family. The types of citrus plants today are diverse, however, few people know that initially only tangerine, pomelo, lime and citron existed in nature. All other fruits were developed through long-term selection.

Being juicy and tasty, citrus fruits are popular all over the world. They are also in high demand due to their amazing health benefits. Popular types Citrus fruits, such as lemons, grapefruits and oranges, are not only eaten naturally, but also used to make juice, added to jams and marmalades, and used in cooking to flavor meats and vegetables.

What is the difference?

Citrus fruits are sour exotic fruits in which the seeds are surrounded by juicy and fleshy pulp. Originally grown in Southeast Asia, they have become popular throughout the world. How many types of citrus fruits are there in the world? Currently, it is assumed that there are slightly more than thirty independent varieties.

Combination sweet and sour tastes and vibrant flavors is probably one of the reasons why they are among the favorite fruits for many people around the world. They are usually juicy, and it is this juice that contains the main acidic component that gives the fruit its characteristic taste. Moreover, they are good not only great taste, but also form an important component of a healthy diet due to their many health benefits.

Citrus fruits are different types and flowers. Their color depends on climatic conditions. In tropical regions there is no winter and the fruit remains green or greenish-orange until ripe. They are usually harvested before they are fully ripe.

Why should you be careful?

Considering the health benefits, these sour fruits help in detoxification and are a rich source of vitamin C and other nutrients, which are necessary for the human body.

The acidity in citrus fruits is their main feature, as in some cases it can cause stomach upset and difficulty in consumption. Some people develop these citrus or stomach problems. Therefore, it is necessary to listen to how you feel when using each new product.

Today, most large stores offer many types to buy. Which of them are the most useful?


These fruits have antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. Lemon is also used as a weight loss tool as it aids digestion and cleanses the liver. This citrus contains citric acid, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, bioflavonoid, pectin and limonene, which are known to boost the immune system.


It is a large subtropical fruit known for its slightly bitter and sour taste. Its name comes from the fact that it grows in grape-like clusters. Having high levels of enzymes, high content water and very little sodium, grapefruit helps speed up weight loss. It also helps prevent cancer, improves immunity levels and aids digestion. It is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, iron, folic acid, manganese, calcium and potassium.


When talking about types of citrus fruits, it is impossible not to mention oranges. These fruits are rich in vitamin C, potassium and beta-carotene. Oranges are an ideal source of nutrients for the body. They help maintain heart health, prevent kidney disease and lower cholesterol. Oranges are by far one of the most popular citrus fruits.


Tangerines are a type of citrus fruit that belongs to a separate family and is somewhat more expensive than oranges. They have a distinctly less sour and sweeter taste. These fruits are rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. In addition, tangerines are known to improve digestion, heal wounds and cuts, and limit the risk of obesity.


Clementine is a seedless variety of mandarin. Being a rich source of fiber, vitamin C and potassium, it is also considered as energy product. In addition, it is an antioxidant and helps in weight loss and improved vision. Since it is available from November to January, it is also known as Christmas Orange.


These fruits are similar to lemons, but unlike them, they are green in color and have a bitter-sweet taste. These types of citrus fruits are also rich in vitamins C and A, iron, potassium, magnesium and other minerals. Limes can reverse the signs of aging, make your skin look younger, and even prevent the formation of kidney stones.


As the largest citrus fruit, pomelo is an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, bioflavonoids, protein, fiber, healthy fats, potassium, antioxidants and enzymes. This fruit is known to aid digestion, promote heart health and good dental health, and boost the immune system's ability to fight off common flu and colds.

red orange

The types of citrus fruits are often similar. However, blood orange is considered a separate variety of fruit. Being one of the most delicious citrus fruits, it is also effective for health. Thus, it contains high levels of vitamins C and A, as well as folic acid, anthocyanins and calcium. These substances are necessary for the body to prevent cancer and strengthen teeth and bones. In addition, consumption promotes good digestive health. You can often hear the question: “If two types of citrus fruits are grafted, what happens?” This fruit is a clear answer to it.

Buddha's hand

Its scientific name is Citrusmedicavar Sarcodactylis. More commonly known as Buddha's hand, this fruit is rich in vitamin C. It is commonly used to make tonics and stimulant drinks. Unlike other citrus fruits, it has dry pulp and no seeds.


This fruit is native to India and Burma. Citron has tremendous health benefits. The fruit's antioxidant properties make it ideal for diseases caused by oxidative stress (such as Alzheimer's disease). The fruit has hypoglycemic properties, which make it ideal for treating diabetes. It also has a pain-relieving effect on wounds, cuts and burns.


Oroblanco, which is commonly classified as a type of white grapefruit, is rich in natural sugars, dietary fiber, and is an excellent source of antioxidants that prevent free radicals from causing cellular damage in your body. It is also sodium-free and has a high concentration of beta-carotene.

Benefits of citrus fruits

First of all, they promote weight loss. So, with honey, diluted in warm water, it serves an excellent remedy for weight loss. It works most effectively if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Lemon contains pectin, a soluble fiber that helps burn fat and promote weight loss.

Secondly, all types of citrus fruits increase immunity: most citrus fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C. This substance, when consumed along with antioxidants, helps boost your body's immunity. Studies have shown that people who consume citrus fruits are less susceptible to common infections such as colds and flu.

Thirdly, citrus fruits improve digestion, in particular lemon and lime are recommended for this purpose. Drinking a glass of lemon juice with food will help eliminate harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, almost all types of citrus fruits contain calcium and potassium in small quantity. For example, the potassium levels in lemon help maintain bone calcium density in the body. Potassium helps prevent calcium loss through the kidneys, thus protecting the body from osteoporosis.

Most citrus fruits contain citric acid, and regular consumption of the juices of these fruits helps increase citrate levels in the urine. People prone to developing kidney stones should consume plenty of water to prevent the formation of kidney stones. But adding lemon juice can help reduce the risk of such calcium stones.

How to use different types of citrus fruits to your advantage?

If you will be consuming citrus fruits purchased in advance, store them at room temperature for up to a week. If you plan to leave them for a longer period of time, put the fruits in the refrigerator. There they can remain in usable form for a month.

If you have an upset stomach, drink a glass of lime juice. This will help relieve stomach pain and diarrhea.

Lemon juice is used to rub freshly cut fruits to prevent them from turning brown. Also, the juice of this citrus, mixed with honey, cleanses the skin well. Since citrus fruits (especially lemon and lime) are sour in nature, this helps balance the body's pH. Most of these fruits contain less than a hundred calories per serving, so they are a great option for a healthy snack.

These plants can also be used for aesthetic purposes. For example, everyone knows such types of indoor citrus fruits as lemon and tangerine. Despite the fact that they do not always bear fruit, such a tree perfectly decorates any home or office interior.

Mandarin, kumquat, what next? In this article we will talk about the most famous varieties citrus fruits that we sell, how they differ from each other and what beneficial properties they have. By the way, citrus fruits have been crossed with each other many times over the past 200 years, and among their many species it is already difficult to say “where is the beginning and the end.” Interesting fact : In Costa Rica, citrus fruits are excellently used by capuchin monkeys as a balm against insect bites and as an antifungal agent.

. One of the most sour citrus varieties. The fruit is usually small in size, round, slightly elongated, bright yellow in color (often confused with lime, which is green in color). The juice is most often extracted from the pulp, which has a sour taste, but is extremely healthy and is used as medicine in many cultures. The zest is often grated and used in various medicines. There are several subspecies of lemon, the main difference between them is taste (lemons are more sour and less sour).

Another favorite type of citrus fruit. Orange is a round fruit of bright orange (rarely reddish) color, slightly larger than a lemon. Orange is one of the most commonly consumed citrus fruits in the world, along with lemon, lime and grapefruit. Oranges can be eaten on their own or added to variety of dishes and drinks. Oranges are an excellent way to cleanse the body and remove toxins and other harmful substances from it. Oranges also have an extremely beneficial effect on human blood, making it less viscous. Orange also has several subspecies, the most famous of which is "blood orange" those. orange with reddish pulp. It tastes sweeter than a regular orange, but otherwise is not much different from its brother.

Grapefruit. Grapefruit is much larger than lemon and orange and has a slightly bitter taste. The peel of this type of citrus fruit is usually pale yellow with a reddish or green tint, the pulp is red, white or pink, depending on the variety, but the color of the pulp is just a “decoration” and does not affect the taste of the grapefruit. Grapefruit is an excellent way to “throw off” everything unnecessary, including kilograms and toxins, the main thing is not to overuse it. It is not recommended to eat more than one grapefruit per day.

Mandarin. Everyone's favorite New Year's citrus. Mandarin looks like an orange, only a little smaller and its shape is more “flattened”, and the taste is sweeter. This variety of citrus fruit has a very pleasant aroma, but its biggest advantage is that it is very easy to clean. Tangerine and tangerine juice are an excellent remedy for ARVI and Influenza. The variety includes mandarin, juicy honey mandarin, satsuma, sweet and tiny clementines, and orange-scented mandarins.

Lime. This variety of citrus fruit is often confused with lemon, but their tastes vary greatly. Green lime fruits actually resemble lemons in shape, but have a more pungent, sour taste and a special unique aroma. Lime, like lemon, is rarely eaten raw; most often, juice is made from lime, which is then used to dress salads or added to drinks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Few people know about this, but Lime is extremely good for your teeth! The variety of lime varieties includes Mexican lime, kaffir lime (used in Thai cooking as a seasoning), musk lime and several other varieties.

Pomelo. Pomelo is a type of citrus fruit, very similar to grapefruit, both in appearance and in taste (slightly sweeter than grapefruit). This citrus has a very thick skin, so you will have to work hard to peel it. Pomelo is an excellent source of energy for the whole day, A pomelo eaten in the morning will more than replace the heartiest breakfast and will help you stay in good shape until the evening. Also, this citrus, along with tangerines, perfectly helps to recover from various colds and strengthen the immune system.

Kumquat. The kumquat can be described as an orange the size of a grape. Unlike most citrus fruits, kumquats are eaten whole, including the skin. The taste is a little sour, but very aromatic. In China, this variety of citrus fruit is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Buddha's fingers. The last type of citrus is Buddha's Fingers or finger citron - a very aromatic fruit with an original shape that resembles fingers. This citron has practically no flesh, but consists only of skin. Most often it is used to make candied fruit or marmalade, and is also used as a seasoning in some cuisines around the world.

These are, perhaps, the main types of citrus fruits that can be found on sale. There are many more varieties, but all of them are either subspecies of those already listed above (for example, bergamot, aka bergamot orange), or their hybrids. Among the common hybrids, for example, tangelo– a hybrid between a tangerine and any other citrus fruit, or uglifruit- a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit. A mineola, which is often brought into stores, is a variety of tangelo.

They all differ from each other in appearance and in their taste, but the “set” of beneficial properties of all citrus fruits is approximately the same. All varieties of citrus fruits are a valuable source of vitamin C, as well as other useful microelements and nutrients. In cooking, citrus fruits are used in their entirety, from juice, pulp to zest and peel.

From fruit peel aromatic oil is obtained, a variety of dishes are seasoned with the zest and juice, and the pulp of some citrus fruits is eaten as an independent dessert. When choosing this or that citrus, you should focus, first of all, on how you will use it (as an independent dish or as a seasoning), since the taste of some varieties of citrus fruits may not be very pleasant. However, there is a simple rule: if citrus cannot be eaten, then you can squeeze juice out of it, which will be almost healthier than the fruit itself. Bon appetit!

Svetlana Shakhova

What are the most famous citrus fruits? Most Europeans' list is limited to orange, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit. However, in total there are more than 60 species. Most of them appeared through crossing different varieties and hybridization. However, not all of them are eaten. Some, such as bergamot, are used as a flavoring. But still, many citrus fruits can enrich the usual diet and bring benefits.


Despite the fact that today the orange is one of the most common citrus fruits, it originally did not exist in nature. It is believed that 2500 BC. e. it was obtained by crossing a mandarin and a pomelo in China. From here, already in the 15th century, the first orange trees were brought to Europe, and it even became fashionable to grow them in special greenhouses. They quickly took root on the southern coast of Spain, France, and later in the USA.

Oranges are those citrus fruits that doctors recommend eating daily. They have a general strengthening effect on the body, improve mood and help normalize digestion. Cup orange juice Having breakfast will give you strength for the whole day and improve your appetite. In addition, it is recommended for diabetes, fever (as a source of fluid) and vitamin deficiency.

In addition to the classic ones, blood oranges, or oranges, are also common in Europe. They are distinguished from ordinary ones by their bright red flesh and sweeter taste. Otherwise, they are similar to traditional ones and may well replace them. In total, there are more than 30 varieties of oranges, differing from each other in appearance and taste.


The main competitor of orange in popularity among Europeans can be safely called lemon. He is even more often remembered when asked to name citrus fruits. But lemon is also wildlife does not occur. However, it is not known exactly when it was cultivated. Southeast Asia is considered the birthplace of lemon. Most likely, the first hybrids appeared in India and from there were brought to Europe back in the 12th century.

Lemons, despite their high acid content, are recommended to normalize digestion in cases of high acidity. Regular use eating them will strengthen the immune system due to the high content of vitamin C. Thanks to their taste properties Lemons are often used in cooking. It is used to prepare lemonade, which is popular all over the world. Also pieces fresh fruit added to strong tea. He is known throughout the world as "Russian".


Originally from southern China, these very common citrus fruits only arrived in Europe towards the end of the 19th century. But thanks to the fact that they were easy to peel (hence their name) and had a sweetish pulp, tangerines quickly gained popularity. As a result, different varieties appeared - from pale yellow to bright orange. And based on them, many hybrids have been created: tangerine and orange - natsumikan, tangerine and grapefruit - tangelo, tangerine and kumquat - calamondin, as well as some others.

Perhaps the main thing useful property of all tangerines and hybrids based on them is that they help restore strength in a protracted winter period. They will help cope with the blues and strengthen the immune system. They are also recommended for consumption by heart patients, pregnant women and those suffering from chronic bronchitis. True, they should be eaten with caution, since excess fruit can cause severe allergies.


This hybrid of orange and pomelo has been common in Europe for quite some time. And this despite its specific bitter taste. And the thing is that daily use grapefruit promotes weight loss even while maintaining your usual diet. Based on it, a special diet has been developed, where it is proposed to complete each meal with half of this fruit.

But this is not the only benefit that grapefruit has. It, like many other citrus fruits, is a real storehouse of organic acids, vitamins (C, P, D and B1) and naringin, which is beneficial for the heart muscle. Moreover, it is believed that grapefruit juice improves mood and is an excellent antidepressant. It should be used with caution only when taking contraceptives and medications to lower blood pressure, as well as those with ulcers, allergies, and high stomach acidity.


For most, the named 4 types are all citrus fruits. What other fruits are included in this category? First of all, it is worth mentioning the pomelo. After all, this is one of the few wild citruses cultivated by humans. Also based on it, many hybrids have been created (for example, orange and grapefruit). It differs from its counterparts in its rougher skin, impressive size and fibrous pulp. However, it is much sweeter than the same oranges and lemons.

In China, the pomelo is considered a symbol of prosperity and is often given as a gift on major holidays. And this is no coincidence. It normalizes metabolism, helping to cleanse the body and reduce weight. It is also suitable as a preventative for hypertension, heart disease and cancer. Just like other citrus fruits, the names of which have already been mentioned here, it is not recommended if you are prone to allergic reactions.