Which beer is better to choose? We choose dark beer - properties, brands and manufacturers. How to cook at home

If we talk about the technique of making the favorite low-alcohol aperitif, then dark beer is easier to make than light beer. As the main ingredients that give a dark shade, use burnt malt (the highest color intensity comes out), caramel or dark malt.

A brewer performs a special ritual before starting to make dark beer - it grows barley grains. Then the grains are carefully selected, after which they are calcined. After all the required stages of making the drink have passed: steaming and crushing the malt, mashing, filtering - they get the initial wort for fermentation. However, filtration in the production process is used only by those breweries that are aimed at further bottling beer for the purpose of widespread sale. The fact is that the technology of this process allows you to kill the microflora of live beer and extend its shelf life. If unfiltered beer is stored for several days (up to a week), and then it can go bad, then filtered beer can be stored for a couple of months, and sometimes even longer by adding preservatives.

Distinctive characteristics of dark beer

The main criterion by which you can distinguish dark beer from light beer is a peculiar taste, with sweet notes. The color palette can change to black and brown shades. Another characteristic feature of this foamy drink is the obligatory aftertaste of malt in the mouth. By the way, dark beer helps quench not only thirst, but also hunger.

Much has been said about the benefits of beer to human health, but it is surprising that dark beer is considered more beneficial than light beer. This is due to the presence in the first free iron in much larger quantities than in the second. In unfiltered beer, the amount of this element is much higher than that in bottled beer, and this increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Another important property of dark beer is its ability to influence the improvement of skin quality, helping to get rid of acne.

Why draft dark beer is better than bottled

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of this drink confidently declare that beer is a living drink and if it is corked in bottles, then chemical additives could not be dispensed with. Thanks to natural fermentation, this aperitif quickly deteriorates, so if the goal is to feel the pristine taste, you need to take dark beer for bottling. In addition, draft beer never undergoes pasteurization and does not contain preservatives (or in very small doses).

Of course, if you visit a pub with its own brewery, it’s easy to buy draft beer. But what if there is an important event on the nose where one simply cannot do without friendly gatherings with a refreshing and sweetening dark aperitif? Now this is not a problem. Live beer is poured into special kegs that are used to store and transport beer. They are equipped with a special intake head for manual filling, as well as a valve to prevent air from entering. This is a very convenient system that allows you to drink an invigorating drink at any time and place, which is in third place in the popularity rating after water and tea.

Choosing a beer to your taste, you need to remember that not a single bottle of beer can compare in its taste characteristics with live beer. Unfiltered dark beer in moderation not only beneficially affects the body, but also excites the sense of smell with its cascade of odors.

The vast majority of beer production on the Russian beer market is represented by brewing giants, and only a small part of the drink is produced by home or craft masters. Fans of this fermented product can argue for hours about their preferences, discussing which brands of beer are the most delicious and aromatic. Some prefer light, others prefer unfiltered, and still others prefer dark. But all beer lovers are united by the basic requirement for a drink - it must be of high quality.

Features of the choice of quality beer

Quality is an indicator that the product was manufactured in accordance with regulatory documents, good raw materials were used, the requirements of technology and sanitation were meticulously met. Any violation of these paragraphs will result in damage to the product.

But a simple consumer is more interested in another aspect: tasty beer or not. He may not recognize subtle changes in the pH level or an insufficiently high indicator of the degree of fermentation, but an amateur will immediately feel excessive bitterness, sour taste or an unpleasant odor.

In the bottle is a riddle for the consumer. It is impossible to know its taste without opening the bottle and without tasting. But ideas about the quality of the foam can be obtained by studying the information on the label:

  1. The variety indicated on the bottle will give the basic concept of the drink. Lager is light, transparent and refreshing with a pure aroma of noble hops. Ale - with a rich aroma of ethers and citruses, expressed hop hop bitterness. The stout is dark, thick and sweet.
  2. The bottling date indicates the freshness of the product. The fresher, the better. From the moment of bottling, oxidation processes begin in the drink. Therefore, during storage, the taste and aroma of the product change for the worse.
  3. The list of ingredients. A standard set of water, malt of various varieties, hops and yeast can be supplemented with other raw materials. Rice, corn, molasses are added to the recipe to reduce the cost, but the taste does not spoil. Preservatives, artificial flavors, and colorings are considered undesirable ingredients.
  4. The volume fraction of alcohol is an aspect understood by many. At the most popular transnational camp, the alcohol content is 5-6%. There are strong varieties in which the level of alcohol can be up to 15-20% vol. In a non-alcoholic product, this indicator is close to zero.
  5. The solids content, or extractiveness, is the amount of sugar that remains after fermentation. The higher it is, the sweeter the taste of beer will be. If the extractivity is less than 1-2%, then the drink can be called dry.

The majority of consumers are price-oriented, believing that expensive beer must be of high quality. The lower threshold for the cost of foam in Russia is 100 rubles. for 1 liter. What is cheaper will be doubtful. High-priced beer is a marketing product or import. Domestic beer is not inferior to foreign in quality, and its price is significantly lower. Therefore, do not equate an expensive and a good product.

Another aspect of choosing a foamy drink is which beer is better, draft or bottled. It's all about bottling technology. On the automatic keg filling line, oxygen pick-up is almost zero, which cannot be said about filling bottles with the product. In a bottled drink, the oxygen content is much higher. In the first days after bottling, foam from kegs and bottles will be identical, but after a month or two the difference will be obvious and not in favor of the product packaged in glass.

Top non-alcoholic beer

Non-alcoholic beer is a product that satisfies the needs of a large group of foam lovers. This is a favorite taste and aroma, but without harmful alcohol.

True connoisseurs of the foam product claim that good beer cannot be non-alcoholic. Beer is obtained by fermenting sweet wort with yeast, and alcohol is a natural product of this process. To obtain a soft drink, alcohol is removed by distillation or fermentation is suppressed in the early stages.

But worldwide there is a growing demand for a non-alcoholic fermentation product. In Russia, the demand for such a product increased in 2017 by 9.5%. Among the offers on the market one can single out expensive beer and affordable domestic counterparts.

The following beer brands represent favorite brands of non-alcoholic foamy drink:

  1. Production of the Baltika concern: Baltika 0, Carlsberg Non-Alcoholic and Zhatetskiy Goose Non-Alcoholic.
  2. Beer from AB InBev: “Stella Artois non-alcoholic”, “Hoegaarden 0.0” and “BUD Alcohol Free”.
  3. Hainiken 0.0.

Rating of the best Russian beer

On the shelves of Russian stores presented the products of domestic breweries and their imported counterparts. A rating of beer of the most sought-after brands in Russia was compiled, presented at various prices.

  1. Efes Golden Mine Beer.
  2. Heineken "Three Bears."
  3. "Zhigulevskoe beer" "Zhigulevskoe".
  4. Efes "The Old Miller".
  5. Baltika Classic Baltika.
  1. Efes "Velkopopovetsky goat."
  2. Moscow Brewing Company Khamovniki.
  3. Calsberg "атatec Goose".
  4. AB InBev "Lowenbrau".
  5. Efes The Golden Barrel.

The best foam, the price of which is 70-100 rubles:

  1. Heineken "Edelweiss".
  2. Moscow Brewing Company Oettinger.
  3. Heineken "Guinness."
  4. AB InBev "Hoegaarden".
  5. "Baltic" "Warsteiner".

Rating of the best foreign beer

The leader in this list are US brewers, who occupy 73 of the 100 possible lines. Among the common brands can be identified:

  1. Hill Farmstead.
  2. Firestone Walker.
  3. Russian River.
  4. Toppling Goliath.
  5. Cycle Brewing.
  6. Funky Buddha.
  7. Prairie Artisan Ales.
  8. Side Project Brewing.

Belgian brewers lost in popularity to their American counterparts and were represented by brands:

  1. Bokkereyder.
  2. Cantillon.
  3. Het anker.
  4. Brasserie Rochefort.
  5. Westvleteren.
  1. Cloudwater
  2. Northern Monk.
  3. Old Chimneys.
  4. Thornbridge.

The top list also included Swedes (Omnipollo), Danes (Mikkeller), Norwegians (Lervig Aktiebryggeri), Italians (Le Baladin), Spaniards (Nómada Brewing), Poles (Browar Artezan) and Greeks (Seven Island Brewery).

The most expensive beer in the world is served at the London Bierdrome bar and is called Vielle Bon Secours. A 12 liter bottle costs about $ 1,000.

Features of the correct use of the drink

You can argue for a long time about which beer is better to drink, but spoil even the most delicious product by improper serving.

Each type of foam has its own tasting temperature. The shape of the glasses is important, which helps to reveal the taste and aroma of the drink.

Light camps should be drunk chilled to + 7 ... + 10⁰С, dark and amber camps, as well as pale ale - up to + 10 ... + 13⁰С, and stouts or dark ales are best opened at + 13 ... + 16⁰С.

A pint glass is suitable for British-style ales, a tall glass with thin walls for a German Pilsner. The Czech dark lager is drunk from small pot-bellied mugs, and the German wheat vice from glasses in the shape of a tulip. Oktoberfest is poured into liter circles - the masses, and Belgian ales - into small glasses on the leg.

The glasses are washed thoroughly with an odorless product and wiped dry with a clean towel. The cooled product is poured along the glass wall with a thin stream to form a foam cap 2 fingers high. Drinking liquid should be leisurely, feeling the aroma.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health

Without what, in the modern world, it is impossible to imagine a single youth party, friendly or family gatherings? Without beer, of course. It has long been popular. Few people are familiar with beer sorts - in reality there are not so many of them: lager, ale, porter, stout, etc. But there are a lot of brands under which beer is produced. This article will focus on well-known brands sold in many countries of the world, due to which the profits of brewing companies are growing, and beer lovers have the opportunity to get acquainted with imported tastes. In the Russian market, all of the listed brands can be easily found and bought at almost any supermarket.

Budweiser / bud

The world-class beer brand belongs to the largest international brewing corporation AB InBev. It is mainly produced in American breweries and successfully sold in foreign markets, and especially Canadian, Russian, Mexican and Swiss (if we talk about Europe). Since 2001, recognized as the most "beer brand number 1 in the United States," and occupies twenty percent of all beer production in America.
The Bad brand (as well as the Budweiser, by the way) is issued by American and Czech beer companies - this legal dispute over the rights of each of them to the brand has not yet ended. Imported "Bad" in quality is much better than domestic, which is produced in Klin, in the Moscow region, by the company Sun InBev. Import prices are higher, but worth it.

The Dutch brand Heineken is one of the largest and best-selling in Europe. The main thing that honors this brand is its exemplary composition. Heineken includes clear water, light barley malt, hops and brewer's yeast of the special grade Heineken-A. A slightly harsh, but fresh taste does not come to fruition even after a few mugs, but a long aftertaste with a characteristic bitterness and barely noticeable bread and herbal shades. Cool foam perfectly quench your thirst and give strength on a beautiful summer day.

The Russian consumer has already managed to appreciate it. Initially, Danish beer, now it is produced under license at Baltika Breweries, which has been part of the Carlsberg Group trading concern for almost 10 years.
If we compare the imported Carlsberg with the domestic one, the difference in taste is obvious. Fans of genuine national tastes are clearly advised to purchase an imported drink.
Carlsberg subsidiaries are Tuborg and Kronenbourg.

Very famous Mexican-born brand in America. Corona sells well abroad. By the way, there is an interesting, typically American feature of serving this particular beer - decorating a glass with a slice of lemon “a la cocktail”. A major drawback of the “Crown”, according to experts, is bottling from unshaded glass, which is why beer is exposed to the harmful effects of direct sunlight.
Over the past few years, the popularity of this brand has increased unheard of. A huge merit in its popularization belongs to the famous Hollywood film franchise "Fast and Furious", whose main character - Dominic Toretto performed by Vin Diesel - prefers this particular drink. Finally, it is worth saying that the cooking quality of this particular brand is incredibly high, and the taste leaves many competitors behind.

Belgian brand. Thanks to the competent organization of the marketing campaign, Stella Artois beer is considered practically the most famous and popular beer brand in Belgium.
Beer of this particular brand is curious in that it includes corn, which is more characteristic of American brewing. In general, it is worth noting that the Belgian brewing tradition generally has a very original approach to production, with each company trying to stand out with something of its own.
At the moment, it is sold in more than 80 countries.

This, of course, is the most famous and recognizable Russian brewing brand, with which the word "beer" is associated with the average Russian. Moreover, this statement is also true outside of Russia.
Currently, the concern produces a huge number of various brands of beer, so among this choice there is an option for the most demanding taste.
Without exception, all brands of the Baltika brand have good quality, the right attitude to the composition, as well as advanced production technologies - equipment at factories is updated every few years. And due to a competent pricing policy, the cost remains relatively small. Which explains why the manufacturer manages to stay in first place in the brewing industry in our country for 25 years.

The most popular dark beer in the world. Anyone who has not heard or responds negatively probably has not tried it yet. Half of the beer market in Ireland belongs to this brand. The Irish themselves consider this drink healing: it does not harm health, but rather strengthens, gives strength and helps get rid of skin diseases. The original Guinness yeast is used in the production: a unique strain consisting of five original yeast strains, which is used for cooking all types of Guinness. The visiting card of this particular brand (there simply is no analogue with other brewing companies!) Is the enrichment of beer with nitrogen or the use of a special nitrogen capsule. During bottling, this creates a plentiful, thick, long-lasting foam, a real “crown” of a beer mug.

The second most popular beer in Germany. Krombacher is distinguished by the use of only natural ingredients and a formulation that does not change over the years. Light varieties of this brand are especially popular in the world. Its popularity among beer lovers and connoisseurs does not fade over the years. According to the polls, this type of beer is good for friendly feasts.

Presented as a premium product from the "exotic", i.e. not having a long tradition of brewing, a country. At home, in Australia, it is not as popular as, say, the Victoria Bitter camp, also local, but this fact did not prevent the light varieties (Foster’s Lager and others) from gaining their place in the changing market of foam drinks.
Fosters is sold in almost all major stores. The price for it is high, but the taste fully justifies it.

Despite frequent appearances in commercials and films “Excessive beer is harmful to your health.”, the cool foam continues will always continue to be in demand and set the tone for a good friendly company.

Enjoy the unique tastes, giving your preference to the bright drinks, which today are full of alcoholic arena. Dark beer in this case is a vivid example of alcoholic products that can give you an unforgettable flavor of gastronomic and aromatic colors.

This is a special segment of intoxicated drinks in which both experienced connoisseurs of light drinks and beginners who have just begun to learn all the subtleties of the alcoholic world will find their joy.

When considering the tasting of dark light alcohol, you should know that these products have a number of their own differences. The basis of alcohol is necessarily roasted grain of a special type, germinated under slightly different conditions than the ingredients for making light foam. In addition, there is a more intense roast, allowing to achieve a velvet base.

How many calories in dark beer

The calorie content of dark beer is relatively low today. There are only 48 kcal per 100 ml of product.


The visual performance is based on a brown color with a variety of colorful shades.


Aromatic indicators emerge with a strong hop share, in which you can often see delicate caramel, chocolate, fruit and coffee notes.


High-quality dark foam is always a uniform gastronomic base, in which all used flavoring colors are perfectly balanced.

Did you know?   Every year, lovers of foam in the Czech Republic drink more than 160 liters of hops.

The benefits and harms of dark beer

As numerous studies show, dark beer is an order of magnitude more useful than its light counterparts. The reason for these results lies in the structure of drinks, which is filled with a large number of useful elements.

For example, due to the increased iron content, dark alcohol is often recommended with a low level of hemoglobin and anemia. As for the harm from these drinks, then, as with other alcohol, the negative consequences are manifested only with excessive consumption.

How to get an original drink

In order to pamper yourself with extravagant taste and aromatic indicators of foamy, every consumer today should pay special attention to the procedure for choosing alcohol.

The alcohol market upsets with a large amount of counterfeit goods, as a result of which a negligent attitude to the acquisition process will automatically lead to the fact that you will get the wrong impression of one or another brand alcohol.

So that this does not happen and in the future you could enjoy the exquisite taste of a real drink, we recommend that you rely on the following nuances in the acquisition process:

  • Score. Buy hops in supermarkets or specialty alcohol boutiques. Stalls, grocery stores and any dubious retail outlets are best avoided. Trust stores where quality certificates can be provided if necessary.
  • Purity. Before purchasing a drink, be sure to study its structure. The brand consistency should not be impurities or sediment. Any neoplasms indicate a low quality of alcohol.
  • Decor. Try to visit the official websites of manufacturing companies during the acquisition process. So you can get acquainted in advance with the original appearance of the alcohol products that you liked. It is also important to consider the quality of the design itself. Experienced manufacturers make sure that their product is not factory defective. Thus, bottles with glue streaks, smeared embossments, glass chips and other defects should be set aside.

How to serve

You can get a full-fledged impression of tasting a foamy only if, during the spill, give preference to classical principles. Tasting of branded drinks is best done from high transparent wine glasses. Such glasses can hold back the intense foam generated during the spill, and at the same time give an excellent opportunity to study the original color of the consistency.

At the same time, the feed temperature deserves special attention. Before consumption, be sure to cool the products to 5-7 degrees. It is with these indicators that assemblies become as balanced as possible in terms of aroma and taste.

Did you know? In the old days, a special rule was in force in the Czech Republic. In order for the settlement to be called a city, a municipal court, customs and a brewery had to be on its territory.

What to drink with dark beer

Recognizing the elegant gastronomic share of hops, do not forget about snacks. Many experienced tasters recommend serving baked goods with coarse salt, fried sausages, pork shank or hot German sausages.

At the same time, each consumer can choose the perfect pair on their own. This foam is absolutely undemanding to the nature of the accompaniment.

Other Uses

To make the foam tasting brighter and more interesting, we recommend paying attention to such cocktails as Three Comrades, Cranes and W-beer. Using these recipes, you can provide yourself with new emotions from the consumption of an already familiar hop product.

Dark beer brands

Fans of intoxicants today are guaranteed to be pampered with an impressive list of alcoholic products made in various parts of our planet. The most interesting representatives of the segment should include such products as:

  • Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse. Dark unfiltered beer, in the aroma of which you can hear notes of cloves, fruits and spices. The taste is based on the delicate nuances of malt, apples, nuts, wheat and chocolate.

  • Karamalz Classic. Non-alcoholic dark beer with an elegant brown glow. In its aromatic indicators, tender malt notes are heard, while the taste pleases with an elegant caramel nature.
  • —Krusovice— Cerne. It has a brown color with a ruby \u200b\u200btint. The aroma can be heard shares of apple, figs, prunes and herbs, while the taste traces aspects of fruit, chocolate, walnut and cocoa.

  •   Brune. Pleases with a deep brown color with attractive shares of roasted malt, chocolate and coffee in the aroma. The taste emerges with a combination of caramel shades with notes of perfectly roasted malt.
  •   Black Brown foam with a great flavor, in which the nuances of cola, chocolate, caramel and spices dominate. The aroma looms with an elegant combination of milk chocolate and caramel.

History reference

According to numerous studies and archaeological finds, beer is one of the oldest drinks in the world. It has been known to mankind since the Neolithic era. Moreover, some hypotheses of scientists say that initially crops were grown precisely because of the drink, and not in order to make bread.

The oldest evidence of the existence of hops among the ancient peoples is a stone mortar, found in the Israeli cave Rakefet. Her analysis revealed the presence of basic beer ingredients. Note that the find is approximately 13 thousand years old.

Did you know?   The most famous experimenters in the field of creating hop into the right are medieval monks. They were the first to add juniper berries, ginger and a variety of herbs to the hop-drink.

Hoppy, which is remembered from the first sips

Not a single light beer will present its taster with the equally versatile and interesting flavor of aromatic and taste ambitions. Giving preference to the representatives of dark beer, you provide yourself with the opportunity to find your own standard and learn a lot of bright tasting colors.

At the same time, this beer pleases the consumer with a universal character. On the basis of this alcohol today, you can create a solid set of cocktails that are sure to contribute to the upcoming tasting evening.

Get unforgettable pleasure in the company of the best drinks! Go to the nearest liquor store right now for a bottle of expressive hop assembly

Beer has long been one of the favorite drinks of mankind. Indeed, what could be nicer than sitting on a weekend in nature with a couple of bottles of beer, seizing them with a flavorful barbecue. However, all the pleasure of rest can be spoiled if the quality of the beer leaves much to be desired. It’s summer time, many people regularly drink beer, so we decided to review the best brands of this drink. Before considering the products, we decided to talk a little about the rules for choosing beer, so that it definitely suits your taste.

In general, manufacturers, and ordinary lovers of such products, are advised to purchase draft beer. It has a number of advantages compared to bottle. First of all, it is stored in chrome steel kegs, which are the most suitable containers for this drink. The fact is that they protect beer from exposure to sunlight, do not have a foreign smell or taste.

Live beer is even more preferable, as it goes on sale freshly brewed, it retains all the trace elements useful to the human body - manganese, phosphorus, potassium, iron, there are also brewer's yeast containing a large amount of B vitamins. It is worth considering that the shelf life of such a drink is only a few days.

If there is no possibility or desire to buy draft beer, then you can give preference to a bottle or can product. Ideally, you should buy a drink with a minimum shelf life, as it contains a minimum amount of preservatives. The quality and taste of beer is greatly affected by storage conditions, so it is advisable to purchase products that have not been bottled for too long. In this case, even adverse storage conditions will not have time to adversely affect its taste.

It is undesirable to purchase beer from the shelf, it is better to take it from the refrigerator, since such a drink loves coolness most of all. Beer lovers are advised to buy it in a glass bottle, rather than in a can or plastic container. The can over time gives the beer an unpleasant aftertaste, and plastic is not at all suitable for storing it. In this case, the bottle should be dark so that the minimum amount of sunlight reaches the liquid. In the store, beer should be taken from the depths of the display case - in this case, the probability that light hit it is much less.

Developing our rating, we relied primarily on user reviews and value for money. For each brand, we tried to collect the maximum information, especially regarding the taste of the drink, we hope this will help you make the right choice. Now let's start a direct review of the beers available today.

Price category up to 70 rubles

3. Three bears

This brand has been rated “mediocre” by user reviews. Taste is average, beer is produced by the Heineken joint brewery. The recipe was developed by German brewer G. Ruther. The taste of beer is quite balanced, in it you can feel a little hoppy notes and bitterness from malt. It’s not very good for outdoor recreation: the beer heats up quickly, due to which the taste is significantly reduced.

The color is amber, completely transparent. In the open state it does not form too much foam, the degree of carbonation is average, because of which it will quickly exhale. Although the manufacturer does not recommend drinking it too quickly, most users note that it is better to do it faster, since an exhausted drink has an unpleasant aftertaste that can cause disgust.


  • Inexpensive
  • It is delivered in various containers - PET bottles, glass bottles and aluminum cans;
  • Not good taste for your money.


  • It quickly exhales.

2. Khamovniki

Fairly decent beer, according to user reviews. The shape of the bottle is very original, it can not be confused with others. The aroma and taste is at a high level. There are a lot of varieties of this brand - dark, semi-dark and light. The production technology is original, because in addition to the classic wheat and barley malt, caramel malt is also added to the drink. Largely thanks to this product, beer acquires its own unique taste, which makes it difficult to confuse with other brands. The company engaged in the production of these products has not been on the market for too long - only some 10 years. Today this beer is the owner of a large number of awards.

The aroma of this beer is a little sweet, it captures notes of malt and hops, that is, the smell is exactly the same as that of a foamy drink. The taste is quite soft, but fresh. In it you can feel the aftertaste of bread and fruity notes, but the aftertaste is usually hoppy, so some people are perplexed about this variety, while others do not perceive it at all. The original shape of the bottle, which tapers to the neck along its entire height, protects the drink well from exhalation even if it has been open for quite some time.


  • An original and unique taste that cannot be confused with anything;
  • An interesting form of a bottle, you will not find another such in the market.


  • A hoppy aftertaste may not be to the taste of every beer lover.

1. Velkopopovicky Kozel

Today it is one of the most famous brands of beer among budget varieties. Initially, it was released only in the Czech Republic, starting in 1874. On the territory of our country, it is produced in factories owned by EFES. The most popular type is light beer. This is a drink made using the technology of bottom fermentation - a variety of lagers. The average beer strength is about 4% with an initial wort density of 10%. This beer is prepared on the basis of pure water, hops, bottom-fermented brewer's yeast and special barley malt. The color of the drink is pure, golden. The aroma is quite simple, but beer lovers will appreciate it. You can catch notes of bread, malt and coriander in it. The taste is slightly dry, but balanced. The aftertaste is not too long; there are herbal and malt notes in it.

Another popular type is dark beer. The difference with light is only that it is produced from dark barley malt. The color is brownish, very beautiful, caramel notes are caught in the taste, it is drunk very easily, it is exhaled slowly, so the pleasure can be stretched for a rather long time.


  • It is made according to the classic Czech recipe;
  • Original taste;
  • Not too long aftertaste.


  • For its price, we can say that they are not.

Price category up to 100 rubles

3. Warsteiner

This is one of the most famous brands in the world, the original German recipe was developed back in the 15th century, and since then it has not changed. In our country, Baltika brews this beer - it got the right to it 5 years ago, and the company was given the obligation to strictly follow the recipe. The drink is completely transparent, amber color, also it has a small bitter taste of high-quality hops and brewer's yeast. This beer is made from the purest soft water, hops, yeast and malt, and no artificial additives are added to its composition. In addition to the classic version, on the shelves you can find dark and non-alcoholic beer, as well as various mixes - with the taste of cola, lemon or orange.

This drink is prepared according to the method of lower fermentation. Having swallowed this beer, you immediately feel a surge of freshness and vigor. On the palate there are light herbal notes of hops and a sweetish smack of honey. It is quite balanced, amateurs note that there is nothing superfluous in it. Alcohol in it is not too much - 4.8 degrees. Meat or fish is ideal as an appetizer; this beer will go well with hard cheeses or Japanese dishes such as rolls or sushi.


  • Great taste;
  • A large number of species, from which everyone can choose what he most likes.


  • You can only find in large cities.

2. Guinness

In Russia, this beer is brewed by Heineken. This drink combines a pleasant aroma, rich taste and fairly persistent foam, which protects it from rapid exhalation. According to consumer reviews, this beer received 7 points and a rating of “good”. Today, this variety is one of the best types of nitrogen beer, but not all consumers are aware of such a characteristic. It is simple to check: you need to take a can or a bottle of such beer, drink it and see what is left inside the container - there will be a nitrogen capsule. The recipe for this composition was developed in Ireland for a long time. The most famous variety is Original - it was he who brought this brand of beer worldwide fame.

In fact, this is a traditional Irish dark ale, although experienced brewers recommend classifying it as a dry south variety. The fortress is small - 4.8 degrees with a wort density of 12%. The composition is classic, but fried or burnt barley malt is used in the preparation, which is added to pure artesian water along with hops and top-fermented brewer's yeast. The color is dark brown, the aroma is slightly tart, tantalizing, hop notes are clearly expressed in it. The taste has a small bitterness, and the aftertaste contains a little fried barley, it lasts long enough. The nitrogen capsule is introduced into beer for a reason. When opening containers with a drink, a pressure drop occurs, gas escapes from the capsule, due to which a large amount of legendary foam is formed.


  • Original hat made of dense nitrogen foam;
  • Unusual taste of the drink;
  • Available in both glass and aluminum containers.


  • A bitter aftertaste may not be to the taste of some connoisseurs of a hoppy drink.

1. Edelweiss

This brand is also produced by Heineken, and the recipe is quite new - it was developed in the mid-80s of the last century. There are quite a few varieties of such beer - amber (it has a weak banana flavor, sour taste and a light aftertaste, as well as a beautiful color), sparkling wheat unfiltered (slightly unclear, fruity notes are felt in the taste, and the finish has elements of spices and banana). In addition, there is a dark variety of this beer, characterized by a rich brown color, it gives off notes of cinnamon and vanilla. As it is fashionable today, the company also produces a non-alcoholic version of its product.

Beer is made exclusively from natural products; no preservatives or impurities are added to its composition. This cannot but affect the shelf life - the original genuine drink is allowed to be consumed within a month after manufacture. The ingredients are classic; orange peels, cinnamon and other spices are not added to the beer. The original taste is obtained largely due to the unique patented yeast cultures, which are obtained by the results of horse fermentation. The fortress is slightly above average - it is 5.2 degrees, and the extract of the initial wort is 12.3%.


  • It is made only from traditional products, without the addition of spices and various preservatives;
  • Very pleasant and original taste, which is simply impossible to forget;
  • The classic shape of the bottle, which is made of dark brown glass, which minimizes exposure to sunlight.


  • A short shelf life, because of which it is impossible to find this variety in small cities, and beer in large megacities is mostly presented only in specialized stores.

The best beer in the price category from 100 rubles

3. Budweiser

This is one of the best varieties of Czech beer in 2018, both in terms of sales and consumer reviews and the taste of the drink. This product should not be confused with similar American-made beer, especially since the latter variety is not very popular in the United States itself, it is produced in Russia by one of the domestic companies, and is in the middle price category. The budweiser has been produced for over 120 years. The preparation technology has not undergone any changes since then - it implies that the beer will not be brewed, but fermented for three months. Currently, not a single Russian brewing company is engaged in the production of such products, because it is long enough and expensive, therefore, only original Czech beer can be found on the shelves.

The strength of the product is 5 degrees - for light beer this figure is enough. Beer has a golden color, transparent, when poured into a glass a decent amount of foam is formed. The aroma is not too strong, but present - it combines bouquets of hops, malt, meadow herbs, flowers, fruits and grains. It is worth noting that beer from each bottle will smell differently. The taste has a barely noticeable acidity, there is a weak sharpness and a little bit of bitterness. The beer itself is quite thick.


  • Very interesting taste;
  • In production, the original manufacturing technology is still adhered to;
  • It is brought from the Czech Republic, it is impossible to purchase a fake.


  • An island flavor will require a decent amount of soft starter, which will drown out a little spicy, for example, cheeses are ideal;
  • High price.

2. Hoegaarden

This beer variety on the shelves is presented both Russian and original Belgian production. We will talk specifically about the Belgian product, which according to user reviews has an excellent taste and a light finish. Beer is so light and so drunk that it practically does not need a snack, some light snacks are suitable. Original products can be found on store shelves, as well as in various alcohol bars, where they are presented in draft form. The modern recipe for this alcoholic drink was developed in the mid-70s of the last century.

This is an unfiltered product, which is painted in a light yellow color, so beer lovers often call the drink of this brand “cold sun”. Like any other unfiltered beer, it has a rather muddy consistency, but the first impression of it does not deteriorate, but rather, on the contrary, makes the drink even more original. Its taste is very soft and rich, the aftertaste is just a hurricane of emotions, as it combines orange peel and coriander. It is worth noting that this beer has no relation to fruit mixes. Such notes are barely noticeable, they well emphasize the basic taste of the drink.


  • Interesting taste;
  • An attractive bottle, confusing it with another beer is impossible;
  • Do not exhale for a long time.


  • Stronger beer lovers may find this variety weak and slightly watery.

1. Franziskaner

This variety rightfully headed our rating of the best beer of 2018, especially since it has been taking the leading position for many years. In Russia, these products are not manufactured, so only original German-made beer is on sale. Today, on the shelves of stores you can find five types of this drink. One of the most popular varieties is unfiltered, whose strength is 5 degrees. It has an enveloping and slightly tart taste with an aftertaste of freshly baked bread. It is customary to call it white beer, and this beer is the standard among manufacturers, everyone is trying to reach its level.

Dark beer has a unique smell with an optimal ratio of density and alcohol. The taste is not quite ordinary, it has caramel notes, there is a slight leaven of acidity, the aftertaste is long, very pronounced. Of course, the manufacturer paid tribute to the existing fashion and released a non-alcoholic version that does not differ a bit from the light one in taste.