What are the drinks. Types of Spirits

Almost every nation with a long history takes pride in its unique, fun-filled drink, boasting its centuries-old history, manufacturing traditions and varieties.

  Almost every nation with a long history takes pride in its unique, fun-filled drink, boasting its centuries-old history, manufacturing traditions and varieties. The most interesting thing is that, despite the fact that they are all very individual, the principle of obtaining each strong alcoholic drink is based on the fermentation of organic products with their subsequent distillation (or without it). So what is their difference? In short - the fortress, raw materials and differences in technology. But this is short, but what exactly gives each alcoholic drink an individuality?

Vodka is the most popular alcoholic drink among Russians. Legends about who and where invented vodka is darkness. At one forum, I even read the statement that Jews invented vodka. Immediately, the author was denied the claim, saying that it was not the Jews who invented vodka, but the Russian scientist Mendeleev. Despite his surname, which has Jewish roots, Mendeleev is really a purebred Russian, but he did not invent vodka. He merely established how to calculate the strength of vodka by its density.

To my great surprise, historians suggest that she came from Italy. But she took root and became pride in Russia and other Slavic states. True in other countries it is called differently. It was invented as a painkiller. And then it poured balm on the soul of millions of people.

At the heart of vodka are a choice: grain, sugar beets, different types of wheat, from which they get grain, beetroot, wheat alcohol, and Her Majesty the water. Manufacturers add a couple of magic spells and fire water is already on the shelves of our store. In different countries, different raw materials are used as the basis for vodka, as the saying goes "the wealthier, the happier." The main thing is that alcohol would be obtained from this natural wealth, and the water would be softer. So, nothing intricate, but the effectiveness of fire water does not fail.

Vodka takes different colors. In the classic moonshine, it looks a bit muddy, in beige shades, but with current cleaning technologies, it can be more transparent than a brook in the mountains. If you add honey and pepper to it (mead, pepper) - it will shine with golden colors.

Whiskey is a rivalry between Scotland, Ireland and the USA. It is produced on the basis of various kinds of grain, using different technologies. Depending on the basis, it takes on a color from light yellow to tea.

In Scotland, barley malt and barley itself are used as raw materials for whiskey. They say that there these grains have a special taste. In Ireland, rye is added to barley malt, which makes Irish whiskey brown. In the USA and Canada, corn, rye, and wheat are used for the same purpose. The very bourbon that Delon does not drink is invented in America, in the province of Bourbon, and it is obtained from corn, not from barley.

Among admirers of whiskey, it is customary to mix different varieties of a drink in order to obtain a unique taste. Whiskey lovers will fall in love with its rich taste for a long time and rarely cheat on it.

Gene is from the Netherlands, but proud of him in England. This is a strong drink, not for wimps. It is so tough that not every drinker will dare to drink it in its pure form. Gin, like other strong drinks, is made on the basis of wheat, but unlike other “strongies”, juniper is added to it during production. Gin is usually transparent, like vodka. Natural additives (lemon peel, cinnamon, coriander) are often added to it, which can tint this crystal clear drink. Since in its pure form it is used quite rarely, it is considered to be the king of cocktails.

Sake is the pride of Japan. We call it rice vodka. Sometimes rice wine. But, in fact, this is neither vodka, nor wine. Sake is not distilled like vodka, and it is not a product of the fermentation of grape juice, like wine. Sake is obtained by fermentation, i.e. rice fermentation. So, in fact, this is rice mash.

As a rule, this drink does not differ in a variety of colors, keeping fidelity to a yellowish shade. It is already interesting because it can be drunk both hot and chilled, and the difference in its strength sometimes reaches 20-30 degrees. Unlike vodka, which, like it or not, keeps its 40 degrees (although this was not always the case), sake is of different strengths, sometimes not higher than 10-20 degrees.

The sake distillation product is called the net. Its strength reaches 40 degrees. Various grain crops, sweet potato, sugar, molasses and even mushrooms are used as additives in the manufacture of the net. But its basis, as well as the basis of sake is rice malt.

Sake is a pretty famous drink. But who heard about the Chinese rice vodka Maotai? But she is more than two thousand years old! Like many elite drinks, this vodka is firmly attached to the area. It can only be produced from rice growing in the Maotai area. The unique taste and aroma of vodka depends on the soil, temperature, humidity and many other environmental parameters. And also from the features of the technology, and it is not easy - the full Maotai vodka production cycle lasts five years.

Bambuse - vodka produced from bamboo grains. Naturally, it is produced where bamboo grows in incredible quantities - in Indonesia. This is not to say that this vodka is of high quality - because it is not purified from harmful impurities, including methyl alcohol. And since it can cause hallucinations, it is not used as a popular drink, but is drunk only on special holidays within the framework of religious rites.

Vegetables, fruits, berries
  Cognac is the pride of the French and, now, the Armenians. For a long time, cognac production technology was shrouded in veils of the strictest secrecy and protected at the state level in the homeland of cognac in France. To this day, not everything is known about the production of cognac. Cognac is produced by distillation of grape wines, due to which the cognac alcohol underlying this drink is obtained. In other words, the basis of one alcoholic drink is another - wine. Most often it is a white grape wine. The drink has a predominantly tea color, and the barrels in which it is stored occupy not least of all this color. But most of all, cognac colors age. It's no secret that cognac with age acquires not only color, but also high quality.

Brandy is not much different from brandy. And, more precisely, this cognac can be considered a kind of brandy. Just brandy is called brandy, made only in France, in the vicinity of the city of Cognac. Armenian brandy is produced in Armenia, and the French do not mind this name, as the Yerevan brandy factory was bought by the French company Perno-Ricard.

Armagnac - Gascon brandy. And although Dumas never mentioned Armagnac in The Three Musketeers, d "Artagnan undoubtedly had the opportunity to enjoy this drink. Armagnac began to be produced in the homeland of d" Artagnan two hundred years before his birth and, accordingly, two hundred years before the appearance of cognac.

How is Armagnac different from brandy? If in cognac they appreciate the constancy of taste and aroma inherent in each of its brands, then in Armagnac they appreciate their inconstancy. As a rule, each batch of Armagnac is prepared from grapes harvested in one year. Therefore, Armagnacs even of the same brand, but of different years of release are different.

Grappa - in the past moonshine of the Italian poor, made from grape meal, wine-making waste. Now it is a refined alcoholic beverage, still made in Italy, and still from the waste of winemaking. However, there is a difference.

Chacha - Georgian and Abkhazian analogues of grappa.

Aquavit - "water of life" is obtained in the Scandinavian countries. This is "potato", vodka, generously flavored with spices - coriander, anise, dill and many others. With these spices, 96-degree alcohol is distilled off, then the distillate is diluted to 38-42 degrees and aged. Aquavit should be consumed well chilled, even frozen to -18 degrees, so it is most delicious.

Schnapps is schnapps. Otherwise, it is difficult to determine. There is a saying: "The Germans call schnapps what they are going to drink." We used to traditionally associate schnapps with the Germans. That's right, this is a traditional German drink. Historically, however, schnapps is an Austrian liquor.

To taste schnapps is close to vodka or moonshine, and its strength is similar - up to 40 degrees. Schnapps are sometimes made from grain, but more often from potatoes, fruits, berries. The taste of fruit schnapps contains fruit shades. Strictly speaking, it is a fruit brandy. Schnapps, infused on herbs, bitter. What distinguishes all schnapps is a long aftertaste.

Rakia, or Bulgarian vodka, is actually not brandy, but brandy. And to say that it completely belongs to Bulgaria will also be a mistake, since a drink with a similar or very similar name is produced by almost all the South Slavic peoples, Romania and Turkey.

This is a liquor with a strength of 40 to 60 degrees. It is produced by distillation of fruit fermentation products. The most common brandy - plum brandy, made from plums. The most delicious is from apricots. And they also use apples, quinces, pears, cherries, peaches.

After distillation, brandy, like cognac, is aged in oak barrels. However, it differs from cognac in the lower content of tannins.

Calvados was relatively recently considered the “lowest” liquor. However, now it is confidently among the popular high-quality alcoholic beverages. The main raw material for its production is apples, or rather, weak apple wine - cider. They make it from pears or from a mixture of apples and pears. The type of raw material should be shown on the label. After distillation, Calvados is aged for several years in wooden barrels. The strength of the final product is 40-45 degrees.

Everything is used
  Rum is produced mainly in South America, Australia and the Caribbean. Sugar cane is used as a raw material for producing rum, or rather, waste from its processing - cane juice, black molasses or molasses. For rum, a prerequisite is the place of fermentation - oak or other wooden barrels.

Depending on the raw materials taken as a basis, rum differs in color variety. Known for white (light) rum. Spices and caramel are added to the golden rum, which gives it a coffee-golden hue. But darker than gold, maybe only black rum, spices and caramel are added to it as well as golden, but it does not darken from them, but because it is aged in charred barrels.

Depending on the distillation method, either an exceptionally strong drink is obtained - 50-55 degrees, or, as a result of continuous distillation, a weaker and thinner drink without a pronounced taste of the feedstock, which is used mainly in cocktails. Sometimes it is called differently - rum elixir.

Strong rum after distillation is aged in oak barrels for 12-15 years. Rum acquires a special taste if barrels of sherry or bourbon are used. Light rum can be used immediately, it is not subject to aging.

Tequila and mezcal are related drinks, and they differ approximately like cognac and brandy or Irish and Scottish whiskey. Tequila is mezcal, but not every mezcal is tequila. There is a misconception that tequila is a cactus vodka. This is not true. Tequila, like mezcal, is obtained from fermented blue agave juice - a type of lily, not a cactus. However, tequila, which is produced in the area of \u200b\u200bTequila and some others, is subjected to double distillation, and mezcal is distilled mainly only once.

Sambuca is the pride and secret of Italy. Strong liquor with a characteristic anise smell. It is made from wheat alcohol, sugar, star anise and a set of aromatic herbs. They often try to cook it at home, but that’s not all right, since the exact composition of the herbs contained in it is kept secret. This drink great invigorates its admirers, and does not allow to sit still if rhythmic motives sound nearby.

Sambuca is usually transparent and thick, but there are dark and red hues in this drink. The procedure for using sambuca will not leave anyone indifferent. Having set fire to this drink, you will see a beautiful flame. The neutrality of coffee beans, which are advised to eat a combustible mixture, will help emphasize the taste effect of anise.

Absinthe is from Switzerland, but it is the French who consider it their drink. So who really can be called a heavyweight "hard alcohol" arena is absinthe. Its strength is 70 degrees, or even more. It is made on the basis of bitter wormwood extract. It may also contain Roman wormwood, anise, fennel, calamus, peppermint, lemon balm, licorice, angelica, etc. But do not think that absinthe is just a tincture of wormwood. Real absinthe must be distilled.

The drink can be either transparent or yellow, brown or even red, but more often absinthe is emerald green. If it turns yellow, turns red and turns brown due to herbs, then it does not turn green at all from them, and not even from anger, but from chlorophyll, which stands out under the gentle rays of the sun.

He was invented as a medicine. And people say that it’s better not to joke with him, since either from the height of a degree, or from the action of herbs, he greatly affects the psyche. The poison thujone contained in wormwood is a hallucinogen. People who are intoxicated by absinthe, in addition to the usual effect of alcoholic intoxication, can see hallucinations or sometimes be aggressive.

So, that the basis of most spirits in the world are cereals, and plants rich in sugar and starch. Herbs and spices give each of them individuality and originality, and sometimes color. And the taste reflects centuries-old works and ingenuity of specialists from different countries.

The list of spirits is far from complete. But, as Kozma Prutkov said, one cannot embrace the immensity.

Each strong alcoholic drink, with experience and the right doses, will give you its own kind of relaxation and peace of mind. And if you are a connoisseur of a strong rich taste, choose a “plane” to your liking, and have a happy journey. But do not fly!

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The whole variety of drinks is especially noticeable during the feast. Moreover, many of them are used not so much for quenching thirst as for entertainment. And each of them has its own characteristics and has a different effect on the body.

All modern drinks are divided into two large groups: non-alcoholic and alcoholic.

Types of Soft Drinks

These include alcohol-free or beverages in which its content is so low that it can be neglected. Allocate the main types:


This includes tea, coffee, cocoa and various other herbal decoctions. All of them have their own specific properties and have a different effect on the body.


A group of drinks obtained by squeezing. They are considered one of the most useful, as they contain a huge amount of biologically active substances, vitamins and other trace elements.


A decoction of all kinds of fruits and berries. In terms of utility, they are slightly inferior to juices, since some of the substances are lost after processing in boiled water.


It is similar to compote, only in this case crushed fruits of berries and fruits are used. No less useful and satisfying.


Natural milk drinks contain a large amount of animal proteins and fats. In Russia, it was equated with food: then it was customary to say "eat milk" and not drink.


A traditional product that contains a small amount of alcohol. Cools and quenches thirst.

Carbonated drinks

Created, rather, for entertainment. Carbon dioxide is neither harmful nor beneficial. It is carbonated in a natural or artificial way.


A group of drinks based on flavors, sweeteners and colorings diluted in water. There are no benefits; harm to the body is still disputed. From the point of view of quenching, thirst is doubtful, since most manufacturers go to the trick, adding substances that only enhance the feeling of thirst.

Types of Alcoholic Beverages

Conditionally divided into low alcohol and strong.

Low alcohol drinks include:

  • Milk-based alcoholic drinks (koumiss, bilk; exception - arak)
  • Fruit wines (ciders, peri)
  • Sparkling wine,
  • Natural Grape Wines

The latter have an extensive classification by color, sugar content. In addition, there are special varieties (madeira, port, cahors, vermouth, etc.). However, the fortress of even one of the strongest - - does not exceed 20%. This is due to the preparation technology, since alcohol yeast begins to die at such a percentage concentration.

Types of spirits

  (40% cereal based distillate)

  (distillate based on grain, malt or corn, exposed to aging in oak barrels)

Brandy (distillate based on grapes and other fruits)

  • Cognac
  • Armagnac
  • Grappa
  • Metaxa

One of the leading and most profitable positions in the economy is occupied by the food industry market, of which alcohol is an integral part.

Every year, up to 17.5 liters of pure ethyl alcohol per person in the world. The forecast for such volumes of drunk per capita is expected to be disappointing.

But, despite government measures to regulate and control the circulation of alcoholic beverages, provided for by Federal Law No. 171, and the introduction of licensing, experts from the British research group IWSR and WHO note a significant increase in sales and consumption of alcohol.

Alcohol Classification

A professional marketing strategy and the desire to get the maximum income contributes to the development of production, as well as to an increase in the range of alcohol-containing products on the shelves of shops and large supermarkets.

What product falls under the attribute of alcoholic beverages:

  • food and medical purified substrate in the form of a ready-made, clear liquid without extraneous odors and impurities. Drinking grades Lux and Extra with ethanol concentration up to 96.5% vol;
  • strong alcohol. With a volumetric content of ethyl alcohol of not more than 86%;
  • average. They are alcoholic beverages with an ethanol volume of up to 30 percent;
  • low alcohol and tonic drinks or energy drinks from 5.5-9%.

After drinking the bottle, the blood alcohol ratio will be 0.09-0.11%, and in exhaled air this figure will reach 0.1 ppm due to the characteristic smell of fume.

To avoid the procedure of examination for the presence of intoxication, it is better to wait 15-30 minutes.

Low alcohol drinks

Thanks to the study of the physicochemical properties of food grade liquids and the carbon dioxide search method, it was possible to develop a unified national standard GOST R 52700-2006, which makes it possible to identify products with a low content or without inclusion in ethyl alcohol.

As auxiliary ingredients, the use of natural and artificial flavors, colorants, sweeteners and preservatives is allowed.

Consider what popular drinks are low alcohol products.

Mulled wine  should not be stronger than 7-8 percent. Although the recipe is based on red or dry wine, when heated with spices, water and sugar, the alcohol evaporates quickly. It remains a pleasant warm liquid and a soft wine aftertaste.

Kvass. It is the final product of fermentation of rye bread, malt from barley, wort, obtained from diluted with water fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks and sugar. There are varieties with the addition of honey, milk, artificial bee honeycombs.

Traditional kvass contains about 1.2% ethanol. Yeast, the so-called kvass surrogates, in which the alcohol content ranges from 0.7-2.6% vol.

Beer. Grain, barley, malt bitterness enhances the taste of the foamy drink. The aroma of hops depends on the initial wort. It is realized in the form of light and dark, pasteurized and unpasteurized alcohol-containing products. The strength varies from 3% to 14%, in non-alcoholic versions - no more than 0.5 percent.

Braga. The result of fermentation of sugar, yeast and wort, which later becomes the basis for moonshine. In the Russian method of preparation, the amount of alcohol in the output is about 8%; in the English pruno, the concentration rises to 14% due to fruits and berries.

Apple and quince cider  resembles a light sparkling wine. With insufficient filtration, it becomes cloudy and forms a precipitate. Pear pouare has an ethanol index of up to 5-8.5 vol.%.

Koumiss. It is formed by mixing cow or mare's milk with whey and sugar until completely fermented. Foamy sweet and sour liquid has healing properties and an alcohol rate of only 4.5%.

Energetics. Carbonated tonic products 5% Adrenalin RUSH, 8% Strike and 7% Jaguar.

Medium strength drinks

The lack of a single international standard makes it difficult to distinguish a class in which the ethyl alcohol content ranges from 8–9 and up to 30 degrees.

Consider what most often refers to the definition of the concept of alcoholic beverages of medium strength.

Champagne. The fermentation process of grape sour juice followed by the addition of sugar and yeast creates excellent sparkling or champagne wines. Cork opening releases golden or pink sprays of the finished product from the bottle with a alcohol content of up to 12-12.5 percent.

Mead. It is obtained as a result of alcoholic fermentation of wort and bee products. Ready 1,2-9% alcohol differs in aroma with floral notes, golden amber color and pleasant smell of natural honey.

Grape, aromatized and fruit wines  get on store shelves in the form of dry, strong, dessert, liquor drinks. Depending on age, there are young, seasoned, vintage, collectible and even elite alcoholic products.

Canteens do not exceed 15% vol., Special or fortified are composed of 22% ethyl alcohol.

Rice Malt Sake  It is prepared using the technology of mold fermentation and repeated pasteurization, so the ethanol in the Japanese drink is about 15 percent.

Punch. To create a cocktail you will need cognac, rum or bourbon. When mixing, it is necessary to adhere to an equal ratio of purified water and strong alcohol. Water, champagne, pineapple and citrus juices, tea, spices can act as a filler.

Strong alcoholic drinks

According to the results of analytical data provided by independent experts of Euromonitor International to study trends and make forecasts of the most popular products, drinks with a high ethyl alcohol content occupy a leading position in the alcohol market.

Inimitable Absinthe  remains the strongest alcohol in the world. Bitter wormwood extract contains 86% ethyl. Due to the chemical substance thujone acquired a unique menthol taste, hallucinogenic and exciting effect.

Vodka  recognized as the best-selling alcoholic product.

About 55% of consumers choose exactly 40% water-alcohol solution.

Cognac. The initial raw material for the preparation of aged 40% of the drink is called the Vitis vinifera grape variety, which can be distilled and forms table wine materials. Cognac spirits are bottled in oak barrels and infused for about 2 years or more.

Brandy has a strength of 40-60% vol. This result is obtained due to the distillation of fruit or berry mash, grape wine. Elite brandies include apple Calvados, Poire Williams from pears, French Hennessy and Remy Martin.

Whiskey  it is defined as malt, blended or grain alcohol, which after malting, fermentation, distillation and aging in oak barrels acquires an indicator of 32-60% vol.

Mexican 55% Tequila. A popular alcohol-based product based on blue agave.

Georgian   Chacha  found in artisanal and industrial production. To obtain 55-60% vol., Unripe bunches of grapes, the remains of fermentation and distillation of wine material are used.

Quality Control Indicators

The concept of alcohol-containing products is quite broad. It is customary to include alcohol, denatured alcohol, pharmaceutical substance, drugs, as well as any emulsions, solutions, suspensions with an ethanol volume of 0.5% or more, including fruit, grape, beer wort, wine materials.

Products with an appropriate volume fraction of fortress fall under the category of alcohol. For example, vodka - 38-56%, cognac - more than 37.5-40%, wine - from 8.5% to 16.5%, liquors - 15-22%, cider, mead and poire - up to 6%, beer - up to 7%.

The high quality of alcohol is indicated by the presence of a special excise duty sign.

Each manufacturer must label consumer containers intended for the storage of alcohol. The label must contain information about the name of the alcoholic product, unit price, volume of sale, sales period, amount of ethyl alcohol and a list of ingredients in 100 ml of the finished product, an inscription warning about the dangers of drinking alcohol-containing drinks for health.

Particular attention is paid to the availability of a license, a certificate of compliance with standards.

State control over the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages

To protect the health and morality of citizens, taking into account the needs and rights of consumers, targeted programs have been developed that are aimed at reducing the volume of sales of alcohol-containing products, preventing the development of alcoholism and preventing poisoning by surrogates.

The legal basis for the control of the production process and the further distribution of ethyl alcohol is established by Federal Law No. 171, which entered into force on 1995 and supplemented by amendments on January 1, 2018.

The powers of the executive bodies of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market include control of prices that must be higher than the minimum purchase price, export and import, storage, supply and transportation of alcohol, the introduction of mandatory excise stamps, compliance with process standards, licensing and declaration procedures.

The introduction of the state automated system facilitates the verification of the legality of enterprises, the accounting of the manufactured volume of alcoholic beverages, import and export of goods.

Through information support, the alcohol market regulation service monitors the correct excise tax, prohibits the sale and sale of unlabelled alcohol, and returns or confiscates low-quality surrogate goods.

You go to the store and understand - the glory of capitalism! Nowadays, you can try everything that world food manufacturers can boast of. But the place of honor in any store is alcohol. The variety is simply amazing. How to understand this variety and what does a self-respecting person need to know? To begin, consider the main types of alcoholic beverages.

Whatever the menu of the upcoming meal, when choosing alcohol, you should rely on only one rule: wine and dishes should complement each other, and not compete in bright tastes.

All strong drinks can be divided into 3 large groups.

  1. Wine - this group includes various wines, champagne, sake, sherry, port, madeira and so on. This is all that is obtained using only alcoholic fermentation.
  2. Strong alcohol - vodka, whiskey, brandy, cognac, tequila - everything that undergoes distillation after fermentation. And then some drinks are infused in barrels and “ripen”. And some - vodka - are already in this form ready for use.
  3. Beer - ale, lager, potter. They are produced with the help of fermentation of hops, brewer's yeast and malt - this is a low alcohol drink.

Alcoholic beverages - in more detail. Wine

General knowledge is good. But one who claims to be a connoisseur of alcohol, must distinguish between drinks in the group, know the rules of production, organoleptic characteristics of the drink.

Let's start with the wine. It is important to understand that “wine” is a product of grape fermentation. Only such a drink has the right to be called wine.
  Other drinks obtained during the fermentation of berry juice, fruit is not wine. Therefore, on the cider label, the maximum that you can see "apple wine".

The beauty of wine is that grape juice contains everything that is needed for the production of noble drinks - yeast, sugar, vitamins and minerals.
  The most famous wine brands:

These drinks differ from wine in their strength - from 38 to 42, and some up to 60 degrees - and production technology.
  After primary fermentation, they all go through a distillation process. And then they are brought to the desired state, insisting on various additives.

The first mention of a foamy drink is found in ancient Egyptian papyrus. For the production of beer, alcoholic fermentation of malt wort is carried out. Mandatory supplement - hops and brewer's yeast.

  • Ale  - wort is fermented at a high temperature of 15–25 degrees. The strength of the drink can reach up to 21 degrees. Ale is the strongest beer. In different countries it is done differently. For example, in England, ales are not filtered or pasteurized. The shelf life of the drink is very short, so you can try it only in the UK;
  • Lager  - fermentation is carried out at low temperatures. The wort is first heated, then cooled. Fermentation takes place at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. The finished product ripens at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees. The lager is produced both light and dark, and even black. The main types of camp are about 20 and all of them differ significantly in taste.
  • Wheat beer  - differs from other types of beer in that the fermentation process takes place already in the bottle.

Drinking has a negative effect on the condition of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors in no way affect the popularity of this product. Alcohol production is one of the largest.

Types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of positions, and it is not possible to list all the brands currently existing.

Alcohol brands are some of the most expensive brands, the volume of alcohol production in the world is amazing, and new types of alcoholic beverages appear with amazing regularity.

Alcohol is the faithful companion of any feast. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events are not held without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today the assortment is so rich that everyone is able to find a drink to their taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the fact that the problem arises of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. There are several ways to classify alcohol products. The first method is to classify drinks according to the method of their manufacture:

  1. Drinks to obtain that use the fermentation procedure.
  2. Distilled drinks.

This classification allows you to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories, which differ in the main components. The role of such components can be both fruits and vegetables, and various cereals.

The second way to classify alcohol is to divide the products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • drinks of medium strength;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

The category of low alcohol includes those products whose alcohol content does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products. The list of low alcohol drinks has more than ten items.

Beer.One of the most popular alcoholic products in the world. The history of this intoxicating drink dates back over several thousand years. Recognized brewers are countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic. Beer strength starts at five degrees and rises higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in a non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga.  The basis of this product are vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the manufacture of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength

Toddy.Toddy is made by South American countries from palm juice. For the manufacture of the product, a fermentation technique is used.

Kvass.The history of this drink dates back many hundreds of years. Traditional kvass made from sour milk contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider.The strength of the cider depends primarily on the country in which it is prepared. In France, cider is made with two percent alcohol content. In Germany, this percentage can be increased to seven. Apple juice is used to make cider. All fermentation processes are based on a technique that eliminates the addition of yeast.

PerryPerry is one of the drinks whose preparation method is similar to cider. Perry is made using pear juice and sugar. The strength of such a drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Huremge.The traditional alcoholic product comes from Buryatia. Huremge is made from whey. The fortress is from two to eight degrees.

Ice wineThis drink can be considered one of the varieties of wines. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive the frost. Thanks to this approach, the drink got its name. The strength of such a wine is about eight degrees.

Toba.Togba is alcohol, originally from Nepal, and according to legend, yeti madly adore it. The toba is made through the fermentation of cereal crops. This alcohol must be consumed hot, using a straw.

Handi.Handi is an alcohol native to India. Only women have the right to make such a product, and the process of its production is carried out according to strict rules. Handi's fortress is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and the roots of some plants are used for its manufacture.

With the help of various additives and cooking methods, at least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today.

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks that contain up to thirty percent alcohol. The following products can be added to this category.

Mead.The product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine.This subspecies of wine is made from fruit and spices.

Wine.One of the products that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines that vary in composition and preparation methods. The strength of the wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Recognized winemakers are countries such as France and Spain.

Sake.Wine, the birthplace of which is considered to be Japan. This type of wine product is made from rice, and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine.Another branch of the wine family. Port wine is made from a special type of grape and the alcohol content in it reaches twenty percent. The birthplace of such wine is Portugal.

MadeiraAnother type of wine from Portugal. The fortress of Madeira is about twenty degrees. The main feature of this drink is that in order to make it, high temperatures are used.

Sherry.The peculiarity of Spanish Sherry is that the fermentation of grapes occurs under a kind of film from a special type of yeast. The fortress of Jerez is twenty degrees.

Marsala.Product from the wine family. The Marsala fortress is approaching eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subspecies of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga.This wine product got its name from the place of manufacture, the Spanish winery Malaga. The strength of the resulting product can range from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. For the manufacture of several types of grapes.

Both strong and low alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses

Tokai.The wine comes from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product. Tokaya Fortress is twelve percent. The main component is a special kind of honey.

Vermouth.According to one legend, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. When preparing vermouth, healing herbs and plants are used. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today, vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne.Sparkling wine, which many associate with solemnity and mystery. Champagne is produced by winemakers from the small province of Champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

SatoSato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content in this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Cinar.An Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

CampariLiquor named after its creator G. Campari. Fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used to make liquor. The alcohol content in such liquor is about twenty-eight percent.

Koumiss.The homeland of koumiss is Central Asia. This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for cooking koumiss, varying in strength. The maximum strength of koumiss is forty degrees.

Grog and punch.These drinks are combined, as both are derived from stand-alone products. Grog is a rum that is diluted in order to reduce the strength of the product. Punch - a product obtained by mixing certain types of wines and fruit juices.

Rechoto. One of the representatives of the wine family comes from Italy. Rechoto fortress is fifteen degrees.

Pisco.French wine, whose fortress is at around twenty-two degrees. It is made from grape juice with the addition of cognac alcohol. It is very important that the age of such alcohol should be at least several years.

Pulke.Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of agave fruit. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

Most often, strong drinks are called alcoholic beverages, in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Drinking strong alcohol is hazardous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

Describing the above drinks does not make sense, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong alcohol can be made from various ingredients, so you should consider only the most unusual formulations.

Aquavit.In a literal translation, the name reads "water of life." Aquavit is made in Norway from ordinary potatoes. The alcohol level in the product is fifty percent.

Arak.Arak is a mixed drink. For its manufacture, various types of natural raw materials and manufacturing methods are used. So the strength of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. The homeland of Arak is Central Asia.

Pastis.Pastis is one of the derivatives of absinthe from France. The history of the manufacture of this aniseed vodka is about a hundred years old. The fortress of such vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic.Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac.Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The manufacturing technique is to distill wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa.Initially, Italian grappa was made from waste wine raw materials. The alcohol content in grappa can be as high as fifty percent.

Calvados.One of the subspecies of brandy, which is made from apple cider. The alcohol content in this product is an average of forty percent.

Kirschwasser.Kirshwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is about forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherry.

Low-alcohol drinks usually include a variety of cocktails, wines, beer, liqueurs.

Slivovitsa.A subspecies of brandy, with a fortress of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice. The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa.Greek composition, based on a mixture of grape wine, brandy from grape apples and tincture of herbs. The methax alcohol content is about forty percent.

Schnapps.The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereal crops and fruits of fruit trees. Germany is considered the homeland of schnapps. A product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon.American whiskey made from corn cobs. The bourbon fortress is about fifty degrees.

Maotai.The homeland of this drink is China. Maotai is a festive drink, the use of which is associated with a celebration. It is made from cereal crops and has a fortress of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo.A mixture of alcohol and special herbs. Homeland drink - Greece. About fifty percent of alcohol is in the composition.

CrayfishStrong alcohol from Turkey. Cancer contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka.Caucasian product made from mulberry fruits. This drink has a unique aroma, and its strength is as much as eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to separate the drinks according to their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol in the liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of drunk, but also save yourself from the consequences of a hangover syndrome.