How to freeze food in the freezer. In which packaging is it better to store home frozen food?

There is hardly a housewife who would dispute the assertion that using a freezer is not only convenient, but also profitable. But while everyone agrees with its benefits, few people know how to effectively use the resource of their freezer. This is explained simply: our grandmothers and mothers could not afford refrigerators with large freezers consisting of several compartments (not to mention separate freezers). Accordingly, we had no one to pass on the invaluable experience of using them, to teach us how to properly freeze, store and defrost food, to show us what and how to freeze. Therefore, you have to learn this useful skill empirically, learning from your own and others' mistakes.

Why be friends with the freezer?

First, using the freezer saves time. For example, you can prepare a large batch of home-made semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, cutlets, cheesecakes, etc.) at one time, and then for several days do not waste time on cooking, but only on heat treatment existing stocks.

If a dish is not eaten completely, its leftovers can also be frozen and used next time. For example, leftover soups, main courses, desserts and sauces.

Secondly, using the freezer saves money. The price of the same products may vary significantly depending on the time of year. For example, greens cost pennies in summer, but in winter their cost can cause mute surprise. The family budget will experience significant savings if you freeze vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs in their season (peppers, zucchini, eggplant, parsley, dill, spinach, cherries, currants, etc.).

What the family doesn't have time to eat fresh, can be kept frozen. This is much more effective than simply throwing food in the trash.

Third, use the freezer helps you become a good housewife, which always has “ strategic reserve» food for any emergency. For example, if the housewife does not have time to prepare dinner herself (or is too lazy), then her family can simply open the freezer, take out the finished dish and heat it up. And unexpected guests will never be a problem, since in the “bins” there will be something specially stored for tea for such an occasion (cake, pie, cookies, candies, etc.).

Finally, using a freezer allows diversify our diet. For example, the strawberry season is very short, but friendship with the freezer allows you to enjoy this berry at any time of the year.

What and how can you freeze?

– It is better to freeze any food in portions, in small batches. This is not only convenient, but also avoids re-freezing, which significantly worsens the taste and nutritional properties products.

– The faster the freezing, the smaller the ice crystals are formed in the cell walls of the product and thus the latter remain intact. The standard temperature of home freezers is minus 18 degrees. Meat, pre-cut into small pieces, will freeze faster (and will be tastier) than meat frozen in the same freezer and under the same conditions, but big piece. Ideally, the freezer has a “shock freezing” function.

- Most The best way for freezing most products - on flat cutting boards. This way, the food will freeze evenly and quickly, preserving its quality as much as possible. But you shouldn’t leave them on storage boards.

– Frozen foods should be stored in special containers or bags, tightly folding the products and removing excess air. The more densely the products are “packed”, the less moisture they will lose during storage. A little trick: food will be preserved better if you wrap the containers with 1-2 layers of cling film or cling foil.

– Any storage containers should not be filled to the top. Water, turning into ice, will take up more space and will “lift” the lids, breaking their seal, or “explode” glass jars.

– Containers and bags must be hermetically sealed. This will preserve food as much as possible and prevent odors from mixing in the freezer.

– If possible, it is better to allocate a separate shelf for each type of product. Then the muffins will not be saturated with a fishy smell, and the meat will not smell like strawberries.

– It is highly advisable to sign the frozen document: what exactly is frozen, the date and shelf life. This will avoid guessing situations, for example, what kind of broth is stored in this jar: chicken, meat or vegetable? Or what kind of meat is it: ham or tenderloin? As a rule, freezer bags are sold with special stickers. For containers, such stickers can be purchased in the office supply department.

These rules and principles apply to all types of products. Tables indicating rules for freezing, defrosting and use ready meals can be downloaded here. – . During menu creation trainings, participants also receive free tables on vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products and dough products.

I hope this topic will help you make friends with your freezer and make the cooking process even easier and more efficient.
Being a good housewife is easy!

If products are stored correctly, they only benefit the body. Food can be left for a long time freezer refrigerator, do not lose vitamins and other valuable elements. In this review we will talk about what can be frozen for the winter, discussing simple blank the most common products at home. Ideal reserves in the freezer are represented by a universal assortment: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms.

Rules for freezing food in the freezer

Features of storing food in the freezer

The rules for freezing food in a chamber are simple, but they must be strictly followed. Before freezing, it is necessary to prepare all products in such a way that they do not have to be washed later, but can be consumed immediately. If the storage period is not observed, food poisoning. Only fresh, whole, undamaged, high quality products for freezing. It is advisable to turn on the maximum cold in the freezer a few hours before adding new products in order to create an optimal atmosphere there and the process of adding food at room temperature does not negatively affect the containers and bags already stored in the chamber. It is better to store food in portions so that you can take them out little by little.

The average temperature in the freezer is 20 degrees and below. For some workpieces, 18 degrees is enough. You cannot refreeze already thawed vegetables, fruits, berries or mushrooms. Every product needs an airtight container. Containers are available in abundance in supermarkets. You need to place the washed and dry product on a flat surface and freeze it slightly so that the pieces do not stick together. Next, send the workpiece into a plastic container or wrapper, remove air from there, close the package, place a label on it indicating the contents and today’s date. This approach will provide you with convenience when using frozen foods.

It is better to stock up without sugar and salt. Usually, housewives, if all conditions are met, manage to preserve vitamins and provide for the whole family healthy nutrition. Winter preparations can be whole or cut into pieces. Blanched foods also store well. This means that the food has been cooked for up to 5 minutes in a small volume of water.

Shelf life of food in the freezer

The length of time food can be kept in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator varies. Here are the generally accepted norms:

  • vegetables can be stored for 3-12 months;
  • fruits are stored in the freezer for 9-12 months;
  • greens are stored for 3-4 months;
  • store mushrooms for 3-6 months;
  • Bell peppers stuffed with minced meat can be stored for 3-6 months.

Please observe the expiration dates given, do not consume expired products, and always sign the dates of preparations, especially if you have small children.

Packaging for storing food in the freezer

You can dry vegetables and fruits before freezing with a cold hairdryer to speed up the process or lay them out washed food on fabric.

You need to know what you can and cannot freeze food in. The following packaging options are relevant for vegetables, fruits, herbs and mushrooms:

  • tightly closing plastic containers;
  • trays made of food-grade plastic;
  • plastic film;
  • tin products specifically for the freezer;
  • extrusion film-polyethylene;
  • aluminium foil;
  • If we're talking about about berries, it is convenient to put them in ice trays;
  • some products are successfully stored in paper boxes;
  • food plastic bags;
  • bags equipped with clips.

And these packaging options are not suitable for storing food in the freezer:

  • household bags and any fabric products;
  • wrapping;
  • garbage bags and bags and any non-food plastic bags;
  • greaseproof paper.

We've decided on the best packaging, now let's talk about how to freeze it properly specific products so that you can enjoy eating them in the winter.

Properly frozen vegetables and fruits do not lose their attractiveness appearance, taste, range of vitamins and other nutrients

What vegetables can be frozen for the winter?

How to freeze pumpkin for the winter?

It's easy to prepare pumpkin raw. First, remove the skin, then randomly chop the pulp. For example, 2.5 centimeter cubes. Arrange the chopped vegetables on the tray so that the fragments do not touch. Otherwise the pieces will stick together. When freezing occurs, the product should be transferred to a plastic container, leaving some free space, as this product expands when cooled. It is also convenient to freeze raw or cooked grated pumpkin.

Proper freezing of zucchini

We take the most tender young zucchini or zucchini, which have a minimum of seeds and are small, with thin skin. They need to be washed, dried, and the tails cut off. To freeze zucchini for soup or stew, cut them into 1-2 centimeter cubes. For fried zucchini and casseroles - centimeter-thick circles work best. When preparations are in progress vegetable pancakes, then it is advisable to grate the zucchini along with the carrots.

Storing beets in the freezer

Wash the beets, remove the skins, and chop them in any way. For example, chop, put through a blender or grate. Divide by small portions by placing the product in containers, bags or ice trays. Use function quick freezing. Boiled beets are frozen in the same way.

How to freeze eggplants for the winter?

Soak the eggplants in water for some time, then chop them as desired. Place in the packaging of your choice and place in the freezer. You can freeze raw or oven-baked eggplants. The product is prepared by regular blanching for up to 5 minutes, heating in the microwave at a power of 800-900 W for 4 minutes. In addition, before freezing, the eggplants are blanched in a double boiler, also for up to 4 minutes.

Proper freezing of onions

Remove the skins from the onions, make 0.5-1 cm slices, place them in packages, leaving a little free space. If possible, remove air from the bag, close it and place the product in the freezer. You can pre-blanch or fry the onions. You can also store leeks, chives and green onions. The frozen product is not used in its raw form; it is added when preparing dishes.

Storing broccoli in the freezer

Separate the cabbage inflorescences and wash them. Take small portions and process separately. Place the product in boiling water, keep it in the cooking mode for 2-3 minutes, then place the cabbage in ice water. Place the product in a colander to drain the water. Place the cabbage in portions into bags, squeeze out the air, close them, and put them in the freezer.

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter?

To prepare pizza, French meat or omelet, you can cut the tomatoes into slices and place them in the freezer on cling paper. Frozen rings can be placed in any convenient container. It is convenient to store whole tomatoes - they are washed, dried and placed in the freezer. To prepare only the pulp of tomatoes, you need to put them in hot water, remove the skin and use the insides. You can also cook tomato juice and freeze it, use it for various homemade dishes.

Proper freezing of carrots

Cut the carrots into pieces of any shape. For beauty, you can use shaped devices for cutting vegetables. If this is not the case, then you can make circles, cubes or thin straws. Freeze completely dry carrot slices so that they do not stick together into a single mass. Place carrots on cutting board, wait a couple of hours, then place it in any package. In addition, vegetables can be blanched - boil in boiling water for about 2-3 minutes, then remove and immediately put in cold water, dry on a towel and freeze in the same way.

Storing peppers in the freezer

Whole peppers with smooth skin, freed from stems and seeds, wash and dry well. Place the product loosely on the substrate; when it freezes after a few minutes, fold it tightly into any storage container. For example, in plastic bags. Peppers are also prepared this way: they are dipped in boiling water for half a minute, then dried and frozen, stacking them one inside the other. This product is suitable for cooking stuffed peppers or adding to different dishes.

How to freeze potatoes for the winter?

Peel the potatoes and immediately put them in water, otherwise they will darken. If desired, small tubers can be frozen whole: cook the product in boiling water for five minutes, then place it in ice water, remove, dry thoroughly and place in the freezer in ziplock bags or regular plastic bags. Freezing is a two-stage process - first spread the tubers loosely on a horizontal surface, wait for freezing, then place them more tightly in any container. When preparing dishes, potatoes do not need to be defrosted; they should be placed directly into dishes. In a similar way, you can prepare potatoes into strips, only blanching is 3 minutes and raw product needs to be washed more thoroughly. Pack the frozen slices into bags. This product is the basis for French fries or a component of soups. If potato slices are being prepared specifically for deep frying, then it is advisable not to blanch them, but to steam them in a colander over boiling water in a pan and sprinkle with oil before freezing. Some people freeze ready-made French fries.

Rules for freezing celery

Wash the celery and remove large fibers. Freezing the product whole or in pieces allows you to add it to sauces, stews, and soups. You can prepare celery without blanching or with it. The fact is that 3-minute blanching extends the shelf life. Place the dry pieces on foil or parchment, freeze, then pack in a convenient way and store in the freezer. Without blanching, store the product for 2 months, and with blanching for up to a year.

How to properly freeze fruits and berries in the freezer?

Freezing strawberries

The berries lose a little taste, so many people freeze them in sugar. First, spread the product in a thin layer, and after freezing, put it in bags or plastic containers. If you need to make strawberries not in bulk, but with sugar, take 350 grams of sand per kilogram of product or powdered sugar. Place clean berries in plastic dishes, sprinkling each layer with sugar. After keeping for a couple of hours at above-zero temperatures in the refrigerator, the berries will give juice, then place the berries tightly in any container and pour the juice, they will be tasty and sweet, as they are in syrup. Strawberries also keep well in puree form. To do this, the berries need to be mashed or passed through a blender. When the pureed contents of the container are defrosted, then sugar is added.

Freezing plums in the freezer

The tightest ones are selected for freezing. ripe fruits. When you prepare the filling, you will have to remove the seeds. First, you need to keep the fruits spread out on a horizontal surface for several hours, then you can put them away for storage in any container. Plums do not need to be thawed before use. For example, put frozen pieces in compote or pie filling.

Preparing and storing apples in the freezer

To prepare apple slices, you need to cut out the stem and seeds, although this is not necessary. Place the cut fruits on a cutting board in one layer, place in the freezer for 2 hours, then place in a plastic tightly closed container or bags for further storage. You can also prepare the fruits in sweet syrup, their shelf life will be longer. First, prepare a syrup consisting of 1500 mg of ascorbic acid, 750 g of water, 450 g of sugar. Soak in cold syrup for a day, then pour boiling water over it or blanch, and then freeze. In addition, you can make a puree-like mass, for this sliced ​​apples without sugar, cook for up to 20 minutes, then pass through a blender and freeze. If desired, place the apples in the freezer whole. Before this, it is advisable to soak the fruits for several minutes in a solution consisting of 50 g of water and 1500 g of ascorbic acid.

Storing grapes in the freezer

Wash and dry the grape tassels with a towel; they do not produce juice, which is different from raspberries and strawberries. First, freeze each brush separately, then they can be combined and stored in containers or bags. You can also prepare individual berries, they are also laid out on the surface, you can put them on plates, when they are a little frozen, put them in bags and tie them tightly.

Preparing cherries for the winter in the refrigerator

Freeze cherries with pits if you need to make jelly, compote, desserts, or jelly from them. If you need seedless berries, for example, for filling pies, you will have to remove them before freezing. The cherries are not defrosted; they are immediately put into pies. Freshly picked berries are used for storing in the freezer; one serving of berries is 500 grams. The fruits must be washed and dried. Berries are stored in plastic boxes or sealed bags. First, the cherries are frozen in one layer, then the hard berries are transferred to a container, otherwise they may stick together. It’s good to have a berry assortment of cherries, blackberries, currants and raspberries in the freezer, but all berries should be barely ripe, this is how they are stored better.

Storing food in the freezer: Properly prepared vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, herbs are useful supplies for the winter

Harvesting and storing mushrooms at home

How to properly freeze oyster mushrooms?

Oyster mushrooms are prepared in the same way as vegetables. The main thing is to take the first freshest product, rinse it clean, dry it well and first freeze it in a decomposed form. Small mushrooms can remain whole, large ones need to be cut. In principle, it is permissible to freeze oyster mushrooms not in two stages, but to immediately put them in containers or bags at the most low temperatures. In addition, mushrooms can be boiled in salted water for a quarter of an hour, then dried and placed in the freezer. Try freezing some flavorful mushroom broth too.

Features of freezing saffron mushrooms

Saffron mushrooms - useful product, it is ideal for freezing. Do not mix them with other mushrooms or immediately compact them into bags. It is necessary to keep the saffron milk caps at maximum freezing for up to 12 hours, then transfer them to containers or bags and set the temperature to about 18 degrees.

Features of freezing greens

Please take note of our tips for storing greens in the freezer and using preparations:

  • use frozen herbs to make teas;
  • add greens to soups all year round;
  • try freezing the greens in a bunch, they wrap it in cling film, in this case it will be possible to cut off the required amount from the resulting hard sausage;
  • along with the greens, do not forget to freeze milk corn with coarse grains;
  • make an assortment of several types of greens (sorrel, parsley, dill, tarragon, sage and any other types), cutting them finely and filling them with water, in the end you will get convenient ice cubes in any container;
  • It is convenient to freeze greens, chopped with a mixer, in ice trays.

It’s great if your whole family gets used to eating greens at all times of the year.

What should not be frozen in the freezer?

  • watery foods such as cucumbers, potatoes, apples, watermelons can be frozen, but it is possible that after thawing they will lose their shape;
  • herbs - also, in principle, it is permissible to freeze, they can change color and turn into porridge after thawing;
  • horseradish, cheese - can behave in unexpected ways when frozen and defrosted;
  • do not freeze thawed meat;
  • boiled pasta cannot be frozen;
  • coffee beans are lost beneficial features in the cold;
  • canned food is not intended for storage in the freezer;
  • Do not freeze eggs in their shells, only in molds;
  • sour cream, yogurt, custard and other creamy products are stored in the refrigerator, not in the freezer;
  • cheeses should not be frozen;
  • sauces based on starch or flour cannot be frozen;
  • Ice cream that has melted should not be placed in the freezer, otherwise it will become sticky;
  • Many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze cabbage; we believe that this should not be done for salads, since the product loses its natural crunchy structure and becomes limp and soft (although for preparing cabbage rolls, borscht and stews white cabbage can be frozen as a head of cabbage or shredded)
  • Some housewives do not recommend freezing quince, melon, pears, hawthorn and rose hips, but we believe that quince, melon and pear can be easily and permanently frozen like other fruits - in cubes or slices using the dry method, and hawthorn and rose hips can be frozen with whole dry berries, also using a two-stage method (first, the products laid out in a thin layer are frozen, then they are transferred to containers for storage).

Our article discussed actual question food preparation in the freezer. By adhering to simple rules, you can significantly make your life easier, diversify home cooking and continuously receive vitamins.

Modern people use frozen foods - with varying degrees of frequency, but quite regularly, this is a fact that you cannot argue with. Ready puff pastry, Pacific fish, blueberries in winter, convenient bags of broccoli and even regular ice cream - we all eat processed and frozen foods, and this can already be quite difficult to combat, even if you are an ardent opponent of deep-prepared food.

However, you must agree, it’s convenient - at almost any time of the year you can afford something that you couldn’t even dream of before: soup with green peas, strawberry pie, pasta with mussels are always available thanks to supermarkets. A what can you freeze for the winter?, if there is still room in the freezer, at home?

Homemade frozen semi-prepared meals- this is first of all convenient: there is nothing easier than puree soup from vegetables that can be found in the freezer. Secondly, of course, it is useful: when frozen, most products retain the vitamins that they can boast of. Thirdly - economically: compare prices for, for example, Bell pepper now and at the end of winter, you won’t need any other arguments.

What can you freeze for the winter?

10 simple and affordable ideas.

1. Soup set

Yeah, strange as it may sound, but exactly soup set- what can serve as the basis for a rich vegetable broth now costs several times less. Celery root and coarse parsley sprigs (now they are already coarse, thick and tasteless, but still very aromatic and healthy), cauliflower bases after you have prepared a stew from it, substandard bell pepper(here is the one with the ugly side cut off and a slightly dried out, wilted top), a couple of thin carrots that are awkward to grate (you also had a poor carrot harvest this year?), parsnips, pumpkin, tomato - peel everything, cut into two if necessary three parts (vegetables should be large), mix and pack into freezer bags. In winter, by taking out a portion of this preparation, you can easily cook incredibly aromatic and healthy vegetable broth- a cheap and excellent base for any soup.

2. Eggplant

Now is the season for blue ones. If you have already tried to freeze eggplants and were disappointed, do not rush to move on to the next paragraph - there is an option in which these vegetables will not taste bitter, will turn out tasty and very, very interesting. To freeze eggplants, you must first... bake them. In the oven or over a fire, cook them until soft, then cool, peel the skin, cut into pieces (or rather tear them) and freeze. In winter, you have the base ready for the beautiful one (all you need to do is defrost it and puree it in a blender along with a couple of cloves of garlic, a spoon olive oil and a handful of greens), component vegetable stew, cream soup, tart.

3. Greens

Of course, greens! Lots of parsley, cilantro, dill, basil, tarragon and everything, everything, that you can add to soup, pasta, stewed potatoes, pie filling, stew. To properly freeze greens, wash them and dry them well, then chop them and place them in plastic containers. Cover with a lid, put in the freezer, and use as needed. Simple, cheap and flavorful.

4. Tomatoes

Few people know that tomatoes can be frozen. And yet - it is possible and necessary! Now, at the peak of the season, they are cheap, they are tasty and as aromatic as possible, which means we go to the market, buy tomatoes, return home, wash them, cut the skin, scald with boiling water, peel, and then puree with a blender. Pour into bags (containers or disposable cups) and freeze. In winter, you will thank yourself when you can cook amazingly delicious borscht, fill stewed cabbage fresh tomato puree, prepare an unreal pasta sauce and stew the fish in a cheap tomato marinade.

5. Beans

Now it is not only cheap, but also young, soft, juicy. Once you dry it, the cooking time will increase significantly. If you freeze, you will always have a portion of young legumes on hand for soup or. Cheap and convenient.

6. Watermelon

Now that the markets are flooded with this miracle berry, buy a couple of watermelons, peel and seeds, cut large pieces and freeze. In winter, you can get a taste of summer by simply placing the mixture in the bowl of a food processor and turning it into wonderful watermelon ice cream or adding a couple of cubes to any smoothie.

7. Carrots

Do you also have nowhere to store your carrot harvest? Do you have no cellar or sandbox? Peel it, grate it and place it in containers. From now on, preparing soup will become an even faster process, because you won’t have to waste time manipulating carrots! Besides everything else, autumn carrots much cheaper than winter and even more so spring.

Some foods should be stored exclusively in the freezer. Freezing will not only protect them from spoilage and help save you money, but will also preserve the maximum amount of food in your food. nutrients.

Below is a list of 15 foods you can, and maybe even should, store in your freezer.

1. Nuts and nut flour

Because these products contain so much oil, they quickly become rancid. They are best kept in the freezer unless you plan to use them in cooking immediately after purchase. You can freeze peanuts walnuts, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts and almonds. Nuts can be either peeled or unshelled. Just wrap them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer.

2. Herbs

Finely chop the rosemary, oregano, sage or thyme. Place the herbs in an ice cube tray, add extra virgin olive oil and place everything in the freezer overnight. Then the resulting pieces of ice can be removed from the mold, placed in a plastic bag and returned to the freezer. If necessary, you can take out one cube, put it in a frying pan and melt over low heat, then fry something in the frying pan. Cubes can be added to stews and soups.

3. Ginger

Freezing ginger is very easy. Wrap the unpeeled ginger pieces in cling film and place in the freezer. When needed, simply take them out and scrape them with a knife. Frozen ginger can be added to soups, tea and other dishes.

4. Bacon

Don't be afraid to freeze it. At room temperature it defrosts very quickly. Cut the bacon into slices and wrap each one in parchment paper or baking paper, then place in a plastic container and place in the freezer. If you need to finely chop bacon for some dish, it will be more convenient to do this if the meat is frozen.

5. Butter

You can stock up on oil for future use and put it in the freezer for storage. Place the butter packs in a plastic bag first to prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor.

6. Ripe bananas

It is useful to keep very ripe bananas in the freezer before using them. various dishes. Place them in bags, after squeezing out all the air from the bags. Don't put all the bananas in one bag. It is important that they do not touch each other. Then you can take them out, grind them in a blender while frozen, add yogurt, and you get a banana-cream smoothie. Or you can defrost it. To do this, they need to be kept at room temperature for about an hour, after which they can be used for cooking. banana bread or in other baked goods.

7. Berries

Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries freeze best. These berries have a lot of nutrients, and they are best preserved in the freezer. Place the berries on a baking sheet and place in the freezer overnight. After this, you can put them in a bag or plastic container and put them back in the freezer. Frozen berries can be added to smoothies, yogurts or cereals, defrosted and used for baking.

8. Grapes

Frozen grapes are very good snack. Wash the berries, dry them, place on a baking sheet and freeze for several hours. After this, the berries can be eaten immediately or continue to be stored in the freezer in a plastic container.

9. Bread and bakery products

When freezing bread, you must first keep it in the refrigerator to cool. Then wrap it in plastic and place it in the freezer. The bread can also be stored slightly toasted. You can also freeze any baked goods purchased or prepared for future use, from buns to Easter cakes.

10. Coffee

If you are a fan of this drink, we suggest you make coffee ice cubes. Brew the coffee, pour it into an ice cube tray and place it in the freezer. Then you can add the cubes to a freshly brewed drink for cooling or to make ice coffee.

11. Citrus juice

Extract the juice from a lemon, lime or orange and freeze it into cubes in a mold. Such cubes can then be placed in cold tea or lemonade, and can be used in recipes that call for lemon, lime or orange juice.

12. Milk and curdled milk

You can buy milk in the same way as butter, for future use and freeze it. Just pour it into a plastic container, but not all the way to the top, and then set it to freeze. When defrosting, milk must first be placed in the refrigerator. If its texture becomes too grainy after freezing, it can be added to unfrozen milk. As for curdled milk, most recipes call for it in very small quantities. Therefore, there is no need to freeze it a lot. Pour a spoonful into each cavity of the ice tray and place the tray in the freezer overnight. The next day, remove the frozen sour milk cubes from the pan, place them in a bag and put them back in the freezer. When defrosting, just like milk, you must first put the curdled milk in the refrigerator, and then remove it completely.

13. Frozen pasta

To prevent boiled pasta from sticking together when heated, it is better to put it in the freezer first. To defrost, you can then put them in the microwave or simply pour hot sauce over them.

14. Cooked rice and other grains

When heated, the same thing can happen to them as with pasta. Therefore, after cooking, rice and cereals must be cooled, placed in a plastic container and placed in the freezer. You need to defrost it almost the same way in the microwave or by adding a small amount of water to the pan.

15. Homemade chocolate or regular cookies

Shortbread cookies will keep better in the freezer. Immediately after baking, cool the cookies completely, place them in a bag or container with a lid, and place them in the freezer. When defrosting, first place in refrigerator, and then take it out. True, you can try eating frozen cookies. Chocolate is especially delicious in this form.

The freezer can be filled not only with meat, fish and berries. There are many foods that can be frozen without loss. taste qualities. Frozen foods will calmly wait their turn, and you won’t have to throw them away or quickly finish them to avoid spoiling. Here are 20 foods you can freeze and how to do it.

1. Cheese

You can freeze a large piece of cheese and it won't fall apart once defrosted. If you prefer to slice the cheese before freezing, add a teaspoon to the container. corn starch or flour so that the slices do not stick together during defrosting.

If you like to add to dishes grated cheese, you can buy a large piece of Parmesan, chop it into food processor and place in the freezer in special freezer bags. It can be stored in the freezer for several months, and while preparing it, all you have to do is open a container or freezer bag and remove a couple of teaspoons of cheese.

2. Homemade pancakes, waffles and French toast

If you'd like to enjoy homemade pancakes, waffles, and toast for breakfast more often, you can simply bake a larger batch on the weekend, freeze on a cookie tray, and store in freezer bags.

At any time you can take them out of the freezer, heat them in the microwave and have breakfast. In any case, it will turn out cheaper and tastier than buying frozen baked goods in the store.

3. Fruit

It is better to freeze fruits parchment paper, and only then place them in freezer bags. It is better to immediately freeze the cut pieces so that you can take them out for desserts and smoothies as needed.

If you're a smoothie lover, you can make your own frozen fruit blend right away. Separately freeze pieces of apples, pears, peaches, bananas and other fruits you like. At any time you can make yourself a new smoothie by mixing different types fruit.

If you don't like cooking slimy, thawed banana pieces, freeze them whole, skin and all. When you decide to cook something with a banana, you need to take it out of the freezer, defrost it in the microwave, cut off the top and squeeze the contents into the cooking mixture.

4. Rice

To avoid waiting too long for the rice to cook (especially brown rice, which cooks for about 50 minutes), you can freeze it. The rice is first frozen on a tray or parchment paper and then placed in a freezer bag.

Thawed rice can be fried or used for soup or casserole. The cooking time will be reduced by about an hour (including not only cooking, but also rinsing and soaking).

5. Pies

Can you do more? apple pie and enjoy it for several months. Wrap it in freezer paper, place it in a bag and put it in the freezer. When you want to taste the pie, place it in a preheated oven (about 150 degrees) for 2 hours.

6. Corn

The easiest way to freeze corn is not to take it out of the leaves, but just stick it in the freezer. When you want corn, just take it out and heat it in the microwave for 5 minutes. The leaves protect the corn kernels so it tastes fresh.

7. Tomato paste

Simmer Roma tomatoes over low heat with garlic, fresh herbs and olive oil for about 4-5 hours. Once the mixture has cooled, place it in freezer bags. You can use this mixture as a base for chili or tomato sauces.

8. Pasta

Weld more pasta and freeze small portions in different packages- you can use one small bag for soups and casseroles.

Before freezing, make sure to release the air from the bag - it should be as flat as possible. To defrost, place the sealed bag in hot water for a few minutes.

9. Mashed Potatoes

Use an ice cream scoop to scoop out a portion. mashed potatoes and place the ball on baking parchment.

Freeze until the balls are firm and then store in freezer bags. The puree will keep in the freezer for at least two months.

10. Cookie dough

Cookie dough is frozen on parchment paper and stored in a freezer bag. You can divide it into separate portions or immediately make it in the desired form.

Using this dough, you can cook cookies in 1-2 minutes, without dirty dishes and table.

11. Potato chips

If you buy enough chips and freeze them in the same package they came in, you'll always have a snack.

Plus, frozen chips taste even better than regular chips, so there's no need to defrost them before eating.

12. Milk

If your milk is used very slowly, and the remains turn sour and are poured out, it is quite possible to freeze it until next time.

Just be sure to choose a bottle that has room to spare since frozen liquids expand. Thawed milk needs to be mixed well and can be used (just do not defrost it in the microwave).

13. Juice

The only criterion for freezing juice, like freezing milk, is that the bottle is large enough so that the frozen drink has room to expand.

14. Bread

To avoid having to throw away dry bread, you can cut up several loaves and freeze them. As needed, remove the pieces of bread you need and defrost them in the oven or microwave. To prevent the bread from drying out until the morning, you can leave it overnight in a switched off, tightly closed microwave.

15. Vegetable pieces

You can freeze chopped onions, bell peppers, or chili peppers in freezer bags. Once they're frozen enough, you can mark the bag with "portion lines" so you know how much to take at a time.

16. Lemon and lime juice, lemon zest

Squeeze the lemon and lime into ice cube trays and place in the freezer. Now you will have fresh at any time citrus juice. The zest can also be frozen and used to prepare various dishes.

17. Herbs

You can freeze aromatic herbs in ice trays with a small amount water or broth to use for soups all year round, stew or casseroles.

18. Marinated meat

Place the meat in a freezer bag, cover with marinade and place in the freezer. When you take it out, it will already be marinated and you can cook it right away.

19. Homemade casseroles

When you're making a casserole like lasagna, why not make a big batch and freeze half for a home-cooked meal during the work week.

There are several freezing options you can use:

  1. Freeze the whole casserole in a dish lined with freezer paper. When the casserole is frozen sufficiently, remove the dish, repack the casserole in freezer paper, and place it back in the freezer. The advantage is that you can use the dish while the casserole is stored in the freezer. When you need it again, place it in the same dish and cook it.
  2. Freeze in parts. Prepare the casserole, let cool, cut into pieces and freeze. Can be reheated in the microwave.

20. Fish fingers

Semi-finished products sold in stores can hardly be called tasty, so why not make them at home? fish fingers?

To do this, you need to buy fresh fish, cut it into small pieces, roll it in egg, flour or breadcrumbs, place on a tray and freeze.

After this, you can store homemade fish sticks in freezer bags - they are much tastier than store-bought ones, inside of which there is strange minced meat instead of fish.

Have you tried freezing any foods?