How to close cucumbers for the winter. Convenient pickle pickle

In our country, cucumbers for the winter have long been preserved. It is important to note that the preparation depends not only on the selected recipe, but also on the quality of the ingredients. In addition, you need to know some secrets of cooking snacks.

To stock up with the required number of cans, it is recommended to allocate a whole day for canning. It is also necessary to prepare glass jars and lids.

You probably noticed that the taste of pickled cucumbers is slightly different for every housewife, even if they were cooked in the same way. This is due to the fact that each woman has her own small tricks, in addition, each family has its own taste preferences, so the dosage of spices and spices may vary.

In this article, we will consider the most popular recipes with which you can prepare delicious and crispy cucumbers. If you do not have your own vegetables, then in the store it is better to buy fruits with "pimples", they are best suited for snacks.

To cook delicious and crispy cucumbers for the winter, they do not have to be sterilized. If you adhere to canning technology and tightly roll up the lids, then the snack can be stored for several years.

For a one-liter jar you will need the following amount of ingredients:

  • The number of cucumbers depends on their size.
  • 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar.
  • 2 tsp table salt.
  • 2 tbsp table vinegar.
  • 2-3pcs dill umbrellas.
  • 5-8 peas of black pepper.
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic.
  • 10-15cm horseradish leaf.
  • 5-6cm horseradish root.

Canning process

Cucumbers need to be washed thoroughly, and then soaked in cold water for 2-4 hours.

All products must be washed. It is also necessary to prepare banks. They do not need to be sterilized, wash well enough under running water. Add dill umbrellas and peeled garlic cloves to them.

Horseradish root needs to be peeled, cut into small pieces and sent to jars.

After that, grind a leaf of horseradish, and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Cucumbers can be cut from two sides, but this is not necessary. Larger fruits lay vertically on the bottom, and with small cucumbers add the jar to the top. If desired, on top you can add another dill umbrella. Also send peas of peppers and bay leaves to the bank.

Fill the jars to the top with boiling water. Cover and leave the workpiece for 40-50 minutes. After this, pour the liquid into a bowl, it is useful to us for the preparation of brine.

Put the container with water on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. After that add sugar and salt, stir well so that all crystals are completely dissolved. At the very end add 9% table vinegar.

Pour boiling brine into liter cans and roll up the workpiece with a special machine. There is another option - salt, sugar and vinegar can be added directly to the jars, and then pour boiling water, which we drained before.

Turn the cans over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

This is one of the simplest recipes for pickling cucumbers.

It is important to note that such preservation can be stored for a long time in a kitchen cabinet at room temperature.

Preservation of cucumbers in liter jars

If you treat your guests with cucumbers according to this recipe, then you will definitely be asked to tell about the method of preparation. For preservation does not require many spices and spices. Marinade is different from traditional pickle, but cucumbers are non-acidic and crispy.

For two liter cans you will need the following products:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers.
  • 1pc bell pepper.
  • 2 pieces of dill umbrellas.
  • 4 peas of allspice.
  • 5 peas of black pepper.
  • 4-6 cloves of garlic.
  • 2pcs bay leaves.
  • 2.5 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 1 tsp 70% vinegar.

Cooking method

Cucumbers need to be washed thoroughly. To get rid of white plaque, it is recommended to use a clean sponge. All fruits must be undamaged.

After this, the vegetables need to be soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours.

In the meantime, we will prepare glass jars. They need to be washed with soda, and then rinsed. Then sterilize them over steam for 5 minutes, and pour lids over boiling water. You can use other ways.

Put dill umbrellas and bay leaves in a separate cup. Pour boiling water over them and leave for a couple of minutes. In this case, the aromas are better revealed and transferred to the cucumbers.

Wash sweet peppers, divide into two parts to remove seeds, cut into small pieces, and then send them to prepared glass jars.

Then we send bay leaf, dill umbrellas and 2 cloves of garlic. You also need to add peppercorns.

Cucumbers cut off the butt. The first row must be laid out vertically. If there is room left in the bank, then several fruits must be laid out horizontally.

Top with 1 clove of garlic, dill umbrella in each jar. After that, fill the container with boiling water to the very top. Cover and leave for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, you need to drain all the liquid into the pan. It is most convenient to use a cover with holes. You can also make holes in a regular plastic cover.

Boil the water, and pour the cucumbers again so that they warm well. To prepare the marinade, you need to put a pot of water on the stove, add salt and sugar and wait until they are completely dissolved.

Drain the liquid again from the cans and fill them with marinade, add 0.5 tsp of vinegar essence to each can. Then the workpiece must be rolled up, turn the container over and check for leaks.

Cover the blank with a blanket, wait for it to cool completely, and then put it in the cellar, on the balcony or in the closet in the kitchen.

Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. Winter canning

It is better to preserve tomatoes with cucumbers together, as they complement each other's taste. In addition, this method can significantly save time.


  • 800g of cucumbers.
  • 1kg tomato.
  • Parsley and dill.
  • 10-15g horseradish root.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Peas of black and allspice.
  • 3 sheets of black currant.
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • 5 tablespoons 9% vinegar.

Cooking process

In a three-liter clean and sterilized jar, you first need to add spices. At the bottom, put dill, chopped horseradish root, lavrushka, pepper, peeled garlic cloves, chopped in half. Then leaves of black currant.

Cut the edges of the cucumbers and put vertically in a jar. Add the next layer of tomatoes, parsley on top. After which, all products need to be poured with boiling water. Cover the jar with a lid and a towel. Vegetables should warm up for 15 minutes.

After the appointed time, the liquid must be drained into the pan.

Now proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Put the container on the stove, add salt and sugar to the water. When the brine boils, vinegar must be added to it.

Pour boiling vegetable marinade with assorted vegetables.

After this, the cans can immediately be rolled up without sterilization. As usual, you need to turn it upside down and cover it with a thick blanket. The platter turns out to be very tasty and is an excellent snack to any table.

Canned cucumbers with vodka. The most delicious crispy cucumbers

If you want to cook real barrel cucumbers at home, be sure to use this recipe. It is not as popular as other canning methods, but the vegetables are crispy and tasty.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 1.5-2kg of cucumbers, depending on size.
  • Umbrellas of dill.
  • Horseradish leaves.
  • Amaranth.
  • Currant leaves.
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic.
  • 50g of vodka.
  • 100g of table salt.

Canning procedure

Cucumbers need to be washed well, cut off the tips. If you want them to turn out crispy, then they need to be soaked for a couple of hours in cold water.

At the bottom of a sterilized jar you need to put a few twigs of herbs and 5 cloves of garlic.

Then tightly fill the jar with cucumbers.

The next step is to completely dissolve the salt in water. The resulting liquid pour cucumber appetizer. Then postpone the jar for 4 days.

When four days have passed, the brine must be drained into the pan. Put the container on the burner and boil the liquid. Meanwhile, the jar needs to be filled with cold water, cover, then shake well, then drain the water.

When the brine boils, then it needs to be cooked for about 5 minutes. After that, add vodka to the cucumbers and pour them with hot marinade to the very top.

Now the cans can be rolled up with sterilized lids. Then the container must be turned over to check for leaks. When the workpiece cools down, it is recommended to put it in a cold place, so they will be stored longer.

As you can see, all canning methods are simple, so any housewife can use recipes and prepare cucumbers for the winter.

Absolutely irreplaceable preparation, without which no mistress can do -, recipethe preparation of which each mistress has her own and, at times, is inherited in the family. And how can you do without their relatives? After all, neither vinaigrette, nor traditional olivier, and many other salads without cucumbers can not be cooked.

This is not only a great snack on the festive table, but on weekdays the usual fried potatoes with cucumbers are wonderfully good. Whereas before, cucumbers were mainly salted, now they are still pickled and canned to every taste: to whom it is fresher, to whom it is sharper. And in liter cans it is very convenient to harvest them: they ate right away, and we do not clutter up the refrigerator with a three-liter huge.

How to cook crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars

The most important thing when pickling or canning cucumbers is to choose the right raw material. Those who grow them in the garden themselves probably know such subtleties and plant varieties universal, or specially designed for pickling. The pimples on the fruits have black spines. Varieties with white spikes and smooth long-fruited canning are not suitable. They are intended for fresh salads, and in the bank they can simply spread out, and you will not expect any crunch from them.

In addition, the fruits should not be overgrown. The ideal size is 10-12 centimeters. From smaller ones - pickles - are obtained.

The fruits should be fresh, ideally picked on the same day, but if you take cucumbers in the market and are not sure about it, then it is better to soak them previously thoroughly washed for 3-4, or maybe up to eight hours.

But in the latter case, the water will need to be changed 1-2 times. After soaking, the fruits are washed and the tips are usually cut off for better penetration of the brine or marinade. On this preliminary preparation, common to most recipes, ends. Now let's see how to prepare cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars,   golden recipes   the preparations of which will be given below.

Cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars: recipe

To begin with, consider pickled cucumbers, because it is with them that you get the most delicious vinaigrette, pickle or hodgepodge. But to save pickles without sterilization in a city apartment is almost impossible. To do this, you need a cellar, but not everyone has it. Therefore, first pickle the cucumbers in a large container: a bucket or pan with a capacity of 10 liters or in cans of 3 or 5 liters.

Preliminary preparation of the fruits described above. In addition to the actual cucumbers, you will need the so-called pickling bouquet. Grandmothers in the market often sell stalks with dill inflorescences, sprigs of cherries and currants, horseradish leaves. In addition, it is nice to add oak leaf or grape, if possible, as well as peeled horseradish root.

Optionally, you can use fresh herbs of dill, parsley, celery, tarragon. And of course, spices: black pepper or a mixture of peppers, allspice, garlic.

Tanks in which salting will be done must be washed with soda and dried. We lay on the bottom of the container a layer of prepared herbs and spices, then fill it with half of the cucumbers, again the herbs, then the cucumbers and the remaining herbs on top. Fill with pre-boiled and cooled to about 40 degrees brine. We cover the container with a plate of a suitable size, and put a two-three-liter jar of water on top.

It must be thoroughly washed outside with soda and dried beforehand.

It’s good to put a bucket or pan in a basin because the brine will leak out during fermentation. Important: in a city apartment, you can pickle cucumbers if the room temperature does not exceed 20-22 degrees, and ideally even lower. The fact is that we need lactic acid fermentation, in which lactic acid is formed in the pickling.

At high air temperatures, lactic acid bacteria are suppressed, but not what they need is actively developing, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and spoils the taste. In hot weather, it is better to prefer canning or pickling.

If salting is done in three-liter jars, then for each you need:

  • about 1.8 kg of cucumbers (the amount depends on the size of the fruit and stacking);
  • inflorescence of dill with a stalk;
  • 3-4 leaves of currant;
  • 3-4 leaves of cherry;
  • oak or grape leaf;
  • several branches of green dill, parsley (you can also take celery and tarragon);
  • 4-6g of garlic (a large amount of garlic softens the fruits);
  • leaf and a piece of horseradish root about 2 cm;
  • 5-6 peas of black pepper or a mixture of peppers;
  • several rings of hot pepper as desired.

The brine is prepared at the rate of 60-80 g of rock salt per 1 liter of water. Salting should roam for 4-6 days.

Then drain the brine, lay out cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jarspre-sterilized. Used herbs and spices can not be put. We boil the brine, fill the cucumbers in jars, put the lids on the top and let it stand under the towel for about ten minutes. Repeat the procedure. After the second filling, the jars are corked.

Turn over onto the lids and allow to cool, covering with a towel. As such, they can be stored at room temperature. If the family is large, it will be appropriate, but keep in mind that the cans will be less than originally set.

Tasty cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars

And now we will preserve delicious cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars. Older housewives still remember how wonderful the Bulgarian and Hungarian canned foods were. All in all was in moderation - and salt, and acid, and sugar. But no one will stop us from procuring the most ourselves. Usually, vinegar is used for preservation, but with citric acid, the preparations are no less tasty and perfectly stored. We prepare the cucumbers, as described above. In addition to them we will need:

  • inflorescences and stalks of dill (cut into pieces of 5-6cm);
  • peas (black or mixture, allspice);
  • mustard seeds;
  • bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • salt for salting;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon acid.

We sterilize jars and lids. In each jar we put a little dill, a couple of bay leaves, 5-6 black peas and a couple of allspice peas, half a teaspoon of mustard seeds, 3-4 cloves of garlic, cut into plates. We lay the cucumbers first vertically, and at the top as it turns out. One top cut in half if not placed.

Pour boiling water into jars almost to the edge, cover with lids and bark for 10-15 minutes, then pour salt into a saucepan, boil and add 2 tablespoons of rock salt and granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of lemon per 1 liter of boiling water. acids also without a hill.

Boil for a couple of minutes and pour it into the jars. After that, they can be rolled up, turned down the neck and wrapped for a day.

Cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars

To prepare crispy cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, you can use vinegar fill. For example, pickled gherkins with onions and carrots in a sweet and sour fill are very tasty. To prepare this piece, take 10 kg of gherkins

  • 10 peeled carrots;
  • 50-60 onions;
  • In addition, for filling we need:
  • 6.5l of water;
  • granulated sugar 400g;
  • salts for preservation 400g;
  • acetic acid 9% 350 ml;
  • 20 peas of black pepper;
  • mustard seed 20-30g;
  • bay leaves 12 pcs.

Peel the carrots and cut them into slices, peeled onions are chopped in half rings with a thickness of not more than 0.5 cm, prepared as indicated at the beginning of the article, the gherkins are placed in liter jars, sprinkled with carrots and onions.

For the marinade, all the components are boiled under a closed lid for about 4-5 minutes. The filling is poured into jars, covered with lids and sterilized for 12-15 minutes in boiling water. Cork and cover with a towel. And spicy lovers will like it.

Cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jars: golden recipes

If you like to eat sandwiches, then you will probably be interested, how to cook cucumbers for the winter crispy in liter jarscut into circles. Sweet and spicy at the same time, they go well with many toppings, whether it is bread with butter, sausage, cheese or slices of fish. This preparation is very popular in America, and it appeared in its simplest form exactly there in the difficult twenties of the twentieth century, as an addition to ordinary bread. We will need:

  • 4 quarts (approximately 4.5 L) sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers (stack quite tightly);
  • 4 medium-sized white onions, cut lengthwise into four parts and chopped thinly across;
  • 2 large sweet red peppers, sliced \u200b\u200bin strips;
  • 1/2 cup rock salt;
  • 4 cups apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 cups of granulated sugar;
  • 2 cups brown sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons mustard seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons celery seeds;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves;
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric;
  • crushed ice.

How to do:

1. Place chopped cucumbers, onions and peppers in strips in a suitable enameled bowl or pan. Add salt, several crushed ice cubes and mix gently, cover with a towel on top and leave at room temperature for 3 hours.

2. Prepare the workspace, sterilize jars and lids.

3. Throw the vegetables in a colander and rinse under running water.

4. In a large stainless steel pan, mix vinegar, white and brown sugar, mustard seeds, celery seeds, cloves and turmeric. Bring to a boil. Add the cucumber mixture without liquid and let it boil again.

5. Immediately fill the cans with boiling mixture, leaving 1 cm of empty space, wipe off the neck of the cans, cover with lids and transfer to a pot of boiling water for sterilization. 8-10 minutes are enough. Cork and let cool. It turns out about 4 liter cans.

Such a preparation can be done without bell pepper, then slightly increase the number of cucumbers.

Another recipe allows you to use a little overgrown cucumbers, but not hard overcooking. Suitable fruits are 12-14 cm long, but always with small seeds. We will need:

  • cucumbers 4-5 kg;
  • a good bunch of parsley and dill;
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • hot pepper 1-2 pods (the degree of its sharpness to your taste);
  • peppercorns 20 pcs.

For pouring: 2 l of water, a glass of table vinegar 9%, a glass of sugar, 100-120 g of salt, a glass or a little less than refined vegetable oil.

Cucumbers, as usual, wash, soak and wash again after soaking. Why do I wash it twice: if the dirt is not washed off on the cucumbers, then in hot weather bacteria begin to multiply in the water, mucus forms on the cucumbers and an unpleasant smell appears. Therefore, if you soak it for 6-8 hours, you must certainly change the water at least once, or even two. We cut each fruit into eight parts: into 4 parts along, and then across. We cut the greens not very finely, in pieces of 1.5-2 cm, peel the garlic, cut the teeth in half. Hot pepper cut into circles. At the bottom of the cans we put greens, garlic, 4-5 peas of pepper and a few rings of hot pepper, and then vertically stack the cucumber slices.

For pouring, mix in a pan all the ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour boiling brine into jars, put lids on top and send for sterilization for 10-12 minutes in a pan with hot water (the time is counted from the moment the water boils in the pan), then we roll or twist the lids and set to cool under a towel.

Oil can not be added to the brine, because with a strong boil of water in the pan for sterilization, if you do not have time to turn off the fire in time, it can splash out of the can, which creates considerable inconvenience.

Anneal it in a clean frying pan, let it cool slightly and quickly pour a couple of tablespoons into a jar just before sunset, slightly lifting the lid.

  You can find some more simple and original recipes for preparing vegetables for the winter.

Hello friends, summer is in full swing, which means it's time to close the cucumbers for the winter, I want to offer you a convenient pickle for cucumbers. Why convenient? This pickle is designed for one can, and if you need, for example, not 3 liter, but liter or 1.5, then it is very easy to calculate the proportions.

In my opinion, when the proportions for a certain amount of water are given in the recipe, it is not always convenient. Earlier, closing cucumbers for the winter, I prepared a pickle for 3 or 5 liters of water, I did not always guess how many cans were needed. Experienced housewives, of course, can already determine everything by eye, but not all of them. Therefore, if you need my convenient pickle for cucumbers, I will be pleased.

Cucumbers for the winter cooking recipe

(proportions are given for one 3-liter jar!)

  • Cucumbers
  • Dill umbrellas - 3-4 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Currant leaves and 3 cherry leaves
  • Horseradish leaves - 2 medium
  • A few peas of black pepper, I take about 0.5 tsp
  • At the request of garlic and cloves, I do without them

Pickle for cucumbers:

  • 3 tbsp salt
  • 6 tbsp sugar
  • 9 tbsp vinegar 6%


I don’t write how many kilograms of cucumbers you need, you can close one or 10 cans at once, I think there will be no difficulties. So it is with water, pouring it into a jar is easy to find out the amount.

In each jar we put peppercorns, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish and dill. If fresh cucumbers just wash and trim the “butt”, if not, soak for about 30-40 minutes in water. Pour cucumbers in a jar of boiling water, leave for about 15-20 minutes, pour the water into the pan. And pour boiling water over the cucumbers again, at the same time. In the water that was drained from the cucumbers, add salt and sugar, vinegar after the brine boils.

For the third time, we already fill it with brine and roll it. It’s easy to process the lids with boiling water, I don’t sterilize the jars, everything is fine, the pickle is not cloudy, the cucumbers are crispy, I have been closing the cucumbers for about 5 years according to this recipe, I haven’t let them down yet.

So friends use the recipe, close the cucumbers for the winter, so that on the New Year, make from your cucumbers. Pickle for cucumbers is very easy to remember, 3-6-9, salt, sugar, bite. And for dinner you can cook or, very tasty, recommend. That's all for today, but there are some interesting recipes ahead,

It is customary to preserve cucumbers in huge quantities; closer to the fall, “batteries” of cans line up in the cellars. Crispy hard cucumbers are welcome guests on any table. It is advisable to preserve cucumbers according to different methods in order to achieve some variety. Small changes in the proportions of the ingredients significantly affect the taste. The proposed technology provides cucumbers with a moderately pungent taste and retains all the crisp properties. Canned cucumbers can be left whole when served, cut into curly slices, added to salads and pickles.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 5 kilograms,
  • large hot pepper - 1 piece,
  • horseradish root - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • clove buds - 10 pieces,
  • sweet peas - 1 dessert spoon,
  • black peas - 1 dessert spoon,
  • bay leaves - 6 pieces,
  • dry umbrellas and stalks of dill and parsley.
  • For pouring into 1 can with a capacity of 1.5 liters: vinegar 9% - 25 grams, salt - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 1 tablespoon.

We have many ingredients for pickled cucumbers, but they all do an important job, with this composition you will get delicious crispy cucumbers.
Hot peppers will make the cucumbers more spicy. Horseradish root will act as an additional preservative, with it the marinade will not darken and will not become cloudy. Also, horseradish root has tanning properties, with it it is easier for cucumbers to become crispy. Instead of horseradish, some add bark or oak leaves.
Garlic acts as a light preservative, gives a piquant taste to cucumbers. Carnation buds give a spicy spicy taste and aroma, also has preservative properties. We will put pepper for spiciness and pleasant fragrant aroma. Bay leaves give a good taste to the marinade and has good antioxidant properties. Dill and parsley are traditionally used in preservation as a recommended seasoning, it contains essential oils with vitamins, marinade and cucumbers aromatize well.
Some are interested in which varieties are suitable for pickling and pickling for the winter. For preservation, cucumbers gently choose not overripe, not salad. It is also very important to cover the cucumbers with fresh ones, ideally if you have your own garden, then close the cucumbers on the same day as you pick them.
The variety of cucumber should be pickled - these are usually elongated elastic cucumbers with pimples. Of the varieties - Nugget, Nezhinsky, Annushka, Rodnichok, Crunchy, Era, Altai, Finger, Favorite and others.

How to cook delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter

1. Sterilize 3 cans of 1.5 liter cans. At the bottom of the cans are placed in equal proportions cloves, garlic, laurel leaves, all kinds of dry and fresh peppers. Red pepper seeds are removed. Dry dill and parsley umbrellas give the marinade a concentrated, spicy flavor; fresh herbs cannot replace these ingredients. Horseradish root is cut into small pieces.

2. The ends of the cucumbers are cut off on both sides, then the vegetables are transferred to a deep bowl and poured with water. Cucumbers are kept in water for 2-4 hours, after soaking they are placed in jars. It is imperative to withstand cucumbers in water, they will get water, will not give it back, and after pickling they will be crispy. We also recommend choosing small cucumbers, it is better to choose cucumbers up to 15 cm.
Cucumbers are sorted by size and set vertically, achieve a snug fit. If the banks are filled randomly, then all the cucumbers may not fit.

3. For the upper part of the jar use small cucumbers, they can be laid out horizontally.

4. Banks are poured with boiling water, covered with sterilized lids. The cucumbers warm up for 10 minutes, then this water is poured into a pan, salt and sugar are added to it. And the banks in the meantime, pour a new portion of boiling water. The second fill after 10 minutes is simply poured. When water is drained, special lids with round holes should be put on the banks.

5. Pour 25 grams of vinegar into each jar, then fill the containers with boiling water, in which salt and sugar are dissolved.

6. Banks roll up, turn over, throw a thick blanket over them. Ready preservation is stored in a cool place. Our pickles are stored in a pantry in a dark place. We prepared cucumbers in one and a half liter jars, I think this size is very convenient for our family - we quickly eat cucumbers, they won’t have time to sour.

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Recipe number 2. Pickled crisps for the winter

Pickled cucumbers are undoubtedly popular, they are good for boiled potatoes in the winter, and are also part of many salads.

Cucumbers for pickling, I choose not smooth, but with pimples. To make the cucumbers crispy, they must be fresh and supple. Sluggish cucumbers are not suitable for a crispy recipe.


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2.5 kg;
  • dill umbrellas - 1/3 of the beam;
  • horseradish leaves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • cloves - 1-2 buds;
  • mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp;
  • hot peppers - to taste.

Ingredients for brine in a three-liter jar:

  • rock salt (not iodized!) - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp. l

Cooking Delicious Crispy Pickled Cucumbers

Bringing cucumbers home from the market, they must be immediately poured into cold water. I keep cucumbers in water for 6-8 hours, changing water several times.

The jar for clogging, having washed thoroughly with soda and rinsed it under running water, is sterilized with steam.

I wash horseradish leaves, cut them. I put chopped horseradish in a prepared jar.

I chop the washed dill. I also send it to the bank.

I wash the leaves of black odorous currants, chopped peeled and washed garlic. I put currants and garlic in a jar. For sharpness, you can add a small piece of hot pepper. I put quite a bit - a piece of 0.5 cm.

Soaked cucumbers thoroughly washed with a sponge in several waters. Then I cut off the tips of the cucumbers from the side of the tails.

I put the bottom row of cucumbers in the jar. I put them tightly upright. When the bottom row of cucumbers is laid, I put dill umbrellas on them.

Next, lay out the second row of cucumbers. I fill up empty places with greens from above: chopped horseradish, dill umbrellas, blackcurrant leaves. When the jar is completely filled with cucumbers and spices, I pour water into it to find out how much water I need for brine. I cover the jar with a special lid with holes, pour the water into the pan. I add some water, close the pan with a lid, set it on fire. At each boil, I add a little water, because when boiling, the water evaporates, and it may not be enough.

When the water boils, carefully pour it into a jar of cucumbers. I cover the jar with a sterilized lid, wrap it with a towel, leave it with hot water for 15 minutes. Then, changing the usual lid to a lid with holes, pour the water into the pan. I boil it again and, pouring boiling water in a jar of cucumbers, leave it again for 15 minutes.

The third time I will fill with brine. Pour salt and sugar into the pan, pour the water from the can into the pan, adding 50 ml of water.

I give the brine a little boil to dissolve the sugar and salt. I put two cloves in a jar of cucumbers, half a teaspoon of mustard seeds, pour vinegar. Pour boiling brine, roll up the jar. I turn the jar upside down, put on the neck, wrapped a blanket. Twelve hours the jar is self-sterilizing, and then I remove the blanket, turning the jar in its usual position, cool.

Recipe number 3. Crispy Canned Boiled Cucumbers

Today, for universal trial and review, we present a recipe for excellent canned cucumbers, which our whole family loves, because they are always very crispy. The fact is that these cucumbers are boiled in vinegar, so they turn out to be so unusual in taste and especially crispy. Such cucumbers are well served separately, as well as added to salads such as Olivier, vinaigrettes, sandwiches or first dishes such as pickles.

In order for preservation to succeed, you need to invest a little imagination and “soul”. Each recipe is unique because each hostess who cooks it is unique. My canned cucumbers turn out especially tasty when I cook in a good mood, in a joyful state, I am positively attuned to how I will treat my beloved ones and friends with dishes. I hope that my recipe will benefit you.

Cucumbers need at least one or two kilograms, so as not in vain to try and taste the taste. To begin with, it is necessary that the size of the cucumbers is combined with the size of the cans and allows filling their entire volume. It is better to make this preservation in liter jars, and take medium-sized cucumbers and pre-measure the volume by investing in the jars in raw form before cooking, or pour other ingredients into the jars. Banks should be clean, disinfected, lids too.

To prepare one salting, take one liter of vinegar 9%. This amount of marinade is usually enough to make 4 liter cans of medium-sized canned cucumbers.

In each liter jar, you will need to throw in the dry form the following composition of ingredients.

  • Fresh garlic - 1-2 cloves per one liter jar;
  • A little dill, better than dry inflorescences;
  • Hot lamb horn peppers - a slice to taste;
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Salt 1 tsp.

  • How to cook crispy boiled cucumbers for the winter

Prepare the cucumbers.
We wash the cucumbers in water and leave to dry in a bowl. Even the bowl should be suitable, large enough, but always very emotional.

Cook cucumbers in vinegar.
Pour vinegar into any saucepan, set on fire. In our case, there was no smaller pan, so I had to "see" the cucumbers at its very bottom.

When the vinegar begins to boil, but still does not boil, we throw the cucumbers there. Cucumbers must change color. Cook the cucumbers for 30-50 seconds, at this time close the lid so as not to breathe in vinegar vapors. Carefully take out the cucumbers and let them cool. In order not to burn yourself, take out the cucumbers with the help of tongs.
With boiled cucumbers, you can no longer stand on ceremony, therefore the bowl in our case is ordinary, white, enameled.

Prepare liter cans in advance.
In jars, we throw the whole composition of the ingredients, which is indicated in the description above.

One tablet of salicylic acid can be invested to provide longer-term storage. But this is not necessary, for someone such chemistry is a bad experience. It is enough to have a good cellar or an additional refrigerator for storage. Better yet, in the first winter, eat all the cooked stock, wherever it is stored. Nowadays, preservation is done for the soul and in order to pamper yourself with the homemade taste of natural products. There is no need to put off such pleasure for a long time. So, tightly lay the cooled cucumbers in jars.
Boil water, pour boiling water over the cucumbers and roll up with the usual key. We no longer lay vinegar, since the cucumbers were already saturated with it.

Choose a recipe to your taste, crispy cucumbers are good both for potatoes and indispensable in winter salads.

per 1 liter of water:

- 1.5 tbsp salt

- 3 tbsp Sahara

- 10-12 tablespoons of 9% vinegar in a 3 liter jar.

1. Bay leaves, allspice, cloves, onions (rings), put dill on the bottom of the jar, then cucumbers.

2. Pour boiled water over the prepared cucumbers in jars, cool to a warm state, drain, add sugar and salt per 1 liter of water, boil again, pour cucumbers and roll.
  Add vinegar to the jar before the second pouring!

2. OPTION “Crisp” Cucumbers

1 carrot

2 onions

1 head garlic

1 leaf of horseradish, currant, cherry, lavrushka, dill umbrella

- peas of black pepper

1. Place carrots cut into 4 parts and all of the above ingredients at the bottom of a 3-liter jar.

2. Place the cucumbers, pour hot boiled water for 15 minutes. Drain the water. Add to it:

- 5 tsp salt

- 10 tsp.sahara

- 100g. table vinegar.

3. Boil the water with spices again in a jar. Roll up.


These are delicious salted cucumbers. Ideal for those who for various reasons can not eat spicy.

On a 3 liter jar:

- 1.5 liters water

- 2 tbsp salt

- 3 tbsp Sahara

1. Wash and pour cucumbers for 3 hours, changing the water.

2. Put in a jar:

- dill umbrellas, horseradish leaf, 5 currant leaves

- 4 tooth garlic

10 peas of black pepper

- 4 pcs cloves

- cinnamon

- tarragon

3. Place the cucumbers in the jars vertically, pour hot brine for 3 minutes. Then drain the brine, boil again and pour for the last time, adding to the jar:

- 1 tablespoon table vinegar

4. Roll up. Turn upside down and leave under a warm blanket until it cools down. Even in the spring, opening the can, the cucumbers seemed slightly salted.

4. OPTION “Cottage Salting”

A very simple way of pickling cucumbers, but very tasty, the cucumbers are crispy.

In clean sterilized jars (3l.) Put:

- horseradish leaves

- black currant

- branches of dill

- 5 cloves of garlic.

1. Pour into each jar of:

- 100g. salt and sugar (4 tbsp. sugar and 10 tsp. salt).

2. Fill the jars with cucumbers and pour cold water. Close them with plastic covers, put in a dark, cold place (such as a cellar). Cucumbers will be ready in 3 months, but stand until spring.


1. At the bottom of the can:

- horseradish root

- garlic

- currant leaves

2. Then tightly lay the cucumbers and pour the marinade on 1.5 liters of water:

- 3 tbsp salt without slide

- 2 tablespoons Sahara

- 1 tsp.usus

- 2 tablespoons of water.

Sterilize 15 minutes.


- 5 kg. cucumbers

- 2 kg. Cucumbers

- 250 g garlic

- 250 g of vegetable oil

- 250 g of sugar sand

- 3 tbsp salt

- 2 tablespoons 70% vinegar

1. Tomatoes skip through a meat grinder, add vegetable oil, granulated sugar, salt, bring it all to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

2. Then gradually add the cucumbers cut into rings. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, then add garlic and vinegar, mix everything and put into sterilized jars, cork.

It takes a long time to cut, but it turns out a lot of cans 10 cans of 650 grams.

7. OPTION pickled cucumbers

Put cucumbers in jars and pour brine into 2 liters of water:

- 2 tablespoons salt with a slide

- 6 tablespoons sugar with a slide

- 5-7 peppercorns

- 5-7 lavrushki

1. Boil everything for 3 minutes, then cool, add

- 2 tablespoons 70% vinegar

2. Pour into jars. Then sterilize them for 5 minutes and roll up.


1. Place the cucumbers in 3 liter jars with spices:

- currant leaves

- garlic

- pepper peas (4-5 pcs)

- cloves (2-3 pcs.)

- bird cherry leaf

- 1 tbsp salt with a slide

- 1.5 tbsp.sahara without slide

- 2 tablets of aspirin

- 0.5-1 tsp. 70% vinegar essence and pour boiling water, cover with lids.