How to dry Jerusalem artichoke at home. Options for storing Jerusalem artichoke in winter

The earthen pear is not purposefully grown on the site very often, but this is only until the first sample is taken. Immediately after this, gardeners begin to actively figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke, and in what form it can be harvested for the winter. The roots of the plant, which many consider to be a weed, can be dried and frozen. In addition, there are options that involve storing the component directly on the site. If possible, it is better to harvest as much as will be eaten in the coming weeks. Canned food lovers can try interesting ways twist for the winter.

Options for storing Jerusalem artichoke on the site

Jerusalem artichoke is resistant to even the most severe frosts, so you can simply not dig it up until you need it. With this approach it becomes possible to use fresh product, if necessary. In addition, homestead owners can organize the storage of tubers in the following ways:

  • You can dig a deep hole in the ground that has not yet frozen and place the remains of the crop in it. The components can be pre-laid out in wooden boxes, then it will be easier to work with them.
  • To avoid digging anything, you can use this approach. We clear an area of ​​the required size right on the ground and pour Jerusalem artichoke onto it. We sprinkle it with snow, the thickness of the layer should be at least 10 cm. We lay out another layer of tubers and cover them with snow too. We make several such layers and sprinkle the entire structure with sawdust and insulate it with straw.

Advice: When organizing the storage of earthen pears on a personal plot, you need to make sure that access to oxygen is blocked to the crop. This chemical compound triggers reactions that result in the formation of substances in the pulp that are harmful to human body. If necessary, you should even use special paraffin compounds that treat each tuber.

  • If the ground is not frozen yet, we dig a not very deep trench in it, the bottom of which is lined with spruce forest. We place plastic containers filled with Jerusalem artichoke on top. We cover it all with hay or the same branches, snow, or a sheet of roofing material.

Such approaches allow you to stock up for the winter earthen pear V large quantities, and it will remain fresh. At home, you can try the option with drawers, using a cold veranda or a glazed balcony. All other approaches imply pre-treatment plants.

Homemade ways to store Jerusalem artichoke

If you simply put the tubers in the refrigerator, they will begin to spoil in less than a month. To achieve at least this, they need to be packed in a zip bag or plastic container with an airtight lid. Peeled and sliced ​​items will only last a few days. Better to use more efficient approaches:

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be dried in a natural way. We clean the dried tubers, wash them, and cut them into arbitrary, but not very thick, slices. We cut out all damage or throw away such components altogether. Place the pieces on a tray and dry them in the fresh air until they are completely dry. In this case, the records should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

  • Freezing the product. Cut the peeled and washed tubers into strips and blanch in boiling water or curd whey for 5 minutes. Next, cool the components and freeze them in freezer. All that remains is to pack them in bags or plastic containers and put them in the freezer.

  • Storing tubers in sand. Take a canvas bag and wet sand (when you clench your fist, it should take shape, but not release liquid). We put the Jerusalem artichoke in a bag, sprinkle it with sand, and fill the container to the required degree. Be sure to tie the burlap, after which the container can be placed on a cool balcony or loggia. You can keep the Jerusalem artichoke there until it gets warmer.

  • Preparing preserves. There are dozens, if not hundreds of options for Jerusalem artichoke blanks. Recipes can be easily implemented at home. Moreover, the dishes can be the most unusual, even jam.

In addition, the fruits can be dried in the oven. This approach allows you to achieve the desired result much faster. Thin plates should be kept until ready in a slightly open oven, heated to a temperature of 60ºC. Before carrying out the manipulation, the tubers should be blanched in a weak soda solution for 10 minutes. Already dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground into flour. This component is often used in exotic and traditional cooking.

How can you preserve Jerusalem artichoke?

Some housewives prefer to dry Jerusalem artichoke before storing it. But this is not at all necessary. It all depends on the recipe and individual preferences.

  • Pickled tubers. In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, we will need some carrots, two tablespoons of honey, salt and vinegar per 1 liter of water. Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut them into small pieces of the same size, and put them in a glass jar. Pour in the marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients. Sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up and store.

  • Nutritional mixture with therapeutic effect. Cup boiled water connect with two glasses natural juice sea ​​buckthorn. We clean the Jerusalem artichoke and cut it into small cubes (you should get 1 kg of product). Pour the vegetable into a glass granulated sugar and fill with liquid mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove and pour into jars. We sterilize them for 30 minutes and roll them up.

  • Pear and pumpkin jam. For 1 kg of peeled Jerusalem artichoke we take the same amount of pumpkin pulp, cleared of seeds, a glass of sugar and one lemon. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, cut the lemon into slices (do not cut off the peel), remove the seeds and grind in a blender. Combine these components, add sugar and leave for 1 hour. After this time, put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and keep on medium heat for no more than 5 minutes. In this case, the composition must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon, skim off the foam if it appears. Ready mass pour into jars, close without additional sterilization and leave for a day under a blanket to cool.

When working with an earthen pear, you should not use regular knives made of metal, and their ceramic or bone counterparts. In contact with the juice of the product, the metal will oxidize, which will gradually reduce its strength and lead to damage to the blade.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke? Very carefully. Unlike other tubers, Jerusalem artichoke has too thin a skin, which is damaged even by simple rubbing with a finger. And if the root vegetables are also turned over, they will begin to deteriorate within three days.

Popular wisdom has long come up with several reliable ways to preserve Jerusalem artichoke until spring:

  • freezing
  • drying
  • paraffin
  • natural shelter
  • trench method
  • basement method

Each of them is quite good and allows you to save tubers with virtually no losses.


Jerusalem artichokes are dug up and washed. Here you don’t have to worry too much about the peel, because it’s not needed. Next, the fruits are peeled, cut into slices, cubes, plates - whatever you like. Place in a freezer bag or special food container. Place in the freezer. Such root vegetables can be stored all winter.

Advice. Freeze Jerusalem artichokes in small portions, at a time.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke

Advice. Contrary to erroneous belief, after drying, the tubers retain all nutrients, minerals and vitamins.


A very good method that allows Jerusalem artichoke to remain juicy for a long time. Root vegetables are carefully cleaned of dirt, being careful not to damage the thin skin. Dry in a shady place for about 2-3 hours.

Then neat fast movement dip the tubers in melted paraffin. If you can get a special food item, that would be great. In the absence of one, you can get by with a regular candle one. After the top crust has hardened, carefully place the prepared Jerusalem artichoke in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes.

Put away for storage in the basement, subfloor or cellar. If you intend to save root crops in apartment conditions, then the place under the bed or bottom shelf A china cabinet will do just fine. An insulated balcony will also do.

Natural storage

The most thrifty and reliable way storage Dig up for use required quantity tubers, the rest are left untouched in the ground. If the climate suggests the onset of frosts below 30°C, then you can additionally throw leaves or spruce branches directly on top of the soil. Cardboard, old roofing felt, and plywood are suitable for shelter.

As soon as the Jerusalem artichoke is over, you can go and dig up new tubers. Of course, it will be somewhat problematic to pick up the frozen ground, but fresh fruits own labor.

Cleaning trenches

If it is not possible to leave the earthen pear for the winter in natural conditions, and there is simply nowhere to store it at home, then trenches will always help out.

They are prepared in the fall, when the ground is not yet frozen. Dig a hole or short trench 50 cm deep. Sawdust or dry leaves are poured onto the bottom. Dry, intact Jerusalem artichoke tubers are laid in two layers. 20 cm of soil, sand, straw are poured on top, covered with a thick film, and pressed on top with another layer of soil.

For added convenience, you can put each bush in a separate rag bag or wrap it in burlap.

Now you don’t have to worry, the root vegetables will survive just fine until spring. In winter it will be very easy to get them. Lift the edge of the film and dig out the required amount, close it back.

The main danger with this storage method is mice. They also love to feast on juicy tubers. There are two ways out:

  1. Put a special poison in the straw. Inhumane, but very effective.
  2. Dry burdock inflorescences are thrown into the trench mixed with an earthen pear. Effective and humane. Mice really don’t like it when something clings to their fur and will not come again.

Advice. To prevent meltwater from flooding the mini-storage in the spring, a shallow ditch is dug in a circle at a distance of 40-50 cm from it.

Basement or cellar

If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a cellar or basement, then the problem of how to store Jerusalem artichoke is not worth it.

There are generally a lot of options here, each of them is easy, requires little cost and effort:

  1. Bury it in a container with sand, where carrots are usually stored.
  2. The whole Jerusalem artichoke root with tubers is dug up without breaking. Place directly with the ground in a container of suitable size. Placed on the floor.
  3. No containers? Regular boxes will do. You just need to sprinkle moss, peat or sawdust on top.
  4. Lubricate the root vegetables with clay mash and dry them. Carefully place in thick plastic bags. They tie it, trying to leave as little air as possible.

The most important thing is to be sure to leave plant stumps 10 cm long. This way the root crops retain more nutrients.

If there is no cellar or basement, then a cool pantry or an insulated balcony will do.

Optimal temperature with this storage method it is +2-4°C. If possible, you need to regularly inspect the bookmarks in order to notice the beginning of the putrefactive process in time. Jerusalem artichoke is a succulent plant, it can also spoil.

Advice. Beets and potatoes are bad neighbors for root vegetables. It is recommended to place them away from each other.

  1. Jerusalem artichoke should not be rubbed to remove dirt. You can only shake it off. The same goes for drying. Let it dry naturally. Even the softest rags scratch the skin.
  2. If there is no way to somehow keep the earthen pear fresh, then there are a great many recipes for preparations. After heat treatment Some of the substances are lost, but inulin (which is why the plant is so valued) will not go anywhere.
  3. In the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf, the tubers last only 4 weeks.
  4. If the natural storage method is chosen, it is recommended to cut off all the tops. Only stumps 12-15 cm high are left.
  5. It is advisable to use the earthen pear before March-April. As the weather warms up, the tubers begin to bud and begin to grow. Such root vegetables are no longer suitable for food purposes.
  6. Dried slices or straws are best stored in glass jars with a tight lid.
  7. People suffering from flatulence can stop worrying about the safety of Jerusalem artichoke. They simply can't have it.
  8. Humidity environment during storage after digging it should be at least 85%.
  9. For the trench method, you can use plastic flower pots or buckets. This will make it more convenient to get the earthen pear in winter. Carefully pull the handle and you're done!
  10. You cannot store Jerusalem artichoke directly on the concrete floor of the cellar. Cement absorbs moisture well, so the tubers will dry out quickly.
  11. Carefully inspect each tuber before planting. Damaged or scratched ones should be consumed first.

Video: beneficial properties of earthen pear

One of important factors Growing and obtaining a good rich harvest of any crop is to comply with harvesting deadlines. Jerusalem artichoke can be safely kept in the ground until the end of autumn.

Reference! The earthen pear is a frost-resistant plant and easily tolerates frosts down to 20 degrees.

Interestingly, many gardeners leave the plant in the ground until spring. Why is this happening? When should you dig up crops for storage?

The tubers of this plant in their appearance and taste qualities resemble potatoes. Therefore, many consider them interchangeable. The fruits of Jerusalem artichoke are preserved in the ground even in very severe frosts. Gardeners just need to cover the bed with grass, and they will last until spring.

If you plan to remove half of the fruits for storage and leave the rest in the ground, then the stems should be trimmed. They do this just before the frost and leave a height of about 20 cm. The tubers are dug up after a couple of weeks, during which time their yield may even increase.

Those who left part of the harvest in the ground until spring should have time to dig them up with the first sun. Otherwise, if the earth has time to warm up, the tubers will sprout and become not so tasty and healthy. There is another problem - rodents. By spring, they can spoil the crop remaining in the ground.

Why is it important to maintain optimal conditions?

Each method of storing Jerusalem artichoke, no matter which one you choose, has its own characteristics. The most important parameters are temperature and humidity. Jerusalem artichoke does not like heat and sun. Direct sunlight kills tubers. It is also important to support high humidity so that the fruit does not dry out.

When storing in a cellar, it should be covered with sand or stored in boxes. Jerusalem artichoke should not be laid on a concrete floor, otherwise it will immediately lose all moisture and deteriorate. The safety of the fruits and their useful properties.

Is there a difference in preservation at different times of the year?

At any time of the year, storing Jerusalem artichoke in an apartment, cellar, or refrigerator will not last long. It has a relatively short shelf life. Only freezing and drying the fruit will extend its shelf life. Therefore, it does not matter whether the harvest will be harvested in the fall or in the spring. It will be stored the same way. If it is possible to leave the tubers in the ground, then it is better to take advantage of this and extract Jerusalem artichoke as needed.

Ways to ensure fruit freshness at home

There are several ways to preserve Jerusalem artichoke fruits. Each method is good enough. But ideal option after all, it is storage of tubers in the ground. If, of course, the climate in which you live allows.

How to store in the cellar in winter?

The tubers of the plant are very delicate; you should not particularly carefully clean the soil from them and often move them from place to place. If they are damaged, the fruits will begin to deteriorate within a few days.

What's good about a basement for storage? This method does not require much time and effort, but its shelf life will be short.

  1. Use the place where you store carrots.
  2. Place the Jerusalem artichoke there and sprinkle with sand.
  3. Do not separate dug tubers from each other.
  4. Without shaking them off the ground, place them in a container of suitable size.
  5. Place Jerusalem artichokes in ordinary boxes: wooden, plastic, whatever you find. Cover the top with moss, sawdust or peat.
  6. Lubricate the tubers with clay and let dry. Place in a bag and tie tightly to remove as little air as possible.
  7. Place the tubers in bags of soil.
  8. Each root can be treated with paraffin. To do this, they need to be dipped in melted paraffin, allowed to dry, then put in the basement.

Check from time to time to ensure that the crop does not rot. It is important to comply temperature regime no higher than 5 C. It can be stored in the cellar for no longer than a month.

Do not store Jerusalem artichoke next to potatoes and beets.

Is it possible to freeze at home in the freezer?

The advantages of this method are that you don’t need to think about the fact that the skin of the fruit will be damaged. There are no disadvantages to storing Jerusalem artichoke frozen.

Before placing it in the freezer, you should peel the fruit. Cut them in a way that is convenient for you to eat. Sliced ​​fruits can be placed in plastic bags or containers. Due to the fact that the plant tolerates well low temperature, it will retain its beneficial properties even when frozen. Jerusalem artichoke should be thawed in cold water, so that this process is gradual.


On to the pros this method storage means that all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved. Although many people mistakenly believe that after drying, the tubers lose them. Difficulties can arise only at the preparation stage. Use a ceramic knife for cutting; metal oxidizes the tubers. Remember that Jerusalem artichoke does not like direct sunlight, so it should only be stored in a dark place.

You can dry the tubers cut into strips in the oven or on outdoors, in the shadow. Stored dried Jerusalem artichoke several months, if conditions are not violated.


This method allows the tubers for a long time stay juicy. It is very important to complete the waxing procedure quickly, since Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate overheating.

  1. The tubers should be removed from the soil very carefully, without damaging the skin.
  2. Dry it a little.
  3. The tubers are dipped into the prepared paraffin and left to dry. The procedure should be carried out in a cold room so that the fruits cool quickly and do not overheat. Otherwise it will be disastrous for the earthen pear.
  4. Next, the tubers can be placed in the basement in boxes, or left in the apartment in a cool place. They will be stored for no more than a month.

Natural shelter in the ground

Storing Jerusalem artichoke in the ground is the most successful of all methods.. It will remain in the ground until spring. The disadvantages of this method are that if you live in a climate zone where it is very cold and the ground freezes deeply. It will be difficult to dig it up when the need arises.

You can cover the fruits for the winter with grass, cardboard, or plywood. In March, you can already dig up the remaining harvest, since with the warming, the tubers will begin to sprout new shoots.

Trench method

This method is suitable for those who have nowhere to store it in the house, no cellar or space in the refrigerator, for example.

Storage in trenches is an approach to the natural conditions in which Jerusalem artichoke grows. The disadvantages are rodents that can enter the trenches and spoil the crop. In this case, you can add poison, or place burdock inflorescences next to the tubers.

The trench should be prepared in the fall, while the ground is soft enough. Its depth should reach 50 cm. The bottom is covered with straw or sawdust. Good, undamaged fruits are placed at the bottom of the hole and covered with earth, sand, and straw. Cover with film and add another layer of earth.

The earthen pear will be stored until spring.

How to understand that the fruits are spoiled?

You can tell if the fruit has gone bad by external signs and smell:

  • the fruits have dried out and are no longer juicy;
  • the tubers have turned black;
  • no smell;
  • mold has appeared;
  • green and black spots appeared on frozen tubers;
  • fruits that were stored in bags became sweaty and a fungal coating formed on them;
  • the tubers have rotted.

You should not eat Jerusalem artichoke with the above symptoms.

There are many ways to preserve Jerusalem artichoke in winter at home. Everyone can choose the most convenient and suitable for themselves in terms of shelf life and complexity of preparation. Properly preserved Jerusalem artichoke will improve health and saturate the body with the microelements and vitamins it needs, especially in winter.

Enjoy your meal!

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How to dry Jerusalem artichoke at home?

Before you start drying, Jerusalem artichoke tubers must be carefully inspected and only healthy ones, free from damage and signs of rot, must be selected. Then the tubers are washed in several waters, cleared of secondary roots, and peeled. After this, the Jerusalem artichoke is cut into circles or cubes and laid out on an open surface in the room, protected from direct sunlight. Drying usually takes four to five days.

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How to cook Jerusalem artichoke All parts of the plant are edible: the flowers are brewed medicinal tea, young leaves are added to salads, and numerous dishes are prepared from root vegetables. Ground pear, as Jerusalem artichoke is also called, can be fried, stewed, baked, boiled in milk or water,

How to store Jerusalem artichoke: drying, freezing and preserving the product

When growing earthen pears on your own at your summer cottage, there are several effective approaches to processing the crop. And so that you don’t have to figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke at all, you just need to dig up only the amount of product that will be eaten in the near future.

The remains can be collected if necessary; the root crop tolerates frost well. Storing a product in an apartment also implies an impressive variety of options. Jerusalem artichoke can be dried, canned and frozen, which provides an impressive variety of flavors in ready-made dishes.

Methods for storing Jerusalem artichoke on a personal plot B

Jerusalem artichokes can be traditionally stored in a basement with low temperature and high humidity, but it must be remembered that even a slight increase in temperature can negatively affect the tubers. If you have a small plot of land available, then storing the earthen pear can take the following form:

  • The easiest way is to dig a hole of medium depth, into which the remains of the crop are laid out, which will not be needed throughout the winter. It is best to place them in wooden boxes.

Tip: Jerusalem artichokes can also be stored in wooden containers at home - on the balcony, but only if it is not heated and is not insulated in any way. When the temperature rises to +2ºС nutritional properties products begin to decline rapidly.

  • Burts of snow. The optimal option for outdoor storage of earthen pears. We clean the area and pour the tubers onto it in an even layer. Lay out 10 cm of snow on top and again a layer of tubers. After completing the construction of a multilayer structure, it must be sprinkled with sawdust and insulated with straw.
  • Storage in trenches. While the ground is not frozen, we dig a shallow trench in it, the bottom of which we lay out spruce branches. We place plastic flower pots on them filled with root vegetables cleared of dirt. We cover everything with a layer of snow, followed by insulation (hay or branches) and cover everything with a sheet of roofing material.

The main thing to remember when using street conditions for storing Jerusalem artichoke - the skin should not be exposed to fresh air. It promotes the release of harmful components that negatively affect the condition of the body. Additional prevention this phenomenon may be the use of special non-toxic paraffin compositions.

How to properly dry and freeze earthen pear?

Storing Jerusalem artichoke at home is not limited to using the refrigerator, especially since the tubers will last no more than a month in it. And then if you put them in an airtight container or plastic bag. Peeled and chopped root vegetables will remain fresh for just a few days.

It is better to create homemade preparations in one of the following ways:

  • Freezing. We clean the Jerusalem artichoke root, wash it, and cut it into strips or cubes. Blanch the product in milk-curd whey at maximum temperature for 5-10 minutes. Then cool the product and store it in the freezer.
  • Use of sand. We take canvas or plastic bags, line them with wet sand, peat or sawdust and fill them with an earthen pear. You need to carefully tie the container, then the product will stand without problems on a not very warm balcony or unheated loggia until the weather warms up.
  • T conventional drying. Before drying the earthen pear, it must be peeled, washed and cut into thin slices. We use only good tubers without wormholes or damage. Place the resulting pieces in a thin layer on a tray and keep them in the open air, protecting them from direct sunlight until the plates are ready.
  • Heat treatment. Jerusalem artichoke fruits can also be dried in the oven, it will be much faster. Dissolve a teaspoon in a liter of water baking soda, bring the resulting solution to a boil. Blanch the tubers cut into pieces in it for no more than 9 minutes. Then wait until they cool, cut into thin slices and dry until ready in the oven at a temperature of 60ºC. Finished product put in an airtight container glass containers, otherwise there will be bugs in it.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground into flour coarse. This powder can be used in so many unusual and traditional recipes.

There are dozens of recipes for earthen pear preparations. Moreover, the direction does not make do with standard pickles and salads. If desired, you can make delicious jam from Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Pickled Jerusalem artichoke. We will need carrots, the root vegetables themselves, two tablespoons of vinegar, table salt and honey per liter of water. We clean the vegetables and cut them into arbitrary pieces, put them in sterile jars. From the remaining ingredients we prepare a marinade, which we pour over the food. Pasteurize the containers for a quarter of an hour and roll up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke salad. For a kilogram of tubers we take half a kilogram of carrots, lemon and salt. Chop the vegetables, grate the lemon fine grater or grind in a blender. Mix these ingredients, add salt to taste and wait until the mixture produces juice. Then we put the mass into jars, pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke jam. For a kilogram of earthen pear we take the same amount pumpkin pulp, lemon and a glass of granulated sugar. Peel and cut the root vegetables and pumpkin into pieces, grind the lemon on a grater or in a blender. Mix all the ingredients and leave for about an hour. Then put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for no more than five minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour the finished product into jars and seal tightly. During the day, the jars should be kept upside down under the blanket.
  • Nutritional composition to enhance immunity. Mix two glasses of sea buckthorn juice with a glass of boiled or distilled water. Cut a kilogram of root vegetables into cubes, fill with the resulting liquid and cover with a glass of sand. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and pour into jars. Pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.

When using the above methods, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the product and optimally enhance its taste.

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Ground pear, Volga turnip, solar root, Jerusalem artichoke - all this is the name of one root vegetable. Most of us know it under the name Jerusalem artichoke. Brought to us from far away North America, this perennial conquered everyone with its useful composition. It contains large quantities of B vitamins, micro- and macroelements, various amino acids (our body must receive most of them from the outside). Regular use eating it will cure vitamin deficiency, remove toxins from the body, and improve the functioning of gastrointestinal tract, will lower blood sugar levels. And this is not all the benefits of the earthen pear. To stock up on this useful product for the whole winter, you need to learn how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home.

Where and how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home in winter?

Jerusalem artichoke is a frost-resistant plant. If the garden is located near your house, then do not rush to dig up the entire crop at once. Do this as needed. Moreover, since this root crop is not afraid of severe frosts, that part of the harvest that you do not have time to sell during the winter can be left in the ground until early spring. This method will save you free space at home, and will also enrich the Jerusalem artichoke big amount useful substances. The main thing is to dig it up before it begins to sprout.

This is important to know. The first two months of autumn are the time when carbohydrates actively accumulate in root vegetables, which give them a characteristic taste. Therefore, you cannot remove them from the garden early. It is better to cut the stems before frost, and after a couple of weeks, dig them out from the beds.

Preserving an earthen pear at home is not difficult. The main thing is to observe two factors: temperature and humidity. The optimal temperature for storing it ranges from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius, and humidity - from 85 to 95%. Therefore, the place for storing crops can be:

  • Cellar or cold basement;
  • Insulated balcony;
  • Fridge;
  • Freezer.

Each method has its own specific features that affect the shelf life. Let's look at each option on how to preserve Jerusalem artichoke for the winter separately.


The cellar is one of best places storage of Jerusalem artichoke, since the temperature regime, sufficient humidity and minimal amount Sveta. In order for the dug root crop to be stored longer, it is not necessary to completely clear it of soil. The following tips will also help you.

  • Find a dark, cool place in the cellar or basement.
  • Transfer the ground potatoes into wooden boxes that already contain soil from your garden bed.
  • Sprinkle the tubers with damp sand.
  • Cover the boxes with a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood.
  • Do not place boxes near potatoes and beets.

For better storage you can use paraffin. It is melted, the tubers are dipped into it, and after hardening, it is moved to the basement.

Helpful information. When harvesting, leave the tubers on a stem about 20 cm long. This method will retain even more nutrients.

Insulated balcony

A similar method can be used if you decide to store the earthen pear on the balcony. Instead of boxes of sand, you can use bags of sawdust. This way the shelf life will last from 2 to 4 months. Make sure that severe frosts are not predicted in the near future, and the temperature on the balcony will not drop below 5 degrees below zero. You can correct the situation by trying to insulate the box with root vegetables. Or move it to your apartment to store the earthen pear in the refrigerator.


  • Wash and dry the prepared root crop;
  • Wrap in a plastic bag or place in plastic container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • Place in the part of the refrigerator where there is minimal light.

Advice to the hostess. The earthen pear loves moisture, so wrap it in a damp cloth before placing it in the refrigerator. This way the root crop will remain juicy for a long time and will not become unusable.


Many housewives will want to know whether it is possible to freeze Jerusalem artichoke. Since this root vegetable is not afraid of frost and practically does not lose its taste and beneficial properties when defrosted, you can safely store it in the freezer for three months. To do this you need:

  • Wash and peel the earthen pear thoroughly;
  • Grate or chop it;
  • Place in a bag or plastic container;
  • Place in the freezer.

It will be more convenient to immediately package the grated mass in portions, that is, one package contains as much Jerusalem artichoke as is needed to prepare one dish.