Device for steaming in a saucepan. How to cook in a double boiler

Sometimes you want something so badly that you just can't ignore it. You will not rest until you bring your plans to life. And that is great!

But, alas, it also happens that an idea cannot be implemented even after numerous attempts. Know that this is not a reason to give up and despair; in this case, you need to turn on your imagination and creativity.

Imagine that you really wanted to try a dish prepared for a couple. To do this, just use a regular or bamboo steamer.

You don’t know what bamboo is, where to get it and what to do with it? It doesn’t matter, not everyone has this device in their kitchen. And this absolutely does not mean that you should forget about such a desirable dish. You can make a double boiler from scrap materials. For this purpose, a deep and aluminium foil.

How to make a double boiler with your own hands?

Instead of balls, you can use a thick foil ring. This way you can steam meat, fish and vegetables. The most important thing is to prevent water from getting into the plate.

Under the lid, the temperature is distributed evenly, but you need to keep in mind that there must be several holes in the lid for the improvised steamer to work correctly.

Fish must be eaten at least once a week. The product will be more useful if you steam it. Such dishes are not only tasty, but also low in calories, they do not contain oil, so they do not harm our body! Not everyone has a steamer in their home, and not all multicookers have the function of steaming dishes. How to steam food without a steamer? In fact, there are several ways, and we will be happy to share them with you! Also in this article you will find recipes for steamed fish without a steamer. With the help of our tips, you can cook not only pieces of fish, but also cutlets, and also create a complete dish at once - fish with a side dish.

How to steam without a steamer or multicooker?

With the help of simple tricks, you can prepare a healthy steamed dish without the use of modern technology. All you need is a gas or electric stove and a deep saucepan.

How to steam fish without a steamer? You can create a steamer from scrap items. The ideal way would be:

  1. Pour some water into the pan.
  2. Place a metal colander in the pan and place pieces of fish or fish cutlets into it.

If you don’t have a metal colander, you can simply use a piece of gauze that is secured in the pan. You can tie this piece by the handles, put the fish in it, cover the pan with a lid and cook.

If the colander has large holes, and you want to cook fish with a side dish, for example, rice, then you can put cheesecloth on top of the colander.

Steamed fish with lemon

To prepare this dish, you can use any fish, but the recipe calls for hake. This contains many useful substances and proteins. Steamed hake is also a healthy food that is suitable for dietary nutrition. The side dish can be absolutely anything - vegetable salad, stewed vegetables, boiled or mashed potatoes, cereals.

Ingredients for steamed fish:

  • 500-600 grams of fillet of any fish, but hake is better;
  • big lemon;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • salt and seasonings.

Steamed fish without a steamer is very easy to prepare; we showed you how this can be done using the means at hand. To prepare this recipe, it is advisable to use a colander, but cheesecloth will also work if you stretch it well.


  1. Cut the fish into portions, rub with seasonings and salt.
  2. Place the colander in a saucepan filled with water so that it does not reach the colander even when boiling.
  3. Grease a colander with a small amount of sunflower oil to prevent the pieces from sticking.
  4. Place the fish and place a slice of lemon on each piece.

Steaming fish without a steamer will take 30 minutes. At this time, it is advisable not to open the lid.

Steamed fish with vegetables

To cook steamed fish immediately with a side dish, you don’t need to have a steamer or multicooker at home! We suggest considering a dish consisting of sea bass and various vegetables. You can use either a ready-made vegetable mixture or one you create yourself from your favorite vegetables!


  • one sea bass;
  • cauliflower or broccoli;
  • bell pepper;
  • leaf salad;
  • asparagus;
  • lemon;
  • allspice and salt.

The preparation is very simple:

  1. Cut the perch into pieces, first gutting and removing the scales.
  2. Rub each piece with salt and allspice.
  3. Grease a colander with a small amount of sunflower oil and place pieces of fish on it. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. Place chopped vegetables on top of the fish; they should also be lightly salted.
  5. Steam for 30-35 minutes.

When serving, you can add fresh tomatoes to your plates!

Steamed fish with rice

How to cook steamed fish without a steamer, and even with a side dish of rice? Women's cunning has always helped housewives in the kitchen, so we'll use it! We will prepare a hearty, tasty and healthy dish for the whole family, spending a minimum of time.


  • any fish - according to the number of servings;
  • a glass of rice;
  • pickled corn;
  • salt and seasonings.


  1. The rice needs to be soaked and freed from starch.
  2. Cut the fish into steaks, removing the bones. Salt and season each piece, leave to soak for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Place cheesecloth in a colander, lay rice on top of it in an even layer, and add a little salt.
  4. Place the fish on the rice, preferably so that the steaks completely cover the rump.
  5. Steam for thirty to forty minutes until the rice is completely cooked.

The rice will taste amazing, because it will be saturated with fish aroma and seasonings. When serving on plates, place pickled corn on the edge, it will be very tasty!

Steamed catfish in cranberry sauce

Catfish is an oily fish, and not everyone will like it fried. It is much tastier and healthier to steam this fish. You already know how to cook without a double boiler. Now we invite you to get acquainted with an amazingly simple recipe for making catfish. But the taste of the dish will be incredibly bright!


  • medium-sized catfish;
  • a glass of cranberries;
  • one lemon;
  • salt;
  • several sprigs of rosemary;
  • allspice.


  1. Remove the peel from the lemon. Place the lemon and cranberries in a blender and puree. If you don’t have a blender, then pass through a meat grinder, or mash with a fork. Salt - a teaspoon of salt is enough, add allspice.
  2. Divide the catfish into steaks, place in the marinade, and leave to soak for an hour.
  3. Place the fish pieces in a colander and place it in the pan. Place rosemary sprigs on top of steaks. Cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes from the moment the water boils.

Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are most suitable as a side dish, since the taste of these dishes is neutral, and it will not overpower the aroma and taste of steamed catfish in cranberry-lemon sauce.

Sturgeon with sauce

Let's steam the king fish and serve it with a delicious sauce! This dish is suitable not only for dinner with the family, but also for serving at the holiday table.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • sturgeon - half a kilo;
  • lemon;
  • olives or olives without bones;
  • dry white wine - five spoons;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • Provencal herbs;
  • salt;
  • allspice.

Cooking fish:

  1. Cut the sturgeon into pieces, add salt and pepper. Place in a greased colander.
  2. Place chopped olives on top of the pieces and pour wine over them.
  3. Steam the fish for 30 minutes.
  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the flour in it.
  2. As soon as the flour turns brown, pour half a glass of broth from the pan in which the sturgeon was steamed into the pan. Bring to a boil, stirring.
  3. Add Provencal herbs or fresh herbs, squeeze lemon juice, stir. If necessary, you can add a little salt, but the sauce should be salty, since the broth from cooking the fish was added to it.

When serving, pour the resulting sauce over the fish.

Steamed fish cutlets

Steaming cutlets is no more difficult than just pieces of fish. If you are tired of fried foods, then try making steamed cutlets from any of your favorite fish.


  • 500 grams of fish fillet;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • egg;
  • salt and pepper.

Now let’s make delicious, juicy cutlets from these products!

  1. The fillet needs to be minced in a meat grinder along with the peeled onion.
  2. Boil the carrots, cut into smaller cubes, add to the minced fish.
  3. Mix the minced meat with the egg, salt and pepper.
  4. Grease the surface of the colander with oil, place the formed cutlets, rolling them in flour. Cook for 20 minutes.

You can use whatever your heart desires as a side dish! It can be boiled cereal or potatoes, mashed potatoes, a mixture of boiled vegetables or a fresh salad.


We shared secrets and recipes with which you can steam fish without a steamer at home. Now you know that steamed dishes can be not only healthy, but also very tasty. The recipes published in this article will help diversify your table!

Healthy eating is not just about what we eat, but also how we prepare our food. Today no one will argue that food cooked in a double boiler is healthier and tastier.

By making it a habit to cook food in a double boiler, you will provide yourself with strong immunity, clean, smooth skin and a slender body, as well as a great boost of energy and good mood. After all, cooking in a modern steamer is not only useful, but also convenient. Modern electric steamers reduce the housewife's efforts to prepare a variety of dishes to a minimum.

Benefits of steaming food

  • Steaming is considered a delicate method of thermal treatment of food, which preserves more nutrients and vitamins.
  • When steaming food, you do not need to add fat, so the dishes are light and low in calories.
  • When processed with steam, compounds hazardous to health are not formed, as can happen during frying or baking.

What can you steam?

Steaming is a universal method of cooking food. You can perfectly cook vegetables, meat and fish in a steamer. Dishes made from eggs, cereals, as well as dumplings and casseroles turn out well. Even fruit desserts and cakes are steamed.

Steaming allows you to best preserve the natural color, taste and aroma of food. It is a deep misconception to believe that food from a steamer is tasteless and bland. Although for some, it may take some time to appreciate the steam kitchen. After all, the food of modern man contains so many taste and smell enhancers that taste and olfactory receptors reduce their sensitivity, forced to resist such overstimulation. But one or two weeks will pass, and the person will begin to feel the natural taste and aroma of each product again.

However, there are also foods that are not recommended to be steamed:

  1. Should not be cooked in a steamer pasta . Dry foods in a steamer are prepared in a special bowl for rice, into which additional water is poured. During cooking, the steam heats the liquid and the pasta is cooked not in boiling water, but at a lower temperature. In this case, the pasta becomes overcooked and sticks together.
  2. It is not advisable to boil in a double boiler beans or peas . These foods should also be cooked with water. However, even in water they take about 2-3 hours to cook. At the same time, beans cooked in a double boiler are practically no different from those cooked on the stove (unlike vegetables or meat).
  3. You should not steam foods from which soluble substances must be removed as much as possible before consumption. These include mushrooms , offal etc. It is better to boil them in a large volume of water.

Nutritionists are confident that steam food is needed by all those who care about their health. But more often people remember proper nutrition when it comes to the need to follow a diet for various diseases.

  • If doctors find that a person has chronic gastrointestinal disease : stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis or gastroduodenitis, he is immediately prescribed dietary food. The optimal cuisine for sick digestive organs is steamed dishes. They retain nutrients and do not irritate the mucous membrane.
  • Steamed dishes are beneficial for people suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels . To reduce blood cholesterol levels during atherosclerosis, it is necessary to exclude fatty and spicy foods. The ideal solution is steamed food; it is absolutely not greasy, and the spiciness depends entirely on the amount of seasonings added.
  • For metabolic disorders , be it allergies or excess weight, a steam kitchen also comes to the rescue.

However, it's not just about diseases. At certain periods of life, the human body needs more careful treatment.

  • For example, in preschool age, eating meat in steamed form is considered preferable. As the first complementary food after reaching 6 months of age, steamed vegetables are recommended for babies.
  • A steam kitchen is also useful for elderly people, pregnant women and all those whose bodies are exposed to adverse factors, work under overload or have reduced immunity.
  1. Do not place food in the bowl too tightly. For best cooking, steam should be able to circulate freely in the steamer.
  2. It is better to cut meat, fish and vegetables into pieces of the same size. Thicker pieces will increase cooking time. Pieces of different sizes can be laid in layers, with the smallest ones best placed on top.
  3. You should not open the steamer lid often to monitor the readiness of the dish. This causes steam loss and increases cooking time.
  4. You can add a delicious taste to meat, poultry or fish by pre-marinating them for several hours.
  5. The dish will be juicier if you line the bottom of the steamer bowl with foil.
  6. You can start cooking vegetables from the freezer in a double boiler without first thawing them. Poultry, fish and meat must first be thawed.

Steam kitchen recipes

Zucchini in a steamer

Wash and peel 1 medium zucchini (or 2-3 small ones). Salt, add spices and a couple of chopped garlic cloves. Cover the steamer bowl with foil so that the juice from the vegetables does not drain, and they turn out more juicy and tasty. Place the zucchini in a bowl and cook for 20–25 minutes. Five minutes before readiness, you can add finely chopped tomato and grated cheese. Serve the dish hot with sour cream or mayonnaise-based sauce.

Red fish and carrot stew

Grate 3 carrots on a coarse grater. Cut 150 g of red fish (for example, salmon) into small equal pieces. Cut 2 tomatoes and 1 onion into half rings. Place vegetables in a rice bowl and place fish on top. Cook in a steamer for 35-45 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add spices, black pepper and salt.

Stuffed peppers

Wash the peppers and remove the seeds. Grind 1 carrot, 1 onion and mix with 200 g of minced meat and 1 cup of boiled rice. Fill the peppers with the resulting mixture. Cook in a double boiler for 30–40 minutes.

Dessert of apples with dates and cinnamon

Cut 3 sour apples in half and cut out the middle. Peel 6 dates and place in each apple half. Sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon sugar and dust with cinnamon. Cook in a steamer for 15–20 minutes.

Olivier in a steamer

The familiar Olivier salad can be prepared by boiling vegetables in a double boiler. Wash 500 g of potatoes and 300 g of carrots and cook “in their jackets” in a double boiler for 25–30 minutes. Leave to cool. 3-4 pickled cucumbers, 1 can of canned champignons and 1 onion, finely chopped. Peel the cooled potatoes and carrots, cut into cubes and add to the rest of the products. Add a can of green peas. Mix everything thoroughly and season with low-fat sour cream or mayonnaise. Chop green onions on top.

This is perhaps the most gentle method of heat treatment invented over centuries of development of culinary technologies.

The product is evenly heated with moist steam, and the food retains as much nutrients and natural taste as possible.

Technically, doing this is indecently simple. For example, like this. A small amount of water is poured into any pan of a suitable size - as a rule, no more than a quarter of the volume, but not less than 250 ml. Then the dishes are placed on the fire, the water is brought to a boil. And then a banal metal colander or the same sieve is placed on the pan, where the product prepared for heat treatment lies - washed, peeled, chopped, seasoned or even wrapped in cling film. |The pan and colander are covered with a lid - that’s all, actually. Sort of. In reality, everything is not so simple. Steam can seriously burn you. Therefore, the lid of a pan with a colander or sieve (or the lid of a double boiler) must be opened away from you. Steamed food always takes longer to cook than liquid. This is where the first snag awaits us. A long cooking time gives the cook the illusion that the product cannot be overcooked in this way. As much as possible. So let's be careful. And first things first.
Cultural Revolution

Like most kitchen appliances and food processing methods, steaming was invented by the Chinese. And of course they don’t use any metal colanders. Anyone who has seen a movie about Chinese life, where they not only fight, but also eat, has probably noticed the characteristic straw baskets that are placed one on top of the other. This is a Chinese steamer. These baskets are woven from bamboo straw. The bottom one is placed in a wok pan with boiling water, and the rest are placed one on top of the other. The convex bottom of the pan allows you to install steamers of different sizes, and thanks to the beveled edges, it's easy to add a little more water if necessary. This way you can cook several different dishes, or just one.

In China, it is not customary to steam vegetables, with the exception of eggplants (by the way, in vain). But freshly caught fish is generally cooked exclusively by steaming. And also a variety of Chinese dumplings.

The steamer should be positioned so that the boiling water is 2-3 cm below its bottom, and the product being prepared is no closer than 2-3 cm from its walls. If the product is juicy, it should be cooked in a deep plate so that the taste and aroma are not lost. If it is not going to leak juices, you can put it directly into the double boiler. You should not cook in more than two tiers of a bamboo steamer. In the third, upper tier, the steam is not hot enough for cooking; it is only suitable for heating dishes. By the way, heating food in a double boiler is convenient and correct, because in this case the food never dries out.

Steaming occurs over low heat. You can put a few coins at the bottom of a container of water; as long as there is enough water, they will ring; the ensuing silence will tell you that it’s time to add boiling water.

The main inconvenience of using bamboo steamers is the need to ensure that the edges of the lower basket in contact with the hot wok are not burnt. Caring for this Chinese invention is simple: after use, you should immediately wash it with hot water and wipe dry. And since bamboo steamers are usually very beautiful, sometimes dishes are served directly in them.

Evgenia (Tressa)  From a practicality point of view, it is much more interesting to use the Central Asian modification of a double boiler, known to the entire population of the former Soviet Union as the mantyshnitsa. It is usually made of aluminum and cannot burn. In addition to manti, you can cook anything in it. A product that needs to be heated more strongly - meat, fish - is placed in the lower tier, and a dish that needs less heating - for example, vegetables - in the upper tier. Thais cannot imagine life without a steamer, as well as without steamed rice. . Thai jasmine rice, steamed, is very different in consistency and smell from simmering in a pan of water. The Thais claim that it tastes better.
Plateau of fish and seafood with apple sauce
Egg poche with spinach and spicy butter
Steamed lean lamb with marinated mozzarella and pear
Orange panna cotta with chocolate and strawberry chips
In search of perfection

In addition to conventional steaming, which occurs at normal atmospheric pressure, there is also steaming at elevated pressure. This is how food is prepared in industrial boilers and household pressure cookers.

Although boiling water can never reach a temperature above 100? C, when the lid of the pressure cooker is closed, the pressure increases and the steam temperature reaches 121? C. Thus, food is cooked on average three times faster than in the usual way, in boiling water. The liquid does not evaporate from the pressure cooker, so just half a glass of boiling water is enough.

To steam food in a pressure cooker, they are placed on a special rack included with any “speed pot” so that they are processed with steam and not boiled in water. It is important that the product takes up no more than two-thirds of the volume of the pressure cooker. One more thing: before use, hold the pressure cooker lid up to a light source and look into the steam hole; it must be closed. And, of course, you need to make sure that the hole does not become clogged during the cooking process. This ends the safety precautions.

If you are cooking delicate vegetables in a pressure cooker, after finishing the process, place it in cold water - this way it will cool faster and the vegetables will not be overcooked.

But steaming at atmospheric pressure has also undergone improvements. Cooking in a modern electric steamer is much more convenient than using a saucepan and colander. This device is simpler than an iron. At the base is a container in which water is brought to a boil using a heating element. One or more steam baskets are installed on top, the top of which is closed with a lid. Condensation and juice draining from food are collected in a special tray.

By the way, you can use these juices to prepare a sauce for the dish. Moreover, the sauce will turn out to be very elegant - non-greasy, without burnt pieces.

The possibility of steaming is provided in some models of microwave ovens, thermal processors and air fryers. They are more complicated than just steamers. The liquid necessary for the formation of steam is usually poured into a special capsule; it heats up and steam fills the oven chamber. Sensors located in the chamber monitor the temperature of the steam, its saturation, as well as the formation of condensate. As soon as the cooking conditions deviate from the ideal, either the ventilation is turned on or another portion of steam is supplied.

You can influence the taste of a steamed product by changing the composition of the steam-forming liquid. You can use mixtures of water with wine, beer, various decoctions, and also add herbs to the water. And when cooking meat, add a small amount of wine vinegar to the water.

An absolutely amazing result can be achieved by combining two techniques - cooking in a vacuum and steaming. The product is properly seasoned (“properly” in this case means that all seasonings and spices are added at once, including sauces and evaporated wine), placed in a sealed bag, vacuum-sealed and placed in a double boiler. Cooking occurs only due to internal

Evgenia (Tressa)  Pros and cons

The main argument in favor of using this ancient technology has always been its sheer usefulness. No carcinogens, excess fats, carbohydrates, and at the same time - high digestibility of the prepared product, maximum preservation of all nutrients and minerals.

The main argument against it is the very inexpressive taste. But nothing prevents you from combining several cooking methods in one dish. For example, serve steamed fish with quickly fried vegetables or even a puff pastry with vegetables. And for steamed meat - some kind of delicate sauce. By the way, you can also steam it - many classic sauces are prepared this way, completely unable to tolerate direct contact with fire. Another argument in favor of steam.

Tags: How to steam vegetables without a steamer

Welcome to our channel! Here we share secrets on how to cook quickly, tasty, and most importantly...

In Soviet times, cooks got used to steaming almost all dishes without a steamer: chicken and meat cutlets, vegetables and fish, casseroles...

How to steam if you don't have a steamer? | Topic author: Sergey

I understand, but I only have a plastic colander....

Nikolay  In a large saucepan with a small amount of water, place a suitable sized plate or enamel dish upside down. On top you put the same with the products that need to be cooked, put it on the fire and close the lid tightly. This is an option without a colander. And in principle, every household should have a perforated liner suitable for pots of any size. It is inexpensive, but the benefits are significant.

Victor)  A colander will help you!
You can cook in a regular saucepan with a lid, placing a colander in it. When steaming, you need to add a little water to the bottom of the pan, which produces steam when heated.
What are we cooking?
This is how you cook RICE.
Pour 3/4 of salted water into a wide saucepan, stretch a linen napkin on top, and tie its edges around the pan. Put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, pour the rice onto a napkin and cover it with a lid or an inverted plate. Spread some melted butter Gennady. Cook at a constant boil for about 30 minutes.

Vadim  Put what needs to be cooked in a colander and place it on a wide pan of water over high heat. The water will boil away, steam will pass through the food and it will be ready.

Leonid  take a pan of water, when the water boils, put a colander with food on top, and cover with a lid :)) everything is original - simple :))

Valery pours water into the pan, takes an ordinary colander, puts the food in and covers with a lid. ALL

Artem Place a colander on top of a pan of water, but make sure it does not touch the water that is poured into the pan. cover with a lid on top. Here's a steamer for you. Bon appetit. If you have foil at home, you can bake food in foil, it will be almost like in a double boiler. the food is not fatty, but in its own juice.

Sasha  You put a colander in a saucepan and cook

Nikita  esli est mikrovolnovka to mojno v nei.. tolko polojit prodykt v celofan

Ivan  Pour water into a deep saucepan, bring to a boil and use a colander. If it is not there, place something from a convenient dish on the bottom, I use glasses and put a net on them. In extreme cases, place a shallow plate. Good luck!

Pavel, a plastic colander is quite suitable, so go ahead and prepare it

How to steam without a steamer - YouTube

Today I will teach you how to steam cook without a steamer. If you don’t have a steamer in your kitchen, but still want to cook healthy food...

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This dish can be called two in one. I tried it at the sanatorium, but I liked it so much that I often now make potatoes with minced chicken at home. I think you will be satisfied too.

Steamed fish meatballs are a dietary dish. I used this recipe for fish balls for my kids. But they turn out so tasty that I still cook them now and everyone eats them with pleasure.

Chicken roll recipe. Easy step-by-step preparation of chicken breast and bleu cheese roll.

Since I got a steamer, I cook all side dishes and most main dishes in it. And so I tried a recipe for making squash caviar in a double boiler. It turned out amazing!

Want to know how to cook pollock in a double boiler? Nothing could be easier! I didn’t even attach step-by-step photos - this process is so elementary. And the fish turns out delicious and completely dietary!

This simple recipe for steamed potatoes illustrates one of the most useful ways to cook potatoes, because steaming retains the maximum vitamins in the original product. Shall we try? :)

Cauliflower is cooked in a double boiler for half an hour to 40 minutes. This is a dietary and vitamin-rich dish that contains no fat at all. Cauliflower can be served as a side dish.

Cooking bell peppers in a double boiler is easier and faster than the traditional method. This pepper turns out to be brighter in color and richer in taste. Plus, you don't have to watch him.

Steamed chicken cutlets are a dietary dish. Steamed food may not be tasty for some, but cutlets fried in oil lose all their beneficial properties and are even harmful to the body.

I'm telling you how to cook broccoli in a steamer. Healthy, tasty, fast and without loss of nutrients. Broccoli cooked in a steamer is an excellent side dish or salad ingredient.

I would like to offer you an interesting recipe for cooking pike perch. You can cook it in the oven or steam it - it all depends on your preferences. Well, the result will be amazing in any case!

Steaming dishes is a fast, convenient, and most importantly, healthy way. Steamed minced meat turns out juicy and soft, does not contain extra calories and is suitable for dietary nutrition.

Tsar fish or sturgeon is a very tasty and healthy fish. You can cook it in different ways, but I prefer the healthiest way - steamed. Steamed sturgeon turns out tender, non-greasy and very tasty.

Read this step-by-step recipe with photos - and you will learn how to cook manti. A step-by-step recipe for preparing Central Asian dumplings will make the cooking process as simple as possible.

Shrimp with asparagus is not only a tasty, but also a healthy delicacy that can be prepared at home. Steamed shrimp and asparagus go great together.

Steamed fish with herbs is a quick and easy to prepare, but very healthy and tasty dish. Requires a steamer.

Salmon fillet with steamed olives is a delicious, tender and, most importantly, healthy dish. The fish turns out incredibly tasty and simply melts in your mouth.

Basic recipe for steamed fish fillet or fish steak. You can cook almost any steamed fish in a similar way - except that the cooking time will be different.

Try making vegetable broth in a double boiler, if your household has such a unit. The broth turns out to be much cleaner, more transparent and richer than just boiled in a saucepan.

Hollandaise is a traditional French sauce served with fish, vegetables and eggs. For anyone interested, here is a classic recipe for hollandaise sauce.

Cheesecakes in a double boiler turn out to be especially tender and as healthy as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing - the cheesecakes are amazing!

A simple recipe for cutlets in a double boiler. Steamed chicken cutlets with potatoes can be used in baby food from 1 year. It’s good to serve the cutlets with a vitamin-packed cabbage salad.

Manti with potato filling turns out divinely delicious, and the taste is almost indistinguishable from manti with fat tail fat. So this is a very successful recipe for vegetarian manti :)

Cooking tasty beef is not the easiest task, but it can be solved. Beef zrazy with steamed cheese is an ideal beef dish in terms of ease of preparation, tasty and healthy.

Steamed manti is a traditional dish of various Asian peoples, somewhat reminiscent of very large dumplings. A very tasty hot dish for a family lunch or dinner.

This is a very simple and quick recipe for a traditional English dish - curd pudding, which turns out very tender and satisfying.

Cauliflower in a creamy sauce with vegetables is a dish very similar to vegetable stew, but the sauce makes it more refined and sophisticated.

Dedicated to those who don’t eat meat - manti with spinach! A very tasty vegetarian improvisation resulted in a new tasty dish. Meet us!

Vegetables in French is a vegetarian dish that is prepared very quickly. As they say, maximum benefit and taste! The main highlight of this dish is the delicious creamy sauce.

Uzbek dish "Khanum"

Uzbek dishes are very filling and tasty. They usually use lamb, but beef can also be used. There are a lot of herbs and spices in Uzbek cuisine, which give dishes a unique aroma.

Steamed cutlets are a healthy and dietary dish for the whole family. Steamed cutlets are good served with oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

All fishermen, their friends and relatives, know what maxa is. This is burbot liver. It is fried, steamed, boiled, pickled, and used as a filling for pies.