How to dry apples for a compote in the oven. Getting ready for winter: how to dry the raka

Apples are sold with us almost all year round, but the most useful and tasty are the apples grown in summer or autumn. To keep them for a long time, while not particularly bothering, you can make drying from them. The best way to dryish is considered to be drying in the electric rig: it is relatively fast, convenient and easily compared to drying outdoors or in the oven.

Apples of any varieties are suitable for drying, depending on your taste preferences. Some prefer sweet apples varieties, some love crushing. The main thing is that the fruits are without rot, wormochin and damage.

How to cut apples for drying

Before cutting apples, it is necessary to wash well, to dry. Clean the core with a special tool or knife, cut the fruit with slices or circles are not thicker than 0.5 cm. If you cut them thicker, then they will prepare much longer. Clean skin with fruits or not, solve you. The peel contains a lot of vitamins, but it becomes quite tough when drying, which is not all like it.

So that the apples are longer stored and when drying did not lose color, it is possible (but it is not at all necessary) to lower them before cooking in the saline solution. It is done like this: 1 tablespoon of salt dissolves in 1 liter of water. Apples need to be soaked in it for 5 minutes, fold on the colander.

How to dry apples in the electric row

Sliced \u200b\u200bapples slices decompose with a smooth thin layer on the pallets of the electric car. It is important not to lay them too tight so that hot air can freely circulate between them.

You need to dry at a temperature of 65-70 degrees for about 8-10 hours. Periodically, it is necessary to change pallets with places for uniform preparation, as the slices will prepare faster on the lower pallet.

On the video from "Tonasproo Ipolesno" shown how to prepare apples for the winter using a dryer in the dryer

If you had to turn off the dryer until the fruit was completely prepared, be sure to open the lid or lay out the pallets with fruit, otherwise they will again type moisture.

The drying time largely depends on the juiciness of apples, the thickness of their cutting, the dryer models, because their readiness needs to be periodically checked. Only an experienced way you will define the optimal cooking time of dried fruits.

How to check the readiness of the drying of apples

The finished drying must be elastic, when the moisture is pressed, it does not stand out, the piece does not stick to the fingers.

If a piece is fragile and dry, then the apples were overpowered. You can use them, but vitamins in such a product will remain much smaller.

How to store dried apples

When the drying is ready, you need to remove the pallets from the dryer, leave dried fruits to a complete cooling. It is possible to store them in bags of cotton fabric, paper bags, glass jars with tightly screwed lids.

Polyethylene packages or plastic containers are not suitable for these purposes, since drying can mold in them or insects may start in it. Bags with dried fruits well stored in a dry, cool, sun-protected place. For example, in the storage room, but not in the refrigerator.

Arriving for the winter fragrant apples, you can make for native delicious compote, porridge, pies. And just hurt with apple chips with hot tea.

In long winter evenings it is nice to pamper yourself with delicious slices of dried apples. It is not difficult to prepare them. It is much easier than cooking jam, and cheaper. Sugar is not used for drying fruit. Temporary costs are also minimal. As a result, it turns out awesome yummy and sea of \u200b\u200bvitamins. There are several ways to dry ripe apples for the winter in an apartment and a private house.

You need to choose fruit with white dense pulp. Drying from them will be elastic and pleasant to taste. The best varieties are Antonovka, Pepin and aport.

Important! It is impossible to mix together the lobes of large and small fruits. Some will be dried longer, and other faster.

The best raw material for drying is a home apple grown in its own garden. Purchased imported fruits are treated with wax and chemicals, which in the process of drying will not disappear anywhere.

You can not use the Bitu Padalitsa and the Purned Fruits. The fermentation process is already underway, so the taste of the finished product will be unpleasant.

How to prepare fruit?

Selected apples need to wash well and cut into thin slices. The thickness of each - 3-7 mm. You can get rid of the core with the help of a special knife. So the whole process will take a few minutes.

Because of the high content of iron, the pulp flesh is quickly oxidized in the air. You need to soak the finished pieces in the solution of the cooking salt (just a few seconds) or drop on each little lemon juice. Then put the pieces into the colander to the glasses excess moisture.

Now they have to fly away a little on a dry towel.

Methods of drying apples at home

There are various ways of drying fruits in the apartment and on the street. One hundreds of them were still hundreds of years ago, others appeared quite recently. But whatever method of workpiece is used, dried slices will necessarily work tasty and fragrant.

In the oven with convection

Oven with such a function is very comfortable. On the rear wall they have a special fan. Hot air is fed by uniform flow. Apples will be sued from all sides.

To make drying, you will need to perform such actions:

  • Preheat oven to 50 degrees. At a higher temperature on apples, a crust will be formed, they will become fragile and lose elasticity.
  • Sheets to fasten with parchment paper and decompose her slices on them with one smooth layer. Put sheets in the oven. At the beginning of the drying, the door can not be opened. If the temperature is increased, it can be opened. The fan will contribute to intense evaporation of excess moisture from fruits.
  • Hourly two slices need to mix. Then put them in the oven and dry for 30 to 60 minutes.

  • In the process of drying, the volume of apples will decrease. This is a signal in order to increase the temperature of about 70 degrees for the next hour.
  • Then the initial temperature (50 degrees) is returned. The oven door can be opened and leave the fruit to dry for another 3 hours.
  • After this time, you need to remove a couple of pieces, give them cool and try their fingers. If they are elastic and the juice does not stand out, the drying process is completed. Apples must completely cool. Such slices perfectly suit both sweet compote and as a delicacy during the cold season.

In microwave

In the summer you can not always use the oven, because it is very hot from it. An excellent alternative is the microwave. Temporary costs are reduced from several hours to several minutes (only 5 or 7).

To put the fruit, you will need:

  1. Apples cut down slices and evenly distribute on a plate.
  2. Optimum power - 200-300 W.
  3. After a couple of minutes, take out the plate and flip each slicker on the other side.
  4. Leave fruit to dry for another 2-3 minutes. This time is enough for drying very subtle poles. If there is still a liquid from them, cooking time is extended for another 2-3 minutes.

In the sun

This is not the fastest way to get ready dried fruits. It should be noted that the air temperature on the street should hold on at a not lower than + 30 degrees within a few days. Dry apples in cloudy weather does not make sense.

Cooking process:

  • First you need to pick up such a place for which the sun shines almost all day. There is a table covered with kitchen oil and pure paper sheets. Newspapers are better not to use, as under the hot sunshine they will smell the typographic paint.
  • Then prepared dry pieces of apples lay out a thin layer on paper. The smell of fruit will attract OS and fruit flies. The workpiece will have to cover gauze.

  • Apples during the day need to periodically mix so that they are dried from all sides.
  • After sunset, the fruit is recommended to put into the room. If they constantly settle the morning dew or at night will rain go, the works will be in vain.
  • For the preparation of drying on this simple recipe, it will take about a week or a little more.

If you dry apples in the yard is not very convenient, it can be rolled onto the threads and raise indoors. This is suitable dry clean attic or veranda. The main thing is to provide a permanent circulation of fresh dry air.

Tip! Solk need to do thicker, otherwise, when the rolling, they will constantly break. Between the pieces it is necessary to leave a little space. The product will be ready after 2 weeks.

In the electric rig

This device is specifically designed to prepare dried fruits. Apples cut into the slices of the same thickness as the pallet in the dryer. If this is not done, the fruits will not evenly dry out. One half will be completely ready, and the other is not.

To prepare dried fruits, you will need:

  1. Slices gently decompose on the surface of the pallets. Then put on different levels in the dryer and turn on the device.
  2. It is necessary to trace the temperature indicator at no higher + 55 degrees.
  3. The minimum drying time will be 7 hours.
  4. After that, turn off the device. When apples are cooled, you need to check the status of the readiness.
  5. If the juice from pieces has not yet been evaporated, drying time is extended for 2-3 hours.

With Aerium

This device gives greater space for activity. To get a fragrant drying, it is enough just to sprinkle fresh apple slices with ginger, vanillain or cinnamon. The taste will be awesome.

Cooking process:

  1. For this instrument, apples need to cut into thicker slices (from 5 to 8 mm).
  2. Any products in airhril are laid out on the lattices, and not at the bottom.
  3. Now the timer is displayed low blowing mode and the temperature of 100 degrees.
  4. You can check the readiness of the apples already in 50 - 60 minutes.
  5. If there are doubts about the preparedness of the product, you can extend the cooking time for half an hour.

How to store dried fruits?

Ideal conditions for dried apples: dry, coolness, darkness and constant oxygen access. In the warm, plunge room, the product will quickly deteriorate.

In no case cannot be used polyethylene ulles and plastic containers. In such packaging on dried fruits, mold can be formed.

It is better for small bags of dense breathing fabrics or old cotton pillowcases.

Cardboard boxes, wicker baskets or small wooden boxes will be a good output from the position. The bottom will be rested by sheets of paper. It remains only to take care so that the bugs and other insects are not broken into these containers.

The apple contains a lot of mineral and organic elements that carry tremendous benefits for the human body. They are rich in iron, vitamin C.

But, with long-term storage, apples lose their useful properties. They are preserved in the cellars, compote boils, or apples are dried, i.e. they make drying.

This is perhaps the most efficient and reliable way to preserve all the vitamins in fruit.

Apples are dried in several ways. This is a drying in the sun, in the oven, microwave or in electrical dryers for vegetables and fruits.

Rules of drying apples

The main rules of drying include:

  • Drying whole, intact apples, necessarily they must be ripe, and selected in size.
  • For drying, autumn acidic and sour-sweet varieties of apples are suitable.
  • The thickness of the slices should be no more than 1 cm.
  • All chopped apples should be the same thickness.
  • It is recommended to cut apples with slices, so they will dry faster than those that were cut by circles.
  • So that the apples succumb to evenly, they are laid out very carefully, there must be one layer of fruit in a row, then they will not stick together.

So that apples do not dry ...

Since, apples are very rich in iron, they quickly oxidize. In order for drying at home, the sliced \u200b\u200bapples do not dry, they need to be omitted in cold water with the addition of salt or a small amount of citric acid. Approximately 10 grams of salt or 2 grams of acid per liter of water are used. Fruits then dried in the air.

Another popular way is blanching, i.e., sliced \u200b\u200bmugs or slices of fruit are lowered in hot water for a few seconds (almost 90 ° C). But with blanching apples lose some sugar and acid.

Also, the slices of apples can be held over a ferry of boiling water, putting them in a sieve or colander in advance, then they are lowered to cool in cold water. Thanks to this procedure, apples will dry far faster.

Rules of apple selection

Apples choose ripe, whole, with a dense pulp and the taste of sour-sweet, without wormochin and fruit rot.

Large dried only in chopped formThey cut them on lobes and circles, remove seed bones. The skin of apples is either cleaned or left. For drying, used mainly summer varieties, less often autumn.

Dry apples in the oven

At first glance, drying apples in the oven may seem the easiest way. Well, here is difficult: the washed and sliced \u200b\u200bapples add up to the baking sheet and in the oven. But no, you need to take into account the small nuances. It is necessary to remember that fruits are dried in an open oven, because with a closed oven they will quickly bake.

Be sure to be very look carefully for apples, because they can dry or burn at all.

Apples chopped on slices and mugs are evenly laid out on a baking sheet, pre-shopping his parchments.

The disadvantage of such a way of drying apples, perhaps, can be called that this The process is very long And takes a lot of time.

For drying in the oven, not all varieties of apples are used.

With sweet varieties, drying is obtained by loose and tasteless.

Excellent suitable sour and sour-sweet varieties of apples. SAMI delicious drying is obtained from the "Antonovka" variety.

Drying apples in the oven takes by time almost 6 hours. Fruits are stirred every 40-50 minutes for their uniform drying.

It is impossible to immediately turn on the oven for a larger temperature, as the apples can be clouded with a crust, and the whole moisture remains in them. The door of the oven, at the beginning of the process should be ajar, closed it at the very end when all the water is almost evaporated.

Drying in the oven is conditionally divided into three periods:

  • At the first period, the temperature is 50 ° C, the oven door is opened until the apples start to be rolling.
  • In an hour from the beginning of the process, the temperature is raised to 70 ° C, the main part of the water begins to evaporate from the apples.
  • The last, third period is to increase the temperature to 80 ° C.

Drying in the dryer

The most convenient way of drying is the drying of apples in an electric dryer. She takes little space, works herself and does not require constant presenceThe apples do not fall into dust and various insects.

Apples chopped with slices are folded on the special sections of the dryer, then they are installed in the electrical dryer itself. The lid closes and presses the power button.

Approximate drying time is about 6 hours. At the initial stage, the temperature is 75-85 ° C, then it is reduced to 50 ° C. The readiness of the apples is easy to determine, when pressing, they cease to highlight juice.

The best varieties of apples that are dried in electrical dryers are considered early autumn: aport, Titovka Autumn, Pepin, Antonovka. Do not recommend driving winter varieties. Those apples that fall may give good results when drying. Tasty dried fruits also come out with summer varieties, as well as apples of wild apple tree.

Sun apples in the sun

Summer makes us fresh fruit, but, not all of us we live in those regions where fresh vitamins eat all year round. This is the most beautiful time for drying. Drying apples in the sun is considered less costly and accessible to everyone.

Discovered apples spill on trays, bends, or on the table, which is on the street. They dry under the influence of sunlight, they must be turned over every day until complete drying.

Also, apples can be rolling on a thread and hang like a New Year's garland, in a sunny place. You can make special dryers, covered with gauze or grid, so they are easy to maintain from flies and other insects.

Dry in the sun you can only in summer heat.

Since apples are dried in summer, then for their drying, summer varieties are used. For example, paping, Melba, Borovinka, Dream. The most delicious dried fruits are made of fruits with a white flesh.

Such a type of drying is considered the longest, since the finished drying can be stored for almost a week, sometimes grabs five days.

Other methods of drying

In addition, drying in the sun and in the oven fruit is dried in a microwave and an electric stove.

For microwave, apples are prepared, as well as the other types of drying, then they are folded on the plate, pre-shopping it with cotton fabric, and covered on top.

The whole process of drying takes only 3-4 minutes, with microwave power 200 W. The advantages include the fact that useful elements and vitamins are not very destroyed and persist in large quantities in dried fruits.

Perhaps, drying apples on electric stove is not the best wayBut what to do if it rains on the street or very overcast. The baking sheet, or other metal dishes, put on the stove, and they put a grid with a laid out apple.


Dried apples - an alternative to a frozen product. During the drying, the taste and beneficial properties of fruits are preserved.

They can be used not only for the preparation of pies and compotes, but also for snacks.

The quality of dried fruit depends on compliance with the rules of preparation and storage.

The most painstaking work is waiting at the preparatory stage. Apples need to go through, process and cut.

  • Selection of apples. Separate baked and fractured fruits from fresh. See so that they are smooth, smooth and without damage.
  • Rinse under water and wipe dry. It is advisable to use products for washing vegetables and fruits.
  • Clean the fruit from the peel and cut the core. However, the peel is removed only with acid varieties. Sweet only remove the core.
  • Process the fruits of 1-% hydrochloric solution so as not to be tempted during the cooking process. As an alternative, it is possible to use water acidified water or vinegar.
  • Cut in the form of circles or poles. The thickness of pieces should not be greater than 1 cm.

What varieties are more suitable

For drying it is better to choose sour and sour-sweet varieties. Any varieties are suitable, but most often use Antonovka, aport, winner and Slavs.

You can also choose sweet varieties. But the taste of such apples will be less pronounced, and the quality of dried fruits is lower.

Learning to dry apples at home

A large number of diverse drying methods allows you to prepare dried fruit for the winter of any hostess. You can use any household appliances and special devices or dry in the old manner.

Sun and outdoor air on the balcony

It is considered a popular way. However, for the most part, it is suitable for people who live in a private house or in apartments with balconies, which are located on the sunny side.

At the same time, the sun should be bright, and the air temperature should be high, otherwise the apples simply rotate.

Duration of drying: 4-6 days.

The first way:

  1. Prepare a large baking sheet. As an alternative, you can use a wide grid.
  2. Dispatch pieces on babysitter. They must be at a short distance from each other.
  3. Place a baking sheet on a sunny area. The most suitable roofs away from high trees.
  4. Combine slices daily.

The second way:

  1. Prepare long dense threads.
  2. Wear a thin needle and ride apples. The width of the little should be at least 3-4 mm, otherwise they will be broken.
  3. Hang to dry out on the street or in a dry ventilated room. When drying in the attic or in a barn, it is better to hide the fruits of fine gauze to protect against dust and dirt.

In the electric cooker and electrophovka

Electropovka is suitable drying at home at any time of the year. However, it takes more time and effort than similar ways.

Duration: 6-8 hours.

  1. Preheat oven to 50 degrees.
  2. Clause baking tray or lattice baking paper.
  3. Gently put on paper pieces so that they do not touch each other.
  4. Place apples in a preheated oven. Leave the door ajar to circulate air. If the oven is equipped with convection, then it should be turned on.
  5. Turn over every two hours.
  6. After four hours, it increases temperatures up to 80 degrees. Wait until the moisture is evaporated from apples.
  7. When the fruit is dried, reducing the temperature to 50 degrees again.
  8. Four hours turn off the oven.

In a gas oven

The advantage of the gas stove in front of electric - apples are dry twice as fast. And for them almost no need to follow.

Duration of drying: 2-4 hours.

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Stop baking papers with baking paper.
  3. Share apples on the baking sheet and put the oven one of the lower tiers.
  4. Dry them one o'clock on each side. To dry to a crispy crust increase the exposure time for up to two hours.

In microwave

The fastest way is drying in the microwave. The main thing is that the household appliance is powerful enough.

Duration of drying: 4 minutes.

  1. Lay apples on a plate. Put in the microwave.
  2. Install the power of 250 W. Turn on the microwave for 40 seconds.
  3. Pull out the plate and turn the pieces.
  4. Install the power of 300 W. Turn on the microwave for 3 minutes.
  5. Hold another 30 seconds if they did not seek sufficiently.

In the electric rig

The electric rig is a special device for drying fruits, berries, vegetables and mushrooms. Usually, the dryer has three temperature modes: low, medium, high.

Duration of drying: 8 hours.

  1. Share apples on the pallet of the electric dryer.
  2. Set the temperature of 55-60 degrees.
  3. Turn on the device and cook for 8 hours.
  4. After the expiration of time to check the readiness. If apples distinguish slightly, leave for another 20-30 minutes.

In aerogrile

Drying apples at home in Aerium is not inferior to other ways, but you need to correctly calculate the time to not spoil the workpiece. Also, slices should be no wider than 3 mm, otherwise they will not fully succumb.

Duration of drying: 1 hour.

  1. Share apples on the grid.
  2. Set the temperature of 100 degrees and low blowing. You can increase the temperature to 110-120 degrees if they do not have time to dry.
  3. Set the timer for 1 hour.

In a slow cooker

Drying in a slow cooker does not require great effort, but at a time you can prepare only a small portion.

Duration of drying: 40-50 minutes.

  1. Share pieces on the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Install baking mode.
  3. Put prepared for 40 minutes.
  4. Turn the slices and cook another 10 minutes if required.

How to determine the readiness of apples

In appearance of pieces, you can determine the readiness. It is important to take into account a few details:

  • the pieces lost up to 80% of the weight;
  • slices are soft and elastic;
  • skin darkened;
  • the flesh will not stick;
  • there are no moisture on the pieces;
  • when you click on the pieces does not flow juice.

Immediately after cooking you need to put apples on a flat surface, shining with paper, and leave for a day in a ventilated room. Then you can proceed to the packaging.

In the video, an experienced hostess is divided by a secret, how to dry apples in an electric oven.

How to store dried apples

Finished apples need to pack in the bags of natural fabric.

Cellophane packages and plastic or glass containers are not suitable for these purposes, because they do not let oxygen. As a result, they can start "choking".

However, instead of tissue bags, you can take paper or cardboard.

The storage place should be dry and cool. Increased humidity and temperature will lead to the appearance of mold. It is also important that the room where dried fruits is stored was ventured.

In your garden matured a rich harvest of apples, and you do not know what to do with them? Try to prepare from these summer fruits, useful dried fruits that you will use to prepare original dishes. Our article will tell how to properly prepare apples for drying, and will also introduce the most popular methods of the workpiece of this product for the winter.

At approximately at the end of July it is time for apple billet. If the harvest of these fruits in your garden has overwhelmed all the expected quantities, you can afford not only to screw the jam and the jam, but also to put them on the winter.

  • Drying apples is considered the easiest and most affordable way of workpiece of this product. The most pleasant thing is that in this case you do not have to be additionally spent on sugar and stand on the slab clock. Bring apples to the desired consistency will help you a certain temperature, and it will make it practically without your participation
  • The fruits, prepared by the method, retain almost all vitamins and trace elements, and, unlike jam and jam, do not contain a large number of not very useful sugar. All these useful substances will help your body survive a cold winter, and in the spring will save you from avitaminosis
  • In addition, dried fruits are a product, with which you can prepare quite a lot of delicious and fragrant dishes. Properly dried fruits can be a beautiful filling for a cake, add-on to a sweet pilaf, an interesting component of winter salads and even fragrant tea welding

At what temperature and how much to dry apples?

Optimal for drying apples is the temperature of 50-70 degrees
  • Some hostesses want to speed up the drying process of apples and therefore use enough extreme temperatures for this. In principle, the drying process they accelerate, but their useful substances are leaving with liquid from fruits
  • Therefore, if you strive to get a truly useful product, then make sure that the temperature indicators in the oven or the electric grinder did not exceed 70 degrees. And then such a temperature can be exposed only at the initial stage, for that period the fruits will be intensively lose their moisture
  • After at least two times decrease in size, the temperature should be reduced to 40-50 degrees. Such temperature indicators are as close as possible to natural, and this means that you can save not only vitamins and trace elements, and the natural taste qualities of the finished product.
  • But remember, even the low temperature is able to cut apples, so it is extremely important not to forget every two hours carefully turn them off. So you can achieve uniform drying and perfect contestation of dried fruit
  • If you do not do this, then the finished product will dry so much that it will lose almost all your taste. And such apples you can use except for the preparation of compotes and jelly. Depending on the chosen method of harvesting apples for the winter, the drying can last from several hours to 10-14 days

How to properly prepare apples for drying?

Preparation of apples to drying
  • We all know that apples are almost 90% consisting of ordinary water, which in the drying process evaporates under the influence of high temperature, leaving us only useful food fibers and vitamins. But it is clear to get the perfect drying must be used to prepare the highest quality fruits.
  • Therefore, if possible, try to use fruits from your garden for winter workpiece. If you do not have it, then try to find on the market or in the store apples grown in our country. Since they will not need to travel for a very long time and stored, they will not be treated with substances that prolong the life of imported fruits
  • After the fruits are delivered home, be surely thoroughly wash them under running water and sort over sorting. Due to this, in the process of cutting, you will be obtained almost the same pieces, which means that the fruits will dry in the most uniform
  • Also very carefully see if there are no bought out products of beaten and fallen apples. If you found such fruit, then just put them aside. Since in places of damage, the fermentation process is usually quite quickly begins, the use of such fruits for drying is categorically prohibited.
  • Such fruits after the exposure to high temperatures will not have a completely normal taste and that the most unpleasant will be worse stored. After sorting, you can move to removing the core of apples and cutting them on thin slices
  • If we talk about the thickness of the poles, it can range from 3-7 mm. After cutting fruits, it is best to lower in boiling water for a few seconds or soak in salted water. This will allow apple to keep your natural color and will not oxide before the start of drying

Drying apples for winter in the oven on the contrary

Rules of drying apples in the oven on the contrary
  • Dried apples are the most popular dried fruits in our country. People love this product for his beneficial properties of any, of course, for each person to prepare these fragrant fruits for the winter. One of the most accessible methods of apple billet is considered drying in the oven on the contrary
  • And for this case, it is equally well suited for gas and electric stove. The only thing you must take into account if you will use the electric oven for these purposes, then at the initial stage, temperature indicators can be raised to 80 degrees.
  • Above the temperature should not be climbing as it can lead to the fact that fruit is simply started to boil in its juice.

Dried apples in the oven

Rules of drying apples in the oven on the contrary:

  • Turn on the oven and warm it up to 50 degrees. Watch that the temperature does not greatly exceed these indicators. If they are very high, then apple slices will cover the crust, which will not let them dry
  • While the oven is warmed up, rinse the apple and remove the core from them. Put the fruit cuts into one layer on the baking sheet, pre-covered with paper baking
  • Put the apples in the oven and slightly enjoy the door. It will give the opportunity to circulate air and the fluid evaporates correctly, which is in the fruits
  • After approximately two hours, mix the apples and leave them in the oven for another hour and a half. When you see that they have significantly decreased in size, close the oven increase the temperature to 70 degrees and wait for another 1 hour
  • The field of this again reducing the temperature indicators to 50 degrees, we open the oven door and leave fruit in such a position for another 3 hours. As soon as you see that apple slices have become slightly browned and elastic to the touch, take a baking sheet from the oven and give dried fruits to cool
  • Fully cooled apples fold into the glass container with hermetically closed lid and put in the kitchen cabinet for storage

How to dry apples for winter in the sun?

Sun apples in the sun
  • If you want to try to dry apples in the sun, then choose for this optimally warm period of time. Ideally, the temperature indicators of the environment should exceed 30 degrees at least 4-5 days in a row
  • In principle, they can be slightly smaller, but then at least 7 days will leave for the preparation of dried apples. Therefore, if possible, check with the forecast and, if on the next week they betray solar and cloudless weather, begin to prepare for drying apples under the sunny rays


  • Find a place in the garden plot that throughout the day is located under the right sunlight
  • Install the table there and cover it first with polyethylene, and then clean securities
  • Rinse and cut apples and soak in acidic water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Drain the water and put the fruit into a colander. Leave them in this position until they do not completely get rid of water
  • Then put them on the paper towel and let me dry at room temperature.
  • When apples are slightly rented, put them on the prepared table and carefully cover the gauze
  • Be sure to cover apple, otherwise they will sit on them, flies and other bugs
  • Try at least 2-3 times a day stir fruit slices
  • If you want the process of drying apples in the sun as minimally short, then be sure to take them to the night in the house
  • In 5-7 days, they will become dark brown and they can be transferred to banks for further storage.

How to dry apples on a thread?

Sweet apples on thread
  • Another popular way to the headlines of dried fruits for the winter is the drying of fruits on a thread. In this case, you do not need to wait for the street to be consistently sunny weather, because you can bring apples to the desired consistency on the outdoor terrace, the balcony and even the attic
  • The main condition for such a drying is a large open space, and, of course, the most sterile conditions. With this method of drying from 10 kg of fresh fruits, approximately 1 kg of high-quality product
  • Take your favorite apples, rinse them under running water, remove the core from them and cut the slightly fat slices
  • If their thickness is very small, they simply will break and you will not be able to ride them on the thread
  • Follow the finished slices had the same thickness. This will contribute to the right and uniform drying.
  • Discovered apples to ride on a thick thread, leaving a little space between slices
  • Listing a kind of garlands in the attic or terrace, and if there is a need to cover their gauze
  • If you spend drying in a closed room, then at least a small draft of it
  • Air circulation will contribute to a faster and uniform drying of fruits
  • Approximately 10-14 days your drying will be ready and you will only stay to fold it in a storage container.

How to dry apples for the winter in the electric grid?

Slevish apples in the electrical dryer
  • If you want to dry apples as quickly and efficiently as possible, then do not regret money and purchase a high-quality electric car. Such a kitchen assistant practically without assistance prepared for you delicious and useful dried fruits that you with great pleasure will be used to prepare vitamined dishes.
  • The only thing you should pay special attention in this case is the thickness of apple poles. If it is greater than the thickness of the kitchen appliance pallets, then the warm air inside the electric dryer will be distributed not quite evenly, and this may lead to the fact that one part of the apples will be fully ready, and the other will still be in the six preparation stage

Rules of drying apples in the electric grid:

  • Cut in advance washed apples on the slices of the desired thickness
  • Neatly (in one row) decompose them on pallets
  • Install all pallets in the electric dryer and turn on the device to the network
  • Make this so that the temperature sensor does not exceed 55 degrees
  • Leave apples to dry at least 7 hours
  • After this time, turn off the device from the network and check the readiness of dried apples
  • If they are dry to the touch and when you press do not distinguish the juice, then feel free to shift them into a glass container
  • If you have noticed although I would have a minimum moisture allocation, leave them to dry by another 2-3 hours

How to dry apples in the microwave?

Slevish apples in the microwave
  • Now almost every kitchen can see a microwave oven. This kitchen assistant modern hostess makes the everyday worries of the ever-busy woman. Quite a lot of housewives with great pleasure prepare in the microwave meat, bake pies and cook porridge
  • But if you know how to use this miracle of modern techniques to use this, then with it, it is possible to dry apple well enough. The most pleasant thing is to dry one portion you will leave literally 5-7 minutes


  • Cut apples on slices or circles and lay them in one layer on a flat plate
  • Install the power timer per 200-300 W and turn on the microwave
  • After 2 minutes turn off the furnace and turn the apples on the other side
  • Close the door of the microwave and wait for another 2-3 minutes
  • If your apples were cut into very thin pieces, then this time will be enough to dry
  • In the event that after this time, they still remain sticky to the touch, turn on the timer for another 1-2 minutes

How to dry apples in airhril?

Slevish apples in Aerium
  • If your kitchen has aerogril, then this miracle device can also be used to dry apples for the winter. In the case of aerogril, you can even try to prepare not quite ordinary drying. If you turn on the device to sprinkle with cinnamon, vanilla or ginger prepared apples, then you will get a beautiful flavored filling for winter pies
  • And if you make a slice slightly thicker than usual, then the finished product can be used as an easy and tasty snack that will not overload the stomach if you want to do neither be delicious late in the evening

Drying apples in Aerium:

  • Wash apple, remove the core from them and cut the circles with a thickness of 5-8 ml
  • Water water, dissolve a couple of tablespoons in it and lower the apple into the resulting liquid
  • Literally in a couple of seconds, drain the water and give apple circles to drag on the colander
  • Remove the residues of moisture from apples with a paper napkin or cotton towel
  • Lay out the fruit in one layer on the Aerium grid, sprinkle them with cinnamon and turn on the device
  • Adjust the timer to the low blowing at a temperature of 100 degrees
  • After 50-60, turn off the aerogril and check the readiness of the apples
  • If they are a bit lipot, then continue to dry them for another 20-30 minutes

Is it possible to dry green, unripe apples, white pouring?

  • In principle, dried slightly unripe apples are quite acceptable. Just when using such a product, you must be prepared for what you have to add a little more sugar or honey to compote and fillings for pies.
  • But if apples are completely green, then use them for the preparation of useful dried fruits is prohibited. And the point here is not that they will give very strong sourness. A completely green apple does not have any taste not useful qualities of ripe fruit, therefore, during the dried form it will not bring much benefit. You simply spend your time and money, and in return get a tasteless and sour product that you can hardly use in food
  • If we talk about white breath, it is also better not to use it to prepare dried fruits for the winter. This apple in the rock form has a rather loose structure, which turns into almost a tasteless product after drying. For the preparation of drying, it is best to use more dense and juicy varieties that arise closer to autumn and have a sour-sweet taste. It is from such apples that get the most delicious and fragrant winter dried fruits that help to diversify the same type of winter dishes.

Video: Apple blanks for the winter. Drying of apples in the dryer