How to choose the best nuts? How to choose a walnut so that it has all the most useful.

The Nuances of Choosing Walnuts:

  • the walnut shell is covered with characteristic wrinkles, but on its surface there should be no spots, plaque, damage and other defects (in addition, the nut must be absolutely clean);
  • walnuts must be dry (moisture causes rotting of the kernel);
  • if one nut is tapped on another, a clear and loud knock should be heard (a dull sound will be a sign of a damaged kernel);
  • the walnut shell has a light brown color (the color is uniform and should not contain dark or bright areas);
  • the surface of the walnut kernel should not be oily (oil is released only when improper or too long storage);
  • the weight of the nut should be proportional to its size (in light nuts, the kernel can be so dry that it resembles a black crust);
  • crushed walnuts may have a bitter taste (the more chopped the nut, the more bitterness will be more pronounced);
  • the flavor of walnut kernels should be characteristic of this variety (any extraneous odors are not acceptable);
  • the shell of the walnut kernel is always a golden hue (too dark kernels will be spoiled, and have a bitter taste);
  • when shaking a walnut, the kernel should remain motionless and not make any sounds (if there is a sound, then the kernel is too dry or already damaged).

If walnuts are bought packaged, then the packaging must be inspected. In addition to the expiration dates, it is necessary to check for defects. If there is garbage in the nuts, the packaging is opened, there is condensation inside it, and there is a coating on the kernels, then you should not buy such a mixture. It is necessary to refuse a purchase if there is even one of the indicated signs. In addition, packaging with walnut kernels should not be completely transparent. For a visual assessment of the contents, manufacturers can leave only small transparent “windows”.

Nuts - beloved by many and appreciated since ancient times, tasty, healthy, high nutritional products. Doctors advise eating a few nuts every day. However, only ripened and fresh fruits are useful.

Choosing the right nuts

The food market today suffers from a variety of substandard, and sometimes frankly fake, counterfeit goods. Nuts are no exception. Therefore, before you buy, pine nuts, or, read the recommendations of professionals, suggesting how to choose nuts correctlyenjoying the taste and usefulness of the product afterwards.

  • First of all, take a look at what container the product is in. Often, nuts are sold in plastic bags. At the same time, the level of printing on them should be good, otherwise it may indicate a not very bona fide manufacturer. Along with print quality, the seams on the bag can also talk about the seriousness of the manufacturer: they should not have holes or nicks.
  • No less important is the expiration date indicated by the supplier on the bag of nuts. Keep in mind that the maximum savings time for nuts in a plastic container is six months. After this time, the fats in the nuts lose their benefits, and the product itself will become unfit for human consumption. In this regard, it is not recommended to buy nuts, the sales period of which is more than six months.
  • When purchasing walnuts on the food shelves, take a closer look at the fruits in the shell, which should be relatively smooth, not cracked. It is desirable that the nut itself be heavy (shake the fruits, ripe kernels create slightly ringing sounds during shaking). Many are interested in how to choose peeled nuts. The main rule in this case: do not buy a ground product. The implementation period of ground walnuts is negligible; in this form, the fruits deteriorate extremely quickly.
  • An equally important fact during the acquisition of nuts is their homeland, the country from which they were imported. It is believed that the most nutritious and tastiest pine nuts grow in Siberia, the Far East, Italy and Pakistan. The most valuable walnuts brought from France. The best, according to many consumers, pistachios come to our regions from Iran. As for peanuts, the main and cheapest supplier is China. At the same time, peanuts growing in Argentina and America, compares favorably with Chinese, due to its richer, richer taste.
  • Cashews, which many people like, come to us from faraway Brazil. Due to the remoteness of the homeland of this nut, its transportation is delayed for many months. As a result, the quality of the product often suffers: cashews lose their taste. Therefore, experts, talking about how to choose cashew nuts correctly, recommend buying clean kernels with no yellow spots on them. Often, cashew nuts can “smell” the characteristic bitter aroma, which suggests that they have been stored for a long time and are not suitable for use.

What you need to know when choosing walnuts

Walnut is a storehouse of nutrients for the human body. The walnut kernel contains iron, more than twenty essential amino acids, copper, cobalt, protein, B vitamins, C and PP vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and a host of other substances important for the human body.

You need:

  • walnut kernels;
  • hermetically sealed containers for food storage.

Instruction manual

  • First of all, decide which nuts to choose. To do this, ask the seller about the type of product. The most delicious varieties are "Gissar", "Homeland", "Ideal", "Uzbek early-born" and "Ideal".
  • The year of the harvest is also important. Fats in the composition of walnut kernels due to hot weather or due to prolonged exposure to open space can give the product an unpleasant bitter taste. Keeping nuts for a long time is not an easy task. In ordinary bags or crates, they are able to be without prejudice to taste characteristics only until the beginning of spring.
  • When purchasing nuts from individuals, lower your hand into the container in which they, nuts, are. Do not take wet nuts. There are frequent cases of unfair sale of this product, when sellers, in order to achieve a greater weight of the product, add water to it. However, walnuts so wetted spoil very quickly.
  • During its growth, the walnut has an amniotic peel, which dries and bursts as it ripens. When buying nuts, look at the shell: it should be without a greenish shell. Otherwise, especially with small walnuts, the fruits are considered not ripened.
  • Also deciding which nuts to choose, pay attention to the thickness of the shell: it is desirable that it be thin, not more than 1.5 mm. In addition, it is better to acquire fruits of a slightly elongated shape, since the shell of such nuts is usually thinner in comparison with round fruits, respectively, and the kernel is larger.
  • Often too light nuts are spoiled or hollow inside. The shell should not have any cracks, holes, chips.
  • A walnut with a relatively even shell has fewer internal partitions. It is good if you can split the fruit for the sample: the most valuable are the kernels shrouded in a light-gold film.
  • Good quality walnuts are quite easy to open with a strong squeeze in their hands. Dense, tight, cracking with a light crunch, cores are appreciated. At the same time, it is not recommended to take too fragile fruits; during storage, they quickly deteriorate.
  • If you need to buy peeled nuts, take bulk crunchy kernels. Sluggish and wrinkled do not need to take.

Important! Least bitter are the fruits with the lightest color.

Advice! For a long content of walnuts at home, choose hermetically sealed tin, clay or glass containers.

Would you like to wholesale nuts? The company Torgsnab Trading House LLC offers at competitive prices. Request a price from our managers via e-mail or just call us!

The most useful and delicious nuts are not imported, but ours, relatives, of a new crop - cedar, walnuts and, of course, forest - hazelnuts.

How to choose good nuts

It is strictly forbidden to buy dried, moldy nuts with dark spots or a strong rancid smell. They form very harmful substances that are produced by fungi - aflatoxins. Aflatoxins can cause severe allergies, in addition, they destroy liver cells.

By buying unshelled nuts, pay attention to the color of the cores. Old nut kernels turn yellow, some of them may acquire an unnatural bright yellow hue.

Inshell nutsif they start to mold, when cracked they form a cloud of pollen - it’s also better not to eat them. You can also take a few nuts in the shell and shake - old, expired, dried nuts will rattle stronger than fresh, recently collected.

Which nuts are better, peeled or not?

Of course, nuts without shells are more convenient, but they are stored in the shell longer. In addition, peeled nuts with their own hands are always cleaner: sellers cannot guarantee that the nuts do not crumble, do not fall to the ground, and so on. The most dangerous thing is to buy peeled nuts in open markets: all dust and dirt settle on them, and if trading is near the road, their kernels also absorb harmful substances from the exhaust gases.

By buying nuts in the package, pay attention to the expiration date. They are usually stored in opaque packaging for a year, in transparent packaging - not more than six months, if the shelf life is much longer - it is better to put aside these nuts and buy others.

How to choose walnuts

Their kernels should not be wrinkled, have spots, dark or yellow shade. The shells of fresh walnuts are very hard, it cannot be cracked with fingers, only old and spoiled ones can easily crack. The color of the nuclei is from buffy yellow to brown.

How to choose hazelnuts (hazelnuts)

A good peeled hazelnut is smooth, without plaque. But it is better to buy the one that is in the shell: a peeled hazelnut absorbs harmful substances faster than other nuts. The hazelnut shell should also not have a whitish coating and dark spots: these are the first signs that the hazelnut has started to deteriorate, and it molds very quickly. Withered hazelnuts can be determined by weight and sound: they are much lighter than fresh ones and rattle.

How to choose pine nuts

In the old and beginning to deteriorate peeled nucleoli of pine nuts at the ends, dark dots appear. But on the shell of each of them, on the contrary, there should be a small dark spot - this is evidence that there is a full grain inside. And this is important: in dry years, many shells are empty, or the nucleoli do not grow to the right size.

It is strictly forbidden to buy dried, moldy nuts with dark spots or a strong rancid smell. They form very harmful substances that are produced by fungi - aflatoxins. Aflatoxins can cause severe allergies, in addition, they destroy liver cells.

By buying unshelled nuts, pay attention to the color of the cores. Old nut kernels turn yellow, some of them may acquire an unnatural bright yellow hue.

Inshell nutsif they start to mold, when cracked they form a cloud of pollen - it’s also better not to eat them. You can also take a few nuts in the shell and shake - old, expired, dried nuts will rattle stronger than fresh, recently collected.

Which nuts are better, peeled or not?

Of course, nuts without shells are more convenient, but they are stored in the shell longer. In addition, peeled nuts with their own hands are always cleaner: sellers cannot guarantee that the nuts do not crumble, do not fall to the ground, and so on. The most dangerous thing is to buy peeled nuts in open markets: all dust and dirt settle on them, and if trading is near the road, their kernels also absorb harmful substances from the exhaust gases.

By buying nuts in the package, pay attention to the expiration date. They are usually stored in opaque packaging for a year, in transparent packaging - not more than six months, if the shelf life is much longer - it is better to put aside these nuts and buy others.

How to choose walnuts

Their kernels should not be wrinkled, have spots, dark or yellow shade. The shells of fresh walnuts are very hard, it cannot be cracked with fingers, only old and spoiled ones can easily crack. The color of the nuclei is from buffy yellow to brown.

How to choose hazelnuts (hazelnuts)

A good peeled hazelnut is smooth, without plaque. But it is better to buy the one that is in the shell: a peeled hazelnut absorbs harmful substances faster than other nuts. The hazelnut shell should also not have a whitish coating and dark spots: these are the first signs that the hazelnut has started to deteriorate, and it molds very quickly. Withered hazelnuts can be determined by weight and sound: they are much lighter than fresh ones and rattle.

How to choose pine nuts

In the old and beginning to deteriorate peeled nucleoli of pine nuts at the ends, dark dots appear. But on the shell of each of them, on the contrary, there should be a small dark spot - this is evidence that there is a full grain inside. And this is important: in dry years, many shells are empty, or the nucleoli do not grow to the right size.

There are not many products in our life that are tasty and at the same time nutritious and healthy. These can be safely attributed nuts. Voloshsky are the most common for Ukrainians, they are also walnuts and hazelnuts. However, for many years on the shelves of shops you can find any exotic fruits in the shell. Choosing nuts, you should know many nuances: where they were imported from, what they should taste like, how to distinguish normal nuts from rancid or infected fungus spores.
   By the content of trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron) nuts exceed fruit vegetables more than 3 times. After all, they are able to retain vitamins and beneficial properties for a long time. In addition, each type of nut has a unique balance of vitamins and minerals. The kernels contain up to 20% protein with all the essential amino acids, as well as vitamins E and F, C, P, tocopherols, a rich mineral complex, in particular cobalt, fluorine, copper. Given this, nuts have not only nutritional, but also medicinal value: they strengthen the body's defenses, stimulate brain activity, activate the muscle apparatus, protect against colds, cancer, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, digestive tract diseases, aging, etc. And during Orthodox fasts, they can serve as a substitute for meat.
   The famous Ukrainian phytotherapist professor Fyodor Mamchur wrote: “If you compare a kilogram of walnut with other products, it turns out that by nutrition it is equivalent to a kilogram of meat, fish, a liter of milk, a kilogram of bread, potatoes and pears combined. The nut kernel is three times more nutritious than wheat bread, potato - 7 times, milk - 11, and from fruits of various garden crops - about 15 times. ”

Help core

  Almond - A good remedy for elevated cholesterol, hypertension, tumors, eye diseases, ulcers and heartburn. Almonds with sugar relieve cough, asthma attacks, pleurisy. Doctors recommend bitter almonds for some female diseases, problems with the upper respiratory tract and kidneys.

  Hazelnut  - An excellent product for relieving chronic fatigue in diabetes and hypertension. It is recommended for people with varicose veins. Walnut is indicated for obesity. Hazelnuts with honey and dried apricots - excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hazelnuts are rich in biotin - a beauty vitamin that prevents skin aging, strengthens nails and hair.

  Pistachios  - good effect on vision. They can reduce heart rate, help prevent heart disease, and have a positive effect on the brain and liver.

  Peanut  - This is not a nut, but the seeds of a leguminous herbaceous plant. It positively affects the renewal of cells, cholesterol levels in the blood and nervous system, improves memory. This is an excellent choleretic agent.

  Walnut  also not a nut, but a stone. It has beneficial effects on insomnia, dermatitis, colds, heart diseases, and high blood pressure, and is harmful to worms. Walnut is recommended for anemia. Therefore, it is useful for the elderly, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.

  Cashew  - This is also a stone, his relative is a peach. A wonderful assistant for psoriasis, anemia, metabolic disorders. Cashew, like no other product, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the functioning of the heart, helps lower blood cholesterol.

Pine nut  - These are the seeds of the Siberian pine. Pine nuts have dozens of times more vitamins than all others, 2 times more minerals. It has many important amino acids, and more than in milk and meat.

Choose quality
   When choosing between peeled and unpeeled nuts, give preference to shell kernels. Shake the nut - he should not tap. Otherwise - it is dry. Carefully inspect the shell from all sides: whether there are cracks and chips on it. It is better to buy whole kernels of nuts, because in the case of grinding, the shelf life is sharply reduced and they are faster bitter. The kernel of any nut should not be wrinkled, darkened or stained. Yellow is a bad sign, as is an unpleasant odor.
When buying nuts, pay attention to the country of origin. France is considered the leader in the production of walnuts, but it is better to choose a domestic nut that did not lie in customs warehouses and did not travel the world, it is not known what time it is. Pine nuts are quality if they are imported from Siberia, the Far East, Italy and Pakistan. Good peanuts are supplied by China. Iranian pistachios have an incomparable taste.
   When choosing pistachios, take a look at whether their shells are open or not. Naturally chopped pistachios are considered the most delicious. This is easy to verify: try flattening the walnut flaps. Failed - pistachios are definitely delicious. In the old and spoiled peeled pine nuts at the ends, dark spots are noticeable. If you choose in the shell, then make sure that there are no debris and lumps of cone in the nuts that quickly deteriorate and spoil the nuts. Be careful with hazelnuts, which are very malleable for mold. It is better not to buy it by weight in the markets. It is better to take nuts in the shell. Purified hazelnuts must be bought in their original packaging, but carefully inspect it so that there are no crooked seams and other signs of counterfeiting. When buying nuts in vacuum packaging and keep in mind: the shorter the shelf life and the less the number of preservatives and stabilizers in the product, the tastier and better the nut will be.

Caution: aflatoxins!
   It is worth avoiding moldy and rancid nuts. They can cause severe poisoning and serious cancer. In such nuts, hazardous substances are formed - aflatoxins, which produce mold fungi.
   “The presence of aflatoxins cannot be determined outside the laboratory: they are absolutely tasteless and odorless,” says Valeria Zhirnaya, seller of a tray of nuts and dried fruits, “Aflatoxins are not destroyed during cooking. I would not recommend buying nuts for the future. Do not try to reanimate the kernels of nuts, frying, boiling, etc., if their quality is in doubt. These nuts have one way - to the trash. If, after cracking a nut, you see a cloud of pollen, immediately throw away the spoiled product. By the way, the old rancid fruits of any nuts are also distinguished by a pronounced yellowish tinge.

The nutritionist Oksana Skitalinskaya told about the dangers and benefits of nuts:
“In general, the question of the benefits and harms of nuts depends on the personal properties of the body, as well as how much you consume them. Nuts - an ideal product for a snack, which fits in the hand, then the effect of their consumption will be greatest. It’s not quite right to consider nuts a nutritious diet that can replace meat, since the fats and proteins of nuts will not replace certain valuable amino acids found in meat products. Ideally add nuts to salads, vegetables and herbs. Nuts will bring more harm than good in sweets - maximum fat and carbohydrates. We should not forget that they have allergenic properties. One of the strongest allergens is peanuts. By the way, the risk of a person developing a food allergy can be significantly reduced at the stage of intrauterine development. For this, the expectant mother needs to eat foods rich in fatty acids, including nuts. Fortunately, the benefits and harms of nuts are uneven. Of course, there are many times more benefits, and therefore do not neglect this amazing product and always keep a handful of nuts in your bag (in case of a small snack). ”