How to remove the smell of burnt food from home. Cleansing enameled pans from stains and burnt food

Mistresses love to cook in stainless steel pots. In such dishes, you can cook any food: borsch, stew, cereals, soups, dairy dishes, etc. The inner surface of the walls of stainless steel pots does not darken, food rarely burns to the bottom, this alloy does not oxidize and does not become rusty. In order for something to burn to the surface of such a pan, you still need to try hard. But such cases, alas, do happen. We will consider how to clean a burnt out stainless steel pan so that it does not lose its excellent qualities and lasts for many years for its mistress.

What to do if burned - how to clean it inside? There are several options:

Baking soda

Experienced hostesses know exactly how to clean the stainless steel pan from soot. They do this with ordinary baking soda, which is always at hand. It cleans greasy spots especially effectively. Before cleaning, wash the dishes thoroughly with water and wipe dry. Then sprinkle plenty of dirt with soda. About 0.5 cup of soda is usually consumed in a medium pan. Leave the cooked dishes for a couple of hours for exposure.

Tip: If soda falls off the surface of contaminants, you can add a little water to the soda to make a paste that is firmly held on the walls.

After the exposure time, wipe the dishes with a dry sponge. Note that using soda, the pan can also be cleaned from the outside.

Heat cleaning

And how to clean a burnt stainless steel pan with virtually no waste? This method is also there. Try to get rid of burnt spots by heating. For this purpose, fill the container to be cleaned with water so that it completely covers the burned areas and put on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off. Then add a few tablespoons of salt to the pan and leave for a couple of hours.

Note: Do not add salt to cold water, because this can be detrimental to the condition of the metal.

When the required amount of time has been sustained, drain the water and wipe the area with dirt with a sponge. Dried stains cannot be scraped off - only soaked.

Activated carbon

In this way, it’s good to clean the surface of the dishes if you overlooked the milk, it ran away and dried up to the walls. In this case, you have to look into the medicine cabinet and look for activated carbon there. The tablets must be crushed into powder, which is poured into a burnt pot. Then fill the dirty container with cold water and leave for 10-15 minutes. After exposure, wash the dishes in the usual way.

Milk serum

How to clean the burnt out bottom of a stainless steel pan using food? From troubles with such dishes, whey will save. It must be poured into the pan 1-2 cm above the level of the burnt area and left to act for 24 hours. After this, drain the whey, and wash my pan with a regular detergent. Thanks to the lactic acid contained in the whey, hard-to-remove pieces of burnt food will easily leave the surface of the pan.

Vinegar and lemon

Vinegar can be used to clean the outside as well as the inside of stainless steel pots. Pour a small amount onto a soft sponge or cloth and wipe the walls of the dishes. After that, the pan should be thoroughly rinsed with water and wiped dry with a clean towel. Vinegar, by the way, perfectly copes with water stains. If you need to clean the entire pan completely, then it is soaked in vinegar for 15-20 minutes, and then washed and wiped.

Speaking about how to clean a burnt stainless steel pan, you need to mention that instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice (or citric acid). 1 tablespoon of juice must be diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution is wiped with pots, pans and other stainless steel products. For greater effect, such a solution can be poured into a pan and boiled for 15 minutes. After processing, dishes must be washed under running water.

About another option for using vinegar to remove strong soot at the bottom of the pan is described in the video.

Cleaning the outside of the pan

How to clean a stainless steel pan outside? There are several ways to cleanse this:

Soda + glue

Before you clean a burnt stainless steel pan in this way, take care of the presence of stationery glue. The pot that needs to be cleaned will need to be placed in a larger container and filled with water. We also fill up 0.5 packs of baking soda per 5 liters of water and pour 100 g of stationery glue. If the pan is very badly affected by soot, then you can add detergent to the prepared liquid. This mixture should completely cover the contaminated pan. We put this "preparation" on the fire and boil for 20 minutes. Then turn off the fire and cool the water without taking out the pan. Nagar leaves easily after wiping with a sponge. This way you clean the pot both inside and out.

Special tools

On the shelves you can find several types of special emulsions or liquids that make cleaning stainless steel dishes easy and quick. Give preference to products with a mild non-aggressive composition. Before using such drugs, you need to read the instructions on the package. The dishes before applying the product warms up well, a special composition is applied, which is aged on the surface for 15-20 minutes. Then the dirt is simply removed with a sponge, the dishes are rinsed and wiped dry with a towel.

The most popular are Schumanit, Amway Oven Cleaner, Sanita Anti-Fat.

Glass Cleaner

It often happens that the dishes seem to be clean, but on the outside there are spots of water or fingerprints. To cope with these unpleasant phenomena, use a detergent for glasses and mirrors. Spread the product evenly over the surface of the pan and wipe it dry with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. To consolidate the effect, you can rinse the pan with water and polish with a soft dry towel.

General recommendations for the care of stainless steel cookware

  • Stainless steel cookware must not be stored contaminated. She needs constant and thorough cleaning, because only proper and reverent care will allow her to maintain her excellent consumer qualities for a long time.
  • After each use, the stainless dishes must be cleaned with water and detergent. Such care will prevent the appearance of stubborn stains and the drying of pieces of food to the surface of the pan.
  • It is advisable not to use a dishwasher to clean stainless steel pans, even if it is provided for by the operating rules. Such dishes will serve you much longer if you wash it exclusively with your hands. You need to wash the pots in warm water.
  • Do not leave the stainless steel utensils to dry in the air, wipe them dry with a towel immediately after washing, otherwise stains may appear on the walls of the utensils.
  • Do not use hard sponges or metal washcloths to wash dishes. All this can scratch the coating.
  • The surface of the pan is cleaned exclusively with point, rather than circular motions. This approach will help keep it as clean and smooth as possible.
  • The reason for the appearance of water stains may be not so much the water itself as the minerals that make up its composition. Therefore, it is necessary to use softer water.
  • The glossy luster of a stainless steel pan can be added with raw potatoes. It is cut in half and rubbed into slices of the pan.


Beautiful and clean kitchen utensils are the pride of every housewife, but no matter how carefully you take care of your favorite dishes, sooner or later it can still burn or become covered with an unpleasant yellowish coating. But do not be upset and think about what to do if an enameled pan burned, as there are many ways to help get rid of a burn with various improvised means.

To prevent burning of the enamel pan, you must adhere to some rules. In such a bowl do not cook, and also use it for deep fat. Enamel is often damaged as a result of temperature changes, so you can not put a hot container on a cold surface. In addition, you can not pour cold water into a hot pot and put on a hot stove.

In an enameled dish you should not boil milk, because in this case it often burns. That is why such a pot is not used for cooking milk porridge. An enamel container cannot be placed sharply on a stove or table, let alone drop it on the floor, because such material can easily break off. At the same time, the dishes lose their appearance and it will no longer be possible to fully use it.

It is forbidden to clean the enameled surface:

  • washing powder;
  • means for cleaning carbon deposits in grills and ovens;
  • chlorine-containing liquids;
  • gels and means for cleaning plumbing.

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They well remove burnt food, but are washed off quite difficult. It is proved that harmful particles are able to remain on the surface even with repeated washing off. If ingested, they may be harmful to health.

Enamel Cleansing

To clean a burnt enamel pan, you can use table saltpossessing good cleansing properties. It is desirable that it be large. The burnt area should be abundantly sprinkled with a thick layer. In a few hours, salt can corrode the burn, which is then easily removed from the dishes.

You can clean the bottom of a burnt container with a strong salt solution. To do this, pour 6 tablespoons of salt into a liter of water and put the pan on the stove to heat for 30 minutes. After that, the burn should easily move away, and the container is washed with a dishwashing detergent.

If the bottom is very burnt, can use sodabest calcined. It is necessary to make a cool soda solution, leave it overnight, and boil for two hours in the morning. Once it has cooled, the carbon should be washed under running water. Citric acid, which also has bleaching properties, is used in the same way.

Cleaning thin deposits in the pan can be carried out with activated charcoal. To do this, the tablets are pounded into powder and sprinkled on the bottom of burnt dishes. Leave for 30 minutes, then add a glass of water and wait another hour. The stick is cleaned with a sponge, and the pan is washed under water.

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If the soot is very strong, then you can clean a burnt enameled pan   only vinegar. It is poured so much that it completely covers the entire burnt layer, and they wait. It is removed with a sponge, and the pan is washed with a dishwashing detergent.

A rather non-standard way to clean an enameled pan is to use Coca-Cola. This drink is poured into a container and boiled, as a result of which all soot is completely removed.

Additional ways

Sometimes some people help with this. fruits and vegetables. With the help of such food products, enamel dishes are well cleaned. To do this, use:

  • pear;
  • onion;
  • sour apple.

Any of them finely chopped, pour water and boil over a fire.

You can clean the container with a strong action. It is especially effective if you need to remove burnt jam. Sugar syrup sticks very tight to the bottom, and only household chemicals can cope with it. To prepare a cleaning solution, take 3 tbsp. l citric acid and soda,  as well as 100 ml   Whiteness. The mixture is well stirred, after which a glass of water is added to it. The solution is poured into burnt dishes and set on fire for 30 minutes. Then it should cool. After using such a remedy, no residue remains.

Milk serum. Such sour milk helps to gently remove contamination from enamel. They need to pour the bottom of the pan overnight, and in the morning the rest of the burn is wiped with a sponge and detergent.

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Freezing. Not every housewife knows that the burnt bottom of the dishes can be cleaned by freezing. For this, the pan is placed in the freezer, after an hour they are removed and washed under cool water. Contamination is removed very quickly. It is just impossible to use hot water for washing, otherwise the enameled surface can quickly crack due to a sharp temperature difference.

Washing the pan from stains and stains

When used in enameled dishes often stains and darkening. This disadvantage is typical for this type of dishes. You can wash a burnt pan from enamel thanks to the following simple means:

  • mustard powder;
  • vinegar;
  • vodka or medical alcohol;
  • peel from apples.

Sour apples are peeled, which they rub the darkened places and leave for 15 minutes, after which you should start washing the pan. If this does not help, then it is necessary to boil the peel of several apples in the container for an hour.

Let's be honest: a well-burnt dish is not subject to any resuscitation. It is so saturated with the smell of burning that even if you manage to return it to a more or less decent look, it will taste terrible. But it’s quite possible to save the dishes that just started to burn.

The main thing is to act quickly and accurately

So, the sooner you notice that your dish is burning, the more chances you have to save it. The easiest is burnt thick soups. Their salvation almost always succeeds, and no one usually guesses that little trouble happened during cooking with the soup. Immediately remove the pan from the heat using oven mitts or a kitchen towel. Pour the soup into another pan.

Runaway milk just needs to be poured into clean dishes. If the milk smells strongly of burnt milk, try to salt it a little or strain a couple of times through cheesecloth. Do not forget to pour a solution of baking soda into the ladle with burnt milk - this way it will be easier to wash off.

A roast or stew of meat that has started to burn is more difficult to save. Such dishes are very quickly saturated with the smell of burnt. But you can try. Turn off the gas immediately, put everything from the pan that has not burned. From the affected pieces of meat cut the burnt crusts. Put all the saved meat in a clean pan, fill with broth, put a slice of butter and seasoning, and then simmer on low heat. It is also good to add tomato sauce and fried onions.

If rice is burnt, it should also be transferred to a clean pan (of course, only one that has not been damaged and has not changed its color to radically black). Put a crust of white bread in the same pan and close the lid. After half an hour, the crust should pick up the smell of burnt. Take it away and do what you planned with rice.

Burnt custard often spoils the mood of the hostesses. But you can correct the situation by pouring the cream into another bowl and adding lemon zest or chocolate to it. The taste of the cream will acquire interesting shades and noble depth.

A burnt pie will upset anyone. But if the scale of the damage is not too large, just scrape off the burnt crust with a knife. If the cake is sweet, sprinkle it with icing sugar or cover with a simple icing.

Gently burned milk porridge, without affecting the burned one, transfer to another pan, add some milk and boil it, stirring and keeping your eyes on it.

Little tricks

Sometimes you can fix the burnt taste with the help of caraway seeds and other spices. This works especially well if you start to burn the roast, or you forgot about the meat, which was quietly stewed on the stove. Add a teaspoon of caraway seeds, a little cayenne pepper, cinnamon on the tip of the knife and curry to the meat.

A couple of pieces of bacon can also fix the situation: bacon absorbs a smoky aroma, and the dish is not only edible, but quite tasty. So you can save meat dishes or sauces. But for lemon pie this method, of course, will not work.

And so that nothing burns, use pots and pans with a thick bottom, and warm the pan thoroughly before putting food on it. And get a crock-pot on the farm. Cooking with her is very convenient: I laid down the products and forgot. The slow cooker itself will signal when everything is ready. And never turn on the fire at full power.

20 tips on how to remove the taste of burned from different products.  Cooking any dish is a very responsible process. It is worth a little distraction or hold the ingredients on the stove longer than necessary, and the result will be completely not as good as it should be. During the preparation of fried dishes, it is likely that the contents of the pan can burn and a burnt taste will spoil the impression of food.

There are several proven tips and tricks to remove the burnt taste. Using folk remedies, you can try to get rid of the burnt taste and smell of almost any product.

  • Transfer food to clean dishes, making sure that the burnt portion remains in the container where the food was prepared.
  • Place the dishes in a container with cold water and wait about 20 minutes.
  • Stir the dish.


In the event that a dish containing milk is burnt, it is necessary:

  • Immediately pour the dish into another dish.
  • If the milk was oily, you can try diluting it with water a little.
  • Cover the milk container with moist paper sprinkled with vinegar to absorb the smell.
  • Add a little salt to milk and immerse dishes with it in a large container with cold water.
  • Strain the burnt milk through a clean white cloth, repeating this until the unpleasant aftertaste disappears. Each time a piece of cloth should be rinsed in water.

Other products

Methods for removing burnt taste and odor differ from the type of burnt product. For example:

  • Rice must be transferred to another pan, put inside a fresh crust of bread, and leave for half an hour.
  • The burnt custard should be poured into another container and add a little zest of orange or lemon. You can also put bitter chocolate melted in a water bath.
  • The charred crust from the pie should be carefully scraped off with a knife. After that, baking can be sprinkled with powdered sugar mixed with a little cinnamon, or covered with chocolate icing.
  • The burnt porridge must be moved to a clean bowl and immersed in a pot of cold water. Then add a little warm boiled milk and salt. Put on a small fire again and bring to readiness.
  • If the meat is burnt, put the pieces on a dish and cut off the crust with a knife. Pour water or broth into the pan, add the juice remaining from the burnt product, pour in flavorful seasonings for meat and cook over high heat for about 3 minutes. Put a piece of butter, stir until smooth, add salt. This sauce should be served with meat.
  • Burnt vegetables can be saved by adding cream, sour cream or a little sugar to them.
  • If the cheese crust is burnt during baking, it should be carefully removed with a spoon or knife and grate a new piece of cheese on the surface of the dish.

Trying to get rid of the taste of burnt, you need to consider that:

  • You need to act quickly until the unpleasant taste and smell have not spread throughout the dish completely. Then eliminating them will be much more difficult.
  • It’s important not to overdo it. You can accidentally spoil the dish repeatedly, making it too thick or under salted.
  • It is advisable to pre-worry that the food necessary for such a situation is at hand, otherwise it will be almost impossible to correct the situation.

Many housewives are familiar with such a nuisance as food burned to the bottom of the pan. As soon as this happens, the kitchen is filled with a terrible smell, and the dishes are covered with extremely difficult to remove brown coating. In this article, you will learn how to wash a burnt pot in a simple and effective way.

What you should not do

As soon as the pan burns out, it immediately comes to mind that it needs to be scraped with a metal washcloth, but this is not recommended. The fact is that such a washcloth is very hard, which spoils the surface of the dishes.

If enameled utensils are burnt, then you should not heed the erroneous advice and immediately put it under cold water. This will not save from the adhering soot, but a change in temperature will cause the enamel to crack and crack.

If your pan is aluminum, then remember that this coating is rather delicate, so abrasives should not be used as cleaning agents.

If it is more convenient for you to clean the dishes with powder, then it is best to take a toothbrush, which differs in very small and soft particles.

Salt solves the problem

The universal cleaning agent at all times was salt. If there is one in the house, then the problem of how to clean a burnt pot is quickly solved.

There are two ways to clean dishes from burnt food using salt - “dry” and “wet”. When using the first one, it is necessary to pour salt with a thick layer on the burnt bottom of the pan and wait a couple of hours. Then it is easy to clean the deposits using a stiff sponge.

The second method: in 1 liter of water you need to dilute 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, then pour the dishes with this solution. Bring the mixture to a boil and remove from heat. After a few hours, burnt food will begin to lag behind. It will be very easy to remove by adding any liquid detergent to the saline solution.

Universal soda

If you are still wondering how to wash a burnt pot, then pay attention to ordinary baking soda. This tool, available at hand for any housewife, copes with a burnt layer. Soda not only cleans the burn, but also better than any expensive powder, whitens dishes, removes grease, and also disinfects surfaces.

Many housewives have already thrown out newfangled cleaning powders and are only happy with the result that soda shows. How to clean a burnt enamel pan? Everything is very simple - use a natural remedy! Soda particles are very small, so they will not leave cracks or scratches on the surface of the dishes.

If you make slurry from soda and salt, you get a great tool to eliminate almost any household pollution.

If you have pots that have a very old soot, and you are already desperate to clean them, cover the contamination with a soda-salt mixture and leave for 24 hours. After this time, add water to the pan and let it boil for a while. Then you can proceed to the final cleaning of the dishes using a sponge. Believe me, you will stop wondering how to wash a burnt pan, because it will be perfectly clean.

And again about soda ...

There is an alternative way to clean dishes. It is necessary to take a pack of soda and dilute it in six liters of water. Pour the solution into a large container and lower the pan there. Next, you need to boil the liquid along with the dishes and leave for 3-4 hours. You will be amazed at how easily the burner moves away from the walls.

Acid scrubbing

Do not think that we suggest you take advantage of industrial acid. To quickly remove carbon deposits, the products available in each kitchen are quite suitable.

The most famous "kitchen" acid is vinegar. If your problem is how to clean a burnt pot, consider that you have found a great way to remove dirt, as well as rust and scale.

For cleaning, you need to combine a couple of tablespoons of vinegar essence and a glass of water directly in the pan with a burnt bottom. After you boil the solution several times, the burner will easily go away.

Vinegar can easily be replaced with lemon juice or crystallized citric acid. It is safer, and there will be no such unpleasant smell as from vinegar. A few tablespoons of lemon juice or one sachet of acid should be dissolved in a small volume of water.

You should pour the solution into the contaminated dishes, boil and leave for a couple of hours, after which you will stop worrying about how to wash the burnt pan, because the bottom of the dishes will shine.

Our grandmothers always knew how to clean a burnt enameled pan. To do this, they used whey or yogurt. These products are a delicate and mild detergent for cleaning easily deformable surfaces.

Fancy ways

If you don’t know how to clean a burnt aluminum pan, and there are no cleaners at hand, then potato peelings that can do a great deal with carbon can come in handy. Pour water into a pan, lower the cleanings there and boil them until cooked. Allow the water to cool and wash the dishes with soap and water.

Probably, all housewives, without exception, are afraid of milk burn, since it is very poorly cleaned. In this case, activated carbon will act as a real assistant. It is necessary to crush 10 tablets of this substance and fill them with the bottom of burnt dishes. After 40 minutes, add a little water to the product, and after a couple of hours with a hard sponge, you can easily remove the dirt. This method also helps to clean the burnt pan from jam.