How to remove green tea stains. How to remove tea stains on white - which method is best?

If you accidentally spilled tea on your favorite blouse, don’t despair. You can remove fresh stains by washing the product with laundry soap. hot water. It is much more difficult to deal with brown marks when they have dried and the dye has been firmly absorbed into the fabric. Such a nuisance, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Let's figure out how to remove old tea stains and return your clothes to their flawless appearance.

Fighting methods

Tea is quite difficult to wash off because it is a powerful natural dye. It contains the substance tannin, which firmly eats into the fibers of the fabric and gives them a bright brown color.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to purchase a high-quality stain remover from the household chemicals department and treat the stain, strictly following the instructions. How to remove old tea stains? You can use:

  • Faberlic universal stain remover EXTRA OXY;
  • Amwey SA8™ bleach;
  • liquid Vanish for colored or white fabrics.

Modern household chemicals It is capable of cleaning the most stubborn stains, but has a high cost. Return clothes perfect view You can also use improvised means that are found in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing an old tea stain, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • citric and oxalic acid;
  • glycerin and borax;
  • table salt and peroxide.

If you do not have the opportunity to wash the item immediately, wipe the brown marks with alcohol diluted 1:3 with water. This will make it easier to remove stains when they dry.

How to wash white fabric

A simple way to remove an old tea stain on a white material is “Whiteness”. It is only suitable for dense natural fabric, for example, linen or cotton.

  1. Dilute a couple of capfuls of the product in a liter of heated water and soak the soiled item for several hours.
  2. Afterwards, all you have to do is rinse it thoroughly by adding conditioner to the water. It will get rid of the specific smell.
  3. When working with bleach, remember to wear rubber gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands.

If there is no “Whiteness” in the house, don’t worry, you can wash off an old tea stain with improvised means. Use a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. This solution is a powerful cleaning agent and easily copes with traces of tea leaves.

  1. Moisten the contaminated area, apply the prepared solution to it and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then wash the item with regular powder, rinse and dry.

It’s easy to remove tea leaves stains from a white blouse using hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly moisten the dirty surface of the clothing with the product, wait a quarter of an hour and wash in the usual way.

We use acid

Old tea stains are effectively destroyed with oxalic acid. It can be used for white natural material. Colored and synthetic fabrics deteriorate easily when exposed to acid.

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. oxalic acid, soak the stains with the liquid and wait half an hour.
  2. After this, rinse the product with water in which you dissolve 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Once you try this method, you will stop wondering how to remove an old tea stain.

To enhance the whitening effect, it is recommended to mix oxalic and citric acids in a 1:2 ratio. Measure out one and a half teaspoons of the mixture and dissolve it in 250 ml. water. Before use, it is advisable to add 3 drops of ammonia to the liquid and treat the contaminated area on the fabric with it. The spots will quickly lighten and disappear.

For natural silk The solution to stubborn stains is lactic acid. It needs to be mixed in equal quantities with purified water and soaked into the blots. After 20 minutes, the product should be rinsed thoroughly with water and washed with powder.

Washing colored laundry

An effective remedy for removing old tea stains on brightly colored fabric is a 10% borax solution. It will not negatively affect the color of the product, but will only effectively remove stains.

  1. Buy a bottle of borax at the pharmacy, moisten a piece of cotton wool with it and wipe the stained areas with it.
  2. Remove any stains remaining after cleaning by sprinkling a mixture of equal amounts onto a damp cloth. citric acid and coarse salt.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the item first in cold and then in hot water and hang to dry.

Tea marks on wool or silk can simply be removed with glycerin. Warm it slightly in a water bath and moisten the stains. After a quarter of an hour, blot the fabric with a dry cloth and start washing with powder.

  1. You can restore the purity of colored fabrics by mixing salt and glycerin into a homogeneous paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirty material and wait until the stain begins to dissolve.
  3. When it discolors, you just have to do a normal wash.

On well-painted material, faint traces of green tea can be easily wiped off with vinegar. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of water. l. product and soak the stained area of ​​fabric in the liquid. After an hour, take the item out, unscrew it and wash it with a high-quality powder.

Note to the hostess

  • Tea stains often appear not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture, carpet and other household items. Glycerin will help cope with them. You need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glycerin in a liter of cool water and thoroughly rinse the stains on the sofa or carpet.
  • Fresh tea stain Simply remove from the upholstery of upholstered furniture with dishwashing detergent or household shavings dissolved in hot water. soap Wipe the stains with a moistened soft sponge, and then remove the foam with a clean napkin.
  • Don’t forget to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item before removing old tea stains. This will help avoid possible discoloration of the fabric.
  • When preparing cleaning solutions, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, as incorrect proportions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mixture or damage to the material.

If you are unable to get rid of the welding stains the first time, treat the stain again and it will disappear completely.

Our favorite drinks - tea and coffee, unfortunately, in addition to enjoying their taste, can also cause considerable trouble - after all, the stains from them are considered one of the most difficult to remove. Black tea contains tannin - a tannin substance, due to which tea stains eat into the fabric threads firmly and very quickly if you do not remove them immediately. Coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate leave unsightly yellowish-brown stains with clear boundaries. Such contaminants must be bleached with special chemical compounds.

What to do if a valuable carpet, branded clothing or a new sofa is damaged? It's time to get desperate here. Of course, everyone to the modern housewife It is known that there are a lot of effective, potent drugs, the best examples of which we told you in detail in the corresponding section of our website in the article “ Stain removers ». Active substances These cleaning products can tackle any stain. But still, one should not discount folk remedies- something that has been tested over the years and is always at hand. For example, if a stain was placed during late tea, then by the time the shops open, it will already be old and difficult to remove. How to remove coffee and tea stains without leaving home, using the most affordable but very effective means at hand?

. To delete fresh spots, prepare a mixture of kitchen salt and glycerin, apply it to the stain and leave for a while (up to half an hour) - let the yellow stains dissolve in the glycerin salts and become thoroughly discolored. Wait until the stains begin to disappear and wash the clothes as usual - the one recommended by the manufacturer. A paste of salt with glycerin is a great way to deal with juice, fat, and ink stains.

. To remove a coffee or tea stain that is several days old, a more aggressive composition is needed: half a tsp. ammonia and two teaspoons of glycerin. Simply wipe the stains with a swab soaked in the two-ingredient solution, then wash your favorite item in warm water and soap.

. Traditionally, freshly squeezed lemon juice or lemon juice, substances with bleaching properties, are used to remove stains of various origins (natural or synthetic). Try combining 2 tsp. lemon juice with oxalic acid (1 tsp), dissolve the composition in 200 ml of water, treat tea or coffee stains, then wash in cool water.

.Tea stains on white, especially on cotton or linen napkins, towels, tablecloths, always become a big problem - they are too often caused by guests during holiday gatherings. Linen is a fairly durable fabric, although, like all natural fabrics, it tends to be difficult to wash. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water and wet the stain with a soft sponge, placing a cloth or paper napkin under it in advance (so that it picks up the contamination). Alcohol can remove dirt by pulling it out from the middle of the fabric fibers,but leave the divorces. They are easy to clean with an 8% solution of the same lemon juice, and only then wash and dry the product.

.It’s easy to get rid of coffee and tea stains by using a light solution.or one tsp. oxalic acid and 2 tsp. lemon juice, diluted in 200 ml of warm water. And so that not even a trace remains of the stain, strengthen this mixture with another spoonful of ammonia. Such a powerful composition helps to remove even stains from rust, blood, wine, and grass.

. Unfortunately, not only wearable items suffer from our careless handling of drinks, but also more expensive ones - carpets, furniture. To remove a coffee stain on the carpet or on the upholstery of your furniture, moisten a foam sponge or soft brush with a glycerin solution and thoroughly wipe the stained area (the solution is made at the rate of one tablespoon per one liter of cold water).

. Needed for painted items special approach- after all, they should not lose the brightness of their colors in the process of removing dirt. Use a 10% borax solution to remove coffee or tea stains. Treat the area of ​​contamination with borax, and stainsremove with lemon juice or juice (5%) with added small quantity salt. Rinse the fabric alternately in cold and then in warm water.

. Now let's talk separately about natural fabrics. To prevent further damage to wool or silk, use heated glycerin. Simply cover the stain with a cloth soaked in glycerin and leave it on top for 15 minutes. Then gently blot and wash.

. Another method for removing stains from natural fabrics, which is ideal for silk, is a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lactic acid and distilled water.

. How to remove a coffee or tea stain if many of the the above methods Didn't bring you the results you needed? For this, there is a more radical remedy that should be used only in extreme cases - a solution of bleach. Attention: after wiping with the solution, rinse the product 3-4 times in cold and warm water until the bleach and its odor are completely removed. This method is only suitable for cotton products. Not for the sins It is not suitable for textiles, much less wool or silk, since it tends to corrode the fibers of the fabric.

. Removing coffee and tea stains from natural silk fabrics is done using a mixture of 1 tsp. lactic acid and 1 tsp. distilled water. Treat the stain and leave for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to rinse the fabric thoroughly in cool water.

How many troubles stains cause, regardless of their origin. If they are not very noticeable on colored things, then on white ones they are visible from afar. Tea stains are especially distressing.

Tea stains are especially noticeable on light-colored clothing.

Tea and tannin

This favorite drink is a kind of ritual for the majority of the world's population. They drink it in the morning before work. It helps with colds. It's good to sit with a cup of tea in front of the TV or computer. It happens that tea droplets imperceptibly fall onto trousers, a dress, a carpet or a tablecloth. If they are detected in time and washed immediately, then things will return to their original appearance. The situation is worse with old and dried tea stains. The tea leaves contain tannins, characteristic feature which are their tanning properties. This tannin, which is especially abundant in green tea, is responsible for the taste and aroma. It also makes tea stains difficult to remove.

There are many ways to answer the question of how to remove tea stains from fabric. The simplest thing that can be suggested in this case is to use dry cleaning services. But if this is not possible, then you can use proven home methods.

Tea contains tannins, which are difficult to remove from fabrics.

Use of glycerin

Regular glycerin will help remove the consequences of unsuccessfully spilled tea from clothes, tablecloths and carpets. Proceed as follows:

  • Take table salt and mix with glycerin until a homogeneous paste is formed.
  • The resulting mixture is applied with a swab to the desired area of ​​contaminated tissue.
  • Leave for a short time until the tea stains discolor.
  • After this, the item is washed, taking into account the properties of the fabric and tips for caring for it.
  • The water temperature should not be too hot.

This method can be used to remove grease and port-wine stains from clothes.

Tea stains can be easily removed by using glycerin and ammonia. For this:

  • take glycerin (2 tbsp), mix with 0.5 tsp. ammonia;
  • Using a tampon, apply the resulting mixture to the tea stain;
  • leave for some time until the stains disappear;
  • wash things in the usual way.

If you fail to remove the tea stain in time, then over time it will be much more difficult to remove. In this case, use oxalic acid (if you are lucky enough to buy it at the pharmacy) and citric acid in a ratio of 1:2 per glass of water.

The swab is moistened in the resulting solution and the contaminated area is cleaned. When finished, carry out normal washing. This product removes traces of coffee and wine well.

Glycerin with ammonia can remove tea stains

Application of ammonia

Tea stains on white fabrics can be easily removed with ammonia. Do this:

  • For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 tsp. alcohol and prepare a solution;
  • Apply to the contaminated area using a sponge;
  • Be sure to place a napkin under the fabric.

When using this method, alcohol stains may remain on white fabric. A 10% solution of citric acid will help remove them. After all procedures, the item is washed in warm water.

Removing tea stains from clothes made from delicate fabrics is not easy. The tablecloth or dress can be easily damaged. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide is used. Gently moisten the tea stain with peroxide using a swab. And then wash in cold (required) water.

Rub the tea stains with ammonia

Using bleach

If the tea party ends unsuccessfully, and a white cotton product is damaged, then ordinary bleach will help save the situation. It applies only to fabrics made from natural materials. It is not applicable for wool and silk; instead of a red spot, a large hole may form.

It is recommended to treat woolen fabrics damaged by tea brewing with heated glycerin using a tampon. After a quarter of an hour, the contaminated area on the clothing or carpet is thoroughly washed with water and blotted with a napkin.

An effective remedy for the effects of tea is lemon juice, which can fight tannin.

Lemon juice dissolves tannins and removes tea stains

Basic Rules

To wash clothes, carpet or tablecloth from tea stains at home, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before starting work, place a napkin or several layers of clean cloth under the cloth to be cleaned.
  • If you need to wash a colored item, you need to make sure that the product is safe and will not damage it. Apply the selected cleaning agent to the clothes in an inconspicuous place and see what the result is.
  • Correctly apply the cleaning solution or product as follows: first on the fabric around the stain, and then on the contaminated area. Moisten from the edge towards the center. This is done so that the liquid is evenly distributed and does not drain.
  • It is recommended to initially use a solution of a lower concentration, and if there is no result, the concentration of the solution can be increased.

You can remove tea stains from things at home, but great care and attention is required.

Do you like drinking tea? This is certainly true, because there are millions of fans of this drink all over the world. And they all agree in one opinion: tea invigorates, gives health and good mood, but stains from it are a real punishment; often regular washing is not enough to remove them. How to remove traces of awkward tea drinking from clothes, textiles and paper surfaces? There are such methods, and today we will look at them.

How to remove black and green tea stains

If you spill tea on clothes or any surfaces, try to remove the liquid as quickly as possible. A fresh tea stain can be easily washed off from almost any fiber and fabric, even in cold water. And it makes no difference whether the tea was black or green. But if the stain has already dried, you will have to try.

Try to remove the spilled tea stain as quickly as possible before it begins to dry out.

The fact is that the reason for the persistence of such contamination is tannin, a tannin found in tea. There is, of course, more of it in black than in green, which is why its color is more intense. But both stains will have the same resistance to washing.

Don't be upset by the appearance of a tea stain. Everything is in our hands, and you and I can easily deal with this trouble on our own; dry cleaning is most likely not needed here. And you probably have stain removers on hand.

8 remedies for tea stains

  1. Fresh lemon juice. Tannin, which is contained in tea and is responsible for the intensity of its color, is easily broken down lemon juice. Gently apply the juice to the stain, wait a few minutes and wash the item as usual.
  2. Heated glycerin. On silk and woolen fabrics, tea stains can be removed with warm glycerin, applying it with a sponge or cotton swab. After 15 minutes, rinse the area where the stain was with warm water, then blot it several times with a napkin.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Treat delicate items made from thin, delicate fabrics with hydrogen peroxide, then wash in cold water.
  4. Citric or oxalic acid solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid or 2 teaspoons of citric acid in a glass of cold water. Soak a sponge or cotton swab in the solution and carefully wipe the stain. After this, wash as usual.
  5. Ammonia and water. Regular solution of 1 teaspoon ammonia per liter of cold water also works well on tea stains. Moisten the stain with it, under which you first place a piece of white cloth. The stain will remain on this napkin. If there are stains left after ammonia, remove them with a 10% citric acid solution. 15 minutes after treatment, rinse the product thoroughly and then wash in warm water.
  6. Salt with glycerin. Mix table salt and glycerin to a paste, apply it to the stain, leave for a few minutes. Tea stains should be discolored. When the stain is gone, wash the item as usual.
  7. Glycerin with ammonia. Take 2 tablespoons of glycerin, add ½ teaspoon of ammonia, mix. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the stain with it until complete removal. When you're done, wash the item if it's clothing, or rinse it off with clean water if you're treating upholstered furniture or carpet.
  8. Bleaching. Tea stains on cotton items white can be removed with a rather aggressive agent - bleach, or more precisely, chlorine bleach. But this method is only suitable for cotton, and fabrics such as silk, wool and synthetics are easily damaged in this way. In place of the red tea stain, you will get a hole because chlorine eats away at the fibers.

Don't forget to follow the product care instructions! Water temperature is especially important.

Photo gallery: products that break up tea stains

Chlorine bleach is suitable for removing stains from white cotton items. Ammonia must first be diluted with water. Glycerin must be heated and applied to the stain. Lemon juice instantly lightens a tea stain.

To treat tea stains on thin fabrics, use hydrogen peroxide. Oxalic and citric acids dissolved in water work well on old tea stains.

Note! If you doubt the effectiveness of a particular product, treat an inconspicuous area on the product with a small amount. This way you can find out in advance whether the item will be damaged during the stain removal process.

Now let's look in more detail at how to use these methods correctly and safely for your things.

How to machine wash

Each type of fabric has its own characteristics that you should pay attention to when washing and cleaning stains, including tea stains. An automatic washing machine will help you deal with such a nuisance as tea stains on clothes if you don’t have time to scrub them off by hand. But it is important to know how to wash this item correctly in order to remove the stain without ruining it.

Using machine washing, it’s easy to remove tea stains from items of any color and any fabric.

15 minutes before washing colored items, pre-apply heated glycerin to the stain.

Table: machine settings and means for removing tea stains from different types of fabric

Fabric type Mode/temperature/spin speed Detergent options
White cotton or linen
  • Chlorine bleach
  • oxalic acid (2 tbsp.).
Colored cotton or linen Quick wash + rinse / 40° / 1000 rpm
  • Borax (1–2 tsp.),
  • citric acid (2 tbsp.),
  • vinegar (3 tbsp.)
Synthetics Pre-wash + quick wash + rinse / 40° / 900 rpm
  • Borax (1–2 tsp.),
  • citric acid (2 tbsp.),
  • vinegar (3 tbsp.)
Wool Quick wash + rinse / 40° / 900 rpm
  • Borax (1–2 tsp) + soap shavings (50 g),
  • citric acid (1 tbsp.),
  • vinegar (2 tbsp.).
Colored fabrics of any type (not delicates) Pre-wash + quick wash + rinse / 40° 1000 rpm
  • Borax (1–2 tsp.),
  • citric acid (2 tbsp.),
  • vinegar (3 tbsp.)
Delicate fabrics Quick wash + rinse / 40° / 700 rpm
  • Citric acid (1 tsp),
  • vinegar (2 tsp).

Important! Borax (sodium tetraborate) is not suitable for washing children's clothes and clothes of people prone to allergies.

How to withdraw manually

It just so happens that tea tends to get on everything around, not only on clothes, but also on furniture, curtains, tablecloths, wallpaper, books and notebooks on the table. This is due to our inattention, which means we have to deal with removing stains.

Even from a light-colored carpet, removing a tea stain is not that difficult if you do it right away.

Please note two rules:

  1. Apply cleaning solutions from the edges of the stain to the center so that the liquid does not have time to spread.
  2. Use a solution of lower concentration at first, increasing it only if necessary.

From white things, tablecloths, tulle

These stains can be removed without washing. If it so happened that the tea got on white tablecloth made of cotton or linen, bed linen, towel or tulle, try to wipe it with a sponge soaked in ammonia. Before doing this, you need to make a backing made of soft cloth or blotting paper under the contaminated area. When you clean the stain, moisten the area with a 10% citric acid solution, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with clean water.

Try rubbing lemon juice onto the stain. It breaks down tannin perfectly, especially on white fabrics. If you don’t have lemon on hand, hydrogen peroxide can replace it.

Did the previous remedies not help? Then it's time for oxalic acid. Dilute ½ teaspoon of this substance in a glass of water and scrub the stain.

The peculiarity of oxalic acid is that it perfectly removes third-party stains from white fabrics, but is not at all suitable for colored ones.

Instead of oxalic acid, you can use hyposulfite - 1 teaspoon per glass of water. You just don’t need to rinse the item after treating it with this product. clean water, and in a solution of ammonia (2 tsp per 1 liter of water).

Oxalic acid will help remove stains from white fabrics, but is not suitable for colored fabrics.

Heated glycerin applied to the tea stain will also do the job. Leave it for 15 minutes, then rinse the item in warm water. If the stain is already ingrained and dry, strengthen the remedy by adding ammonia to it (1/2 tsp ammonia and 2 tsp glycerin). After removing the stain, wash the product with powder or soap.

Any chlorine bleach will do an excellent job of removing tea stains on unpretentious fabrics. Dilute it in water according to the instructions and soak clothes, bed linen, towels, and tablecloths in the solution. Time needed for soaking is also indicated in the instructions. After this, you just need to wash and rinse things. Chlorine bleaches are not suitable for tulle and delicate fabrics.

From colored clothes, from jeans, from a knitted sweater

A 10% borax solution will help remove stains from colored items made from any fabric: denim, wool, linen, cotton and silk. Even a tight or loose knit sweater can be as good as new. Apply the solution to a cotton swab and scrub the stain until it is completely dissolved. After this, soak a piece of cloth in soapy water and wipe the area where the stain was. All that remains is to rinse the item in warm water.

Sodium tetraborate will remove stains from colored clothing, denim and wool fabrics

If the fabric is very bright and you are afraid that the colors will fade, rinse the product in cold water and vinegar.

From the carpet and the sofa

If you spilled tea on these interior items, first of all you need to try to clean up as much as possible more liquid, and then remove traces of the drink.

If the stain has already been absorbed and dried, the procedure will need to be repeated.

From paper

Do you like to drink tea while working on documents or reading your favorite book? Then the problem of tea spilled on papers is probably familiar to you. If the paper is thick enough, you can try to remove stains like this:

  1. Blot up any spilled liquid with a paper towel.
    Do not rub the paper under any circumstances!
  2. Moisten the stained sheet of paper with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. Then blot with a sponge soaked in distilled water with the addition of slaked lime (1 teaspoon per glass) and dry with a paper towel.
  4. If stains persist, apply a chlorine bleach solution (1 part bleach to 2 parts water) to the stains, then iron through wax paper.

Important! Images on paper may become blurry and faded after this treatment. So think about it, is it worth spoiling a document or book with such cleaning? Maybe it’s enough to quickly blot the tea with a dry napkin?

Video: removing smudges from a document

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and stubborn tea stains, even old ones, are easy to remove from your favorite things. Tell us in the comments what methods and means you use in such cases, and how effective do they seem to you? Good luck and comfort to your home!

If you accidentally spilled tea on your favorite blouse, don’t despair. You can remove fresh stains by washing the product with laundry soap and hot water. It is much more difficult to deal with brown marks when they have dried and the dye has been firmly absorbed into the fabric. Such a nuisance, unfortunately, is not uncommon. Let's figure out how to remove old tea stains and return your clothes to their flawless appearance.

Fighting methods

Tea is quite difficult to wash off because it is a powerful natural dye. It contains the substance tannin, which firmly eats into the fibers of the fabric and gives them a bright brown color.

The easiest way to deal with the problem is to purchase a high-quality stain remover from the household chemicals department and treat the stain, strictly following the instructions. How to remove old tea stains? You can use:

  • Faberlic universal stain remover EXTRA OXY;
  • Amwey SA8™ bleach;
  • liquid Vanish for colored or white fabrics.

Modern household chemicals can clean the most stubborn stains, but they are expensive. You can return your clothes to their ideal appearance using improvised means that can be found in the arsenal of every housewife. Before removing an old tea stain, prepare:

  • ammonia;
  • citric and oxalic acid;
  • glycerin and borax;
  • table salt and peroxide.

If you do not have the opportunity to wash the item immediately, wipe the brown marks with alcohol diluted 1:3 with water. This will make it easier to remove stains when they dry.

How to wash white fabric

A simple way to remove an old tea stain on a white material is “Whiteness”. It is only suitable for thick natural fabrics, such as linen or cotton.

  1. Dilute a couple of capfuls of the product in a liter of heated water and soak the soiled item for several hours.
  2. Afterwards, all you have to do is rinse it thoroughly by adding conditioner to the water. It will get rid of the specific smell.
  3. When working with bleach, remember to wear rubber gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands.

If there is no “Whiteness” in the house, don’t worry, you can wash off an old tea stain with improvised means. Use a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. This solution is a powerful cleaning agent and easily copes with traces of tea leaves.

  1. Moisten the contaminated area, apply the prepared solution to it and leave for half an hour.
  2. Then wash the item with regular powder, rinse and dry.

It’s easy to remove tea leaves stains from a white blouse using hydrogen peroxide. Thoroughly moisten the dirty surface of the clothing with the product, wait a quarter of an hour and wash as usual.

We use acid

Old tea stains are effectively destroyed with oxalic acid. It can be used for white natural material. Colored and synthetic fabrics deteriorate easily when exposed to acid.

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of water. oxalic acid, soak the stains with the liquid and wait half an hour.
  2. After this, rinse the product with water in which you dissolve 1 tsp. ammonia.
  3. Once you try this method, you will stop wondering how to remove an old tea stain.

To enhance the whitening effect, it is recommended to mix oxalic and citric acids in a 1:2 ratio. Measure out one and a half teaspoons of the mixture and dissolve it in 250 ml. water. Before use, it is advisable to add 3 drops of ammonia to the liquid and treat the contaminated area on the fabric with it. The spots will quickly lighten and disappear.

For natural silk, lactic acid is a salvation from stubborn stains. It needs to be mixed in equal quantities with purified water and soaked into the blots. After 20 minutes, the product should be rinsed thoroughly with water and washed with powder.

Washing colored laundry

An effective remedy for removing old tea stains on brightly colored fabric is a 10% borax solution. It will not negatively affect the color of the product, but will only effectively remove stains.

  1. Buy a bottle of borax at the pharmacy, moisten a piece of cotton wool with it and wipe the stained areas with it.
  2. Remove any stains remaining after cleaning by sprinkling a damp cloth with citric acid and coarse salt mixed in equal quantities.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse the item first in cold and then in hot water and hang to dry.

Tea marks on wool or silk can simply be removed with glycerin. Warm it slightly in a water bath and moisten the stains. After a quarter of an hour, blot the fabric with a dry cloth and start washing with powder.

  1. You can restore the purity of colored fabrics by mixing salt and glycerin into a homogeneous paste.
  2. Apply the mixture to the dirty material and wait until the stain begins to dissolve.
  3. When it discolors, you just have to do a normal wash.

On well-painted material, faint traces of green tea can be easily wiped off with vinegar. Pour 1 tbsp into a glass of water. l. product and soak the stained area of ​​fabric in the liquid. After an hour, take the item out, unscrew it and wash it with a high-quality powder.

Note to the hostess

  • Tea stains often appear not only on clothes, but also on upholstered furniture, carpet and other household items. Glycerin will help cope with them. You need to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glycerin in a liter of cool water and thoroughly rinse the stains on the sofa or carpet.
  • A fresh tea stain from the upholstery of upholstered furniture can simply be removed with dishwashing detergent or household shavings dissolved in hot water. soap Wipe the stains with a moistened soft sponge, and then remove the foam with a clean napkin.
  • Don’t forget to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the item before removing old tea stains. This will help avoid possible discoloration of the fabric.
  • When preparing cleaning solutions, strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, as incorrect proportions can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the mixture or damage to the material.

If you are unable to get rid of the welding stains the first time, treat the stain again and it will disappear completely.