How to make jelly from cottage cheese and gelatin. Curd Jelly

Do you like kefir and fermented baked milk? Take them as the basis of your sweet dessert. Do you like sour cream and yogurt more? You will have wonderful sour cream jelly. But we will leave all these products next time, and for now we are preparing homemade jelly from cottage cheese and milk.


pasty curd   - 250-300 grams;

milk - 250 grams;

sugar - 3 tablespoons;

gelatin - 1.5 tablespoons.

Cooking homemade jelly from cottage cheese and milk.

We take the required products.

If you take just pasty cottage cheese, then the jelly will turn out to be airy and very tender. If your cottage cheese is grainy, then previously it is still better to grind it with a blender or even pass it through a meat grinder.

Pour milk into a saucepan, pour sugar into it and put on medium heat.

Bring to a boil. You do not need to boil, as soon as the bubbles appear, turn off. Pour gelatin into hot milk.

Stir and let stand for about 20 minutes. During this time, of course, it will not dissolve, so we put the pan with milk on a weak fire and heat it. Remove from the stove and again leave the gelatin in warm milk for 20 minutes. If even during this time it has not dispersed, repeat the process for the third time. Most importantly, do not bring the contents of the pan to a boil - gelatin will lose its gelling properties.

When all the gelatin crystals have dissolved in the milk, pour it into a deep bowl, put the cottage cheese in it and beat it with a mixer for a couple of minutes. Then quickly, until the oxygen-rich curd-milk mass has settled, pour it into the pots (or even mugs) and put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Homemade jelly from cottage cheese and milk does not differ from the store. To give the delicacy an additional taste and slightly smooth its sweetness, before serving, put on top a couple of acidic berries of cranberries, red or black currants, cherries, in general, put everything that is in the refrigerator. Bon Appetit!

Ingredients for curd jelly with berries:

  • cottage cheese or curd mass - 200 gr.,
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.,
  • instant gelatin - 2 tbsp.,
  • milk or water - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • berries to taste.

I'm curd with a huge spoon
  I eat in the morning for two cheeks -
  My legs will be fast
  The teeth are white and strong!

Let us once again recall the benefits of cottage cheese - after all, this is really an indispensable source of calcium for a growing child's body. Using a simple recipe, you can cook. It is considered very useful - especially for children who are allergic to dairy cow's milk.

And what tasty and healthy dishes for a child can be prepared? Everyone knows, and even.
  Fresh cottage cheese is also very useful (with sour cream, sugar, raisins, etc.) But it also happens that the stomach of an adult or a child is not able to digest cottage cheese, which is fraught with upset stool, loss of appetite and general malaise. In this case, nutritionists offer the following very tasty option for preparing cottage cheese dishes: cottage cheese jelly. When interacting with gelatin, the properties of cottage cheese change slightly, which makes it possible to replenish the calcium supply in the body without problems. Cottage cheese jelly recipe with berries is a very tasty and quick option. Will we try?

Cooking curd jelly with berries:

1. I like to cook curd jelly with berries from the finished curd mass - very tasty and convenient.

2. You will also need instant gelatin and berries. Any berries will suit your taste: fresh or frozen for the winter. I always, wild strawberries, blueberries, etc. It is enough to gently freeze the berries for the winter in the freezer.

3. Pour gelatin into a deep plate and pour boiling water. Stir with a whisk - it dissolves in just a few minutes and does not form lumps.

4. Today I have frozen berries of wild strawberries (the aroma just knocks down!) - 1 cup. I thaw them a little and pour in half of the dissolved gelatin. Add sugar and mix very carefully.

5. The remaining gelatin is mixed with the curd mass and beat for several minutes with a whisk.

6. I pour a few berries with gelatin into a glass or a bowl, and let me freeze a little in the freezer.

7. Pour the curd into the next layer and send it to the cold again.

8. You can make the next layer again from the berries - it will turn out beautifully and brightly.

This dessert freezes very quickly - literally 30 minutes and you can serve it to the table!

Bon Appetit!

Secrets of making curd jelly with berries:

  • if you decide to use ordinary cottage cheese - it must be passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve so that it is homogeneous and tender,
  • for the original taste, lovers of sweet and sour contrast can not add sugar to the berries, but sweeten the curd a little more,
  • to diversify such a dessert, you can add vanilla sugar to the cottage cheese or the zest of orange, lemon,
  • curd jelly with berries is also suitable as a dessert.

Step-by-step recipes for making cottage cheese jelly: classic, quick without sour cream, “Creamy tenderness”, “Tropical island”, “Royal”, with strawberries

2018-06-20 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

10 gr.

10 gr.


   18 g

204 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Curd Jelly Recipe

If you want to prepare a delicious and at the same time healthy dessert, choose cottage cheese jelly. It can be prepared with various ingredients, decorated to your liking. Many do not like cottage cheese, especially children. If you make cottage cheese jelly, then the benefit from it will be the same as from ordinary cottage cheese, just the main ingredient will be disguised as a dessert. Each mistress has her own tricks, take this note as well.


  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred ml of milk;
  • four hundred grams of sour cream;
  • seven tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • twenty five grams of gelatin.

Step by step recipe for curd jelly

Pour milk into a saucepan, add gelatin, stir and leave for half an hour. During this time, it will swell.

After thirty to forty minutes we put the pan on the stove, turn on the fire and heat the milk with gelatin, constantly stirring with a spatula. Just warm up, do not give a boil - this is very important. All we need to do is dissolve the gelatin, not spoil it.

Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, pour granulated sugar and grind. Add sour cream and stir. After whip everything magnificently with a blender, so the consistency of curd jelly will be softer.

Now, in the resulting mass, we introduce gelatin dissolved in milk. Stir everything until smooth.

Decide immediately how you will serve the curd jelly, in separate bowls or in the form of a large dessert. It usually takes two to three hours to solidify.

The surface can be decorated with fruit syrup, canned fruits.

Note: You can make another layer of jelly, only fruit. Combine the gelatin with fruit juice, let it swell, then heat slightly and pour into the mold. When everything hardens, spread the curd jelly on top. We wait, when it hardens, we serve to the table on flat plates so that both layers are visible.

Option 2: Quick Cottage Cheese Recipe

In this version, we use water without sour cream for the preparation of jelly. Quickly prepare the gelatin, curd base and mix everything. It remains only to wait until everything is frozen.


  • three hundred and fifty grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred ml of milk;
  • two tables of granulated sugar;
  • twenty-five grams of gelatin quick;
  • a glass of cold water.

How to quickly make curd jelly

First, we need instant gelatin. Pour it into a small container, fill it with cold water and stir it - let it swell.

Then mix the swollen gelatin with milk, add granulated sugar and stir. Put on low heat and just warm without boiling.

Whip the cottage cheese with a blender. Pour the obtained milk gelatin mass into it and whip it fluffy again.

Lay out the basis for the curd jelly in a bowl and leave for two to three hours until completely solidified.

Additionally, before serving, you can decorate with fresh fruits or berries.

Option 3: Curd Jelly “Creamy Tenderness”

Add the usual confectionery cream, for the base we take dietary cottage cheese. Of course, not without gelatin.


  • nine hundred grams of dietary cottage cheese;
  • a quarter liter pastry cream;
  • sixteen grams of gelatin;
  • five tables of vanilla syrup;
  • two bags of vanillin.

Step by step recipe

Soak the gelatin in a glass of water and leave to swell.

Diet curd slightly grate. Pour in vanilla syrup and combine with squeezed gelatin from the water.

Confectionery cream is whipped with vanilla sugar. Combine with curd base. Stir everything until smooth. If you wish, you can once again beat fluffy with a blender.

Fill the cupcake with the curd jelly base and leave it in the refrigerator for four hours. When serving, pour with any sweet syrup of your choice.

Note: You can also fill the removable form with jelly that has not yet set. First, put the sponge cake on the bottom, then put the curd mass and leave to solidify.

Option 4: Curd Jelly "Tropical Island"

A real exotic dessert based on cottage cheese. We use diet cottage cheese, a couple of bananas, kiwi and oranges. There is another secret ingredient - agar-agar, you need only two plates.


  • three hundred grams of homemade yogurt;
  • six hundred grams of cottage cheese dietetic;
  • one hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • three tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • two agar agar plates;
  • two bananas;
  • two kiwis;
  • two oranges.

How to cook

In a bowl we put diet cottage cheese and yogurt. If not homemade, use purchased without additives. Pour granulated sugar, pour in lemon juice and grind everything together.

Wash oranges, peel and white fibers. Dice.

Peel the kiwi and cut it in the same way as oranges.

Peel the bananas, finely chop and literally sprinkle with lemon juice so that they do not darken.

When slicing an orange, a little juice remains. Dissolve agar agar in it. Then we introduce it into the yogurt mass and divide it into three equal parts.

Add fruit to each part and stir. Punch in with a blender.

We take a detachable form for cakes and pastries. First, spread the curd jelly with orange and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. After we introduce the banana-curd layer - let it harden. The last is a layer of kiwi, do the same.

Serve the finished dessert chilled. Do not forget to remove the detachable form, transfer to a flat dish. Decorate the top of the curd jelly with slices of oranges, slices of bananas and kiwi.

Option 5: Royal Curd Jelly

We will prepare a beautiful and healthy dessert, worthy of dinner parties and receptions. We will need canned fruits in syrup to decorate and enhance the taste.


  • three hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two bags of gelatin, twenty-five grams each;
  • three tables of milk;
  • a glass of methane 20%;
  • half a stack of powdered sugar;
  • a can of canned fruit (peaches, pineapples, etc.).

Step by step recipe

Dissolve all gelatin in warm milk. Leave it to swell.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Then we introduce sour cream and powdered sugar to it. Stir until smooth with a spoon.

We take canned fruits out of the jar and cut into slices. Do not pour the syrup, we still need it for decoration.

Lay the fruit slices at the bottom of the mold in which we will cook the curd jelly.

In the curd mass we introduce dissolved gelatin, mix and distribute on top on the fruit.

Add a little gelatin to the fruit syrup to make it harden. We decorate the top of our dessert with this.

We put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Served in the form of a large dessert. You can decorate with fruit on top.

Also, you can lay out not in one large container, but in a bowl or desserts.

Option 6: Curd Jelly with Strawberries

To make this dessert, we need fresh strawberries. Cook in a large form or immediately portioned, based on the number of households or guests.


  • one kg of fresh strawberries;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream;
  • four hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two hundred ml of cherry juice;
  • one hundred and fifty ml of fat cream;
  • two bags of gelatin twenty-five grams each;
  • two tables of milk;
  • five hundred grams of biscuit cookies or cake;
  • one hundred ml of strawberry yogurt.

How to cook

First, soluble gelatin in milk. You can also use plain water.

We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, then we introduce fat cream and sour cream.

Pour two quarters of the gelatin into the resulting mass. We also introduce powdered sugar, bring to uniformity.

Let's prepare the basis for the dessert. In strawberry yogurt, add one fourth of gelatin, crumble cookies with your hands and mix.

The rest of the gelatin is introduced into the cherry juice.

Pour half of the cherry juice with gelatin into a detachable or regular refractory form. Let it freeze.

Wash the strawberries and cut into halves or quarters. You can and circles - as you like best. We lay on a frozen layer of cherry juice.

Pour the remaining juice and put it in the cold until it hardens.

Next come a layer of curd. Immediately on top is a layer of cookies with yogurt and gelatin. Flatten and leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Now you need to prepare the dessert for serving. We lower the capacity for several seconds in boiling water and turn it over onto a large plate. We have obtained almost a cake with a biscuit base and layers of cottage cheese jelly and fruits with juice.

Step 1: Prepare the gelatin.

   Pour gelatin into a small saucepan and pour milk or cream. Leave it on 30-40 minutesfor swelling. Then we put in a water bath: for this we put a saucepan with gelatin in a larger pan filled with water, which we put on medium heat. Stir the gelatin until it is completely dispersed. Do not let the gelatin boil. The temperature should be around 60 degrees   heat up 10-15 minutesbefore dissolving the gelatin.

Step 2: Cook the jelly.

Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve so that there are no curd grains, and grind (mix thoroughly) with sugar. Add sour cream to the mass, mix again. We introduce dissolved gelatin and mix until a homogeneous consistency. Jelly is done! Pour jelly into portioned tins or in one large form, then put in the refrigerator until completely solidified (about 2 hours).

Step 3: Serve the curd jelly.

   Carefully remove the frozen jelly, for this we lower the form into hot water on 10 Seconds, and garnish with jelly jam, jam, chocolate icing, coconut and cocoa. Bon Appetit!

In jelly, you can add various fillers - chopped berries and fruits. They can also be laid out on the bottom of the mold before pouring.

You can make striped curd jelly by adding cocoa to half the jelly and mixing it well. Then put the jelly of two colors alternately in the molds and let it harden.

It is preferable to take instant gelatin, because he does not need time to swell. Mix it with milk and immediately place in a water bath.

Of course, no holiday goes without a sweet original dessert. After an amazing feast with family or friends, after a variety of hot dishes, snacks and salads, it is customary to serve delicious tea or coffee, and to them - cakes, sweets and other sweets. Let's try with you today to prepare a magnificent and very tender curd jelly! Thanks to this fabulous food, your guests will be remembered for a long time.

Curd Jelly Recipe


  • curd mass - 100 g;
  • dry gelatin - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Now we will tell you how to make curd jelly. So, pour milk into a small saucepan, put it on a weak fire, pour sugar and heat until bubbles appear. Then immediately remove the milk from the stove, introduce instant gelatin, mix and put in the refrigerator. As soon as the mass is a little grasped, add and whisk. Put for another 1 hour in the cold, and then decorate with fresh mint leaves and slices of fruit.

Curd - Chocolate Jelly


  • gelatin - 25 g;
  • cream 10% - 100 ml;
  • diet cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. spoons.


So, for the preparation of cottage cheese, sour cream jelly, dry gelatin is diluted in cream and after 30 minutes, and when it swells, put the mixture in a steam bath. After complete dissolution of the gelatin, remove the mass from the stove and leave to cool.

And during this time, rub well with sugar, add sour cream, pour the mixture with gelatin and mix. Now we divide the resulting mass into 2 identical parts, in one of which pour cocoa. Next, put the dessert in layers in a bowl: first, the cottage cheese and sour cream, then chocolate and so on. Then we put everything in the refrigerator, and after 3 hours we treat guests with a delicious dessert, sprinkled with coconut flakes or chopped walnuts.

Curd jelly with fruits


  • sour cream - 2 tbsp .;
  • diet cottage cheese - 400 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp .;
  • canned pineapples - 50 g;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 1 tbsp .;
  • gelatin - 1 sachet;
  • cocoa - 25 g.


Consider another option, how to cook curd jelly. Pour instant gelatin into a bowl, fill it with warm water and put on low heat. Keep on the stove, stirring until the product is completely dissolved, and then remove the mixture from the stove and let it cool.

Pour the whole syrup from the pineapples, cut them into medium cubes and lay them on the bottom of the cups in which you will serve dessert. We clean the bananas, finely chop and spread them there.

Now we mix diet cottage cheese with sour cream in one bowl and put the powdered sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until smooth, then carefully pour in the gelatin and mix. Next, carefully pour the mixture into prepared cups with fruits and put it in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After this time we take out the dessert, decorate with fresh mint and call everyone to the table.

Curd dessert with jelly



Pour gelatin into a bowl and fill it with water. After 30 minutes, put the dishes on a weak fire and stir until it dissolves. We grind the cottage cheese, grind it with sugar, pour the warm kefir and gelatin. Mix thoroughly the whole mass until smooth. Cut strawberries into slices, put them in a bowl, or chop them in a blender and combine with a curd-kefir mixture. Pour the mass of berries and put the dessert for 3 hours in the freezer. Before serving, decorate the jelly to your taste.